Category Archives: Audio Podcast

Audio File to hear and download

Wheelchair Solutions is Making Ordinary Wheelchairs, Walkers and Slings More Functional and Cool Looking

pic wheelchair solutions Wheelie Slings - 7Kathy Mondotte is Making Wheelchairs and Walkers Fashionable with Wheelchair Solutions

In this Audio Interview of Kathy Mondotte, Founder of Wheelchair Solutions, we hear her inspiring story how she survived a crushing blow to the spine which had her in a wheelchair for 13 months and how she is making a difference with products that make wheelchairs, walkers and slings, sexy, cool and fashionable.

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Texas Farm Girl Rebecca Crownover with Billy Dawson

rebecca-crownover-author-texas-farm-girlRebecca Crownover and her new children’s book “Texas Farm Girl”

Teaches kids about what farms, farmers and the farming community are really like.

Rebecca Crownover is best known for her first well received, children’s book “My Daddy is in Heaven with Jesus“.

In this new children’s book she tells the story of this Texas farm girl working with her father who teaches her about farming and the story of the challenges they endure and despite the difficulties, how much they love what the do.

This is my audio interview with Rebecca about her book and Rising country star Billy Dawson about his new song “Texas Farm Girl” that he shot on Rebecca’s farm and in their hometown of Sunray, Texas.  Yes the video is included…. Continue reading

Raising Minimum Wage Plus Obamacare Equals Disaster

Affordable Care Act Expert Consultant Minda Wilson Esq. Raising Minimum Wage Plus Obamacare Equals Disaster

pic Minda Wilson Obamacare Expert Affordable Healthcare ReviewIn this audio interview with Minda Wilson, she explains how raising the minimum wage will have disastrous effects on the people it helps the most; the working poor.

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Economist Ilya Kuntsevich The World’s Economic Formulas Don’t Work

ilya kuntsevich shIn Economic Equilibrium: Geomtry of Economics Ilya Kuntsevich Argues that all the current economic formulas are flawed and need to be rewritten using Geometry.

  • What’s wrong with the economic system if it breaks down now and then?
  • Should the modern economic theories, accounting principles, and financial models be relied upon going forward?
  • Could we devise an alternative economic system, which would be whole and sustainable, and allow a crisis-like proof pace of economics?
  • Could we design and build more intelligent tools and models in order to see the big picture and avoid future crises?

These are the questions tackled in Economical Equilibrium: Geometry of Economics by Ilya Vladimirovich Kuntsevich.

In this audio Interview Ilya talks about his book his ideas and how we can change the system to avoid crashes and financial ruin around the world.

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LAVA’s 30th Anniversary Meeting at Skirball Center

banner lava 30 year 02 shLos Angeles Venture Association (LAVA) Has their 30th Anniversary Meeting.

Since 1985 the Los Angeles Venture Association has been providing forums where entrepreneurs and executives of start-up, emerging growth and late stage venture funded companies actively meet and learn from fellow executives, investors, bankers, financial advisors and other providers of professional services.

This is their 30th year and they are still going strong. Many of the past presidents were at the meeting and talked about their time as president and the Continue reading

Carole Krechman Peace In The Streets Global Film Festival

carole krechman 01 shCarole Krechman has built hotels in China, owned and operated the Ice Capades Skating Rinks, worked with United Nations world leaders, is the recipient of the Encore Purpose Prize, she was managing director of a capital development firm raising over $250 million for various new media clients and now she has started CV Studios Entertainment.

Carole Kreshman has worked with world leaders and run very large successful enterprises. She has also endured the loss of a child and had to go bankrupt at one time. One thing is clear when you speak with her, is that she has a sense of humor, she is very smart and and she cares deeply about our children and world peace and is not waiting for someone else to do something about it.

On Purpose Magazine’s JW Najarian got a chance for a one on one audio conversation you won’t want to miss. We talk about how can a women or anyone, for that matter find success and how she her studio and it’s sponsors are helping aspiring filmmakers and the filmmakers of tomorrow find opportunities.
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Cami Boehme Viridian Engergy Exec on Green Renewable and Sustainable Energy

cami boehme drk bgnd shCami Boehme, Executive from Viridian Energy on Green, Renewable and Sustainable Energy.

Viridian Energy supplies electricity, gas, solar and wind power that help reduce commercial and residential carbon footprints, can save money and can give energy independence and sustainability to it’s clients.

We get a chance to speak with Cami Boehme, their Chief Strategy Officer and we go into some detail about all the different technologies and which ones may be best suited to your situation and needs. Continue reading

Angel Whisper’s Maudy Fowler Brings Messages of Hope and Healing

Maudy Fowler Speaks with Angels Bringing Back Messages of Hope and Healing.

Maudy and Gail 02 sh

Aided by her co-author Gail Hunt, Maudy travels the world teaching her motivational, inspiring, witty and charming blend of spiritual faith and metaphysical insight to those that need to hear it.

Angel Whispers is the 4th book from these award winning authors and tells the story of uplifting common-sense advice and messages from those that have passed that has helped many find their life’s purpose, get unstuck or just find Continue reading

Your Chance to Meet Kelli Richards, Jacqueline Wales and Gary W. Goldstein

logo innerfluence

On January 8th 2014

Can you imagine getting the opportunity to sit down with powerhouse Silicon Valley business consultant Kelli Richards, FBI, American Airlines to Citibank consultant Jacqueline Wales and billion dollar box-office movie producer for films like “Pretty Woman” and “Mothman Prophecies”?

Here is your chance!

“Innerfluence” Kick Off Event (Added Evening)

Wednesday, January 8th 

At the Private Residence of Jacqueline Wales.

Join coaches Kelli Richards and Jacqueline Wales who are your private and personal Think-Tank and Think-Big, and 100% committed to your massive growth, measured in productivity, reward and dollars. Also meet Gary Goldstein, Business Strategist, Advisor to CMO’s, Billion Dollar film producer of Pretty Woman who will bring his entire toolkit and proven strategies to amplify your mission and your results.

Okay some of you have seen me mention this before… about the kickoff meeting of Innerfluence on December 4th. I ended up getting very sick after the above interview and did not have appropriate time to get this message out to everyone in time.

The post went out late and I felt awful, but Jacqueline has added a very exclusive meeting to kick off The iNNerfluence Event.

This meeting will be held at Jacqueline’s private residence so she can only accommodate a very limited amount of people.

If you want to increase your InnerFluence in 2014?  If you didn’t get the chance to sit down in December with Kelli Richards, Jacqueline Wales, and Gary Goldstein then make time on January 8th to attend this life-changing presentation in Oakland, CA.

This is your chance to meet and work with three of the most incredible, highly sought after, success and business consultants including famed author of The Fearless Factor Jacqueline Wales, All Access Group CEO and media trailblazer Kelli Richards and Hollywood producer Gary W. Goldstein, producer of box office hits like Pretty Woman, Under Seige I & II and Mothman Prophecies.

Learn how you can massively increase your self-awareness, leverage superstar connections, and build a thriving business in less time than you thought possible with these three powerhouse individuals who are ready to rock your world.

This will be a one time, very intimate meeting in January with the possibility of working with these three for the next year!. Make this new year the most spectacular ever.

Chances like this do not come along everyday.

If you would like to attend please contact and let her know you’re interested in attending as soon as possible. – JW

I got a call the other day from my great friend and mentor Gary W. Goldtein. Gary was extremely excited about a talk he is about to give in Redwood City.

Now Gary gets to speak at many events and lately he has really cut back on speaking since Gary is very busy with his consulting business.

Anyway, when Gary gets excited I listen. He went on to explain who he was speaking with and about what they were doing together.

I understood immediately why he was so excited. He would be speaking with two extreme consultants in business about a new program they would provide this next year called Innerfluence which is a one year, very intimate coaching program for a very small and unique set of business people.- JW

Gary Goldstein sh

Gary W. Goldstein

Producer of some of Hollywood’s biggest box-office hits, like “Pretty Woman“, with Julia Roberts “Mothman Prophesies” with Richard Gere and “Under Siege I and II” with Steven Segal, which have generated well over a billion dollars in worldwide sales and revenue. Gary’s productions have also received multiple Academy Award nominations, Golden Globe Awards and Peoples Choice Awards.

Gary advises a diverse set of corporations and sits on several boards helping companies and entrepreneurs alike, take their business and passions to exciting new levels. has a passion for helping entrepreneurs play at the same level, and with the same agility that drives an 8-figure film ‘startup’.  With his expert guidance you can accomplish in a few months what any other business might accomplish in 3-5 years.  His great gift is unearthing that singular story that powerfully elevates context, makes your enterprise the only solution, and utterly disarms your competition.

kelli richards shKelli Richards

Media traiblazer, super-connector and influencer across media, digital music, entertainment and technology, Kelli Richards literally & figuratively lives in the cross-hairs of Silicon Valley, forecasting trends and connecting decision makers to talent and one another.

Kelli is sought after consultant, mentor, producer and speaker,

Kelli and team consistently work their magic bringing business opportunities to life by bringing together best of breed tech companies, record labels, film studios, consumer brands, artists and celebrities.  Kelli envisions and executes on a very big scale.

jacqueline wales shJacqueline Wales

An astonishingly diverse list of important companies and organizations — from the FBI to American Airlines, from Citibank to Standard & Poor’s, the list is long — seek the counsel and consulting services of Jacqueline Wales.

Jacqueline’s retreats and mentoring programs are renowned for obliterating barriers & unleashing explosive human performance, for her pioneering work at the vanguard of leadership, marrying human technologies that exalt, instruct and inspire people in business, government and philanthropy to achieve well beyond what their history might otherwise suggest is possible.

For those who hunger to truly become the author of their life journey and legacy, Jacqueline is the short cut!

logo innerfluence


The INNerFluence(TM) Program helps you simplify the complex. 
We teach you how to explode your influence in the world.

We know you’re brilliant. We also know the hard truth… how vast the distance between success and mastery. Our sole mission is to teach a level of stewardship most have not even imagined.  Before 2014 is over, you will have broken your own mold, and exceeded all expectations for your life, and your business.
Please join us On January 8th, 2013 
Introducing InnerFluence, an unprecedented program connecting self-mastery and influence to shift your sense of what’s possible for your life, your business, and your legacy. If you love good wine, mouth-watering food, and enjoy connecting with great people, you’re going to love this event.  Join us for an evening of calorie-laden conversations that will expand your brain. 

Space is extremely limited so if you would like to attend please contact and let her know you would like to attend as soon as possible.

More than ever, your personal success today depends on the right connections, cooperation and creativity with other high achievers and entrepreneurs (measured not just in millions of dollars in revenue, but in bottom line, impact and influence). 

Wouldn’t you like to learn how to :

  • Wipe out the distractions, become a Ninja, and stay laser focused on the 20% that takes you over the top.
  • Identify and master your strengths, and outsource your weaknesses.
  • Create a new story that makes people fall in love with you, your business, your mission and bring you surprising and disproportionate word-of-mouth influence.
  • Acquire major strategic relations to explode your results.
  • Think bigger ideas, deploy more powerful market-based strategies to surpass whatever you previously defined as ‘success’.  

Join coaches Kelli Richards and Jacqueline Wales who are your private and personal Think-Tank and Think-Big, and 100% committed to your massive growth, measured in productivity, reward and dollars. 
Also meet Gary Goldstein, Business Strategist, Advisor to CMO’s, Billion Dollar film producer of Pretty Woman who will bring his entire toolkit and proven strategies to amplify your mission and your results.

Beyond spectacular, you will also learn during the evening how you can join us at Jacqueline’s beautiful secluded home in Bali. This is a place where scents, sights and sounds conspire to connect you more deeply with yourself, and with your peers. Where you can unplug, reset, and rejuvenate to make a bigger contribution to the world at large.

Space is extremely limited so if you would like to attend please contact and let her know you would like to attend as soon as possible.

Mike Walker Guru of Gossip – Out For Blood

Mike Walker Columnist and Bestselling AuthorOkay calm down, Mike Walker legendary National Enquirer Chief Editor and NY Times Bestselling Author is not out for blood, but that is the name of his new book.


Mike Walker’s Out For Blood,
from the publishers of 50 Shades of Grey

You may know Mike Walker from his weekly appearances on the Howard Stern Show or you may know him from the National Enquirer, but Mike is also a two time, New York Times Bestseller for his reality books on O.J. Simpson and Nichole Brown-Simpson.

Well Mike is at it again, but this time Mike is using his skills as an acclaimed storyteller to write his first piece of exciting fiction.

Although I love to help others and do so by being positive and keeping myself aligned with positive people and things, I have to admit that one of my guilty pleasures has been listening to Howard Stern. I don’t want to debate anyone about whether listening to Howard is good or bad, but I have enjoyed listening to him for years.

Why bring up Howard? Well that is where I was first introduced to Mike Walker. He used to come on the show every week to play the Mike Walker Gossip Game. Mike would put out three or four Hollywood gossip stories and Howard, Robin and the crew would guess which one was false. I love this game as so many times the audience (me) and Howard and his guests, would pick true stories as the false one proving truth is often stranger than fiction.

Hearing Mike over the years changed my feelings about the stories in the Enquirer. There are other mags or what I cal rags that taught stars having baby aliens as children and so forth, but the Enquirer seems to be much tougher about the stories they produce and getting the facts straight.

I ask Mike about his past as a journalist before he became a gossip writer. We talk about the Mike Walker Game and his past books and we talk about his new book and what made Mike decide to write fiction. We also talk about being a NY Times Bestseller and what it takes.

One of Mike’s greatest talents and assets is storytelling so he has now released his first fiction piece. Out for Blood, which is the story of fedora topped debonair gossip sleuth, Clark Kelly. Clark Kelly is not only a great word smith, but he is also a vampire so he gets his stories by flying around at night using his super powers to find and coerce, out of the people in the know,  the hottest gossip in the city.

This was a fun interview as Mike tells great stories and his sense of humor though cheesy, is legendary – JW

Mike Walker Columnist and Bestselling AuthorMike Walker

Heralded as “the Hemingway of gossip” by America’s favorite shock-jock, Howard Stern, millions of readers have faithfully followed Mike Walker’s every word as the National Enquirer’s Guru of Gossip and a New York Times bestselling author.

A longstanding television and radio favorite, for years he hosted the nationally syndicated Mike Walker Show on the Westwood One Network (CBS), and was seen every Friday as co-anchor on Geraldo, making the record number of appearances of any guest ever (264)! Guesting on such top TV shows as Nightline, Larry King Live, The O’Reilly Factor, Nancy Grace, Joan Rivers, A Current Affair, Entertainment Tonight and Charlie Rose, Walker has proven to be an engaging personality as Hollywood’s #1 source of celebrity gossip.

“Mike Walker is the Hemingway of gossip” – Howard Stern

“Has Mike Walker ever missed a beat? Nope! He always nails it.” – Ryan Seacrest

“Mike Walker is the last remaining larger-than-life figure in American tabloid journalism.” – The New Yorker

“There is only one ‘Guru of Gossip,’ and that’s Mike Walker. He’s the Dean of celebrity news and a first-rate TV personality.” – Geraldo Rivera

“I always assume Mike Walker has probably scooped anything I write. He surprises everybody by arriving without horns and a tail. He’s amazingly rational, down-to-earth, intelligent, and ‘with-it.'” LIZ SMITH

“It’s okay to admit you’ve got an enquiring mind,” laughs Mike Walker. “Gossip is, after all, just another word for news in a slinky red dress.”

A bona fide journalistic legend, Mike Walker has for decades captivated millions of readers, listeners and viewers as one of the most engaging, ‘with-it’ personalities in American media.

Mike Walker 01Although best known as Hollywood’s #1 source of celebrity gossip, Walker is also an accomplished author. Amongst many, many other books, he wrote the New York Times #1 bestseller Nicole Brown Simpson: Private Diary of a Life Interrupted with Faye Resnick, and just months later co-wrote Private Diary of an OJ Juror, which rocketed to the NYT bestselling non-fiction list’s #5 spot (making him the only reporter known to have written two bestselling books on the same major news story). He’s penned several books since, including the novel Malicious Intent.

Now, with his latest novel, Out For Blood, set for worldwide release on October 31st via The Writer’s Coffee Shop Publishing House – a.k.a. “the publisher that dared to go there” and introduced E.L. James’ Fifty Shades trilogy to the world – Walker is revealing one of his juiciest scoops yet: An insider’s look at the life of Hollywood’s most fearsome gossip columnist (albeit a fictional one named Clark Kelly, who also just happens to moonlight as a literal blood-sucker…yes, that’s right, a vampire)!

A longstanding television and radio favorite, for years he hosted the nationally syndicated Mike Walker Show on the Westwood One Network (CBS), and was seen every Friday as co-anchor on Geraldo, making the record number of appearances of any guest ever (264)!

Guesting on such top TV shows as Nightline, Larry King Live, The O’Reilly Factor, Nancy Grace, Joan Rivers, A Current Affair, Entertainment Tonight and Charlie Rose, Walker has proven to be an engaging personality as Hollywood’s #1 source of celebrity gossip.

Mike Walker is a “one-man media conglomerate,” in the words of New Yorker magazine, and one of today’s most recognized media names, whether in print, radio, TV, or books. Born in Boston, Walker left home at age 16 and joined the U.S. Air Force, where, during a four-year stint, he began freelancing features to daily newspapers – teaching himself how to be a working journalist. After the Air Force, he remained in the Far East, and became the youngest-ever foreign correspondent for International News Service (which later merged with UP to become UPI), then worked as a staff reporter for Tokyo’s Asahi Shimbun, the world’s largest daily newspaper. His career in Japan included writing a showbiz column for Shipping and Trade News, Asia’s equivalent of the Wall Street Journal.

While in the Far East, Walker worked as a foreign correspondent for NBC’s “Monitor,” the award-winning national news radio show, and as a contributing editor to The Boston Traveler, London Evening News, Hong Kong Tiger Standard, and Bunte (Germany). Fluent in Japanese, he became a news commentator on Japanese TV and radio. He made his first foray into TV production with an award-winning prime-time network special that revealed the fate of twelve Japanese heroes — after the headline-making discovery of the world’s only intact Mitsubishi bomber in the jungles of a Pacific island long-forgotten after World War II.

After years in the Far East – followed by a brief stint working in Europe and the UK — Walker returned to the States, joined the National Enquirer and launched his two-page gossip column. Read by millions, it quickly became what it still is today — the paper’s most popular feature.

Known as the “Guru of Gossip,” Walker’s story-telling ability, coupled with his charm and self-effacing humor, soon made him a television and radio favorite.

He made the leap from guesting to solo-hosting two one-hour specials for MGM Television. He wrote both shows and served as Senior Producer. The first, titled “NATIONAL ENQUIRER PRESENTS: 25 YEARS OF SCANDALS,” commanded what Daily Variety called “phenomenal” ratings. The showbiz bible headlined it as “A Syndie Hit!” Mike’s second special, “NATIONAL ENQUIRER PRESENTS: LOVE, MARRIAGE & DIVORCE HOLLYWOOD STYLE,” scored the same smash ratings.

Walker then wrote the pilot for a daily show, “NATIONAL ENQUIRER TV” that premiered in 94% of US TV markets and aired for two years. Walker co-anchored and hosted his own segment on the show, “PLANET GOSSIP.” He then hosted “The Mike Walker Show” on KABC radio in Los Angeles.

Concurrently, he launched a record-breaking 16-year stint as a regular with Howard Stern, who calls Walker “the Hemingway of gossip.” Stern featured him every Friday on his top-rated radio show to conduct the famed “Mike Walker Game.” Millions fell in love with the hilarious once-a-week segment, which featured him delivering four gossip items – three of which were slated for his next column, and one of which was false. Stern and his Wack Pack had to guess which item was the phony – and very often, Walker stumped the panel.

In addition, the man Publishers Weekly dubbed “The King of Gossip,” has lectured on journalism and gossip at such distinguished journalism schools as the University of California at Berkeley and Columbia University. And he scored the prestigious invitation to become a Fellow of Ireland’s legendary Trinity College, Dublin.

“I’m an historian,” Walker explains. “I could teach a course in mankind’s predilection for gossip as a Professor of Whisperology.”

Walker and his wife of 40 years live in both Palm Beach, Florida, and in Los Angeles, California. They raised two children, both of whom are grown.
Where to find Mike Walker online

book Mike Walker out for bloodBook – Out for Blood

Hollywood’s Most-Feared Gossip Columnist Reveals To-Die-For Secrets…


From the publisher that brought you ‘50 Shades of Grey’…

Think tabloid reporters are “blood-suckers”?

Just wait until you meet Clark Kelly.

In Out For Blood [The Writer’s Coffee Shop Publishing House, October 31st, 2013], the latest book from #1 New York Times bestselling author and veteran National Enquirer ‘Guru of Gossip’ Mike Walker, the term “deadline” takes new meaning.

Out For Blood’s atypical hero, Clark has a to-die-for secret: he’s the undead!

Flying the night skies to spy on Tinseltown’s sexiest stars and consistently scooping his industry cohorts, with a killer career as gossip-in-residence at the National Revealer, Clark has long stood to be one of Hollywood’s most-feared men…which is to say nothing of his razor-sharp bite.

But when a sex tape scandal with smokin’ hot starlet/tabloid terror TayLo Logan leads him into a nefarious murder plot that threatens everything he holds dear – including his beloved Revealer post – it’s high time for the real fangs come out.

An uproariously funny, satirical and surprisingly thought-provoking romp through the sex, lies and videotape that make the Hollywood gossip machine go ‘round, Out For Blood is a novel that only the likes of Walker could write.

“In reading the first draft, I couldn’t put it down,” says Christa Beebe of The Writer’s Coffee Shop Publishing House. “There’s drama, romance, thrills…and, of course, lots of juicy gossip. Fans of Mike’s – and anyone who loves a fun read – won’t be disappointed.”

Set for release on October 31st, 2013, Mike Walker’s Out For Blood is the perfect novel to sink your teeth into this Halloween.

Order From Amazon

National Revealer’s Clark Kelly carved out his killer career as Hollywood’s most-feared gossip columnist by exploiting mankind’s most ancient vulnerability: “Everyone’s got a secret . . . and someone’s dying to tell it!”

Clark never reveals his to-die-for secret!

NEWS FLASH: Dude’s a vampire! CUE SCARY MUSIC . . . our undead gossip guru flies the night skies to spy on Hollywood’s hottest stars-then inks about their bedroom kinks!

Imagine our studly, urbane journalist jotting notes as he hovers outside Scarlett Johansson’s bedroom window, or peeks into Tom Cruise’s “bachelor pad.” Star secrets . . .? This vampire BITES! And what’s sexier than vampires, ladies? Just ask smokin’ hot starlet/tabloid terror TayLo Logan-this Wild Child gets crazy with bad boy Clark because his bite makes her blood boil!

Then it’s LIGHTS . . . CAMERA . . . ACTION! . . . but not in a good way: Vampire Boy and Tabloid Train Wreck TayLo unwittingly end up stars of a sizzling sex tape-destined for worldwide display on the notorious vampire fan sex site, FANGBANGING.COM. Still, the duo’s beyond-the-grave love story simmers away as Clark rips the lid off a murder cover-up-then discovers a murderous plot against TayLo! DANGER!

Can Clark stop a stalker who wants to drain his lover dry? Or wreak revenge on Tinseltown billion-heiress Roma Kane for her poisonous plot to paralyze TayLo-and her career? Can he foil a murder cabal so evil it feeds stars’ pets to coyotes? AND THEN . . . talk about the plot thickening!

Roma’s billionaire granddaddy, mogul Montague Kane, taking a breather from the nymphet “nannies” paid to play his naughty high-chair games, springs a backstab surprise-buying out Clark’s beloved National Revealer. Suddenly, “deadline” takes on a whole new meaning.

Triggered by vengeful fury, Clark goes “rogue vampire!” Evil is punished . . . and the sun shines once more when he creates a Hollywood happy ending that makes everyone (undeads included) a STAR! Hold the front page! Because Clark Kelly’s . . . Out For Blood!

Out For Blood is currently available for pre-order via The Writer’s Coffee Shop Publishing House, and will be widely available via all major online retailers and select brick-and-mortar booksellers as of October 31st, 2013.

The Writers Coffee ShopThe Publisher

The Writer’s Coffee Shop Publishing (TWCS) House is an independent publisher based in New South Wales, Australia. They gained a great deal of attention with Fifty Shades of Grey, the international literary sensation they released in June 2011 and is now represented by Random House.

Launched in October 2010 with the vision of working alongside talented authors while providing quality e-books to the growing marketplace, TWCS publishes a wide range of fiction titles and is sure to have something for any reading appetite.



To Connect with Mike Walker


Special thanks to:


Jonny Bowden Does Taking Omega 3 Increase Your Risk of Prostate Cancer?

jonny bowden w frame and shJonny Bowden well known nutritionist talks about recent studies that claim that there was a link between increased risk of prostate cancer and Omega 3 fatty acids in the blood.

The media was quick to take the studies to the next level by reporting that omega 3 supplement and other omega 3 rich foods like salmon and tuna could be responsible for a higher risk of getting prostate cancer especially Continue reading

Minda Wilson Obamacare Expert Great Intent; Bad Implementation

Minda Wilson Founder at Affordable Healthcare Review believes the Affordable Care Act (ACA) comes from good intent, but is a big mess when it comes to implementation.

pic Minda Wilson Obamacare Expert Affordable Healthcare ReviewWhether you are a fan of Obamacare or not, the news this week about CGI and it’s failed attempt to build a usable website and platform for the federal ACA rollout has proved that implementation of the new law will not be as smooth as anyone would hope.

Add to that a very confused public and private sector over just how the ACA will affect everyone and you have a Continue reading

Jim Berkenstadt on Jimmie Nicol The Beatle Who Vanished

Jim Berkenstadt is Known as The Rock and Roll Detective and His New Book “The Beatle Who Vanished

Tells the story of former Beatle Jimmie Nicol. Jimmie Nicol took over for Ringo Star as the Beatles drummer for their first world tour for 13 days which led blacklisting, betrayal, drugs, divorce, bankruptcy and an eventual disappearance. Continue reading

Justin Daniels of Clarity Way – No More Vodka In My Orange Juice

Justin Daniels has a Bestseller with his first book “No More Vodka in My Orange Juice”

Warning: Some Adult Content….

After years of abusing alcohol and several attempts at rehab, Successful businessman Justin Daniels decided that there was a better path to rehabilitation and so he started Continue reading

Gary W. Goldstein Conquering Hollywood

gary goldstein camera shGary W. Goldstein the producer of movies like Pretty Woman, Mothman Prophecies and Under Siege, talks about his new book Conquering Hollywood.

Continue reading

Rey Ybarra Conversations with Shark Tank Winners

Rey Ybarra 02Rey Ybarra Interviews Shark Tank Winners about their experiences and the Shark Tank Effect. Continue reading

Jackie Keller Eating Healthy; Staying Green

jackie keller 01 shJackie Keller, Bestselling Author, Wellness Coach, Owner of Premiere Healthy Food Company Nutrifit, LLC

Talks to OPM about her books, her philosophy, her company that has helped thousands of people and well known celebrities take charge of their nutritional needs and how she runs a successful company and stays green  and philanthropic while doing it. Continue reading

Carter Lee Author – When Jonathan Cried for Me

Carter Lee sqCarter Lee Washington Times Columnist, Author, Comedian, Speaker, Life Coach and Entertainment Promoter on his book “When Jonathan Cried for Me”. Continue reading

Billy Hayes Midnight Express The Book, The Movie, The Letters and The Ballet

pic midnight express dvd coverAfter Spending 5 Years in a Turkish Prison and Asylum for a Drug Smuggling Charge Billy Mays Speaks Out About The Book, The Movie, His Letters and Now a New Ballet. Continue reading

Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull on Thick As A Brick 2 Tour

logo Jethro TullIan Anderson takes a moment to discuss what ever happened to Gerald Bostock, the Thick As A Brick Tour and Prostate Cancer

Ian took a moment to talk to us while on a small rest period between dates. Continue reading

Arthur Rothberg – How Using Outsourced CFO Services Can Highly Benefit Your Business

pic financial 01Arthur Rothberg of CFO Edge discusses how using Outsourced Chief Financial Officer or Officers can help small and midsize businesses prosper and grow. Continue reading

Alexander Westgarth is Wine a Stable and Lucrative Investment?

Fine Wine InvestmentIs Wine a Good Investment?

Alexander Westgarth of Westgarth Wine Investment Brokers Believes the Right Wine Investment is a Very Smart Market Play.

Their are so many wines on the market nowadays. There is no shortage of wineries in the United States or abroad and so many highly rated wines and even more lower rated wines.

Shelves and shelves of 2 buck Chuck and $7.99 to $12.99 specials from all sorts of diverse wineries and companies that seem to rely on cool names and bottle art rather than particularly quality wine.

I have to say that I had little or more like, no knowledge of the wine investment industry. I do have some friends in the industry and had heard stories of wine fraud that cost some investors a lot of money…

So like most I believe I really had no concept of what the industry was all about.

Enter Westgarth Fine Wine Brokers… I get a chance to speak with Alexander Westgarth who is a fine wine broker of 10 years and only deals with a very small, high quality group of fine wines. Alexander believes that the smaller fine wine market is a safe and stable investment market that can be entered relatively easily and can provide good and stable returns for the investor.

It was great getting to speak with Alexander who sheds much light and information on an industry that claims quite high returns even through some of our worst financial times and recessions.

At any rate, this is a wonderful glimpse into a word few know about and there is enough information here to start to find out if this type of investment may be right for you. – JW

Some of the questions we talk about…

  • What constituents a fine wine?
  • How much of a return can I expect on my wine?
  • How long should I keep hold of my wine before selling it?
  • What happens when I want to sell my wine?
  • What guarantee do I have that I’m getting what I paid for?
  • What’s the minimum investment I can make?
  • How are you different from other US fine wine investment companies and funds?
  • Is this kind of investment completely tax free?
  • Can I drink my wine?
  • How will I know when to sell?
  • Does wine ever go down in value?
  • Where are my wines kept?

Alexander Westgarth Wine BrokerAlexander Westgarth

At 31 years of age the company’s founder Alexander Westgarth has already achieved an impressive 10 years of wine investment brokerage in London.  The contacts he has established during this period have opened up access to vast quantities of the most prized wines—including those controlled by négociants, wholesalers and private collectors.


“Wine is one of the last great commodities in the world to be dragged out of the dark ages and traded on a global index.”

Claer Barrett, The Financial Times, December 5, 2011

“Fine wine is also a better investment than equities and commodities… Wine not only managed to weather the recession and the stock market crash, it thrived in comparison with the others.”

Jeremy Gaunt, Reuters,   March 1, 2011

“Liv-ex’s Fine Wine 100 Index, the London International Vintners Exchange tracks the price movement of the world’s 100 most sought after wines.”

William Lyons, The Wall Street Journal, September 19, 2010

“… a performance analysis of fine wine since 1950 indicates an average annual return of 15 percent.”

William Beck, Financial Times special report, May 20, 2008

“Keeping fine wine stored in a quality cellar like Corsham can add as much as 20 percent come auction day.”

Jamie Merrill, The Independent. January 13, 2012

Westgarth Wine Investment Westgarth Wine Investment Brokers

Westgarth provides a fine wine brokerage service that brings the high-profit potential of the UK wine market to American investors. The United Kingdom boasts the world’s largest wine commodity market, advanced infrastructure and a government-regulated system that documents wines’ provenance. With these unrivalled benefits, there is no better route for any wine investor wishing to secure maximum returns than via the UK.

We source wines mainly in the UK and France, and bring you storage at the world’s greatest facility in Wiltshire, England. Come sale time, we can connect you with a global pool of buyers to maximize your chances of a quick and profitable sale—thanks to the portal of the UK market.

Our years of experience in UK wine investment put us in a perfect position to guide you to financial success in this proven area of opportunity.


Disclaimer: On Purpose Magazine does is not a broker or investment consultant and investing can involve risk. Please seek the advise competent advisor or consultation on all investment matters. On Purpose Magazine also does not make any claim to the truth behind any claims of returns made in this article, video or audio.


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The Blaine Group, Inc.

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8665 Wilshire Blvd., Suite #301, Beverly Hills, CA 90211
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Sandro Monetti Gives Unforgettable Hollywood Tours

hosting awards showTourific Escapes Awesome Hollywood Tours Now Adds Famous Celebrity Journalist Sandro Monetti To Their Many Cool Tours

Tourific Escapes already has a Hollywood Food Tour and A Hollywood Chocolate Tour, but now they have added a world famous celebrity reporter to their ranks to give you the Hollywood tour of a lifetime. Continue reading

Don Green’s New Book “Everything I Know About Success I Learned from Napoleon Hill”

don green shExecutive Director of the Napoleon Hill Foundation, Don M. Green Talks to OPM About His New Book

Everything I Know About Success I Learned from Napoleon Hill: Essential Lessons for Using the Power of Positive Thinking

Author, Speaker, Successful Entrepreneur and CEO of the Napoleon Hill Foundation Don M. Green spends some time with JW Najarian talking about his life, the foundation, Napoleon Hill and his new book which talks about Continue reading

Greg S. Reid’s New Book “Stickability” The Power of Perseverance

Greg S. Reid Greg S. Reid Bestselling Author, Speaker, Teacher, Filmmaker, Publisher, Talks About His New Upcoming Book Stickability

Greg Reid, Bestselling Author of Three Feet from Gold and many other books, talks to us about how perseverance and not giving up on your dream is the most important key to your success .

I also get a chance to talk to Greg about publishing a #1 bestseller. As a bestselling author and publisher he has a very keen perspective on the writing, publishing and marketing processes that work. Continue reading

Danielle Rios brings Interior Design From the Runway to GBK Oscar Gift Suite

Danielle Rios brings Interior Design From the Runway to GBK Academy Awards Gifting Suite


Interior Designer Danielle Rios takes inspiration from Alexander McQueen, worn by Jessica Chastain and Nicole Kidman and Anne Hathaway’s Valentino for the design of GBK’s 2013 Oscar Luxury Lounge.

Going to the many gifting suites in Los Angeles you will find that many are held in the some of the hottest and best known hotels in Hollywood and Beverly Hills. GBK is no different, except that GBK always goes one step further and does a complete design concept for each event.

It is always exciting to walk in to see what wonderful design concept they have come up with for each event and this year for the Academy Awards I was lucky enough to find out who was designing.

The following was my conversation with Danielle Rios designer and Nadine Jolson part of GBK PR all about the show and the incredible designs based on exquisite gowns from Valentino and Alexander McQueen, for this year.JW

pic daneille rios design conceptsThe Design

From Runways to Red Carpets to Oscar Lounges, Rios will showcase fashion-influenced vignettes, styled with an elegant, edgy display of furnishings and decorative touches at the lounge for Nominees and Presenters.  The celebrity-gifting event will be held at the Sofitel Hotel in Los Angeles on Friday February 21st and Saturday February 22nd from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.

“I believe that there is always the possibility for style and unexpected glamour,” says Rios, “I am thrilled and honored to be working with the leader in luxury gift lounges, GBK.” – Danielle Rios

Rios, a former Tadashi model, takes her experience from the runway to interior design for high-end residential, hospitality and commercial designs. By infusing her knowledge and expertise from both worlds, Rios established a unique trademark in creating fashionable interiors. The mixing of fashion sensibilities and interior design is a collective approach that she takes with every job.

“Time-honored style and fresh avant-garde elements create dynamic groupings and spaces,” Rios says.  A modernist at heart, Rios adds a traditional twist into her designs.

Contributing manufactures and contractors are: Elitis wall coverings and Bergamo and Rubelli fabric by Donghia Inc., Gaetano fabric by Elan Collections, Leather by Moore & Giles Inc., Nolita Sofa from the Magni Collection, Kailash Table by Chista, Grand Facet by Gary Hutton, Sophia Floor Lamp by Fuse Lighting, Reborn Antiques, Ryan Gallery, and John Jory LLC. s

Rios received her Bachelors of Science for Architectural Interior Design from the University of Nevada Las Vegas. She is a registered Interior Designer and Associate for AIA in the state of Nevada and has offices in Los Angeles and Las Vegas.

Danielle Rios 02 shDanielle Rios

Danielle’s high expectations and personal drive have launched her into an exciting venture of design and construction development. Working on multi-million dollar estates, commercial properties and collaborating with Clientele has proven to be a successful endeavor. Since the commencement of her business, the focus has been on predominately high-end residential, hospitality and commercial design. This past year however, Danielle has expanded her creativity to antique furniture importation and renovation. Creating unique pieces into timeless furniture with an updated style and sense of elegance has expanded her savvy expertise in design.

nichole kidman valentino fashion

Nichole Kidman in Valentino for the Golden Globes

Prior to Danielle creating her own business, her formative years were rooted in hospitality design. She worked and cultivated her skill for two leading design firms in Las Vegas for six years. Soon after, those connections led to a joint design venture that launched luxury international hospitality projects. It was during those formative years that she realized that her enthusiasm for design was geared around creating alluring, exciting spaces and adjusting with an ever-changing world.

Danielle Rios was born in Puerto Rico. She received her Bachelors of Science for Architectural Interior Design from the University of Nevada Las Vegas and is a registered Interior Designer in the state of Nevada. Danielle is currently operating out of Las Vegas and Los Angeles.



Nadine Jolson 310 614 3214,  Email:


Thanks to GBK Events – Gavin and his great staff. As always you host the best.

GBK, is a luxury lifestyle gifting and special events company, specializing in entertainment marketing integration. Formed in 2000 by Gavin Keilly, the company’s Founder and CEO, GBK consists of five divisions: GBK Celebrity Gifting, GBK Special Events, GBK Weddings, GBK Charitable Consulting and GBK Marketing/Public Relations. Widely known in the entertainment industry for bringing that little extra something into the Gifting Lounge environment, GBK offers its clients a full range of marketing services. For more information on Gavin B. Keilly (CEO), Carla Domen (VP) or GBK,, please go to:

Dr. Robert Nagourney Outliving Cancer: The Better, Smarter Way to Treat Your Cancer

dr robert nagourney national therapeutics

OPM Talks to Dr Robert Nagourney About His New Book – Outliving Cancer: The Better, Smarter Way to Treat Your Cancer

In this audio interview we talk to Dr Robert Nagourney about his new book “Outliving Cancer” which introduces a New testing procedure that could be the biggest cancer treatment breakthrough in 50 years. Simple test doubles the effectiveness of chemo by 200%, can reduce chemo side effects significantly and can increase patient longevity. Continue reading

Stacey Patterson – Fidget’s Folly

opm 1st place ribbon

Stacey Patterson on Her Newest Book – Fidget’s Folly

Stacey Patterson sq sh

This interview is with author Stacey Patterson who talks about her new children’s book “Fidget’s Folly”, a follow up to her first book “Fidget’s Freedom”. Fidget’s Folly is about two young peregrine falcons embarking upon their first adventures of freedom, incredibly illustrated by the greatest wildlife illustrator in Russia Vadim Gorbatov. Stacey also discusses her writing, publishing and marketing journey. Continue reading

Laura Atchison Are You Asking Yourself the Tough Questions?

Laura Atchison shLaura Steward Atchison, Bestselling Author of “What Would a Wise Woman Do? Qestions to Ask Along the Way”

This interview with best selling author Laura Atchison could change your life. If you have issues that you can’t seem to resolve, you might be addressing them in the wrong way. Listen in and find out. Continue reading

Dr. Yvonne Oswald on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Yvonne Oswald Every Word Has PowerYvonne Oswald Discusses Her Treatment for PTSD Sufferers

Dr Yvonne Oswald is a National U.S. award winning pioneer in the field of personal growth. Voted a 2010 Woman of Influence and Inspiration by the Ministry of Government Services, Ontario, and Chair of the Board of Toronto Youth Day.

Dr Yvonne is a renowned and respected Communications Trainer and Keynote Speaker, a Certified Trainer of Hypnosis and a Master Practitioner of NLP.

Dr Yvonne is also a bestselling author of the book Every Word Has Power which is now translated into 10 different languages. Continue reading

Claudia Suzanne Author and Professional Ghost Writer on Promoting and Marketing Your Book.

Claudia Suzanne Ghostwriting

Claudia Suzanne famed Ghost Writer, with Over 120 Titles, and Teacher at CSULB in Ghost Writing, Talks to OPM about Publishing, Promoting and Marketing Your Book

audio interview With Claudia Suzanne on Promoting and Marketing your book

Claudia Suzanne Bio

The Business of Books – Claudia Suzanne

Ghost writer Certificate Training through California State University Long Beach (CSLUB)

Rebecca Crownover Author of My Daddy is in Heaven With Jesus

opm 1st place ribbon Rebecca Crownover - Pictures By Brilliant Pixel PhotographyAfter Loosing Her Husband to a Terrible Accident Rebecca Crownover Needed to Explain to Her Daughter What Happened to Her Father.

After the loss of her husband to a tragic ATV accident, Rebecca Crownover struggled to find a book that explained this tragic loss in a simple way that her daughter Acie could understand and relate to. Continue reading

JW Najarian and Bob Bare on How We Interview

pic bob bare and jw najarianBob Bare of BestSelling Experts Interviews JW Najarian All About Interviewing

Bob Bare of Bestselling Experts interviews authors, speakers, thought leaders, entrepreneurs and other professionals for his site BestSelling Experts.

Bob and I decided it might be interesting to have two interviewers interview each other on interviewing… Sounds crazy, but it turned out to be real interesting and very fun. Continue reading

Ken Keis Living on Purpose, Realizing Your Potential

ken keis 01 shKen Keis Author, Speaker, Trainer and Foremost Authority on Assessment Strategies and Processes that Increase and Multiply Success. Talks About Living on Purpose and Realizing Your True Potential.

Ken found me via On Purpose Magazine and asked me to check out his philosophies and trainings on Living on Purpose.

I checked out his company CRG and his books “Why Aren’t You More Like Me” and “My Source Experience Journal” and found so many connections to what I believe that I had to connect with Ken and get him an interview with him. Continue reading

Mary Agnes Antonopoulos Secrets to Social Media Success Using Video

mary agnes antonopoulos

Mary Agnes Antonopoulos Discusses How Using Video for Your Social Media and Web Promotions and Marketing Will Give You a Powerful Advantage in Many Different and Important Ways.

Jack Canfield used Mary Agnes Antonopoulos to go from 20K Likes to over 156K Likes on his Facebook Fan Page. Up till now Mary Agnes was like the best kept secret in the industry amongst people in the Social Media. She is a Social Media Powerhouse. Continue reading

Starley Murray How to Write Your POV for OPM Contest

starley murray 01

Starley Murray Image and Branding Strategist Goes Into Detail on How To Write Your Backstory or Point of View for OPM Author / Book Contest

Do you want to enter the competition and don’t know how to answer to contest questions? Starley goes into great detail to help you put together a winning entry.

On Purpose Magazine is known for helping authors promote themselves and since we love authors we want to do more.

In the audio above famed image and branding strategist Starley Murray discusses with JW Najarian the tips, tricks and secrets of writing your Point of View (POV) or what is also referred to as the Backstory in your efforts toward winning the OPM Author / Book Competition and using it in your marketing and promotion yourself and your books.

Does Your Image Detract from Your Message? by Top Image Expert Starley MurrayStarley Murray

I choose Celebrity Image Expert Starley Murray to help us build our backstory or Point of View (POV) because Starley has been on TV every single month for the past ten years with nearly 3000 appearances overall.

Specializing in brand development, media training and publicity image she has been in demand with celebrities, Fortune 500 companies, industry experts, and TV stations for the last 20 years. Starley has generated more than $1 Million in sales directly from her TV appearances and media productions.

jw and starley 01She’s called upon by stars from Inside Edition and the E! Channel and many celebrities like Brooke Burke, Tommy Lee Jones, Marie Osmond, and Eva Longoria. Starley’s plugged in to internationally recognized media events like the Academy Awards and has interviewed hundreds of celebrities on the red carpet and leverages her appearances to support Cancer Survivors and Domestic Violence Prevention.

She is proud to be regularly requested for coaching behind the scenes at the American Idol try outs and all while on live television as a media correspondent for a FOX TV news show!

Writing Your Backstory or Point of View for the OPM Contest

The On Purpose Magazine (OPM) Author Book Competition is not based on your book, but rather on your story around the book. OPM wants to help authors promote their books and believe the first thing you need to have is a great package put together to help promote, market and sell you and your book.

OPM has put a contest together to find the most original, compelling and great backstory or author point of view which will be the basis of all your promotional and marketing efforts going forward.

Here are the questions you will be asked to answer for the competition and an explanation of how to answer them to help you build a winning entry.

Even if you do not enter the competition and you should… just check out the prizes; you will end up building a very strong foundation for the rest of your marketing and promotional campaigns going forward so have fun and get creative!

The following is an outline of the lesson on the audio. Use both guide you or not. There is no right way to answer these questions. I am sure many of you will answer from the heart and just blow us away and some of you will step out of the box, the box is in.

OPM Author / Book contest questions

Who Is The Author?

Give Us Your Story, Background, History or something interesting that might tie you to the book.

  1. Share your experiences about your back ground history (often called your back story) to give the reader a way to connect with you.
  2. Concentrate your story on an inspiring and/or exciting experience from your life.
  3. Don’t discount the power of others relating to you if the experience is common and not action packed. Common threads are strong connections.
  4. Develop your backstory and share your emotions to connect to your reader.
  5. Have a short one minute back story as well as a longer version such as a five minute presentation. Likely you will get the most mileage from your short sound bites for media related experiences and the longer versions when you have the opportunity to more deeply connect with your readers/audience.

 What Is This Book About?

What is the theme? Give us a short Description of the Book and the Story.

  1. Your theme or genre to your book is also a form of branding. You may have more than one applicable theme. If so, prioritize your themes and lead with the strongest.
  2. Develop your description of the book in ways to invoke the reader’s senses such as sight, sound, taste or touch. In video and television interviews, strong visuals are strong forms of publicity.
  3. Keep your description short in length of words and impactful in meaning of your words. In the media, the less you say …the more they will listen. It’s how you say it that can be most impactful.
  4. Be purposeful as to the order of words and sentences in your descriptions. The first impression rule still applies and you can set the tone and support the mood of the reader from beginning to end.

 Why Did You Write This Book?

What compelled you to write this book? Why you and not someone else?

  1. Combine your unique back story with your special interests and skills when sharing the reasons why you wrote your book. Having a unique fusion of inspiration with special skills makes your brand more difficult to copy by others competing for publicity.
  2. Differentiate your writing styles and share why your take on your top is unique.
  3. Reveal something about yourself that is specific only to you as an author or person.
  4. Share your reasons to write this book that may be different from what inspires other authors or readers of your topic.

 Why should someone read this book?

Why should someone read this book and who should read this book? Who will this book entertain, inspire, educate, and help?

  1. List all the reasons your book can help other people and make a difference.
  2. Categorize the reasons that can help readers immediately in their lives, and the ones that can help them long term as well as those reasons that just might make them smile or feel like they are a part of something special that is bigger than them as one person.
  3. Then pick the top three reasons from each of these three areas to support your reason why someone should read your book to answer the questions readers often ask themselves pharmacy no prescription subconsciously. (What’s in it for me)
  4. Determine who your target market is and adjust your language and pinpoint your promotional campaign to reach the groups that have the highest interest in your book.

The Contest

Over 3 Million books come out every year and only a handful of them make any money or get any recognition. In fact 50% of all new books make less than $250 on average in their first year!

This is a startling and amazingly sad fact and it is not because the books are not worthy, solid, or wonderful, but because the marketing efforts behind the books are almost non existent or worse, a lot of money is spent in the wrong direction.

I have interviewed many bestselling and not best selling authors and I always get the same feedback. Marketing and promotions is the hardest part of writing a book.

What is one of the best ways to market and promote? Simple, let people get to know you. Exposure is not enough. You need the right type of exposure. This helps you build credibility and puts you on course to build a community which is one of the best ways to create buzz and sell more books.

button checkout contest

On Purpose Magazine Wants To Help Authors Promote Their Books

On Purpose Magazine is doing something different and very special for the new and not so new author to help them get more of the right type of exposure.

We will not be reading your book! What?? How can you have a Author / Book Competition / Contest without reading the book? Again Simple…

If you write a great book, give it a fantastic title and put a great picture on the front… guess how many people will beat a path to your door to get this book? Generally no one. First people need to know that it is available, but more importantly people need a reason to pick it up to read.

What is the best way to promote my book?

Through my many interviews and working with authors and publicists and public relations executives I have learned that what an author needs beyond a great book, is a well defined, compelling, interesting or relate-able story.

The Author needs to get exposure from many different sources.

  • Radio (Internet, Satellite and Terrestrial)
  • Television (Internet, Local and National)
  • Newspaper
  • Magazines
  • Industry Publications
  • Other Publications
  • Associations
  • Groups
  • Word of Mouth
  • and Many Others

But are you ready for your close up? Do you know what you are going to say or how your going to say it?

Many of the 3 million authors will never get their work exposed and many others will get some type of exposure, but waste it by not knowing what to say and how to present themselves.

What an author needs is a package that is put together and tested. Starting with a headshot, bio and compelling book description. It will also be nice to have a professional interview with a professional publication, completed and on your resume.

This is what this contest will give the author. On Purpose Magazine’s contest is all about what we call the author’s Point of View (POV). The POV is the author’s backstory, reason for writing the book and reason why the reader absolutely needs to have this book or get it for a friend..

OPM’s contest will choose a winner based on the best POV submitted. The winner will receive one of our Gold Premium Promotional Package including a full page story with a full 30 minute professional interview that will be featured in OPM and shared out to thousands and thousands of readers, industry people and is, of course, yours to distribute as you see fit all your promotional needs. There will also be other bonuses from our industry sponsors.

button OPM Promotional Packages

So by the time you are done you will have:

  • A Headshot (you supply the headshot, but you have to have one for the interview and you can take it with your cell phone, but don’t screw yourself. Take a decent one.)
  • A Bio (You must supply this also, but if you complete the contest, believe me you will have a great one.)
  • A Point of View (The basis for all your marketing, promotion, interviews and more)
  • A professional interview published on a recognized web magazine.
  • One great resume entry

For new authors this will be you breaking the ice and getting more and more interviews or speaking engagements. For some of you seasoned authors this will be a chance for you to get more and better exposure and to dust off your old POV and create another, or it may be your chance to get noticed in the new social media.

button checkout contestGive yourself a Chance to be Recognized

On Purpose Magazine is well known and respected by publicists and public relations firms that use the new media to help promote their authors.

On Purpose Magazine is becoming well known around the celebrity community as a place where the celeb can speak and promote their cause.

On Purpose Magazine gets great Google, Alexa and SEO rankings form all the major search engines so we already have the built in traffic and tools to help new and seasoned authors promote their work.

Your interview with be shown and featured alongside well known, bestselling authors, Hollywood Celebrities, Business Leaders and Teachers and more.

If you do not want to try and win a spot in the magazine there are a limited amount of spots available at a reasonable rate. OPM wants to make it affordable for authors to get themselves interviewed professionally, but since OPM does everything the old fashioned way… from scatch, OPM cannot do more than a few of these interviews. We will be offering them on a first come, first served basis.

Submit your Point of View today…. We have put together a course in how to put together a great POV which was taken from a $1500 course, but will be made available to our entrants at no charge…. This is worth the price of admission alone.

All entrants will get mentioned in the magazine with a coveted link to their book and site. This is worth the entry fee also….

button checkout contest


This is our first contest so there will be glitches and screw ups. Try and follow the directions as best as possible and if you still have problems drop me a line with your phone number so we can help you through it.

EMail Me

We expect issues, but will work hard to make sure they are as painless as possible… Thanks…

On Purpose Magazine Announces First Ever Author / Book Contest / Competition

banner OPM Author Book Contest02That’s Right!

First Ever Author Book Contest

On Purpose Magazine is known for helping authors promote themselves and since we love authors we want to do more.

OPM Founder JW Najarian and Image and Branding Consultant Starley Murray Audio to Introduce OPM Author / Book Competition ►Right Click and “Save Link As” to Download File◄

starley murray 01

In the audio above famed image and branding expert Starley Murray discusses with JW Najarian the importance of the OPM contest and the authors Point of View (POV) or what is also referred to as the Backstory in their efforts toward marketing and promotion of themselves and their books.

Over 3 Million books come out every year and only a handful of them make any money or get any recognition. In fact 50% of all new books make less than $250 on average in their first year!

This is a startling and amazingly sad fact and it is not because the books are not worthy, solid, or wonderful, but because the marketing efforts behind the books are almost non existent or worse, a lot of money is spent in the wrong direction.

I have interviewed many bestselling and not best selling authors and I always get the same feedback. Marketing and promotions is the hardest part of writing a book.

What is one of the best ways to market and promote? Simple, let people get to know you. Exposure is not enough. You need the right type of exposure. This helps you build credibility and puts you on course to build a community which is one of the best ways to create buzz and sell more books.

button checkout contest

On Purpose Magazine Wants To Help Authors Promote Their Books

On Purpose Magazine is doing something different and very special for the new and not so new author to help them get more of the right type of exposure.

We will not be reading your book! What?? How can you have a Author / Book Competition / Contest without reading the book? Again Simple…

If you write a great book, give it a fantastic title and put a great picture on the front… guess how many people will beat a path to your door to get this book? Generally no one. First people need to know that it is available, but more importantly people need a reason to pick it up to read.

What is the best way to promote my book?

Through my many interviews and working with authors and publicists and public relations executives I have learned that what an author needs beyond a great book, is a well defined, compelling, interesting or relate-able story.

The Author needs to get exposure from many different sources.

  • Radio (Internet, Satellite and Terrestrial)
  • Television (Internet, Local and National)
  • Newspaper
  • Magazines
  • Industry Publications
  • Other Publications
  • Associations
  • Groups
  • Word of Mouth
  • and Many Others

But are you ready for your close up? Do you know what you are going to say or how your going to say it?

Many of the 3 million authors will never get their work exposed and many others will get some type of exposure, but waste it by not knowing what to say and how to present themselves.

What an author needs is a package that is put together and tested. Starting with a headshot, bio and compelling book description. It will also be nice to have a professional interview with a professional publication, completed and on your resume.

This is what this contest will give the author. On Purpose Magazine’s contest is all about what we call the author’s Point of View (POV). The POV is the author’s backstory, reason for writing the book and reason why the reader absolutely needs to have this book or get it for a friend..

OPM’s contest will choose a winner based on the best POV submitted. The winner will receive one of our Gold Premium Promotional Package including a full page story with a full 30 minute professional interview that will be featured in OPM and shared out to thousands and thousands of readers, industry people and is, of course, yours to distribute as you see fit all your promotional needs. There will also be other bonuses from our industry sponsors.

button OPM Promotional Packages

So by the time you are done you will have:

  • A Headshot (you supply the headshot, but you have to have one for the interview and you can take it with your cell phone, but don’t screw yourself. Take a decent one.)
  • A Bio (You must supply this also, but if you complete the contest, believe me you will have a great one.)
  • A Point of View (The basis for all your marketing, promotion, interviews and more)
  • A professional interview published on a recognized web magazine.
  • One great resume entry

For new authors this will be you breaking the ice and getting more and more interviews or speaking engagements. For some of you seasoned authors this will be a chance for you to get more and better exposure and to dust off your old POV and create another, or it may be your chance to get noticed in the new social media.

button checkout contestGive yourself a Chance to be Recognized

On Purpose Magazine is well known and respected by publicists and public relations firms that use the new media to help promote their authors.

On Purpose Magazine is becoming well known around the celebrity community as a place where the celeb can speak and promote their cause.

On Purpose Magazine gets great Google, Alexa and SEO rankings form all the major search engines so we already have the built in traffic and tools to help new and seasoned authors promote their work.

Your interview with be shown and featured alongside well known, bestselling authors, Hollywood Celebrities, Business Leaders and Teachers and more.

If you do not want to try and win a spot in the magazine there are a limited amount of spots available at a reasonable rate. OPM wants to make it affordable for authors to get themselves interviewed professionally, but since OPM does everything the old fashioned way… from scatch, OPM cannot do more than a few of these interviews. We will be offering them on a first come, first served basis.

Submit your Point of View today…. We have put together a course in how to put together a great POV which was taken from a $1500 course, but will be made available to our entrants at no charge…. This is worth the price of admission alone.

All entrants will get mentioned in the magazine with a coveted link to their book and site. This is worth the entry fee also….

button checkout contest


This is our first contest so there will be glitches and screw ups. Try and follow the directions as best as possible and if you still have problems drop me a line with your phone number so we can help you through it.

EMail Me

We expect issues, but will work hard to make sure they are as painless as possible… Thanks…

Gloria Loring – Coincidence Is God’s Way of Remaining Anonymous

Gloria LoringGloria Loring Speaks About Her Spiritual Autobiography on the Coincidences that Led to Her Greatest Successes in Her Life

Gloria Loring has been blessed with an acting career that has sustained over many years, she has had a number one hit song and has co-written and sung the theme song of a popular sitcom Continue reading

Stacia Gates of ArtQuench Gallery Starts First Art Contest

Stacia Gates

Stacia Gates, Artist, Founder and Owner of ArtQuench Gallery and

Creator of ArtQuench Magazine held their first art competition and it was a wonderful success.

Philippe Halaburda - Tombant de GiliHere is Philippe Halaburda’s – Tombant de Gili which was the first winner of ArtQuench Gallery Art Contest.

For more information on Philippe Halaburda, his win at ArtQuench Gallery and his art got to [CLICK HERE]

Monica HicksThis acrylic was chosen by Art Juror Monica Hicks She chose Halaburda’s first work. “It speaks to urban sprawl. The abstraction of survival, cityscapes as seen from above. I like that it’s acrylic but has the feeling of the uncontrollable watercolor. The layers of paint, the application of the washed, translucency, and vividness reminds me of Mark Bradford multimedia works.

Halaburba’s work is both beautiful, abstract, political, and has both visual and intellectual depth.”

Stacia GatesStacia Gates

Stacia Gates was born in 1967, Monterey, California and began using her art as a therapeutic tool at a very young age.

With the loss of her parents so early on Stacia chose to see the light instead of the darkness that fell around her.

She attended Los Angeles Valley College from 1989-1991 studying Art History. Stacia lives in Los Angeles, Ca. with her husband of 19 years and their two sons. With great support from her family she is now pursuing her Art career.

Through light we find our spirituality and it is key to a peaceful  journey. I chose to use a symbol of energy to represent the greatest form of light that exists.  Joy is within us all when we see deeper than the outer shell. And although we have imperfections, the spirit within us is what gives us our perfection. – Stacia Gates

Stacia Gates is the founder of ArtQuench Artist Gallery and Juried Art Contest Site. She is also the founder of ArtQuench Magazine.

Stacia Gates has worked in Hollywood helping kids and others get interviewed for movies and commercial roles. Stacia has also worked with me on some of my more important shoots as she is an accomplished photographer.

As an artist Stacia has won art contests and has worked with many galleries as an artist and in promotions. Stacia brings a lot of energy and know how to the table when it comes to helping artists promote their work. – JW

This first competition was focused upon the abstract. ArtQuench competitions are themed, focusing on special interest areas each month.

The winner of the Competitions receive one year of representation with AQ Gallery. The winner will also receive publication in both and On Purpose Magazine.

ArtQuench Magazine and Gallery were created by Stacia Gates an artist, wife and mother who has worked for many years in the entertainment industry.

“As an artist it is my love of art in all forms that has brought me to this place.  I have created as a platform for the best creators in the world to show their work.  We will include everything from painters to bridge builders.  Our goal is to share the creative happenings with the world in hope of inspiring us all. “ – Stacia

Read the original story and see the other artists in the competition at and


On Purpose Magazine is working closely with ArtQuench Magazine and ArtQuench Gallery to introduce and bring you some of the most magnificent artwork ArtQuench can find. We will be featuring their monthly art competition winners, but please stop by their site to check out all the wonderful art submissions and the full gallery.

Devon Blaine SoCal Publicist of the Year on Professional PR and Crisis Intervention

devon blaineDevon Blaine, founder and owner of The Blaine Group in Beverly Hills

Talks to OPM about her award for publicist of the year, The business of professional public relations, business, promotional and marketing strategy and the Blaine Groups specialty in crisis planning, control, intervention and management.

Devon Blaine Audio Interview on her life, career, PR, promotion, winning publicist of the year and crisis managementAudio Player ►Right Click and “Save Link As” to Download File◄

NOTE: There was one question, on the recording that was asked,but somehow did not get recorded. The question was about women having to work harder to build a business. Devon answered that she did not believe that to be true….. Listen to the audio to hear her full answer.

One of the things I like about what I do is meeting and working with public relations professionals. I have been blessed to work with some big names and many smaller companies.

The other side of that coin is that I have also worked with many companies that call themselves professionals, but only seem to be playing at it. Public relations, I have found, can rarely be faked. They say even a blind squirrel can occasionally find a nut or two, but I have rarely seen a bad PR firm pull off a successful event or project.

What I have seen is that promotion is a tricky game and that you can never be sure that any effort will deliver a result, but you can be assured that no action or a half hearted stab at it will result in failure .

So when I get to work with firms like The Blaine Group, it just makes my day and my life easier. They are professionals that do what they say and say what they do and they work at under-promising and over-delivering, not the other way around.

I believe I have been blessed to know and work with people like Devon and her amazing staff and believe that if you are serious about your product, project, service or business, that you should seriously consider The Blaine Group or a firm that can and will deliver. – JW


devon blaineDevon Blaine

A professional communicator, Devon Blaine is the founder, president, and CEO of The Blaine Group, Inc., a total communications agency established in 1975, which was recently named the 24th largest public relations firm in Los Angeles.

She has represented many diverse business, manufacturing, financial and healthcare clients  and several bestselling authors with their publicity needs, both promotional and as a crises intervention and management specialist.

Devon Blaine is experienced in all facets of the communications industry. She has written newspaper and magazine columns, scripted radio and television commercials, served as a production supervisor, strategized political issues and campaigns, developed and implemented investor relations plans, and created communications campaigns for a diverse range of clients.

Besides helping other businesses maximize their success, Blaine has long been active in numerous organizations that aid entrepreneurs, thus earning her reputation as “the entrepreneur’s entrepreneur.”

She is three times a past president of the Los Angeles Venture Association (LAVA), a dynamic and diverse group composed of entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and other money providers, and service providers which exists for the sole purpose of creating win‑win‑win situations amongst its members.

Devon is past president of the California chapter of National Small Business United, a grassroots leadership organization for free enterprise with the mission of improving the climate for  small businesses in the United States.  An elected delegate to the White House Conference on Small Business, she was active in the California delegation since 1978 and served on the Board of Directors of the 1980, 1982, and 1984 California State Conferences on Small Business.  Blaine was appointed as a delegate to the 1986 White House Conference on Small Business by then U.S. Senator Pete Wilson, and elected by her peers to co‑chair the California delegation.

Additionally, she is a past president and a founding board member of the Los Angeles Chapter of the National Association of Women Business Owners and was honored as their Woman Entrepreneur of the Year in 1987.  She is also an active member of the Los Angeles Angeles Mid-Market Professionals, TEAM, PRO, Bruin Professionals, Association of Venture Founders, the Chief Executive Officers’ Clubs, and the Public Relations Society of America.

In 2012 Devon Blaine was named Book Publicist of the Year by Book Publicists of Southern California specifically for the international campaign The Blaine Group waged on behalf of Abbey Road To Ziggy Stardust by Ken Scott and Bobby Owsinski, Alfred Music Publishing.

In nine months, Ken Scott has had more than 150 exposures:  interviews, reviews, book signings, speaking engagements, etc., including coverage in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Post, WGN, ABC, NBC, events at the GRAMMY Museum, The Beatle Fest and more… in short, a wildly intensive and effective campaign.

The Publicist of the Year Award also recognized  the body of work her agency The Blaine Group has implemented through the years including representing four best sellers:  Nice Girls  Do:  And You Can, Too, by Dr. Irene Kassorla; On A Clear Day You Can See General Motors, by J. Patrick Wright; Meg, by Steve Alten; and Natural Cures “They” Don’t Want You To Know About, by Kevin Trudeau.

The Blaine Group

Formerly an actress and model, Devon Blaine established The Blaine Group, a Beverly Hills‑based full‑service communications agency specializing in public relations, book public relations, financial public relations, investor relations, crisis management, the development of collateral material, marketing, and advertising in 1975.  Since that time, the agency has expanded dramatically, creating successful communications campaigns for clients in diverse fields.

As a total communications agency, Blaine Group has implemented consumer, trade, and financial public relations; investor relations; and advertising efforts and have provided marketing strategy, based on conducting market research, for a diverse range of companies and organizations. They have also created and managed special events and fundraisers and have directed community relations projects.

In addition, The Blaine Group provides a variety of special communications services to its clients. These include managing crisis situations; conceiving and coordinating seminars and press conferences; event and party planning; developing master plans and collateral materials; proposal, article, letter, and speech writing; conducting surveys; and publishing newsletters and brochures. They both create and implement.

Today their client base encompasses a wide range of businesses and industries with particular emphasis on business-to-business communications, publicly-held companies, technology-based businesses, the medical and healthcare fields, environmental-related firms, consumer products, publishing, fashion and beauty, continuing education, non-profit organizations and trade associations, and the world of show business.

The Blaine Group, Inc.

A Total Communications Agency
8665 Wilshire Blvd., Suite #301, Beverly Hills, CA 90211
O 310/360-1499 · F 310/360-1498