Category Archives: Government


banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

Looking back about five years ago to 2013, I wrote about the betterment of mankind by trying make a New Year’s resolution to revisit tolerance and acceptance in our lives.  I guess we haven’t come too far? In fact, I would say we have regressed.

As I pointed out in the article in 2013, “The average person is being bombarded by self-appointed “culture experts” who are judging what can be said and what can’t be said. Last time I looked, this was the United States. There are many cultures, religions, and many different perspectives here. They are supposed to blend together in a melting pot and not stick out like ingredients in a salad. Your perspective can be presented because of the Constitution and Freedom of Speech, but don’t think it is automatically mainstream or that it should be immediately adopted by everyone.”

What has happened to us as a society?  Some people still have not accepted the results of the 2016 Election and are resistant to change, resistant to new ideas, resistant to a shift in policies, and resistant to working together to get things done.  We have become more polarized, but that polarization started long before the 2016 Election.

There is no word like “compromise” in any civil discourse anymore.  People are discouraging public discourse on ideas and concepts if the speaker does not fit their belief system or their perspective on issues. What happened to Freedom of Speech?


“If you agree with me, I will let you speak, but if your ideas do not mesh exactly with mine, I will stop you from speaking.” This is the attitude shown and is what is happening on many college campuses, and it does not promote any type of broadening one’s perspective.

Funny how it is not just a group of students. Faculty and administrations on some of these campuses are just as intolerant as those radicals coming on campus to disrupt a presentation that they do not agree with.  I always thought higher learning was supposed to promote the ability to share different perspectives and develop a broader perspective by having in-depth discourse on ideas?

This intolerance is not only evident on some college campuses, it is evident in other parts of society, including Congress.  From our outside perspective, we hear,”We don’t want to discuss this endeavor.” by the opposition. And then, after it is voted on, we hear, “We didn’t have any input on this idea.  The opposition did this all by themselves. We don’t agree.”

It’s time to cut out the childish attitudes, the chronic intolerance, and start working together to forge ahead.

There should be some positive projects that everyone in Congress can work on AND have their constituents benefit from.  I have talked about an infrastructure project that can benefit many states, industries, companies, and even farmers.


I have written several articles on the Trillion Dollar Infrastructure Project that Congress is starting to review.  What should they prioritize and what could benefit a huge amount of people across many states.

The Mississippi River has a series of locks that barges carrying all different types of products need to go through to get to the Port of New Orleans.  These locks that were built in the 1930s are totally obsolete and are holding up shipping from many states. The faster things can get shipped down the river, the cheaper their costs are. This benefits us as a nation, keeping our costs for products down..

We depend on the Mississippi River to ship over 600 Billion tons of products annually.  The products include agricultural products to aggregates to coal and oil.  From this article, I recently wrote, here are some observations:

Many industries across many states depend on the Mississippi to ship their products out to the rest of the world.  Farmers also depend on shipping products out for world export as well as domestic use.

“The agricultural products and the huge agri-business industry that has developed in the Mississippi basin produce 92% of the nation’s agricultural exports.”

With all the intolerance on so many issues and ideas, maybe we can get Congress to focus in on a project like this which transcends political parties and focuses on doing something good for a good, diverse portion of the United States.

If we can find common ground in supporting a large project like this, maybe we can find common ground on many other areas that just require some compromise and not be chronically blocked by hardcore opposition. (from either side)














BIG DATA & THE NEW EDGE TECHNOLOGY (Smartphones and Tablets)

banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

A pragmatic, visionary perspective —–

Big Data Analytics is being discussed today as a new, multi-purpose solution to many 21st century  business challenges.  It is touted as a tool for creating and sustaining competitive advantage but like all tools, you need to know how to use it effectively in order to get maximum results with it.

In a traditional environment, you might have someone going to a convention center or stadium for an event within a municipality.  Once that event is over, the potential customer for other establishments in that area becomes a “lost customer” because they “go down the road” to some other bar or restaurant instead of sticking around and visiting other local businesses.

If we can employ several special apps to send complimentary passes or other enticements to the edge technology, we can effectively “capture the lost customer” and keep them within the one enterprise zone to spend their money there.

Just like on a resort, once you are there, the resort owners want you to stay on the property and spend all your money with them and not go “down the road.”  The same idea applies here only it is a “virtual resort” created by electronics.



The use of new analytics is critical in many business operations and more organizations are starting to look at what type of platforms they need to implement in order to take full advantage of this as the Internet of Things (IoT) evolves.

In today’s world economy, regional sustainability relies on several key factors:
• Jobs (and the re-circulation of salaries)
• Education (a well-trained workforce)
• The political/ commercial atmosphere (government and business working together to insure a solid economic environment)
• Natural/ Man-made resources
All of which, rely and are built upon infrastructure: the Platform for Commerce.

What needs to be understood in this complex economic engine is the impact of Intelligent Infrastructure.  It provides the platform for Big Data Analytics as well as the utilization of new edge technology (Smartphones & Tablets) in collecting demographic information, actively cross-marketing products and services to a local universe of Smartphone users, and the notifications of special promotions. (ePromotions)

There is a whole new framework to understand as well as implement when it comes to supporting Smartphones and their apps that provide new services to the end-user as well as new marketing services to those businesses that want to “capture the lost customer” in multi-venue environments.

A multi-venue environment might be an Intelligent Retail/ Entertainment/ Convention (IREC) center complex where the Smartphone user might be attending one event or venue, but can be drawn to another venue to spend more money and time by being sent eCoupons, eDiscounts, and other electronic offers which entice them to visit another venue within the umbrella of the “electronic resort”.

By tying the edge technology together with Big Data Analytics, a very sophisticated marketing approach can be implemented and used to fortify regional economic development and create economic zones that benefit the businesses as well as the municipalities.

The location becomes more valuable because the extra business that it generates through this “virtual resort effect” creates more revenues which is important to the local businesses as well as the municipality (which receives added sales tax revenues) also benefits.

CARLINI-ISM : “Creating a virtual resort that captures the Lost Customers and their spending power creates a more valuable enterprise zone for multiple merchants, business venues, and municipal governments.”

Carlini will present some of these proven concepts from his book regarding Big Data, cross-marketing apps, and the impact of creating a virtual “Electronic Resort” effect within a regional economic area at an upcoming monthly event, the Technology Leaders Association of Illinois in April.

Location location location james Carlini

His visionary and comprehensive book, LOCATION LOCATION CONNECTIVITY is available at AMAZON:

and BARNES & NOBLE online:

He will be speaking at several upcoming conferences across the country later this year including the Windy City Summit (a major conference on Treasury and Cash Management) at Chicago’s Navy Pier on May 20th-22nd.

Follow daily Carlini-isms at

Copyright 2015 – James Carlini – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED



banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

A pragmatic, visionary perspective —–

Infrastructure is critical to a nation’s success in the global marketplace today.  As the Platform for Commerce, it needs to be resilient and reliable because all businesses are built upon it.


Right now, countries in Asia are forming a new consortium called the AIIB.  AIIB stands for Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and it is headed up by China, but it is also being funded by several European countries including Great Britain, Germany, France and Italy.  So far, the United States has taken a pass on it and we can debate if that is a good strategic move or not.

There are many Asian member countries already signed up as members.  According to Wikipedia: China, India, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Laos, Myanmar, Mongolia, Nepal, Oman, Qatar, Sri Lanka, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam.  This does not include the list of European countries like Luxembourg, Spain, and others along with the “Big 4” of Europe: Great Britain, Germany, France, and Italy. Other interesting members include Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, and Qatar.

The United States is reluctant to join because they are afraid the banking regulations will not be as high a standard as other established institutions like the IMF (International Monetary Fund) but you have to think, if all these other countries are joining in, we should at least get in the mix just to monitor what is going on.

You would think this is a good thing and we should be in on this.  We aren’t.  We need to understand the ramifications of this type of consortium and where it is really headed. We need to understand what priorities other countries have for their new infrastructure projects and look internally into ours to see if we are ahead of others, about the same, or lagging behind in launching and finishing critical infrastructure projects.

This is where you can leapfrog other countries when you build out infrastructure that they currently do not have. South Korea is a good example. They were considered a third world country 30-35 years ago.  Today, they are very competitive and part of the reason is that their infrastructure is first-class.


A friend of mine who has been a long-time executive in several multi-national companies looked at it from a different angle and made this observation:

The AIIB is part of a 25 year strategy by China that culminates in the Yuan replacing the dollar as the primary global currency.  The Chinese are brilliant.

This formation of AIIB is a prelude to the IMF and Global Bank becoming second rate capital sources for developing countries.

By 2020, the US greenback will join the same level of stature as the Euro and English Pound. 

If he is correct, we should NOT be taking a wait-and-see attitude. We should be taking action. If the AIIB replaces the IMF as the primary global lender in years to come, that changes the total global landscape as to who has the key financial power.  The dollar isn’t the “go-to currency” when it comes to international projects and related trade.

We also need to invest in our infrastructure and not lay back and say,”ours is already built”.  Many new technologies and approaches are critical in every layer of the Platform for Commerce.  We cannot utilize antiquated structures and concepts if we are to compete in global markets.

This is a critical area to keep aware of.  Those who watch “Dancing with the Stars” should be more aware of this new endeavor  and be more concerned with the marriage of all these countries in a new financial fund than concerned about the next marriage of a Kardashian.

CARLINI-ISM : “In our infrastructure, we cannot depend on 19th and 20th century solutions to solve 21st century global challenges.”

Location location location james Carlini

His visionary book, LOCATION LOCATION CONNECTIVITY is available at AMAZON:

and BARNES & NOBLE online:

He will be speaking at several upcoming conferences across the country later this year including the Windy City Summit (a major conference on Treasury and Cash Management) at Chicago’s Navy Pier on May 20th-22nd.

Follow daily Carlini-isms at

Copyright 2015 – James Carlini – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED




banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

Chicago is not setting the pace for building a solid Platform for Commerce and regional economic innovation for job creation. Then again, neither is Illinois. They are both caught up in a Vortex of Declining Mediocrity.”

You know your state is really messed up when all your relatives start talking about moving to other states.  At a recent family gathering, one cousin and a brother-in-law are talking about moving to Florida, another one to Las Vegas and another one to Idaho. Even the waitress at breakfast at Denny’s was talking about moving to Las Vegas for better opportunities.  Is anyone staying in Illinois? Continue reading

Raising Minimum Wage Plus Obamacare Equals Disaster

Affordable Care Act Expert Consultant Minda Wilson Esq. Raising Minimum Wage Plus Obamacare Equals Disaster

pic Minda Wilson Obamacare Expert Affordable Healthcare ReviewIn this audio interview with Minda Wilson, she explains how raising the minimum wage will have disastrous effects on the people it helps the most; the working poor.

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banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

This article is an excerpt from James Carlini’s upcoming book, Location Location Connectivity:

Smartphones are becoming a ubiquitous tool to solve everyday problems from where to buy gas to where to look for a parking space in urban areas. You would think that applications (apps) like this would be a positive impact on society. You would think local governments, which on a whole, are not that efficient or effective, would welcome something to alleviate real economic development and infrastructure shortcomings, like parking.

As Smartphone technology becomes more dominant in various parts of our lives, some municipal governments, which cannot accept or understand change want to fight innovation in order to keep traditional bottlenecks and problems alive and well. Why?

In San Francisco, they are currently embattled with a parking app that provides insight to where there are available parking spaces for those coming into the city. This application cuts into the wasted energy costs of automobiles, not to mention the real problem of Continue reading


banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

Terabit speeds are what we should be aiming for as a solid goal for any major metropolitan city’s backbone network infrastructure objective. If we really want them to be a leader in global broadband connectivity tomorrow, this is the bar to set today. If you set the bar that high, and only attain 50% of its goal, you still will be world-class.

Copyright 2014 - James Carlini - All rights reserved

Copyright 2014 – James Carlini – All rights reserved

Evidently, no one told that to those who developed and released the Chicago RFQ for “a gigabit or near-gigabit network”.

Chicago has just sent out an RFQ for Broadband Infrastructure Expansion (#122737) which asks for speeds that are obsolete.

Gigabit or near-gigabit? For a network that will not be operational for at least another 24 to 36 months?
This is obsolete before they send the first packet across.

An 800-acre business park in the Chicago suburbs that I discuss in my upcoming book and was an adviser to, installed 40 Gigabit per second (40Gbps) connectivity several years ago. It’s operational TODAY. Want to be competitive today? The going speed is 40Gbps moving to 100Gbps in a short timeframe.

In my book, I go around the world discussing examples of other next-generation business parks which offer 10Gbps, 20Gbps, or better network speeds serving their tenants.

Chicago’s statement, in its RFQ declaring

….to ensure that Chicago is prepared to meet the demands of a 21st century economy.

The City’s first step toward achieving affordable high-speed internet access for all Chicagoans will target seven Innovation Zones with gigabit-or near –gigabit -speed broadband and focus on providing immediate access to businesses, universities, and organizations located in these core industrial and commercial area

rings pretty hollow in comparison.

“Prepared to meet the demands of a 21st Century economy”?? With one gigabit OR LESS network speeds to end users? This is supposedly to get the city more competitive on the global economic stage?

Whoever is advising the city has no clue where the ‘state of the art” in network infrastructure is, or how fast it is going to the next plateau of network speeds.

Get me some Smartphones and I will show you how fast that bandwidth gets eaten up by those end-user devices which are quickly becoming the “device-of-choice” as the new edge technology.

Other parameters the Chicago RFQ highlights are laughable at best, and technologically unacceptable at worst. Here are some excerpts of it that I have a problem with:

Providing the resources necessary for Businesses, Universities and other organizations to succeed and thrive is necessary for Chicago to remain a global leader and pioneer. Availability of and access to an affordable high-speed broadband network is now a critical component of urban infrastructure, similar to electricity, water, and roadways.

The infrastructure must be capable of providing 99.9% availability, be resilient with low latency and jitter, and ensure that packets sent and received at the network edges are identical.

You ARE NOT going to “remain a global leader and pioneer” with reliability rates of only 99.9% availability.

Do you really believe large businesses like the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Boeing, or any of the banks are going to trust their mission critical applications on networks that are running with only a 99.9% reliability?

Most businesses with mission critical applications want the insurance of 99.995% to 99.999% availability rates. With enterprise-wide mission critical applications currently at one-out-of-three and quickly growing to one-out-of-two applications, who is going to want to use a 99.9% reliable network?

Maybe if we relate it to snow storms, Chicago might “get it”. Don’t ask for one ton of salt when you really need 1,024 tons to get businesses moving and competitive.

Something more visual? You look absolutely foolish chanting “we’re going to be Number one” from your two horsepower horse-and-buggy parked on the NASCAR track amongst the other 1,200-horsepowered cars lining up for the race.

That’s the problem when political leaders and their advisers are technologically Amish. Understand the technology, know how to apply it, and get someone who is not a cheerleader to tell you how you are perceived on the world’s racetrack of economic viability and sustainability.

CARLINI-ISM: When it comes to network speeds, you need to be the fastest to say you’re world class.

Carlini’s visionary upcoming book, Location Location Connectivity will be available later this year.

COPYRIGHT 2014 – James Carlini


banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

The Internet should not be looked at as a tollway. Some want to change the Information Superhighway into a bureaucratic tollway which does nothing for increasing regional economic development, but does do a lot for impeding our overall global competitiveness.

The sad thing is that most people in government do not see this because they are blinded and dazzled by Continue reading


banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

By no means am I an art expert or have some extensive collection, but I do have an appreciation for fine art and also had many relatives fight in World War II. Some say the art that was recently found in Munich was priceless. That might be a fair assessment of it.

I was always shocked at the looting of Europe of all the art treasures and then the lack of finding so many of them. It was an intriguing story to hear how they took both modern and centuries-old art and antiquities back to Germany as spoils of war and empire building. Art from Beckmann, Chagall, Klee, Matisse,and others all went missing for decades. Now, some have been found in Continue reading


banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

Well, we just killed off that myth! Good mission critical systems come from good mission critical systems people – not political hacks or Continue reading


banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

“We spent over $600,000,000 and got what for our money?”

That should be the top story on every news channel as well as in the minds of all taxpayers who were waiting for some type of better health plan than what they were paying for. It should also be the first question asked in Washington, DC on BOTH sides of the aisle.

What happened to quality in Continue reading


banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

There is a lot of promise from the growing industry of 3D printers and manufacturing products through their use as well as new 3D scanners. This technology is providing a second industrial revolution in the United States as well as globally.

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banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

Wake up America

Especially the politicians in California, Illinois, and anywhere else where they are considering implementing a high-speed train. High-speed trains are so “last century” and they are not cheap to build or maintain. If they are not used to their maximum capacities and there is only marginal ridership, they are a supreme waste of money and their residual value is just another money-wasting monument built to honor and perpetuate bureaucracy. Continue reading


banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

Do you hear that? It’s a crumbling sound reverberating across the country.

It’s the great wall of over-bloated government pensions starting to crumble in Detroit. The unions think they will stop the crumbling? I don’t think so. Continue reading


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By James Carlini

Copper cabling is still used in both electrical and telecommunications applications.  Both the power company as well as the telephone companies, still use a lot of it for distributing power as well as distributing communication signals for voice, data, and video.  Because of its value, many are thinking it is an Continue reading


banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

Who said Jihad? Who is talking about the Tea Party? Who said Benghazi or NSA? We can search ALL phone conversations down to the specific word and bring up ALL calls that have those keywords (or whatever we type in). We HAVE technology to do that. In fact, we can Continue reading


banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

The city of Detroit is faced with a 50/50 chance of bankruptcy and this should not be taken lightly. Many can criticize what led up to this financial catastrophe, but the more important issue is what can everyone learn from it? Continue reading


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By James Carlini
We have all heard about the municipality in California that has paid some of its administrators with six-figure salaries as well as six-figure pensions, but we think that is a very rare occurrence and that our own municipality would never get that bad.

Look closely at your own municipality and its agencies. Are they gouging you on the price of services? Are you paying double compared to the Continue reading


banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

Do you still use a rotary telephone (do you even know what that is?)?  Can you buy gas at 20 cents a gallon where you live?  Times have changed, companies have changed, and giving a two-week notice went out with nickel beers. Continue reading


banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

Any civilization in the last 5,000 years can only be understood and measured by what we can read and discover about them.  If they did not keep track of their accomplishments and cultures, chances are, we would know very little about them and their achievements.

  •  If you do not know where you came from, do you really have a good idea of where you are headed?
  • How do you build upon the accomplishments of the past or avoid the mistakes of the past if you are unaware of them?

These seem to be good questions to ask people who do not have a good grasp of how this country started and developed throughout the last 200 years.  As was pointed out by one museum curator, those in the last generation (the Great generation of World War II) seemed to have more Continue reading


banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

The latest attempts at putting Illinois back on the right road to fiscal solvency and promote a more enticing image to attract businesses should be accompanied by the song by the Talking Heads’ “We’re On a Road to Nowhere”
We’re on a road to nowhere….. After a 66% tax increase in state income tax, we are still billions of dollars behind in Continue reading


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By James Carlini

Systems design has come a long way.  Or has it?

Taking various organizational procedures and applications and automating them has been going on for over four decades.  Next-generation systems have been selected and implemented more than once or twice in those four decades.  Millions, if not billions, have been spent on computers, data centers, developing and training personnel, and software applications.

Initial attempts were focused on getting a software program in place and getting people to adapt to the automated system.  A lot has happened since original systems were developed, yet basic design concepts and comprehensive testing to insure quality still seem to be Continue reading


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By James Carlini

Are you as tired as I am in listening to someone who is supposed to be giving you the news and instead is spinning the story to adhere to some personal political agenda they have?  Evidently, the only way to stop this obtuse reporting is to call it out every time it happens and question those who are either totally clueless or have some other agenda they are trying to foist on us.

logo fbi 03IS THE FBI ANY GOOD ANYMORE? Continue reading


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By James Carlini

Last weekend, Chicago’s Magnificent Mile experienced teen-age flash mobs (organized looting) creating disturbances and mayhem among people there who were trying to enjoy the downtown shopping district.

This has been going on for several years, but the Chicago media has filtered it out of their stories until Continue reading