Tag Archives: parking


banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

This article is an excerpt from James Carlini’s upcoming book, Location Location Connectivity:

Smartphones are becoming a ubiquitous tool to solve everyday problems from where to buy gas to where to look for a parking space in urban areas. You would think that applications (apps) like this would be a positive impact on society. You would think local governments, which on a whole, are not that efficient or effective, would welcome something to alleviate real economic development and infrastructure shortcomings, like parking.

As Smartphone technology becomes more dominant in various parts of our lives, some municipal governments, which cannot accept or understand change want to fight innovation in order to keep traditional bottlenecks and problems alive and well. Why?

In San Francisco, they are currently embattled with a parking app that provides insight to where there are available parking spaces for those coming into the city. This application cuts into the wasted energy costs of automobiles, not to mention the real problem of Continue reading