Category Archives: Management


banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

It is amazing the bad advice that is being pumped out by some writers who think they have a hip handle on “dealing with executives” today and they want to take a casually-written exception of an EMail and make it into a rule.

The latest article that tries to promote bad management form is one written by a writer, Kevin Roose, from New York Magazine.
See article:


Yes, if you want to “fit in” to today’s society, just watch Jerry Springer for the most accepted ways to live your life.

Smoke crack, have sex with relatives, and forget going to the dentist when you break a front tooth. Come on, let’s get real. Those are rare exceptions, not the rule of today’s society.

I felt the same reaction when reading this article about “strategic sloppiness” and writing a casual response to a CEO. What might be considered a “hip response” by one generation is looked down upon by others as inappropriate.

The other observations in the article seem off-base as well:
“We’ve known for years that the higher you are on the food chain, the more license you’re allowed to take with the rules of professional communication…..”

Really? Most executives set a standard and that standard should be met or exceeded. Taking license and bending that standard may look “cool” to someone observing, but try to send a sloppy EMail to an organization and see if you even get a response.

As I observed after reading the article: Are there exceptions? Sure, but try to emulate someone who is real casual in their CEO position and you won’t be taken seriously by those they have put in charge of their organization as executive gate-keepers.

Another quote from the article: “As the boss, you can make as many mistakes as you want.”

Believe me, if you start making too many mistakes, you won’t be boss much longer. Either you will be replaced by the Board of Directors or your company will go out of business, so that observation and conclusion is a little weak. CEOs who make mistakes should be kicked out and should not be given any golden parachutes for poor performance. You don’t reward mediocrity and you certainly don’t celebrate failure with a bonus.


Malcolm Forbes had a couple of good quotes that I always like to throw out for those trying to understand executive management. One was, “He who has the wheel, sets the direction.”

The CEO sets the corporate direction and steers the enterprise to reach that goal. Whatever he or she decides, will make or break the company. The CEO is in a very powerful and demanding position, but sometimes is not really tested as to their real skills.

Forbes’ other quote is much more revealing and critical, “Any fool can handle the helm in calm seas.”

Some CEOs who were blessed to be in a CEO position when all the planets were aligned and their company had great success in the midst of no obstacles or real competition, may not be as good as they are portrayed. They get washed away quickly in the first storm.


Okay, you find someone that has some quirks in their management and leadership style. It may work for them, but you are not them. Don’t emulate their quirks, because you will not pull it off.

In music composition classes, there are many rules and chord progressions you must follow. These were all set years ago and if you are composing something, you follow the rules.

Have there been exceptions to this, where a great composer broke the rules? Yes, but that is a rare, rare exception.

The same goes for leadership and management skills and their application to conducting business. There are an accepted scope of actions that you should emulate. Good writing and speaking skills are key executive skills.

Taking liberty to be a non-conformist to that management framework is like playing “A flat” when you are in the key of “A” with the rest of the band.

Is there dissonance? Yes. Is there a great shock value? Yes. Will you be looked at as a great virtuoso who is so more magically skilled then the rest of the band?

99.999% of the time – NO, you’ll be looked at like some out-of-touch moron.

CARLINI-ISM: Executive skills should set a standard. Don’t play A flat in an A world. Stick to the music.

COPYRIGHT 2014 – James Carlini


banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

And Broadband Connectivity equals jobs. That was a key point that I have been making in the last couple of years in keynote speeches addressing thousands in audiences across the country at various conferences.

At the AGL (Above Ground Level Magazine) Conference yesterday, I presented this key concept as well as Continue reading


banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

When you go to a business meeting today are you dressed for success or dressed casually? Do you look like you flew in on the corporate jet or were you one of the people washing it down before the flight?

7K0A0603Image consultants seem more concerned about social media tools today than they are real barometers of professionalism and success. Having a Smartphone with an obnoxious ring tone is not cool and won’t make any points unless you Continue reading


banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

Wake up America

Especially the politicians in California, Illinois, and anywhere else where they are considering implementing a high-speed train. High-speed trains are so “last century” and they are not cheap to build or maintain. If they are not used to their maximum capacities and there is only marginal ridership, they are a supreme waste of money and their residual value is just another money-wasting monument built to honor and perpetuate bureaucracy. Continue reading


banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

How can you learn from proven leaders’ wisdom? One quick way is to get an insight to their thought process by reading up on their quotes.

Years ago, a business acquaintance I had met in San Francisco while consulting on a high-tech real estate project for Santa Fe Southern Pacific in Silicon Valley got me started on looking at quotes from different leaders in various industries. Continue reading


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By James Carlini

Views from a Condo Board President :

As more baby boomers retire and decide to go into condos or townhomes that have homeowner associations, they better realize that condo/ townhouse living is different than living in a single family home. Living within a set of rules after living on your own for several decades takes Continue reading


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By James Carlini

Copper cabling is still used in both electrical and telecommunications applications.  Both the power company as well as the telephone companies, still use a lot of it for distributing power as well as distributing communication signals for voice, data, and video.  Because of its value, many are thinking it is an Continue reading


banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

EXCERPT from James Carlini’s upcoming book, Location, Location, Connectivity :

How receptive is your building to all the new connectivity technology exploding onto the market? Have your Smartphone with you? Does it work well in your building? What about your applications running on your enterprise network? Are you getting the speeds you need to compete in the 21st century? Or, are you stuck with 20th century connectivity because no one knows how to upgrade the building’s network infrastructure? Continue reading


banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

Who said Jihad? Who is talking about the Tea Party? Who said Benghazi or NSA? We can search ALL phone conversations down to the specific word and bring up ALL calls that have those keywords (or whatever we type in). We HAVE technology to do that. In fact, we can Continue reading


banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

The city of Detroit is faced with a 50/50 chance of bankruptcy and this should not be taken lightly. Many can criticize what led up to this financial catastrophe, but the more important issue is what can everyone learn from it? Continue reading


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By James Carlini
We have all heard about the municipality in California that has paid some of its administrators with six-figure salaries as well as six-figure pensions, but we think that is a very rare occurrence and that our own municipality would never get that bad.

Look closely at your own municipality and its agencies. Are they gouging you on the price of services? Are you paying double compared to the Continue reading

Arthur Rothberg – How Using Outsourced CFO Services Can Highly Benefit Your Business

pic financial 01Arthur Rothberg of CFO Edge discusses how using Outsourced Chief Financial Officer or Officers can help small and midsize businesses prosper and grow. Continue reading


banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

Any civilization in the last 5,000 years can only be understood and measured by what we can read and discover about them.  If they did not keep track of their accomplishments and cultures, chances are, we would know very little about them and their achievements.

  •  If you do not know where you came from, do you really have a good idea of where you are headed?
  • How do you build upon the accomplishments of the past or avoid the mistakes of the past if you are unaware of them?

These seem to be good questions to ask people who do not have a good grasp of how this country started and developed throughout the last 200 years.  As was pointed out by one museum curator, those in the last generation (the Great generation of World War II) seemed to have more Continue reading


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By James Carlini

Systems design has come a long way.  Or has it?

Taking various organizational procedures and applications and automating them has been going on for over four decades.  Next-generation systems have been selected and implemented more than once or twice in those four decades.  Millions, if not billions, have been spent on computers, data centers, developing and training personnel, and software applications.

Initial attempts were focused on getting a software program in place and getting people to adapt to the automated system.  A lot has happened since original systems were developed, yet basic design concepts and comprehensive testing to insure quality still seem to be Continue reading


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By James Carlini

Area Code 809 Phone Scam

There are a lot of Emails going around on the internet warning people to watch out for any calls that say to return the call to a number inside of the 809 area code.  Some have said this is an exaggerated threat, but if you look closely, it isn’t.  This kind of scam happens.

Graphic Caution Phone ScamThis is a real threat and will cost you money and more importantly, time, if you get caught up in it.

The Email being circulated warns of calls coming in to be Continue reading


banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

Real estate is going through some critical changes in this century.  It has become a more complex product to understand, manage and sell.  It has become more sophisticated than just “selling space”.  It has gone beyond the inclusion of traditional amenities of energy management (HVAC), life safety, security, elevators and Continue reading


banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

How many people watched the State of the Union Address on Tuesday night? I watched a little of it and then decided that Bar Rescue (with Jon Taffer) was more interesting and had some better ideas to save small businesses across America.

If you have never watched it, Bar Rescue, is where a tough, no-nonsense, Bar business expert goes in and Continue reading

Kaya Redford Using NLP and Timeline Therapy to Change Your Life

Kaya Redford NLP Expert Talks About Using NLP and Timeline Therapy to Drastically Change Your Life.

Kaya Redford has spent his life studying NLP from the Masters and he shares what he has learned with thousands to help them get rid of fear, anger, anxiety, self sabotage and all the emotions that hold you back from having a fully realized and happy life.

I first met Kaya about four or five years ago at an event he produced with Bob Proctor, to help people learn about the concepts of Napoleon Hill’s great book “Think and Grow Rich”.

I was invited to some of his classes to sit in and check them out and I was impressed with the depth of his teaching. He brought his classes through line after line of the book, not stopping till the class thoroughly understood what was being said and how it related to each of them in their own journeys to build a full, successful and better life.

Later on I heard Kaya, who had learned from the top NLP Masters, was teaching a course in NLP and how to use the science to help them in sales, business and again, in fulfilling their greatest potential.

I asked Kaya to let me into the class, which he always keeps small so he can give individual attention. He welcomed me in as that is the kind of person Kaya is. The class was, once again, amazingly full of great information and tools that he had everyone work out in class. Kaya never just speaks, he gets his classes fully involved. I learned a lot that day about the good of NLP as I was one of those that only thought that NLP was used to convince people to buy stuff they really didn’t want.

I have wanted to get Kaya to do an interview with me for the longest time, but we have never been able to get the two of us in sync with schedules so I am so happy that we finally got him to give us some of his very precious time.

The call quality is not what I would have liked, but I did not want to reschedule this one because I believe what Kaya has to say will help a lot of people.

Kaya thanks for your time and the wisdom you shared that made this a great call.  – JW

KAya Redford

IMDb Mini Biography By:

Kaya Francis Redford has been honored with the title “Award Winning Director” for “Homeless In America” a Hi-Def Documentary, he produced and directed, on the plight of the homeless with interviews from the Los Angeles Police Chief, Los Angeles Mayor, CEO of LA Mission, KCAL 9 News Anchor and a great cast comprising of star celebrities and homeless individuals. Homeless In America was selected at the New York Independent Film & Video Festival, and won the Best Social Documentary Award in September, 2004 in New York.

Kaya Francis Redford was born and raised in the USA and educated in several countries around the world including, Spain, France, Algeria & England and now resides in Southern California. Kaya attended one of England’s most prestigious private schools where he not only captained the RUGBY team but was a great student as well, finishing in the top 1% of the Nation. After 8 years of British schooling, he took a break from calling everyone “Sir” and went back into the American system, studying at Richmond in London and UCLA with a background in Marketing and Advertising.

Kaya is presently working on several media projects for film and television.

Kaya Redford studied NLP with the founders of NLP, Richard Bandler and John Grinder and has been teaching and speaking on the subject to many fortune 500 companies and organizations over the years.

The Next Event will be this weekend


Sat, Sept 29  11 am-2pm at the Hilton Hotel in Pasadena, Ca
Tickets are $119 off but if you mention code: Kaya Experience, you get $100 off, so it’s only $19.

Limited seats left
Call now 310.871.6191

Neuro linguistic Programming (NLP)

From Wikipedia

Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is an approach to communication, personal development, and psychotherapy created in the 1970s. The title refers to a stated connection between the neurological processes (“neuro”), language (“linguistic”), and behavioral patterns that have been learned through experience (“programming”) and can be organized to achieve specific goals in life.[1][2]

The founders of NLP, Richard Bandler and John Grinder, say that NLP is capable of addressing problems such as phobias, depression, habit disorder, psychosomatic illnesses, and learning disorders.[citation needed] Their stated aim was in “finding ways to help people have better, fuller and richer lives.”[8][9] Bandler and Grinder claimed that if the effective patterns of behaviour of exceptional people could be modeled then these patterns could be acquired by others. NLP has been adopted by private therapists, including hypnotherapists, and in management workshops and seminars marketed to business and government.[10][11]

From Kaya’s Site:

WHAT EXACTLY IS N.L.P.? (Neuro Linguistic Programming) A way of thinking and a set of skills that’s easy to understand, which gives you more focus, self confidence, power to make good decisions, directions, ability to create wealth, productivity, less procrastination, faster progress and success in any area of your life.

It has been studied and used by the world’s top leaders including Former Presidents: Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, President Barack Obama as well as Real Estate & Business Tycoons: Donald Trump, Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey and Richard Branson. Fortune 500 Companies: Bank of America, New York Life, Century 21, Keller Williams, ACN, Xerox, British Telecom (HDI-IT) as well as many private firms and law firms have received our Quantum Leap NOW N.L.P. Trainings and have achieved outstanding success as a result. It is a very powerful tool to create change in others whether in business, professional sports, as a parent or as a coach.

Timeline Therapy

I know nothing about Timeline Therapy, but I do know the power of the reactive mind and if Timeline Therapy techniques can help change the reactive mind, then I am interested. – JW


The therapeutic process called Time Line Therapy is a methodology in which a series of techniques are used to bring about changes on an unconscious level and alter behavior. The intention of this therapy is to help individuals refrain from being reactive to present situations based on past experiences. Time Line Therapy is a reprogramming process that releases the effects of negative experiences and helps a person let go of past influences.

From Kaya’s Site:

Time Line Therapy allows you to go back to the “root” cause of a problem and heal an issue which is blocking you. Imagine for a moment that you had inside you a time machine that allows you to go backg, revisit & heal stuff from the past. When you heal the past through Time Line Therapy, you release all anger, sadness, fear, hurt, guilt, shame, resentment, jealousy, rage, irritation and any other negative emotions. All the while, you clear a path to go forward in your timeline & set goals that you’ll achieve in your future.

Also releasing issues from the past with Time Line Therapy allows you to change your limiting beliefs in the present moment to empowering ones that launch you to QUANTUM LEAP NOW IN YOUR SUCCESS! GREAT NEWS!!

The Prince of Wales, The English Royal Family and England is endorsing Neuro Linguistic Programing (NLP) & Time Line Therapy (the same techniques I use & teach) as the methods to heal soldiers returning from Afghanistan in emotional pain including including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Take a moment to read the link below, the UK is using the techniques that is Kaya’s expertise, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) & Time Line Therapy®.

As you know or perhaps did not know, Kaya was trained by the founders of N.L.P. & Time Line Therapy® and is continuously updated on new techniques by them, personally. Here is the article link: “The 10th February 2010 was a historic day for The Warrior Programme as it played host to His Royal Highness, The Prince of Wales. The Warrior Programme is a three day programme with ongoing monthly support meetings which addresses unresolved emotional pain such as anger, sadness, fear,hurt and guilt.The Programme uses well known therapeutic techniques including Neuro Linguistic Programming(NLP), Time Line Therapy® and Huna.”

For a Complimentary 2 Hour Workshop, Call 310.871.6191 and register. So go ahead and take ACTION RIGHT NOW by calling 310.871.6191.

To contact Kaya or get more information:
Kaya on YouTube
Kaya on Facebook


Personal Note from the interviewer:

There are many who challenge NLP as pseudoscience and I would not argue with many of the findings of the studies which have been done, but I always believe the often there is no black and white. The truth is often somewhere in the middle.

What I do know is that the masters of marketing are using and have used NLP for many years. I have been to many many conferences with some of the greatest speakers and sales people in the world and they care about the numbers they sell to. They are continually testing techniques to sell more or to build better rapport with their audiences and they throw out what does not work, but these speakers and marketers continually use NLP concepts and techniques over and over again so, to me, this points to the probability that there are NLP techniques that work and can be very powerful.

There is no mysticism about NLP and not all the techniques will work with everyone in every situation. It is a tool that systematizes our responses in order to better communicate to your audience, clients or relationships.

I am no expert so that is my opinion. I have used a few NLP techniques to help clients get to a comfort level with me very quickly. I use mirroring and have found that it works extremely well. I have also used the anchoring technique and found that it worked, but I do not use it as it is not a technique that feels natural to me though I know many that love that technique.

Kaya’s NLP course went so much farther into how people react to different situations and how you can use these reactions to open up communications to their fullest potential.

With all things, check out the facts, not the hype and try things for yourself. Do not let the noise of other’s opinions drown out who you are. Remember it isn’t alsways about what we know or about what we do not know, but more about what we do not know that we do not know. – JW

Randy Gage – Risky is the New Safe – Book Release

Randy Gage,  the Millionaire Messiah, Releases His Ninth Book and Most Controversial Ever!

Randy Gage - Risky is the New Safe 3d

Randy’s Rants, His Blog, his speaches… Randy does not shy away from controversial conversations about religion, politics or especially about prosperity as Randy feels it is a sin to be Poor. His 9th Book Risky is the New Safe is his boldest yet and will surely be a classic for a new age.

I have been following Randy for many years, since I first heard him speak to around a thousand people at a conference. He is a great speaker, funny, inspiring, smart and wise.

I especially love his no fear, straight talk, sense of humor and his lessons in how to build sales, teams, community….. and about what it takes to have a successful and prosperous life.

I am elated to have been chosen by Randy to be one of a small few that got a chance to receive a gallery copy (pre-release copy) of his new book which is not being released till October 30th. This book is really what we need right now. I cannot say I agree with it all, but I am a Randy Gage believer and this book did not change my mind. It actually helped me clarify a few things I need to do and it put a real fire under my ass to do some things I was not doing.

The book, “Risky is the New Safe”, is the Randy Gage I so loved so much from his book “Why You’re Dumb Sick and Broke and How to Get Smart Healthy and Rich”.  The advance buzz on this book is ridiculous and amazingly huge. I believe this is a book you will be buying for your friends and family.

Many may describe this book as irreverent and very way out there,  and it is meant to be. Not for shock value, but because Randy believes the playing field has changed so much that we need to get real and be able to change our “out of date” thinking now or possibly peril. 

We have seen technology change things for the better and the worse in a very short time and Randy believes that, not only do we need to embrace the change, but we have to get extremely creative and change our way of thinking and looking at the world, if we want to be successful in it.

This book will be called many things. A game changer, a look at the future or even crazy talk, but whatever you believe you will be changed by this book as once a mind is stretched, it is hard to put back.

One thing I know for sure is that Randy Gage doesn’t say things he does not mean and he explains in great detail why he believes what he is predicting and what you need to do to take advantage of the incredible changes yet to come.

Get ready to Zig while others continue to Zag.

I can only imagine Randy’s schedule for this book release, so I so thank him for giving me some of his personal time to give me this interview. Randy tells it like it is, in his new book and in this interview. Thank You Randy – JW

Randy Gage - Risky is the New Safe 3dRisky is the New Safe

Is…. Brash, Controversial, Thought-Provoking

This is a different kind of book for a different kind of thinking.  It’s a thought-provoking manifesto for risk takers.  Disruptive technology, accelerating speed of change and economic upheaval are changing the game.  The same tired, old conventional thinking won’t get you to success today.

Risky Is the New Safe will change the way you look at everything!  You’ll view challenges – and the corresponding opportunities they provide – in entirely new and exciting ways.  You’ll recognize powerful new gateways you can walk through to create wealth.

In this mind-bending book you’ll discover:

  • How mavericks like Steve Jobs, Richard Branson and Mark Cuban, think differently – and what you can learn from them;
  • The six-month online course that could allow you to earn more than a Ph.D.;
  • How social media changes branding and marketing forever, and what that means for you;
  • What happens when holo-suites and virtual-reality sex come about, and how you need to prepare;
  • The New Religion of Ideas:  How to become an “idea generator” and declare as a free agent; and,
  • What will cause the Euro, precious metals, and oceanfront real estate to collapse – and how that can make you rich!

I’ll warn you up front, the book will be controversial to some.  Randy attacks anything that holds you back from success, including government propaganda, conventional wisdom, and other limiting beliefs.  He didn’t write Risky Is the New Safe to tell you what to think.  He wrote it to cause you to think.

I don’t expect you to agree with everything you read in there – and would be surprised if you did. It’s for people who love intellectual discourse, challenging ideas, opposing viewpoints and honest and respectful discussion of the issues surrounding what it takes to be successful today.

Check out the book and get more information from Randy by clicking the button above. You can also Pre-Order a Copy Now…

Here is what others that received a pre-release  are saying!

“Holy crap, I love this book! It’s smart, entertaining and best of all, made me re-think my life and my business.  That’s a winning combination I find irresistible.  Don’t hesitate to buy this book and put it to use in every aspect of your life.”
— Larry Winget
Five-time NYT/WSJ bestselling author, including the #1 bestseller, Shut Up, Stop Whining And Get A Life!

This remarkable, fast-paced book opens your mind and imagination to the incredible opportunities that appear around you when you change your perspective.” — Brian Tracy
Author, The Power of Self-Confidence

Risky is the New Safe is eye opening, mind blowing and gut real. It gives you a step-by-step blueprint for succeeding in today’s new world. If you are an entrepreneur, a business person or want to create wealth in your life you HAVE to read this book!”
— T. Harv Eker
Author, N.Y. Times #1 Bestseller, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

This is your go-to business page-turner! Randy’s forward-thinking concepts embody my own business ideals for driving success within organizations: take risks, no one’s going to die!” — Jeffrey Hayzlett
Global Business Celebrity,
Bestselling Author, Sometime Cowboy

Read this book. But, before you do, suspend what you already believe is true about the way the world is and operates. You are about to learn what ‘critical thinking’ is all about, why risky indeed is the new (and perhaps, only) safe, and how it can make you wiser and more prosperous. The good news is that – in typical Randy Gage style – it will be fun, entertaining, and just sarcastic enough to keep you riveted to every page. Get out your pen and highlighter…you’re gonna’ need it!”
— Bob Burg
Co-author of The Go-Giver
and author of Endless Referrals

Couldn’t take my eyes off this, great freaking book!  Risky is the New Safe is a combination of Buffet, Springsteen, Rand, and Patton. Randy Gage is the ranking intellect of prosperity in our time, and only Luddites will ignore him. He has, yet again, written of the promise of abundance, the appeal of change, and the vast value of new and emerging relationships. There’s nothing risky about buying this book except forgetting to do anything else while you’re engrossed in it.” — Alan Weiss, Ph.D.
Author, The Consulting Bible and Thrive: Stop Wishing Your Life Away!

Relevant, challenging and thought-provoking.  This book is a must-read for entrepreneurs.”
— Ken Dychtwald, Ph.D.
Author of A New Purpose: Redefining Money, Family, Work, Retirement
and Success

I think I held my breath through the entire first chapter. Randy paints a vivid picture of an exhilarating future if we heed his warnings and a terrifying one if we don’t. Reading this book is the safest bet you’ve got.” — Kyle Maynard
2-time ESPY Award winner and author of NY Times bestseller No Excuses

Riveting! A homerun! Gripped me from the first pages and expanded my mind while entertaining me too. I love this gem!” — Joe Vitale
Author, Attract Money Now
and Hypnotic Writing

I couldn’t put it down! In fact, I found myself racing through each page because I couldn’t wait to find out what was coming next.  My next reading will include a highlighter and my journal so I can incorporate Randy’s life changing thoughts into my life on a daily basis.  This book inspired me, challenged me and motivated me to think differently and take my mission to a much bigger level.  I will be sharing it with all of my peers.” — JJ Virgin
Celebrity Nutrition & Fitness Expert
Bestselling Author,
TV Personality & Speaker

No wonder this book has more buzz than any other this year!  It’s breathtaking, brilliant, and bold – a textbook for creating your prosperity and success.”
— Art Jonak
President, Network Professionals, Inc.

Once you read – and more importantly apply  – the ideas contained in Risky is the New Safe, it will be impossible to go back to your old ways of thinking. Randy Gage will free your mind from the shackles of outdated thinking and give you tools that will enable you to navigate the greatest paradigm shift we are now in with the deftness of a Jedi Master. This is an outstanding work.”
— James Trapp
President and CEO
of Unity Worldwide Ministries

Read More Testimonials…

Randy GageRandy Gage

“I believe you were born to be rich, people are meant to be inspired, and conventions should rock.

I believe a blog can change the world and a speech can change a life.

I believe safe is the new risky, boring is criminal, and pitchers should hit.

Call me a philosopher, a Jedi Knight or the millionaire messiah, just don’t call me late for dinner. I like hot cars, warm beaches and cold Dr. Pepper. Quiet confidence and loud ideas are sexy. When I’m not prowling the podium or locked in my lonely writer’s garret, you’ll find me playing 3rd base for a softball team somewhere.

I believe in my work, because I believe in you.”

From Amazon

There is probably no one on earth better qualified to help you reach more success in MLM than Randy Gage. His Duplication Nation (formerly How to Earn at Least $100,000 a Year in Network Marketing) is the top selling training album in MLM, and his Escape the Rat Race is the #1 recruiting tool in the business. His resources have been translated into more than 15 languages and sold in the millions around the globe.

Randy helped introduce Network Marketing in places like Slovenia, Croatia, Bulgaria and Macedonia. He’s been a company VP of Marketing, and served as a consultant to numerous companies, designing compensation plans, creating marketing materials and developing duplicable systems for them. Randy has conducted training for the finest companies in the industry, and spoken in more than 35 countries.

Through his coaching programs and private consulting, Randy has helped the top income earners in numerous companies. He has arguably trained more MLM millionaires than anyone alive today. But most importantly, Randy teaches from real-world experience, earning millions of dollars as a distributor.

Randy has conducted thousands of training programs and presented thousands more opportunity meetings. Several years ago he dusted off his white board and starting from scratch he quickly rose to become the #1 income earner in his company worldwide. He knows what is working in the marketplace right now, and he’ll teach you exactly how to reach mega success in these conditions.

Randy has made his money, and continues to work only for the challenge and to support his personal enrollees. He has achieved the perfect balance between work and life. When he’s not drawing circles, you’ll find him playing 3rd base for the South Florida Carnivores, riding his bike, racing cars, or collecting comic books. His guilty pleasures are Sci-Fi, Krispy Kreme, and watching Project Runway. Randy splits his time between Miami Beach, Sydney, and Paris.

Why you are Sick, Dumb and Broke

And How to Get Smart, Healthy and Rich.

This groundbreaking self-help book reveals the secrets of manifesting health, happiness, and prosperity in your life—but not in a way you’ve experienced before. Blunt, outspoken, and brutally honest, Randy Gage shoots down the forces that hold you back and keep you dumb, sick, and broke, and shows you how to take action to get smart, healthy, and rich.

Randy Gage Site
Randy’s Rants
Randy’s Blog

Twitter @Randy_Gage

Twisted Sister’s Jay Jay French on Rocked The Extreme Leadership Summit with Twisted Business

John Jay Jay French is the Founder, Guitarist and Manager of Twisted Sister. Known for his savvy business and entrepreneurial skills and his philanthropic spirit, Jay Jay talks about learning the business of music and how its not that different than your business and about……

This Video shows how John Jay Jay French Rocked it in San Diego at Bestselling Author Steve Farber’s Extreme Leadership Summit where he spoke in August.


Our Audio Interview with Jay Jay French in New York as he Talks About The Music Business and The Extreme Leadership SummitAudio Player ►Right Click and “Save Link As” to Download File◄

The Video Interview

The audio Interview was done before Jay Jay’s talk from his office in New York. The video was taken at the conference after he had spoken to an excited group of entrepreneurs and business people.

I went to Steve Farber’s first ever Extreme Leaership Summit and now that it is over I can tell you it was a major success. NO Pitchfest, pure training, learning, networking and awesome entertainment. The message was important and Steve used his famous L.E.A.P. system to guide and help make the summit a wonderful experience. It was filled with speakers that taught Love of your business, client, worker and your product or service. It had speakers like Jay Jay French from Twisted Sister that were incredibly Energetic and Audacious and speakers like Simon Billsberry to give Proof of concept and implementation.

It was hard to get Jay Jay away from the throng of people that wanted his attention, but he stayed for the whole three days and made himself extremely available to the attendees. I grabbed him while he was signing autographs and got into the nitty gritty with him about his first talk on stage and about the music business and how what he learned creating one of the most successful bands in the history of rock, can help you and your business.

I loved Steve’s book so I knew the summit would be good, but I did not expect great and I got great. One night Steve and Jay Jay set it up so that Guitar Center and Epiphone Guitar supplied us with masses of instruments and a drum kit and we all got to go and play up on stage with Jay Jay. What a super honor. I played bass behind a couple of tunes… very cool. – JW


The Audio Interview

This was written before the summit.

After speaking to Steve Farber, recently about his first ever Extreme Leadership Summit, I could see that this was going to be one of those life changing experiences that we just do not find in most conferences and summits nowadays.

Steve is cool enough, but he also offered to allow his speakers to interview with me before the event….  Great for me because, although I don’t do commercials or infomercials for people, I do love to create and share excellent and valuable content for you, and Steve and the speakers promised they would tell some cool stories and give me some great content and value to pass on to you. (And They Have!.. )

It is also great for Steve so that he can get the word out on this unbelievable summit. Steve has put together an Extreme Training Intensive… This is not another one of those sellathon weekends where speakers pitch you to buy at the back of the room…

Steve has brought his closest friends that have excelled in Extreme Leadership and he brings them to you so that you can learn what you need to know to accelerate your business and your life to never before foreseen heights.

I heard that Jay Jay and Steve had met at Liz Strauss’ SOBCon Event and was happy to hear that Jay Jay would be speaking at Steve’s Extreme Leadership Summit.

As a musician myself and a guitar player at that, it was sure exciting to get to speak with Jay Jay French the guitarist for the legendary Twisted Sister.

Jay Jay tells a great story and is quite candid and I found that there was really no question he was not willing to answer.

The big thing we discussed was how similar the music business is to other industries and how it takes the same qualities and systems and steps to place preparation into the path of opportunity.

Jay Jay, is a rock star that plays guitar in front of 70 to 80 thousand screaming fans at huge arenas and stadiums, but as the founder and also the manager of the band and others, Jay Jay is also a very savvy businessman, an entrepreneur and someone that has paid some dues.

Never thought I would say that some of the smartest business information I got came from a rock guitarist from a band with a name like Twisted Sister.

I want to thank Jay Jay for his time, for being a great guest and for spending some substantial time with me right after getting off his European Tour… Thanks Jay Jay. – JW


Jay Jay French

Jay Jay French is a human enigma. His playing has inspired countless guitarists all over the world, and 30+ years after founding Twisted Sister, he is truly a living legend.

As a manager, he has worked with such diverse artists as Sevendust, songwriters Andrew Fortier and David Forman, blues guitar legend Johnny Gale, jam band heroes The Sound Of Urchin, underground new york legends The Step Kings, and Fred Sargolini–the “FS” of the world-famous new york DJ duo, Ming & FS.

In his combined roles as a guitarist, manager, and producer, Jay Jay has been responsible for the sale of over 12 million records worldwide and has 39 gold and platinum albums from 8 different countries.

Jay Jay has been in the rock’n’roll circus for three decades, and knows both sides of the stage and the microphone; yet, he keeps away from the gossip headlines and glamour nonsense that the industry is so infected with. He’s a New Yorker, but more so an international player that impresses on all levels. He’s tough when he’s on a mission, but his dedication, knowledge and trust is unheard of.  Jay Jay is the real deal – both as a musician, producer and manager, and he’s known by many as one of the most genuine people working in the music industry today.

“At the end of the day, Rock and roll is a business with universal business rules. You need to posses the ability to look inside yourself, be honest with what you see, re-invent, and then re-apply. And be fully prepared to be knocked down again.”

PinkBurst Project

Jay Jay French’s Pinkburst Project Donates Over $110,000 to The Ocular Immunology and Uveitis Foundation

A total of $110,000 is being donated to The Ocular Immunology and Uveitis Foundation for ongoing research, education and support for those affected by Uveitis and other inflammatory eye diseases.

All custom guitars and amps in The Pinkburst Project collection were auctioned for sale during the Skinner Fine Musical Instruments on Sunday, May 1, 2011 in Boston, Massachusetts.

A benefit concert, “The Pinkburst Project: An Evening with Twisted Sister benefiting the Ocular Immunology and Uveitis Foundation” took place on Friday, April 29 at the Best Buy Theater in Times Square. Special guests included New York Yankee-great, Bernie Williams.

“When I embarked on the Pinkburst Project three and one-half years ago on behalf of my daughter Samantha and her struggle with her Uveitis, I did it at first to raise much needed money for research and a cure. I didn’t realize where that journey would take me.” stated French.

He continued, “The money raised of course is much needed but the media exposure and the realization that getting out the story could actually save people’s sight was something that I didn’t think about. Now I have come to realize that the combination of hard work, focus and the incredible help from so many people have created a social network of families who are fighting this disease and no longer feel like nobody in the world cares. People DO care.

The brotherhood of man has once again reached out to those in need and now the Pinkburst Project has given renewed hope to those afflicted that someday a cure may be found.”

“In spite of the fact that uveitis blinds thousands of patients every year, it remains “under the radar”, unknown by most and underappreciated even by many ophthalmologists as a cause of continuing misery and blindness. Raising awareness of this preventable tragedy among the public and educating eye doctors on the latest techniques proven to prevent blindness from uveitis is at the heart of the mission of the Ocular Immunology and Uveitis Foundation. The passion of Jay Jay French and of Twisted Sister in helping the Foundation in this matter is stunning, and our gratitude to them for this cannot be overstated.” Says. C. Stephen Foster, MD, President and Founder of the Ocular Immunology Uveitis Foundation.

Jay Jay French and Twisted Sister Websites
Twisted Sister
PinkBurst Project
PinkBurst on FaceBook


What is Extreme Leadership?

If you haven’t already noticed, ‘Leadership’ has become just another one of those pseudo-pop-psycho-cultural buzzwords.

Over time, its meaning has been diluted to such a profound degree, that it’s just another one of those labels we use when we really mean ‘The one with the big office.’ 

True leadership doesn’t come from a snappy vocabulary, the books you have on your shelf, your place on the organization chart, or any other fabrication.

Leadership is intensely personal, intrinsically scary, and it requires us to live up to and beyond the point of fear—every single day. – Steve Farber

Extreme Leadership Summit 2012

Steve and his team have crafted The Extreme Leadership Summit to be something unique, something special, something…well…extreme. And it’s unlike any leadership or personal development “event” you’ve been to before.

The Summit is not a pitch fest (where a bunch of speakers try to sell you stuff), and it’s not a parade of talking heads, to mix a metaphor, where you passively sit, watch the show, take notes, and go home.

This is an experience, a process.

Informed by our brilliant thought-leader-speaker-coaches and with the help of your fellow participants (in small, focused MasterMind Teams), you’ll build a significant, personal Extreme Leadership Action Plan–a plan that you’ll begin applying to your life and business immediately, before The Summit even ends.

And–unlike other events–the vast majority of our speakers will be attending the entire conference. With you. We’re all in this thing together.


Steve Farber

Steve Farber President and FounderThe Extreme Leadership Institute, Inc.

Tommy Spaulding

Tommy Spaulding PresidentSpaulding Companies LLC

Simon Billsberry Co-FounderKineticom

Sally Hogshead

Sally Hogshead Chief Fascination OfficerFascinate, Inc

Loren Slocum

Loren Slocum Founder/CEO/PresidentLobella International

Jay Jay French

Jay Jay French Founder/Manager/GuitaristTwisted Sister

Brian Mayne

Brian Mayne ChairmanLift International

Liz Strauss

Liz Strauss CEO and FounderSOBCon Business Conference

The Huffington Post named Liz to their Top 10 Influencers Alive List. Liz Strauss is a high energy master teacher, an über connector, an idea machine with bias toward action. Forbes named Liz Strauss to their Top 50 Social Media Power Influencers and Top 10 Women Social Media Influencers.

Agenda -Follow this link to get the full agenda [Click Here]

More Information………….

Steve Farber Steve Farber

A subject-matter expert in business leadership and a frequent guest on news-talk shows around the country, Farber is a senior-level leadership coach and consultant who has worked with and spoken to a wide variety of public and private organizations in virtually every arena, from the tech sector to financial services, manufacturing, health care, hospitality, entertainment, retail, and even the US government.

Leading from experience.

In 1989, after having run his own financial services company, Farber devoted his professional life to the field of leadership development and has been at it ever since.

Steve was director of service programs at TMI, an international training consultancy, and then worked for 6 years as Vice President and Official Mouthpiece (that’s what it said on his business card) of The Tom Peters Company where he met several of his mentors including author/gurus Tom Peters, Jim Kouzes, and Terry Pearce.

In 2000, Farber established his own company, Extreme Leadership, Inc, where he is president and CEO. He is also the co-founder of The Center for Social Profit Leadership, a non-profit organization formed to serve the leadership development needs of social entrepreneurs, and served as Vice Chairman on the Board of Directors of the world-renown, Up With People, a global leadership program for students from 18 to 29 years old.

A Universal Message.

“Approach the act of leadership as you’d approach an extreme sport: learn to love the fear and exhilaration that naturally comes with the territory.”

Steve Farber is the president of Extreme Leadership, Incorporated, and the founder of The Extreme Leadership Institute, organizations devoted to the cultivation and development of Extreme Leaders in the business community, non-profits and education.

His third book, Greater Than Yourself: The Ultimate Lesson In Leadership, was a Wall Street Journal® and USA Today® bestseller.

His second book, The Radical Edge: Stoke Your Business, Amp Your Life, and Change the World, was hailed as “a playbook for harnessing the power of the human spirit.”

And his first book, The Radical Leap: A Personal Lesson in Extreme Leadership, is already considered a classic in the leadership field. It received Fast Company magazine’s Readers’ Choice Award and was recently named one of the 100 Best Business Books of All Time. His newest edition, The Radical Leap Re-Energized: Doing What You Love in the Service of People Who Love What You Do, is in bookstores now.

Steve’s Books

book radical leap re-energized Steve Farber

The Radical Leap Re-Energized

is an expansion and revitalization of The Radical Leap, which was named as one of the 100 Best Business Books of All Time by Covert and Sattersten.

It’s a novel told in Steve Farber’s humorous, poignant, and original voice that takes the reader on a deep exploration of the qualities and practices of real, or Extreme Leadership, and how to apply them in daily life. Part One, The Radical Leap, explores the leadership elements of Love, Energy, Audacity, and Proof;

Part Two, The Radical Edge, takes the discussion deeper into innovation, personal clarity and guidelines for changing the world. It sets a new standard for what it means to really lead in today’s business world and beyond.

Steve Farber’s masterwork, The Radical Leap Re-Energized, is an inspired opus on what it means to be a leader of substance and significance. You’ll find yourself coming back to it again and again.” –Michael E. Ventling, Global CFO, Ernst & Young
Steve Farber leaps again. I was into it the first time. This time, I’m leaping with him!” –Chris Brogan, President Human Business Works

book greater than yourself steve farber

Greater Than Yourself

Too many people assume the timeless principles of true leadership—of helping others achieve their full potential—don’t apply Monday through Friday during work hours or in any circumstance where a paycheck is involved.

In GREATER THAN YOURSELF, Steve Farber proves them wrong: in this powerful and inspiring story, Farber shows that the goal of a genuine leader is to help others—teammates, employees, and colleagues—become more capable, confident, and accomplished than they are themselves. Through the actions of a forward-thinking and extraordinarily successful CEO, Farber reveals the three keys to achieving this: Expand Yourself, Give Yourself, and Replicate Yourself.

Filled with actionable principles and innovative ideas, GREATER THAN YOURSELF is perhaps the most powerful message today’s business leaders can learn.

Steve Farber Keynote Speaker

Leadership speaker and author, Steve Farber, has worked with a wide variety of public and private organizations in virtually every arena, from the tech sector to financial services, manufacturing, health care, hospitality, entertainment, retail, government agencies and more.

And whatever the audience, Steve’s speeches are always deeply thought-provoking and eminently practical, as well as inspiring and entertaining—a combination of qualities that are a must for any successful conference or meeting.

These are just a few of the great programs Steve presents to different organizations.
Steve Farber can be Found At:


Extreme Leadership Summit 2012

August 17th – 19th
San Diego, California

Brian Mayne on Goal Mapping and Extreme Leadership

Inspirational Speaker, Author and creator of the world-leading achievement system Goal Mapping, Talks To Us About His System Born From His Incredible Life Story, his Books and….

About Bestselling Author Steve Farber’s Extreme Leadership Summit where he will be speaking in August 17th – 19th in San Diego, CA

Steve Farber is such a cool guy. I often report on conferences that….

Register for Extreme Leadership Summit

I think are exciting or that I really got a lot out of or just really think you should know about.

After speaking to Steve recently about his first ever Extreme Leadership Summit, I could see that this was going to be one of those life changing experiences that we just do not find in most conferences and summits nowadays.

Steve is cool enough, but he also offered to allow his speakers to interview with me before the event….  Great for me because, although I don’t do commercials or infomercials for people, I do love to create and share excellent and valuable content for you, and Steve and the speakers promised they would tell some cool stories and give me some great content and value to pass on to you. (And They Have!.. )

It is also great for Steve so that he can get the word out on this unbelievable summit. Steve has put together an Extreme Training Intensive… This is not another one of those sellathon weekends where speakers pitch you to buy at the back of the room…

Steve has brought his closest friends that have excelled in Extreme Leadership and he brings them to you so that you can learn what you need to know to accelerate your business and your life to never before foreseen heights.

I have to admit I had never heard of Brian Mayne until he was mentioned to me by Steve Farber, but what a treat he is.

I sat on the phone listening to Brian tell me about his past as a literal gypsy who did not learn to read or write till age 30! Then he wrote four, count them, four, very well received books. Amazing!

But what is more amazing is this formally illiterate gypsy devises a system of goal setting and achievement that rivals any system I have seen by far, and I have seen a few.

Brian realized that many of us get all the information we need to be successful, but some of us implement and others don’t. Brian incorporates all the sciences of the left and right brain in an easy to follow and understand program that allows you fully integrate, and if you choose, to apply his teachings into your life which will propel your success into the next dimension.

I was impressed at how simple, yet comprehensive Brian’s Goal Mapping program is.

I want to thank Steve for the connection to Brian, this was an eye opening interview that really gets me excited about going and meeting Brian and learning from him at the Extreme Leadership Summit. Also thank you to Brian for the time he allowed me and for how open and authentic he was in this interview. – JW

Brian Mayne

An inspirational speaker, author and teacher, Brian Mayne, creator of the world-leading achievement system Goal Mapping, shares eternal truths on success with simple language and from his own powerful life experience.

Born into a traveling fun-fair family with a nomadic childhood, Brian left school early with no qualifications and a poor education. When the family business failed in the UK recession of the late 1980s, he lost what seemed like everything–his income, his home and his marriage. He was 29 years old, a million pounds in debt, and still relatively unable to read or write.

Brian worked hard to teach himself how to read and write and started on a path to find discover how to be successful in order to get himself out of his great debt and get off the dark path he was on. After learning how to read, Brian read everything he could get his hands on, his favorite being personal development. One day Brian had an epiphany about how to map out his goals using words and pictures and he developed a seven step process he called Goal Mapping that allowed him to get himself out of debt, write four books and create a successful business showing others the programs that changed his life.

His core message of personal leadership through the practice of self response-ability and purpose led motivation have proven as effective and popular with the corporate world as it has with educationalists and the crowds who come to experience his public presentations.

As chairman of Lift International Brian is now actively involved in the process of developing and delivering the very finest empowerment material available. His seminars and workshops, like his acclaimed books Sam the Magic Genie and Goal Mapping are both clear in their message and practical in their application. Directed by a principle-centred philosophy, and clothed in the language of success psychology, Brian empowers his audiences with the very latest ‘human development’ technologies.

Amongst his many systems for success, Goal Mapping and Life Mapping have enabled him to help people create and steer change within their lives, winning him the gratitude of his audiences, and a place on the world stage of public speaking.

“One of mankind’s greatest fears is that of uncertain change. In reality, the only future thing, of which we can be absolutely certain, is that there will be continuing change to our lives. Learning how to steer the changes of life, towards the things that you desire, is my definition of success – teaching people how to do it, has become my passion and my life’s mission,”  Brian Mayne

Brian’s Books

Product Details

Product Details

Product Details

Brian Mayne’s Websites
Lift International


What is Extreme Leadership?

If you haven’t already noticed, ‘Leadership’ has become just another one of those pseudo-pop-psycho-cultural buzzwords.

Over time, its meaning has been diluted to such a profound degree, that it’s just another one of those labels we use when we really mean ‘The one with the big office.’ 

True leadership doesn’t come from a snappy vocabulary, the books you have on your shelf, your place on the organization chart, or any other fabrication.

Leadership is intensely personal, intrinsically scary, and it requires us to live up to and beyond the point of fear—every single day. – Steve Farber

Extreme Leadership Summit 2012

Steve and his team have crafted The Extreme Leadership Summit to be something unique, something special, something…well…extreme. And it’s unlike any leadership or personal development “event” you’ve been to before.

The Summit is not a pitch fest (where a bunch of speakers try to sell you stuff), and it’s not a parade of talking heads, to mix a metaphor, where you passively sit, watch the show, take notes, and go home.

Register for Extreme Leadership SummitThis is an experience, a process.

Informed by our brilliant thought-leader-speaker-coaches and with the help of your fellow participants (in small, focused MasterMind Teams), you’ll build a significant, personal Extreme Leadership Action Plan–a plan that you’ll begin applying to your life and business immediately, before The Summit even ends.

And–unlike other events–the vast majority of our speakers will be attending the entire conference. With you. We’re all in this thing together.


Steve Farber

Steve Farber President and FounderThe Extreme Leadership Institute, Inc.

Tommy Spaulding

Tommy Spaulding PresidentSpaulding Companies LLC

Simon Billsberry

Simon Billsberry Co-FounderKineticom

Sally Hogshead

Sally Hogshead Chief Fascination OfficerFascinate, Inc

Loren Slocum

Loren Slocum Founder/CEO/PresidentLobella International

Jay Jay French

Jay Jay French Founder/Manager/GuitaristTwisted Sister

Brian Mayne

Brian Mayne ChairmanLift International

Liz Strauss

Liz Strauss CEO and FounderSOBCon Business Conference

The Huffington Post named Liz to their Top 10 Influencers Alive List. Liz Strauss is a high energy master teacher, an über connector, an idea machine with bias toward action. Forbes named Liz Strauss to their Top 50 Social Media Power Influencers and Top 10 Women Social Media Influencers.

Agenda -Follow this link to get the full agenda [Click Here]

More Information………….

Steve Farber Steve Farber

A subject-matter expert in business leadership and a frequent guest on news-talk shows around the country, Farber is a senior-level leadership coach and consultant who has worked with and spoken to a wide variety of public and private organizations in virtually every arena, from the tech sector to financial services, manufacturing, health care, hospitality, entertainment, retail, and even the US government.

Leading from experience.

In 1989, after having run his own financial services company, Farber devoted his professional life to the field of leadership development and has been at it ever since.

Steve was director of service programs at TMI, an international training consultancy, and then worked for 6 years as Vice President and Official Mouthpiece (that’s what it said on his business card) of The Tom Peters Company where he met several of his mentors including author/gurus Tom Peters, Jim Kouzes, and Terry Pearce.

In 2000, Farber established his own company, Extreme Leadership, Inc, where he is president and CEO. He is also the co-founder of The Center for Social Profit Leadership, a non-profit organization formed to serve the leadership development needs of social entrepreneurs, and served as Vice Chairman on the Board of Directors of the world-renown, Up With People, a global leadership program for students from 18 to 29 years old.

A Universal Message.

“Approach the act of leadership as you’d approach an extreme sport: learn to love the fear and exhilaration that naturally comes with the territory.”

Steve Farber is the president of Extreme Leadership, Incorporated, and the founder of The Extreme Leadership Institute, organizations devoted to the cultivation and development of Extreme Leaders in the business community, non-profits and education.

His third book, Greater Than Yourself: The Ultimate Lesson In Leadership, was a Wall Street Journal® and USA Today® bestseller.

His second book, The Radical Edge: Stoke Your Business, Amp Your Life, and Change the World, was hailed as “a playbook for harnessing the power of the human spirit.”

And his first book, The Radical Leap: A Personal Lesson in Extreme Leadership, is already considered a classic in the leadership field. It received Fast Company magazine’s Readers’ Choice Award and was recently named one of the 100 Best Business Books of All Time. His newest edition, The Radical Leap Re-Energized: Doing What You Love in the Service of People Who Love What You Do, is in bookstores now.

Steve’s Books

book radical leap re-energized Steve Farber

The Radical Leap Re-Energized

is an expansion and revitalization of The Radical Leap, which was named as one of the 100 Best Business Books of All Time by Covert and Sattersten.

It’s a novel told in Steve Farber’s humorous, poignant, and original voice that takes the reader on a deep exploration of the qualities and practices of real, or Extreme Leadership, and how to apply them in daily life. Part One, The Radical Leap, explores the leadership elements of Love, Energy, Audacity, and Proof;

Part Two, The Radical Edge, takes the discussion deeper into innovation, personal clarity and guidelines for changing the world. It sets a new standard for what it means to really lead in today’s business world and beyond.

Steve Farber’s masterwork, The Radical Leap Re-Energized, is an inspired opus on what it means to be a leader of substance and significance. You’ll find yourself coming back to it again and again.” –Michael E. Ventling, Global CFO, Ernst & Young
Steve Farber leaps again. I was into it the first time. This time, I’m leaping with him!” –Chris Brogan, President Human Business Works

book greater than yourself steve farber

Greater Than Yourself

Too many people assume the timeless principles of true leadership—of helping others achieve their full potential—don’t apply Monday through Friday during work hours or in any circumstance where a paycheck is involved.

In GREATER THAN YOURSELF, Steve Farber proves them wrong: in this powerful and inspiring story, Farber shows that the goal of a genuine leader is to help others—teammates, employees, and colleagues—become more capable, confident, and accomplished than they are themselves. Through the actions of a forward-thinking and extraordinarily successful CEO, Farber reveals the three keys to achieving this: Expand Yourself, Give Yourself, and Replicate Yourself.

Filled with actionable principles and innovative ideas, GREATER THAN YOURSELF is perhaps the most powerful message today’s business leaders can learn.

Steve Farber Keynote Speaker

Leadership speaker and author, Steve Farber, has worked with a wide variety of public and private organizations in virtually every arena, from the tech sector to financial services, manufacturing, health care, hospitality, entertainment, retail, government agencies and more.

And whatever the audience, Steve’s speeches are always deeply thought-provoking and eminently practical, as well as inspiring and entertaining—a combination of qualities that are a must for any successful conference or meeting.

These are just a few of the great programs Steve presents to different organizations.

The Radical Leap

Extreme Leadership at Work and Beyond

Based on the book named as one of The 100 Best Business Books of All Time

In this chaotic and extreme age, business leaders must demonstrate an unprecedented level of passion, determination, foresight, dedication, and fearlessness. In this wildly popular speech, leadership speaker, Steve Farber, shows you how to use the LEAP framework – Love, Energy, Audacity and Proof to radically improve your organization and your life.

Greater Than Yourself

3 Steps to Attaining the New Gold Standard of Leadership

The truly great leaders in life and work become so by causing others to be greater than themselves. In this program—based on his new book, Greater Than Yourself—leadership speaker, Steve Farber, shows that dedicating yourself to bringing others along so that they can achieve more than you is the ultimate way to boost talent, ramp productivity and create truly significant current and future leaders.

Radical Accountability

Making the Leap From Individual Contributor to Extreme Leader

Whatever the challenge at your company—improving customer service, coping with change, inspiring transformation, improving corporate culture, recruiting and retaining great talent, building teamwork, fostering innovation—it all comes down to this: someone has to do something significant and enlist others to help. Someone, in other words, has to take accountability. Someone has to lead. And it doesn’t have to be the boss. Leadership, ultimately, has nothing to do with the title on your business card or your position on the organizational chart. It’s about who you are and what you do to change things for the better—regardless of your “place” in the company.

Steve Farber can be Found At:


Extreme Leadership Summit 2012

August 17th – 19th
San Diego, California

Register for Extreme Leadership Summit

Tommy Spaulding on Return on Relationship and Extreme Leadership

Tommy SpauldingNY Times, USA Today and WSJ Bestselling Author, Speaker, Consultant, Tommy Spaulding sits down to tell us about his Book and….

About Bestselling Author Steve Farber’s Extreme Leadership Summit where he will be speaking in August 17th – 19th in San Diego, CA

Steve Farber is such a cool guy. I often report on conferences that….

Register for Extreme Leadership Summit

I think are exciting or that I really got a lot out of or just really think you should know about.

After speaking to Steve recently about his first ever Extreme Leadership Summit, I could see that this was going to be one of those life changing experiences that we just do not find in most conferences and summits nowadays.

Steve is cool enough, but he also offered to allow his speakers to interview with me before the event….  Great for me because, although I don’t do commercials or infomercials for people, I do love to create and share excellent and valuable content for you, and Steve and the speakers promised they would tell some cool stories and give me some great content and value to pass on to you. (And They Have!.. )

It is also great for Steve so that he can get the word out on this unbelievable summit. Steve has put together an Extreme Training Intensive… This is not another one of those sellathon weekends where speakers pitch you to buy at the back of the room…

Steve has brought his closest friends that have excelled in Extreme Leadership and he brings them to you so that you can learn what you need to know to accelerate your business and your life to never before foreseen heights.

I was so happy to get Tommy Spaulding on with me. His book “Its Not Just Who You Know” is a bestseller and for a good reason. The info in this book is priceless. I thought I was a great networker.. I learned so much about what I was doing right, but more importantly, what I was doing wrong and this will create a major shift for me…

Sit back and listen to this extraordinary interview with Tommy Spaulding and don’t forget to register for this once in a lifetime event. The event is the first of it’s kind by Steve and he is not promising another…. Also do not forget to check out the speaker list. Tommy is just one of several top of the top speakers for this event.

A big thank you to Tommy as we had some issues getting this call together and appreciate his patience and fun loving attitude throughout the process  – JW

Tommy SpauldingTommy Spaulding

Tommy Spaulding is president of the Spaulding Companies LLC, a national leadership development, speaking, training, consulting and executive coaching organization.  A world-renowned speaker on leadership, Spaulding has spoken to hundreds of organizations, associations, schools, and corporations around the globe. His new book, It’s Not Just Who You Know (Transform Your Life and Your Organization by Turning Colleagues and Contacts into Lasting, Genuine Relationships), published by Random House, is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal and USA Today national bestseller.  

Spaulding rose to become the youngest president and CEO of the world-renowned leadership organization, Up with People (2005-2008).  In 2000, Tommy Spaulding founded Leader’s Challenge, which grew to become the largest high school civic and leadership program in the state of Colorado. He is also the founder & president of the Spaulding Leadership Institute (, a non-profit leadership development organization which runs the National Leadership Academy, a national high school summer leadership academy, as well as Kid’s Challenge, Global Challenge and Colorado Close-Up.

Previously, Spaulding was the Business Partner Sales Manager at IBM/Lotus Development and a member of the Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) program.

Spaulding received a BA in Political Science from East Carolina University (1992); an MBA from Bond University in Australia (1998), where he was a Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar; and an MA in Non-Profit Management from Regis University (2005), where he was a Colorado Trust Fellow.  In 2007, Spaulding received an Honorary PhD in Humanities from the Art Institute of Colorado.  In 2002, he received the Denver Business Journal’s “Forty under 40 Award.”

In 2006, Spaulding was awarded East Carolina University’s “Outstanding Alumni Award,” the highest distinction awarded to an alumnus of the university.  Spaulding is the Chairman of East Carolina University’s External Leadership Advisory Board and is the university’s first “Leader in Residence.”

book its not just who you know tommy spauldingIt’s Not Just Who You Know

#2 New York Times Bestseller
#2 Wall Street Journal
#1 USA Today

In It’s Not Just Who You Know, Tommy Spaulding — the former CEO of Up with People — has written the new How to Win Friends & Influence People for the twenty-first century. Success — in business and in life — is all about relationships. In this powerful guide, Spaulding takes Dale Carnegie’s classic philosophy to the next level, showing how, by developing deeper relationships through giving to others and putting them first, we benefit as well.

Tommy Spaulding learned at a very young age that he was not destined to be an academic star. He may have gotten a 4.0, but only if he added his high school and college GPAs together. The reason he found academics so challenging, Tommy discovered, is that he is dyslexic. But his dyslexia didn’t hold him back — in fact, it helped him to develop his innate talents. Tommy is a natural leader; he realized early on that he had the ability to connect with people, whatever their ages or backgrounds. As a teenager, he received a copy of How to Win Friends & Influence People from his father, and it quickly became his guide to building relationship skills.

Tommy developed into a leader in his school and community. His horizons expanded dramatically when he traveled the world as a cast member for Up with People, one of the largest nonprofit international leadership organizations in the world. After graduating from college and business school, he became an executive and eventually CEO of Up with People.

At every step, Tommy learned that the secret to achieving your full potential in life is reaching out for the support and insight and influence of others. None of us achieve success alone. We need the help of other people. In this candid, revealing, and deeply personal book, Tommy expands upon the principles that Dale Carnegie outlined seventy-five years ago and shows us how to take them one step further. To invite others to be partners in our lives and successes, Tommy notes, you first have to be genuinely interested in other people. Among the insights Tommy discusses in the book:

  • It’s not just who you know, or what they can do for you, but what you can do for them.
  • Motives matter.
  • Establishing a deeper connection is about authenticity, not manipulation; reciprocity, not selfishness.
  • Every relationship is a two-way street; we never know when a chance encounter can change the direction of our lives.

In the bestselling tradition of Dale Carnegie’s classic, It’s Not Just Who You Knowshows how each one of us can use the power of “netgiving” — of helping others — to expand our worlds and achieve our goals, and make a difference in our jobs, our careers, and our communities.

Tommy Spaulding’s Websites


What is Extreme Leadership?

If you haven’t already noticed, ‘Leadership’ has become just another one of those pseudo-pop-psycho-cultural buzzwords.

Over time, its meaning has been diluted to such a profound degree, that it’s just another one of those labels we use when we really mean ‘The one with the big office.’ 

True leadership doesn’t come from a snappy vocabulary, the books you have on your shelf, your place on the organization chart, or any other fabrication.

Leadership is intensely personal, intrinsically scary, and it requires us to live up to and beyond the point of fear—every single day. – Steve Farber

Extreme Leadership Summit 2012

Steve and his team have crafted The Extreme Leadership Summit to be something unique, something special, something…well…extreme. And it’s unlike any leadership or personal development “event” you’ve been to before.

The Summit is not a pitch fest (where a bunch of speakers try to sell you stuff), and it’s not a parade of talking heads, to mix a metaphor, where you passively sit, watch the show, take notes, and go home.

Register for Extreme Leadership SummitThis is an experience, a process.

Informed by our brilliant thought-leader-speaker-coaches and with the help of your fellow participants (in small, focused MasterMind Teams), you’ll build a significant, personal Extreme Leadership Action Plan–a plan that you’ll begin applying to your life and business immediately, before The Summit even ends.

And–unlike other events–the vast majority of our speakers will be attending the entire conference. With you. We’re all in this thing together.


Steve Farber

Steve Farber President and FounderThe Extreme Leadership Institute, Inc.

Tommy Spaulding

Tommy Spaulding PresidentSpaulding Companies LLC

Simon Billsberry

Simon Billsberry Co-FounderKineticom

Sally Hogshead

Sally Hogshead Chief Fascination OfficerFascinate, Inc

Loren Slocum

Loren Slocum Founder/CEO/PresidentLobella International

Jay Jay French

Jay Jay French Founder/Manager/GuitaristTwisted Sister

Brian Mayne

Brian Mayne ChairmanLift International

Liz Strauss

Liz Strauss CEO and FounderSOBCon Business Conference

The Huffington Post named Liz to their Top 10 Influencers Alive List. Liz Strauss is a high energy master teacher, an über connector, an idea machine with bias toward action. Forbes named Liz Strauss to their Top 50 Social Media Power Influencers and Top 10 Women Social Media Influencers.

Agenda -Follow this link to get the full agenda [Click Here]

More Information………….

Steve Farber Steve Farber

A subject-matter expert in business leadership and a frequent guest on news-talk shows around the country, Farber is a senior-level leadership coach and consultant who has worked with and spoken to a wide variety of public and private organizations in virtually every arena, from the tech sector to financial services, manufacturing, health care, hospitality, entertainment, retail, and even the US government.

Leading from experience.

In 1989, after having run his own financial services company, Farber devoted his professional life to the field of leadership development and has been at it ever since.

Steve was director of service programs at TMI, an international training consultancy, and then worked for 6 years as Vice President and Official Mouthpiece (that’s what it said on his business card) of The Tom Peters Company where he met several of his mentors including author/gurus Tom Peters, Jim Kouzes, and Terry Pearce.

In 2000, Farber established his own company, Extreme Leadership, Inc, where he is president and CEO. He is also the co-founder of The Center for Social Profit Leadership, a non-profit organization formed to serve the leadership development needs of social entrepreneurs, and served as Vice Chairman on the Board of Directors of the world-renown, Up With People, a global leadership program for students from 18 to 29 years old.

A Universal Message.

“Approach the act of leadership as you’d approach an extreme sport: learn to love the fear and exhilaration that naturally comes with the territory.”

Steve Farber is the president of Extreme Leadership, Incorporated, and the founder of The Extreme Leadership Institute, organizations devoted to the cultivation and development of Extreme Leaders in the business community, non-profits and education.

His third book, Greater Than Yourself: The Ultimate Lesson In Leadership, was a Wall Street Journal® and USA Today® bestseller.

His second book, The Radical Edge: Stoke Your Business, Amp Your Life, and Change the World, was hailed as “a playbook for harnessing the power of the human spirit.”

And his first book, The Radical Leap: A Personal Lesson in Extreme Leadership, is already considered a classic in the leadership field. It received Fast Company magazine’s Readers’ Choice Award and was recently named one of the 100 Best Business Books of All Time. His newest edition, The Radical Leap Re-Energized: Doing What You Love in the Service of People Who Love What You Do, is in bookstores now.

Steve’s Books

book radical leap re-energized Steve Farber

The Radical Leap Re-Energized

is an expansion and revitalization of The Radical Leap, which was named as one of the 100 Best Business Books of All Time by Covert and Sattersten.

It’s a novel told in Steve Farber’s humorous, poignant, and original voice that takes the reader on a deep exploration of the qualities and practices of real, or Extreme Leadership, and how to apply them in daily life. Part One, The Radical Leap, explores the leadership elements of Love, Energy, Audacity, and Proof;

Part Two, The Radical Edge, takes the discussion deeper into innovation, personal clarity and guidelines for changing the world. It sets a new standard for what it means to really lead in today’s business world and beyond.

Steve Farber’s masterwork, The Radical Leap Re-Energized, is an inspired opus on what it means to be a leader of substance and significance. You’ll find yourself coming back to it again and again.” –Michael E. Ventling, Global CFO, Ernst & Young
Steve Farber leaps again. I was into it the first time. This time, I’m leaping with him!” –Chris Brogan, President Human Business Works

book greater than yourself steve farber

Greater Than Yourself

Too many people assume the timeless principles of true leadership—of helping others achieve their full potential—don’t apply Monday through Friday during work hours or in any circumstance where a paycheck is involved.

In GREATER THAN YOURSELF, Steve Farber proves them wrong: in this powerful and inspiring story, Farber shows that the goal of a genuine leader is to help others—teammates, employees, and colleagues—become more capable, confident, and accomplished than they are themselves. Through the actions of a forward-thinking and extraordinarily successful CEO, Farber reveals the three keys to achieving this: Expand Yourself, Give Yourself, and Replicate Yourself.

Filled with actionable principles and innovative ideas, GREATER THAN YOURSELF is perhaps the most powerful message today’s business leaders can learn.

Steve Farber Keynote Speaker

Leadership speaker and author, Steve Farber, has worked with a wide variety of public and private organizations in virtually every arena, from the tech sector to financial services, manufacturing, health care, hospitality, entertainment, retail, government agencies and more.

And whatever the audience, Steve’s speeches are always deeply thought-provoking and eminently practical, as well as inspiring and entertaining—a combination of qualities that are a must for any successful conference or meeting.

These are just a few of the great programs Steve presents to different organizations.

The Radical Leap

Extreme Leadership at Work and Beyond

Based on the book named as one of The 100 Best Business Books of All Time

In this chaotic and extreme age, business leaders must demonstrate an unprecedented level of passion, determination, foresight, dedication, and fearlessness. In this wildly popular speech, leadership speaker, Steve Farber, shows you how to use the LEAP framework – Love, Energy, Audacity and Proof to radically improve your organization and your life.

Greater Than Yourself

3 Steps to Attaining the New Gold Standard of Leadership

The truly great leaders in life and work become so by causing others to be greater than themselves. In this program—based on his new book, Greater Than Yourself—leadership speaker, Steve Farber, shows that dedicating yourself to bringing others along so that they can achieve more than you is the ultimate way to boost talent, ramp productivity and create truly significant current and future leaders.

Radical Accountability

Making the Leap From Individual Contributor to Extreme Leader

Whatever the challenge at your company—improving customer service, coping with change, inspiring transformation, improving corporate culture, recruiting and retaining great talent, building teamwork, fostering innovation—it all comes down to this: someone has to do something significant and enlist others to help. Someone, in other words, has to take accountability. Someone has to lead. And it doesn’t have to be the boss. Leadership, ultimately, has nothing to do with the title on your business card or your position on the organizational chart. It’s about who you are and what you do to change things for the better—regardless of your “place” in the company.

Steve Farber can be Found At:


Extreme Leadership Summit 2012

August 17th – 19th
San Diego, California

Register for Extreme Leadership Summit

Steve Farber Extreme Leadership Summit Aug 17th – 19th in San Diego

Bestselling Author, Speaker, Consultant, Steve Farber sits down to tell us about his new Leadership Summit.

Steve Farber is extremely well known for his knowledge of what it takes to be a leader and for how to teach people how to be Extreme Leaders.

I heard that Steve was doing this Extreme Leadership Summit and I said, Sign Me Up!

Register for Extreme Leadership Summit

I met Steve Farber through Liz Strauss and Liz said “JW you need to interview Steve…” Well when Liz tells me to do something, I listen. She is one smart lady and she never says anything just to hear herself talk.

I had not read Steve’s book at that point and so the interview was from the view of… “o what’s your book about Steve?”

I was intrigued by what Steve was saying and after reading his book I get it. Extreme Leadership is more than being able to tell a couple people what to do and order some people around… it is about  Stoking Your Business, Amping Your Life and Changing the World.

Marianne Wiliamson said “Your playing small does not serve the world” and this is your chance to network, meet and play full on with people that will change your life.

Steve Thank You for putting this together, thank you for your time and thank you for wanting to share at a deeper level. – JW

What is Extreme Leadership?

If you haven’t already noticed, ‘Leadership’ has become just another one of those pseudo-pop-psycho-cultural buzzwords.

Over time, its meaning has been diluted to such a profound degree, that it’s just another one of those labels we use when we really mean ‘The one with the big office.’ 

True leadership doesn’t come from a snappy vocabulary, the books you have on your shelf, your place on the organization chart, or any other fabrication.

Leadership is intensely personal, intrinsically scary, and it requires us to live up to and beyond the point of fear—every single day. – Steve Farber

Extreme Leadership Summit 2012

We’ve crafted The Extreme Leadership Summit to be something unique, something special, something…well…extreme. And it’s unlike any leadership or personal development “event” you’ve been to before.

The Summit is not a pitch fest (where a bunch of speakers try to sell you stuff), and it’s not a parade of talking heads, to mix a metaphor, where you passively sit, watch the show, take notes, and go home.

Register for Extreme Leadership SummitThis is an experience, a process.

Informed by our brilliant thought-leader-speaker-coaches and with the help of your fellow participants (in small, focused MasterMind Teams), you’ll build a significant, personal Extreme Leadership Action Plan–a plan that you’ll begin applying to your life and business immediately, before The Summit even ends.

And–unlike other events–the vast majority of our speakers will be attending the entire conference. With you. We’re all in this thing together.


Steve Farber

Steve Farber President and FounderThe Extreme Leadership Institute, Inc.

Tommy Spaulding

Tommy Spaulding PresidentSpaulding Companies LLC

Simon Billsberry

Simon Billsberry Co-FounderKineticom

Sally Hogshead

Sally Hogshead Chief Fascination OfficerFascinate, Inc

Loren Slocum

Loren Slocum Founder/CEO/PresidentLobella International

Jay Jay French

Jay Jay French Founder/Manager/GuitaristTwisted Sister

Brian Mayne

Brian Mayne ChairmanLift International

Liz Strauss

Liz Strauss CEO and FounderSOBCon Business Conference

The Huffington Post named Liz to their Top 10 Influencers Alive List. Liz Strauss is a high energy master teacher, an über connector, an idea machine with bias toward action. Forbes named Liz Strauss to their Top 50 Social Media Power Influencers and Top 10 Women Social Media Influencers.

Agenda -Follow this link to get the full agenda [Click Here]

More Information………….

Steve Farber Steve Farber

A subject-matter expert in business leadership and a frequent guest on news-talk shows around the country, Farber is a senior-level leadership coach and consultant who has worked with and spoken to a wide variety of public and private organizations in virtually every arena, from the tech sector to financial services, manufacturing, health care, hospitality, entertainment, retail, and even the US government.

Leading from experience.

In 1989, after having run his own financial services company, Farber devoted his professional life to the field of leadership development and has been at it ever since.

Steve was director of service programs at TMI, an international training consultancy, and then worked for 6 years as Vice President and Official Mouthpiece (that’s what it said on his business card) of The Tom Peters Company where he met several of his mentors including author/gurus Tom Peters, Jim Kouzes, and Terry Pearce.

In 2000, Farber established his own company, Extreme Leadership, Inc, where he is president and CEO. He is also the co-founder of The Center for Social Profit Leadership, a non-profit organization formed to serve the leadership development needs of social entrepreneurs, and served as Vice Chairman on the Board of Directors of the world-renown, Up With People, a global leadership program for students from 18 to 29 years old.

A Universal Message.

“Approach the act of leadership as you’d approach an extreme sport: learn to love the fear and exhilaration that naturally comes with the territory.”

Steve Farber is the president of Extreme Leadership, Incorporated, and the founder of The Extreme Leadership Institute, organizations devoted to the cultivation and development of Extreme Leaders in the business community, non-profits and education.

His third book, Greater Than Yourself: The Ultimate Lesson In Leadership, was a Wall Street Journal® and USA Today® bestseller.

His second book, The Radical Edge: Stoke Your Business, Amp Your Life, and Change the World, was hailed as “a playbook for harnessing the power of the human spirit.”

And his first book, The Radical Leap: A Personal Lesson in Extreme Leadership, is already considered a classic in the leadership field. It received Fast Company magazine’s Readers’ Choice Award and was recently named one of the 100 Best Business Books of All Time. His newest edition, The Radical Leap Re-Energized: Doing What You Love in the Service of People Who Love What You Do, is in bookstores now.

Steve’s Books

book radical leap re-energized Steve Farber

The Radical Leap Re-Energized

is an expansion and revitalization of The Radical Leap, which was named as one of the 100 Best Business Books of All Time by Covert and Sattersten.

It’s a novel told in Steve Farber’s humorous, poignant, and original voice that takes the reader on a deep exploration of the qualities and practices of real, or Extreme Leadership, and how to apply them in daily life. Part One, The Radical Leap, explores the leadership elements of Love, Energy, Audacity, and Proof;

Part Two, The Radical Edge, takes the discussion deeper into innovation, personal clarity and guidelines for changing the world. It sets a new standard for what it means to really lead in today’s business world and beyond.

Steve Farber’s masterwork, The Radical Leap Re-Energized, is an inspired opus on what it means to be a leader of substance and significance. You’ll find yourself coming back to it again and again.” –Michael E. Ventling, Global CFO, Ernst & Young
Steve Farber leaps again. I was into it the first time. This time, I’m leaping with him!” –Chris Brogan, President Human Business Works

book greater than yourself steve farber

Greater Than Yourself

Too many people assume the timeless principles of true leadership—of helping others achieve their full potential—don’t apply Monday through Friday during work hours or in any circumstance where a paycheck is involved.

In GREATER THAN YOURSELF, Steve Farber proves them wrong: in this powerful and inspiring story, Farber shows that the goal of a genuine leader is to help others—teammates, employees, and colleagues—become more capable, confident, and accomplished than they are themselves. Through the actions of a forward-thinking and extraordinarily successful CEO, Farber reveals the three keys to achieving this: Expand Yourself, Give Yourself, and Replicate Yourself.

Filled with actionable principles and innovative ideas, GREATER THAN YOURSELF is perhaps the most powerful message today’s business leaders can learn.

Steve Farber Keynote Speaker

Leadership speaker and author, Steve Farber, has worked with a wide variety of public and private organizations in virtually every arena, from the tech sector to financial services, manufacturing, health care, hospitality, entertainment, retail, government agencies and more.

And whatever the audience, Steve’s speeches are always deeply thought-provoking and eminently practical, as well as inspiring and entertaining—a combination of qualities that are a must for any successful conference or meeting.

These are just a few of the great programs Steve presents to different organizations.

The Radical Leap

Extreme Leadership at Work and Beyond

Based on the book named as one of The 100 Best Business Books of All Time

In this chaotic and extreme age, business leaders must demonstrate an unprecedented level of passion, determination, foresight, dedication, and fearlessness. In this wildly popular speech, leadership speaker, Steve Farber, shows you how to use the LEAP framework – Love, Energy, Audacity and Proof to radically improve your organization and your life.

Greater Than Yourself

3 Steps to Attaining the New Gold Standard of Leadership

The truly great leaders in life and work become so by causing others to be greater than themselves. In this program—based on his new book, Greater Than Yourself—leadership speaker, Steve Farber, shows that dedicating yourself to bringing others along so that they can achieve more than you is the ultimate way to boost talent, ramp productivity and create truly significant current and future leaders.

Radical Accountability

Making the Leap From Individual Contributor to Extreme Leader

Whatever the challenge at your company—improving customer service, coping with change, inspiring transformation, improving corporate culture, recruiting and retaining great talent, building teamwork, fostering innovation—it all comes down to this: someone has to do something significant and enlist others to help. Someone, in other words, has to take accountability. Someone has to lead. And it doesn’t have to be the boss. Leadership, ultimately, has nothing to do with the title on your business card or your position on the organizational chart. It’s about who you are and what you do to change things for the better—regardless of your “place” in the company.

Steve Farber can be Found At:


Extreme Leadership Summit 2012

August 17th – 19th
San Diego, California

Register for Extreme Leadership Summit

Literary Agent Bruce Barbour on Submitting Your Book to Publish

Long Time Literary Agent Bruce Barbour Talks About How To Submit Your Book or Story

Literary veteran Bruce Barbour talks to OPM about how to submit your book to him.

I met Bruce at the incredible Author 101 Event in Los Angeles. This interview is well overdue since I recorded in in 2011, but the information has not changed.

Bruce is a veteran literary agent and he tells it like it is, about getting your book to him. What he wants to see, how he wants to see it and many more tips and suggestions to make sure you get your stuff read and taken seriously. JW

Bruce Barbour Literary AgentBruce Barbour

Excellence in Literary Management

Bruce R Barbour has been active in book publishing for thirty years.

Known to friends and colleagues as “BRB”, Bruce is the fourth generation of a publishing family that has served authors and publishers for nearly 140 years.

In 1870, his great-grand uncles, Fleming H. Revell and Dwight Moody, started publishing Christian books. Following in the footsteps of his great-grand uncles, grandfather, and father, Bruce joined the Fleming H. Revell Company in 1975 after graduating with honors from Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA.

He has held executive positions at several publishing houses including Fleming H Revell Company (family owned-business sold in 1979), Barbour and Company (co-founded and Exec VP in 1983-1986), Thomas Nelson (VP, Publisher, 1986-1993), and Random House (VP, Publisher 1994-1996).

In 1997, Bruce founded Literary Management Group, Inc., a full service literary agency and publishing consulting firm that has represented best-selling authors and properties including Zig Ziglar, Sandra Felton and The Beginner’s Bible and consulted with publishing houses including Thomas Nelson, Zondervan, Gospel Light, Pneuma Life, Legacy, New Hope, White Stone Books and others.

Literary Management Group

Literary Management Group is committed to providing excellent support and counsel to authors and publishers of a variety of resources (print, multi-media, and electronic).

We represent adult fiction and non-fiction and recommend that authors of children’s, gift, poetry, illustrated and academic books seek out literary firms which specialize in these genres. A great source for seeking out agencies is at

Although we specialize in the area of Christian publishing from an Evangelical perspective, we have editorial contacts and experience in general interest books as well.

Services include:

Literary Representation

  • Preparation of proposals based on a proven template that presents features, advantages and benefits so editors can review and quickly determine if book concept fits their editorial strategy and publishing needs.
  • Development of publisher submission strategy that identifies the list of publishers and editors most likely to be interested in reviewing and publishing the book.
  • Negotiation of optimum terms in publishing contract; terms that are fair for author, and reasonable for publisher, so everyone wins when the book is successfully published.
  • Project management and facilitation with publisher to ensure author’s experience, from editorial through marketing and publication, is smooth and understandable.
  • Review of publisher’s royalty reporting so author is clear on what the statements mean and confident in their accuracy.

Publishing Consultant and Executive Coach

  • Needs Assessment of all phases of publishing process including: strategic planning; budgeting; acquisition; editorial; design; production; sales and marketing; fulfillment; customer service; and, financial systems
  • Management mentoring and training.
  • Turn-arounds
  • Acquisitions and Sales of Assets
  • Strategic Planning facilitation


  • Development of content from manuscript through delivery of bound books to customer including edit, design, production, and fulfillment
  • Sales and Marketing guidance and counsel

For Editorial Guidelines and Proposal Templates, please visit:


Rick Frishman’s Author 101

Are you curious about what publishers like Harper Collins, Morgan James, Adams Media, Wiley, Random House, and Simon & Schuster are looking for? What is the best way to get your manuscript read when you’re an unpublished author? Want to know the biggest mistakes to avoid when writing book proposals? You’ll be engaged as these top pros share their expertise, reveal the inner workings of the publishing industry, and discuss various approaches to common marketing and publishing challenges.

Author 101 University Event Website:

Memorial Day 2012 Walk for Warriors in Los Angeles

New Directions and the West Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce Bring you the 2nd Annual Walk for Warriors

Gregory Scott of New Directions and Brendan McMahon talk to me about the second annual Walk for Warriors.

120514 New Directions Walk for Warriors Announcement

WHO: Hundreds of Veterans, their families and supporters of New Directions
WHAT: 2nd Annual Memorial Day Walk for Warriors
WHEN: Monday, May 28th, 2012 (Run starts at 8 a.m., walk starts at 9 a.m.)
WHERE: West Los Angeles Veterans’ Affairs Campus, 11301 Wilshire Blvd, L.A., CA 90073
WHY: To raise funds for New Directions’ transitioning services for returning vets

I was very proud to cover the 1st Annual Walk for Warriors in 2011. I covered an Event for Hemancipation last year and they introduced me to the incredible staff and program at New Directions.

Come join us this year to honor and celebrate veterans who really need the programs that organizations like New Directions provide.

It will be a great day to bring your friends and family out to do the 5K walk or run for vets. Sign the Warrior Wall with a message to a vet you want to honor. Lot of great local businesses will be on hand with booths to promote helping vets or to inform on other veteran resources. Donate or sponsor a runner/walker, win prizes….

There will also be all kinds of things to do for you non-walkers.

Thank you so much Greg and Brendan for your time and for putting on this great event. – JW

New Directions Walk for WarriorsWalk for Warriors

WEST LOS ANGELES, Calif. (May 14, 2012) – The West Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce and New Directions, Inc. are proud to partner again to announce the 2nd Annual Memorial Day Walk for Warriors on May 28, 2012. Walk for Warriors is a family-friendly 5K (3.1 mile) run/walk to help transitioning veterans in Los Angeles.

Walk for Warriors will help provide assistance for veterans through transitional housing, job training and placement, counseling, adult basic education classes and family reunification services. In addition to the race, Walk for Warriors will feature an Expo booth fair with food and local businesses as well as a performance by the award-winning New Directions Veterans Choir, a singing group comprised of formerly homeless veterans.

Participants can register, form a team and fund-raise by visiting Early registration is $35, and is available until Thursday, May 17. Walk for Warriors is a partnership of New Directions, Inc. a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization providing comprehensive services to veterans in Los Angeles and the West Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce.

“The West Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce is always ready to step up and help those who have served our country and sacrificed for our Freedom,” said Chamber President Ron Adams. “I had so much fun last year. I was ecstatic when we partnered with New Directions again with hopes of helping more veterans. “

Last year, nearly 600 people took part in the Walk for Warriors run/walk. Teams got sponsors from California and all over the United States and beyond via

Christine Devine

This year’s event will be hosted by KTTV Fox 11 news anchor and local philanthropist Christine Devine. Devine is the recipient of 16 Emmys, including the Academy’s prestigious Governor’s Award, and one award specifically for a story on injured and disfigured veterans.

“I’m thrilled to be participating in Walk for Warriors,” Devine said. “With the unique set of challenges facing veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, this event will bring attention to the urgent need for supporting our vets as they transition home.”

New DirectionsNew Directions

New Directions, a nonprofit transitional living program, has been helping the Los Angeles veteran community since 1992.

According to the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA), there are more than 8,000 homeless veterans on any given night in Los Angeles.

New Directions offers a wide variety of services including housing, substance abuse treatment, counseling, remedial education, job training and placement as well as family reunification and money management classes.

Why do we exist?

New Directions provides services, support and transitional housing to homeless veterans with co-occurring disorders. Essential services at New Directions’ five residential homes include drug and alcohol detoxification and rehabilitation, mental health treatment, food, clothing, shelter, job training, and help with finding permanent housing. This nonprofit agency is unique because it was founded by formerly homeless Vietnam veterans, and has developed an effective “veterans helping veterans” model.

As women and men head home from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, there are more and increasingly diverse vets in need of help. New Directions’ individualized care and treatment methods enable the agency to provide comprehensive, holistic services to veterans of all ages and backgrounds – both seasoned veterans and a new generation just now returning from combat.

What have you accomplished?

From its founding in 1992, New Directions’ history has been filled with reclaimed lives, rediscovered futures and re-imagined possibilities for more than 30,000 veterans who have faithfully and generously served our country.

Each year, New Directions extends help to some 600 veterans through residential substance abuse treatment programs, job training and placement, health assessment and emergency shelter services and a permanent housing placement program. Since beginning operations in an 8-person home, New Directions has grown into a major national model for rehabilitating and housing homeless veterans. Now with 5 facilities, 229 beds, and new permanent, supportive housing in development, New Directions makes a difference in the lives of individual veterans, and on the landscape of homelessness in Los Angeles.

Raising Money and Getting Sponsorship for your Project, Book or Speaking Engagement

Roberto CandelariaRobert Candelaria Master Fund Raiser Talks to OPM on Sponsorships and Raising Money

Roberto Candelaria author of “Relationships Raise Money” Talks to us about how he does it and about his new book.

Roberto met me at the Los Angeles Author 101 Conference to talk with me about his new book and about how authors and anyone can find sponsorship to raise money for their publishing and marketing efforts.JW

Roberto Candelaria

Roberto Candelaria, author of the definitive fundraising guide, Cash for Your Cause: How to Raise Five Figures in 30 Days, is President of Calidad Marketing, a boutique consulting firm helping non profit organizations across the globe accomplish their mission.

A long-time non-profit veteran, Roberto has learned the non-profit world from the ground up. After seeing first hand, the impact a well-run organization can have on the community around them, Roberto dedicated his life to teaching non-profit organizations profitability, growth, and long-term sustainability.

Roberto has also worked getting funding for for-profit organizations, projects, authors and more and has written a new book “Relationships Raise Money: A Guide to Corporate Sponsorship”

book relationships raise money roberto candelariaRelationships Raise Money

From Amazon

You’ve waited long enough to learn the secrets to securing corporate sponsorship. Relationships Raise Money: A Guide to Corporate Sponsorshipwill help you:

  • Create effective campaigns
  • Understand what can be sponsored
  • Create sponsorship campaigns that get results
  • Measure the effectiveness of your sponsorships
  • Persuade your sponsors to renew.

In the words of Barry Spilchuk (Founder, You’re My Hero books): “[Relationships Raise Money] … is a step-by-step guidebook to unravel the mystery of how sponsorships work – AND – a manual that will give you the confidence to approach any sponsor with integrity and a Win-Win attitude.”

Other Reviews: 

“I’ve been waiting for someone to write this book for years. Finally, a step by step guide for small businesses and non-profits to acquire corporate sponsorship dollars. Brilliant! On behalf of event planners everywhere, thank you, thank you, thank you!” Shelly Rice, Founder, Chocolate Blues and Busines

“The days of a donor ‘signing the check’ just to get your organization off their back are over. The donor is looking for a win, too! Relationships Raise Money will help every organization who is seeking sponsorship to develop lasting relationships with their donors, resulting in long- term viable organizations.” Leslie Knight, Founder, Knight Performance Management – Author, Powerful Women: They’re Not Men in Drag

“Roberto Candelaria is one of the most genuine, gifted and caring people I have ever had the pleasure of working with, and his extensive knowledge and understanding of both corporate sponsorships, the non-profit world as well as for profit are only exceeded by his generosity and service to others.” Patty Farmer, Winner, Best Business Connector in Dallas (2010) – Author, Make Your Connections Count

“As festival designers, we are always looking to develop new relationships with local and regional sponsors. The guidance within Roberto’s book provides us with the tools to strengthen our existing sponsor programs and to develop new, professional relationships with corporate sponsors.” Kathi Danielson, President, Performance & Event Management, LLC

Twitter ID: @humanreturns
Book Site: Human Returns


Rick Frishman’s Author 101

Are you curious about what publishers like Harper Collins, Morgan James, Adams Media, Wiley, Random House, and Simon & Schuster are looking for? What is the best way to get your manuscript read when you’re an unpublished author? Want to know the biggest mistakes to avoid when writing book proposals? You’ll be engaged as these top pros share their expertise, reveal the inner workings of the publishing industry, and discuss various approaches to common marketing and publishing challenges.

Author 101 University Event Website:

Conversation with Randy Gage Prosperity and Success Mentor

Randy Gage, sometimes known as the Millionaire Messiah, talks about the negative memes that keep us from reaching our potential.

Randy’s Rants, His Blog, his speaches… Randy does not shy away from controversial conversations about religion, politics or especially about prosperity as Randy feels it is a sin to be Poor.

I have been following Randy for many years, since I first heard him speak to around a thousand people at a conference. He is a great speaker, funny, inspiring, smart and wise.

I especially love his no fear, straight talk, sense of humor and his lessons in how to build sales, teams, community….. and about what it takes to have a successful and prosperous life.

I have contacted with Randy via his blog and on Twitter several times and he is always the nicest guy. Randy turned me on to Empire Avenue and gave some great tips on how to play and make it work for me… He also wrote a pretty cool Empire Avenue Manifesto if you are an EAv fan you should read it.

I have tried to get Randy to interview with me before, but his schedule is busy and his commitments plentiful so I was very happy to hear that Randy would sit down with me between trips to the airport.

I have to thank Shawne Duperon, of Project Forgive, as she contacted Randy on my behalf. Shawne is a Rockstar!

If you really want to get to know Randy I suggest you start with his book “Why You’re Dumb Sick and Broke and How to Get Smart Healthy and Rich”.

This book is on of my favorites and have gone back to it many times for little pearls of wisdom. Randy is a great storyteller and his writing style makes his 7 universal laws that govern prosperity easy to understand.

Randy is also famous for his super successful Network Marketing Training series Duplication Nation which, many have used as the number one MLM training course. I have used it with success and if you want to know how to run a successful MLM business this is a course I believe you really need to study. Yes Randy is very successful in the direct sales industry.

I actually do not think that Randy is that controversial. He tells you what he thinks and people are not always used to that. Thank You Randy – JW

Randy GageRandy Gage

“I believe you were born to be rich, people are meant to be inspired, and conventions should rock.

I believe a blog can change the world and a speech can change a life.

I believe safe is the new risky, boring is criminal, and pitchers should hit.

Call me a philosopher, a Jedi Knight or the millionaire messiah, just don’t call me late for dinner. I like hot cars, warm beaches and cold Dr. Pepper. Quiet confidence and loud ideas are sexy. When I’m not prowling the podium or locked in my lonely writer’s garret, you’ll find me playing 3rd base for a softball team somewhere.

I believe in my work, because I believe in you.”

From Amazon

There is probably no one on earth better qualified to help you reach more success in MLM than Randy Gage. His Duplication Nation (formerly How to Earn at Least $100,000 a Year in Network Marketing) is the top selling training album in MLM, and his Escape the Rat Race is the #1 recruiting tool in the business. His resources have been translated into more than 15 languages and sold in the millions around the globe.

Randy helped introduce Network Marketing in places like Slovenia, Croatia, Bulgaria and Macedonia. He’s been a company VP of Marketing, and served as a consultant to numerous companies, designing compensation plans, creating marketing materials and developing duplicable systems for them. Randy has conducted training for the finest companies in the industry, and spoken in more than 35 countries.

Through his coaching programs and private consulting, Randy has helped the top income earners in numerous companies. He has arguably trained more MLM millionaires than anyone alive today. But most importantly, Randy teaches from real-world experience, earning millions of dollars as a distributor.

Randy has conducted thousands of training programs and presented thousands more opportunity meetings. Several years ago he dusted off his white board and starting from scratch he quickly rose to become the #1 income earner in his company worldwide. He knows what is working in the marketplace right now, and he’ll teach you exactly how to reach mega success in these conditions.

Randy has made his money, and continues to work only for the challenge and to support his personal enrollees. He has achieved the perfect balance between work and life. When he’s not drawing circles, you’ll find him playing 3rd base for the South Florida Carnivores, riding his bike, racing cars, or collecting comic books. His guilty pleasures are Sci-Fi, Krispy Kreme, and watching Project Runway. Randy splits his time between Miami Beach, Sydney, and Paris.

Why you are Sick, Dumb and Broke

And How to Get Smart, Healthy and Rich.

This groundbreaking self-help book reveals the secrets of manifesting health, happiness, and prosperity in your life—but not in a way you’ve experienced before. Blunt, outspoken, and brutally honest, Randy Gage shoots down the forces that hold you back and keep you dumb, sick, and broke, and shows you how to take action to get smart, healthy, and rich.

Randy Gage Site
Randy’s Rants
Randy’s Blog

Twitter @Randy_Gage

Master Marketing Strategist Chet Holmes Is On The Way Back

• We regret to report that our friend Chet Holmes has passed away after a long battle with leukemia – [Click Here for OPM tribute and full story]

Chet Holmes Master of Marketing is on the Mend and Coming Back Strong

Chet Holmes talks to me about his battle with leukemia, his newest project and gives us Two Ways to Double Sales!

Chet and I have been chatting over Twitter while Chet has been undergoing chemotherapy treatments after his bone marrow transplant.

It has been a tough one, I am sure, for his family and friends, but Chet is a fighter and he is not only coming back, but he is coming back better. Chet told me that he tried every natural, mystical and spiritual cure you can think of or name and more. Chet has learned a lot about himself and his body and has become really serious about his nutrition. We talked privately before the interview and I found out that he discovered what I have about sugar and starches….. Bad, bad, bad.

At the time of this interview Chet had 15 more days of chemo to go through, but his white cell counts and other tests were all extremely positive.

Chet is only working about 3 hours a day right now so I thank him so much for giving me one hour to just talk about stuff, but Chet is not good at just shooting the breeze and insisted on giving you two ways to double your sales.

Chet also giving a very valuable freebee away.. His 90 minute training in how to grow your sales leads x 10 without increasing your marketing budget. Tony Robbins, Chet’s business partner, hosts the call with over 13,000 participants. Chet takes 4 people on the line and breaks down for their business, how they can increase their lead base. This one webinar is massively valuable if you are trying to increase your customer base.

Doubly cool is that Chet and I have some fun as he plays, never before heard, radio spots of he and Tony that will be coming out soon. Be the first to hear them!

Chet let me thank you for taking your time to talk with me and my listeners. We wish you God’s Speed on your recovery and know that we will be watching you and Tony killing it out there with your new business plan program…. – JW

Chet HolmesChet Holmes

• Chet Holmes has worked with over 60 of the Fortune 500 companies as America’s top marketing executive, trainer, and strategic consultant. Clients include; American Express, New York Stock Exchange, Estee Lauder, NBC Television, WR Grace, Citibank, Apple Computers, GNC and so on.

• Chet is the author of the #1 best selling book, The Ultimate Sales Machine. (This book has been in top three of Sales books on Amazon for 5 YEARS)

•  In his early career, Chet was the #1 top producer in every position he ever held. Never number two.

• He then moved into management working for Billionaire Charlie Munger where he doubled the sales of nine different divisions, all of them within 12 to 15 months. Several of them two and three years in a row.

• He has designed more than 500 record-breaking ad campaigns.

• He has developed 78 business growth training products that are selling all over the world, including The Ultimate Business Mastery System with Tony Robbins.

• He is CEO and Chairman of 12 companies under the brand of

• He’s also a karate master and feature film producer who secured a three-contract deal with Warner Brothers.

The Ultimate Sales Machine

#1 Bestseller for over 5 Years on Amazon.

Chet Holmes helps his clients blow away both the competition and their own expectations. And his advice starts with one simple concept: focus! Instead of trying to master four thousand strategies to improve your business, zero in on the few essential skill areas that make the big difference.

The Ultimate Sales Machine shows you how to tune up and soup up virtually every part of your business by spending just an hour per week on each impact area you want to improve?sales, marketing, management, and more.


  • Business Mastery Training
  • Breakthrough Consulting
  • Growth Coaching
  • Sales Recruiting
  • Virtual Sales Team
  • CRM / Sales and Marketing Automation
  • Search Engine Marketing
  • Website Design and Development
  • Worlds Best Graphic Design Services
  • Core Story Research Services
  • Training and Development
  • Personality Testing
  • Business Plan Coaching
  • And More….

Chet Holmes International
Business Breakthroughs (Chet and Tony Robbins)
Freebe: 90 Minute Increase Your Sales Leads x 10 with Tony Robbins

Steve Farber Radical Leap Re-Energized

Author, Speaker Steve Farber sits down to tell us about his new 2 book compilation and how he plans to help schools by teaching leadership skills to teachers.

It was my delight to see Liz Strauss walk into the Green Room at Blogworld 2011. I had the pleasure of picking her up at the airport for here visit to the event, but had not seen her since leaving her at her hotel.

She is always pretty busy. Liz gave me a Liz moment and then introduced me to Steve Farber. I had heard of Steve, but was not that familiar with his work. Liz told me straight away that not only did I need to read his book, but I really needed to interview him.

I don’t know if it is possible to say no to Liz as I have never tried, but this was not the time I was going to test anything out. I met Steve and we started talking. I immediately realized this was someone I needed to talk to.

Not my best interview since I did not know the subject matter that well, but Steve was more that delightful. He was sharp and to the point, fun and entertaining and at the same time very serious about his message.

I have since started reading Steve’s book and it is definitely going to reside on the important shelf in my library.

I have to thank Liz for the introduction and Steve for giving such a great interview without the brightest interviewer to work off of…. – JW

Steve Farber Steve Farber

A subject-matter expert in business leadership and a frequent guest on news-talk shows around the country, Farber is a senior-level leadership coach and consultant who has worked with and spoken to a wide variety of public and private organizations in virtually every arena, from the tech sector to financial services, manufacturing, health care, hospitality, entertainment, retail, and even the US government.

Leading from experience.

In 1989, after having run his own financial services company, Farber devoted his professional life to the field of leadership development and has been at it ever since.

Steve was director of service programs at TMI, an international training consultancy, and then worked for 6 years as Vice President and Official Mouthpiece (that’s what it said on his business card) of The Tom Peters Company where he met several of his mentors including author/gurus Tom Peters, Jim Kouzes, and Terry Pearce.

In 2000, Farber established his own company, Extreme Leadership, Inc, where he is president and CEO. He is also the co-founder of The Center for Social Profit Leadership, a non-profit organization formed to serve the leadership development needs of social entrepreneurs, and served as Vice Chairman on the Board of Directors of the world-renown, Up With People, a global leadership program for students from 18 to 29 years old.

A Universal Message.

“Approach the act of leadership as you’d approach an extreme sport: learn to love the fear and exhilaration that naturally comes with the territory.”

Steve Farber is the president of Extreme Leadership, Incorporated, and the founder of The Extreme Leadership Institute, organizations devoted to the cultivation and development of Extreme Leaders in the business community, non-profits and education.

His third book, Greater Than Yourself: The Ultimate Lesson In Leadership, was a Wall Street Journal® and USA Today® bestseller.

His second book, The Radical Edge: Stoke Your Business, Amp Your Life, and Change the World, was hailed as “a playbook for harnessing the power of the human spirit.”

And his first book, The Radical Leap: A Personal Lesson in Extreme Leadership, is already considered a classic in the leadership field. It received Fast Company magazine’s Readers’ Choice Award and was recently named one of the 100 Best Business Books of All Time. His newest edition, The Radical Leap Re-Energized: Doing What You Love in the Service of People Who Love What You Do, is in bookstores now.

Steve’s Books

book radical leap re-energized Steve Farber

The Radical Leap Re-Energized

is an expansion and revitalization of The Radical Leap, which was named as one of the 100 Best Business Books of All Time by Covert and Sattersten.

It’s a novel told in Steve Farber’s humorous, poignant, and original voice that takes the reader on a deep exploration of the qualities and practices of real, or Extreme Leadership, and how to apply them in daily life. Part One, The Radical Leap, explores the leadership elements of Love, Energy, Audacity, and Proof;

Part Two, The Radical Edge, takes the discussion deeper into innovation, personal clarity and guidelines for changing the world. It sets a new standard for what it means to really lead in today’s business world and beyond.

Steve Farber’s masterwork, The Radical Leap Re-Energized, is an inspired opus on what it means to be a leader of substance and significance. You’ll find yourself coming back to it again and again.” –Michael E. Ventling, Global CFO, Ernst & Young
Steve Farber leaps again. I was into it the first time. This time, I’m leaping with him!” –Chris Brogan, President Human Business Works

book greater than yourself steve farber

Greater Than Yourself

Too many people assume the timeless principles of true leadership—of helping others achieve their full potential—don’t apply Monday through Friday during work hours or in any circumstance where a paycheck is involved.

In GREATER THAN YOURSELF, Steve Farber proves them wrong: in this powerful and inspiring story, Farber shows that the goal of a genuine leader is to help others—teammates, employees, and colleagues—become more capable, confident, and accomplished than they are themselves. Through the actions of a forward-thinking and extraordinarily successful CEO, Farber reveals the three keys to achieving this: Expand Yourself, Give Yourself, and Replicate Yourself.

Filled with actionable principles and innovative ideas, GREATER THAN YOURSELF is perhaps the most powerful message today’s business leaders can learn.

Steve Farber Keynote Speaker

Leadership speaker and author, Steve Farber, has worked with a wide variety of public and private organizations in virtually every arena, from the tech sector to financial services, manufacturing, health care, hospitality, entertainment, retail, government agencies and more.

And whatever the audience, Steve’s speeches are always deeply thought-provoking and eminently practical, as well as inspiring and entertaining—a combination of qualities that are a must for any successful conference or meeting.

These are just a few of the great programs Steve presents to different organizations.

The Radical Leap

Extreme Leadership at Work and Beyond

Based on the book named as one of The 100 Best Business Books of All Time

In this chaotic and extreme age, business leaders must demonstrate an unprecedented level of passion, determination, foresight, dedication, and fearlessness. In this wildly popular speech, leadership speaker, Steve Farber, shows you how to use the LEAP framework – Love, Energy, Audacity and Proof to radically improve your organization and your life.

Greater Than Yourself

3 Steps to Attaining the New Gold Standard of Leadership

The truly great leaders in life and work become so by causing others to be greater than themselves. In this program—based on his new book, Greater Than Yourself—leadership speaker, Steve Farber, shows that dedicating yourself to bringing others along so that they can achieve more than you is the ultimate way to boost talent, ramp productivity and create truly significant current and future leaders.

Radical Accountability

Making the Leap From Individual Contributor to Extreme Leader

Whatever the challenge at your company—improving customer service, coping with change, inspiring transformation, improving corporate culture, recruiting and retaining great talent, building teamwork, fostering innovation—it all comes down to this: someone has to do something significant and enlist others to help. Someone, in other words, has to take accountability. Someone has to lead. And it doesn’t have to be the boss. Leadership, ultimately, has nothing to do with the title on your business card or your position on the organizational chart. It’s about who you are and what you do to change things for the better—regardless of your “place” in the company.

Steve Farber can be Found At:


blogworld expoBlogworld & new media expo

The World’s Largest Social Media Event 275+ Speakers, 3 Days of Cutting-edge Sessions & Workshops, a Tradeshow Exploding with New Media Resources…plus great Networking Events day and night!

Learn how to create better content, grow your brand, audience and revenue online from the world’s most successful New Media experts & Social Media innovators.

Disney Management and Leadership with Former Executive Director of Disney World Lee Cockerell

Lee Cockerell and Mickey Mouse Disney WorldLee Cockerell, VP of Disney World Resort (Retired),

Talks about Disney Management and Leadership Strategies

“As the Senior Operating Executive for ten years Lee led a team of 40,000 Cast Members and was responsible for the operations of 20 resort hotels, 4 theme parks, 2 water parks, a shopping & entertainment village and a sports and recreation complex in addition to the ancillary operations which supported the number one vacation destination in the world.

” One of Lee’s major and lasting legacies was the creation of Disney Great Leader Strategies which continues on as the primary resource for developing the 7000 leaders at Walt Disney World. Lee talks to OPM about his strategies and how you can use them in your life and your business. Continue reading