Tag Archives: author

Cancer: From Tears to Triumph Goes International Besteller

Book Cover - Cancer: From Tears to TriumphAs a co-author on the #1 International Bestseller “Cancer: From Tears to Triumph”

I am extremely excited to announce that the book, which was released on September 3rd 2015, has hit #1 Bestseller in Canada, Australia and the United States, in the first week, making me a #1 International Bestseller co-author!!

JW NajarianHello, I am JW Najarian and I am the founder and am the Editor and Chief of On Purpose Magazine. Yes, the magazine you are reading right now. I was offered the opportunity to write one of the chapters (chapter 8, Seeing Cancer As a Gift) by the main author Viki Winterton who I met via Rick Frishman co-founder of New York’s Morgan James Publishing.

Rick FrishmanRick has a couple of events every year called Author 101 University. Rick invites some of the most prominent and most diverse lineup of people in the publishing industry to help new and seasoned authors a way to get in front of the industry leaders and find out more about new ways of publishing and promoting their books. It is a great conference and I HIGHLY recommend any author or writer go to this event.

Viki Winterton

Viki Winterton

Anyway, I met Viki from Expert Insights and when she found out that I have stage 4 prostrate carcinoma, she kindly offered me a chapter to write in the book.

I was so happy as I know through Rick, that Viki has had a few number one books and I knew this was a chance to tell my story and that by getting in this potential bestseller I could reach a larger audience and hopefully help others with cancer handle this tough journey.

This book is full of stories from patients, survivors, health care professionals and family members of patients and the departed. It is the inspirational book on cancer that all patients, and their loved ones need to read to get through the rough times. Remember the family and friends of a patient go through much of the same pain, depression, anxiety and fear that the patient does. Not in the same way, but sometimes just as bad. I know of a couple of professionals that have lost patients they had gotten to know as very close friends and so even the professionals feel the pain and we all need hope. Cancer: From Tears to Triumph, gives that hope and so much more.  For more info watch the video above.


When you finish your last radiation treatment at USC Norris Cancer Center you get to ring this bell. It seems silly, but you are so glad it is over that this bell can really choke you up.

I had found that even thought the treatments, the pain, the side effects from the drugs, the knowing your may only have a short time with your loved ones an having to tell people like your mother that you have a terminal disease is just no picnic, but that with the right attitude you can find blessings and gratitude in so many things and I really wanted to share that with others.


My cancer had moved from my prostate into the bone and I had some tumors boring into my spine. I had to have spine surgery to address the tumors and this is me with USC P.T. staff learning to walk correctly. I didn’t know I had it wrong all these years… 🙂

So many patients fall apart and it is hard not to have your pity party and why me days. In fact I would agree that someone in that position has every right to feel depressed, angry and just plain bad about bad news, but I have also found that in doing so, the patient puts themselves in a terrible place that if hard to get out of. I believe what you focus on expands and focusing on all the crap that comes with a terminal disease can kill you faster and harder that the disease itself.

If you have cancer or know of someone that does, you need to get this book for yourself or your friend or family member. The only positive way through the storm is with hope and inspiration and this book is full of stories by survivors and others like myself.

Here is the official press release:

Cancer: From Tears to Triumph—Essential Secrets on Achieving Purpose, Passion and Creative Healing

Cancer is a Global Epidemic! Global cancer cases are predicted to reach 26.4 million a year by 2030. In 2013, there were over 7.5 Million. (State of Oncology 2013 Report)

Got Cancer? There is hope!

Cancer can be detected early, and may be preventable and treatable. Those whose lives have been touched by Cancer are in the ultimate position to spread their stories of challenge, hope, and inspiration to the world!

In the new bestseller, Cancer: From Tears to Triumph from Expert i Insights Publishing, readers will feel inspiration wash over them as they read these amazing stories from across the globe, filled with hope and wisdom that can be used to overcome obstacles and achieve lasting peace, happiness and fulfillment in life.

Stories of struggle, hardship, and triumph are tremendously important because they can motivate others to keep going even when it feels like the weight of the world is on their shoulders. True stories that speak of courage and persistence help people recognize their own power and open their eyes to possibilities so they can do what it takes to change their lives forever.

“The most important thing someone touched by cancer can do is to share their experience with the world and bring hope to others facing this challenge. This book is dedicated to those who share their stories in service to others.”    ~Viki Winterton, Publisher 

Every life holds an inspirational story and everyone has the power to inspire others. Cancer: From Tears To Triumph is a priceless guide that will show readers the way to live by choice…not by chance.

A portion of the proceeds are donated to the Teddy Bear Cancer Foundation, helping families of children with Cancer.

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pic EIPPY AwardsThe EIPPY Book Awards Extravaganza 2015 and Author 101 Oct 21st – 24th

This year the EIPPY Awards, Extravaganza 2015 and Author 101 are being held at the same venue on the same dates. More like the EIPPY Awards are on the 21st of October and Author 101 will be held in the same venue the 22nd through the 24th. If you want to find out how to publish a book and get it to bestseller status or increase the sales of your current books then this is the opportunity of a lifetime.

I will be receiving an award for my part in writing chapter 8 of “Cancer: From Tears to Triumph”, at the EIPPY Awards on the 21st so I hope to meet you there. I will also be at Author 101, as I have for the last five years! I never miss Author 101. After years of attending a plethora of conferences, it is the last conference I still attend. It is that good.


You can get tickets to the whole event by going to http://expertinsightspublishing.com/Extravaganza2015.html

You can also just sign up for Author 101 by itself.  I believe there is still time to get the earlybird special which is buy one ticket and get in a friend for free. To check this out go to http://www.webmarketingmagic.com/app/?af=1392722

An isiolated writing feather with an inkwellExpert Insights

Working with Viki Winterton and her staff was an incredible delight. They made it easy to tell my story and helped with every step of the process. They are true professionals and they not only know what they are doing, but they do it with kindness and the most compassionate support I have had the pleasure of receiving in some time.

If you want to write a book, have written a book or just need help on the with publishing and promotions, Expert Insights Publishing is the real deal and they have helped so many authors get through the process and they have worked with some of the great authors and thought leaders of our time and have, with their books, helped countless individuals with uplifting, inspiring and educations books that are full of great information, stories and more.

Find out more at the Expert Insights Publishing Website

Wheelchair Solutions is Making Ordinary Wheelchairs, Walkers and Slings More Functional and Cool Looking

pic wheelchair solutions Wheelie Slings - 7Kathy Mondotte is Making Wheelchairs and Walkers Fashionable with Wheelchair Solutions

In this Audio Interview of Kathy Mondotte, Founder of Wheelchair Solutions, we hear her inspiring story how she survived a crushing blow to the spine which had her in a wheelchair for 13 months and how she is making a difference with products that make wheelchairs, walkers and slings, sexy, cool and fashionable.

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Texas Farm Girl Rebecca Crownover with Billy Dawson

rebecca-crownover-author-texas-farm-girlRebecca Crownover and her new children’s book “Texas Farm Girl”

Teaches kids about what farms, farmers and the farming community are really like.

Rebecca Crownover is best known for her first well received, children’s book “My Daddy is in Heaven with Jesus“.

In this new children’s book she tells the story of this Texas farm girl working with her father who teaches her about farming and the story of the challenges they endure and despite the difficulties, how much they love what the do.

This is my audio interview with Rebecca about her book and Rising country star Billy Dawson about his new song “Texas Farm Girl” that he shot on Rebecca’s farm and in their hometown of Sunray, Texas.  Yes the video is included…. Continue reading

Raising Minimum Wage Plus Obamacare Equals Disaster

Affordable Care Act Expert Consultant Minda Wilson Esq. Raising Minimum Wage Plus Obamacare Equals Disaster

pic Minda Wilson Obamacare Expert Affordable Healthcare ReviewIn this audio interview with Minda Wilson, she explains how raising the minimum wage will have disastrous effects on the people it helps the most; the working poor.

Continue reading

Economist Ilya Kuntsevich The World’s Economic Formulas Don’t Work

ilya kuntsevich shIn Economic Equilibrium: Geomtry of Economics Ilya Kuntsevich Argues that all the current economic formulas are flawed and need to be rewritten using Geometry.

  • What’s wrong with the economic system if it breaks down now and then?
  • Should the modern economic theories, accounting principles, and financial models be relied upon going forward?
  • Could we devise an alternative economic system, which would be whole and sustainable, and allow a crisis-like proof pace of economics?
  • Could we design and build more intelligent tools and models in order to see the big picture and avoid future crises?

These are the questions tackled in Economical Equilibrium: Geometry of Economics by Ilya Vladimirovich Kuntsevich.

In this audio Interview Ilya talks about his book his ideas and how we can change the system to avoid crashes and financial ruin around the world.

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Rosie Perez Interview Handbook for an Unpredictable Life

book rosie perez shRosie Perez talks about her new book at the California Women’s Conference

Famous for movies like Do the Right Thing, White Men Can’t Jump and for her Oscar nominated supporting role in Fearless. Renowned for her music video choreography for stars like Janet Jackson, Bobby Brown, Diana Ross, LL Cool J and many more, she has played on Broadway,  worked as a director, a producer and now she is also an author.

Rosie Perez has written her inspiring, sometimes funny and heartbreaking story about surviving abuse as a child and the politics in the entertainment industry. Continue reading

JW Najarian is Guest on Jackie Keller’s Show Food Exposed – What’s on Your Plate?

JW and Jackie Keller on Food Exposed shJackie Keller, Bestselling Author, Wellness Coach, Owner of Premiere Healthy Food Company Nutrifit, LLC

Featured JW Najarian (that is ME! I am the Editor and Chief of On Purpose Magazine) on her emPOWERme.Tv Show Food Exposed – What’s on Your Plate?

Here is short snippet of the full show:

http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1pftjs_on-purpose-magazine-with-jw-najarian-food-exposed_lifestyle Continue reading

JW Najarian to Guest on Jackie Keller’s Show Food Exposed – What’s on Your Plate?

pic jackie kellerJackie Keller, Bestselling Author, Wellness Coach, Owner of Premiere Healthy Food Company Nutrifit, LLC

Will be featuring me, JW Najarian (that is ME! I am the Editor and Chief of On Purpose Magazine) on her emPOWERme.Tv Show Food Exposed – What’s on Your Plate? on April 22nd 2014 Continue reading

Jim Berkenstadt on Jimmie Nicol The Beatle Who Vanished

Jim Berkenstadt is Known as The Rock and Roll Detective and His New Book “The Beatle Who Vanished

Tells the story of former Beatle Jimmie Nicol. Jimmie Nicol took over for Ringo Star as the Beatles drummer for their first world tour for 13 days which led blacklisting, betrayal, drugs, divorce, bankruptcy and an eventual disappearance. Continue reading

Justin Daniels of Clarity Way – No More Vodka In My Orange Juice

Justin Daniels has a Bestseller with his first book “No More Vodka in My Orange Juice”

Warning: Some Adult Content….

After years of abusing alcohol and several attempts at rehab, Successful businessman Justin Daniels decided that there was a better path to rehabilitation and so he started Continue reading

Gary W. Goldstein Conquering Hollywood

gary goldstein camera shGary W. Goldstein the producer of movies like Pretty Woman, Mothman Prophecies and Under Siege, talks about his new book Conquering Hollywood.

Continue reading

Jackie Keller Eating Healthy; Staying Green

jackie keller 01 shJackie Keller, Bestselling Author, Wellness Coach, Owner of Premiere Healthy Food Company Nutrifit, LLC

Talks to OPM about her books, her philosophy, her company that has helped thousands of people and well known celebrities take charge of their nutritional needs and how she runs a successful company and stays green  and philanthropic while doing it. Continue reading

Carter Lee Author – When Jonathan Cried for Me

Carter Lee sqCarter Lee Washington Times Columnist, Author, Comedian, Speaker, Life Coach and Entertainment Promoter on his book “When Jonathan Cried for Me”. Continue reading

Ghostwriting Conference in Long Beach

Ghostwriters and writers interested in making a career in ghostwriting have their first ever conference.

banner ghostwriters unite

Ghostwriters Unite! is the world’s pioneering conference for ghostwriters. Held May 3-5 at the Hilton in downtown Long Beach, GU! will bring together some of the best people in the book industry including publishers, literary agents, authors, distributors, eBook specialists, and—of course—ghostwriters.

Ghostwriters Unite! is the first conference of its kind: an international gathering to share ghostwriting experiences and expertise and discuss the future of our profession.

How did this pioneering event get its start?

Ghostwriters Unite! is the mental baby of Claudia Suzanne, the first person to ever deconstruct (Secrets of a Ghostwriter) and teach (Ghostwriting Certificate Program) how ghosts do what we do.

Ghostwriters Unite! was originally envisioned as an afternoon event, a chance for Suzanne’s alumni  to meet and mingle with each other, their former teacher, and other industry experts.

But so many people got excited about the idea of getting together and talking about “professionalizing” our field that it’s grown into a full-blown conference!

We’ll be talking about setting fee standards and ethical boundaries and bylines and problem clients and working with agencies and publishing options and lots more.

If you’re a ghostwriter or are even thinking of getting started in this lucrative, recession-proof field, this is the one event you won’t want to miss!

The conference takes place May 3, 4, and 5, 2013 at the Hilton Long Beach & Executive Meeting Center, 701 West Ocean Blvd, Long Beach, CA 90831.

We’ll start with a Friday night mixer, then a full day of panels on finding clients, setting fees, handling the trust issue, maintaining voice, and other ghostwriter-specific topics. We’ll take a break at lunch with a keynote speaker and enjoy a limited-space banquet dinner with a special-guest author. We’ll finish the conference Sunday morning with an extended-panel discussion about the state of the book industry.

Get more information:

Ghostwriters Unite http://ghostwritersunite.com/

Come join me at this conference. Yes I will be there helping out Claudine and meeting all the wonderful authors and other industry leaders.

I can not stress enough how this conference may be one of the most important in the industry for those that want to make a living writing. – JW

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Amazon Acquires Goodreads. Is this A Good Thing or The End of Goodreads?

Is it doom and gloom or bright days for authors and readers on Goodreads?
Social media generally is not happy with the news that Amazon has acquired Goodreads.
It will be interesting to watch and see how this plays out….
This article makes a case that the acquisition is a good thing. What do you think?

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Tom Bähler Famed Music Composer Turned Author

Tom BahlerFamed Composer Tom Bähler on His New Book “Anything is Possible; a Tale of Aesop”

Tom Bahler was a background singer for the Partridge Family, wrote Bobby Sherman‘s hit “Julie Do Ya Love Me”, Cher‘s “Living in a House Divided” and Michael Jackson‘s “She’s Out Of My Life”. He has also appeared in a film or two. He was an associate producer and arranger on “We Are The World”. Music Supervisor on “The Color Purple” and Choir Arranger on “The Wiz”. He has also composed the music to a number of other movies and scored a number of soundtracks.

And now Tom Bahler has written a fascinating fictional account of the life of the famed creator of Aesop’s Fables, a brilliant storyteller and eternal optimist who lived around 600 BCE. Tom joins us while speaking at Author 101 to talk about his new book and his new journey writing.


I love to interview authors because they are often great story tellers and they have rather interesting lives.

Tom Bähler is absolutely no exception. He has one of the most interesting stories you will run across.

Tom is a fun guy, who really likes people and loves to share his story and it was so fun getting to talk with him. Rick Frishman pops in at the end of the interview and we all have a great time.

Thank you Tom for gracefully giving your time, as you were quite popular and busy at the conference and thanks to Rick Frishman for such a great conference that attracts such great people like Tom – JW

tom bahler 02 shTom Bähler

Thomas Bähler has enjoyed a long and distinguished career in the entertainment industry. He composed music for Quincy Jones, Michael Jackson, directors Steven Spielberg and Barry Levinson, magicians Siegfried and Roy, Superbowl Halftime Shows and a number of other high profile stage productions.

As a songwriter he’s written many hits including “She’s Out of My Life” “Living In A House Divided” and “Julie Do You Love Me.” Thomas created vocal arrangements for the landmark charity event “We Are the World,” as well as for Barbara Streisand, Billy Joel, and the motion picture version of “The Wiz.”

He served as Music Director for a number of events sponsored by the White House, including “America’s Millennium”, “Points of Light” and President Clinton’s Inaugural Concert. Mr. Bähler has also served as Music Director and arranger for “The Kennedy Center Honors.”

Tom Bahler Anything is Possible - Order NowThe Book

Anything Is Possible; A Tale of ÆSOP

Anything Is Possible, Illustrated edition, an original novel by Thomas Bähler is a thought-provoking modern treasure, a fascinating fictional account of the life of the famed creator of Aesop’s Fables, a brilliant storyteller and eternal optimist who lived around 600 BCE.

The life of the great philosopher and teacher Æsop is explored for the first time ever in a brilliantly crafted historical fiction illuminated by fifty full page illustrations .

The novel begins with Aesop’s birth as a slave, covers his long quest for freedom and examines his service to the richest and most powerful man in the world.

Many would be surprised to know that Æsop, an enduring philosopher in the modern world, was born a slave. Yet, later in life, he served as Ambassador to the wealthiest King in ancient history, simply with a fierce belief in his own potential, and the ever-stalwart laws of reality…anything is possible.

Today, Æsop and his fables are quoted an estimated one million times daily, across the globe. Not bad for someone who lived 2600 years ago.

Written with the same simple genius as its central protagonist, in Anything Is Possible, the reader discovers the meaning of Æsop’s profound lessons on his/her own… subsequently, you, the reader, own these lessons, forever.

Change requires your permission.
Are you ready to BE POSSIBLE?

If this man, born a slave in 620 BC, can still inspire the world with his message in the year 2013… what does that mean YOU can do?


We are all here to serve.

We are all here to BE POSSIBLE.

“A thought provoking exploration of freedom. It will inspire anyone who has ever dreamed of a better life.” – Quincy Jones

Thomas Bahler Links

Tom’s Official Website
Tom’s IMDB Page
Tom’s Wikipedia Page
Tom’s Twitter Page

tom bahler and Gary Goldstein 02I caught Tom at Rick Frishman‘s Author 101 University Event in Los Angeles. Tom had a small booth where her signed books for people and was available to talk to everyone.

tom bahler and Gary Goldstein 01Tom also spoke on stage along with his friend Hollywood Producer of “Pretty Woman”, “Mothman Prophecies” and “Under Siege I & II, Gary W. Goldstein.

This is one you didn’t want to miss.


Rick Frishman’s Author 101 University

Are you curious about what publishers like Harper Collins, Morgan James, Adams Media, Wiley, Random House, and Simon & Schuster are looking for?

What is the best way to get your manuscript read when you’re an unpublished author? Want to know the biggest mistakes to avoid when writing book proposals?

You’ll be engaged as these top pros share their expertise, reveal the inner workings of the publishing industry, and discuss various approaches to common marketing and publishing challenges. ENROLL NOW

Author 101 University Event Website: www.author101university.com

Self-Publishing for the Right Reasons — FriesenPress

Self-Publishing for the Right Reasons

I just recently watched a webinar featuring Mr. Guy Kawasaki that had some fantastic information for self-publishing authors. One of his top ten tips that really stood out for me is about ‘writing for the right reasons’ – so I thought I would share it with you right here on the FriesenPress Blog!

There are many wrong reasons to write a book, including writing for the sake of just making money, or to increase your consulting or speech fees. If you write a great book, you may make a lot of money as a secondary benefit, but it should not be the main reason you are writing in the first place.​

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Art & Design Memory by Michael Gronnerud

1. To enrich people’s lives

Your book is a work of art, and the world is going to be better off because you have written it. Whether you are a writing a cookbook, an arts and crafts book, a novel or fiction, your goal is to enrich people’s lives, and we thank you for it. ​

2. To further a cause

You are passionate about a cause or a subject and you want to expand existing information or simply promote it, excellent! Write with [Continue Reading This Story….]

There are Ten Tips…

Self-Publishing for the Right Reasons — FriesenPress.

What Does “Best Seller” or “Best-Selling Author” Really Mean These Days?

This is a truely interesting article about using the term Bestselling Book or Author by some Self Published Authors.

I believe that this a topic we will hear more about as it has become more easy to get Amazon Best Seller ranking. Or has it? I understand that Amazon is going after or has plans to go after people that review without purchasing the book. – JW

Don Green’s New Book “Everything I Know About Success I Learned from Napoleon Hill”

don green shExecutive Director of the Napoleon Hill Foundation, Don M. Green Talks to OPM About His New Book

Everything I Know About Success I Learned from Napoleon Hill: Essential Lessons for Using the Power of Positive Thinking

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Greg S. Reid Greg S. Reid Bestselling Author, Speaker, Teacher, Filmmaker, Publisher, Talks About His New Upcoming Book Stickability

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Dr. Robert Nagourney Outliving Cancer: The Better, Smarter Way to Treat Your Cancer

dr robert nagourney national therapeutics

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Stacey Patterson – Fidget’s Folly

opm 1st place ribbon

Stacey Patterson on Her Newest Book – Fidget’s Folly

Stacey Patterson sq sh

This interview is with author Stacey Patterson who talks about her new children’s book “Fidget’s Folly”, a follow up to her first book “Fidget’s Freedom”. Fidget’s Folly is about two young peregrine falcons embarking upon their first adventures of freedom, incredibly illustrated by the greatest wildlife illustrator in Russia Vadim Gorbatov. Stacey also discusses her writing, publishing and marketing journey. Continue reading

Laura Atchison Are You Asking Yourself the Tough Questions?

Laura Atchison shLaura Steward Atchison, Bestselling Author of “What Would a Wise Woman Do? Qestions to Ask Along the Way”

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Dr. Yvonne Oswald on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

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Dr Yvonne is a renowned and respected Communications Trainer and Keynote Speaker, a Certified Trainer of Hypnosis and a Master Practitioner of NLP.

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Claudia Suzanne Author and Professional Ghost Writer on Promoting and Marketing Your Book.

Claudia Suzanne Ghostwriting

Claudia Suzanne famed Ghost Writer, with Over 120 Titles, and Teacher at CSULB in Ghost Writing, Talks to OPM about Publishing, Promoting and Marketing Your Book

audio interview With Claudia Suzanne on Promoting and Marketing your book

Claudia Suzanne Bio

The Business of Books – Claudia Suzanne

Ghost writer Certificate Training through California State University Long Beach (CSLUB)

Rebecca Crownover Author of My Daddy is in Heaven With Jesus

opm 1st place ribbon Rebecca Crownover - Pictures By Brilliant Pixel PhotographyAfter Loosing Her Husband to a Terrible Accident Rebecca Crownover Needed to Explain to Her Daughter What Happened to Her Father.

After the loss of her husband to a tragic ATV accident, Rebecca Crownover struggled to find a book that explained this tragic loss in a simple way that her daughter Acie could understand and relate to. Continue reading

Ghostwriting Certificate Online Course Now Offered at Univ of Calif at Long Beach CSULB

graphic ghostwriting certificate

Ghostwriting Comes to CSULB

CSLUB in collaboration with Claudia Suzanne, is offering a Unique Program which  Prepares Writers for a Lucrative In-Demand Career as a writer.

California State University, Long Beach College of Continuing and Professional Education (CCPE/CSULB) is now offering “Ghostwriting Certificate Program” (GCP), the world’s only ghostwriter training program. Your teacher is Claudia Suzanne who is one of the most successful ghostwriters of our time.

Continue reading

Ken Keis Living on Purpose, Realizing Your Potential

ken keis 01 shKen Keis Author, Speaker, Trainer and Foremost Authority on Assessment Strategies and Processes that Increase and Multiply Success. Talks About Living on Purpose and Realizing Your True Potential.

Ken found me via On Purpose Magazine and asked me to check out his philosophies and trainings on Living on Purpose.

I checked out his company CRG and his books “Why Aren’t You More Like Me” and “My Source Experience Journal” and found so many connections to what I believe that I had to connect with Ken and get him an interview with him. Continue reading

Mary Agnes Antonopoulos Secrets to Social Media Success Using Video

mary agnes antonopoulos

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Jack Canfield used Mary Agnes Antonopoulos to go from 20K Likes to over 156K Likes on his Facebook Fan Page. Up till now Mary Agnes was like the best kept secret in the industry amongst people in the Social Media. She is a Social Media Powerhouse. Continue reading

Starley Murray How to Write Your POV for OPM Contest

starley murray 01

Starley Murray Image and Branding Strategist Goes Into Detail on How To Write Your Backstory or Point of View for OPM Author / Book Contest

Do you want to enter the competition and don’t know how to answer to contest questions? Starley goes into great detail to help you put together a winning entry.

On Purpose Magazine is known for helping authors promote themselves and since we love authors we want to do more.

In the audio above famed image and branding strategist Starley Murray discusses with JW Najarian the tips, tricks and secrets of writing your Point of View (POV) or what is also referred to as the Backstory in your efforts toward winning the OPM Author / Book Competition and using it in your marketing and promotion yourself and your books.

Does Your Image Detract from Your Message? by Top Image Expert Starley MurrayStarley Murray

I choose Celebrity Image Expert Starley Murray to help us build our backstory or Point of View (POV) because Starley has been on TV every single month for the past ten years with nearly 3000 appearances overall.

Specializing in brand development, media training and publicity image she has been in demand with celebrities, Fortune 500 companies, industry experts, and TV stations for the last 20 years. Starley has generated more than $1 Million in sales directly from her TV appearances and media productions.

jw and starley 01She’s called upon by stars from Inside Edition and the E! Channel and many celebrities like Brooke Burke, Tommy Lee Jones, Marie Osmond, and Eva Longoria. Starley’s plugged in to internationally recognized media events like the Academy Awards and has interviewed hundreds of celebrities on the red carpet and leverages her appearances to support Cancer Survivors and Domestic Violence Prevention.

She is proud to be regularly requested for coaching behind the scenes at the American Idol try outs and all while on live television as a media correspondent for a FOX TV news show!

Writing Your Backstory or Point of View for the OPM Contest

The On Purpose Magazine (OPM) Author Book Competition is not based on your book, but rather on your story around the book. OPM wants to help authors promote their books and believe the first thing you need to have is a great package put together to help promote, market and sell you and your book.

OPM has put a contest together to find the most original, compelling and great backstory or author point of view which will be the basis of all your promotional and marketing efforts going forward.

Here are the questions you will be asked to answer for the competition and an explanation of how to answer them to help you build a winning entry.

Even if you do not enter the competition and you should… just check out the prizes; you will end up building a very strong foundation for the rest of your marketing and promotional campaigns going forward so have fun and get creative!

The following is an outline of the lesson on the audio. Use both guide you or not. There is no right way to answer these questions. I am sure many of you will answer from the heart and just blow us away and some of you will step out of the box, the box is in.

OPM Author / Book contest questions

Who Is The Author?

Give Us Your Story, Background, History or something interesting that might tie you to the book.

  1. Share your experiences about your back ground history (often called your back story) to give the reader a way to connect with you.
  2. Concentrate your story on an inspiring and/or exciting experience from your life.
  3. Don’t discount the power of others relating to you if the experience is common and not action packed. Common threads are strong connections.
  4. Develop your backstory and share your emotions to connect to your reader.
  5. Have a short one minute back story as well as a longer version such as a five minute presentation. Likely you will get the most mileage from your short sound bites for media related experiences and the longer versions when you have the opportunity to more deeply connect with your readers/audience.

 What Is This Book About?

What is the theme? Give us a short Description of the Book and the Story.

  1. Your theme or genre to your book is also a form of branding. You may have more than one applicable theme. If so, prioritize your themes and lead with the strongest.
  2. Develop your description of the book in ways to invoke the reader’s senses such as sight, sound, taste or touch. In video and television interviews, strong visuals are strong forms of publicity.
  3. Keep your description short in length of words and impactful in meaning of your words. In the media, the less you say …the more they will listen. It’s how you say it that can be most impactful.
  4. Be purposeful as to the order of words and sentences in your descriptions. The first impression rule still applies and you can set the tone and support the mood of the reader from beginning to end.

 Why Did You Write This Book?

What compelled you to write this book? Why you and not someone else?

  1. Combine your unique back story with your special interests and skills when sharing the reasons why you wrote your book. Having a unique fusion of inspiration with special skills makes your brand more difficult to copy by others competing for publicity.
  2. Differentiate your writing styles and share why your take on your top is unique.
  3. Reveal something about yourself that is specific only to you as an author or person.
  4. Share your reasons to write this book that may be different from what inspires other authors or readers of your topic.

 Why should someone read this book?

Why should someone read this book and who should read this book? Who will this book entertain, inspire, educate, and help?

  1. List all the reasons your book can help other people and make a difference.
  2. Categorize the reasons that can help readers immediately in their lives, and the ones that can help them long term as well as those reasons that just might make them smile or feel like they are a part of something special that is bigger than them as one person.
  3. Then pick the top three reasons from each of these three areas to support your reason why someone should read your book to answer the questions readers often ask themselves pharmacy no prescription subconsciously. (What’s in it for me)
  4. Determine who your target market is and adjust your language and pinpoint your promotional campaign to reach the groups that have the highest interest in your book.

The Contest

Over 3 Million books come out every year and only a handful of them make any money or get any recognition. In fact 50% of all new books make less than $250 on average in their first year!

This is a startling and amazingly sad fact and it is not because the books are not worthy, solid, or wonderful, but because the marketing efforts behind the books are almost non existent or worse, a lot of money is spent in the wrong direction.

I have interviewed many bestselling and not best selling authors and I always get the same feedback. Marketing and promotions is the hardest part of writing a book.

What is one of the best ways to market and promote? Simple, let people get to know you. Exposure is not enough. You need the right type of exposure. This helps you build credibility and puts you on course to build a community which is one of the best ways to create buzz and sell more books.

button checkout contest

On Purpose Magazine Wants To Help Authors Promote Their Books

On Purpose Magazine is doing something different and very special for the new and not so new author to help them get more of the right type of exposure.

We will not be reading your book! What?? How can you have a Author / Book Competition / Contest without reading the book? Again Simple…

If you write a great book, give it a fantastic title and put a great picture on the front… guess how many people will beat a path to your door to get this book? Generally no one. First people need to know that it is available, but more importantly people need a reason to pick it up to read.

What is the best way to promote my book?

Through my many interviews and working with authors and publicists and public relations executives I have learned that what an author needs beyond a great book, is a well defined, compelling, interesting or relate-able story.

The Author needs to get exposure from many different sources.

  • Radio (Internet, Satellite and Terrestrial)
  • Television (Internet, Local and National)
  • Newspaper
  • Magazines
  • Industry Publications
  • Other Publications
  • Associations
  • Groups
  • Word of Mouth
  • and Many Others

But are you ready for your close up? Do you know what you are going to say or how your going to say it?

Many of the 3 million authors will never get their work exposed and many others will get some type of exposure, but waste it by not knowing what to say and how to present themselves.

What an author needs is a package that is put together and tested. Starting with a headshot, bio and compelling book description. It will also be nice to have a professional interview with a professional publication, completed and on your resume.

This is what this contest will give the author. On Purpose Magazine’s contest is all about what we call the author’s Point of View (POV). The POV is the author’s backstory, reason for writing the book and reason why the reader absolutely needs to have this book or get it for a friend..

OPM’s contest will choose a winner based on the best POV submitted. The winner will receive one of our Gold Premium Promotional Package including a full page story with a full 30 minute professional interview that will be featured in OPM and shared out to thousands and thousands of readers, industry people and is, of course, yours to distribute as you see fit all your promotional needs. There will also be other bonuses from our industry sponsors.

button OPM Promotional Packages

So by the time you are done you will have:

  • A Headshot (you supply the headshot, but you have to have one for the interview and you can take it with your cell phone, but don’t screw yourself. Take a decent one.)
  • A Bio (You must supply this also, but if you complete the contest, believe me you will have a great one.)
  • A Point of View (The basis for all your marketing, promotion, interviews and more)
  • A professional interview published on a recognized web magazine.
  • One great resume entry

For new authors this will be you breaking the ice and getting more and more interviews or speaking engagements. For some of you seasoned authors this will be a chance for you to get more and better exposure and to dust off your old POV and create another, or it may be your chance to get noticed in the new social media.

button checkout contestGive yourself a Chance to be Recognized

On Purpose Magazine is well known and respected by publicists and public relations firms that use the new media to help promote their authors.

On Purpose Magazine is becoming well known around the celebrity community as a place where the celeb can speak and promote their cause.

On Purpose Magazine gets great Google, Alexa and SEO rankings form all the major search engines so we already have the built in traffic and tools to help new and seasoned authors promote their work.

Your interview with be shown and featured alongside well known, bestselling authors, Hollywood Celebrities, Business Leaders and Teachers and more.

If you do not want to try and win a spot in the magazine there are a limited amount of spots available at a reasonable rate. OPM wants to make it affordable for authors to get themselves interviewed professionally, but since OPM does everything the old fashioned way… from scatch, OPM cannot do more than a few of these interviews. We will be offering them on a first come, first served basis.

Submit your Point of View today…. We have put together a course in how to put together a great POV which was taken from a $1500 course, but will be made available to our entrants at no charge…. This is worth the price of admission alone.

All entrants will get mentioned in the magazine with a coveted link to their book and site. This is worth the entry fee also….

button checkout contest


This is our first contest so there will be glitches and screw ups. Try and follow the directions as best as possible and if you still have problems drop me a line with your phone number so we can help you through it.

EMail Me

We expect issues, but will work hard to make sure they are as painless as possible… Thanks…

On Purpose Magazine Announces First Ever Author / Book Contest / Competition

banner OPM Author Book Contest02That’s Right!

First Ever Author Book Contest

On Purpose Magazine is known for helping authors promote themselves and since we love authors we want to do more.

OPM Founder JW Najarian and Image and Branding Consultant Starley Murray Audio to Introduce OPM Author / Book Competition ►Right Click and “Save Link As” to Download File◄

starley murray 01

In the audio above famed image and branding expert Starley Murray discusses with JW Najarian the importance of the OPM contest and the authors Point of View (POV) or what is also referred to as the Backstory in their efforts toward marketing and promotion of themselves and their books.

Over 3 Million books come out every year and only a handful of them make any money or get any recognition. In fact 50% of all new books make less than $250 on average in their first year!

This is a startling and amazingly sad fact and it is not because the books are not worthy, solid, or wonderful, but because the marketing efforts behind the books are almost non existent or worse, a lot of money is spent in the wrong direction.

I have interviewed many bestselling and not best selling authors and I always get the same feedback. Marketing and promotions is the hardest part of writing a book.

What is one of the best ways to market and promote? Simple, let people get to know you. Exposure is not enough. You need the right type of exposure. This helps you build credibility and puts you on course to build a community which is one of the best ways to create buzz and sell more books.

button checkout contest

On Purpose Magazine Wants To Help Authors Promote Their Books

On Purpose Magazine is doing something different and very special for the new and not so new author to help them get more of the right type of exposure.

We will not be reading your book! What?? How can you have a Author / Book Competition / Contest without reading the book? Again Simple…

If you write a great book, give it a fantastic title and put a great picture on the front… guess how many people will beat a path to your door to get this book? Generally no one. First people need to know that it is available, but more importantly people need a reason to pick it up to read.

What is the best way to promote my book?

Through my many interviews and working with authors and publicists and public relations executives I have learned that what an author needs beyond a great book, is a well defined, compelling, interesting or relate-able story.

The Author needs to get exposure from many different sources.

  • Radio (Internet, Satellite and Terrestrial)
  • Television (Internet, Local and National)
  • Newspaper
  • Magazines
  • Industry Publications
  • Other Publications
  • Associations
  • Groups
  • Word of Mouth
  • and Many Others

But are you ready for your close up? Do you know what you are going to say or how your going to say it?

Many of the 3 million authors will never get their work exposed and many others will get some type of exposure, but waste it by not knowing what to say and how to present themselves.

What an author needs is a package that is put together and tested. Starting with a headshot, bio and compelling book description. It will also be nice to have a professional interview with a professional publication, completed and on your resume.

This is what this contest will give the author. On Purpose Magazine’s contest is all about what we call the author’s Point of View (POV). The POV is the author’s backstory, reason for writing the book and reason why the reader absolutely needs to have this book or get it for a friend..

OPM’s contest will choose a winner based on the best POV submitted. The winner will receive one of our Gold Premium Promotional Package including a full page story with a full 30 minute professional interview that will be featured in OPM and shared out to thousands and thousands of readers, industry people and is, of course, yours to distribute as you see fit all your promotional needs. There will also be other bonuses from our industry sponsors.

button OPM Promotional Packages

So by the time you are done you will have:

  • A Headshot (you supply the headshot, but you have to have one for the interview and you can take it with your cell phone, but don’t screw yourself. Take a decent one.)
  • A Bio (You must supply this also, but if you complete the contest, believe me you will have a great one.)
  • A Point of View (The basis for all your marketing, promotion, interviews and more)
  • A professional interview published on a recognized web magazine.
  • One great resume entry

For new authors this will be you breaking the ice and getting more and more interviews or speaking engagements. For some of you seasoned authors this will be a chance for you to get more and better exposure and to dust off your old POV and create another, or it may be your chance to get noticed in the new social media.

button checkout contestGive yourself a Chance to be Recognized

On Purpose Magazine is well known and respected by publicists and public relations firms that use the new media to help promote their authors.

On Purpose Magazine is becoming well known around the celebrity community as a place where the celeb can speak and promote their cause.

On Purpose Magazine gets great Google, Alexa and SEO rankings form all the major search engines so we already have the built in traffic and tools to help new and seasoned authors promote their work.

Your interview with be shown and featured alongside well known, bestselling authors, Hollywood Celebrities, Business Leaders and Teachers and more.

If you do not want to try and win a spot in the magazine there are a limited amount of spots available at a reasonable rate. OPM wants to make it affordable for authors to get themselves interviewed professionally, but since OPM does everything the old fashioned way… from scatch, OPM cannot do more than a few of these interviews. We will be offering them on a first come, first served basis.

Submit your Point of View today…. We have put together a course in how to put together a great POV which was taken from a $1500 course, but will be made available to our entrants at no charge…. This is worth the price of admission alone.

All entrants will get mentioned in the magazine with a coveted link to their book and site. This is worth the entry fee also….

button checkout contest


This is our first contest so there will be glitches and screw ups. Try and follow the directions as best as possible and if you still have problems drop me a line with your phone number so we can help you through it.

EMail Me

We expect issues, but will work hard to make sure they are as painless as possible… Thanks…

It is Snowing at On Purpose Magazine


In the spirit of the holidays, it will be Snowing at the  On Purpose Magazine website till January 4th.

Come and check it out and all the wonderful stories and our first ever Author / Book contest / competition.

I grew up around snow…. My father was in the Air Force and it seems that we were stationed in many cold weather places where I got to see snow as a young kid, such as Plattsburgh, NY and Carterton, in West Oxfordshire in the U.K. and eventually my mother and my brother and sister settled in Lake Tahoe, CA and NV.

Snow was what winter and the holidays were about and when I first spend a Christmas away from home it was soooo depressing. I was stationed, while in the U.S. Navy, in San Diego, CA and though it was a wonderfully sunny Christmas Day, it lacked everything I thought I knew about Christmas.’

I now live in Los Angeles and have had rainy Christmases and wonderfully sunny Christmases, but never a snowy one. Yes we have had snow in Los Angeles a couple of times, but never on Christmas.

The point is that I love snow for the holidays and do miss it, but I have learned not to be depressed due to incredibly great weather.

I also have to admit that if reminded, going to school, work or important events can really suck in the snow and sliding off the road is not fun, or putting on chains when your hands are frozen, or slipping and falling or shoveling the walk or going out to carry in firewood and….. well you get the picture.

So at On Purpose Magazine we will make it snow 24/7 for your enjoyment, without any of the hassles. Make sure you stay on the page a second as it starts out very subtle and then it picks up the longer you stay.

Come take a peek and while your their listen or watch one of our great videos or podcasts. We try and put in tons of helpful content that you can use now and share throughout the year.

Happy Holidays to you and yours… – JW

Gloria Loring – Coincidence Is God’s Way of Remaining Anonymous

Gloria LoringGloria Loring Speaks About Her Spiritual Autobiography on the Coincidences that Led to Her Greatest Successes in Her Life

Gloria Loring has been blessed with an acting career that has sustained over many years, she has had a number one hit song and has co-written and sung the theme song of a popular sitcom Continue reading

Devon Blaine SoCal Publicist of the Year on Professional PR and Crisis Intervention

devon blaineDevon Blaine, founder and owner of The Blaine Group in Beverly Hills

Talks to OPM about her award for publicist of the year, The business of professional public relations, business, promotional and marketing strategy and the Blaine Groups specialty in crisis planning, control, intervention and management.

Devon Blaine Audio Interview on her life, career, PR, promotion, winning publicist of the year and crisis managementAudio Player ►Right Click and “Save Link As” to Download File◄

NOTE: There was one question, on the recording that was asked,but somehow did not get recorded. The question was about women having to work harder to build a business. Devon answered that she did not believe that to be true….. Listen to the audio to hear her full answer.

One of the things I like about what I do is meeting and working with public relations professionals. I have been blessed to work with some big names and many smaller companies.

The other side of that coin is that I have also worked with many companies that call themselves professionals, but only seem to be playing at it. Public relations, I have found, can rarely be faked. They say even a blind squirrel can occasionally find a nut or two, but I have rarely seen a bad PR firm pull off a successful event or project.

What I have seen is that promotion is a tricky game and that you can never be sure that any effort will deliver a result, but you can be assured that no action or a half hearted stab at it will result in failure .

So when I get to work with firms like The Blaine Group, it just makes my day and my life easier. They are professionals that do what they say and say what they do and they work at under-promising and over-delivering, not the other way around.

I believe I have been blessed to know and work with people like Devon and her amazing staff and believe that if you are serious about your product, project, service or business, that you should seriously consider The Blaine Group or a firm that can and will deliver. – JW


devon blaineDevon Blaine

A professional communicator, Devon Blaine is the founder, president, and CEO of The Blaine Group, Inc., a total communications agency established in 1975, which was recently named the 24th largest public relations firm in Los Angeles.

She has represented many diverse business, manufacturing, financial and healthcare clients  and several bestselling authors with their publicity needs, both promotional and as a crises intervention and management specialist.

Devon Blaine is experienced in all facets of the communications industry. She has written newspaper and magazine columns, scripted radio and television commercials, served as a production supervisor, strategized political issues and campaigns, developed and implemented investor relations plans, and created communications campaigns for a diverse range of clients.

Besides helping other businesses maximize their success, Blaine has long been active in numerous organizations that aid entrepreneurs, thus earning her reputation as “the entrepreneur’s entrepreneur.”

She is three times a past president of the Los Angeles Venture Association (LAVA), a dynamic and diverse group composed of entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and other money providers, and service providers which exists for the sole purpose of creating win‑win‑win situations amongst its members.

Devon is past president of the California chapter of National Small Business United, a grassroots leadership organization for free enterprise with the mission of improving the climate for  small businesses in the United States.  An elected delegate to the White House Conference on Small Business, she was active in the California delegation since 1978 and served on the Board of Directors of the 1980, 1982, and 1984 California State Conferences on Small Business.  Blaine was appointed as a delegate to the 1986 White House Conference on Small Business by then U.S. Senator Pete Wilson, and elected by her peers to co‑chair the California delegation.

Additionally, she is a past president and a founding board member of the Los Angeles Chapter of the National Association of Women Business Owners and was honored as their Woman Entrepreneur of the Year in 1987.  She is also an active member of the Los Angeles Angeles Mid-Market Professionals, TEAM, PRO, Bruin Professionals, Association of Venture Founders, the Chief Executive Officers’ Clubs, and the Public Relations Society of America.

In 2012 Devon Blaine was named Book Publicist of the Year by Book Publicists of Southern California specifically for the international campaign The Blaine Group waged on behalf of Abbey Road To Ziggy Stardust by Ken Scott and Bobby Owsinski, Alfred Music Publishing.

In nine months, Ken Scott has had more than 150 exposures:  interviews, reviews, book signings, speaking engagements, etc., including coverage in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Post, WGN, ABC, NBC, events at the GRAMMY Museum, The Beatle Fest and more… in short, a wildly intensive and effective campaign.

The Publicist of the Year Award also recognized  the body of work her agency The Blaine Group has implemented through the years including representing four best sellers:  Nice Girls  Do:  And You Can, Too, by Dr. Irene Kassorla; On A Clear Day You Can See General Motors, by J. Patrick Wright; Meg, by Steve Alten; and Natural Cures “They” Don’t Want You To Know About, by Kevin Trudeau.

The Blaine Group

Formerly an actress and model, Devon Blaine established The Blaine Group, a Beverly Hills‑based full‑service communications agency specializing in public relations, book public relations, financial public relations, investor relations, crisis management, the development of collateral material, marketing, and advertising in 1975.  Since that time, the agency has expanded dramatically, creating successful communications campaigns for clients in diverse fields.

As a total communications agency, Blaine Group has implemented consumer, trade, and financial public relations; investor relations; and advertising efforts and have provided marketing strategy, based on conducting market research, for a diverse range of companies and organizations. They have also created and managed special events and fundraisers and have directed community relations projects.

In addition, The Blaine Group provides a variety of special communications services to its clients. These include managing crisis situations; conceiving and coordinating seminars and press conferences; event and party planning; developing master plans and collateral materials; proposal, article, letter, and speech writing; conducting surveys; and publishing newsletters and brochures. They both create and implement.

Today their client base encompasses a wide range of businesses and industries with particular emphasis on business-to-business communications, publicly-held companies, technology-based businesses, the medical and healthcare fields, environmental-related firms, consumer products, publishing, fashion and beauty, continuing education, non-profit organizations and trade associations, and the world of show business.

The Blaine Group, Inc.

A Total Communications Agency
8665 Wilshire Blvd., Suite #301, Beverly Hills, CA 90211
O 310/360-1499 · F 310/360-1498
E-mail:  devon@blainegroupinc.com

Juliet Wright – Everything is My Fault – A Journey Through Co-Dependency

Juliet Wright Everything is My FaultJuliet Wright Everything is My Fault – A Journey Through Co-Dependency

Juliet Wright is a speaker, author, musician, teacher and long sufferer of the pain of the disease of codependency.

Juliet’s journey with codependency began as a young child when addiction invaded her family. In this book, she observes her codependency as it weaves its way through her relationships and behavior patterns. Join us as she shares her story, as well as the program of recovery that is helping so many heal.

Disclaimer: Juliet and I have known each other for over 15 years. She came to my wedding. I have kept up with her over the years here and there, and I bust out her music from time to time, as besides, now being a new author, she has two music albums she produced. So I am biased because I love and care for Juliet.

On the other hand, I see a lot of books, as you might imagine and many are not good. This one is one of the good ones.

I met Juliet through my wife as they are good friends. My wife used to hang out with Juliet’s husband’s top 40 band and they were all very close, good friends. We still get together and watch some of the spin off bands occasionally.

Juliet and her husband lived in the Hollywood hills and had played just about every venue in Hollywood and southern California. They were busy and popular and striving hard to have success in the very tough, music industry that is Hollywood. They lived in a house that I was told was the practice pad for a band called Journey in the early days.

Juliet and her husband were well liked and a favorite couple amongst the group, but we did not know the turmoil that was happening with Juliet. A family history of mental and substance abuse was leading Juliet in directions, thoughts and patterns that were not good for her.

I heard about the book and I know Juliet as the creative type so I was not surprised that she wrote a book, but when I read the title, I got it right away. This is a great look into what causes codependency, enabling and how we sabotage ourselves as we look outside ourselves for answers that can only come from within us. I saw myself in this book many times.

Listen in to this interview where I get a chance to sit down with an old friend and dig into her healing, how her problems came about and how by using some proven techniques and C0-Dependents Anonymous (CoDa) her life was changed to one of gratitude and fulfillment. 

Juliet went on to get her Masters and is now a teacher. I am very happy for her and the new journey she is on and I know, KNOW this book will help many, many people get on the right path in their own lives – JW

Juliet A. Wright

Juliet is a singer, songwriter, recording artist, author, and teacher who was born and raised in Central Vermont.

Juliet spent much of her young life as an equestrian and was always active in music and theatre. She attended Interlochen Arts Academy from 1979-1982, where she studied piano, music composition, theatre, and dance.

Juliet graduated from the University of Miami in Coral Gables, Florida, in 1986 with a degree in Studio Music and Jazz Guitar Performance.

After leaving Miami, Juliet moved to Burlington, Vermont, to pursue her career as a jazz guitarist. She moved to Los Angeles in 1987, where she pursued her career as a guitarist and performer of pop and rock music. For the next 13 years, she made her living singing, and playing the guitar, piano, and saxophone in clubs and at private functions all over California.

In 1997, a year after she was married to an old friend and fellow mucian, she began teaching general vocal music for the Los Angeles Unified School District. Juliet divorced in 2004 and moved back to Vermont, in 2007, where she currently lives.

Juliete writes books and composes and records her own music. She also teaches stringed instruments to elementary school students in a nearby Massachusetts school district. Her hobbies include writing and recording music, oil painting, knitting, and nurturing all the baby trees she has planted on her property.

Juliet is a devout Quaker and is active in her Quaker Meeting. Codependency recovery is very important to Juliet, and she donates much of her time giving back to CoDA.

book juliet wright everything is my faultEverything is my fault

One Woman’s Journey Through Codependency

Juliet Wright has spent her whole life living wth the disease of Codependency.

She has been actively working the Recovery Program which is documented in her first book Everything is My Fault. Seven years of work that has lead her to a much happier life.

This book is her fearless moral inventory, step 4 of the 12 step process, which she originally wrote as part of her journey to heal herself from debilitating and confining behaviors.

She then went through the 12 step program and along with her sponsor and therapist she developed processes and recovery tools using many proven techniques that changed her life.

This book is Juliet sharing her story, but more importantly, the sharing of the processes, tools, programs and techniques that helped her dig into her own past, see past the hurt, anger and fear and then take the steps toward recovery, gratitude, self awareness, self esteem and the inner tranquility that we all deserve. – JW

From Amazon

Through her personal journey, Juliet has illustrated in a most meaningful way, the pervasive nature of codependency, her healing through the 12 Step program of CoDa, and her implementation of those teachings into her life. This is a must read for anyone who has discovered how codependency has detrimentally affected their relationships and their lives. This book can serve as a guide for those seeking their own healing process with the wonderful result of discovering themselves in ways which could not have been imagined.

Caroll Fowler, M.A., MFT, previous Director of the Family Program at Sequoia Center and CoFounder of the drug/alcohol residential program in Kenya, ViFukoFuko Recovery Center.

I am so moved to be able to write a response to Juliet A. Wright’s searing self-help memoir, Everything is my Fault: One Woman’s Journey through Codependency. Reading her story, I found myself repeating, she has such courage and insight: this book represents an intimate act of healing for her and potentially, for so many other readers, including myself. Surely, this is a profound testament about how a former Miss Perfect (and a wonderful composer and singer and guitarist) has learned to love herself. Join Juliet in this profound inner journey of hope and healing.

Stanford J. Searl, Jr., Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Union Institute & University, an interdisciplinary doctoral program, Quaker scholar and author of Homage to the Lady with the Dirty Feet and other Vermont Poems, a new first book of poetry about growing

codependents anonymous logoCodependents anonymous


Co-Dependents Anonymous, a fellowship of men and women whose common purpose is to develop healthy relationships.

The only requirement for membership is a desire for healthy and loving relationships.

CoDA is truly an International Fellowship with a presence in most countries.
Click here to view websites of other countries.

Click here to view other countries that maintain their own meeting lists.

Juliet Wright’s Music

Fearless Moral Inventory

This Album is a companion CD to my Book, “Everything Is My Fault.” The lyrics are sprinkled throughout the book. I wrote this music to help me heal. I hope that anyone who hears it will find comfort and healing. May it inspire the listener to write some songs of their own for their own recovery.

Juliet Wright BelovedBeloved

Juliet played professionally in Top 40 and casuals bands for several years before hitting the coffee house scene with her duo White River and their self titled cd. After the break up of her duo, Juliet ventured into the wonderful world of teaching.

She teaches music to elementary age students in the San Fernando Valley. Although she finds teaching very rewarding, her first love is writing and performing her own music. Her background is in jazz, but her love of rock, folk, pop and religious music has influenced her songwriting that has resulted in the creation, evolution and birth of her new cd Beloved.

Her poetic lyrics, beautiful melodies and tasty chord changes lead the listener through her most recent and very personal journeys, the destination being this intriguing, thought provoking music.



Dr. Robert Nagourney New Clinical Study Shows Test That Doubles Chemotherapy Response Rate

dr robert nagourney national therapeutics


Essentially what this study shows is that by using certain methods of testing which chemo drugs will work, using the patients own cancer cells, can double the response rate of the patient to the treatment and longevity of the patient, over current methods used today. Continue reading

Chellie Campbell How To Reduce Financial Stress

Chellie Campbell Successful Entrepreneur, Author, Financial Stress Reduction Coach, Speaker and Pro Poker Player

Talks to us about how she made it through troubling times to find happiness, herself and success. She now leads small, intimate classes to help others that are struggling, find their way out and on to their own success in Their business and life.

Chellie Campbell is one of those who you will find all over the web and social media, as she has conquered this all to sketchy medium.

Chellie has found the secrets to using social media and other forms of promotion to help others and to find clients that need her services.

As you listen to this interview you will find out how she learned some tough lessons that have allowed her to become successful as a financial stress reduction teacher and coach.

More than an interesting story, Chellie shares with us many great techniques and lessons she teaches to help her clients weather their storms or just increase their sales.

Chellie is a Master at creating community and relationships in order to make promoting yourself and your business fun and exciting.

Thank you Chellie for sharing and spending your time and brilliance with me and my listeners. – JW


Chellie Campbell

Creator of the popular Financial Stress Reduction® Workshops which now has licensed Coaches throughout the country, Chellie Campbell’s first book was The Wealthy Spirit: Daily Affirmations for Financial Stress Reduction (Sourcebooks, 2002) which was chosen as a Book-of-the-Week on the Dr. Laura Schlessinger radio show and a GlobalNet Book-of-the-Month selection. Her publisher asked her to write her second book, Zero to Zillionaire: 8 Foolproof Steps to Financial Peace of Mind, which was released by Sourcebooks in April, 2006.

Chellie’s work is highlighted in the books of many of the teachers from The Secret: she is one of Marci Shimoff’s “Happy 100” in her current NYT bestseller Happy for No Reason and as a “Financial Guru” in James Arthur Ray’s NYT bestseller Harmonic Wealth and has also contributed stories to Jack Canfield’s recent books You’ve Got to Read This Book! and Life Lessons from Chicken Soup for the Soul. In How to Run Your Business Like a Girl (Adams Media, 2005) by Elizabeth Cogswell Baskin, Chellie is one of three entrepreneurs featured in every chapter and is also prominently quoted as a financial expert in Money, A Memoir: Women, Emotions, and Cash by Liz Perle (Henry Holt, 2006). Chellie has been featured on numerous television shows, more than 100 radio shows, quoted in Good Housekeeping, Pink, Lifetime, The Los Angeles Times, Entrepreneur, Essence, Woman’s World, and more than 35 popular books.

Chellie earned her B.A. degree at the University of California at Santa Barbara with a major in dramatic art. After an eight-year professional acting career, she entered the world of business and in 1984 was hired to manage a small bookkeeping service company in Pacific Palisades. Ms. Campbell tripled the business, bought out her partners in 1988 and sold the company in 1995 in order to devote full time to her workshops and busy public speaking schedule.

Groups Chellie has addressed include the Postal Customer Council, National Association of Women Business Owners, the U.S. Small Business Administration, the Fuji Film Summit, Women in Design, National Association of Professional Organizers, the City of West Hollywood Small Business Conference and the Daily News Women’s Career Conference. In 1994, she helped create the first annual Entrepreneurial Institute for the University of Alaska at Sitka.

Chellie was awarded “Rotarian of the Year” by the Pacific Palisades Rotary Club, “Member of the Year” by Women’s Referral Service, “Most Inspirational Speaker” by Women in Management, “Speaker of the Year” by Association of Women Entrepreneurs, and is past President of the L.A. Chapter of the National Association of Women Business Owners. She was awarded the Los Angeles District SBA Women in Business Advocate Award in 1994. Her hobby is playing No-Limit Texas Hold’em tournament poker, and she finished third in the 2007 Los Angeles Poker Classic Ladies event and 5th in the 2007 California Ladies State Poker Championship.

book zero to zillionaire chellie campbellZero To Zillionaire

Zero to Zillionaire is a scale. We are all on that scale somewhere-some of us are drowning near Zero and some of us are riding the crest of the Zillionaire wave. Why is that?

Why do some people sink to the bottom of the ocean, some people float to the peak at the top, and the majority tread water in the middle? After accident of birth places a person somewhere on the scale, what is it that makes some stay where they were born, and others rise on the scale? Or fall off the scale? Why do a lot of wealthy people have no spirit and why are a lot of spiritual people are broke?

This book will help you understand your place on the scale and how to move up the food chain. You will learn how to implement the 8 successful steps:

  • Daily routines change your mindset and your future
  • Figure out what you really want
  • Take action-how to bring home the zillions
  • Surround yourself with people who make you rich and happy
  • Keep score in the money game
  • Your zillionaire time frame starts now
  • Make success out of failure
  • Lighten up-the whole idea is to have a great life!

You can qualify for Zillionaire status, with wealth in your work, happiness in your home, and a balance between the two. Follow these principles and you will have a balanced checkbook, a balanced schedule, a balanced spirit, and a balanced life.

You can be a Zillionaire: someone who has a zillion dreams, is taking a zillion actions to make them come true, makes as many zillions of dollars as possible, has a zillion friends, is doing a zillion good deeds, taking a zillion naps and a zillion vacations, and having a zillion adventures in a long, fun-filled life!

book the wealthy spirit chellie campbellThe Wealthy Spirit: Daily Affirmations for Financial Stress Reduction

Many people spend their lives searching for the means to acquire tremendous financial wealth. They look to external resources to give them what they want, and are ultimately disappointed when their dreams don’t turn out the way they had planned. They either become incredibly wealthy at the expense of their spiritual well being, family, and friends, or they never acquire the riches they’ve aspired to, and in their disappointment, they discover they’ve lost all sense of self-worth.

The Wealthy Spirit is the only book that offers an approach to achieving both spiritual and financial wealth. Through a series of daily affirmations that focus on the reader’s internal strength and capacity for change, this book will set them on a path toward personal enlightenment and wealth in body, mind, and spirit.

Using a day-to-day approach, readers will learn six keys:

  1. Think positive. Like mind over matter, mind over money begins with believing you deserve it and can get it.
  2. Send out ships. You can wait for your ship to come in, but if you don’t send any out, it’s going to be a long wait.
  3. Count your money. Money is a game and you have to know the score. The money score will tell you how well you’re doing at steps one and two.
  4. Swim with dolphins. Being “in the swim” will depend largely on who you’re swimming with. Find “your people” and avoid sharks.
  5. Survive the storms. You must weather interior storms as well as exterior ones. Persistence is key.
  6. Seek balance and enlightenment. Only from their perspective will you know when you have “enough.”

The Wealthy Spirit offers readers peace of mind to help them build financial muscle and a successful, stress-free life.

Contact Chellie Campbell:

Campbell Consulting Company
Phone: (310) 476-1622
FAX: (310) 476-1637

Chellie’s Website: www.Chellie.com

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