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Juliet Wright – Everything is My Fault – A Journey Through Co-Dependency

Juliet Wright Everything is My FaultJuliet Wright Everything is My Fault – A Journey Through Co-Dependency

Juliet Wright is a speaker, author, musician, teacher and long sufferer of the pain of the disease of codependency.

Juliet’s journey with codependency began as a young child when addiction invaded her family. In this book, she observes her codependency as it weaves its way through her relationships and behavior patterns. Join us as she shares her story, as well as the program of recovery that is helping so many heal.

Disclaimer: Juliet and I have known each other for over 15 years. She came to my wedding. I have kept up with her over the years here and there, and I bust out her music from time to time, as besides, now being a new author, she has two music albums she produced. So I am biased because I love and care for Juliet.

On the other hand, I see a lot of books, as you might imagine and many are not good. This one is one of the good ones.

I met Juliet through my wife as they are good friends. My wife used to hang out with Juliet’s husband’s top 40 band and they were all very close, good friends. We still get together and watch some of the spin off bands occasionally.

Juliet and her husband lived in the Hollywood hills and had played just about every venue in Hollywood and southern California. They were busy and popular and striving hard to have success in the very tough, music industry that is Hollywood. They lived in a house that I was told was the practice pad for a band called Journey in the early days.

Juliet and her husband were well liked and a favorite couple amongst the group, but we did not know the turmoil that was happening with Juliet. A family history of mental and substance abuse was leading Juliet in directions, thoughts and patterns that were not good for her.

I heard about the book and I know Juliet as the creative type so I was not surprised that she wrote a book, but when I read the title, I got it right away. This is a great look into what causes codependency, enabling and how we sabotage ourselves as we look outside ourselves for answers that can only come from within us. I saw myself in this book many times.

Listen in to this interview where I get a chance to sit down with an old friend and dig into her healing, how her problems came about and how by using some proven techniques and C0-Dependents Anonymous (CoDa) her life was changed to one of gratitude and fulfillment. 

Juliet went on to get her Masters and is now a teacher. I am very happy for her and the new journey she is on and I know, KNOW this book will help many, many people get on the right path in their own lives – JW

Juliet A. Wright

Juliet is a singer, songwriter, recording artist, author, and teacher who was born and raised in Central Vermont.

Juliet spent much of her young life as an equestrian and was always active in music and theatre. She attended Interlochen Arts Academy from 1979-1982, where she studied piano, music composition, theatre, and dance.

Juliet graduated from the University of Miami in Coral Gables, Florida, in 1986 with a degree in Studio Music and Jazz Guitar Performance.

After leaving Miami, Juliet moved to Burlington, Vermont, to pursue her career as a jazz guitarist. She moved to Los Angeles in 1987, where she pursued her career as a guitarist and performer of pop and rock music. For the next 13 years, she made her living singing, and playing the guitar, piano, and saxophone in clubs and at private functions all over California.

In 1997, a year after she was married to an old friend and fellow mucian, she began teaching general vocal music for the Los Angeles Unified School District. Juliet divorced in 2004 and moved back to Vermont, in 2007, where she currently lives.

Juliete writes books and composes and records her own music. She also teaches stringed instruments to elementary school students in a nearby Massachusetts school district. Her hobbies include writing and recording music, oil painting, knitting, and nurturing all the baby trees she has planted on her property.

Juliet is a devout Quaker and is active in her Quaker Meeting. Codependency recovery is very important to Juliet, and she donates much of her time giving back to CoDA.

book juliet wright everything is my faultEverything is my fault

One Woman’s Journey Through Codependency

Juliet Wright has spent her whole life living wth the disease of Codependency.

She has been actively working the Recovery Program which is documented in her first book Everything is My Fault. Seven years of work that has lead her to a much happier life.

This book is her fearless moral inventory, step 4 of the 12 step process, which she originally wrote as part of her journey to heal herself from debilitating and confining behaviors.

She then went through the 12 step program and along with her sponsor and therapist she developed processes and recovery tools using many proven techniques that changed her life.

This book is Juliet sharing her story, but more importantly, the sharing of the processes, tools, programs and techniques that helped her dig into her own past, see past the hurt, anger and fear and then take the steps toward recovery, gratitude, self awareness, self esteem and the inner tranquility that we all deserve. – JW

From Amazon

Through her personal journey, Juliet has illustrated in a most meaningful way, the pervasive nature of codependency, her healing through the 12 Step program of CoDa, and her implementation of those teachings into her life. This is a must read for anyone who has discovered how codependency has detrimentally affected their relationships and their lives. This book can serve as a guide for those seeking their own healing process with the wonderful result of discovering themselves in ways which could not have been imagined.

Caroll Fowler, M.A., MFT, previous Director of the Family Program at Sequoia Center and CoFounder of the drug/alcohol residential program in Kenya, ViFukoFuko Recovery Center.

I am so moved to be able to write a response to Juliet A. Wright’s searing self-help memoir, Everything is my Fault: One Woman’s Journey through Codependency. Reading her story, I found myself repeating, she has such courage and insight: this book represents an intimate act of healing for her and potentially, for so many other readers, including myself. Surely, this is a profound testament about how a former Miss Perfect (and a wonderful composer and singer and guitarist) has learned to love herself. Join Juliet in this profound inner journey of hope and healing.

Stanford J. Searl, Jr., Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Union Institute & University, an interdisciplinary doctoral program, Quaker scholar and author of Homage to the Lady with the Dirty Feet and other Vermont Poems, a new first book of poetry about growing

codependents anonymous logoCodependents anonymous

Co-Dependents Anonymous, a fellowship of men and women whose common purpose is to develop healthy relationships.

The only requirement for membership is a desire for healthy and loving relationships.

CoDA is truly an International Fellowship with a presence in most countries.
Click here to view websites of other countries.

Click here to view other countries that maintain their own meeting lists.

Juliet Wright’s Music

Fearless Moral Inventory

This Album is a companion CD to my Book, “Everything Is My Fault.” The lyrics are sprinkled throughout the book. I wrote this music to help me heal. I hope that anyone who hears it will find comfort and healing. May it inspire the listener to write some songs of their own for their own recovery.

Juliet Wright BelovedBeloved

Juliet played professionally in Top 40 and casuals bands for several years before hitting the coffee house scene with her duo White River and their self titled cd. After the break up of her duo, Juliet ventured into the wonderful world of teaching.

She teaches music to elementary age students in the San Fernando Valley. Although she finds teaching very rewarding, her first love is writing and performing her own music. Her background is in jazz, but her love of rock, folk, pop and religious music has influenced her songwriting that has resulted in the creation, evolution and birth of her new cd Beloved.

Her poetic lyrics, beautiful melodies and tasty chord changes lead the listener through her most recent and very personal journeys, the destination being this intriguing, thought provoking music.


CRE Auctioneer Brecht Palombo on Bulk REO, Notes

Brecht Palombo Founder and Auctioneer for Nationwide Commercial Sales (Tranzon)

Speaks to CREPIG about the current state of the Commercial Bulk REO and Notes Markets. The Good the Bad and the Ugly.

120911 Brecht Palombo Edit 01

Duke Long Audio Interview Use of Social Media in the CRE Industry – To hear this interview [CLICK HERE]

Brecht and I have know each other as acquaintances for over 4 years now. I have always been interested in what Brecht was doing as he started around the time I was working on CRE Distressed Assets Assoc. CREDAA.

Brecht has made success out of distressed properties on the web as few others have and I applaud and am jealous of him at the same time.

I want to thank Brecht for his frank, no nonsense opinion and the wealth of info that he brought to this conversation  – JW

Brecht Palombo

As an auctioneer I work for lenders, special servicers, attorneys, court appointed trustees, receivers and businesses and provide them with rapid commercial real estate, multifamily, and construction property or note disposition services via online auctions, live auctions, sealed bid, or hybrid bid formats. I act as a single point of contact for real estate auctions nationwide.

Real estate auctioneer and software entrepreneur.

Brecht also designed, developed and currently markets an online web application that real estate, investment and banking professionals use to find bank contacts and evaluate the REO and non performing loan information for 97.3% of US banks via ‘live’ call report data.


* Commercial real estate foreclosure and REO auctions
* Multifamily foreclosure and REO auctions
* Construction REO and foreclosure auctions
* Condo project liquidations and REO auctions
* Subdivision liquidations, foreclosure and REO auctions
* 363 sales (debtor in possession)
* Developer closeout auctions
* Online real estate auctions
* Non performing note sales
* FDIC call report data
* Regional and local bank contacts
* Distressed asset data

Distressed Pro: is home to BankProspector, the fastest easiest way to find banks and bank contacts with non performing loans and REO, GUARANTEED, or your money back.

BankProspector is the only software that lets you see the late and non performing loan portfolio details of any US bank.

With BankProspector you can find banks with distressed residential, multifamily, commercial, and construction loans nation wide. Research banks to find non-performing notes for sale, real estate loans in default, and bank owned real estate.

* Brokers: Find banks with residential, commercial, or multifamily REO
* Investors: Pre-foreclosure opportunities, loans for sale and more
* Developers: Capitalize on broken condo deals, distressed construction
* Attorneys: Research lenders who need your services
* Bankers: Get an instant detailed view of your competitors real estate reporting.


bank research, bank data, non performing loans, distressed real estate, bank owned real estate, notes for sale, workout, special assets, REO, OREO, auctions, foreclosures.

Tranzon Auctions

At Tranzon Brecht serves as a single point of contact for distressed asset services nationwide.

Lenders’ workout and special assets groups, turnaround professionals, CMBS special servicers, attorneys, court appointed trustees and receivers as well as businesses rely on Brecht to provide rapid commercial real estate disposition and real estate loss mitigation services.

His services include site inspections, foreclosure auctions, bankruptcy auctions, negotiated or accelerated commercial REO sales, and rapid corporate real estate and business asset dispositions.

Tranzon is a nationwide auction company helping owners sell their real estate in the shortest possible time, at the highest possible price. Tranzon’s independent member companies combine the benefits of local market knowledge with the resources of a national organization. With trained and licensed staff who are among the most talented, experienced and longest-tenured in the industry, we provide a single point of contact for all of your local, regional and national asset sale needs.

Our proprietary Market-Making SystemSM is a proven-effective methodology for the quick sale of real estate. The System provides sellers with a sophisticated and effective marketing program, specifically designed for each seller’s individual property, and the benefit of our database of tens of thousands of potential auction buyers. Tranzon uses the most advanced online marketing techniques to achieve the best possible results for sellers.

Tranzon conducts all types of auctions:

  • Live onsite
  • Ballroom
  • Sealed bid
  • Online-only
  • Simultaneous live & online

Tranzon companies serve:

  • Financial institutions
  • Bankruptcy trustees and estates
  • Corporations and developers
  • Trusts, guardians and estates
  • Private individuals
  • Investment groups

Trazon Auction
Brecht’s Blog –


crepig comercial real estate professional and investor groupThis post courtesy of the Commercial Real Estate Professionals and Investor Group who are dedicated to bringing news, information and resource to the commercial real estate industry.

Duke Long on Using Social Media in Commercial Real Estate

Duke Long Commercial Real EstateDuke Long Commercial Real Estate Social Media Expert, Speaker, Broker and all around CRE activist

Takes some time to chat with us about the CRE industry and social media’s role now and in the future.

Duke Long Audio Interview Use of Social Media in the CRE Industry – To hear this interview [CLICK HERE]

I have been following Duke Long and his blog for a few years now. I was Googling Commercial Real Estate sites and found a list of the top 25 social media people in the industry.

I looked up and down the list and searched it for my name. I found my co-partner on my CREPIG site and many of my site members, but not my name.

I was disappointed and made a mental note to make sure that this Duke guy recognized me and put me on the list. Well the list was done so I put myself on it in the comments section.

Duke wrote back saying essentially cool man… No prob. I kept a keen eye on his lists since then and I have rarely made any of them.

Duke and I have spoken several times over the years and we finally got to meet each other and hang out at NAR together. We actually had a great time hanging out and got to talk at length about many subjects.

Duke is going where most other CRE professionals do not dare with social media and blogging and he does have an attitude, which he share via his blog…. Listen in as we take a moment to chat about the industry and new media challenges. – JW


Duke LongDuke Long

Duke Long is the Broker/Owner of The Duke Long Agency.

Duke is the creator and author of the blogsite

Duke has delivered numerous presentations, panel discussions, and moderated panels on the subjects of online commercial real estate technology, communication, marketing, branding, data, content creation and digital media.

Commercial Real Estate Speaking Topics

  • Social Media: Making sense of it all.
  • Building an online community: Finding customers and clients online.
  • Developing an online reputation: How to create your brands online reputation.
  • Creating content: What content should you create and who are you trying to reach.
  • Business Blogging: Generating traffic, writing and creating valuable content.
  • Mobile: Strategy, applications and tools for commercial real estate.
  • Commercial real estate data: What to do with it and how to maximize its value.

Duke has presented in front of audiences of varying sizes all across the country for local, regional, national and international companies and associations.

Although Duke is not a professional speaker but as a business owner, commercial real estate practioner and communicator. The content is practical, actionable and results driven for today’s commercial real estate business.

Contact to schedule me for your next event or conference.

If you want to connect:

Blog: Uh, your on it.
Google +

No adds, no sales pitches, no listings push…… but maybe a little attitude!


crepig comercial real estate professional and investor groupThis post courtesy of the Commercial Real Estate Professionals and Investor Group who are dedicated to bringing news, information and resource to the commercial real estate industry.

Joe Deninzon on Stratospheerius’ New Album The Next World

Joe Deninzon Violinist, Composer, Arranger, Singer, Mandolinist, Educator and  Founder of the Band Stratospheerius,

Talks to us about the band and the new album, The Next World…

I was recently asked to check out a band I hadn’t heard of, but I really like the violin and jazz like Noel Pointer, Jean Luc Ponty and Jerry Goodman (Mahavishnu Orchestra).

I received a CD from Joe’s PR firm and took a long listen. I was not let down. Joe is brilliant and his band is exceptional. I really love instrumental and there are three great ones on this album (yes I said album).

Joe was a great interview. We got to talk at length about his early influences, the various musicians he played with on this album and on others. If you are a fan of rock, fusion, jazz and just good music, you need to take a listen to the the CD The Next World. If you already like Stratospheerius then you will appreciate the interview if you do not know the music or the band listen to both. You will not be sorry. – JW

Note: Watch their video on KickStarter. Stratospheerius is looking to fund the production of a very cool video to spotlight their music. You can help, but you can also watch the killer video they put on KickStarter. If this video is an indication of what id to come… this should be very cool. [To Watch CLICK Here]


Joe Deninzon StratospheeriusJoe Deninzon

Joseph Deninzon has established himself as a versatile, on-demand electric and acoustic violinist, mandolinist, guitarist, singer and composer. A musician who transcends many genres, he has recorded and performed with a variety of artists including Sheryl Crow, Everclear, Ritchie Blackmore of Deep Purple, Smokey Robinson, Johnny Matthis, Les Paul, Phoebe Snow, Jane Monheit, and recently with Bruce Springsteen at Madison Square Garden. Joe is also the co-creator and musical director for the off-Broadway hit show, “Spider Dance” with renowned percussionist, Alessandra Belloni. He has made repeat appearances at the Grand Canyon Music Festival with Harmonica virtuoso Robert Bonfiglio. Joe was a winner of the John Lennon International Songwriting Competition with a song he contributed to the soundtrack for the film, What’s Up Scarlet (open City Entertainment). He has been featured in publications such as Jazziz, Downbeat, and Relix magazine, among others. An 11-time BMI Composer’s grant recipient, Joe’s music has been featured on CMT, VH1, ABC, Comedy Central, the Travel Channel, History Channel, Food network, and National Geographic.

Critics have hailed Mr. Deninzon as “The Jimi Hendrix of the Violin”, because of his innovative style on the electric seven-string violin and his compositions combining jazz and rock with Gypsy influences. In addition to his work as a sideman, Joe is the lead singer and electric violinist with the band, Stratospheerius. The group has released four CD’s to international acclaim, and were named “Best Jam Band” in the Musician’s Atlas Independent Music Awards. The group has toured extensively; sharing stages with Mickey Hart, John Scofield, Tim Reynolds, and Mike Stern among others, and has developed a reputation for their explosive live performances. Currently, Stratospheerius is mixing their new CD, due out next year.

Joe can be heard on over a hundred recordings as a violinist and string arranger, most recent of which include The Kin with legendary producer Jack Douglas, Erika Rose, and Sevenwiser. In addition to his many diverse projects, Joe Deninzon has recently made his debut with the New York City Ballet performing “Red Angels”, based on “Maxwell’s Demon”; a piece for solo electric violin and dancers written by Richard Einhorn. He has also performed at Symphony Space in New York with legendary percussionists Jamie Hadaad (Paul Simon, Dave Liebman), Gordon Gottleib (Steely Dan, Miles Davis), and bansuri flutist Steve Gorn (Paul Simon, Ravi Shankar).

Joe’s most recent original projects include “Headspace”, the  Stratospheerius CD, which has been described by critics as “…A spirited journey into outrageous creativity.” He new jazz trio with guitarist Steve Benson and bassist Bob Bowen has just released their debut CD, “Exuberance”, which combines original music influenced by the Gypsy jazz of Stephane Grappelli and Django Reinhardt with covers by Radiohead, Chopin, Steely Dan, and Alice in Chains.

In addition to being an active performer, Joe has taught privately since the age of 13, and has given clinics addressing string improvisation and using effects for electric strings at Berklee College of Music, The New School University, and the International Association of Jazz Educators Conference, for which he received an award for “Outstanding contribution in Jazz Education”. He has been on the staff at The New School, International Studio of Music in NYC, and as director of the Advanced Jazz Ensemble at the Dwight School, which has performed at Carnegie Hall. In the summer of 2010, he will be the new Rock Violin instructor at Marc O’Connor’s renowned String Camp in New York City. He is also currently working on a book, CD, and DVD for Mel Bay Publications, due out next year, which will address improvisation techniques for the violin in the genres of jazz, blues, rock, and funk, and also talks about electric violins, amplification, and working with effects.

The son of classical musicians, Joe was born in St. Petersburg, Russia. His family emigrated to the United states when he was 4 years old and settled in Cleveland, OH, where his father took a job as a violinist with the Cleveland Orchestra. Crowing up in Cleveland, Joe studied classical violin with his father and at the Cleveland Institute of Music. At age 12, he was seduced by rock n roll, and started listening to bands like Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, Queen, U2, Jimi Hendrix, Frank Zappa, and Steve Vai. Joe taught himself guitar and bass, and started playing and singing with various bands in the Cleveland area.

At age 16, Joe saw Miles Davis on his final tour and was inspired to study jazz. His life was transformed when he first heard recordings of Stephane Grappelli Jean-Luc Ponty, and especially, Jerry Goodman of the Mahavishnu Orchestra. Around this time, local singer/songwriter Michael Stanley had seen Joe perform and asked him to join him onstage the legendary Front Row Theatre in Cleveland. Having only improvised on guitar and bass while keeping a strictly classical repertoire on the violin, Joe found that translating the musical language of jazz and rock to the violin came easy to him. The concert was a critically acclaimed success, and set him on his path in life.

Joe received a Bachelor’s Degree in Jazz and Classical violin at Indiana University, where he studied with the legendary violinist, Josef Gingold and jazz guru David Baker, and met his future wife Yulia Ziskel, who is currently a member of the New York Philharmonic.

In 1997, Joe moved to New York to pursue a Masters degree in Jazz at Manhattan School of Music. He currently lives right outside of NYC in Dumont, New Jersey with his wife and their son, Max, and keeps a busy schedule teaching, composing, recording, and performing worldwide.

“As at home in the world of Grappelli and O’Connor as he is in the world of Steve Vai and Jimi Hendrix, Joe Deninzon may very well be our next national violin treasure.” -Jedd Beaudoin (


Led by electric violinist/vocalist Joe Deninzon (, who has been called “The Jimi Hendrix of the violin,” Stratospheerius has showcased their  “frenzied mélange of alt-bluegrass, progressive rock, jazz fusion and funkabilly” throughout the world. The New York-based group has opened for Tim Reynolds, Mickey Hart, and John Scofield, among many others. Their live performances are filled with funky dance grooves, rip-roaring guitar/violin jams, and hooks that mix jazz, funk, rock with Gypsy influences. Stratospheerius was a winner of the John Lennon International Songwriting Competition, and was named “Best Jam Band” in the Musician’s Atlas Independent Music Awards. They have been featured in Relix, Downbeat, and Jazziz, among other publications. The group has just completed their fifth CD, “The Next World…”  on Steve Vai’s Digital Nations label.

“…Violinist/singer Joe Deninzon presents us with this gift of hot songs from his rockin’ live shows. Think a bit of Zappa, the Dixie Dregs or Blues Traveler, with the violin being the focal point. Joe’s talents are flat out phenomenal, and the progressive rock tapestry he weaves around himself is carried out to perfection by his amazing band.”

“Deninzon shows how he has earned the nickname the “Jimi Hendrix of violin” as he tears threw a distortion heavy solo that points more in the direction of Guns N Roses’ Slash than Yo Yo Ma.”

-Justin Scro

“Memorable hooks, gravity-defying instrumental prowess and a kitchen sink move toward rock… If Bela Fleck and Frank Zappa had a love child in outer space, they might grow up to sound like these guys do.”

-David Budin,

Stratospheerius Discography

stratospheerius the next world

The Next World..

Stratospheerius unleash their latest effort, “The Next World…” Fierce rock to heighten your senses and power your imagination, fueled by electric violinist Joe Deninzon and combining virtuoso musicianship with memorable hooks and intricate arrangements.
This CD is full of great jazz, rock, fusion, pop and country instrumentals with Joe Denizon’s impeccable violin playing and smooth vocals.
Super tight between the bass and percussion with precision guitar and violin seemlessly poured over the top and pulled together with great lead and background vocals make this a very enjoyable  CD to listen to from start to finish.
[bandcamp track=696836974 bgcol=FFFFFF linkcol=4285BB size=venti][bandcamp track=2274794909  bgcol=FFFFFF linkcol=4285BB size=venti][bandcamp track=4273448539 bgcol=FFFFFF linkcol=4285BB size=venti]


Released 29 May 2012
Joe Deninzon-electric violin/vocals/mandolin
Aurelien Budynek-guitars/vocals
Jamie Bishop-bass/vocals
Lucianna Padmore-drums


Lead by electric violinist/vocalist/mandolinist Joe Denninzon, Stratospheerius unleashes their fourth collection of songs onto the world. Hot on the heals of their acclaimed CD, “Live Wires”, “Headspace” brings their live energy into the studio. Vocal rock anthems like “New Material, “Old Ghosts”, and “Today is Tommorrow”, shout alongside ripping instrumentals.
From the bluegrass punk of “Gutterpunk Blues”, to the psychedelic roller coaster ride of “Mental Floss”, and the bigger and louder sequel to the Heavy Metal Hora “Heavy Shtettle II”. The disc also features a unique cover of The Police “Driven to Tears”. This CD is filled with memorable hooks alongside the death-defying instrumental jams the group has built its reputation on. Influences range from Zappa and Zeppelin, to Dave Matthews, to Radiohead, to Jeff Beck, to Beck. Go ahead. Take the ride….


released 02 March 2007
Joe Deninzon-electric violin/vocals/mandolin
Mack Price-guitar/vocals
Bob Bowen-bass/vocals
Lucianna Padmore-drums
Benny Koonyebsky-percussion


Live Wires

Stratospheerius is the bastard child of Dave Matthews, Frank Zappa, Bela Fleck and Medeski, Martin and Wood. Lead by electric violinist/vocalist/mandolinist Joe Deninzon, Stratospheerius has showcased their “psychojazz trip funk” at colleges, festivals, and clubs throughout the US. Often referred to as the ‘Jimi Hendrix of the violin”.
Joe has worked with artists ranging from Sheryl Crow, Ritchie Blackmore from Deep Purple, Everclear, and Smokey Robinson. The New York-based group has been heavily involved in the jam band scene, sharing bills with groups like The Slip, Ekoostik Hookah, and John Scofield. Their live performances are filled with funky dance grooves, rip-roaring guitar/violin jams, and hooks that melt the paint off of walls; while jazz, funk, hip hop, and world music are mixed to create a “stratospheric” musical experience. Having received heavy radio airplay and critical acclaim all over the US, Canada, South America, Japan, and Europe, they have just released “Live Wires”, which captures the energy of their explosive live shows!


released 02 June 2004
Joe Deninzon-electric violin/vocals
Lucianna Padmore-drums
Ron Baron-bass
Jake Ezra-guitar
Alex Skolnick-guitar



Stratospheerius Site
Jon Deninzon Site
KickStarter Link

Publicity: Anne Leighton: 718-881-8183

Contact: D-Zone Entertainment


Dr. Robert Nagourney New Clinical Study Shows Test That Doubles Chemotherapy Response Rate

dr robert nagourney national therapeutics


Essentially what this study shows is that by using certain methods of testing which chemo drugs will work, using the patients own cancer cells, can double the response rate of the patient to the treatment and longevity of the patient, over current methods used today. Continue reading

Chellie Campbell How To Reduce Financial Stress

Chellie Campbell Successful Entrepreneur, Author, Financial Stress Reduction Coach, Speaker and Pro Poker Player

Talks to us about how she made it through troubling times to find happiness, herself and success. She now leads small, intimate classes to help others that are struggling, find their way out and on to their own success in Their business and life.

Chellie Campbell is one of those who you will find all over the web and social media, as she has conquered this all to sketchy medium.

Chellie has found the secrets to using social media and other forms of promotion to help others and to find clients that need her services.

As you listen to this interview you will find out how she learned some tough lessons that have allowed her to become successful as a financial stress reduction teacher and coach.

More than an interesting story, Chellie shares with us many great techniques and lessons she teaches to help her clients weather their storms or just increase their sales.

Chellie is a Master at creating community and relationships in order to make promoting yourself and your business fun and exciting.

Thank you Chellie for sharing and spending your time and brilliance with me and my listeners. – JW


Chellie Campbell

Creator of the popular Financial Stress Reduction® Workshops which now has licensed Coaches throughout the country, Chellie Campbell’s first book was The Wealthy Spirit: Daily Affirmations for Financial Stress Reduction (Sourcebooks, 2002) which was chosen as a Book-of-the-Week on the Dr. Laura Schlessinger radio show and a GlobalNet Book-of-the-Month selection. Her publisher asked her to write her second book, Zero to Zillionaire: 8 Foolproof Steps to Financial Peace of Mind, which was released by Sourcebooks in April, 2006.

Chellie’s work is highlighted in the books of many of the teachers from The Secret: she is one of Marci Shimoff’s “Happy 100” in her current NYT bestseller Happy for No Reason and as a “Financial Guru” in James Arthur Ray’s NYT bestseller Harmonic Wealth and has also contributed stories to Jack Canfield’s recent books You’ve Got to Read This Book! and Life Lessons from Chicken Soup for the Soul. In How to Run Your Business Like a Girl (Adams Media, 2005) by Elizabeth Cogswell Baskin, Chellie is one of three entrepreneurs featured in every chapter and is also prominently quoted as a financial expert in Money, A Memoir: Women, Emotions, and Cash by Liz Perle (Henry Holt, 2006). Chellie has been featured on numerous television shows, more than 100 radio shows, quoted in Good Housekeeping, Pink, Lifetime, The Los Angeles Times, Entrepreneur, Essence, Woman’s World, and more than 35 popular books.

Chellie earned her B.A. degree at the University of California at Santa Barbara with a major in dramatic art. After an eight-year professional acting career, she entered the world of business and in 1984 was hired to manage a small bookkeeping service company in Pacific Palisades. Ms. Campbell tripled the business, bought out her partners in 1988 and sold the company in 1995 in order to devote full time to her workshops and busy public speaking schedule.

Groups Chellie has addressed include the Postal Customer Council, National Association of Women Business Owners, the U.S. Small Business Administration, the Fuji Film Summit, Women in Design, National Association of Professional Organizers, the City of West Hollywood Small Business Conference and the Daily News Women’s Career Conference. In 1994, she helped create the first annual Entrepreneurial Institute for the University of Alaska at Sitka.

Chellie was awarded “Rotarian of the Year” by the Pacific Palisades Rotary Club, “Member of the Year” by Women’s Referral Service, “Most Inspirational Speaker” by Women in Management, “Speaker of the Year” by Association of Women Entrepreneurs, and is past President of the L.A. Chapter of the National Association of Women Business Owners. She was awarded the Los Angeles District SBA Women in Business Advocate Award in 1994. Her hobby is playing No-Limit Texas Hold’em tournament poker, and she finished third in the 2007 Los Angeles Poker Classic Ladies event and 5th in the 2007 California Ladies State Poker Championship.

book zero to zillionaire chellie campbellZero To Zillionaire

Zero to Zillionaire is a scale. We are all on that scale somewhere-some of us are drowning near Zero and some of us are riding the crest of the Zillionaire wave. Why is that?

Why do some people sink to the bottom of the ocean, some people float to the peak at the top, and the majority tread water in the middle? After accident of birth places a person somewhere on the scale, what is it that makes some stay where they were born, and others rise on the scale? Or fall off the scale? Why do a lot of wealthy people have no spirit and why are a lot of spiritual people are broke?

This book will help you understand your place on the scale and how to move up the food chain. You will learn how to implement the 8 successful steps:

  • Daily routines change your mindset and your future
  • Figure out what you really want
  • Take action-how to bring home the zillions
  • Surround yourself with people who make you rich and happy
  • Keep score in the money game
  • Your zillionaire time frame starts now
  • Make success out of failure
  • Lighten up-the whole idea is to have a great life!

You can qualify for Zillionaire status, with wealth in your work, happiness in your home, and a balance between the two. Follow these principles and you will have a balanced checkbook, a balanced schedule, a balanced spirit, and a balanced life.

You can be a Zillionaire: someone who has a zillion dreams, is taking a zillion actions to make them come true, makes as many zillions of dollars as possible, has a zillion friends, is doing a zillion good deeds, taking a zillion naps and a zillion vacations, and having a zillion adventures in a long, fun-filled life!

book the wealthy spirit chellie campbellThe Wealthy Spirit: Daily Affirmations for Financial Stress Reduction

Many people spend their lives searching for the means to acquire tremendous financial wealth. They look to external resources to give them what they want, and are ultimately disappointed when their dreams don’t turn out the way they had planned. They either become incredibly wealthy at the expense of their spiritual well being, family, and friends, or they never acquire the riches they’ve aspired to, and in their disappointment, they discover they’ve lost all sense of self-worth.

The Wealthy Spirit is the only book that offers an approach to achieving both spiritual and financial wealth. Through a series of daily affirmations that focus on the reader’s internal strength and capacity for change, this book will set them on a path toward personal enlightenment and wealth in body, mind, and spirit.

Using a day-to-day approach, readers will learn six keys:

  1. Think positive. Like mind over matter, mind over money begins with believing you deserve it and can get it.
  2. Send out ships. You can wait for your ship to come in, but if you don’t send any out, it’s going to be a long wait.
  3. Count your money. Money is a game and you have to know the score. The money score will tell you how well you’re doing at steps one and two.
  4. Swim with dolphins. Being “in the swim” will depend largely on who you’re swimming with. Find “your people” and avoid sharks.
  5. Survive the storms. You must weather interior storms as well as exterior ones. Persistence is key.
  6. Seek balance and enlightenment. Only from their perspective will you know when you have “enough.”

The Wealthy Spirit offers readers peace of mind to help them build financial muscle and a successful, stress-free life.

Contact Chellie Campbell:

Campbell Consulting Company
Phone: (310) 476-1622
FAX: (310) 476-1637

Chellie’s Website:

Chellie on Facebook
Facebook Profile Page
FaceBook Fanpage

Ray Carter CEO of StemTech on Their Success with Direct Sales

Ray C. Carter Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder of StemTech International

Talks to us about their breakthrough product that increases your bodies natural release of the repairative adult stem cells and the business model they have chosen to allow everyone to share the product and financial rewards.

Ray Carter Audio Interview on Stem Cell Breakthrough and How they are using Direct Sales to Share and Promote their productsAudio Player ►Right Click and “Save Link As” to Download File◄

I am very lucky and grateful for the things I get to do. Interviewing celebrities, authors, thought leaders and professionals about all kinds of interesting subjects.

One of my favorite things is stuff. I love cool stuff and I started an Innovative Products page to highlight some of the great products I come across.

I see many types of products through traditional means of distribution and also direct sales channels of distribution. If I love a product I do not care how it is distributed, I just want to know how I can get it.

I have had some success at network marketing in the past and I happen to really love and embrace that channel of distribution. Given the right management, a solid compensation plan for distributors and a really great product and you have a solid way for manufacturers to get their product out into the market place with the best advertising available “Word of Mouth”.

It is also great for the client as they get to deal with real people not corporations when it comes to getting service also a client can, by sharing the product, they love, make some money.

There is also the opportunity to leverage others that want to build a business in order to make even more money and possible residual cashflow.

blah, blah, blah… I know many of you have heard this before and will take me to task about ponzi schemes. You will argue that only those at the top make money. I get it and you will find that ponsi schemes do exist and in a ponsi scheme scenario you would be right about the people at the top, but they are illegal.

There are thousands of legitimate network marketing companies and you can usually check them out by making sure they are members of groups like the Direct Selling Association (DSA) as these companies have proved their legitimacy.

OK so all that said, I wanted to introduce everyone to a product, I believe is incredibly innovative and, more importantly, relevant to everyone who cares about their health and quality of life.

StemTech makes a a product that has been proven, through studies, to support and increase naturally, the number of adult stem cells your body produces. I will not go into the science here, but if you know anything about stem cell research, you will know that stem cells have become one of the most significant and revolutionary health breakthrough technologies today and in the future.

Click here to listen to the Christian Drapeau the Chief Science Officer and Co-Founder, as he speaks to the incredible science behind this product and listen to the audio above to find out more about the history and business side of this story.

This story will probably change your life or the life of someone you love in more that one way. It can be your ticket to good health and to financial freedom.JW


Ray C. Carter, Jr.

President and Chief Executive Officer

With more than 20 years of experience in direct sales and marketing, Ray Carter is considered a leader in the field. He is known for his ability to create successful corporate systems and implement key business strategies in the consumer products marketplace.

Ray’s extensive experience with private and public companies makes him well versed in all aspects of corporate management with special emphasis on product development, procurement, manufacturing, sales and marketing, corporate administration, information systems and finance. Ray holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from the University of Maine and graduated with honors from Southern New Hampshire University with a Master of Business Administration in Management.


The Stem Cell Nutrition Company® are pioneers in stem cell science, who have demonstrated that adult stem cells function as the natural renewal system of the body. Their products enhance and support the work of the body’s stem cells by releasing more stem cells, helping to circulate them in the blood and migrate them into tissues, where they can perform their daily function of renewal for optimal health.

Stemtech Scientific research is a cornerstone to the success of the Stemtech product line. Very few nutritional supplement companies invest the significant time and money it takes to prove the efficacy of their products. Some companies even try to point at our research and claim it as their own. Stemtech does research specifically on our own products, and publishes the results of that research in leading scientific journals.

Want More Product Information? [CLICK HERE]

Our one-of-a-kind stem cell nutrition products have been designed to support your body’s adult stem cell physiology, providing you with an unmatched level of wellness, both inside and out.*

Many people do not realize that adult stem cells play a key role in the natural renewal of your body and are essential for the maintenance and repair of organs and tissue throughout your lifetime.

Due to factors such as age, stress, pollution and poor diet, there is a reduction in the release and activity of adult stem cells, which may lead to a decline in the natural ability of your body to maintain optimal health. Stemtech’s clinically studied stem cell nutrition line of products is designed to help support three most important aspects of stem cell physiology: the release, circulation and migrations of stem cells.

Stemtech’s products do not contain stem cells. They are composed of natural botanicals and other ingredients that have been clinically documented to support the performance of your own stem cells.

Stemtech’s line of adult stem cell nutrition products for humans includes SE2®, StemFlo®, StemSport®, ST-5 with MigraStem and DermaStem®. These products are designed synergistically, to provide you with the maximum results when taken together throughout your day. Don’t be fooled by imitators, Stemtech pioneered this exciting new supplement category, and is the only company with a full line of products that are clinically shown to support the body’s natural renewal system.

For animals, Stemtech has created StemPets® and StemEquine®. These products are created with the same high-quality standards as our products for humans.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

To contact StemTech, to order or just get more information go to:

StemTech Site


NOTE: I really like this product and it’s business model and have joined as an independent representative. If you would like to purchase from me or join my team and work with me directly I welcome you and can not wait to speak to you further. Click Here to go to my personal StemTech webpage

If you are interested in the product, but want to find another rep please visit to get more information

Christian Drapeau Increasing Your Bodies Natural Release of Adult Stem Cells

Christian Drapeau Author of “Cracking the Stem Cell Code” and Chief Science Officer for StemTech International

Talks to us about their breakthrough product that increases your bodies natural release of the reparative adult stem cells.

OMG not another health breakthrough! I avoid these things as I get so many request for me to try someones product so I can help promote them.

OK so I show up at the W Hotel, in Hollywood and while sitting down and checking my emails in the lobby, an old friend Lisa Hill walks up and gives me a big hug and says she is glad to see me there. I was glad to see her also as between celebrity interviews Lisa and I have hung out and she is wonderful.

She asked me to stop by and check out their booth at the Emmy event and of course I did. Only to see a health product… Oh noooo.

Then I found out what it was. A nutritional product that naturally makes the body increase its creation of natural adult stem cells. OMG I was just reading on the astounding health breakthroughs were happening and will be happening in the future based on stem cell treatments. 

I was hooked and wanted to know more. They said there were studies. Not about stem cells… We know they work. The studies were about product. OK I love studies… Not to hep on testimonials. Anyway I had the Christian Drapeau call me at home to talk about the real science and studies. I didn’t want to report on another product that did not have proof that it worked.

I was astounded by the thought that I could increase the amount of stems cells in my body, for a fraction of the cost of injections, and that by taking this supplement every day, I could keep large amounts of stem cells in my body for much longer periods than the expensive injection.

I am trying out the SE2 product and DermaStem right now. I am not one to look for a product experience. If your diet sucks and you start taking supplements that give you nutrients you are not getting via the typical burger and fries than you will probably feel better and there is always the placebo effect. I do have to say I do feel better just knowing that I am allowing my body to do a better job at naturally healing itself.

I spend almost an hour on the phone with Christian and if you listen to this interview you will see why. This might be the most important breakthrough in personal health since we discovered antioxidants… I would actually dare to say that this would be more important

If you know anyone suffering health issues or you are yourself, you need to listen to this interview. Remember that your future health concerns are based on things you are doing right now. – JW

If you would like to hear StemTech’s CEO and Co-Founder Ray Carter talk about the business side of this product [CLICK HERE]


Christian Drapeau, MSc

Christian Drapeau – Adult Stem Cell Scientist, Speaker, Author

Christian Drapeau is a frequent speaker at scientific and business events worldwide, speaking mainly about the potential of Adult Stem Cell in health and wellness, as well as medicine.  He has lectured in Africa, South America, Asia, Europe, and North America. A featured Mensa national event speaker, he holds a BS in Neurophysiology from McGill University and a Master of Science in Neurology and Neurosurgery from the Montreal Neurological Institute

Christian Drapeau is America’s best known advocate for Adult Stem Cell research and the medical applications of Adult Stem Cells. He gained recognition when his breakthrough theory of Adult Stem Cells gained widespread interest across the scientific and medical communities.   His theory that Adult Stem Cells are nothing less than the human body’s natural healing system is being increasingly recognized by science, which is called to have a profound implications for every area of modern medicine.  Because of recent Adult Stem Cell research breakthroughs, the idea that many degenerative diseases affecting North Americans could become things of the past is no longer science fiction.

As Chief Science Officer at California’s Stemtech International, he currently works on methods to enhance Adult Stem Cell production and delivery, collaborating with scientists and laboratories around the world.  He is the author of the bestseller “Cracking The Stem Cell Code”.

Christian Drapeau is also deeply involved with projects of philanthro-capitalism through the One World Foundation, which he created in 2007.  He is currently working on the design, production, distribution and marketing of a unique clothing line, the Baan Unrak Conscious Collection, all hand-woven and hand made at Baan Unrak in Thailand, by mothers and Burmese refugees.   Baan Unrak is a Children’s Home is a small community where more than 150 children are being taken care of, educated and prepared as active citizens of the world.  Baan Unrak has been in dire needs of funding for many years.  This project is aimed at making Baan Unrak financially independent, as 100% of all profit coming from this endeavor goes to Baan Unrak.  T

he Suk Pants have been launched at the Fashion Week in New York, September 2012.

book cracking the stem cell code christian drapeau

Click Here for More Information

Cracking The Stem Cell Code

Updated Edition, 2013

Recent advances in stem cell research suggest a possible end to many diseases in our lifetime and that many profound advances in human health and wellness are just around the corner. Scientist and pioneering stem cell research advocate Christian Drapeau looks at what’s new, what’s real, and what’s next in this intriguing field.

Cracking the Stem Cell Code leaps past the financial and political controversy surrounding stem cell science to focus on the real story found in scientific literature. A recent Nobel Prize winning discovery affirmed what author Christian Drapeau has advocated for years: the role of adult stem cells in your body is nothing less than its natural healing system.

Christian explains the stem cell phenomenon in the reader-friendly manner that caused his prior book The Stem Cell Theory of Renewal to shatter all sales records for stem cell books. Adult Stem Cells hold the promise of miraculous wellness – Cracking the Stem Cell Code explains how.

button amazon order now

book stem cell theory of Renewal Christian Drapeau

For More Information Click Here

The Stem Cell Theory of Renewal

Demystifying the Most Dramatic Scientific Breakthrough of Our Time

Are the functions of Adult Stem Cells really the most dramatic scientific breakthrough of our times?

Visionary Stem Cell Scientist and Stem Cell Nutrition expert Christian Drapeau says “Absolutely Yes” as he explains the science and implications behind the body’s natural renewal system.

Adult Stem Cells in your bone marrow constitute the natural healing system of your body. Wherever there is an injury or damage to any organ, stem cells are released from the bone marrow. They migrate to that organ and become healthy cells of that organ, literally repairing the damaged tissue.

The implications of new developments in Adult Stem Cell science for health and wellness are mind boggling.

button amazon order now


The Stem Cell Nutrition Company® are pioneers in stem cell science, who have demonstrated that adult stem cells function as the natural renewal system of the body. Their products enhance and support the work of the body’s stem cells by releasing more stem cells, helping to circulate them in the blood and migrate them into tissues, where they can perform their daily function of renewal for optimal health.

Stemtech Scientific research is a cornerstone to the success of the Stemtech product line. Very few nutritional supplement companies invest the significant time and money it takes to prove the efficacy of their products. Some companies even try to point at our research and claim it as their own. Stemtech does research specifically on our own products, and publishes the results of that research in leading scientific journals.Our one-of-a-kind stem cell nutrition products have been designed to support your body’s adult stem cell physiology, providing you with an unmatched level of wellness, both inside and out.*

Many people do not realize that adult stem cells play a key role in the natural renewal of your body and are essential for the maintenance and repair of organs and tissue throughout your lifetime.

Due to factors such as age, stress, pollution and poor diet, there is a reduction in the release and activity of adult stem cells, which may lead to a decline in the natural ability of your body to maintain optimal health. Stemtech’s clinically studied stem cell nutrition line of products is designed to help support three most important aspects of stem cell physiology: the release, circulation and migrations of stem cells.

Stemtech’s products do not contain stem cells. They are composed of natural botanicals and other ingredients that have been clinically documented to support the performance of your own stem cells.

Stemtech’s line of adult stem cell nutrition products for humans includes SE2®, StemFlo®, StemSport®, ST-5 with MigraStem and DermaStem®. These products are designed synergistically, to provide you with the maximum results when taken together throughout your day. Don’t be fooled by imitators, Stemtech pioneered this exciting new supplement category, and is the only company with a full line of products that are clinically shown to support the body’s natural renewal system.

For animals, Stemtech has created StemPets® and StemEquine®. These products are created with the same high-quality standards as our products for humans.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Have a Pet? Checkout StemPets®

Advanced Formula is a natural stem cell enhancer for dogs and other house pets. It is the specially formulated pet equivalent of our patented stem cell enhancer (AFA Concentrate) for humans, documented to support the natural release of adult stem cells from bone marrow.

“Within two weeks of using StemPets Advanced Formula my German Shepherd’s hips were not as stiff and she started running like a puppy.”

– Jan A., IN
In a clinical study AFA Concentrate naturally increased the number of circulating stem cells in the body.Available in tasty chewable tablets, this high-quality nutritional supplement has been designed to meet the needs of dogs and other house pets.

Natural Renewal

StemPets Advanced Formula supports the natural release of adult stem cells from your pet’s bone marrow. Adult stem cells play a key role in the natural renewal process. Their primary role is to maintain and repair tissue. Scientific studies have shown that increasing the number of circulating adult stem cells in the body is an important aspect maintaining optimal health.

In addition to StemPets Advanced Formula, Stemtech’s animal product line includes StemEquine® Advanced Formula for horses. Stemtech’s line of stem cell nutrition products for humans includes SE2™, StemFlo®, StemSport® Advanced Formula, and ST-5 with MigraStem™. These products are designed to work together as a system to provide you with the optimal health.

To contact Christian Drapeau, to order or just get more information go to:

StemTech Site

Contact Christian Drapeau



NOTE: I really like this product and it’s business model and have joined as an independent representative. If you would like to purchase from me or join my team and work with me directly I welcome you and can not wait to speak to you further. Click Here to go to my personal StemTech webpage

If you are interested in the product, but want to find another rep please visit to get more information

Kaya Redford Using NLP and Timeline Therapy to Change Your Life

Kaya Redford NLP Expert Talks About Using NLP and Timeline Therapy to Drastically Change Your Life.

Kaya Redford has spent his life studying NLP from the Masters and he shares what he has learned with thousands to help them get rid of fear, anger, anxiety, self sabotage and all the emotions that hold you back from having a fully realized and happy life.

I first met Kaya about four or five years ago at an event he produced with Bob Proctor, to help people learn about the concepts of Napoleon Hill’s great book “Think and Grow Rich”.

I was invited to some of his classes to sit in and check them out and I was impressed with the depth of his teaching. He brought his classes through line after line of the book, not stopping till the class thoroughly understood what was being said and how it related to each of them in their own journeys to build a full, successful and better life.

Later on I heard Kaya, who had learned from the top NLP Masters, was teaching a course in NLP and how to use the science to help them in sales, business and again, in fulfilling their greatest potential.

I asked Kaya to let me into the class, which he always keeps small so he can give individual attention. He welcomed me in as that is the kind of person Kaya is. The class was, once again, amazingly full of great information and tools that he had everyone work out in class. Kaya never just speaks, he gets his classes fully involved. I learned a lot that day about the good of NLP as I was one of those that only thought that NLP was used to convince people to buy stuff they really didn’t want.

I have wanted to get Kaya to do an interview with me for the longest time, but we have never been able to get the two of us in sync with schedules so I am so happy that we finally got him to give us some of his very precious time.

The call quality is not what I would have liked, but I did not want to reschedule this one because I believe what Kaya has to say will help a lot of people.

Kaya thanks for your time and the wisdom you shared that made this a great call.  – JW

KAya Redford

IMDb Mini Biography By:

Kaya Francis Redford has been honored with the title “Award Winning Director” for “Homeless In America” a Hi-Def Documentary, he produced and directed, on the plight of the homeless with interviews from the Los Angeles Police Chief, Los Angeles Mayor, CEO of LA Mission, KCAL 9 News Anchor and a great cast comprising of star celebrities and homeless individuals. Homeless In America was selected at the New York Independent Film & Video Festival, and won the Best Social Documentary Award in September, 2004 in New York.

Kaya Francis Redford was born and raised in the USA and educated in several countries around the world including, Spain, France, Algeria & England and now resides in Southern California. Kaya attended one of England’s most prestigious private schools where he not only captained the RUGBY team but was a great student as well, finishing in the top 1% of the Nation. After 8 years of British schooling, he took a break from calling everyone “Sir” and went back into the American system, studying at Richmond in London and UCLA with a background in Marketing and Advertising.

Kaya is presently working on several media projects for film and television.

Kaya Redford studied NLP with the founders of NLP, Richard Bandler and John Grinder and has been teaching and speaking on the subject to many fortune 500 companies and organizations over the years.

The Next Event will be this weekend


Sat, Sept 29  11 am-2pm at the Hilton Hotel in Pasadena, Ca
Tickets are $119 off but if you mention code: Kaya Experience, you get $100 off, so it’s only $19.

Limited seats left
Call now 310.871.6191

Neuro linguistic Programming (NLP)

From Wikipedia

Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is an approach to communication, personal development, and psychotherapy created in the 1970s. The title refers to a stated connection between the neurological processes (“neuro”), language (“linguistic”), and behavioral patterns that have been learned through experience (“programming”) and can be organized to achieve specific goals in life.[1][2]

The founders of NLP, Richard Bandler and John Grinder, say that NLP is capable of addressing problems such as phobias, depression, habit disorder, psychosomatic illnesses, and learning disorders.[citation needed] Their stated aim was in “finding ways to help people have better, fuller and richer lives.”[8][9] Bandler and Grinder claimed that if the effective patterns of behaviour of exceptional people could be modeled then these patterns could be acquired by others. NLP has been adopted by private therapists, including hypnotherapists, and in management workshops and seminars marketed to business and government.[10][11]

From Kaya’s Site:

WHAT EXACTLY IS N.L.P.? (Neuro Linguistic Programming) A way of thinking and a set of skills that’s easy to understand, which gives you more focus, self confidence, power to make good decisions, directions, ability to create wealth, productivity, less procrastination, faster progress and success in any area of your life.

It has been studied and used by the world’s top leaders including Former Presidents: Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, President Barack Obama as well as Real Estate & Business Tycoons: Donald Trump, Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey and Richard Branson. Fortune 500 Companies: Bank of America, New York Life, Century 21, Keller Williams, ACN, Xerox, British Telecom (HDI-IT) as well as many private firms and law firms have received our Quantum Leap NOW N.L.P. Trainings and have achieved outstanding success as a result. It is a very powerful tool to create change in others whether in business, professional sports, as a parent or as a coach.

Timeline Therapy

I know nothing about Timeline Therapy, but I do know the power of the reactive mind and if Timeline Therapy techniques can help change the reactive mind, then I am interested. – JW


The therapeutic process called Time Line Therapy is a methodology in which a series of techniques are used to bring about changes on an unconscious level and alter behavior. The intention of this therapy is to help individuals refrain from being reactive to present situations based on past experiences. Time Line Therapy is a reprogramming process that releases the effects of negative experiences and helps a person let go of past influences.

From Kaya’s Site:

Time Line Therapy allows you to go back to the “root” cause of a problem and heal an issue which is blocking you. Imagine for a moment that you had inside you a time machine that allows you to go backg, revisit & heal stuff from the past. When you heal the past through Time Line Therapy, you release all anger, sadness, fear, hurt, guilt, shame, resentment, jealousy, rage, irritation and any other negative emotions. All the while, you clear a path to go forward in your timeline & set goals that you’ll achieve in your future.

Also releasing issues from the past with Time Line Therapy allows you to change your limiting beliefs in the present moment to empowering ones that launch you to QUANTUM LEAP NOW IN YOUR SUCCESS! GREAT NEWS!!

The Prince of Wales, The English Royal Family and England is endorsing Neuro Linguistic Programing (NLP) & Time Line Therapy (the same techniques I use & teach) as the methods to heal soldiers returning from Afghanistan in emotional pain including including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Take a moment to read the link below, the UK is using the techniques that is Kaya’s expertise, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) & Time Line Therapy®.

As you know or perhaps did not know, Kaya was trained by the founders of N.L.P. & Time Line Therapy® and is continuously updated on new techniques by them, personally. Here is the article link: “The 10th February 2010 was a historic day for The Warrior Programme as it played host to His Royal Highness, The Prince of Wales. The Warrior Programme is a three day programme with ongoing monthly support meetings which addresses unresolved emotional pain such as anger, sadness, fear,hurt and guilt.The Programme uses well known therapeutic techniques including Neuro Linguistic Programming(NLP), Time Line Therapy® and Huna.”

For a Complimentary 2 Hour Workshop, Call 310.871.6191 and register. So go ahead and take ACTION RIGHT NOW by calling 310.871.6191.

To contact Kaya or get more information:
Kaya on YouTube
Kaya on Facebook


Personal Note from the interviewer:

There are many who challenge NLP as pseudoscience and I would not argue with many of the findings of the studies which have been done, but I always believe the often there is no black and white. The truth is often somewhere in the middle.

What I do know is that the masters of marketing are using and have used NLP for many years. I have been to many many conferences with some of the greatest speakers and sales people in the world and they care about the numbers they sell to. They are continually testing techniques to sell more or to build better rapport with their audiences and they throw out what does not work, but these speakers and marketers continually use NLP concepts and techniques over and over again so, to me, this points to the probability that there are NLP techniques that work and can be very powerful.

There is no mysticism about NLP and not all the techniques will work with everyone in every situation. It is a tool that systematizes our responses in order to better communicate to your audience, clients or relationships.

I am no expert so that is my opinion. I have used a few NLP techniques to help clients get to a comfort level with me very quickly. I use mirroring and have found that it works extremely well. I have also used the anchoring technique and found that it worked, but I do not use it as it is not a technique that feels natural to me though I know many that love that technique.

Kaya’s NLP course went so much farther into how people react to different situations and how you can use these reactions to open up communications to their fullest potential.

With all things, check out the facts, not the hype and try things for yourself. Do not let the noise of other’s opinions drown out who you are. Remember it isn’t alsways about what we know or about what we do not know, but more about what we do not know that we do not know. – JW

Randy Gage – Risky is the New Safe – Book Release

Randy Gage,  the Millionaire Messiah, Releases His Ninth Book and Most Controversial Ever!

Randy Gage - Risky is the New Safe 3d

Randy’s Rants, His Blog, his speaches… Randy does not shy away from controversial conversations about religion, politics or especially about prosperity as Randy feels it is a sin to be Poor. His 9th Book Risky is the New Safe is his boldest yet and will surely be a classic for a new age.

I have been following Randy for many years, since I first heard him speak to around a thousand people at a conference. He is a great speaker, funny, inspiring, smart and wise.

I especially love his no fear, straight talk, sense of humor and his lessons in how to build sales, teams, community….. and about what it takes to have a successful and prosperous life.

I am elated to have been chosen by Randy to be one of a small few that got a chance to receive a gallery copy (pre-release copy) of his new book which is not being released till October 30th. This book is really what we need right now. I cannot say I agree with it all, but I am a Randy Gage believer and this book did not change my mind. It actually helped me clarify a few things I need to do and it put a real fire under my ass to do some things I was not doing.

The book, “Risky is the New Safe”, is the Randy Gage I so loved so much from his book “Why You’re Dumb Sick and Broke and How to Get Smart Healthy and Rich”.  The advance buzz on this book is ridiculous and amazingly huge. I believe this is a book you will be buying for your friends and family.

Many may describe this book as irreverent and very way out there,  and it is meant to be. Not for shock value, but because Randy believes the playing field has changed so much that we need to get real and be able to change our “out of date” thinking now or possibly peril. 

We have seen technology change things for the better and the worse in a very short time and Randy believes that, not only do we need to embrace the change, but we have to get extremely creative and change our way of thinking and looking at the world, if we want to be successful in it.

This book will be called many things. A game changer, a look at the future or even crazy talk, but whatever you believe you will be changed by this book as once a mind is stretched, it is hard to put back.

One thing I know for sure is that Randy Gage doesn’t say things he does not mean and he explains in great detail why he believes what he is predicting and what you need to do to take advantage of the incredible changes yet to come.

Get ready to Zig while others continue to Zag.

I can only imagine Randy’s schedule for this book release, so I so thank him for giving me some of his personal time to give me this interview. Randy tells it like it is, in his new book and in this interview. Thank You Randy – JW

Randy Gage - Risky is the New Safe 3dRisky is the New Safe

Is…. Brash, Controversial, Thought-Provoking

This is a different kind of book for a different kind of thinking.  It’s a thought-provoking manifesto for risk takers.  Disruptive technology, accelerating speed of change and economic upheaval are changing the game.  The same tired, old conventional thinking won’t get you to success today.

Risky Is the New Safe will change the way you look at everything!  You’ll view challenges – and the corresponding opportunities they provide – in entirely new and exciting ways.  You’ll recognize powerful new gateways you can walk through to create wealth.

In this mind-bending book you’ll discover:

  • How mavericks like Steve Jobs, Richard Branson and Mark Cuban, think differently – and what you can learn from them;
  • The six-month online course that could allow you to earn more than a Ph.D.;
  • How social media changes branding and marketing forever, and what that means for you;
  • What happens when holo-suites and virtual-reality sex come about, and how you need to prepare;
  • The New Religion of Ideas:  How to become an “idea generator” and declare as a free agent; and,
  • What will cause the Euro, precious metals, and oceanfront real estate to collapse – and how that can make you rich!

I’ll warn you up front, the book will be controversial to some.  Randy attacks anything that holds you back from success, including government propaganda, conventional wisdom, and other limiting beliefs.  He didn’t write Risky Is the New Safe to tell you what to think.  He wrote it to cause you to think.

I don’t expect you to agree with everything you read in there – and would be surprised if you did. It’s for people who love intellectual discourse, challenging ideas, opposing viewpoints and honest and respectful discussion of the issues surrounding what it takes to be successful today.

Check out the book and get more information from Randy by clicking the button above. You can also Pre-Order a Copy Now…

Here is what others that received a pre-release  are saying!

“Holy crap, I love this book! It’s smart, entertaining and best of all, made me re-think my life and my business.  That’s a winning combination I find irresistible.  Don’t hesitate to buy this book and put it to use in every aspect of your life.”
— Larry Winget
Five-time NYT/WSJ bestselling author, including the #1 bestseller, Shut Up, Stop Whining And Get A Life!

This remarkable, fast-paced book opens your mind and imagination to the incredible opportunities that appear around you when you change your perspective.” — Brian Tracy
Author, The Power of Self-Confidence

Risky is the New Safe is eye opening, mind blowing and gut real. It gives you a step-by-step blueprint for succeeding in today’s new world. If you are an entrepreneur, a business person or want to create wealth in your life you HAVE to read this book!”
— T. Harv Eker
Author, N.Y. Times #1 Bestseller, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

This is your go-to business page-turner! Randy’s forward-thinking concepts embody my own business ideals for driving success within organizations: take risks, no one’s going to die!” — Jeffrey Hayzlett
Global Business Celebrity,
Bestselling Author, Sometime Cowboy

Read this book. But, before you do, suspend what you already believe is true about the way the world is and operates. You are about to learn what ‘critical thinking’ is all about, why risky indeed is the new (and perhaps, only) safe, and how it can make you wiser and more prosperous. The good news is that – in typical Randy Gage style – it will be fun, entertaining, and just sarcastic enough to keep you riveted to every page. Get out your pen and highlighter…you’re gonna’ need it!”
— Bob Burg
Co-author of The Go-Giver
and author of Endless Referrals

Couldn’t take my eyes off this, great freaking book!  Risky is the New Safe is a combination of Buffet, Springsteen, Rand, and Patton. Randy Gage is the ranking intellect of prosperity in our time, and only Luddites will ignore him. He has, yet again, written of the promise of abundance, the appeal of change, and the vast value of new and emerging relationships. There’s nothing risky about buying this book except forgetting to do anything else while you’re engrossed in it.” — Alan Weiss, Ph.D.
Author, The Consulting Bible and Thrive: Stop Wishing Your Life Away!

Relevant, challenging and thought-provoking.  This book is a must-read for entrepreneurs.”
— Ken Dychtwald, Ph.D.
Author of A New Purpose: Redefining Money, Family, Work, Retirement
and Success

I think I held my breath through the entire first chapter. Randy paints a vivid picture of an exhilarating future if we heed his warnings and a terrifying one if we don’t. Reading this book is the safest bet you’ve got.” — Kyle Maynard
2-time ESPY Award winner and author of NY Times bestseller No Excuses

Riveting! A homerun! Gripped me from the first pages and expanded my mind while entertaining me too. I love this gem!” — Joe Vitale
Author, Attract Money Now
and Hypnotic Writing

I couldn’t put it down! In fact, I found myself racing through each page because I couldn’t wait to find out what was coming next.  My next reading will include a highlighter and my journal so I can incorporate Randy’s life changing thoughts into my life on a daily basis.  This book inspired me, challenged me and motivated me to think differently and take my mission to a much bigger level.  I will be sharing it with all of my peers.” — JJ Virgin
Celebrity Nutrition & Fitness Expert
Bestselling Author,
TV Personality & Speaker

No wonder this book has more buzz than any other this year!  It’s breathtaking, brilliant, and bold – a textbook for creating your prosperity and success.”
— Art Jonak
President, Network Professionals, Inc.

Once you read – and more importantly apply  – the ideas contained in Risky is the New Safe, it will be impossible to go back to your old ways of thinking. Randy Gage will free your mind from the shackles of outdated thinking and give you tools that will enable you to navigate the greatest paradigm shift we are now in with the deftness of a Jedi Master. This is an outstanding work.”
— James Trapp
President and CEO
of Unity Worldwide Ministries

Read More Testimonials…

Randy GageRandy Gage

“I believe you were born to be rich, people are meant to be inspired, and conventions should rock.

I believe a blog can change the world and a speech can change a life.

I believe safe is the new risky, boring is criminal, and pitchers should hit.

Call me a philosopher, a Jedi Knight or the millionaire messiah, just don’t call me late for dinner. I like hot cars, warm beaches and cold Dr. Pepper. Quiet confidence and loud ideas are sexy. When I’m not prowling the podium or locked in my lonely writer’s garret, you’ll find me playing 3rd base for a softball team somewhere.

I believe in my work, because I believe in you.”

From Amazon

There is probably no one on earth better qualified to help you reach more success in MLM than Randy Gage. His Duplication Nation (formerly How to Earn at Least $100,000 a Year in Network Marketing) is the top selling training album in MLM, and his Escape the Rat Race is the #1 recruiting tool in the business. His resources have been translated into more than 15 languages and sold in the millions around the globe.

Randy helped introduce Network Marketing in places like Slovenia, Croatia, Bulgaria and Macedonia. He’s been a company VP of Marketing, and served as a consultant to numerous companies, designing compensation plans, creating marketing materials and developing duplicable systems for them. Randy has conducted training for the finest companies in the industry, and spoken in more than 35 countries.

Through his coaching programs and private consulting, Randy has helped the top income earners in numerous companies. He has arguably trained more MLM millionaires than anyone alive today. But most importantly, Randy teaches from real-world experience, earning millions of dollars as a distributor.

Randy has conducted thousands of training programs and presented thousands more opportunity meetings. Several years ago he dusted off his white board and starting from scratch he quickly rose to become the #1 income earner in his company worldwide. He knows what is working in the marketplace right now, and he’ll teach you exactly how to reach mega success in these conditions.

Randy has made his money, and continues to work only for the challenge and to support his personal enrollees. He has achieved the perfect balance between work and life. When he’s not drawing circles, you’ll find him playing 3rd base for the South Florida Carnivores, riding his bike, racing cars, or collecting comic books. His guilty pleasures are Sci-Fi, Krispy Kreme, and watching Project Runway. Randy splits his time between Miami Beach, Sydney, and Paris.

Why you are Sick, Dumb and Broke

And How to Get Smart, Healthy and Rich.

This groundbreaking self-help book reveals the secrets of manifesting health, happiness, and prosperity in your life—but not in a way you’ve experienced before. Blunt, outspoken, and brutally honest, Randy Gage shoots down the forces that hold you back and keep you dumb, sick, and broke, and shows you how to take action to get smart, healthy, and rich.

Randy Gage Site
Randy’s Rants
Randy’s Blog

Twitter @Randy_Gage

Elayna Fernandez How to Position Yourself as an Expert

Elayna Fernandez Author, Speaker, Mom, Social Media Expert and Successful Business Women on Positioning Yourself as an Expert  also a special offer for the More Power! Conference

Elayna “Mom Entrepreneur of the Year” talks at length about positioning yourself as someone clients come to. Elayna teaches that success is a process and with the new technologies you need to discern or distinguish yourself to stand out from the crowd and get business.



Listen to Elayna Speak Live with Bob Bare and 8 Very Important Speakers Including Bill Gates, Michael Dell and Steve Jobs Marketing Teacher Jay Conrad Levinson

September 20-23, 2012
at the Crowne Plaza, Dallas Texas

Register for Extreme Leadership Summit

I met Elayna at Author 101 a few years back and was immediately taken by her drive and intelligence. Elayna is all of 4’9″ tall and a striking women. I can only guess that this had to be an issue with businessmen and women, taking her seriously. She also has an accent so that added to her challenges.

Where Elayna succeeds is in her drive, vision, passion and willingness to take measured risks. I say measured because Elayna is also a single mom and so she, like any single mom, needed to make sure she could support her daughters. She didn’t do it overnight, but in the short time I have known her she has gone from having drive to being fully alive.

Elayna has written two books, she runs several organizations, she works with people like Jay Conrad Levinson and many other thought leaders and teachers she once only studied.

She is an expert at social media and especially on how to position yourself as an expert in your field so that people who have not met you, take you seriously. Many people talk about positioning and the difference with what Elayna teaches is about how to tout yourself as an expert and stay in integrity at the same time.

Elayna is speaking at the More Power Live Conference in Dallas September 20-23, 2012 at the Crowne Plaza, Dallas Texas. See the details below and register today.

This is a great interview everyone should listen to. Also thank you Elayna for hooking me up with an interview with Jay Conrad Levinson. – JW

Elayna Fernandez

Who is Elayna… Here she is in her own words….

I am Elayna

I was born and raised in lovely San José de Ocoa, in the Dominican Republic. I am the proud happy mother of Elisha and Elyssa, proud member of a loving and affectionate family, proud sister of 4 younger amazing siblings. I love people. I love animals. I love the Earth. I love me. And I love YOU.

My philosophy is “Be Positive and You Will Be Powerful!“. I am passionate about Positive Thinking, Inner Peace, Gratitude, Faith, Joy, and Personal Growth.

My mission is to GROW and LET GROW: to learn from life experiences, to know that life happens FOR me and not to me. I want to share my love, joy, and all gained wisdom with everyone I connect with. I invite you to join me!

My love for children and my passion for motherhood guided me to create MOMtivation, a place to read, share, learn, connect and be inspired. I also founded as well as a non-profit organization, The Positive Mom Foundation, with the purpose of fostering a positive life for families and future generations, and spreading my motto “You cannot share what you don’t have.”

Professionally, I am a bestselling Author, an International Speaker, and a Success Guide. Learn more…

In business, I develop products and services that allow entrepreneurs to utilize the web to its fullest potential. My books and programs help you create online visibility, increase branding awareness and facilitate business growth. My award winning “Social Media Empowerment Live” workshops and “Social Media Success Made Possible” book are example of my dedication to making this a reality.

My favorite activities in life include spending quality time with my family, smiling, hugging, laughing, learning, reading and writing books, cooking healthy meals, family prayer, teaching, dancing, singing, listening to music, yoga, helping others, and meeting happy people.

Some of my mentors and clients include Les Brown, Brian Tracy, Tony Robbins, Jack Canfield, Richard Flint, Mark Victor Hansen, and Michael Bernard Beckwith.

Elayna Fernandez BookMarketing Success Made Possible

In very simple language and a friendly approach, Marketing Success Made Possible will teach you EXACTLY how to identify, avoid and correct the 10 MOST COMMON DEADLY MISTAKES that business professionals make when marketing and developing their personal or corporate brand. In addition, you will learn:

The Basics of Branding and Marketing to Get Started on the Right Path.

The Keys to Develop a Winning Consistent Brand Online and Offline.

How To Differentiate Yourself From Your Competitors And Position Yourself As The Market Leader.

Effective Marketing Strategies That Save You Time And Make You Money.

How To Identify Your Niche, Attract Pre-qualified Leads and Get More Referrals.

Why Facebook, Twitter, YouTube And Blogging Are Marketing MUSTS.

Easy Secrets to Marketing Success Anyone Can Implement RIGHT NOW! Get Access to your FREE copy!

Social Media Success Made Possible

Wouldn’t you like to craft a winning strategy that would get over 800 million people talking about…and buying…your brand?

Social Media Success Made Possible is a “how to” manual with all the fundamentals, and a road map to success. Full of Social Media Tactics you can implement immediately, “Social Media Success Made Possible” will quickly increase your credibility, exposure, web traffic, and leads…FAST. Follow the detailed blueprint and you can’t help but expand your audience of friends, fans, and clients. Oh, yes…and get more SALES!

Use Social Media to Brand Yourself And Stand Out From The Crowd.

Expose your business to MILLIONs of people online.

Build A Powerful Following and Attract TONS of Leads.

PROFIT Massively from Your Social Media Efforts.

Position Yourself As THE Business Expert In Your Profession In Your Area And Get Paid MORE For Your Services.

Have a Social Media Presence Without Spending LONG Hours In Front Of Your Computer Monitor.

Save Money in Marketing and Advertising By Doing It Yourself.

Get your copy! 

More Power Live Conference


Listen to Elayna Speak Live with Bob Bare and 8 Very Important Speakers Including Bill Gates, Michael Dell and Steve Jobs Marketing Teacher Jay Conrad Levinson

September 20-23, 2012
at the Crowne Plaza, Dallas Texas

Register for Extreme Leadership Summit

What will you learn at More Power! LIVE?Bob Bare, 40+ year experience serial entrepreneur,
will share how he grew his sales $0 to $2.7 Million
in the Worst Economy Ever!He has also carefully selected world-class experts who are practitioners, teachers and mentors who care about YOUR success!

Here’s a sample of what you’ll learn, discover and experience at More Power! LIVE:Your Road Map To Success [Bob Bare and Odell Stunkard]

  • How You Can Attract Stampedes of New Customers – Step-by-step plan revealed live for the first time in the U.S.
  • How to Maximize Your CASH-FLOW (Not Just Revenue). Forget the losing model of “Growing-Growing-Gone” that costs more than you make and sends your business into an early grave.
  • The Overlooked Secrets of “The Perfect Business” that Pays You in PROFITS and FREEDOM. Yes, you can have your cake and eat it, too (work less and make more). We’re living proof. And we’re unveiling ALL!

…And many more practical ways to explode your income and carve out a life of freedom and satisfaction in the months and years ahead!Guerrilla Marketing [Jay Conrad Levinson]

  • Marketing Vs. Guerrilla Marketing – a concise, eye-opening explanation that will forever change the way you promote and generate new business
  • The 19 Secrets of Guerrilla Marketing – You could spend months trying to distill the wisdom from a dozen top business books – or – you can spend that time enjoying the fruits of these 19 secrets that have already produced billions of dollars in sales and profits
  • The The 7-Sentence Guerrilla Marketing Plan – Don’t waste months writing a 30-page plan. And don’t you dare make a move with no plan at all. Steal Jay’s 7-sentence plan and profit from it immediately

..and more!!!!!Make More Working LESS! [Loral Langemeier]

  • How to turn your existing skills and passion into a perpetual cash machine – in as little as 2 hours a week with zero money out-of-pocket.
  • How to easily melt price resistance and double or triple your income
  • Hear how Loral (in her early 20′s) landed a Multi-Million Dollar contract promoting health on oil rigs by simply replacing one word with another. Find out exactly what she did, so you can do it too

Plus much more!Truly Leverage The Power of Social Media [Elayna Fernandez]

  • The 7 Myths of Social Media Branding. How many are holding you back from earning the income you deserve?
  • Why social media work for some and not others. Discover how to systematize, automate and profit like you never thought possible
  • The L.I.K.E.D Formula for getting more “likes” and followers. Apply these 5 simple steps to trigger a tsunami of social media exposure

…and lots more advice for making money with Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, WordPress, and PinterestUse Publishing To Skyrocket Your Business [David Hancock ]

  • 4 easy ways to get your book written FAST (without writing it yourself!)
  • How to GET PAID to write your book
  • The 7 Secrets of Bestselling Books – this bullet-by-bullet formula removes all the guesswork

…and A TON more!Sell With Intention and Double or Triple Your Sales This Year! [ Ursula Mentjes]

  • Discover the Selling with Intention Formula to double sales results this year
  • Create an Intentional Schedule to sell more in less time
  • Understand how Financial Set-Points prevent ultimate success

..and more!Profit Through Persuasive Speaking [Arvee Robinson]

  • The 3 BIGGEST mistakes most business owners make when trying to give public presentations and how to instantly look like a seasoned speaking professional by avoiding these goof-ups!
  •  How to find more opportunities to speak to local groups of your ideal prospects and how to get invited as a speaker.
  •  What specifically you must do during your presentations in order to generate leads and clients

…and more!Partnership Secrets Revealed [Paul Miltonberger]

  • The 5 partnering strategies that bring you more customers, revenue, results, and income. Use one or all 5 to kick your results into hyper-drive
  • The easiest money you’ll ever make for 10 minutes of your time
  • How to generate quick bursts of cash over and over again, even if you don’t have a product or service to sell

..and much, much more!

Gilmore Bank Sponsors Golf Tournament for Westview School

Gilmore Community Bank Sponsors 2nd Annual Westview School Golf Tournament

At MountainGate Country Club Monday October 1, 2012

Listen to Jackie Strumwasser, Exec Director or Westview School and Cecil Adams, Senior Vice President of Gilmore Bank in Los Angeles talk about the event and the great work the school is doing for it’s students.

2nd Annual Golf Tournament



Please call Ellen Retting, Director of Development
310.478.5544 or

Event Tees Up At MountainGate Country Club At 9 A.MMonday October 1, 2012To ensure that Westview School will continue to “Make a Hole Lot of Difference for Kids,” outstanding corporate citizen Gilmore Bank has not only signed on as a Platinum Sponsor of Westview’s 2nd Annual Golf Tournament but is also actively recruiting other sponsors, raffle prize donors and golfers as well as promoting the event.

Additionally, the bank’s customers are invited to play in the October 1 tournament at MountainGate Country Club. Gilmore Bank is as unique in its strong support of Westview School as Westview is in its work with bright students, grades six to 12, with learning differences.  Just one visit to the campus underscores the exceptional support Westview provides for these youths.  The school is accredited by the Western Association of Schools.

Gilmore Bank is as unique in its strong support of Westview School as Westview is in its work with bright students, grades six to 12, with learning differences.  Just one visit to the campus underscores the exceptional support Westview provides for these youths.  The school is accredited by the Western Association of Schools.

Sponsors, raffle prizes and golfers are sought for the event.  Contact Ellen Retting at 310.478.5544 Ext. 123.

About Gilmore Bank  

Gilmore Bank opened for business in 1955. Bank founder, E.B. Gilmore was a legendary entrepreneur who, with his father, A.F. Gilmore, established the largest petroleum company in the western United States, built Gilmore Field baseball stadium, and founded the original Farmers Market.

Still a family owned community bank, they have full-service offices in Los Angeles and La Canada Flintridge, plus a loan production office in Irvine. Gilmore Bank has been granted the status of Preferred Lender by the Small Business Administration.  For more information on Gilmore Bank, visit

About Westview School

Established in 1990, Westview School is a 501(c)3 nonprofit, nonpublic school serving bright students in grades 6 through 12 with learning differences that benefit from a small, supportive learning environment.

It is the mission of Westview School to provide its students with a personalized educational program with individualized instruction, program flexibility within an atmosphere of positive reinforcement. Westview’s unique college preparatory program strives to prepare its graduates to successfully meet the challenges of adult life.

For more information: or Facebook at Westview School Los Angeles.

All tournament proceeds will benefit Westview School
Established in 1990 Westview School is a nonprofit, nonpublic
school serving bright students in grades 6 through 12 with learning
differences who benefit from a small supportive learning environment.

Tournament Schedule

9:00 am – 10:15 am

• Registration
• Continental Breakfast
• Warm-up on the Driving Range,
(practice balls provided)
• Putting Contest

11:00 am

• Shot Gun Tee Off/Scramble Format
• Lunch on Cart
4:30 pm
• Cocktail Reception/No Host Bar
• Awards Ceremony
• Raffle

Tournament Location

MountainGate Country Club
12445 Mountain Gate Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90049
Sponsorship Opportunities

Platinum Sponsor $4,000
Includes: 3 Foursomes, Corporate Name/Logo on Thank
You Banner, 3 Tee Sponsorships and 12 Tee Gift Bags

Gold Sponsor $2,500
Includes: 2 Foursomes, Corporate Name/Logo on Thank
You Banner, 2 Tee Sponsorships and 8 Tee Gift Bags

Silver Sponsor $1,500
Includes: 1 Foursome, Name/Logo on Thank You
Banner, 1 Tee Sponsorship and 4 Tee Gift Bags

Hole-in-One Sponsor $500
Includes: Signage at Sponsored Tee
Driving Range Sponsor $250
Includes: Signage at Driving Range
Tee Sponsor $175
Includes: Signage at Sponsored Tee
*Foursome Package $900
Includes: 4 Entry Packages and 4 Tee Gift Bags
*Single Entry Package $250
Includes: Golf Cart, Box Lunch, Cocktail Reception and
A Tee Gift Bag.

*Early Bird Registration by September 1st.
Foursomes Receive 10 Raffle Tickets.
Single Entry Receives 2 Raffle Tickets.


Thank You to

The Blaine Group, Inc.

A Total Communications Agency
8665 Wilshire Blvd., Suite #301, Beverly Hills, CA 90211
O 310/360-1499 · F 310/360-1498

Liz Strauss Interview at Extreme Leadership Summit

Liz StraussLiz Strauss Speaks at Extreme Leadership Summit

Liz spoke about building your business by building relationships, trust and rapport with others. Liz is one of the 10 most influential women in social media per Forbes and Huffington Post, and she uses age old business techniques to she learned from her dad to totally dominate a market using these new platforms.


I was recently granted a phone interview with Liz and I have gotten the pleasure of hanging having a few dinners and great conversations.

Liz makes a great friend and a wonderful mentor. Liz is blunt because I think she gets bored easily and doesn’t care for ignorance, but more because she cares a lot.

I am glad to call Liz friend and so happy that I finally got her on camera. Thanks Liz – JW

Here is the phone interview [CLICK HERE]

liz strauss bloggerLiz Strauss

Liz Strauss is a master teacher, thought leader, community builder, and international business strategist, who has been called the most influential “real-ebrity” on the web. People visit her blog to learn, discover, and meet each other. She’s a business creator, an über connector, an idea machine. No one questions that what she brings is one-of-a-kind authenticity.

Strategic, intelligent, and nice is a powerful combination.

From her father’s saloon, to her years as a teacher, with her understanding of literacy, brain development and writing, her work as territory sales rep for a menswear corporation, to an outstanding international publishing career, Liz has used every opportunity to find the human attractions and connections behind the P&L.

CEO and founder of SOBCon, author of the popular, speaker.

Liz defines irresistible businesses as those with great relationships who constantly

  • Remove what customers don’t want.
  • Enhance what customers love.
  • Add something unexpected customers would die for.

Irresistible defines Liz.


SOBconLiz is also the Creator and CEO of Successful Online Business Convention SOBcon, the high-touch business summit

The theme – “Creating and Leveraging Opportunity”. 2 ½ days of strategies and tactics focused on merging your online and offline worlds into a successful business.

Where you can find Liz:
Twitter @lizstrauss


Steve Farbers Extreme Leadership Summit

What is Extreme Leadership?

If you haven’t already noticed, ‘Leadership’ has become just another one of those pseudo-pop-psycho-cultural buzzwords.

Over time, its meaning has been diluted to such a profound degree, that it’s just another one of those labels we use when we really mean ‘The one with the big office.’ 

True leadership doesn’t come from a snappy vocabulary, the books you have on your shelf, your place on the organization chart, or any other fabrication.

Leadership is intensely personal, intrinsically scary, and it requires us to live up to and beyond the point of fear—every single day. – Steve Farber

Extreme Leadership Summit

Steve and his team have crafted The Extreme Leadership Summit to be something unique, something special, something…well…extreme. And it’s unlike any leadership or personal development “event” you’ve been to before.

The Summit is not a pitch fest (where a bunch of speakers try to sell you stuff), and it’s not a parade of talking heads, to mix a metaphor, where you passively sit, watch the show, take notes, and go home.

This is an experience, a process.

Informed by our brilliant thought-leader-speaker-coaches and with the help of your fellow participants (in small, focused MasterMind Teams), you’ll build a significant, personal Extreme Leadership Action Plan–a plan that you’ll begin applying to your life and business immediately, before The Summit even ends.

And–unlike other events–the vast majority of our speakers will be attending the entire conference. With you. We’re all in this thing together.

More Information………….

Steve Farber Steve Farber

A subject-matter expert in business leadership and a frequent guest on news-talk shows around the country, Farber is a senior-level leadership coach and consultant who has worked with and spoken to a wide variety of public and private organizations in virtually every arena, from the tech sector to financial services, manufacturing, health care, hospitality, entertainment, retail, and even the US government.

Leading from experience.

In 1989, after having run his own financial services company, Farber devoted his professional life to the field of leadership development and has been at it ever since.

Steve was director of service programs at TMI, an international training consultancy, and then worked for 6 years as Vice President and Official Mouthpiece (that’s what it said on his business card) of The Tom Peters Company where he met several of his mentors including author/gurus Tom Peters, Jim Kouzes, and Terry Pearce.

In 2000, Farber established his own company, Extreme Leadership, Inc, where he is president and CEO. He is also the co-founder of The Center for Social Profit Leadership, a non-profit organization formed to serve the leadership development needs of social entrepreneurs, and served as Vice Chairman on the Board of Directors of the world-renown, Up With People, a global leadership program for students from 18 to 29 years old.

A Universal Message.

“Approach the act of leadership as you’d approach an extreme sport: learn to love the fear and exhilaration that naturally comes with the territory.”

Steve Farber is the president of Extreme Leadership, Incorporated, and the founder of The Extreme Leadership Institute, organizations devoted to the cultivation and development of Extreme Leaders in the business community, non-profits and education.

Steve’s Books

book radical leap re-energized Steve Farber

The Radical Leap Re-Energized

is an expansion and revitalization of The Radical Leap, which was named as one of the 100 Best Business Books of All Time by Covert and Sattersten.

It’s a novel told in Steve Farber’s humorous, poignant, and original voice that takes the reader on a deep exploration of the qualities and practices of real, or Extreme Leadership, and how to apply them in daily life. Part One, The Radical Leap, explores the leadership elements of Love, Energy, Audacity, and Proof;

Part Two, The Radical Edge, takes the discussion deeper into innovation, personal clarity and guidelines for changing the world. It sets a new standard for what it means to really lead in today’s business world and beyond.

Steve Farber’s masterwork, The Radical Leap Re-Energized, is an inspired opus on what it means to be a leader of substance and significance. You’ll find yourself coming back to it again and again.” –Michael E. Ventling, Global CFO, Ernst & Young
Steve Farber leaps again. I was into it the first time. This time, I’m leaping with him!” –Chris Brogan, President Human Business Works
e, I’m leaping with him!” –Chris Brogan, President Human Business Works

book greater than yourself steve farber

Greater Than Yourself

Too many people assume the timeless principles of true leadership—of helping others achieve their full potential—don’t apply Monday through Friday during work hours or in any circumstance where a paycheck is involved.

In GREATER THAN YOURSELF, Steve Farber proves them wrong: in this powerful and inspiring story, Farber shows that the goal of a genuine leader is to help others—teammates, employees, and colleagues—become more capable, confident, and accomplished than they are themselves. Through the actions of a forward-thinking and extraordinarily successful CEO, Farber reveals the three keys to achieving this: Expand Yourself, Give Yourself, and Replicate Yourself.

Filled with actionable principles and innovative ideas, GREATER THAN YOURSELF is perhaps the most powerful message today’s business leaders can learn.

Jay Conrad Levinson on New Guerrilla 2.0 Marketing Concepts

Guerrilla Marketing Newest Concepts

Jay Conrad Levinson, author of the bestselling book Guerrilla Marketing talks to us about his books, new marketing concepts and his keynote address he was to  be giving at Bob Bare’s More Power LIVE Conference Sept 20-23rd 2012 in Dallas.

Sadly Jay passed away October 10th of 2013 after battling cancer.

Interview with Jay Conrad Levinson – Guerrilla Marketing Continue reading

Dr. Louis Koster Happy No Matter What!

Louis Koster, MD lead an amazing life as a  doctor without borders and talks about how to be happy no matter what your circumstances

Dr. Louis Koster grew up with a bad stutter and he turned his life around more than once by changing the language of his life.


Dr. Louis Koster was introduced to me by my good friend Starley Murray of  Starley was working with Dr. Koster and she new his incredible story is just the sort of thing I love to share.

Dr. Koster did not disappoint. His story was so wonderfully interesting. He started out with a horrific stutter which he worked hard to overcome. He became a doctor, but did not like being one where he was at so he moved to Spain to learn how to become a Flamingo dancer!  Dr. Koster, finally took a position with Doctors without Borders.

Both the horror and the deep love he witnessed helped Dr. Koster to learn the secret of being happy no matter what your circumstances so he wrote a book based on his findings and it was just released October 1st.

I want to thank Louis and I call him Louis here because although I highly respect his title and the work he has done, I want to acknowledge his human authentic presence that you cannot help but get from being around this wonderful man.

Thank you for sitting down with me Louis and sharing. I know that you had not done many interviews before I threw you in front of my camera. You were real and giving in your storytelling and it is evident that you truly want to help others JW

Dr. Louis Koster

Dr Louis Koster was privileged to have worked for over ten years as a medical doctor in war zones, in countries like Angola, Liberia, Sudan and Bosnia and worked with refugees in Pakistan and in Cuba. He has received numerous humanitarian awards for his humanitarian work.

Dr Louis Koster led transformational seminars and coaching for organizations and companies since 1998, first in Los Angeles and now in Australia, the place where he lives with his soul-mate and wife Francesca and his beautiful young daughter Carmen. He currently works as a doctor in Victoria.

A humanitarian, innovative thinker, facilitator, and caring at heart, Dr Louis Koster’s extraordinary career include:

  • Co-founding The International Trust for Children’s Healthcare in Russia on personal invitation by Mr. Mikhail Gorbachev, former President of the Soviet Union.
  • Founding Strategic Humanitarian Developments, an innovative organization that brought together stakeholders of diverse communities to create partnerships and foster community building and address the most pertinent issues in these communities.
  • Creating A New Language for Life, a comprehensive teaching program to reveal the secrets of happiness and higher awareness.

A New Language for Life: Happy No Matter What!

A New Language for Life, Happy No Matter What! is a message of higher awareness, a message of oneness of being. A New Language for Life is a message of peace. A New Language for Life is a philosophy for life, a way of living your life as your true nature.

Awakening to a higher awareness is a growing movement that finds a platform in A New Language for Life.

A New Language for Life, Happy No Matter What! reveals that enlightment is available for everyone, who has a serious commitment to spiritual growth and development. Author Dr Louis Koster reveals a daily practice of “living The Choice and The Insight,” which unveils that the secret to happiness is found in an awakening to the oneness of being. A New Language for Life, Happy No Matter What! reminds you of your true nature that you have forgotten, and awakens you to the oneness of life.


Dr. Koster Website


Wouter Kellerman Talks to On Purpose Magazine

Wouter Kellerman 2010 SAMA Winner Tours America

Wouter Kellerman may not be a name you have heard of, but if you like great music you should.

Wouter Kellerman two time winner of the South African Music Awards (SAMA) including 2010 best instrumental DVD Jazz/Classical/Pop.  The SAMA is their equivalent of our Grammy Award.


Wouter’s music has so many flavors, but is all wonderful, from slowly haunting tunes, African beats, Island grooves, Irish Marches and even urban rapping…

I had to drive Los Angeles traffic after hearing one tune by Wouter (pronounced Voter). I like music so I was happy to cover a musician, but was I in for a surprise. The venue was the Hotel Cafe in Hollywood, CA. Very small and very Hollywood.

The concert was very intimate and Wouter was way too big for that room. His band tore up the stage. It started slow and he just kept it growing and growing and I was taken back to Ian Anderson, John Mayal scatting, and more and more..

Wouter and his band hung out afterwords and I got a chance to meet with them. If I was on the road with a band.. These would be the people I would choose. Nice, easy and talented. Thank you Wouter for taking the time to interview with me as I know you had another appointment to get to… . – JW


Wouter Kellerman

Wouter Kellerman’s new album ‘Two Voices’ won the 2011 SAMA (South African Music Award, the SA equivalent of the Grammy) for ‘Best Instrumental Album’,  and reinforces his status as one of South Africa’s foremost flautists. A true crossover artist, he thrives on experimenting with the shades, textures and colours that his magic flute is capable of painting, and creatively blending this with other instrumentation and vocal sounds.

Watch Wouter Kellerman Music Videos 

The SAMA-winning flute wizard, who performed at the 2010 FIFA World Cup Closing Ceremony to a global television audience of 700-million people, has spent the past couple of years cooking up several potent compositions with an array of top South African and African artists – and ‘Two Voices’ is the result.

His debut album, ‘Colour’, enjoyed rave reviews, topped the charts and was nominated for a 2008 South African Music Awards for ‘Best Instrumental Album’.

His show ‘Kellerman Colour Live’ won the 2010 SAMA (South African Music Award) for ‘Best Jazz/Instrumental/Popular Classical DVD’.

Kellerman demonstrates in his shows why he is regarded as one of the country’s most musically adventurous world-music proponents, who keeps his sound fresh and progressive by incorporating a fusion of influences and styles into his music with vocalists, instrumentalists and dancers to create a fresh and exhilarating performance. He has been travelling extensively over the last two years, performing all over the world in places like Berlin, Shanghai, New York and Sydney.

2010 highlights include performing at the opening of MIDEM in Cannes, France. MIDEM is the world’s biggest music conference and festival and Kellerman was part of a Department of Arts and Culture delegation, representing South Africa. In March he travelled to the USA to perform at the South by Southwest (SXSW) music festival in Austin, in Texas. SXSW is the biggest music festival in the USA.

In July Kellerman performed at the 2010 FIFA World Cup Closing Ceremony. Concerts in the last few months included performing at the 2010 Standard Bank Joy of Jazz festival in Johannesburg and two performances at the Shanghai World Expo 2010, China.

Wouter’s flute-playing can be heard on the soundtrack of the Emmy Award-winning film ‘Eye of the Leopard’. His albums ‘Colour’ and ‘Two Voices’ were mixed in Los Angeles by Grammy-winning engineer Husky Hoskulds.

Passionate about teaching and empowering young people, Kellerman has sponsored the living expenses of 10 children in the SOS Children’s Village in Ennerdale for the past 14 years, and has also financed the building of a house in the SOS Children’s Village in Rustenburg. For his continued efforts in helping give these children a better life, Kellerman was nominated by the SOS Children’s Villages for the Inyathelo Special Recognition Award for Philanthropy. He continues to facilitate the teaching of young dance and music students.

Wouter Kellerman started playing the flute at the age of 10, and in 1981 appeared as a soloist with the Johannesburg Symphony Orchestra. He went on to feature in several South African orchestras, scooping musical accolades along the way. Among these was winning the Perrenoud Foundation Prize during the 1997 Vienna International Music Competition.

Using his classical training as a foundation, Kellerman focused his attention on world music, exploring the versatility of the instrument and fusing classical and contemporary sounds, resulting in a potent and thrilling musical encounter. Kellerman is taking his crossover world music to a global audience, having gained a solid following in South Africa. He has already released the album in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and most recently in Australia, where he combined his release with a nationwide tour, which included a support slot on Johnny Clegg’s Down Under tour.

Wouter Kellerman Discography

Two Voices

Wouter Kellerman’s new album ‘Two Voices’ won the 2011 SAMA (South African Music Award, the SA equivalent of the Grammy) for ‘Best Instrumental Album’,  and reinforces his status as one of South Africa’s foremost flautists. A true crossover artist, he thrives on experimenting with the shades, textures and colours that his magic flute is capable of painting, and creatively blending this with other instrumentation and vocal sounds.

The SAMA-winning flute wizard, who performed at the 2010 FIFA World Cup Closing Ceremony to a global television audience of 700-million people, has spent the past couple of years cooking up several potent compositions with an array of top South African and African artists – and ‘Two Voices’ is the result.

His debut album, ‘Colour’, enjoyed rave reviews, topped the charts and was nominated for a 2008 South African Music Awards for ‘Best Instrumental Album’.

His show ‘Kellerman Colour Live’ won the 2010 SAMA (South African Music Award) for ‘Best Jazz/Instrumental/Popular Classical DVD’.

Kellerman demonstrates in his shows why he is regarded as one of the country’s most musically adventurous world-music proponents, who keeps his sound fresh and progressive by incorporating a fusion of influences and styles into his music with vocalists,


From Harmonious Living Reviewed by Ceri Balston

wouter kellerman Colour

South Africa’s premier flautist Kellerman (aka Wouter Kellerman) brings us his long awaited debut album, ‘Colour’. From the very first note this is one of those CDs that you just know will be glued to your CD player for months to come. Relaxing, fun, soulful and joyful throughout ‘Colour’ is destined to be a timeless classic.

You can tell that one of Kellerman’s passions, apart from music, is for the vibrant and diverse cultures that cover our world. Throughout the album he joyfully explores his own South African heritage (and Akrikaans roots in the final track ‘Al Le Die Berge’), as well as delving into the rich and passionate world of the Argentinean Tango, whilst Spanish and Irish themes also abound.

Highlight tracks include the beautifully seductive and sultry tango ‘Vuelvo al Sur’ which just oozes with South American passion, ‘Told U So’ a lively and cheeky South African number and ‘Quisas, quisas, quisas’ the Lila Downs song made popular by the film Tortilla Soup. Having chosen those tracks I do have to say that every time I listen to ‘Colour’ I keep changing my mind about my favourites, the CD is just that good with tracks appropriate for all times and moods.

SOS Children’s Village

What They Do

At SOS Children’s Villages we believe that children can only develop to their full potential if they have a supportive and protective family environment.  We work to make this a reality. 

At the centre of our SOS Children’s Villages programme is the individual child. We encourage children to actively take part in the making of decisions that affect their lives.

Preventing crisis leading to family separation

We work with disadvantaged families in order to prevent crises that can lead to family separation. We offer various forms of support to strengthen and stabilise families as much as possible so that children can grow up in their own families. The aim is always to build the skills and capacities of carers and of their communities so that children can enjoy positive and caring relationships.

Strengthening SOS families and foster families

We also strengthen SOS families and foster families, which provide stable and consistent care to children who cannot remain in their family of origin, and for whom family-based care is considered the best option. Short-term solutions may be offered in crisis situations.

Whether located all together or dispersed within a community, SOS families provide individualised care and promote the development, education and health of each child. We work together with communities to develop and improve local education and health infrastructure. In some cases SOS Children’s Villages runs kindergartens, day-care centres, schools and vocational training centres, as well as medical centres.

A leading voice for children

Building on our experience, we are also a leading voice for children who have lost their parent or whose parents cannot care for them.  We aim to make a change that will improve the lives and living conditions of all these children, their families and their communities.

SOS Children’s Villages is active in 133 countries and territories. The variety of this international work is brought together by the umbrella organisation SOS Children’s Villages International, which unites all of the autonomous national associations.

In all countries where SOS Children’s Villages operates, the aim is to form a national association which is its own legal entity, with its own statutes and Board of Directors. Common for all of them is membership of the international umbrella association and the fact that their Board of Directors work on an honorary basis. Each member association is obliged to comply with the international statute of the organisation. Practices in relation to education, child-care, financ and administration are also common to all member associations.

Each national association is registered and organised as a foundation, trust, association, non-profit company or society. As a full member of SOS Children’s Villages International, they have the right to apply for funding through the umbrella association and request services from the General Secretariat.


Wouter Kellerman Website
SOS Childrens Village


Wouter Kellerman Talks to On Purpose Magazine

Bob Bare of BestSelling Experts on His New Book and Live Training

Successful entrepreneur and businessman Bob Bare talks to us about his new book and amazing new More Power! Conference

We interview Bob who is a successful entrepreneur, businessman and author who loves to interview other successful and interesting experts for his site BestSelling Experts.


Bob Bare and 8 Very Important Speakers Including Bill Gates, Michael Dell and Steve Jobs Marketing Teacher Jay Conrad Levinson

September 20-23, 2012
at the Crowne Plaza, Dallas Texas

This one is over, but you can go to to get videos of the speakers and to find out when the next event will be held.


I met Bob at a conference where we were both interviewing some of the more interesting people that spoke or attended there. I am used to doing interviews and after speaking with Bob, I was taken back by his request to interview me!

It is not often that I am asked to be interviewed. Bob was great and asked some great questions and we have become friendly since that interview.

I found out that Bob was producing his first business conference and took the opportunity to get back to Bob and ask him for an interview. I was very excited to get Bob to say yes, first so I could get him back and second because I have gotten to know Bob as someone that knows what he is doing and he loves to teach and help others find success.

Thank you Bob for saying yes to my interview. It turned out to be full of great and very powerful information and mentoring Bob is known for. – JW

Bob Bare

Bob Bare is a serial entrepreneur, author, speaker and founder of Proud husband, father and grandfather, Bob is passionate about family values, community outreach and spiritual growth.

Through his company, Bob mentors individuals in branding, broadcasting and living their vision through Expert Positioning, Publishing, Publicity and Public Speaking.

Bob Bare is the author More Power!, founder of and More Power! University.

A serial entrepreneur, who started his first business in 6th grade, Bob is known for his ability to create, grow and turn around businesses while keeping his vision and values in sight. One of Bob’s recent business successes opened its doors in 2006 with no customer base and achieved yearly revenues of 2.5 million dollars within the first four years, in the middle of the economic downturn of 2008. Bob currently owns 7 businesses.

An Iowa native, Bob lives in Dallas, Texas with Jan, his wife for over 35 years. He is the proud father of 3 children and grandfather of 6. He enjoys giving back to his community through active leadership roles in his local church and as president of Dallas North Rotary.

In an effort to pay it forward, Bob produces and hosts Experts Weekly radio, publishes the BestSelling Experts Weekly newsletter and mentors start-up entrepreneurs.

More Power

MORE POWER is a wisdom-packed guidebook for entrepreneurs, business owners and business professionals in any industry, guaranteed to create more personal and business power in any economy.

Using a clear, easy approach, Bob Bare reveals the simple, yet powerful principles, tools and strategies he has used over and over to create multiple successful, sustainable businesses.

This practical roadmap is filled with concrete action steps you can easily master and implement right now, wherever you may be in your entrepreneurial journey to help you propel your business, skyrocket your sales, increase your cashflow and maximize your exposure, all while staying true to your vision and core values.

More Power offers simple principles, tactics and strategies that you can easily implement right now to create a successful, sustainable business while staying true to your vision and enjoying your life. As a serial entrepreneur, Bob Bare shares coveted secrets that will skyrocket your sales, your cash flow and your exposure, and create a multi-million dollar enterprise.

Bestselling Experts

Innovators guided by traditional values.

Passionate about results, BSE Embraces today’s cutting edge tools and strategies to propel your vision, your passion and your purpose.

BSE staff brings a powerful blend of gifts and personalities strategy, creativity, visibility and implementation. Our collaborative approach is the secret to our ability to assist you in connecting and engaging genuinely with prospect and current clients by showcasing your expertise and spreading your message out to the world!


To empower and equip companies and individuals with innovative and actionable strategies, tools and ideas to showcase their expertise, allowing them to deliver inspiring, uplifting targeted messages with the purpose to make a positive impact in the world while fueling business growth and profitability.


To become the preferred and most trusted expert building company by continuously delivering outstanding value and satisfaction, focusing on customer loyalty, reliability, respect, responsiveness and superior innovative products and services that enrich the world.


These serve as our compass to guide our actions towards People, Partners, Planet, Productivity and Profits:

  • Integrity in All We Do
  • Honesty and Transparency in our Communication
  • Creating Meaningful Value to Make a Difference
  • Innovation that Inspires Creativity and  Fuels Growth
  • Internal Environment of Collaboration, Trust and Joy
  • Leadership to Impact and Influence
  • Passion for a Better World, a Better Future

More Power Live Conference

Sorry, this one is over, but you can go to to get videos of the speakers and to find out when the next event will be held.

What will you learn at More Power! LIVE?

Bob Bare, 40+ year experience serial entrepreneur,
will share how he grew his sales $0 to $2.7 Million
in the Worst Economy Ever!

He has also carefully selected world-class experts who are practitioners, teachers and mentors who care about YOUR success!

Here’s a sample of what you’ll learn, discover and experience at More Power! LIVE:

Your Road Map To Success [Bob Bare and Odell Stunkard]

  1. How You Can Attract Stampedes of New Customers – Step-by-step plan revealed live for the first time in the U.S.
  1. How to Maximize Your CASH-FLOW (Not Just Revenue). Forget the losing model of “Growing-Growing-Gone” that costs more than you make and sends your business into an early grave.
  1. The Overlooked Secrets of “The Perfect Business” that Pays You in PROFITS and FREEDOM. Yes, you can have your cake and eat it, too (work less and make more). We’re living proof. And we’re unveiling ALL!

…And many more practical ways to explode your income and carve out a life of freedom and satisfaction in the months and years ahead!

Guerrilla Marketing [Jay Conrad Levinson]

  1. Marketing Vs. Guerrilla Marketing – a concise, eye-opening explanation that will forever change the way you promote and generate new business
  2. The 19 Secrets of Guerrilla Marketing – You could spend months trying to distill the wisdom from a dozen top business books – or – you can spend that time enjoying the fruits of these 19 secrets that have already produced billions of dollars in sales and profits
  3. The The 7-Sentence Guerrilla Marketing Plan – Don’t waste months writing a 30-page plan. And don’t you dare make a move with no plan at all. Steal Jay’s 7-sentence plan and profit from it immediately

..and more!!!!!

Make More Working LESS! [Loral Langemeier]

  1. How to turn your existing skills and passion into a perpetual cash machine – in as little as 2 hours a week with zero money out-of-pocket.
  2. How to easily melt price resistance and double or triple your income
  3. Hear how Loral (in her early 20′s) landed a Multi-Million Dollar contract promoting health on oil rigs by simply replacing one word with another. Find out exactly what she did, so you can do it too

Plus much more!

Truly Leverage The Power of Social Media [Elayna Fernandez]

  1. The 7 Myths of Social Media Branding. How many are holding you back from earning the income you deserve?
  2. Why social media work for some and not others. Discover how to systematize, automate and profit like you never thought possible
  3. The L.I.K.E.D Formula for getting more “likes” and followers. Apply these 5 simple steps to trigger a tsunami of social media exposure

…and lots more advice for making money with Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, WordPress, and Pinterest

Use Publishing To Skyrocket Your Business [David Hancock ]

  1. 4 easy ways to get your book written FAST (without writing it yourself!)
  2. How to GET PAID to write your book
  3. The 7 Secrets of Bestselling Books – this bullet-by-bullet formula removes all the guesswork

…and A TON more!

Sell With Intention and Double or Triple Your Sales This Year! [ Ursula Mentjes]

  1. Discover the Selling with Intention Formula to double sales results this year
  2. Create an Intentional Schedule to sell more in less time
  3. Understand how Financial Set-Points prevent ultimate success

..and more!

Profit Through Persuasive Speaking [Arvee Robinson]

  1. The 3 BIGGEST mistakes most business owners make when trying to give public presentations and how to instantly look like a seasoned speaking professional by avoiding these goof-ups!
  2.  How to find more opportunities to speak to local groups of your ideal prospects and how to get invited as a speaker.
  3.  What specifically you must do during your presentations in order to generate leads and clients

…and more!

Partnership Secrets Revealed [Paul Miltonberger]

  1. The 5 partnering strategies that bring you more customers, revenue, results, and income. Use one or all 5 to kick your results into hyper-drive
  2. The easiest money you’ll ever make for 10 minutes of your time
  3. How to generate quick bursts of cash over and over again, even if you don’t have a product or service to sell

..and much, much more!

JPL Curiosity Mars Rover – Dr. Ravi Prakash

“Oh Sh*t” is Heard Yelled After The 7 Minutes of Terror was Over! Curiosity Successfully Lands On Mars

Curiosity Mars Rover Takes a Picture of its Shadow on Perfect Landing

One of the first images sent from Mars Rover Curiosity after landing notice the horizon and mountains in distance

Fifteen minutes of crying, screaming, handshaking, hugging and a big “Oh Sh*t” yelled out on UStream showing of the the successful landing of Curiosity.

Above are two of the first pictures taken by Curiosity after its perfect landing. where you can see the shadow of the rover in the picture and in one you can see a rover wheel and the Martian horizon.

JPL Curiosity Landing Crew Jump for Joy as it is all Good News on the Landing and First Pictures are Sent From Odyssey

Joy as it is all Good News on the Landing and First Pictures are Sent From Odyssey

Dr. Ravi Prakash  Descent and Landing Engineer at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) talks about this unprecedented landing and mission of a rover the size of a small car on Mars.

Landing Sunday August 5th
at 10pm Pacific Standard Time (PST)

Interview with Rocket Scientist Dr. Ravi Prakash on the landing and mission of the Curiosity Mars Science Lab / rover

Audio Player

►Right Click and “Save Link As” to Download File◄

I would like to thank the JPL press office. I did not make the deadline to get press credentials, but they were so helpful at getting this interview together for me. They are Rocket Stars!

BTW in the interview I mentioned the landing would be Aug 6th.. Sorry it is August 5th at 10am PST.  The correct time is 10pm on Sunday the 5th sorry for any confusion.

Also want to thank Dr Prakash. He is thrown into interview after interview and instead of rushing me through as many would, he worried if he had given enough. You did Dr. Prakash.. Thanks JW

Dr Ravi Prakash JPL MSL Curiosity

Dr Ravi Prakash

Texas born Dr. Ravi Prakash, who received a B.S. in aerospace engineering from the University of Texas at Austin and a M.S. in aerospace engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology, joined NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in 2005 and has been working at the Mars Science Laboratory ever since.

Dr. Ravi Prakash is a descent and landing engineer at JPL, working with his team to perfect an unprecedented unmanned landing on Mars, of the largest robotic rover ever sent into space.


MSL Landing

Follow Curiosity’s landing on Aug. 5, 2012 at 10:31 p.m. PDT (1:31 a.m. EDT, Aug. 6, 2012)!

Check Out This Excellent SlideShow [CLICK HERE]

This artist's concept shows thrusters firing during the entry, descent and landing phase for NASA's Mars Science Laboratory mission to Mars.
Mars Science Laboratory Guided Entry at Mars, Artist’s Concept
This artist’s concept shows thrusters firing during the entry, descent and landing phase for NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory mission to Mars.

The entry, descent, and landing (EDL) phase begins when the spacecraft reaches the Martian atmosphere, about 125 kilometers (about 78 miles) above the surface, and ends with the rover safe and sound on the surface of Mars.

Entry, descent, and landing for the Mars Science Laboratory mission will include a combination of technologies inherited from past NASA Mars missions, as well as exciting new technologies. Instead of the familiar airbag landing of the past Mars missions, Mars Science Laboratory will use a guided entry and a sky crane touchdown system to land the hyper-capable, massive rover.

The sheer size of the Mars Science Laboratory rover (900 kilograms or over 2,000 pounds) would preclude it from taking advantage of an airbag-assisted landing. Instead, the Mars Science Laboratory will use the sky crane touchdown system, which will be capable of delivering a much larger rover onto the surface. It will place the rover on its wheels, ready to begin its mission at Gale Crater.

The new entry, descent and landing architecture, with its use of guided entry, will allow for more precision. Where the Mars Exploration Rovers could have landed anywhere within their respective 150 by 20 kilometers (about 93 miles by 12 miles) landing ellipses, Mars Science Laboratory will land within a 20-kilometer (12-mile) ellipse! This high-precision delivery will open up more areas of Mars for exploration and potentially allow scientists to roam “virtually” where they have not been able to before. The entry, descent and landing sequence will break down into four parts:

This image shows changes in the target landing area for Curiosity, the rover of NASA's Mars Science Laboratory project.
Revised Landing Target for Mars Rover Curiosity
This image shows changes in the target landing area for Curiosity, the rover of NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory project.
  • Guided Entry – The spacecraft will be controlled by small rockets during descent through the Martian atmosphere, toward the surface.
  • Parachute Descent – Like Viking, Pathfinder and the Mars Exploration Rovers, the Mars Science Laboratory will be slowed by a large parachute.
  • Powered Descent – Again, rockets will control the spacecraft’s descent until the rover separates from its final delivery system, the sky crane.
  • Sky Crane – Like a large crane on Earth, the sky crane system will lower the rover to a “soft landing” – wheels down – on the surface of Mars.

Curiosity’s Mission

Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)

With its rover named Curiosity, Mars Science Laboratory mission is part of NASA’s Mars Exploration Program, a long-term effort of robotic exploration of the red planet. Curiosity was designed to assess whether Mars ever had an environment able to support small life forms called microbes. In other words, its mission is to determine the planet’s “habitability.”

Mars Science Laboratory will study Mars’ habitability

To find out, the rover will carry the biggest, most advanced suite of instruments for scientific studies ever sent to the martian surface. The rover will analyze samples scooped from the soil and drilled from rocks. The record of the planet’s climate and geology is essentially “written in the rocks and soil” — in their formation, structure, and chemical composition. The rover’s onboard laboratory will study rocks, soils, and the local geologic setting in order to detect chemical building blocks of life (e.g., forms of carbon) on Mars and will assess what the martian environment was like in the past.

Mars Science Laboratory relies on innovative technologies

Mars Science Laboratory will rely on new technological innovations, especially for landing. The spacecraft will descend on a parachute and then, during the final seconds prior to landing, lower the upright rover on a tether to the surface, much like a sky crane. Once on the surface, the rover will be able to roll over obstacles up to 75 centimeters (29 inches) high and travel up to 90 meters (295 feet) per hour. On average, the rover is expected to travel about 30 meters (98 feet) per hour, based on power levels, slippage, steepness of the terrain, visibility, and other variables.

The rover will carry a radioisotope power system that generates electricity from the heat of plutonium’s radioactive decay. This power source gives the mission an operating lifespan on Mars’ surface of a full martian year (687 Earth days) or more, while also providing significantly greater mobility and operational flexibility, enhanced science payload capability, and exploration of a much larger range of latitudes and altitudes than was possible on previous missions to Mars.

Arriving at Mars at 10:31 p.m. PDT on Aug. 5, 2012 (1:31 a.m. EDT on Aug. 6, 2012), Mars Science Laboratory will serve as an entrée to the next decade of Mars exploration. It represents a huge step in Mars surface science and exploration capability because it will:

  • demonstrate the ability to land a very large, heavy rover to the surface of Mars (which could be used for a future Mars Sample Return mission that would collect rocks and soils and send them back to Earth for laboratory analysis)
  • demonstrate the ability to land more precisely in a 20-kilometer (12.4-mile) landing circle
  • demonstrate long-range mobility on the surface of the red planet (5-20 kilometers or about 3 to 12 miles) for the collection of more diverse samples and studies.

Visit MSL for Scientists for technical information about the mission

The Beautiful Video Game That Drives NASA’s Curiosity Mars Rover

So MSL Curiosity has landed. It survived the seven minutes of terror and safely touched down on the surface of Mars. A miracle in its own right. Now that it’s there, it needs a way to move around. Anyone who played Lunar Lander and Moon Patrol already knows how they’re going to do this: Video games.

Brian Cooper is the lead driver for MSL Curiosity, and he wrote the software to drive it. But that’s not all… READ MORE

Gallery Pics

Spike Humer – 10 Day Business Turnaround

Spike Humer Business Acceleration and Turnaround Expert

If your in business and are an entrepreneur then you have probably heard of, or been to an event where Spike Humer has spoken. For over 25 years Spike has been at the forefront of formulating innovative business growth and explosive marketing strategies for entrepreneurs, small businesses and multimillion dollar organizations.

I have watched Spike speak on stage for years and over the last couple I have been fortunate to call Spike a friend. He in the top 10 business experts I have met that are truly authentic and have vital information to make grow, expand or just save your company from certain disaster.

If you want to grow or find yourself getting desparate and do not know how to turn your ship around, Spike Humer and his candid, no bull advice is probably just what you need to stop the insanity.

I always love to catch up with Spike when I can and on this call I decided to kill two birds with one stone.. Say hello and catch up and then record the rest of the call for this interview. I had a great time and Spike, as usual gave up some real golden nuggets. Thanks Spike – JW

Spike Humor

Spike Humer is a highly successful business executive, entrepreneur, seminar leader, and consultant with more than twenty-five years of real world, hands-on experience leading both public and private companies throughout North America. As an international speaker, business consultant, and growth strategist he changes businesses and lives worldwide.

Spike Humer International, a consulting and training firm, specializes in all aspects of…

  • Executive mentoring
  • Organizational Development
  • Performance Assessment
  • Corporate Restructuring
  • Business strategy and tactical execution
  • Strategic planning
  • Management Assessment
  • Leadership Training
  • Joint Venture Development
  • Marketing Strategist
  • Sales training
  • Corporate Turnarounds.

In addition to running/overseeing Spike Humer International, Inc., Spike served as the Chief Operating Officer and Chief Consultant for The Abraham Group and Jay Abraham who is considered to be one of the world’s preeminent marketing consultants and business strategists. While co-presenting and co-consulting with Jay Abraham, Spike Humer has been a major collaborator on The Abraham Group’s seminars, workshops, mentoring program, and private client consultations and transformations throughout Asia, Australia, and North America.

Jay Abraham had this to say, “Spike is probably the finest business performance enhancement specialist he has ever met and an utter master at finding the underperforming leveraging spots that is keeping your business from soaring.”

Spike has coached, counseled, consulted, and taught individuals and businesses in over twenty-three countries. He has appeared on the same speaking programs as such notable speakers as Chet Holmes, Mark Victor Hansen, T. Harv Eker, Stephen M.R. Covey, John Assaraf, Stephen Pierce, Rich Schefren, and many other industry thoughtleaders.

Widely regarded as a leading expert on business and personal change

Throughout his career he has designed, led, and implemented highly successful corporate turnaround and organizational restructurings for small-to-midsized organizations. His advice, guidance, and leadership has reinvigorated the image, reputation, and performance of companies and corporations using a “strategy of significance” and by creating a top-to-bottom culture of service, authenticity, and accountability.

Darren Stephens: was the founder and international chairman of the multimillion-dollar global business network, Mars Venus Coaching, and I have ownership in 5 other international businesses. As the author of 8 Bestselling books, I am widely recognized as an expert in the field of business management, marketing, internet marketing, self-development, hypnosis, NLP, Rapid Success Technologies, relationships and psychological transformation. In my international speaking engagements over the last 20 years I have shared the stage with

  • Richard Bandler
  • Tony Robbins
  • Jay Abraham
  • Tom Hopkins
  • Jim Rohn
  • President Bill Clinton
  • Dr. John Gray
  • Brian Tracy
  • Armand Morin
  • Dr John DeMartini

I’m mainly known around Australia for being the go-to-guy for “How To Write A Best Selling Book”, and with good reason…

CConsidering that over the past 18 years I’ve brought to market over 85 books, and many of them have become best sellers – So I know what I’m talking about in this area…

I’m mostly recognized for the worldwide success from marketing the popular book, “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus”. This may come as a surprise to you, but when John Gray first started looking for a publisher for the book “Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus”, he was told it would never make it, and…

Every single publisher they tried rejected the book and knocked it back…!

Around that time, John and I became business partners, and I implemented some creative “out-of-the-box” marketing strategies for the Mars Venus Brand. And the rest is history…

Now – That book has gone on to sell over 40 million copies, been translated into 54 languages, and sold in 149 countries. It spent six and a half years on the New York Times best-seller list between 1992 and 1998, and has done over a Billion dollars in sales.

10 Day Business Turnaround

Darren Stephens and Spike Humer, two of the world’s most Brilliant Business minds, reveal the secrets to How to Transform your Business and make it Survive and Thrive in any Economic Climate.

What separates companies in any economy, any market or any industry is your ability to adapt, adjust and execute. Business owners who know where they are, where they want to go, and then take effective action survive and thrive – those that don’t face extinction. Read this book, your future might depend on it.

This book contains hands-on, real-world, strategies designed to show you how to take control of your present and what to do to design your future for you – and your business. The decision is yours. Stay the course or take action now.

Why it’s CRITICAL & URGENT to implement a “Turnaround” before it’s too late…

It could simply be that, you believe your business is not living up to its true potential. It could also be that you want to understand clearly where your business is at that moment, where you want it to be in the future so that a concise plan of action can be developed to get it there.

Maybe you want to build you business up so you can sell out for a BIG PAY DAY – or maybe you want to take advantage of changes in the marketplace or of a new opportunity, or on completion of your own business-building practice.

The reasons why a business embarks on a turnaround plan are many and varied. However, it would probably be fair to say that during times of turmoil hardship, or a tough economy – for the vast majority of businesses, embarking on a turnaround plan is most likely so that it can survive. That is why we look at an extremely short time frame in which to achieve this. It should take you no longer than ten days to come up with a powerfully clear, concise, and actionable plan to transform the business.

If you have any doubt about your need to turnaround your business today, bear this in mind…

Sooner or later you and your business will have to change; “willing change” is better than “forced change.”

The best time to create a turnaround in either your life or your business is when you ‘can choose to’ and not when you ‘have to’.

Sneak Peak

Strategies, tactics, and tips on:

  • Why most businesses are destined to FAIL from the start and how not to be another statistic
  • Debunking the Myth of why business is hard in tough times! WRONG! – We’ll show you the competitive edge!
  • Discover the key “common denominators” behind almost every successful business (How to STACK the odds in your favour for success)
  • The three (3) pillars that make all the difference for successful business owners (It’s really simple when you know how)
  • How to spot a “business crisis” from a mile away long before it happens (Knowing this could save you from certain disaster)
  • What STOPS even the smartest business owner from doing what they know they should be doing (master this and you’ll laugh all the way to the bank)
  • WARNING! Sitting back and doing nothing different is the expensive road to take! (Especially if “where you’re at” is not “where you want to be”)
  • Have you built your business on a foundation of sand without knowing? Discover the “IRON BEAMS” of business for today’s market
  • Uncover the dangerous personalities that’ll poison your business in the shadows of darkness while your back is turned!
  • The 5 Key Questions you need to ask yourself for grasping the “Turnaround Mindset”
  • The crippling (costly) fear that most business owners would never openly admit to… but acts as an invisible ceiling on their income potential (chances are, you have this inbuilt fear without realizing)
  • Revolutionary “Turnaround Philosophy” on “CHANGE” and how to always have the winning edge over your competitors
  • FREE SPECIAL GIFT BONUSES to the value of $697 Just for showing up! Let us reward you for your vision and efforts!
  • Competitors? What competitors? Discover current (and proven) stealth marketing strategies that’ll leave your competition standing on the shore scratching their heads…
  • If you do something you love, the money will follow, right? WRONG! We’ll uncover the grey line between passion and profit
  • If you hate setting goals, but you know you should, then let us show you how to make this a simple, fun and rewarding process
  • The 6 “hard-hitting” & confronting questions you need to answer that’ll give you the harsh stock-take of your business
  • 10-Day Turnaround Action Plans and Checklists for your ULTIMATE RESULTS!
  • Breakthrough Leadership insights and strategies specifically targeted, flexible & supportive to your personality style!
  • FINALLY!! No more “outdated” old-school rigid Time-Management techniques that only work for a few weeks! See our advanced easyto- grasp time-mastery strategies (that actually work)

If you want the bonus audio course sent to you go to Spike Humor’s site and click on the book. You will notice the page is outdated, but you can still get the bonus. Spike says he will be revamping the site soon and apologizes for any confusion.

Click below for the Official Updated Book Page!

Spike Humer’s Site
Buy the Book and Recieve Free Audio Course
Business Breakthroughs Site

I ♥ Vets Tee Shirts Helps Vets

Blake Leitch Wounded Combat Vet Makes I Vets Tee Shirts to Help Put Unemployed Vets Back to Work.

Blake Leitch is a combat veteran. In 2005, Blake was deployed to Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. During my deployment he was wounded in action when an IED hit his Bradley Fighting Vehicle.

Since coming home and recuperating from the wounds he sustained he has realized that there is no greater need than to invest in our Veteran families’ education. Blake linked up with Mark Slaby, the Founder of Illinois Patriot Education at The Medinah Patriot Day. That day he realized that there is not only a huge gap in our nations heroes VA benefits, but there is also many great Americans that want to help the vets succeed.

I met Blake through a wonderful friend and I was so inspired by his story and what he is doing to help other vets that I had to meet him.

Blake is one of the nicest guys you ever want to meet and he is working hard to build a business that helps his family, his community and other combat wounded vets.

Blake started the I Heart Vets Tee Shirt Company to help combat wounded vets in his town, find jobs and get help and he has been fairly successful at it.

I love his Tee Shirt so much I have asked Blake to make a special one for my US Veterans Group on LinkedIn. That group now has over 23,000 members. Not all of them need help, but many need resources and jobs and we are always looking at ways to help.

Blake has made us his I ♥ Vets Shirt with our US Veterans Logo on the back, but you can have Blake make your organization a shirt or just buy a plain I Heart Vets Tee Shirt by going to his site and choosing from what he has in stock. 

If you want the US Veteran Special Edition Tee Shirt, which costs the same as his regular shirts, you can go to 20% of the proceeds will go to the Wounded Warrior Program.

Blake is a great guy and his company is doing wonderful work so please support his efforts. Thank you Blake for all you do. – JW

I Heart / Love Vets

Blake Leitch, wounded combat vet first started making I Heart Vets Tee Shirts to support the efforts of The Illinois Patriot Education Fund (IPEF) and he still heavily supports that cause.

Blake’s Tee Shirts have now taken off and he offers his Tee Shirts that support his causes and his family and also can offer your organization his services to easily use I Heart Vets merchandise for your student group, Student Veteran of America Chapter, VFW, American Legion, or any other group. Start fundraising.

This book has one primary purpose: To Get Veterans Jobs! With the help of veterans from the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines this book was written by a current Professional Fortune 50 Lead Recruiter with nearly 15 years of experience.

Because the author recruits as his profession in this challenging job market every day, he knows what works and what doesn’t.

This is a no-nonsense guide to help vets get hired, even in this difficult job market –even if nothing else has worked.

A substantial portion of the proceeds from book sales are donated back to charity to help veterans at and to help the stray and abandoned animals at Logan’s Run Rescue.

Blake Leitch I Heart Vets Tee ShirtsBlake Leitch

Reposted From Off The Shelf & Online
Eastern Illinois University Journalism Dept.

Among so many things, Blake Leitch is a father, student, and husband. But like many other veterans and their families, Blake suffers from the aftermath of war. 

Blake graduated from Mattoon High School in 2000. He was an active participate in the National Guard his junior and senior year. Right after high school, Blake entered basic training for the military. He said

“During that time I came to the realization that I liked doing the Army full-time,” Blake said.

Blake signed up for active duty not knowing the future ahead of him. “The day I reported for active duty was actually September 11th, 2001,” he said.

A few months later, Blake found himself in the midst of the war: Iraq. During that time Blake’s vehicle was hit by an IED bomb over 20 times. From that incident alone, Blake now suffers from severe back and traumatic brain injuries.

“I lost count after about 24 roadside bombs that my convoy vehicle was hit with and the last one is when I took strap mill to my face,” Blake said.

Blake said it wasn’t just one of the bombs that caused his injuries, but a combination of all the explosions he was in.

Years later and a safe return home, Blake is still fighting a battle with the skeletons of his past. Along with back injuries and traumatic brain injuries, Blake was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and suffers from ringing in the ears.

Many soldiers face similar struggles like Blake after returning from war.  Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a severe anxiety disorder that that can develop after exposure to any event that results in psychological trauma. Kim Dowland, a nurse practitioner at Eastern Illinois University Health Services, said PTSD is not an uncommon mental disbility for military veterans. Click here to watch Kim’s interview about PTSD.

Blake still visits the doctor on a regular basis because of his back injuries. Due to the PTSD and traumatic brain injuries he also has difficulties sleeping.

“Every night I’m taking a sleeping pill to help me go through that,” Blake said. “I’ve had a hard time finding a medicine that wouldn’t put me in such a deep sleep that I’d have nightmares.”

Blake said it’s also really hard for him to stay focused for long periods of time due to the PTSD and traumatic brain injuries.

“My brain is just so messed up from what happened over there that it’s just taking a long time to really re-program that,” Blake said.

Blake’s wife of over 7 years, Jackie Leitch, and their son 22-month-old son, Spencer, have helped Blake get through difficult times.

Jackie said though Blake being deployed wasn’t easy, it has actually made their relationship stronger knowing that they have overcome such difficult hurdles.

“We look back at that year that Blake was deployed and we know that we wouldn’t want to do it over again, but we also know there were great things that came out of that for us,” she said.

Jackie said seeing the struggles he still is dealing with a couple years later is still tough. Though she will never truly know what Blake is going through, she said she offers him a listening ear, encouragement, and support. To hear more of what Jackie has to say about her husband, Click right here.

“Honestly, I think its made us stronger,” Blake said. “It makes us communicate better.”

Blake said knowing that he has his family there for him helps him get through everyday. “It gives me more to live for,” he said. Click here to view a slideshow of Blake and his family.

Other than his family, Blake’s spiritual beliefs have also gotten him through post-war difficulties. Blake and his wife Jackie are strong believers in their faith.

“I really believe if it wasn’t for my devotion and my relationship with Jesus I really wouldn’t be alive,” Blake said.

Click here to see a photo essay of how Blake deals with his everyday struggles.

I Heart Vets:

The I Heart Vets Website
The I Heart Vest Special Edition US Veteran on Linkedin Tee


US VeteranUS Veteran on LinkedIn

The US Veteran Group on Linkedin was started to assist US Veterans of all services and of any age to connect. As it has expanded to over 23,000 members and growing, it now also looks to help find resources for the veterans who need them.

We also allow family members and resources such as job recruiters and vet help programs for drug abuse and suicide etc.. also join.

If you are a vet looking for work you can also join our US Veteran – Jobs Group

Brian Mayne on Goal Mapping and Extreme Leadership

Inspirational Speaker, Author and creator of the world-leading achievement system Goal Mapping, Talks To Us About His System Born From His Incredible Life Story, his Books and….

About Bestselling Author Steve Farber’s Extreme Leadership Summit where he will be speaking in August 17th – 19th in San Diego, CA

Steve Farber is such a cool guy. I often report on conferences that….

Register for Extreme Leadership Summit

I think are exciting or that I really got a lot out of or just really think you should know about.

After speaking to Steve recently about his first ever Extreme Leadership Summit, I could see that this was going to be one of those life changing experiences that we just do not find in most conferences and summits nowadays.

Steve is cool enough, but he also offered to allow his speakers to interview with me before the event….  Great for me because, although I don’t do commercials or infomercials for people, I do love to create and share excellent and valuable content for you, and Steve and the speakers promised they would tell some cool stories and give me some great content and value to pass on to you. (And They Have!.. )

It is also great for Steve so that he can get the word out on this unbelievable summit. Steve has put together an Extreme Training Intensive… This is not another one of those sellathon weekends where speakers pitch you to buy at the back of the room…

Steve has brought his closest friends that have excelled in Extreme Leadership and he brings them to you so that you can learn what you need to know to accelerate your business and your life to never before foreseen heights.

I have to admit I had never heard of Brian Mayne until he was mentioned to me by Steve Farber, but what a treat he is.

I sat on the phone listening to Brian tell me about his past as a literal gypsy who did not learn to read or write till age 30! Then he wrote four, count them, four, very well received books. Amazing!

But what is more amazing is this formally illiterate gypsy devises a system of goal setting and achievement that rivals any system I have seen by far, and I have seen a few.

Brian realized that many of us get all the information we need to be successful, but some of us implement and others don’t. Brian incorporates all the sciences of the left and right brain in an easy to follow and understand program that allows you fully integrate, and if you choose, to apply his teachings into your life which will propel your success into the next dimension.

I was impressed at how simple, yet comprehensive Brian’s Goal Mapping program is.

I want to thank Steve for the connection to Brian, this was an eye opening interview that really gets me excited about going and meeting Brian and learning from him at the Extreme Leadership Summit. Also thank you to Brian for the time he allowed me and for how open and authentic he was in this interview. – JW

Brian Mayne

An inspirational speaker, author and teacher, Brian Mayne, creator of the world-leading achievement system Goal Mapping, shares eternal truths on success with simple language and from his own powerful life experience.

Born into a traveling fun-fair family with a nomadic childhood, Brian left school early with no qualifications and a poor education. When the family business failed in the UK recession of the late 1980s, he lost what seemed like everything–his income, his home and his marriage. He was 29 years old, a million pounds in debt, and still relatively unable to read or write.

Brian worked hard to teach himself how to read and write and started on a path to find discover how to be successful in order to get himself out of his great debt and get off the dark path he was on. After learning how to read, Brian read everything he could get his hands on, his favorite being personal development. One day Brian had an epiphany about how to map out his goals using words and pictures and he developed a seven step process he called Goal Mapping that allowed him to get himself out of debt, write four books and create a successful business showing others the programs that changed his life.

His core message of personal leadership through the practice of self response-ability and purpose led motivation have proven as effective and popular with the corporate world as it has with educationalists and the crowds who come to experience his public presentations.

As chairman of Lift International Brian is now actively involved in the process of developing and delivering the very finest empowerment material available. His seminars and workshops, like his acclaimed books Sam the Magic Genie and Goal Mapping are both clear in their message and practical in their application. Directed by a principle-centred philosophy, and clothed in the language of success psychology, Brian empowers his audiences with the very latest ‘human development’ technologies.

Amongst his many systems for success, Goal Mapping and Life Mapping have enabled him to help people create and steer change within their lives, winning him the gratitude of his audiences, and a place on the world stage of public speaking.

“One of mankind’s greatest fears is that of uncertain change. In reality, the only future thing, of which we can be absolutely certain, is that there will be continuing change to our lives. Learning how to steer the changes of life, towards the things that you desire, is my definition of success – teaching people how to do it, has become my passion and my life’s mission,”  Brian Mayne

Brian’s Books

Product Details

Product Details

Product Details

Brian Mayne’s Websites
Lift International


What is Extreme Leadership?

If you haven’t already noticed, ‘Leadership’ has become just another one of those pseudo-pop-psycho-cultural buzzwords.

Over time, its meaning has been diluted to such a profound degree, that it’s just another one of those labels we use when we really mean ‘The one with the big office.’ 

True leadership doesn’t come from a snappy vocabulary, the books you have on your shelf, your place on the organization chart, or any other fabrication.

Leadership is intensely personal, intrinsically scary, and it requires us to live up to and beyond the point of fear—every single day. – Steve Farber

Extreme Leadership Summit 2012

Steve and his team have crafted The Extreme Leadership Summit to be something unique, something special, something…well…extreme. And it’s unlike any leadership or personal development “event” you’ve been to before.

The Summit is not a pitch fest (where a bunch of speakers try to sell you stuff), and it’s not a parade of talking heads, to mix a metaphor, where you passively sit, watch the show, take notes, and go home.

Register for Extreme Leadership SummitThis is an experience, a process.

Informed by our brilliant thought-leader-speaker-coaches and with the help of your fellow participants (in small, focused MasterMind Teams), you’ll build a significant, personal Extreme Leadership Action Plan–a plan that you’ll begin applying to your life and business immediately, before The Summit even ends.

And–unlike other events–the vast majority of our speakers will be attending the entire conference. With you. We’re all in this thing together.


Steve Farber

Steve Farber President and FounderThe Extreme Leadership Institute, Inc.

Tommy Spaulding

Tommy Spaulding PresidentSpaulding Companies LLC

Simon Billsberry

Simon Billsberry Co-FounderKineticom

Sally Hogshead

Sally Hogshead Chief Fascination OfficerFascinate, Inc

Loren Slocum

Loren Slocum Founder/CEO/PresidentLobella International

Jay Jay French

Jay Jay French Founder/Manager/GuitaristTwisted Sister

Brian Mayne

Brian Mayne ChairmanLift International

Liz Strauss

Liz Strauss CEO and FounderSOBCon Business Conference

The Huffington Post named Liz to their Top 10 Influencers Alive List. Liz Strauss is a high energy master teacher, an über connector, an idea machine with bias toward action. Forbes named Liz Strauss to their Top 50 Social Media Power Influencers and Top 10 Women Social Media Influencers.

Agenda -Follow this link to get the full agenda [Click Here]

More Information………….

Steve Farber Steve Farber

A subject-matter expert in business leadership and a frequent guest on news-talk shows around the country, Farber is a senior-level leadership coach and consultant who has worked with and spoken to a wide variety of public and private organizations in virtually every arena, from the tech sector to financial services, manufacturing, health care, hospitality, entertainment, retail, and even the US government.

Leading from experience.

In 1989, after having run his own financial services company, Farber devoted his professional life to the field of leadership development and has been at it ever since.

Steve was director of service programs at TMI, an international training consultancy, and then worked for 6 years as Vice President and Official Mouthpiece (that’s what it said on his business card) of The Tom Peters Company where he met several of his mentors including author/gurus Tom Peters, Jim Kouzes, and Terry Pearce.

In 2000, Farber established his own company, Extreme Leadership, Inc, where he is president and CEO. He is also the co-founder of The Center for Social Profit Leadership, a non-profit organization formed to serve the leadership development needs of social entrepreneurs, and served as Vice Chairman on the Board of Directors of the world-renown, Up With People, a global leadership program for students from 18 to 29 years old.

A Universal Message.

“Approach the act of leadership as you’d approach an extreme sport: learn to love the fear and exhilaration that naturally comes with the territory.”

Steve Farber is the president of Extreme Leadership, Incorporated, and the founder of The Extreme Leadership Institute, organizations devoted to the cultivation and development of Extreme Leaders in the business community, non-profits and education.

His third book, Greater Than Yourself: The Ultimate Lesson In Leadership, was a Wall Street Journal® and USA Today® bestseller.

His second book, The Radical Edge: Stoke Your Business, Amp Your Life, and Change the World, was hailed as “a playbook for harnessing the power of the human spirit.”

And his first book, The Radical Leap: A Personal Lesson in Extreme Leadership, is already considered a classic in the leadership field. It received Fast Company magazine’s Readers’ Choice Award and was recently named one of the 100 Best Business Books of All Time. His newest edition, The Radical Leap Re-Energized: Doing What You Love in the Service of People Who Love What You Do, is in bookstores now.

Steve’s Books

book radical leap re-energized Steve Farber

The Radical Leap Re-Energized

is an expansion and revitalization of The Radical Leap, which was named as one of the 100 Best Business Books of All Time by Covert and Sattersten.

It’s a novel told in Steve Farber’s humorous, poignant, and original voice that takes the reader on a deep exploration of the qualities and practices of real, or Extreme Leadership, and how to apply them in daily life. Part One, The Radical Leap, explores the leadership elements of Love, Energy, Audacity, and Proof;

Part Two, The Radical Edge, takes the discussion deeper into innovation, personal clarity and guidelines for changing the world. It sets a new standard for what it means to really lead in today’s business world and beyond.

Steve Farber’s masterwork, The Radical Leap Re-Energized, is an inspired opus on what it means to be a leader of substance and significance. You’ll find yourself coming back to it again and again.” –Michael E. Ventling, Global CFO, Ernst & Young
Steve Farber leaps again. I was into it the first time. This time, I’m leaping with him!” –Chris Brogan, President Human Business Works

book greater than yourself steve farber

Greater Than Yourself

Too many people assume the timeless principles of true leadership—of helping others achieve their full potential—don’t apply Monday through Friday during work hours or in any circumstance where a paycheck is involved.

In GREATER THAN YOURSELF, Steve Farber proves them wrong: in this powerful and inspiring story, Farber shows that the goal of a genuine leader is to help others—teammates, employees, and colleagues—become more capable, confident, and accomplished than they are themselves. Through the actions of a forward-thinking and extraordinarily successful CEO, Farber reveals the three keys to achieving this: Expand Yourself, Give Yourself, and Replicate Yourself.

Filled with actionable principles and innovative ideas, GREATER THAN YOURSELF is perhaps the most powerful message today’s business leaders can learn.

Steve Farber Keynote Speaker

Leadership speaker and author, Steve Farber, has worked with a wide variety of public and private organizations in virtually every arena, from the tech sector to financial services, manufacturing, health care, hospitality, entertainment, retail, government agencies and more.

And whatever the audience, Steve’s speeches are always deeply thought-provoking and eminently practical, as well as inspiring and entertaining—a combination of qualities that are a must for any successful conference or meeting.

These are just a few of the great programs Steve presents to different organizations.

The Radical Leap

Extreme Leadership at Work and Beyond

Based on the book named as one of The 100 Best Business Books of All Time

In this chaotic and extreme age, business leaders must demonstrate an unprecedented level of passion, determination, foresight, dedication, and fearlessness. In this wildly popular speech, leadership speaker, Steve Farber, shows you how to use the LEAP framework – Love, Energy, Audacity and Proof to radically improve your organization and your life.

Greater Than Yourself

3 Steps to Attaining the New Gold Standard of Leadership

The truly great leaders in life and work become so by causing others to be greater than themselves. In this program—based on his new book, Greater Than Yourself—leadership speaker, Steve Farber, shows that dedicating yourself to bringing others along so that they can achieve more than you is the ultimate way to boost talent, ramp productivity and create truly significant current and future leaders.

Radical Accountability

Making the Leap From Individual Contributor to Extreme Leader

Whatever the challenge at your company—improving customer service, coping with change, inspiring transformation, improving corporate culture, recruiting and retaining great talent, building teamwork, fostering innovation—it all comes down to this: someone has to do something significant and enlist others to help. Someone, in other words, has to take accountability. Someone has to lead. And it doesn’t have to be the boss. Leadership, ultimately, has nothing to do with the title on your business card or your position on the organizational chart. It’s about who you are and what you do to change things for the better—regardless of your “place” in the company.

Steve Farber can be Found At:


Extreme Leadership Summit 2012

August 17th – 19th
San Diego, California

Register for Extreme Leadership Summit

Tommy Spaulding on Return on Relationship and Extreme Leadership

Tommy SpauldingNY Times, USA Today and WSJ Bestselling Author, Speaker, Consultant, Tommy Spaulding sits down to tell us about his Book and….

About Bestselling Author Steve Farber’s Extreme Leadership Summit where he will be speaking in August 17th – 19th in San Diego, CA

Steve Farber is such a cool guy. I often report on conferences that….

Register for Extreme Leadership Summit

I think are exciting or that I really got a lot out of or just really think you should know about.

After speaking to Steve recently about his first ever Extreme Leadership Summit, I could see that this was going to be one of those life changing experiences that we just do not find in most conferences and summits nowadays.

Steve is cool enough, but he also offered to allow his speakers to interview with me before the event….  Great for me because, although I don’t do commercials or infomercials for people, I do love to create and share excellent and valuable content for you, and Steve and the speakers promised they would tell some cool stories and give me some great content and value to pass on to you. (And They Have!.. )

It is also great for Steve so that he can get the word out on this unbelievable summit. Steve has put together an Extreme Training Intensive… This is not another one of those sellathon weekends where speakers pitch you to buy at the back of the room…

Steve has brought his closest friends that have excelled in Extreme Leadership and he brings them to you so that you can learn what you need to know to accelerate your business and your life to never before foreseen heights.

I was so happy to get Tommy Spaulding on with me. His book “Its Not Just Who You Know” is a bestseller and for a good reason. The info in this book is priceless. I thought I was a great networker.. I learned so much about what I was doing right, but more importantly, what I was doing wrong and this will create a major shift for me…

Sit back and listen to this extraordinary interview with Tommy Spaulding and don’t forget to register for this once in a lifetime event. The event is the first of it’s kind by Steve and he is not promising another…. Also do not forget to check out the speaker list. Tommy is just one of several top of the top speakers for this event.

A big thank you to Tommy as we had some issues getting this call together and appreciate his patience and fun loving attitude throughout the process  – JW

Tommy SpauldingTommy Spaulding

Tommy Spaulding is president of the Spaulding Companies LLC, a national leadership development, speaking, training, consulting and executive coaching organization.  A world-renowned speaker on leadership, Spaulding has spoken to hundreds of organizations, associations, schools, and corporations around the globe. His new book, It’s Not Just Who You Know (Transform Your Life and Your Organization by Turning Colleagues and Contacts into Lasting, Genuine Relationships), published by Random House, is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal and USA Today national bestseller.  

Spaulding rose to become the youngest president and CEO of the world-renowned leadership organization, Up with People (2005-2008).  In 2000, Tommy Spaulding founded Leader’s Challenge, which grew to become the largest high school civic and leadership program in the state of Colorado. He is also the founder & president of the Spaulding Leadership Institute (, a non-profit leadership development organization which runs the National Leadership Academy, a national high school summer leadership academy, as well as Kid’s Challenge, Global Challenge and Colorado Close-Up.

Previously, Spaulding was the Business Partner Sales Manager at IBM/Lotus Development and a member of the Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) program.

Spaulding received a BA in Political Science from East Carolina University (1992); an MBA from Bond University in Australia (1998), where he was a Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar; and an MA in Non-Profit Management from Regis University (2005), where he was a Colorado Trust Fellow.  In 2007, Spaulding received an Honorary PhD in Humanities from the Art Institute of Colorado.  In 2002, he received the Denver Business Journal’s “Forty under 40 Award.”

In 2006, Spaulding was awarded East Carolina University’s “Outstanding Alumni Award,” the highest distinction awarded to an alumnus of the university.  Spaulding is the Chairman of East Carolina University’s External Leadership Advisory Board and is the university’s first “Leader in Residence.”

book its not just who you know tommy spauldingIt’s Not Just Who You Know

#2 New York Times Bestseller
#2 Wall Street Journal
#1 USA Today

In It’s Not Just Who You Know, Tommy Spaulding — the former CEO of Up with People — has written the new How to Win Friends & Influence People for the twenty-first century. Success — in business and in life — is all about relationships. In this powerful guide, Spaulding takes Dale Carnegie’s classic philosophy to the next level, showing how, by developing deeper relationships through giving to others and putting them first, we benefit as well.

Tommy Spaulding learned at a very young age that he was not destined to be an academic star. He may have gotten a 4.0, but only if he added his high school and college GPAs together. The reason he found academics so challenging, Tommy discovered, is that he is dyslexic. But his dyslexia didn’t hold him back — in fact, it helped him to develop his innate talents. Tommy is a natural leader; he realized early on that he had the ability to connect with people, whatever their ages or backgrounds. As a teenager, he received a copy of How to Win Friends & Influence People from his father, and it quickly became his guide to building relationship skills.

Tommy developed into a leader in his school and community. His horizons expanded dramatically when he traveled the world as a cast member for Up with People, one of the largest nonprofit international leadership organizations in the world. After graduating from college and business school, he became an executive and eventually CEO of Up with People.

At every step, Tommy learned that the secret to achieving your full potential in life is reaching out for the support and insight and influence of others. None of us achieve success alone. We need the help of other people. In this candid, revealing, and deeply personal book, Tommy expands upon the principles that Dale Carnegie outlined seventy-five years ago and shows us how to take them one step further. To invite others to be partners in our lives and successes, Tommy notes, you first have to be genuinely interested in other people. Among the insights Tommy discusses in the book:

  • It’s not just who you know, or what they can do for you, but what you can do for them.
  • Motives matter.
  • Establishing a deeper connection is about authenticity, not manipulation; reciprocity, not selfishness.
  • Every relationship is a two-way street; we never know when a chance encounter can change the direction of our lives.

In the bestselling tradition of Dale Carnegie’s classic, It’s Not Just Who You Knowshows how each one of us can use the power of “netgiving” — of helping others — to expand our worlds and achieve our goals, and make a difference in our jobs, our careers, and our communities.

Tommy Spaulding’s Websites


What is Extreme Leadership?

If you haven’t already noticed, ‘Leadership’ has become just another one of those pseudo-pop-psycho-cultural buzzwords.

Over time, its meaning has been diluted to such a profound degree, that it’s just another one of those labels we use when we really mean ‘The one with the big office.’ 

True leadership doesn’t come from a snappy vocabulary, the books you have on your shelf, your place on the organization chart, or any other fabrication.

Leadership is intensely personal, intrinsically scary, and it requires us to live up to and beyond the point of fear—every single day. – Steve Farber

Extreme Leadership Summit 2012

Steve and his team have crafted The Extreme Leadership Summit to be something unique, something special, something…well…extreme. And it’s unlike any leadership or personal development “event” you’ve been to before.

The Summit is not a pitch fest (where a bunch of speakers try to sell you stuff), and it’s not a parade of talking heads, to mix a metaphor, where you passively sit, watch the show, take notes, and go home.

Register for Extreme Leadership SummitThis is an experience, a process.

Informed by our brilliant thought-leader-speaker-coaches and with the help of your fellow participants (in small, focused MasterMind Teams), you’ll build a significant, personal Extreme Leadership Action Plan–a plan that you’ll begin applying to your life and business immediately, before The Summit even ends.

And–unlike other events–the vast majority of our speakers will be attending the entire conference. With you. We’re all in this thing together.


Steve Farber

Steve Farber President and FounderThe Extreme Leadership Institute, Inc.

Tommy Spaulding

Tommy Spaulding PresidentSpaulding Companies LLC

Simon Billsberry

Simon Billsberry Co-FounderKineticom

Sally Hogshead

Sally Hogshead Chief Fascination OfficerFascinate, Inc

Loren Slocum

Loren Slocum Founder/CEO/PresidentLobella International

Jay Jay French

Jay Jay French Founder/Manager/GuitaristTwisted Sister

Brian Mayne

Brian Mayne ChairmanLift International

Liz Strauss

Liz Strauss CEO and FounderSOBCon Business Conference

The Huffington Post named Liz to their Top 10 Influencers Alive List. Liz Strauss is a high energy master teacher, an über connector, an idea machine with bias toward action. Forbes named Liz Strauss to their Top 50 Social Media Power Influencers and Top 10 Women Social Media Influencers.

Agenda -Follow this link to get the full agenda [Click Here]

More Information………….

Steve Farber Steve Farber

A subject-matter expert in business leadership and a frequent guest on news-talk shows around the country, Farber is a senior-level leadership coach and consultant who has worked with and spoken to a wide variety of public and private organizations in virtually every arena, from the tech sector to financial services, manufacturing, health care, hospitality, entertainment, retail, and even the US government.

Leading from experience.

In 1989, after having run his own financial services company, Farber devoted his professional life to the field of leadership development and has been at it ever since.

Steve was director of service programs at TMI, an international training consultancy, and then worked for 6 years as Vice President and Official Mouthpiece (that’s what it said on his business card) of The Tom Peters Company where he met several of his mentors including author/gurus Tom Peters, Jim Kouzes, and Terry Pearce.

In 2000, Farber established his own company, Extreme Leadership, Inc, where he is president and CEO. He is also the co-founder of The Center for Social Profit Leadership, a non-profit organization formed to serve the leadership development needs of social entrepreneurs, and served as Vice Chairman on the Board of Directors of the world-renown, Up With People, a global leadership program for students from 18 to 29 years old.

A Universal Message.

“Approach the act of leadership as you’d approach an extreme sport: learn to love the fear and exhilaration that naturally comes with the territory.”

Steve Farber is the president of Extreme Leadership, Incorporated, and the founder of The Extreme Leadership Institute, organizations devoted to the cultivation and development of Extreme Leaders in the business community, non-profits and education.

His third book, Greater Than Yourself: The Ultimate Lesson In Leadership, was a Wall Street Journal® and USA Today® bestseller.

His second book, The Radical Edge: Stoke Your Business, Amp Your Life, and Change the World, was hailed as “a playbook for harnessing the power of the human spirit.”

And his first book, The Radical Leap: A Personal Lesson in Extreme Leadership, is already considered a classic in the leadership field. It received Fast Company magazine’s Readers’ Choice Award and was recently named one of the 100 Best Business Books of All Time. His newest edition, The Radical Leap Re-Energized: Doing What You Love in the Service of People Who Love What You Do, is in bookstores now.

Steve’s Books

book radical leap re-energized Steve Farber

The Radical Leap Re-Energized

is an expansion and revitalization of The Radical Leap, which was named as one of the 100 Best Business Books of All Time by Covert and Sattersten.

It’s a novel told in Steve Farber’s humorous, poignant, and original voice that takes the reader on a deep exploration of the qualities and practices of real, or Extreme Leadership, and how to apply them in daily life. Part One, The Radical Leap, explores the leadership elements of Love, Energy, Audacity, and Proof;

Part Two, The Radical Edge, takes the discussion deeper into innovation, personal clarity and guidelines for changing the world. It sets a new standard for what it means to really lead in today’s business world and beyond.

Steve Farber’s masterwork, The Radical Leap Re-Energized, is an inspired opus on what it means to be a leader of substance and significance. You’ll find yourself coming back to it again and again.” –Michael E. Ventling, Global CFO, Ernst & Young
Steve Farber leaps again. I was into it the first time. This time, I’m leaping with him!” –Chris Brogan, President Human Business Works

book greater than yourself steve farber

Greater Than Yourself

Too many people assume the timeless principles of true leadership—of helping others achieve their full potential—don’t apply Monday through Friday during work hours or in any circumstance where a paycheck is involved.

In GREATER THAN YOURSELF, Steve Farber proves them wrong: in this powerful and inspiring story, Farber shows that the goal of a genuine leader is to help others—teammates, employees, and colleagues—become more capable, confident, and accomplished than they are themselves. Through the actions of a forward-thinking and extraordinarily successful CEO, Farber reveals the three keys to achieving this: Expand Yourself, Give Yourself, and Replicate Yourself.

Filled with actionable principles and innovative ideas, GREATER THAN YOURSELF is perhaps the most powerful message today’s business leaders can learn.

Steve Farber Keynote Speaker

Leadership speaker and author, Steve Farber, has worked with a wide variety of public and private organizations in virtually every arena, from the tech sector to financial services, manufacturing, health care, hospitality, entertainment, retail, government agencies and more.

And whatever the audience, Steve’s speeches are always deeply thought-provoking and eminently practical, as well as inspiring and entertaining—a combination of qualities that are a must for any successful conference or meeting.

These are just a few of the great programs Steve presents to different organizations.

The Radical Leap

Extreme Leadership at Work and Beyond

Based on the book named as one of The 100 Best Business Books of All Time

In this chaotic and extreme age, business leaders must demonstrate an unprecedented level of passion, determination, foresight, dedication, and fearlessness. In this wildly popular speech, leadership speaker, Steve Farber, shows you how to use the LEAP framework – Love, Energy, Audacity and Proof to radically improve your organization and your life.

Greater Than Yourself

3 Steps to Attaining the New Gold Standard of Leadership

The truly great leaders in life and work become so by causing others to be greater than themselves. In this program—based on his new book, Greater Than Yourself—leadership speaker, Steve Farber, shows that dedicating yourself to bringing others along so that they can achieve more than you is the ultimate way to boost talent, ramp productivity and create truly significant current and future leaders.

Radical Accountability

Making the Leap From Individual Contributor to Extreme Leader

Whatever the challenge at your company—improving customer service, coping with change, inspiring transformation, improving corporate culture, recruiting and retaining great talent, building teamwork, fostering innovation—it all comes down to this: someone has to do something significant and enlist others to help. Someone, in other words, has to take accountability. Someone has to lead. And it doesn’t have to be the boss. Leadership, ultimately, has nothing to do with the title on your business card or your position on the organizational chart. It’s about who you are and what you do to change things for the better—regardless of your “place” in the company.

Steve Farber can be Found At:


Extreme Leadership Summit 2012

August 17th – 19th
San Diego, California

Register for Extreme Leadership Summit

Film Director Brett Leonard on Hyperinteractive New Tech FragFilm(tm)

Brett LeonardInnovative Film Director Brett Leonard and International Christoper CreberHigh-Tech Entrepreneur Christopher Creber on New FragFilm

If you’ve wondered where the film industry is headed, you’ll want to listen to this interview of the co-founders of PFL Transmedia.

Award-winning Hollywood director Brett Leonard (Lawnmower Man, Virtuosity, T-Rex:  IMAX 3D) and high-tech and international entrepreneur Christopher Creber talk about

  • The PopFictionLife concept/lifestyle
  • What’s a FragFilm?
  • How PFL Transmedia will change the film industry
  • Their business model
  • PFL Transmedia proprietary technology
  • Their first film, The Other Country
  • Micro-budget films

PopFictionLifePFL Transmedia

PFL Transmedia is a company positioned under the PopFictionLife brand name, with its new genre of interactive digital content called a FragFilm™, set to be as disruptive to the film industry as iTunes is to the music industry, and as indispensable for sharing and discovering video as Instagram is for photos.


Originally developed to monetize music content, a PopFictionLife FragFilm delivers engaging entertainment for the hyper-interactive generation that is no longer content to passively watch content but rather seeks to engage at a deeper level in collaboration with friends on social media.

Overwhelmed with vast quantities of low-quality user-generated video, they expect content quality that was previously available only at high-priced movie theatres.

Targeting the intersection point of these major trends, a PopFictionLife FragFilm delivers engaging entertainment.

A FragFilm is a unique entertainment experience, focusing on story, character, and emotion while adding engagement, interaction, and collaboration.

PopFictionLife is leveraging existing social media and distribution networks, and has developed innovative proprietary technology to deliver a unique experience for consumers and a robust revenue model for independent content creators.

PopFictionLife believes that is the solution to the needs of digital media consumers, content creators and brand managers.

FragFilm is a high-quality piece of independent feature-length digital entertainment content (used to be called a “movie”), produced without a big Hollywood budget (under a million bucks), designed to be initially distributed to you, the digital entertainment consumer (also known as the “audience”) in frags (short for “fragments”) through the Internet and the best part is….

FRAGS ARE FREE!!  Read More…………


I am a big nerd. I have a degree in electronics, I love Sci-Fi and technology, I have worked in the computer industry, I am a musician, I make videos, I run an investor site where I get to talk to investors struggling with new technologies and I am a social media geek. So you can only imagine my surprise that I was able to get one of the most innovative, digital media film directors Brett Leonard and international high-tech entrepreneur Christopher Creber on the same call.

And to talk about new media creation, proprietary technologies and marketing strategies based around social media, music, film and new paradigm technologies, was absolutely amazing.

Thank you to Brett and Christopher for working me into their busy schedules and for staying with me and answering all my questions. The talk was fun and the content was full of these two guys brilliance. – JW


Brett LeonardBrett Leonard

Brett Leonard is considered one of Hollywood’s most innovative film directors, and is known as one of the entertainment industry’s digital media visionaries. Mr. Leonard directed and co-wrote the hit motion picture The Lawnmower Man, starring Pierce Brosnan and Jeff Fahey.

The film is considered a cult classic, way ahead of its time in the use of groundbreaking computer graphics and the portrayal of a networked data culture. The Lawnmower Man is one of the true progenitors of the “cyber genre” and was the number one commercially successful independent film of 1992, costing under $6 million and earning over $200 million worldwide.

In 1993 Mr. Leonard was a key participant of the Sony 2000 think tank, a small group of media visionaries assembled to discuss the future of media. He also directed Peter Gabriel’s Kiss That Frog, the first all computer graphic music video/ride film. Kiss That Frog toured the world as a wildly popular theme park attraction, and won Mr. Leonard a 1994 MTV Music Video Award.

In the ensuing years, Mr. Leonard has continued to push the envelope in his feature film work, establishing himself as a pioneer of digital visual effects and cutting-edge independent film. He stepped into the third dimension with his IMAX 3D work, and directed T-Rex in IMAX 3D, which was the No.#1 hit 3D movie in history for over ten years, having grossed over $100 million worldwide on IMAX screens alone.

Mr. Leonard is also known for having a keen eye for new talent. He was instrumental in bringing Russell Crowe to American film audiences, giving Russell his first lead in a Hollywood film, Virtuosity, starring Denzel Washington, directed by Mr. Leonard. He did the same for Alicia Silverstone in his film for Tri-Star, Hideaway. 2 Rising star, Alex O’Loughlin (lead in the CBS series’ Moonlight, and Three Rivers, the recent hit feature The Back-up Plan and his current role as Lieutenant Commander Steve McGarrett on CBS’s Hawaii Five-O), was given his first break by Brett, and has appeared in Mr. Leonard’s films, Man-Thing and Feed.


Christoper CreberChristopher Creber

Christopher Creber has over 25 years experience in technology as an entrepreneur and business executive.

Early in his career he worked internationally as a strategic consultant, for clients such as the UN.

In the mid 1990’s, he started a software and consulting company, Aphelion Informatics, which was a key partner in developing the Strategies website for a Canadian government department, and at that time was Canada’s largest website.

In 2001 Christopher divested of his company and moved to Russia purely out of personal interest.

Later he accepted a position at IBM UK based in London. As part of the Emerging Business Opportunity (EBO) unit he was responsible for IBM’s Linux strategy for Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA). He went on to lead the Linux Desktop business and then the Autonomic Computing Business in EMEA.

After leaving IBM in 2005 he went to China and developed an emerging technology venture capital incubator.

Returning to Canada in 2008 he began developing a conceptual framework for interactive and immersive video, which lead to the formation of PFL Transmedia. 

Originally from Ottawa, Canada, Christopher has traveled and worked around the world. He has an interest in freelance journalism which has taken him to the Balkans and Iraq.

The Other Country

Check out “The Other Country” – Burlap To Cashmere – FragFilm 01 on Youtube…


For the Full Experience Watch Here

Like PopFictionLife Facebook Page:
Follow PopFictionLife on Twitter

For more information about PFL Transmedia Please Contact:

The Blaine Group, Inc.

A Total Communications Agency
8665 Wilshire Blvd., Suite #301, Beverly Hills, CA 90211
O 310/360-1499 · F 310/360-1498

JW Najarian Interviewed by Bob Bare of Best Selling Experts

Bob Bare, the Founder of Best Selling Experts Interviews JW Najarian about Social Media.

Bob and I met at Author 101 in Los Angeles and have kept in touch ever since. Bob has put together a really great site that features interviews of movers and shakers that Bob meets.

Bob will also be hosting a huge conference in Dallas in September so stay tuned for more information on that.

Our apologies. For some reason some of the audio has some bad echo on it… Not sure why. I share some great info here so if you can get past the first part the echo goes away after awhile.

Listen to the Original Post on Bob Bare’s BlogTalk Channel:

Bob Bare

Bob Bare is the author More Power!, founder of and More Power! University.

A serial entrepreneur, who started his first business in 6th grade, Bob is known for his ability to create, grow and turn around businesses while keeping his vision and values in sight. One of Bob’s recent business successes opened its doors in 2006 with no customer base and achieved yearly revenues of 2.5 million dollars within the first four years, in the middle of the economic downturn of 2008. Bob currently owns 7 businesses.

An Iowa native, Bob lives in Dallas, Texas with Jan, his wife for over 35 years. He is the proud father of 3 children and grandfather of 6. He enjoys giving back to his community through active leadership roles in his local church and as president of Dallas North Rotary.

In an effort to pay it forward, Bob produces and hosts Experts Weekly radio, publishes the BestSelling Experts Weekly newsletter and mentors start-up entrepreneurs.

JW Najarian

JW Najarian after leaving the Navy JW got a degree in electronics engineering and worked in the IT industry as a senior network engineer coordinator and IT project manager and formally worked with clients and employers like Gap Banana Republic, 99 cent Only Stores, Sport Chalet, Trader Joes, Medtronic, St. Jude, Daylight Trucking and many others.

Mr. Najarian left engineering in 2006 to start a career in Commercial Real Estate and was employed as a Commercial Real Estate Appraiser’s assistant and later a Commercial Loan Representative where he learned about commercial financing and property underwriting.

JW has become proficient in social networking linking to thousands of connections on various social networking platforms.  On LinkedIn alone JW has started two groups that have amassed over 35,000 connections.  One group is the Commercial Real Estate Professional Investors Group with over 14,000 members to date and US Veteran which has over 22,000 members. On Twitter JW is connected to over 100,000 targeted connections.  JW took the Commercial Real Estate group and started his own social networking website that is now has over 4400 commercial real estate professionals and investors exchanging various services, funding and deals.

JW is also the co-founder of the Commercial Real Estate Distressed Assets Association which is a national organization working to help educate, connect and enable professionals and investors in the disposition, acquisition, valuation and finance of distressed commercial properties and notes.

Mr. Najarian has decided to marry his skills in Networking, Social Media, Marketing, The Internet and Commercial Real Estate to work in the industry creating resources that bring new technologies to the forefront and help further the industry in positive and productive ways.

JW recently started On Purpose Magazine where he interviews authors, speakers, thought leaders and celebrities about inspiring, educational, entertaining and cause related topics and has interviewed over 200 celebrities and well known speakers and authors.

JW believes that adversarial business, where one has to lose so another can win, is an outdated and unsustainable path to success and that we need to build more social business entities that make money while helping others and the planet. It really is all about doing well and still leaving the planet a better place than we found it.

Learn Business Strategy and Funding at Enlightened Entrepreneur Summit Jun 7,8,9 in Anaheim, CA

Maria SimoneNot Just Another Summit. Learn from the Best and Actually Pitch to Investors!

Maria Simone, successful business women, has had several successful businesses and has raised over $4Million for business, puts on the most comprehensive business summit I have attended for the Entrepreneur.

I met Maria at the first Enlightened Entrepreneur Summit, which was really a great affair and I heard that this year it was bigger and better so I checked it out and had to get Maria on to tell you about it…. Come meet me there.

Thank you Simone for sharing a moment with me. I know your are crazy busy and I cannot wait to see you at the event- JW

Enlightened Entrepreneur Summit

Register Today for the Enlightened Entrepreneur Summit

June 7-9, 2012
“Bringing Business & Consciousness Together To Create Sustainable Success!”

Get More Info………….

Have you ever felt like you had to choose between having a successful business and living an “enlightened” life?

It had always been “either or” for me until some years ago. I found myself working VERY hard for all the success I had, yet noticed there were others around me who seemed to attract what they wanted with ease.
The operative word being ATTRACT.

I finally realized that these people were tapped into a higher consciousness and used this knowing to create the life of their dreams. Over the years I’ve sought to create that same ease of success and in doing so have not only completely transformed my personal life but ALSO I’m experiencing more sustainable success in business.

There is a quickening of this awareness on the planet and it appears the ways of doing business have changed for all of us. As we experience this new awakening, I wanted to share the essence of what has been particularly helpful to me in moving forward as an Enlightened Entrepreneur:

The ways of doing business have dramatically evolved as it becomes clear how truly connected we all are. – Maria Simone

Register Today for the Enlightened Entrepreneur SummitWe invite you to participate in a 3 day experience, June 7-9, 2012, where Enlightened Entrepreneurs will discover how to succeed by forming profitable new collaborations, creating deeper connections with customers, and by having a positive impact on your community.


World-class business leaders, innovators, thought leaders, marketers, social media experts, market influencers, breakthrough specialists, and potential investors.


We’ll share profitable cutting edge business practices as well as creating a space for inspired joint venture partnerships amongst the participants. Every attendee will have the opportunity to contribute and shine during our facilitated networking sessions. We’ll help YOU achieve YOUR BUSINESS GOALS better and faster than you ever imagined.

This is for you if:

  • You have a vision.
  • You’re passionate about making a difference.
  • You desire to prosper by being of service to others.
  • You see the value in partnership and how you can achieve more through partnership than you could ever create ALONE.
  • You have a growing business and would like to implement best methods from like-minded individuals.

The quickest path to success is to align yourself with like-minded individuals who have the skills, talents, resources, and connections you need to achieve your goals.

The unique and dynamic agenda has been designed for start-ups and growing businesses and will be delivered by world-class business builders…people who know, people who care! We’ve also made sure you’ll have plenty of opportunity for masterminding, socializing and collaborating DURING the event.
You’ll leave with a renewed spirit, an updated plan, new friendships with extraordinary people, a new team and an arsenal of resources.More of what you will learn includes:

  • Inside knowledge from people who have created wealth in business
  • Best practices and cutting edge branding and marketing strategies
  • Business building Social Media strategies
  • Facilitated networking and mentoring sessions
  • Eliminate limiting beliefs that no longer serve you
  • Re-discover the perfect balance for your life
  • Multiple funding strategies for start-ups and growing businesses
  • Networking with investors, business experts and thought leaders

Speakers Include:

  • Maria Simone, CEO Passion To Prosperity
  • Charles Barkley, Basketball Icon

    Charles Barkley

    Charles Barkley

  • Don Miguel Ruiz, Bestselling Author “The Four Agreements
  • Lorlal Langemeir, Bestselling Author, Trainer, “Millionaire Maker”
  • Marcia Wieder, America’s Dream Coach
  • Marcia Martin, Transformational Leadership Consultant
  • Mike Koenigs, Speaker, Trainer, Internet Marketer (Traffic Geyser)
  • Don Miguel Ruiz

    Don Miguel Ruiz

    Chadwick Kerby, Partner Manager at Infusionsoft

  • Steven Sadleir, Founder Self Awareness Institute
  • James and Lorraine Conaway, Smart Money Talk Radio
  • Kim Castle, Speaker, TV Host and Brand Visioneer
  • Ed Rholl, CHI Consulting
  • Sherry Watson, CEO of The Power of Grant Money™
  • Jill Lublin, CEO Promising Promotions
  • Lynn Rose, Actress, Speaker, The Wow Factor
  • DC Cordova, Money and You®
  • And So Many More

Get More Info………….

Register Today for the Enlightened Entrepreneur Summit

Crowne Plaza Anaheim Resort
12021 Harbor Blvd., Garden Grove, CA 92840

Reservations: (Note: Rates valid thru 5/28/12)
Sgl / Dbl: $99/night; Suite:$178/night (+taxes)
Toll Free: (888) 233-9527
(ask for the Enlighted Entrepreneur Summit discount rate)

QUESTIONS? Contact Beverly Zeliger
phone 415.342.3326 email:

Learn How to Forgive to Win with Dr. Walter Jacobson

Dr. Walter Jacobson Teaches How to Build Self Esteem, Get Rid of Shame, Self Loathing and Sabotaging Behaviors Allowing You To Get All That You Want From Life.

Dr. Walter Jacobson is a board certified Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist and he shows us how his 90 day forgiveness diet the key to giving you the wonderful life you desire.

First let me thank Rey Ybarra Host of the New Media Hour for introducing me to this wonderful book and to Dr Jacobson.

I do not read every book I interview, but I did read this one and immediately I got it. Forgiveness, as it turns out, is a big piece of the puzzle for me.

I had already gotten to a point where I was able to forgive many of the people in my life, but I had not always forgiven myself and this caused me to hold on to anger, shame and self loathing.

I was already working on, and getting much more comfortable in my own skin. In fact I love myself more than I have at any point in my life, but this book really brought it home for me and is, both acknowledging my present path and is showing me how to plan and implement so many more ways to reach my full potential.

I believe everyone needs to read this book. If you have read all the other self help and personal development books and still feel there is something holding you back from accomplishing all you want to accomplish then this probabaly exactly what you need to get beyond yourself and make the changes you need to have a truly authentic and fulfilled life.

This interview goes over all the main points of the book and is chocked full of great information so listen, enjoy and learn. Thank you to Dr Jacobson for taking time out of his very busy practice to share his extremely important message with us. – JW

Dr Walter Jacobson

Dr. Jacobson, a graduate of Cornell University, the Medical College of Wisconsin, and the UCLA / San Fernando Valley Psychiatry Residency Program, is a Board-Certified Psychiatrist who has been in private practice in the Los Angeles area since 1999.

He specializes in insight-oriented psychotherapy, cognitive-behavior therapy, spiritual psychotherapy, couples therapy, equine-assisted psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, and past life regression therapy.

He’s also a Motivational & Inspirational Speaker and a Mastery Of Life Mentor guiding people towards the fulfillment of their goals and dreams.

His blogs and videos offer people spiritual techniques and cognitive tools for achieving happiness, physical well-being, prosperity, and success in all realms of their lives.

For More Information on Dr Walter E. Jacobson (Continue…….)

Forgive to Win - Walter Jacobson M.D.Forgive To Win – End Self Sabotage and get everything you want

Introducing The Forgiveness Diet

From Amazon

Most of us don’t get what we want in our lives because we sabotage ourselves: We procrastinate. We resist. We don’t follow through. We don’t do the things that we know are in our best interests. The end result is a life of unfulfillment and disappointment. It doesn’t have to be that way.

When we eliminate the guilt, shame, and self-loathing deeply-embedded in our unconscious mind which generate our self-destructive, self-defeating behaviors, our world changes for the better: We start attracting people and circumstances that cooperate with our goals and propel us towards the manifestation of all our hopes and dreams.

The way to eliminate our guilt, shame, and self-loathing is to esteem ourselves and forgive ourselves. The way to esteem ourselves and forgive ourselves is to esteem and forgive others. Forgive To Win!’s Forgiveness Diet is a structured program that teaches us how to do this. It’s not complicated. And it works!

By consistently practicing a daily regimen of thoughts, actions and exercises devoted to accepting, forgiving and being of service to others, our self-esteem increases, our self-sabotaging behaviors decrease, and we experience greater opportunities and more positive outcomes in all realms of our lives.

With the Forgiveness Diet you can:

  • Be successful in your career.
  • Generate wealth & prosperity.
  • Be successful in your relationships.
  • Generate love & harmony.
  • Increase self-confidence.
  • Eliminate fear & worry.
  • Be happy & healthy.
  • Lose weight & get in shape.
  • Live long & live well.

Walter E. Jacobson, M.D. Website
Facbook Page
Twitter: @walterdoc

Saving and Reforesting the Brazilian Rainforest with Alana Lea

The Atlantic Rainforest in Brazil is already 93% gone, but it can be restored.

Alana Lea, Author of Trees of Transformation, talks to OPM about the tragic plight of the Atlantic Rain Forest and solutions that can be implemented to allow sustainable reforestation of this very important eco system.

A few years back I helped co-found and was on the member board of Humanity Unites Brilliance (HUB)

This was a wonderful organization built on the concept of sustainable giving. Non-profits, who have to compete (beg) for funds, send a percentage of the donations out to the field and then go back to compete for more. An unsustainable process at best.

HUB was a short success for reasons I will not go into here. It did, however attract some of the top philanthropists and thought leaders of our time like Lynn Twist, Barbra Marx Hubbard, Jean Houston, Jack Canfield, Dr. Michael Beckwith and many other wonderful people.

Alana Lea was one of those incredible people. Alana is a true and caring giver. She was never shy about lending her talents or time for a great cause or just to help.

I want to thank Alana for taking the time to sit down with me, as she is truely a busy person, to explain what is going on in the Atlantic Rain Forest and how we might be able to help her organization help the people, the forest and ultimately the world, by reforesting this most important world resource – JW

The Atlantic Rainforest in BrazilThe Atlantic Rainforest

From Wikipedia

The Atlantic Forest (Portuguese: Mata Atlântica) is a region of tropical and subtropical moist forest, tropical dry forest, tropical savanna, semi-deciduous forest and mangrove forests which extends along the Atlantic coast of Brazil from Rio Grande do Norte state in the north to Rio Grande do Sul state in the south, and inland as far as Paraguay and the Misiones Province of Argentina.

The Atlantic Forest is characterized by a high species diversity and endemism.[1] It was the first environment that the Portuguese conquerors encountered over 500 years ago when it was thought to have had an area of 1 to 1.5 million km2 and stretching an unknown distance inland.[2]

Currently, the Atlantic Forest spans over 4000km2 along the coast of Brazil and in a small part of Paraguay and Argentina.[3][4] In Argentina, it is known as Selva Atlántica.

The Atlantic Forest is now designated a World Biosphere Reserve, which contains a large number of highly endangered species. The enormous biodiversity of the Atlantic Forest results in part from the wide range of latitude it covers, its variations in altitude, its diverse climatic regimes as well as the geological and climatic history of the whole region.[4]

The Atlantic Forest is isolated from is neighboring large South American forests: The Amazon Region and the Andean Forest. The open vegetation of the Caatinga and the Cerrado separate it from the Amazon, and the dry vegetation of the central depressions of the Chaco separate it from the Andean Forest. This isolation has resulted in an evolution of numerous endemic species, such as lion tamarins, woolly spider monkey, and marmosets.[4]

Alana Lea

Born in the midst of the most diverse and endangered rainforest in Brazil, Alana was given purpose. But it took a lifetime to discover how being a horticulturalist, a Smithsonian botanical artist, an entrepreneur, a traveler and a public speaker could serve her purpose of rainforest renewal. She has become a real life Lorax.

Trees of Transformation - Alana LeaAuthor of Trees of Transformation

Trees of Transformation is the first in a series of wake up storybooks about the people who are taking a stand for Nature in the midst of corporate giants.

One of those people is Alana Lea, who became an advocate for the Atlantic Forest in Brazil where she was born –– now 93% gone. Her concerns about deforestation, climate change and global warming transformed her into a full time activist.

Discover what she learned as a social entrepreneur, on a mission of organic reforestation, competing with international non-profit greenwash. You’ll meet the people who inspire her, and deepen her determination to find solutions, as well as what gives her hope.

This is the story of an on the ground ecological/environmental activist, inviting you to discover, innovate, partner and find solutions with her, creating the future we all want for our children.

Alana Lea is a Change Agent.

She’s a founding member of the Women Speakers Association, a facilitator of  Pachamama Alliance Symposiums – Awakening the Dreamer, and US Ambassador for the global reforestation NGO – WeForest.

She is social artist.

Accomplished in botanical art with work in the Smithsonian,
publications, a line of eco-textiles features her designs of the rainforest. She has also created Peace Through Art events for more than 20 years, known for her  service to the Peace Alliance.

She is a social entrepreneur.

As founder of Rainforest ECO, she’s raised both awareness and money for  reforestation in her homeland, Brazil. She represents the Nativas Nursery Association of organic tree growers in Sao Paulo state, offering their trees to the  global public through a tree gifting site –

Together, they have replanted 4,194 trees in the Atlantic Rainforest since 2011.

She is a storytelling earth activist.

Alana inspires audiences to renew hope for the future with talks which include:

  • For Closure – Plant Your Hopes
  • Find Your Footing in the Unknown
  • The Story of a Trillion Trees

Please send me to Rio+20 Earth Summit to be YOUR voice for climate cooling

Read my blog on Huffington Green

Author of Trees of Transformation ~ an Adult *Wake Up* Story Book ~

Memorial Day 2012 Walk for Warriors in Los Angeles

New Directions and the West Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce Bring you the 2nd Annual Walk for Warriors

Gregory Scott of New Directions and Brendan McMahon talk to me about the second annual Walk for Warriors.

120514 New Directions Walk for Warriors Announcement

WHO: Hundreds of Veterans, their families and supporters of New Directions
WHAT: 2nd Annual Memorial Day Walk for Warriors
WHEN: Monday, May 28th, 2012 (Run starts at 8 a.m., walk starts at 9 a.m.)
WHERE: West Los Angeles Veterans’ Affairs Campus, 11301 Wilshire Blvd, L.A., CA 90073
WHY: To raise funds for New Directions’ transitioning services for returning vets

I was very proud to cover the 1st Annual Walk for Warriors in 2011. I covered an Event for Hemancipation last year and they introduced me to the incredible staff and program at New Directions.

Come join us this year to honor and celebrate veterans who really need the programs that organizations like New Directions provide.

It will be a great day to bring your friends and family out to do the 5K walk or run for vets. Sign the Warrior Wall with a message to a vet you want to honor. Lot of great local businesses will be on hand with booths to promote helping vets or to inform on other veteran resources. Donate or sponsor a runner/walker, win prizes….

There will also be all kinds of things to do for you non-walkers.

Thank you so much Greg and Brendan for your time and for putting on this great event. – JW

New Directions Walk for WarriorsWalk for Warriors

WEST LOS ANGELES, Calif. (May 14, 2012) – The West Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce and New Directions, Inc. are proud to partner again to announce the 2nd Annual Memorial Day Walk for Warriors on May 28, 2012. Walk for Warriors is a family-friendly 5K (3.1 mile) run/walk to help transitioning veterans in Los Angeles.

Walk for Warriors will help provide assistance for veterans through transitional housing, job training and placement, counseling, adult basic education classes and family reunification services. In addition to the race, Walk for Warriors will feature an Expo booth fair with food and local businesses as well as a performance by the award-winning New Directions Veterans Choir, a singing group comprised of formerly homeless veterans.

Participants can register, form a team and fund-raise by visiting Early registration is $35, and is available until Thursday, May 17. Walk for Warriors is a partnership of New Directions, Inc. a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization providing comprehensive services to veterans in Los Angeles and the West Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce.

“The West Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce is always ready to step up and help those who have served our country and sacrificed for our Freedom,” said Chamber President Ron Adams. “I had so much fun last year. I was ecstatic when we partnered with New Directions again with hopes of helping more veterans. “

Last year, nearly 600 people took part in the Walk for Warriors run/walk. Teams got sponsors from California and all over the United States and beyond via

Christine Devine

This year’s event will be hosted by KTTV Fox 11 news anchor and local philanthropist Christine Devine. Devine is the recipient of 16 Emmys, including the Academy’s prestigious Governor’s Award, and one award specifically for a story on injured and disfigured veterans.

“I’m thrilled to be participating in Walk for Warriors,” Devine said. “With the unique set of challenges facing veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, this event will bring attention to the urgent need for supporting our vets as they transition home.”

New DirectionsNew Directions

New Directions, a nonprofit transitional living program, has been helping the Los Angeles veteran community since 1992.

According to the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA), there are more than 8,000 homeless veterans on any given night in Los Angeles.

New Directions offers a wide variety of services including housing, substance abuse treatment, counseling, remedial education, job training and placement as well as family reunification and money management classes.

Why do we exist?

New Directions provides services, support and transitional housing to homeless veterans with co-occurring disorders. Essential services at New Directions’ five residential homes include drug and alcohol detoxification and rehabilitation, mental health treatment, food, clothing, shelter, job training, and help with finding permanent housing. This nonprofit agency is unique because it was founded by formerly homeless Vietnam veterans, and has developed an effective “veterans helping veterans” model.

As women and men head home from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, there are more and increasingly diverse vets in need of help. New Directions’ individualized care and treatment methods enable the agency to provide comprehensive, holistic services to veterans of all ages and backgrounds – both seasoned veterans and a new generation just now returning from combat.

What have you accomplished?

From its founding in 1992, New Directions’ history has been filled with reclaimed lives, rediscovered futures and re-imagined possibilities for more than 30,000 veterans who have faithfully and generously served our country.

Each year, New Directions extends help to some 600 veterans through residential substance abuse treatment programs, job training and placement, health assessment and emergency shelter services and a permanent housing placement program. Since beginning operations in an 8-person home, New Directions has grown into a major national model for rehabilitating and housing homeless veterans. Now with 5 facilities, 229 beds, and new permanent, supportive housing in development, New Directions makes a difference in the lives of individual veterans, and on the landscape of homelessness in Los Angeles.

Abbey Road to Ziggy Stardust – The Story of Legendary Studio Engineer and Producer Ken Scott

Ken Scott was the Studio Recording Engineer and Producer for groups like The Beatles, David Bowie, Elton John, Supertramp and so many more…


Ken Scott, in his new book Abbey Road to Ziggy Stardust tells the behind the scenes stories of what went on in the studio. The personal stories, the politics and for all you audio techs and engineers, Ken talks about the process and gives specifics including equipment lists.

I met Ken Scott at a recent talk he gave at the Musician’s Institute in Hollywood, CA.

It was an incredible night of storytelling by the legendary recording engineer and producer.

Ken told humorous stories of the behind the scenes and he played, never before heard, clips of Beatles and David Bowie sessions.

I was transfixed as Ken is an excellent story teller and makes even the technical sound wonderfully interesting.

I was blessed later, to receive a pre release copy of the book… (no pictures) and I read it cover to cover as Ken seems to have worked with most of my more favorite bands of the 60’s and 70’s. His discography is a who’s who of famous albums, artists and singles.

I finally got to sit down with Ken at the corporate offices of Alfred Music Publishers, the publishers of Ken’s book, for an hour of talking about writing the book to Ken’s thoughts on current recording processes, record label politics and much more… It was truely an honor to hang out with Ken and I took the time to pummel him with questions. I had so many I did not get to them all, but luckily the book is very thorough.

I would like to thank Devon Blaine of the Blaine Group, Alfred Music Publishing and Ken Scott for setting this up and for taking the time to make this a great interview. – JW


Ken ScottKen Scott

From Wikipedia

Scott started at the age of 16 working in the tape library at Abbey Road Studios. He became a recording engineer working with such acts as The Beatles, Jeff Beck, Pink Floyd, The Rolling Stones and Procol Harum.[1]

Scott moved to Trident Studios where he worked with such artists as Elton John, Harry Nilsson, Mahavishnu Orchestra, America and with George Harrison on the 6x platinum selling album All Things Must Pass.[2]

Scott went on to co-produce David Bowie‘s albums Hunky Dory (1971), The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars (1972), Aladdin Sane (1973) and Pin Ups (1973) before producing Supertramp, The Tubes, Dixie Dregs, Devo, Missing Persons, Kansas, Happy The Man and Level 42.[3][4]

More recently Scott has recorded a number of legendary drummers for a VST instrument called EpiK Drums – A Ken Scott Collection.[5]

Abbey Road to Ziggy StardustAbbey Road to Ziggy Stardust

Ken Scott is releasing his first book co-written with Bobby Owsinski, Abbey Road to Ziggy Stardust for the 50th Anniversary of the Abbey Roads recordings with The Beatles and the 40th Anniversary of Ziggy Stardust.

From Amazon

Ken Scott holds a unique place in music history as one of only five engineers to have recorded The Beatles, but his experiences as a producer may be just as profound. Abbey Road to Ziggy Stardust shares the intimate memories of Ken Scott s days working with some of the most important artists of the 20th century while crafting a sound that has influenced several generations of music makers.

The Beatles Sitting on Abbey Road Steps While Filming Famous Walk Across the Abbey Road

Ken’s work has left an indelible mark on hundreds of millions of fans with his skilled contributions to Magical Mystery Tour and The White Album, and as a producer and/or engineer of six David Bowie albums (including the groundbreaking Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars), as well as other timeless classics from a who’s-who of classic rock and jazz acts, including Elton John, Pink Floyd, Jeff Beck, Duran Duran, The Rolling Stones, Lou Reed, America, Devo, Kansas, The Tubes, Missing Persons, Mahavishnu Orchestra, Billy Cobham, Dixie Dregs, and Stanley Clarke.

Funny, poignant, and oh, so honest, Ken pulls no punches as he tells it as he saw it, as corroborated by a host of famous and not-so famous guests who were there as well. Plus, you’ll be privy to several exclusive stories, facts, and technical details only available in Abbey Road to Ziggy Stardust.

National press campaign planned around 40th anniversary of Ziggy Stardust release on June 6, 2012 Includes never-before-told stories of The Beatles, David Bowie and Elton John Many never-before-seen photographs.

Epik Drums / EDU

Epik Drums


epikdrumsboxEpiK DrumS – A Ken Scott Collection

“EpiK DrumS – A Ken Scott Collection” is a Sonic Reality virtual instrument/plug-in for drum kits and grooves with the authentic sound and feel of timeless classic albums. Expanding the Drum Masters series with high resolution vintage drum sounds, EpiK DrumS features drum kits and grooves of 5 of the world’s best drummers all recorded and mixed by legendary producer/engineer Ken Scott.

In this first massive volume from the Ken Scott Collection, Ken has recreated the drum sounds in the style of multi-track studio sessions he recorded with David Bowie, Supertramp, Mahavishnu Orchestra, Dixie Dregs, Missing Persons, Elton John and The Beatles.

These authentic classic sounds were achieved by using the same rare recording equipment, drum kits, percussion and expert technical assistance from Ross Garfield “The Drum Doctor”, advanced programming by Sonic Reality and collaboration with the original legendary drummers Bill Cobham, Terry Bozzio, Woody Woodmansey, Bob Siebenberg and Rod Morgenstein.

All together it is one the most EPIK productions ever done for a software drum and groove instrument.

Listen to these EpiK DrumS Audio Demos : Bozzio Dimi, Cobham Existence is Monopoly, Cobham Meters Hence, Cobham_Fowl A Flame, Morgenstein Adventure, Morgenstein Frozen Pastries, Morgenstein Manic Habits, Siebenberg Did i mention it, Woodmansey Little Curious Friend

Epik Drums EDUEpiK DrumS EDU– Ken Scott Mentoring Sessions

EpiK DrumS EDU is the best tool for anyone interested in learning how to record and mix real drum kits.

With today’s technology, sampled drums are used more and more, but every engineer and producer needs to know how to record and mix a real drum kit.

This package contains everything you need to learn from the masters.

You get grooves played by five of the most iconic drummers of all time:

  • Terry Bozzio (Frank Zappa, Missing Persons),
  • Billy Cobham (Mahavishnu Orchestra),
  • Rod Morgenstein (Winger, Dixie Dregs),
  • Bob Siebenberg (Super Tramp), and
  • Woody Woodmansey (David Bowie).

Every groove is included as a full multitrack session for both ProTools and Logic in addition to .wav files for each track.

A video is included with words of wisdom from legendary producer and engineer Ken Scott, who has worked with The Beatles, David Bowie, Elton John, and many other top artists.

Ken explains how he recorded and mixed these grooves, and there is also behind-the-scenes footage and interviews with the drummers that provide intimate insight into the sessions.

And last but not least, for those who wish to delve further, additional sessions will be available online for easy download.
“Scott’s excellent DVD should be of great interest to anybody involved in recording drums, at any level.
5 Stars!”
–Drummer Magazine

Ken Scott’s Discography



The Beatles
Magical Mystery Tour
White Album
Abbey Road

Jeff Beck

David Bowie
Man Of Words, Man of Music (Space Oddity)
The Man Who Sold The World

Duran Duran
Thank You
Pop Trash

George Harrison
All Things Must Pass

Elton John
Madman Across The Water
Honky Chateau
Don’t Shoot Me I’m Only The Piano Player [Grammy Nominated]

Lou Reed

Mahavishnu Orchestra
Birds Of Fire

Harry Nilsson
Son Of Schmilsson [Grammy Nominated]

Rick Wakeman
The Six Wives of Henry th VIII

Pink Floyd  
Apples and Oranges
Corporal Clegg

John Lennon
Give Peache a Chance
Cold Turkey

Ringo Starr  
It Don’t Come Easy

The Rolling Stones  
Sticky Fingers

All Kooper
New York City (You’re a Women)

Joan Armatrading  
Whatever’s For Us

The New Seekers
I’d Like To Teach The World To Sing ( Coke Ad )


Procol Harum
A Salty Dog

Produced and Engineered:

Jeff Beck
There And Back

David Bowie
Hunky Dory
Ziggy Stardust
Aladdin Sane

Billy Cobham
Total Eclipse


Dixie Dregs
What If
Night Of The Living Dregs

Stanley Clarke
Journey To Love [Grammy Nominated]

Vinyl Confessions

Level 42
True Colours

Duty Now For The Future

Patrick Swayze & Larry Gatlin

Mahavishnu Orchestra
Emerald Visions Of The Pure Beyond [Grammy Nominated]
The Lost Trident Sessions

Crime Of The Century [Grammy Nominated]
Crisis, What Crisis?

The Tubes
Young And Rich

Jeff Beck
There and Back



Thank You to Alfred Music Publishing


Conversation with Randy Gage Prosperity and Success Mentor

Randy Gage, sometimes known as the Millionaire Messiah, talks about the negative memes that keep us from reaching our potential.

Randy’s Rants, His Blog, his speaches… Randy does not shy away from controversial conversations about religion, politics or especially about prosperity as Randy feels it is a sin to be Poor.

I have been following Randy for many years, since I first heard him speak to around a thousand people at a conference. He is a great speaker, funny, inspiring, smart and wise.

I especially love his no fear, straight talk, sense of humor and his lessons in how to build sales, teams, community….. and about what it takes to have a successful and prosperous life.

I have contacted with Randy via his blog and on Twitter several times and he is always the nicest guy. Randy turned me on to Empire Avenue and gave some great tips on how to play and make it work for me… He also wrote a pretty cool Empire Avenue Manifesto if you are an EAv fan you should read it.

I have tried to get Randy to interview with me before, but his schedule is busy and his commitments plentiful so I was very happy to hear that Randy would sit down with me between trips to the airport.

I have to thank Shawne Duperon, of Project Forgive, as she contacted Randy on my behalf. Shawne is a Rockstar!

If you really want to get to know Randy I suggest you start with his book “Why You’re Dumb Sick and Broke and How to Get Smart Healthy and Rich”.

This book is on of my favorites and have gone back to it many times for little pearls of wisdom. Randy is a great storyteller and his writing style makes his 7 universal laws that govern prosperity easy to understand.

Randy is also famous for his super successful Network Marketing Training series Duplication Nation which, many have used as the number one MLM training course. I have used it with success and if you want to know how to run a successful MLM business this is a course I believe you really need to study. Yes Randy is very successful in the direct sales industry.

I actually do not think that Randy is that controversial. He tells you what he thinks and people are not always used to that. Thank You Randy – JW

Randy GageRandy Gage

“I believe you were born to be rich, people are meant to be inspired, and conventions should rock.

I believe a blog can change the world and a speech can change a life.

I believe safe is the new risky, boring is criminal, and pitchers should hit.

Call me a philosopher, a Jedi Knight or the millionaire messiah, just don’t call me late for dinner. I like hot cars, warm beaches and cold Dr. Pepper. Quiet confidence and loud ideas are sexy. When I’m not prowling the podium or locked in my lonely writer’s garret, you’ll find me playing 3rd base for a softball team somewhere.

I believe in my work, because I believe in you.”

From Amazon

There is probably no one on earth better qualified to help you reach more success in MLM than Randy Gage. His Duplication Nation (formerly How to Earn at Least $100,000 a Year in Network Marketing) is the top selling training album in MLM, and his Escape the Rat Race is the #1 recruiting tool in the business. His resources have been translated into more than 15 languages and sold in the millions around the globe.

Randy helped introduce Network Marketing in places like Slovenia, Croatia, Bulgaria and Macedonia. He’s been a company VP of Marketing, and served as a consultant to numerous companies, designing compensation plans, creating marketing materials and developing duplicable systems for them. Randy has conducted training for the finest companies in the industry, and spoken in more than 35 countries.

Through his coaching programs and private consulting, Randy has helped the top income earners in numerous companies. He has arguably trained more MLM millionaires than anyone alive today. But most importantly, Randy teaches from real-world experience, earning millions of dollars as a distributor.

Randy has conducted thousands of training programs and presented thousands more opportunity meetings. Several years ago he dusted off his white board and starting from scratch he quickly rose to become the #1 income earner in his company worldwide. He knows what is working in the marketplace right now, and he’ll teach you exactly how to reach mega success in these conditions.

Randy has made his money, and continues to work only for the challenge and to support his personal enrollees. He has achieved the perfect balance between work and life. When he’s not drawing circles, you’ll find him playing 3rd base for the South Florida Carnivores, riding his bike, racing cars, or collecting comic books. His guilty pleasures are Sci-Fi, Krispy Kreme, and watching Project Runway. Randy splits his time between Miami Beach, Sydney, and Paris.

Why you are Sick, Dumb and Broke

And How to Get Smart, Healthy and Rich.

This groundbreaking self-help book reveals the secrets of manifesting health, happiness, and prosperity in your life—but not in a way you’ve experienced before. Blunt, outspoken, and brutally honest, Randy Gage shoots down the forces that hold you back and keep you dumb, sick, and broke, and shows you how to take action to get smart, healthy, and rich.

Randy Gage Site
Randy’s Rants
Randy’s Blog

Twitter @Randy_Gage

Master Marketing Strategist Chet Holmes Is On The Way Back

• We regret to report that our friend Chet Holmes has passed away after a long battle with leukemia – [Click Here for OPM tribute and full story]

Chet Holmes Master of Marketing is on the Mend and Coming Back Strong

Chet Holmes talks to me about his battle with leukemia, his newest project and gives us Two Ways to Double Sales!

Chet and I have been chatting over Twitter while Chet has been undergoing chemotherapy treatments after his bone marrow transplant.

It has been a tough one, I am sure, for his family and friends, but Chet is a fighter and he is not only coming back, but he is coming back better. Chet told me that he tried every natural, mystical and spiritual cure you can think of or name and more. Chet has learned a lot about himself and his body and has become really serious about his nutrition. We talked privately before the interview and I found out that he discovered what I have about sugar and starches….. Bad, bad, bad.

At the time of this interview Chet had 15 more days of chemo to go through, but his white cell counts and other tests were all extremely positive.

Chet is only working about 3 hours a day right now so I thank him so much for giving me one hour to just talk about stuff, but Chet is not good at just shooting the breeze and insisted on giving you two ways to double your sales.

Chet also giving a very valuable freebee away.. His 90 minute training in how to grow your sales leads x 10 without increasing your marketing budget. Tony Robbins, Chet’s business partner, hosts the call with over 13,000 participants. Chet takes 4 people on the line and breaks down for their business, how they can increase their lead base. This one webinar is massively valuable if you are trying to increase your customer base.

Doubly cool is that Chet and I have some fun as he plays, never before heard, radio spots of he and Tony that will be coming out soon. Be the first to hear them!

Chet let me thank you for taking your time to talk with me and my listeners. We wish you God’s Speed on your recovery and know that we will be watching you and Tony killing it out there with your new business plan program…. – JW

Chet HolmesChet Holmes

• Chet Holmes has worked with over 60 of the Fortune 500 companies as America’s top marketing executive, trainer, and strategic consultant. Clients include; American Express, New York Stock Exchange, Estee Lauder, NBC Television, WR Grace, Citibank, Apple Computers, GNC and so on.

• Chet is the author of the #1 best selling book, The Ultimate Sales Machine. (This book has been in top three of Sales books on Amazon for 5 YEARS)

•  In his early career, Chet was the #1 top producer in every position he ever held. Never number two.

• He then moved into management working for Billionaire Charlie Munger where he doubled the sales of nine different divisions, all of them within 12 to 15 months. Several of them two and three years in a row.

• He has designed more than 500 record-breaking ad campaigns.

• He has developed 78 business growth training products that are selling all over the world, including The Ultimate Business Mastery System with Tony Robbins.

• He is CEO and Chairman of 12 companies under the brand of

• He’s also a karate master and feature film producer who secured a three-contract deal with Warner Brothers.

The Ultimate Sales Machine

#1 Bestseller for over 5 Years on Amazon.

Chet Holmes helps his clients blow away both the competition and their own expectations. And his advice starts with one simple concept: focus! Instead of trying to master four thousand strategies to improve your business, zero in on the few essential skill areas that make the big difference.

The Ultimate Sales Machine shows you how to tune up and soup up virtually every part of your business by spending just an hour per week on each impact area you want to improve?sales, marketing, management, and more.


  • Business Mastery Training
  • Breakthrough Consulting
  • Growth Coaching
  • Sales Recruiting
  • Virtual Sales Team
  • CRM / Sales and Marketing Automation
  • Search Engine Marketing
  • Website Design and Development
  • Worlds Best Graphic Design Services
  • Core Story Research Services
  • Training and Development
  • Personality Testing
  • Business Plan Coaching
  • And More….

Chet Holmes International
Business Breakthroughs (Chet and Tony Robbins)
Freebe: 90 Minute Increase Your Sales Leads x 10 with Tony Robbins

Emmy Winner Shawne Duperon on Project Forgive

Shawne Duperon Six Time Emmy Winner Talks to Us About Project Forgive.

Go see the video right now!! come back and listen After! [Click Here]

I recently read a great book (which I will share with you in a future interview) about forgiveness that really shook me and helped me to understand, the journey I have been on and continue to be on.

The journey I am referring to is the one where I was once filled self loathing due to my low self esteem, that I projected on everyone else which led to me sabotaging myself with very destructive behavior.

The book talked not about forgiving others, but forgiving yourself first. Wow, to some this is a no duh moment, but to me, it finally made forgiveness make some sense.

I am not done, but am so far ahead of where I was as I now embrace past abuse from others and to myself as the building blocks to finding love and gratitude. I can finally say I really like myself and am getting more comfortable in my own skin every day.

So when I saw Project Forgive I had to get in touch with Shawne to see if she would talk to me and she called me within a couple of days. Shawne is an incredible person and I am so excited she has been placed, along with this wonderful project, in my path. – JW

Shawne DuperonShawne Duperon

Producer ShawneTV

This six-time EMMY® Award winner has been in the television business for nearly 20 years. She has taught thousands how to communicate as leaders through powerful networking, social media and exquisite media interviewing skills. She themes her trainings around love, fear, and forgiveness and works with corporations, entrepreneurs, universities and government agencies all over the world. Her story of overcoming child sexual abuse has inspired thousands.

She’s collaborated with many best-selling authors and has replaced Bill Ford of Ford Motor Company when she spoke at the Department of Defense. She has interviewed most of our recent US presidents and has filmed hundreds of celebrities including Morgan Freeman, Yo Yo Ma, Senator John McCain and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. You’ve watched her on national networks such as CBS’ “The Early Show” and have seen her featured in newspapers such as “USA Today,” “The Washington Post” and “The Chicago Tribune”.

One of her personal passions is the work she does with multicultural groups to help delete media stereotypes through strategic communication.

Shawne is currently a PhD candidate, creating leading-edge research on the relationship between mass media and gossip (yes, gossip!). Her message: knowing how to create and navigate communication skills as a leader is the secret to unlimited marketing and personal power.

Scott Rosenfelt Producer Scott Rosenfelt

Scott Rosenfelt is one of Hollywood’s most successful independent producers. On the strength of such films as “Smoke Signals”, “Home Alone”, “Mystic Pizza”, “Teen Wolf” and “Extremities”, Scott has garnered international acclaim and recognition.
As director and producer, his documentary, “Standing Silent”, recently had World Premiere’s at film festivals across the globe.
Home Alone is the highest grossing live action comedy of all time, generating over $1 billion worldwide. Another of his films, “Smoke Signals” was a top winner at the 1998 Sundance Film Festival.”Mystic Pizza” launched the career of Julia Roberts and went on to critical and commercial success, while Teen Wolf, starring Michael J. Fox, is one of the highest grossing independent films of all time.”Extremities”, starring Farrah Fawcett, garnered international, critical and commercial acclaim as well.

Project Forgive

Over a six-to-eight month period, our team will develop the film Project: Forgive.  Where it goes from there will unfold in real time for you,  the backers, to see.

We will document the creative process and release monthly video updates exclusively to Kickstarter backers. This documentary series will strive to make you as much a part of the film process as possible by showing the film creation from start to finish, with all the passion, humor, and heartbreak that happens along the way.  We’re committed to total transparency with this project, ensuring it is one of the most honest depictions of film making ever conceived.

There will be a private online community set up for the backers to discuss the project with us and submit your thoughts and feelings about the film’s content and direction, sometimes even voting on decisions when the production team can’t decide.  We’ll also be choosing stories from you to highlight in the film, along with the eventual DVD’s and books. Once the film is finished, backers will receive the completed version for download.

For fans of documentaries that promote global conversations, this is your chance to prove there is still a large demand out there for a unique film experience that inspires forgiveness and love, something the world is craving.

Today Gary, who lost his family, says…

“I have never felt so loved. I feel more blessed
than any person should be.”

— Gary Weinstein

Actress Carole Wells On Her Career and New Children’s Book Amberella

Carole WellsActress Carole Wells talks candidly about her astounding Hollywood career and about her new children’s book

Event: Carole will be at the los angeles book fair april 22nd where you can meet her and get a copy of her book. – More details below…..

Carole WellsCarol Wells

Carole started working in television and motion pictures at the age of 12.

Her first commercial was Dial Soap, then cast on the Eddie Fisher Coke Time. She played a young “Lizzy” in her first film by the same name.

She continued to co-star in most of the television shows in the late fifties, sixties and seventies. She co-stared in the TV series “National Velvet” and “Pistols and “Petticoats.” She has made over one hundred television shows, both live and taped. She co-starred in ten motion pictures. Her last was “Funny Lady” with Barbra Streisand.

Carole is a coloratura soprano having performed opera and light opera all over the US stages and in many other countries. Carole is concert pianist, loves writing music and has written several books and poetry.

She taught writing classes at UCLA. Carole has always been interested in medicine and studied metaphysics and healing.

Her passion is traveling and meeting people of all cultures and their techniques of healing. Carole went to Hollywood High School and is active in the Hollywood High Alumni Assoc where she is the Vice President and curator of the HHSCelebrity Museum She majored in English and Music attended USC and UCLA and UCSB.

She has been involved with many charities helping children for forty years. She was president of Las Floristas and won twice the Humanitatian Award from Los Angeles. She has three sons, one daughter and five grandchildren.

Carole wrote Amberella to help young people learn how to be confident and use their power. So many young people have responsibilities beyond their years as she did.

Carole filmed over a hundred television shows, ten motion pictures, and traveled all over the world singing in theaters. In the process she learned it was important to respect, listen to older people, get as much education as possible, travel abroad, and study languages.

The Dalai Lama has said, “Visualize your desire 1,000 times and it will be manifested.”

Carole has an unshakable belief in God and studied many different religions for ten years including Kriya Yoga. She learned that everything is possible, and dared to live her dream!

Carole Wells with Barbara StreisandShe has spent a major part of her adult life in the service of others, working mainly for physically disabled and emotionally challenged children. Being a musician, she studied sound therapy, and introduced the voice-activated technology to the University of Southern California School of Medicine. This new technology gave mobility to thousands of paralyzed children. As president of the Las Floristas charity, she was able to help raise money to build the Center for Applied Rehabilitation Therapy at Rancho Los Amigos in Southern California. In 1972 Carole worked with Eunice Kennedy Shriver, Refer Johnson and Jan Sarnoff hosting the Special Olympics at UCLA.

During and after the Vietnam War, Carole sang and entertained paraplegic soldiers each month—traveling to the Veterans Hospitals in San Francisco, Long Beach, and Los Angeles. Both the City and County of Los Angeles honored her with their Humanitarian Awards in 1984. Carole has been active in politics and has given speeches for two United States presidents and two senators.

At the age of thirty, having it all, her handsome husband from the famous Southern California oil family, Larry Doheny died suddenly leaving her with two small baby boys. It changed her life. She learned that the important thing isn’t what happens to us; it is how we deal with what happens! As a single parent, she reared her four children to be an example of unconditional love and do no harm to others.

Carole is happiest spending time with her children, five grand children and friends. She loves swimming, playing the piano and singing. Her secret passions are her love for thoroughbred horseracing and watching good movies. Carole is completing a book about my jet set life in the sixties, Doheny Drive, her memoirs, Life After Being Hijacked by Japanese Red Army, and The Girls From Hollywood High. For more information go to Carole

Carole Wells IMDB Page

book Amberella Carole WellsThe Book

Amberella, an Action Adventure Fantasy Amberella is an action adventure story of a little princess searching to find her mother. She travels through different exotic lands experiencing frightening and funny encounters. The Queens from different enchanting lands teach her wisdom, respect and secret guide lines to prepare her for her future.

She learns from different animals how to communicate and respect all living creatures. Many children have responsibilities beyond their years.

Amberella is a fantasy to help children cope with adult problems by learning that the Laws of the Universe can make them stronger and more successful.

Amberella demonstrates how to believe in one’s self and dare to live one’s dreams. Critics are saying that Amberella is not only for children, but a book for all ages!

Get a significant savings by purchasing this book from AuthorHouse.

Los Angeles Book Fair at USC

Join us at USC for the 17th annual Los Angeles Times Festival of Books.

Dates & Location

April 21-22, 2012
Sat 10 AM – 6 PM
Sun 10 AM – 5 PM

The annual Los Angeles Times Festival of Books will be held at:
University of Southern California
Click here for map.
To locate USC on Yahoo! Maps or similar mapping software, you may use the intersection of Exposition Blvd and S Figueroa St, Los Angeles, CA 90089.

Tickets & Admission

General attendance is free!
For information on attending, see our Attendee FAQ.


Parking at the USC campus will be $10.
Please go to the Getting There page for a detailed map.
Make sure to follow the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books on Twitter and Facebook for live traffic and parking updates!

We asked Southern Californians why they love to read.
Watch our video to hear what they said.

Featuring (in order of appearance):
Veronica Pacheco – favorite author: Jane Austen
Marguerita and Dylan Drew – enjoying books together since 2007
Tyler Wilson – owner, Wurstküche restaurant
Nassim Navi – Festival of Books attendee since 2006
Rebecca Keegan – Los Angeles Times film writer
David Kang – Professor and Director, USC Korean Studies Institute

New Directions Veteran Help and Hemancipation Presents Cars, Bars and Cigars at Tesla Motors

CARS BARS & CIGARS to Support New Directions Veterans Resource


Watch This Video to Find out About What New Directions is Doing for Veterans and Their Families


Hemancipation presents luxurious event at Tesla Motors in Los Angeles, to benefit veterans at New Directions

LOS ANGELES, CA (May 19th, 2011) – A predominantly affluent male crowd gathered on the evening of May 19 at Tesla Motors in Beverly Hills to enjoy beautiful cars, the best vintage whisky and the finest cigars. Appropriately called Cars Bars & Cigars, the evening is a signature Hemancipation event, produced by the company that assists men with luxury lifestyle management.

Host Akilah Kamaria, Hemancipation CEO, says “I’ve hosted several Cars Bars & Cigars and the guests will be mostly men. But women feel very comfortable and have a great time at our events.”

Cars Bars Cigars features cocktails and hors d’oeuvres, complimentary cigars and the opportunity to observe a master cigar roller, and includes a preview of luxury cars. Joining Kamaria as hosts are Mark Burton, JD CMAA, Managing Director of Los Angeles Consulting Group, Courtney Norris, Managing Partner of Allure Plus LLC, and Kathleen Tepley, Managing Director, Los Angeles Consulting Group.

A portion of the evening’s proceeds will benefit New Directions, Inc.

Herself a veteran of service in the U.S. Marine Corps, Kamaria is committed to helping veterans who find returning home to be far more challenging than they ever envisioned. During military service,

Kamaria found herself constantly helping her fellow Marines to adjust during the many transitions inherent in military life. She continued after the military assisting “her guys” with the lifestyle aspects of independent living.

Realizing the need in the marketplace and that she truly had a gift for lifestyle management, Kamaria founded Hemancipation, a luxury lifestyle management service for men.

“When I heard about New Directions, I was impressed that they understand that women who have served in uniform are veterans, too. After a visit, I decided it was time to put together another Cars Bars Cigars evening to benefit this amazing agency,” she noted. The event website may be viewed at

About Hemancipation

HEMANCIPATION is the first luxury lifestyle management service for men. Hemancipation provides highly personal concierge services to men and their families.

Clients seek Hemancipation services when there has been a change in their life or if they are anticipating a change. Change can be something as normal as buying a new home or as significant as regaining order after relocating or divorce. Still in many cases, clients call Hemancipation when they are simply overwhelmed with their family’s lifestyle demands.

They also work with attorneys; financial advisors, accountants and other trusted advisors to handle the lifestyle concierge needs of a demanding clientele. More information at

About New Directions, Inc.

Founded in 1992, New Directions, Inc. is a 501(c) 3 public benefit corporation that provides comprehensive services to hundreds of homeless veterans each year in five transitional housing facilities. Veterans leave New Directions with money in the bank, new clothes, new communication skills, jobs or other income, and a new outlook on life.

The V.A. estimates that more than 8,000 homeless veterans still reside on the streets of Los Angeles. More information about New Directions can be found at

Contact: Cindy Young at New Directions
(310) 914-4045 ext 112

Akilah Kamaria at Hemancipation
(888) 473-0876

About Walk for Warriors

Monday, May 30, 2011

It may have been your father, your sister or even your son. We all love someone who has fought for our freedom. Is there a warrior in your family you would like to honor?

Join New Directions, Inc., a nonprofit agency that assists homeless veterans and the West Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce in a Memorial Day 5K Walk/Run that honors those who have served and those who are currently serving in the Armed Forces. This event will benefit veterans who are transitioning from homelessness back to families and community.

Mark Lyden – Veterans: Do This Get Hired

Do This! Get Hired! is Practical Help for Unemployed Veterans

You can NOT expect to get a job in THIS difficult job market by doing the same old things and following the same old advice.  IT WILL NOT WORK!  It is time to get advice that has been PROVEN to work especially in this difficult job market.  Even when nothing else works, this advice WILL!

When you talk to Mark and find out his story, you really get a sense that you are getting to know a real giver.

He and his wife are volunteers for many causes and Mark is doing great with his business and other projects, but when he heard about the unemployment rate of young veterans he was alarmed and wanted to do something. He had written a book to show people how to deal with recruiters and employers and he decided that he would fix it to focus on vets.

The book is full of great information which is broken down very simply. Listen to this interview, Mark gives many of his best tips right here, but buy the book as it helps support and it really is a great resource.

Also if you know of any students or other professionals that may need some help; please pass this along because Mark’s books for college students and professionals are just as powerful and full of tried and true strategies that get results. – JW

book veterans do this get hiredVeterans: DO THIS GET HIRED

Filled with practical and easy to follow steps, on every major job search topic, which has proven to be extremely effective and has often been the difference between a candidate getting a job or not getting a job.

This book has one primary purpose: To Get Veterans Jobs! With the help of veterans from the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines this book was written by a current Professional Fortune 50 Lead Recruiter with nearly 15 years of experience.

Because the author recruits as his profession in this challenging job market every day, he knows what works and what doesn’t.

This is a no-nonsense guide to help vets get hired, even in this difficult job market –even if nothing else has worked.

A substantial portion of the proceeds from book sales are donated back to charity to help veterans at and to help the stray and abandoned animals at Logan’s Run Rescue.


Mark Lyden is Senior College Recruiter for a Fortune 50 company and has been a professional college recruiter for over 10 years.

He has recruited candidates for small, medium, and large companies and has lead hundreds of college recruiting teams, events, and career fairs on college campuses across the country.

Mark has recruited for technical and non-technical majors at all levels from Freshman through Ph.D. and has recruited for Secret and Top Secret programs.

He has screened, taught, served as a mentor and interviewed thousands of college candidates and has formally presented to approximately 10,000 on various campuses across the United States.

In his career he managed one of the top Co-op / Intern programs in the country. This extensive experience gives him the unique insight and expertise to teach college students the best ways, the proven ways, to approach every major step of their job search process.

Plus because he currently is a Senior College Recruiter as his profession, he understands the challenges of this market.  Mark has a BS, MS, and one year of Ph.D. study in the areas of Business, Human Factors Engineering & Education, and Psychology respectfully.

is an expert at getting people jobs. He has already helped thousands get hired even in this difficult job market. For nearly 15-years, he has been a Professional Lead Recruiter for a Fortune 50 company.

His approach is fresh, practical, easy to follow, and extremely effective. In his recruiting career he has recruited for small, medium, and large companies and organizations.

Mark has screened, taught, mentored and interviewed thousands of candidates and has presented job search seminars across the country. His extensive experience plus the fact that he recruits each day in this difficult job market, gives him the unique insight on the best ways –the proven ways to approach every major step of the job search process so candidates have the best chance at getting hired.

Mr. Lyden’s practical and easy to follow steps, on every major job search topic, has been extremely effective and has often been the difference between a candidate getting a job or not getting a job.

Mark Lyden’s previous top selling book, “College Students: Do This! Get Hired!” has been featured in major news outlets like, The Washington Post, and many others. It has helped thousands and thousands get hired.  Now Mark has turned his attention and expertise to helping veterans get jobs.

Mark’s style and approach is fresh and very effective. Those reading or hearing his advice in a seminar are always surprised to learn something new and often discover that what has been holding them back or a mistake they have been making over and over that prevented them from getting hired.

Finally what makes Mr. Lyden’s advice and information so valuable is that it works! But there is a reason why it works better than other information and why so many people get hired with his advice. Every step, trick, tip, or technique he provides has a strong logical reasoning behind it backed up by nearly 15 years of experience.

Anyone can give opinions of what they think might work, or what may have worked for them, but it takes someone doing the job as a Professional Recruiter in this difficult job market to KNOW what works and what specifically you need to do to get hired.

WHAT OTHERS HAVE SAID ABOUT THE BOOK reviewed the book and said: “If you’re a veteran you need to read this book! Best advice for getting hired that we have ever read.” With his advice, Mark has already helped thousands of people get hired, even in this challenging job market.

What makes his advice different from what you can find on the Internet or in other “How to get a job” books is that his advice has been PROVEN to work.

“If you’re a veteran you need to read this book! Best advice for getting hired that we have ever read.” –

Because he currently works recruiting in this job market every day, Mark has a unique perspective on what exactly veterans need to do to have the best chance at getting hired. I am a returning Iraq veteran with disabilities. Since being home I have been fired from (2) civilian jobs and turned down for at least 30. I then received Mark’s book, Veterans: Do This! Get Hired! I read it cover to cover in the parking lot of the post office.

The information is straight forward and easy as hell to understand. I followed his advise in chapters 2&3 to the letter. I saw immediate results on the same day I posted my resume by getting 3 requests for interviews. Mark is on- target with this information. ” –  Matt K. U.S Army (Ret.) Panama/Iraq/Somilia

If you need a job and want help getting it … then you should be interested in buying Mark’s book, please go to his website HERE

Mark can be reached by email HERE

Internet Sales Tax Roundtable with Howard Kline, Esq.

Iinternet tax roundtable howard klinenternet Sales Tax Roundtable Hosted by Howard Kline, Esq.


NOTE: Howard Kline’s Radio Show is centered around Commercial Real Estate, but do not let that deter you from listening to this provacative and informative show. Howard put together a steller panel for this talk and it is full of great info for every on-line and brick and morter retailer. Thanks Howard – JW

This is a special show in which we will be discussing proposed federal legislation intended to establish a unified system of taxation of Internet sales.Our featured guests include:

  • United States Senator Michael Enzi of Wyoming, a co-sponsor of the Senate Bill;
  • Betsy Laird, Senior Vice President, Office of Global Public Policy for ICSC;
  • David French, Senior Vice President of Government Relations for the National Retail Federation;
  • Robert W. Wood, Esq. of Wood, LLP, a tax attorney who has written numerous articles for Forbes and specifically, regarding this issue;  and
  • Steven DelBianco, Executive Director of NetChoice, a coalition of trade associations, eCommer ce Businesses, and online consumers;

During this conversation, we will be exploring the reasons why these bills have been proposed, why federal the federal government has gotten involved in, what seems to be state taxation issues, who benefits from this legislation and whose interests will be most negatively effected.

The current legislation before congress includes the Main Street Fairness Act and the Marketplace Fairness Act, while the house has introduced the Marketplace Equity Act.  All three pieces of legislation propose methods of simplifying the taxation of Internet sales process so that Internet retailers may comply with state taxation requirements while avoiding the significant burden of complying with numerous and differing state requirements.

Proponents assert that the legislation does not impose any new tax but merely simplifies the process of compliance of state Use Tax codes, (We will discuss during the show what the difference is between a Use Tax and a Sales Tax).

Proponents also argue that these bills will allow cash strapped states and cities to generate more revenue from Internet sales, which were unintentionally excluded from older sales tax legislation as constitutionally interpreted by the United State Supreme Court.

Detractors argue, among other things that passage of these bills would effectively impose a new tax on, already overburdened taxpayers.

This show is not an endorsement of the proposed legislation, but is an attempt to air out and fully express both sides of the argument so that our legislators and listeners can make the best-informed decision possible.Let your voice be heard and call in, email or tweet with your comments or questions during the live show or listening to the podcast at:

  • Go to; or
  • Call (619) 393-6492 and dial “1” to be put in the que; or
  • click here
  • Leave Twitter Messages and Comments at @creradio

Howard F Kline

Howard F. Kline, Esq.

Mr. Kline Has been a practicing attorney for over 34 years and a real estate salesperson and broker since 1985. During this time, he has served as General Counsel on four occasions, acted as a principal in his own law firm and has also acted as a partner in a mid-size law firm.

Howard has represented both large and small commercial real property owners and property managers, including but not limited to the RTC, Home Savings & Loan, Wells Fargo Bank Real Estate Trust Services, Mony Real Estate, Principal Life Insurance Co., Rancon Realty and The Santa Margarita Company.


Mr Kline primarily represents commercial landlords and property managers in commercial evictions, rent collections, workouts, foreclosures, commercial real estate bankruptcy related matters and lease negotiations. He also handles large post-judgment collection matters referred by the larger law firms who have obtained judgments on behalf of their clients and which firms do not handle post-judgment collection work.

Internet Radio Host of CRE Radio

Commercial Real Estate Radio is a weekly radio show accessible from the web and telephone. The show focuses exclusively on commercial real estate matters and should be of interest to commercial property owners, property managers, asset managers, tenants and vendors of services to these groups. Listeners can participate by calling the show during live shows which are recorded and available as mp3 files and can be downloaded from iTunes.

Listen to internet radio with Howard Kline on Blog Talk Radio

Jayrah Gibson American Idol Hopeful Makes it Through Group Week

Jayrah Gibson American IdolJayrah Gibson Works Hard to Make it Through Group Week on Amerian Idol.

Jayrah once won Making the Band, but there were issues. Now he is now working hard to become the next American Idol.

You gotta love Twitter. I met Jayrah one of the American Idol hopefuls, while tweeting my followers and Jayrah said hello. I asked for an interview and he set this up right away.

Jayrah preaches that you can do great things if you put your mind to it and set some goals. 

Jayrah is very active in social media on Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, Sound Cloud and many other channels, to get out the word and build support for him on the show.

Randy Jackson says that Jayrah is “Mad Good”. He is also known as a very

upbeat and exuberant guy and Jayrah says he has been asked to tone it down, but Jayrah is passionate and sincerely excited and you can tell from this interview. Even after a full day in the studio Jayrah is excited and full of spunk.

Jayrah, thanks for keeping your word we will be watching you. – JW

Jayrah GibsonJayrah Gibson

Jayrah has been described as the new R&B sensation, winning over audiences with his great personality and unique sound, he has definitely made his mark in the entertainment industry .

Jayrah’s gift as a singer, song writer and producer has landed him the opportunity to collaborate with various well known writers and producers such as Rufus Blaq, the Streiotypes and other top ten billboard and Grammy award winning producers. Creating songs and intricate melody’s that express the beautiful moments and fabrics of life in which we all can relate to, Jarah has established a lane of his own!

Jayrah was born and raised in long beach California, by single mother Kitra Williams who was signed to Motown records at the time. As a young child,she carried him on her stomach while recording for long vigorous hours. That is when she became the biggest musical influence in his life. Jarah has been singing since he was able to talk and writing since he was 6 years old.

His mother being the leading lady of the many hit musicals and dramas and also touring around the world with icons such as TD Jakes “Women Thou Art loosed,” Tyler Perry’s “Diary of a Mad Black Woman” and Oprah Winfrey’s Broadway musical “The Color Puple” left him with some big shoes to fill. Nevertheless those great accomplishments set the tone and opened many favorable doors for Jarah.

With passion, humbleness and talent, Jayrah is well capable of trail blazing a path of his own. His dynamic voice and sultry songs has pierced the hearts of many, making an everlasting impression on the who’s who and what’s hot in the industry! Jarah’s main goal in life is to share his love and passion for music with the world.

Watch his audition video
Jayrah’s Fan Site
Jayrah Gibson on American Idol Website
Jayrah’s New Song Head Bang on Sound Cloud (WARNING Explicit Lyrics)

As of the writing of this piece Jayrah Gibson did not make the cut from his solo audition after the group competition. Thank you Jayrah and I wish you the best. I know you are going to be busy as heck in 2012.
– JW

Michael Luckman on Overpowering Fear

Michael Luckman Overpowering FearMichael Luckman, a 40+ Year Veteran of Sales Teaches Us How to Overcome Fear in Selling, but More Importantly in Life.

Michael Luckman is a man that has faced the fear of public speaking, cold calling and fear of failure and has come out the other side grateful, successful and happy.  Michael teaches us how to overpower fear so that we can live the fullest lives we were meant to live.

I have the honor to the first person to interview Michael Luckman for his new book “Overpowering Fear: Defeating the #1 Challenge in Sales and Life“.

I was introduced to this wonderful author by Nance Rosen, Top Job Coach and author of “Speak Up and Succeed“, so let me say a big thank you to Nance because Michael is just what the universe ordered.

Fear is the Number One reason for failure that gains you nothing. Another words, it is fine to fail and even expected that you might fail, if you take a risk and learn a lesson.

If you fail, however, because fear stopped you from trying then it does not take a rocket scientist to tell you that unless you learn to overpower that fear, you will never succeed and thus you will never reach your God given potential.

I have suffered from a few phobias including massive stage fright, but I was a musician and played clubs like The Whiskey and House of Blues. I interview famous celebrities and world renowned scholars and believe me I used to get so fearful that I would get nauseous. I still have problems, but not anywhere close to what I did before.

Michael Luckman knows what he is talking about and he shares what fear and ego is and how you can learn to overpower these feelings that keep you from living the life you were meant to live. Where Mr. Luckman can not help you elliviate your fears, he gives what he calls workarounds.

These are techniques I have used and swear by. If you believe your fears are holding you back, then you need to listen to this interview and pick up this book. – JW

Michael Luckman

With forty plus years as a salesperson, marketing pioneer, entrepreneur and sales trainer, Michael Luckman is today, a successful and dynamic speaker, trainer and coach. In Overpowering Fear he opens up his life and the lessons learned to help his readers uncover their own fear blocks and overpower them, in order to enjoy lives filled with confidence, success and abundance.

Overpowering Fear is Michael’s real world journey through a career filled with amazing achievements – including the launch of the first electronic toy and inventions like the cartridge video game system, the electronic keyboard and the see-through advertising product seen on vehicle wraps.

book Michael Luckman Overcoming FearMichael also “gets real” about the personal defeats that came when fear,
uncertainty and doubt clouded even one of the brightest minds in business.
In working with and training thousands of salespeople, Michael came to the conclusion that those who reach the top in sales are those who have learned to overpower their fears and do whatever is necessary to gain the business. While those we would consider average salespeople succumb to their fears and will do only those things that fall within their comfort zones.

Unlike psychologists and other scientists who approach the topic of fear from an arm’s length or academic perspective, Michael peels back the cover on his own life. With astonishing honesty and impressive insight, he exposes painful, emotional events that began in childhood and continued to dog him as he rose in the business world.

Told with humor as well as deep personal truth, Michael’s life story and his “Luckman’s Laws” help readers take an equally brave and fruitful look at their own journeys. They will be delighted to find ten exercises at the end of the book that Michael created to help them find the causes and cures for their own fears.

Readers will also learn how to identify goals they want to see materialize in their lives, understand what dreams they have been afraid to realize and be able
to create a road map to a fantastic future.

This is a hugely important book because it alone examines the earliest origins of fear, a complex and defeating emotion, from a very personal and relatable perspective. Fear is present in every occupation and in every stage of life, so much so that it is a virtual epidemic affecting almost everyone at any time.

At his website,, this author provides a wealth of support as well as the opportunity to join him in seminars, workshops and coaching sessions.

For interviews, requests for speaking, media commentary and other story or show ideas, Michael may also be reached directly at (408) 404-6762 Ext. 2

Barbara Wilder Clearing Money Negativity

Barbara Wilder Money is LoveBarbara Wilder – Money is Love

Barbara Wilder talks to us about how the negativity around money can stand in the way of your success, and how you can clear the negativity of your mindset and your money.

I am a huge believer in mindset as what you think translates into what you do and thus whether or not you are successful or have the capacity to be.

I believe our reactive thoughts about money are centered around the negative so when you think about the success you want monetarily, you also bring up all your negative beliefs around money and thus are doomed from that point on to fail.

It works like this; you say you want to make 5 Million Dollars in the next 2 years. The success gurus say you have to vision it and write it down, as what you focus on expands. OK, problem is that whenever you think about money your lizard brain automajically starts spewing all it’s beliefs around money, like rich people are greedy and money is the root of all evil and I must vow to be a poor marter if I want to get into heaven etc. etc.

These thoughts will never allow you to focus positively on gaining the abundance you so surely strive for.

Barbara takes it one step further and believes that money itself actually holds the energy of everyone who has touched it and therefore the money itself holds so much negative energy that fixing your mindset is just not enough.

A fascinating interview. – JW

Barbara Wilder Money is LoveBarbara Wilder

Barbara is an internationally acclaimed author, speaker, teacher, and healer.

She is the Founder and Director of The Transformational Light Center. In her groundbreaking book, Money Is Love, she showed us how to reconnect money to the sacred feminine and transform it into an agent for both personal and global prosperity.

Her second book, Embracing Your Power Woman, is a radical program that gives women in the second half of life the skills to recognize, embrace, and embody their innate feminine power.

Barbara has been a guest on network television and on numerous radio talk shows. Her popular workshops inspire participants internationally. She is a dynamic keynote speaker, speaking locally, nationally and internationally, including Deepak Chopra’s Alliance for a New Humanity in Pureto Rico, and The Universal Peace Federation’s International Peace Conference in Seoul, Korea.

She has been a member of the faculty of Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, New York, and Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado. Originally an actor, production executive, and screenwriter, she recently wrote a play based on her book Embracing Your Power Woman called POWER WOMAN MAGIC which she wrote, produced, directed and performed in in its initial productions.

As a healer, Barbara works with individuals in person, by phone, and Skype, to help them strip away the veils to reveal the light within themselves. Barbara studied for eleven years under the tutelage of Russell Schofield, founder of The School of Actualism, a mystery school based the Hermetic Principles, the writings of Alice Bailey, Rudolf Steiner, and the ancient practice of Agni Yoga, also known as fire-breathing yoga. She graduated with the highest level of initiation in light-energy healing and transformational growth techniques. In addition to her many achievements, Barbara is an ordained minister and renowned spiritual teacher.

She is also the director and founder of The Power Woman Magic Project, a non-profit organization that exists to produce and promote the play, POWER WOMAN MAGIC and the workshops connected to it. This project was created to help women in the second half of life embrace and step into their power to help shift world focus from domination to co-creation.

Currently Barbara lives in Los Angeles where she maintains her intuitive counseling and light-energy healing practice at the Transformational Light Center, writes, gives workshops, and travels wherever she is called to speak and teach about how we can create a more light-filled and balanced world of peace, goodwill, and abundance for all.

Barbara Wilder Money is LoveBarbara’s Book “Money is Love”

War, Poverty, hunger and crime are caused by the fear that surrounds money and its scarcity.

Money is energy, and energy is limitless. Only our fear and our limited way of thinking make money seem scarce.

Using the tools and the exercises in Chapter Three, you can reconnect with the sacred origins of money, and direct the flow of money through your life and the world on a current of love, joy, goodwill and abundance.

Money is energy, and according to quantum physics the universe is made up of energy, which becomes matter only when information is focused on it. Wood is wood and not iron because of the information that forms the two different kinds of matter. Too many of us labor under the belief that money is “a necessary evil,” which is, more often than not, difficult to obtain.

By changing our feelings about money from fear, anger, greed and scarcity, to love, joy, abundance and goodwill, we can change the way money moves through our lives and the lives of others all over the world. “MONEY IS LOVE” teaches that as we begin to remove the negative thoughts and feelings that surround money and redefine money as love, we bring the power of love into all of our monetary transactions.

This in turn opens our hearts to allow money to flow abundantly into our lives, creating a place of peace and joy. From this place of harmony we can then send money back out into the world on a flow of love and gratitude. Money healed can begin to heal all that it touches.

And because money flows like blood through the planet, diseased it causes disease, but infused with love, money can become rejuvenating. This work stands out from other transformational money theories, because it deals with not only healing our personal relationship with money, but with healing the money itself, returning it to its sacred roots and then using this money infused with love as an agent for healing “Money is the blood of the planet. Heal the money and we can heal the world.” Page 82.

CONTACT Barbara Wilder:

Simon Mainwaring Building Your Branding and Social Technology Blueprint

Simon Mainwaring Fortune 100 Branding and Social Technology Expert

Bestselling author, top branding and social technology expert Simon Mainwaring talks to us about branding, copy, top of mind awareness and much more.

I will tell you that if you do not know Simon Mainwaring, then you are at a huge disadvantage.

Whether you are a fortune 100 or  a small to medium sized company, that is working hard to figure out how the web and social technologies can and should work for you, There are things you can do or change that will make a significant difference in how effective your marketing is on the web.

Too many of us are overwhelmed by social media, marketing and networking and how we should use them to increase business and profitability.

Many experts talk about having a plan, but Simon has been there and has done it for company after company with award winning results. Simon is now working to get out the word to the many of how they too, can learn how to make the web and social media work for you.

Simon works with business, not just to help them set up their marketing blueprint. He sits down with them and has them role up their sleeves and sharpen their pencils and come up with a “Useable Now” Blueprint plan of how your business can utilize and capitalize using social technologies.

Simon is working hard to make this available to everyone, especially non-profits and when I saw what he was doing I immediately called him to have him tell us directly what he was doing. Simon, who already has a voice on many national platforms, took his time with us and not only shared what he was doing, but answered many of my questions about branding, copy and marketing.

Simon has decided to have his first branding workshop. I believe this is a class you or any business NEEDS to attend to figure out how to use technology, how to build community and sales. Later I found out who will already be there.

Besides the three incredible teachers Simon is bringing in I have found out that many of the students in the room are major powerhouses themselves. I can not tell you who, but you will be very impressed. It is worth going just to network with this group.

Guest Teachers and world class experts Carol Cone of Edleman PR, the worlds largest PR Firm and Robert Tercek former president of Digital Media, Sony Entertainment and Creative Director of MTV. Simon is also allowing each attendee to bring for FREE someone from a non-profit, foundation or cause marketing partner you support.

Thank you Simon for what you do for business, non-profits and for sharing your time and expertise with us. – JW

Simone Mainwaring

Simon Mainwaring is an award-winning branding consultant, bestselling author, influential blogger and international speaker.

Founder of We First, a social branding firm committed to helping brands build communities, profit and positive impact.

Member of the Sustainable Brands Advisory Board, the Advisory Board of the Center for Public Diplomacy at the USC Annenberg School, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts in London. He contributes to Fast Company, Forbes, Huffington Post, Mashable, and GOOD Magazine on branding and social technology.

Simon’s first book, We First: How brands and consumers use social media to build a better world (June 2011, Palgrave Macmillan) is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Amazon bestseller. It was named an Amazon Top Ten Business Book for 2011, 800CEORead Top Five Marketing Book for 2011, and strategy+business named it the Best Business Marketing Book of 2011. He was also included in Trust Across America’s, ‘Top 100 Thought Leaders in Trustworthy Business Behavior for 2012.’

Simon has been featured in Advertising Age, Adweek, Huffington Post, Inc Magazine, Fast Company, GOOD Magazine, and Mashable, as well as appearing on the Business News Network, CBS, CBC, BNet and Harpo Radio. He is a sought after international speaker with engagements including the Cannes International Advertising Festival, Royal Society of Arts, SXSW, TEDxSF, National Speakers Association, brands such as Google, Coca-Cola, General Motors, Gucci, Patagonia and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and was voted a Top 5 Marketing Speaker for 2012 by

Prior to starting We First, Simon was an award-winning Nike creative writer at Wieden & Kennedy and worldwide creative director for Motorola at Ogilvy as well as consulting on dozens of Fortune 500 brands for leading advertising, production, digital and social media companies. He has received over sixty international creative awards at the Cannes Advertising Festival, the One Show (U.S.), the Kelly Awards (U.S) and the British Design & Art Direction Awards, among others.

Simon studied Law and Fine Arts (1st Class Honors) at Sydney University, lives in Los Angeles. His blog is, he tweets @simonmainwaring, and the We First website is

Simon’s Book – We First

A social media expert with global experience with many of the world’s biggest brands —including Nike, Toyota and Motorola—Simon Mainwaring offers a visionary new practice in which brands leverage social media to earn consumer goodwill, loyalty and profit, while creating a third pillar of sustainable social change through conscious contributions from customer purchases.

These innovative private sector partnerships answer perhaps the most pressing issue facing business and thought leaders today: how to practice capitalism in a way that satisfies the need for both profit and a healthy, sustainable planet. Mainwaring provides case studies from companies such as P&G, Walmart, Starbucks, Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Toyota, Nike, Whole Foods, Patagonia, and Nestlé as well as a bold plan for how corporations need to rethink their strategies.

Today’s marketplace is ruthless – the economy is tough and social technology is changing faster than ever – but it’s also an unprecedented opportunity to MASSIVELY SCALE YOUR BRAND, PROFIT and POSITIVE IMPACT ahead of your competitors.

The We First Social Branding Seminar makes this possible – whether you’re a Fortune 500 brand, social enterprise, non-profit or start-up – by ensuring you walk out with a practical and actionable SOCIAL BRANDING BLUEPRINT, specific to your business, that’s built on the best practices, case studies and bottom lines benefits of the world’s smartest marketers.

Simon’s first branding and marketing blueprint workshop and seminar

Your Social Branding Blueprint includes:

  • Cutting edge research/data on today’s customer, their online behavior, and how to engage them.
  • A defined brand story, message and purpose to ensure every marketing dollar you spend has maximum impact.
  • The Top 8 Social Media Strategies to architect a sustainable customer community.
  • The Top 5 Engagement Tactics for Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn and YouTube.
  • Critical creative campaigns to integrate your community across social media platforms.
  • The Top Tools, Techniques and Formulas to measure Return on Investment based on Fortune 500 case
  • The Top 10 Business Strategies to maintain and grow your brand community over the long term.
  • Vital Organizational Structures/Roles to integrate social media marketing within your company.
  • The Key Social Business Technologies that will redefine your industry, business and marketing.
  • A Customizable Pitch Deck that sells your social media plan to leadership, employees or investors.

This SOCIAL BRANDING BLUEPRINT will be built on the expertise of our world class speakers including:

  • Lessons I learned from almost over 20 years of working at the world’s top creative ad agencies in Asia, Europe and the U.S. on Fortune 500 brands like Nike, Motorola and Toyota.
  • Research into the latest in mobile, gaming and social technology that went into my New York Times bestseller and Amazon Top Ten Business Book for 2011, We First: How brands and consumer use social media to build a better world.
  • Insights into the future of branding and social media based on my contributions to Mashable, Huffington Post, Fast Company, GOOD magazine and Forbes.

To get more Information  or to Register for this Event… CLICK HERE

CONTACT Simon or We First:

Simon’s Blog
Simon on Twitter