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Raising Minimum Wage Plus Obamacare Equals Disaster
Affordable Care Act Expert Consultant Minda Wilson Esq. Raising Minimum Wage Plus Obamacare Equals Disaster
Posted in Audio Podcast, Business, Education, Employment, Finance, Government, Interview, iTunes, Law
Tagged affordable care act, audio, author, business, devon Blaine, interview, jw najarian, minda wilson, minimum wage, Obamacare
When you go to a business meeting today are you dressed for success or dressed casually? Do you look like you flew in on the corporate jet or were you one of the people washing it down before the flight?
Image consultants seem more concerned about social media tools today than they are real barometers of professionalism and success. Having a Smartphone with an obnoxious ring tone is not cool and won’t make any points unless you Continue reading
Posted in Business, Commercial, Education, Employment, Finance, Health and Wellness, Innovative Products, Interview, Investment, Law, Lifestyle, Management, Marketing, Personal Development, Real Estate, Self Development, Social Media, Social Media, Technology
Tagged Armani, AT&T, Azimuth, BMW, Breitling, Brioni, business, business casual, car wash, career, Casual Doesn't Mean Homeless, casual Friday, ceo, CIO, class, classy, credibility, designer, dress, Dress For Success, dress shoes, executive, faculty, Fendi, Ferragamo, graduate, group, Gucci, Hatteras, Hugo Boss, interviewing, James Carlini, jeans, meeting, Piaget, pinstripes, plaid, president, Robb Report, Rolex, sandals, sloppy, suits, ties, tweed, well-dressed, wool, worker
Wake up America
Especially the politicians in California, Illinois, and anywhere else where they are considering implementing a high-speed train. High-speed trains are so “last century” and they are not cheap to build or maintain. If they are not used to their maximum capacities and there is only marginal ridership, they are a supreme waste of money and their residual value is just another money-wasting monument built to honor and perpetuate bureaucracy. Continue reading
Posted in Business, Commercial, Education, Finance, Government, Innovative Products, Investment, Law, Lifestyle, Management, Marketing, Real Estate, Technology
Tagged American ingenuity, architecture, broadband, broadband connectivity, bullet train, California, cars, Edison, Elon Musk, engineering, government, highways, Hyperloop, infrastructure, James Carlini, railroad, railroads, solar panels, TESLA, transportation
How can you learn from proven leaders’ wisdom? One quick way is to get an insight to their thought process by reading up on their quotes.
Years ago, a business acquaintance I had met in San Francisco while consulting on a high-tech real estate project for Santa Fe Southern Pacific in Silicon Valley got me started on looking at quotes from different leaders in various industries. Continue reading
Posted in Business, Commercial, Education, Law, Lifestyle, Management, Marketing, Personal Development, Real Estate, Residential, Self Development, Technology
Tagged Alexander Hamilton, applications, Ben Franklin, broadband connectivity, business decisions, ceo, cfo, chairman, college, economic development, emergency, expectations, Forbes, general, George S. Patton, Harold Geneen, Harvard, Henry David Thoreau, IT, James Carlini, Jimmy Olson, leaders, leadership, leading-edge, Malcolm Forbes, management, MBA, mission critical networks, Northwestern University, president, quote, quotes, Rigdon, san francisco, Silicon Valley, Superman, technology, Telephony, trailing-edge, USMC, Wal-Mart, wisdom
Hear that huge shattering sound of multiple stories of glass crashing down to the ground? That is the shattering of decades’ worth of commercial real estate concepts that don’t Continue reading
Posted in Commercial, Education, Investment, Law, Real Estate, Technology
Tagged AIA, Bank, BICSI, BOMA, Broker, CABA, Carlini, CRE, curriculum, Financier, high-tech real estate, IBC, IFMA, IIP, intelligent amenity, intelligent buildings, Intelligent Business Campuses, intelligent infrastructure, IREC, IWCS, James Carlini, marketing, multi-disciplinary, property management, property manager, smart buildings, Smartphones, tenant
Do you hear that? It’s a crumbling sound reverberating across the country.
It’s the great wall of over-bloated government pensions starting to crumble in Detroit. The unions think they will stop the crumbling? I don’t think so. Continue reading
Posted in Business, Commercial, Education, Employment, Finance, Government, Investment, Law, Real Estate, Residential, Technology
Tagged AARP, alderman, bailout, bloat, budget, Chicago, cities, citizens, clout, cloutocracy, corruption, corruptocracy, cutbacks, deficit, democrat, Detroit, dog, ERISA, funding, GOP, government, governor, grants, Illinois, infrastructure, James Carlini, journalism, journalist, liberal, libraries, Mayor, merit, Michigan, New York, pension, pensions, politicians, programs, schools, senior citizen, state, subsidy, tsunami, union, urban, urban decay, urbanism, waste, Yves Marchand
EXCERPT from James Carlini’s upcoming book, Location, Location, Connectivity :
How receptive is your building to all the new connectivity technology exploding onto the market? Have your Smartphone with you? Does it work well in your building? What about your applications running on your enterprise network? Are you getting the speeds you need to compete in the 21st century? Or, are you stuck with 20th century connectivity because no one knows how to upgrade the building’s network infrastructure? Continue reading
Posted in Business, Commercial, Education, Investment, Law, Management, Marketing, Real Estate, Technology
Tagged AIA, appraisal, ASCE, AT&T, BICSI, BOMA, broadband, building, building owner, CABA, cable, cabling, campus, CAT 5, CAT6, cellular, central office, commercial leasing, commercial real estate, connectivity, copper, CRE, DAS, fiber optic, firestop, gigabit, IBC, IFMA, infrastructure, intelligent amenity, intelligent buildings, Intelligent Business Campuses, intelligent infrastructure, James Carlini, lease, life/safety, mission critical, network, network carrier, property management, PSTN, servers, Smartphone, SONET, tenant, ULI, Verizon, WiFi, wire, wiring, workplace
The city of Detroit is faced with a 50/50 chance of bankruptcy and this should not be taken lightly. Many can criticize what led up to this financial catastrophe, but the more important issue is what can everyone learn from it? Continue reading
Posted in Business, Commercial, Education, Employment, Finance, Government, Investment, Law, Management, Marketing, Real Estate, Residential, Technology
Tagged AAA, accountability, airport, alderman, bankrupt, Bankruptcy, bonds, bridges, city, city planning, commerce, county, deficits, Democratic, Detroit, economic development, economic failure, education, educators, finance, firemen, Ford, GM, government, infrastructure, inner city, James Carlini, Mayor, midwest, Motor City, municipal bonds, municipality, pensions, platform for commerce, police, politicians, public sector, region, regional sustainability, Republican, roads, schools, spending, spending cuts, teachers, tourism, unions, welfare, workforce, zoo
By James Carlini
We have all heard about the municipality in California that has paid some of its administrators with six-figure salaries as well as six-figure pensions, but we think that is a very rare occurrence and that our own municipality would never get that bad.
Look closely at your own municipality and its agencies. Are they gouging you on the price of services? Are you paying double compared to the Continue reading
Posted in Business, Commercial, Education, Employment, Government, Health and Wellness, Law, Lifestyle, Management, Real Estate, Residential, Technology
Tagged 9-1-1, 9-1-1 calls, accountability, accountable, ambulance, billing, Blue Cross, city, costs, CPR, critical care, doctor, East Dundee, East Dundee Fire Protection District, emergency services, EMS, EMT, fees, fire chief, fire department, firemen, first aid, gouging, government, hospital, Illinois, insurance, IT services, James Carlini, life support, local government, Medi, Medicaid, medical, medical care, Medicare, municipalities, municipality, oxygen, Paramedic, police, rescue, resident, rip-off, senior citizen, siren, town, township, village
Any civilization in the last 5,000 years can only be understood and measured by what we can read and discover about them. If they did not keep track of their accomplishments and cultures, chances are, we would know very little about them and their achievements.
- If you do not know where you came from, do you really have a good idea of where you are headed?
- How do you build upon the accomplishments of the past or avoid the mistakes of the past if you are unaware of them?
These seem to be good questions to ask people who do not have a good grasp of how this country started and developed throughout the last 200 years. As was pointed out by one museum curator, those in the last generation (the Great generation of World War II) seemed to have more Continue reading
Posted in Art, Business, Cause, Commercial, Education, Employment, Entertainment, Government, Investment, Law, Lifestyle, Management, Marketing, Personal Development, Real Estate, Technology, US Veteran, Veteran
Tagged Americana, art, art galleries, Art Institute, artifacts, auto museums, benefactor, bonds, Cadillac, California, car museum, cbs, Chevy Museum, Chicago, Chrysler, Civil War, collections, Cook County, CPS, curator, deficit, education, firemen, Ford, FOX, funding, fundraising, government, historical, history, Illinois, Illinois Senate, infrastructure, James Carlini, landmark, mansions, money, museum, NEA, New York, pension fund, pensions, policemen, reform, regional economy, regional sustainability, society, taxes, teachers, township, trains, trustees, unions
Systems design has come a long way. Or has it?
Taking various organizational procedures and applications and automating them has been going on for over four decades. Next-generation systems have been selected and implemented more than once or twice in those four decades. Millions, if not billions, have been spent on computers, data centers, developing and training personnel, and software applications.
Initial attempts were focused on getting a software program in place and getting people to adapt to the automated system. A lot has happened since original systems were developed, yet basic design concepts and comprehensive testing to insure quality still seem to be Continue reading
Posted in Business, Commercial, Education, Entertainment, Government, Innovative Products, Law, Management, Marketing, Social Media, Technology
Tagged acceptance testing, AITP, applications, AT&T, automation, blogs, computers, data centers, expert witness, IBM, integration testing, IT, IT applications, IT systems, James Carlini, lawsuits, leadership, litigation, mission critical networks, networks, PMP, programming, project management, project review, projects, RFP, six sigma, SLA, software, software analysis, software design, software development, software team, structured analysis, structured design, structured programming, system testing, systems design, team leader, Testing
Last weekend, Chicago’s Magnificent Mile experienced teen-age flash mobs (organized looting) creating disturbances and mayhem among people there who were trying to enjoy the downtown shopping district.
This has been going on for several years, but the Chicago media has filtered it out of their stories until Continue reading
Posted in Business, Commercial, Education, Government, Law, Social Media, Social Media, Technology
Tagged business, cell tower, cellphone, central office, Chicago, Chicago Police, children, City of Chicago, DAS, data base, DHS, flash mob, FOP, Homeland Security, Huffington Post, James Carlini, John Hancock Center, leadership, LTE, Magnificent Mile, mayhem, mob action, North Michigan Avenue, politically accurate, politically correct, politics, Rahm Emanuel, retail, riots, Smartphones, social media, tourism, twitter, Water Tower Place, WBC, WiFi, wildings, wireless
Area Code 809 Phone Scam
There are a lot of Emails going around on the internet warning people to watch out for any calls that say to return the call to a number inside of the 809 area code. Some have said this is an exaggerated threat, but if you look closely, it isn’t. This kind of scam happens.
This is a real threat and will cost you money and more importantly, time, if you get caught up in it.
The Email being circulated warns of calls coming in to be Continue reading
Posted in Business, Commercial, Education, Law, Management, Real Estate, Residential, Technology
Tagged 800-numbers, 809 area code, AT&T, billing, business, call centers, FCC, internet, James Carlini, marketing, pagers, phone bills, phone company, phones, privacy, scams, Smartphones, snopes, telemarketing, Verizon
“I may not agree with what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it.” Patrick Henry said this just before he said his more famous line, “Give me liberty or give me death.”
It is sometimes misattributed to Voltaire, but the reason I bring it up is because we are experiencing too many curbs to discourse in both the new media of blogs as well as our traditional TV and print media.
The average American wants to hear Continue reading
Posted in Business, Commercial, Education, Law, Social Media, US Veteran
Tagged abc, Benghazi, bias, cbs, Chicago, Chicago Tribune, CNN, CPD, FOX, FOX News, government, James Carlini, journalism, journalists, LA Times, leadership, lies, media, media bias, MSNBC, NBC, NY Times, PC, political accuracy, political correctness, politics, Press, slanted news, TMZ, WGN, WSJ
Internet Sales Tax Roundtable with Howard Kline, Esq.
nternet Sales Tax Roundtable Hosted by Howard Kline, Esq.
NOTE: Howard Kline’s Radio Show is centered around Commercial Real Estate, but do not let that deter you from listening to this provacative and informative show. Howard put together a steller panel for this talk and it is full of great info for every on-line and brick and morter retailer. Thanks Howard – JW
This is a special show in which we will be discussing proposed federal legislation intended to establish a unified system of taxation of Internet sales.Our featured guests include:
- United States Senator Michael Enzi of Wyoming, a co-sponsor of the Senate Bill;
- Betsy Laird, Senior Vice President, Office of Global Public Policy for ICSC;
- David French, Senior Vice President of Government Relations for the National Retail Federation;
- Robert W. Wood, Esq. of Wood, LLP, a tax attorney who has written numerous articles for Forbes and specifically, regarding this issue; and
- Steven DelBianco, Executive Director of NetChoice, a coalition of trade associations, eCommer ce Businesses, and online consumers;
During this conversation, we will be exploring the reasons why these bills have been proposed, why federal the federal government has gotten involved in, what seems to be state taxation issues, who benefits from this legislation and whose interests will be most negatively effected.
The current legislation before congress includes the Main Street Fairness Act and the Marketplace Fairness Act, while the house has introduced the Marketplace Equity Act. All three pieces of legislation propose methods of simplifying the taxation of Internet sales process so that Internet retailers may comply with state taxation requirements while avoiding the significant burden of complying with numerous and differing state requirements.
Proponents assert that the legislation does not impose any new tax but merely simplifies the process of compliance of state Use Tax codes, (We will discuss during the show what the difference is between a Use Tax and a Sales Tax).
Proponents also argue that these bills will allow cash strapped states and cities to generate more revenue from Internet sales, which were unintentionally excluded from older sales tax legislation as constitutionally interpreted by the United State Supreme Court.
Detractors argue, among other things that passage of these bills would effectively impose a new tax on, already overburdened taxpayers.
This show is not an endorsement of the proposed legislation, but is an attempt to air out and fully express both sides of the argument so that our legislators and listeners can make the best-informed decision possible.Let your voice be heard and call in, email or tweet with your comments or questions during the live show or listening to the podcast at:
- Go to; or
- Call (619) 393-6492 and dial “1” to be put in the que; or
- click here
- Leave Twitter Messages and Comments at @creradio
Howard F. Kline, Esq.
Mr. Kline Has been a practicing attorney for over 34 years and a real estate salesperson and broker since 1985. During this time, he has served as General Counsel on four occasions, acted as a principal in his own law firm and has also acted as a partner in a mid-size law firm.
Howard has represented both large and small commercial real property owners and property managers, including but not limited to the RTC, Home Savings & Loan, Wells Fargo Bank Real Estate Trust Services, Mony Real Estate, Principal Life Insurance Co., Rancon Realty and The Santa Margarita Company.
Mr Kline primarily represents commercial landlords and property managers in commercial evictions, rent collections, workouts, foreclosures, commercial real estate bankruptcy related matters and lease negotiations. He also handles large post-judgment collection matters referred by the larger law firms who have obtained judgments on behalf of their clients and which firms do not handle post-judgment collection work.
Internet Radio Host of CRE Radio
Commercial Real Estate Radio is a weekly radio show accessible from the web and telephone. The show focuses exclusively on commercial real estate matters and should be of interest to commercial property owners, property managers, asset managers, tenants and vendors of services to these groups. Listeners can participate by calling the show during live shows which are recorded and available as mp3 files and can be downloaded from iTunes.
Listen to internet radio with Howard Kline on Blog Talk Radio
Posted in Audio Podcast, Business, Education, Finance, Interview, Law
Tagged business, finance, internet sales tax, internet tax, law
Paradigm Shift New Marketing Strategies and Models – Peter Hoppenfeld
Peter Hoppenfeld is the “Go To” Attorney and Advisor to many well known Thought Leaders, Marketers, Speakers, Authors and Entrepreneurs.
Peter Talks About How the Internet and the Economy have shifted the paradigm in marketing strategies and what some of the strategies that work are.
Peter is a no nonsense advisor and you will hear it in this interview. I keep bringing up reasons why things won’t work and Peter keeps correcting me with the wise insight that has made him such a great asset to speakers, thought leaders and marketers around the world.
I met Peter at Rick Frishman’s Author 101 University in Los Angeles, I got a chance to interview him as he was a speaker there. It is a great interview and I thank Peter for his time and widsom. – JW
Peter Hoppenfeld
Attorney to the Best and Brightest
Peter Hoppenfeld is widely recognized as the “go to” attorney and advisor in the representation of direct marketers, speakers, authors, information marketers, “thought leaders,” entrepreneurs and domestic and international training companies and their founders in all aspects of their legal and business affairs.
Peter is a seasoned transactional, commercial attorney with direct marketing, distribution, franchising, licensing, marketing, branding and operational expertise.
On a daily basis, Peter helps authors, speakers, entrepreneurs, business owners and thought leaders create effective marketing, merchandising and expansion strategies. His mission is to rapidly, smartly and strategically grow people’s businesses, reach and revenues. Peter’s been described as “a lawyer who understands marketing and a marketer who happens to be a lawyer”.
A key niche of Peter’s practice is the representation of “thought leaders,” authors, domestic and international training companies, “information marketers” and their founders in all aspects of their legal and business affairs.
His firm seeks to:
- Represent the best and brightest trainers, thought leaders, authors and marketers
- Provide insightful advice on cutting edge marketing strategies
- Participate in the implementation of new paradigms in marketing, social networking, publishing and the sale of information products
- Provide honest, forthright advice and service based upon decades of real world experience to entrepreneurs who often have never “put their house in order”
- Create “marriages” and alliances of like-minded businesses for the greater good — both socially and economically
Counsel and advisor to entrepreneurs and companies in diverse industries with particular emphasis on distribution, direct marketing, licensing and deal making.
Peter has intensive experience in the diverse area of assisting companies bring their products and services to market.
This includes assistance in the creation of marketing, merchandising and expansion strategies with an eye towards the impact of these strategies on trade regulations and commercial realities.
He has had extensive involvement in the seminar/training industry in both legal and executive management roles.
A key niche of Peter’s practice is the representation of domestic and international training companies and their founders in all aspects of their legal and business affairs
Peter also has experience in:
- Structuring and implementation of marketing, advertising, franchise & distribution systems
- Review and analysis of distribution programs
- Drafting of franchise agreements and offering circulars; complex transactions
- Mergers and acquisitions; purchase, sale and leasing of commercial properties
- Commercial and residential real estate sales, purchases and leases;
- Joint ventures; licensing; financing
- Implementation of domestic and international distribution, franchise & licensing programs
- Coordination of due diligence investigations; implementation of compliance programs for clients
- Negotiations with regulators; monitoring industry trends and regulatory climate.
Practice also involves the representation of “cutting edge” marketing companies. Many clients seek guidance in the use of the internet, infomarketing “launches,”joint ventures, infomercials, seminar sales, telemarketing, network or multi-level marketing to bring their products and services to the consumer.
Current client base includes a growing number of motivational speakers, trainers involved in personal development, information marketers, as well as on-line content providers and lead generators.
Rick Frishman’s Author 101
Are you curious about what publishers like Harper Collins, Morgan James, Adams Media, Wiley, Random House, and Simon & Schuster are looking for? What is the best way to get your manuscript read when you’re an unpublished author? Want to know the biggest mistakes to avoid when writing book proposals? You’ll be engaged as these top pros share their expertise, reveal the inner workings of the publishing industry, and discuss various approaches to common marketing and publishing challenges.
Author 101 University Event Website:
Posted in Business, Interview, Law, Lifestyle, Marketing, Video Podcast
Tagged attorney, author 101, book, business, marketing, media, peter hoppenfeld, publicity, publish, radio, rick frishman, social media, television, thought leader