Tag Archives: publish

Ghostwriting Conference in Long Beach

Ghostwriters and writers interested in making a career in ghostwriting have their first ever conference.

banner ghostwriters unite

Ghostwriters Unite! is the world’s pioneering conference for ghostwriters. Held May 3-5 at the Hilton in downtown Long Beach, GU! will bring together some of the best people in the book industry including publishers, literary agents, authors, distributors, eBook specialists, and—of course—ghostwriters.

Ghostwriters Unite! is the first conference of its kind: an international gathering to share ghostwriting experiences and expertise and discuss the future of our profession.

How did this pioneering event get its start?

Ghostwriters Unite! is the mental baby of Claudia Suzanne, the first person to ever deconstruct (Secrets of a Ghostwriter) and teach (Ghostwriting Certificate Program) how ghosts do what we do.

Ghostwriters Unite! was originally envisioned as an afternoon event, a chance for Suzanne’s alumni  to meet and mingle with each other, their former teacher, and other industry experts.

But so many people got excited about the idea of getting together and talking about “professionalizing” our field that it’s grown into a full-blown conference!

We’ll be talking about setting fee standards and ethical boundaries and bylines and problem clients and working with agencies and publishing options and lots more.

If you’re a ghostwriter or are even thinking of getting started in this lucrative, recession-proof field, this is the one event you won’t want to miss!

The conference takes place May 3, 4, and 5, 2013 at the Hilton Long Beach & Executive Meeting Center, 701 West Ocean Blvd, Long Beach, CA 90831.

We’ll start with a Friday night mixer, then a full day of panels on finding clients, setting fees, handling the trust issue, maintaining voice, and other ghostwriter-specific topics. We’ll take a break at lunch with a keynote speaker and enjoy a limited-space banquet dinner with a special-guest author. We’ll finish the conference Sunday morning with an extended-panel discussion about the state of the book industry.

Get more information:

Ghostwriters Unite http://ghostwritersunite.com/

Come join me at this conference. Yes I will be there helping out Claudine and meeting all the wonderful authors and other industry leaders.

I can not stress enough how this conference may be one of the most important in the industry for those that want to make a living writing. – JW

Related Posts:

Claudia Suzanne Author and Professional Ghost Writer on Promoting and Marketing Your Book.

Claudia Suzanne Ghostwriting

Claudia Suzanne famed Ghost Writer, with Over 120 Titles, and Teacher at CSULB in Ghost Writing, Talks to OPM about Publishing, Promoting and Marketing Your Book

audio interview With Claudia Suzanne on Promoting and Marketing your book

Claudia Suzanne Bio

The Business of Books – Claudia Suzanne

Ghost writer Certificate Training through California State University Long Beach (CSLUB)

Ghostwriting Certificate Online Course Now Offered at Univ of Calif at Long Beach CSULB

graphic ghostwriting certificate

Ghostwriting Comes to CSULB

CSLUB in collaboration with Claudia Suzanne, is offering a Unique Program which  Prepares Writers for a Lucrative In-Demand Career as a writer.

California State University, Long Beach College of Continuing and Professional Education (CCPE/CSULB) is now offering “Ghostwriting Certificate Program” (GCP), the world’s only ghostwriter training program. Your teacher is Claudia Suzanne who is one of the most successful ghostwriters of our time.

Continue reading

Mary Agnes Antonopoulos Secrets to Social Media Success Using Video

mary agnes antonopoulos

Mary Agnes Antonopoulos Discusses How Using Video for Your Social Media and Web Promotions and Marketing Will Give You a Powerful Advantage in Many Different and Important Ways.

Jack Canfield used Mary Agnes Antonopoulos to go from 20K Likes to over 156K Likes on his Facebook Fan Page. Up till now Mary Agnes was like the best kept secret in the industry amongst people in the Social Media. She is a Social Media Powerhouse. Continue reading

Starley Murray How to Write Your POV for OPM Contest

starley murray 01

Starley Murray Image and Branding Strategist Goes Into Detail on How To Write Your Backstory or Point of View for OPM Author / Book Contest

Do you want to enter the competition and don’t know how to answer to contest questions? Starley goes into great detail to help you put together a winning entry.

On Purpose Magazine is known for helping authors promote themselves and since we love authors we want to do more.

In the audio above famed image and branding strategist Starley Murray discusses with JW Najarian the tips, tricks and secrets of writing your Point of View (POV) or what is also referred to as the Backstory in your efforts toward winning the OPM Author / Book Competition and using it in your marketing and promotion yourself and your books.

Does Your Image Detract from Your Message? by Top Image Expert Starley MurrayStarley Murray

I choose Celebrity Image Expert Starley Murray to help us build our backstory or Point of View (POV) because Starley has been on TV every single month for the past ten years with nearly 3000 appearances overall.

Specializing in brand development, media training and publicity image she has been in demand with celebrities, Fortune 500 companies, industry experts, and TV stations for the last 20 years. Starley has generated more than $1 Million in sales directly from her TV appearances and media productions.

jw and starley 01She’s called upon by stars from Inside Edition and the E! Channel and many celebrities like Brooke Burke, Tommy Lee Jones, Marie Osmond, and Eva Longoria. Starley’s plugged in to internationally recognized media events like the Academy Awards and has interviewed hundreds of celebrities on the red carpet and leverages her appearances to support Cancer Survivors and Domestic Violence Prevention.

She is proud to be regularly requested for coaching behind the scenes at the American Idol try outs and all while on live television as a media correspondent for a FOX TV news show!

Writing Your Backstory or Point of View for the OPM Contest

The On Purpose Magazine (OPM) Author Book Competition is not based on your book, but rather on your story around the book. OPM wants to help authors promote their books and believe the first thing you need to have is a great package put together to help promote, market and sell you and your book.

OPM has put a contest together to find the most original, compelling and great backstory or author point of view which will be the basis of all your promotional and marketing efforts going forward.

Here are the questions you will be asked to answer for the competition and an explanation of how to answer them to help you build a winning entry.

Even if you do not enter the competition and you should… just check out the prizes; you will end up building a very strong foundation for the rest of your marketing and promotional campaigns going forward so have fun and get creative!

The following is an outline of the lesson on the audio. Use both guide you or not. There is no right way to answer these questions. I am sure many of you will answer from the heart and just blow us away and some of you will step out of the box, the box is in.

OPM Author / Book contest questions

Who Is The Author?

Give Us Your Story, Background, History or something interesting that might tie you to the book.

  1. Share your experiences about your back ground history (often called your back story) to give the reader a way to connect with you.
  2. Concentrate your story on an inspiring and/or exciting experience from your life.
  3. Don’t discount the power of others relating to you if the experience is common and not action packed. Common threads are strong connections.
  4. Develop your backstory and share your emotions to connect to your reader.
  5. Have a short one minute back story as well as a longer version such as a five minute presentation. Likely you will get the most mileage from your short sound bites for media related experiences and the longer versions when you have the opportunity to more deeply connect with your readers/audience.

 What Is This Book About?

What is the theme? Give us a short Description of the Book and the Story.

  1. Your theme or genre to your book is also a form of branding. You may have more than one applicable theme. If so, prioritize your themes and lead with the strongest.
  2. Develop your description of the book in ways to invoke the reader’s senses such as sight, sound, taste or touch. In video and television interviews, strong visuals are strong forms of publicity.
  3. Keep your description short in length of words and impactful in meaning of your words. In the media, the less you say …the more they will listen. It’s how you say it that can be most impactful.
  4. Be purposeful as to the order of words and sentences in your descriptions. The first impression rule still applies and you can set the tone and support the mood of the reader from beginning to end.

 Why Did You Write This Book?

What compelled you to write this book? Why you and not someone else?

  1. Combine your unique back story with your special interests and skills when sharing the reasons why you wrote your book. Having a unique fusion of inspiration with special skills makes your brand more difficult to copy by others competing for publicity.
  2. Differentiate your writing styles and share why your take on your top is unique.
  3. Reveal something about yourself that is specific only to you as an author or person.
  4. Share your reasons to write this book that may be different from what inspires other authors or readers of your topic.

 Why should someone read this book?

Why should someone read this book and who should read this book? Who will this book entertain, inspire, educate, and help?

  1. List all the reasons your book can help other people and make a difference.
  2. Categorize the reasons that can help readers immediately in their lives, and the ones that can help them long term as well as those reasons that just might make them smile or feel like they are a part of something special that is bigger than them as one person.
  3. Then pick the top three reasons from each of these three areas to support your reason why someone should read your book to answer the questions readers often ask themselves pharmacy no prescription subconsciously. (What’s in it for me)
  4. Determine who your target market is and adjust your language and pinpoint your promotional campaign to reach the groups that have the highest interest in your book.

The Contest

Over 3 Million books come out every year and only a handful of them make any money or get any recognition. In fact 50% of all new books make less than $250 on average in their first year!

This is a startling and amazingly sad fact and it is not because the books are not worthy, solid, or wonderful, but because the marketing efforts behind the books are almost non existent or worse, a lot of money is spent in the wrong direction.

I have interviewed many bestselling and not best selling authors and I always get the same feedback. Marketing and promotions is the hardest part of writing a book.

What is one of the best ways to market and promote? Simple, let people get to know you. Exposure is not enough. You need the right type of exposure. This helps you build credibility and puts you on course to build a community which is one of the best ways to create buzz and sell more books.

button checkout contest

On Purpose Magazine Wants To Help Authors Promote Their Books

On Purpose Magazine is doing something different and very special for the new and not so new author to help them get more of the right type of exposure.

We will not be reading your book! What?? How can you have a Author / Book Competition / Contest without reading the book? Again Simple…

If you write a great book, give it a fantastic title and put a great picture on the front… guess how many people will beat a path to your door to get this book? Generally no one. First people need to know that it is available, but more importantly people need a reason to pick it up to read.

What is the best way to promote my book?

Through my many interviews and working with authors and publicists and public relations executives I have learned that what an author needs beyond a great book, is a well defined, compelling, interesting or relate-able story.

The Author needs to get exposure from many different sources.

  • Radio (Internet, Satellite and Terrestrial)
  • Television (Internet, Local and National)
  • Newspaper
  • Magazines
  • Industry Publications
  • Other Publications
  • Associations
  • Groups
  • Word of Mouth
  • and Many Others

But are you ready for your close up? Do you know what you are going to say or how your going to say it?

Many of the 3 million authors will never get their work exposed and many others will get some type of exposure, but waste it by not knowing what to say and how to present themselves.

What an author needs is a package that is put together and tested. Starting with a headshot, bio and compelling book description. It will also be nice to have a professional interview with a professional publication, completed and on your resume.

This is what this contest will give the author. On Purpose Magazine’s contest is all about what we call the author’s Point of View (POV). The POV is the author’s backstory, reason for writing the book and reason why the reader absolutely needs to have this book or get it for a friend..

OPM’s contest will choose a winner based on the best POV submitted. The winner will receive one of our Gold Premium Promotional Package including a full page story with a full 30 minute professional interview that will be featured in OPM and shared out to thousands and thousands of readers, industry people and is, of course, yours to distribute as you see fit all your promotional needs. There will also be other bonuses from our industry sponsors.

button OPM Promotional Packages

So by the time you are done you will have:

  • A Headshot (you supply the headshot, but you have to have one for the interview and you can take it with your cell phone, but don’t screw yourself. Take a decent one.)
  • A Bio (You must supply this also, but if you complete the contest, believe me you will have a great one.)
  • A Point of View (The basis for all your marketing, promotion, interviews and more)
  • A professional interview published on a recognized web magazine.
  • One great resume entry

For new authors this will be you breaking the ice and getting more and more interviews or speaking engagements. For some of you seasoned authors this will be a chance for you to get more and better exposure and to dust off your old POV and create another, or it may be your chance to get noticed in the new social media.

button checkout contestGive yourself a Chance to be Recognized

On Purpose Magazine is well known and respected by publicists and public relations firms that use the new media to help promote their authors.

On Purpose Magazine is becoming well known around the celebrity community as a place where the celeb can speak and promote their cause.

On Purpose Magazine gets great Google, Alexa and SEO rankings form all the major search engines so we already have the built in traffic and tools to help new and seasoned authors promote their work.

Your interview with be shown and featured alongside well known, bestselling authors, Hollywood Celebrities, Business Leaders and Teachers and more.

If you do not want to try and win a spot in the magazine there are a limited amount of spots available at a reasonable rate. OPM wants to make it affordable for authors to get themselves interviewed professionally, but since OPM does everything the old fashioned way… from scatch, OPM cannot do more than a few of these interviews. We will be offering them on a first come, first served basis.

Submit your Point of View today…. We have put together a course in how to put together a great POV which was taken from a $1500 course, but will be made available to our entrants at no charge…. This is worth the price of admission alone.

All entrants will get mentioned in the magazine with a coveted link to their book and site. This is worth the entry fee also….

button checkout contest


This is our first contest so there will be glitches and screw ups. Try and follow the directions as best as possible and if you still have problems drop me a line with your phone number so we can help you through it.

EMail Me

We expect issues, but will work hard to make sure they are as painless as possible… Thanks…

Literary Agent Bruce Barbour on Submitting Your Book to Publish

Long Time Literary Agent Bruce Barbour Talks About How To Submit Your Book or Story

Literary veteran Bruce Barbour talks to OPM about how to submit your book to him.

I met Bruce at the incredible Author 101 Event in Los Angeles. This interview is well overdue since I recorded in in 2011, but the information has not changed.

Bruce is a veteran literary agent and he tells it like it is, about getting your book to him. What he wants to see, how he wants to see it and many more tips and suggestions to make sure you get your stuff read and taken seriously. JW

Bruce Barbour Literary AgentBruce Barbour

Excellence in Literary Management

Bruce R Barbour has been active in book publishing for thirty years.

Known to friends and colleagues as “BRB”, Bruce is the fourth generation of a publishing family that has served authors and publishers for nearly 140 years.

In 1870, his great-grand uncles, Fleming H. Revell and Dwight Moody, started publishing Christian books. Following in the footsteps of his great-grand uncles, grandfather, and father, Bruce joined the Fleming H. Revell Company in 1975 after graduating with honors from Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA.

He has held executive positions at several publishing houses including Fleming H Revell Company (family owned-business sold in 1979), Barbour and Company (co-founded and Exec VP in 1983-1986), Thomas Nelson (VP, Publisher, 1986-1993), and Random House (VP, Publisher 1994-1996).

In 1997, Bruce founded Literary Management Group, Inc., a full service literary agency and publishing consulting firm that has represented best-selling authors and properties including Zig Ziglar, Sandra Felton and The Beginner’s Bible and consulted with publishing houses including Thomas Nelson, Zondervan, Gospel Light, Pneuma Life, Legacy, New Hope, White Stone Books and others.

Literary Management Group

Literary Management Group is committed to providing excellent support and counsel to authors and publishers of a variety of resources (print, multi-media, and electronic).

We represent adult fiction and non-fiction and recommend that authors of children’s, gift, poetry, illustrated and academic books seek out literary firms which specialize in these genres. A great source for seeking out agencies is at www.michaelhyatt.com.

Although we specialize in the area of Christian publishing from an Evangelical perspective, we have editorial contacts and experience in general interest books as well.

Services include:

Literary Representation

  • Preparation of proposals based on a proven template that presents features, advantages and benefits so editors can review and quickly determine if book concept fits their editorial strategy and publishing needs.
  • Development of publisher submission strategy that identifies the list of publishers and editors most likely to be interested in reviewing and publishing the book.
  • Negotiation of optimum terms in publishing contract; terms that are fair for author, and reasonable for publisher, so everyone wins when the book is successfully published.
  • Project management and facilitation with publisher to ensure author’s experience, from editorial through marketing and publication, is smooth and understandable.
  • Review of publisher’s royalty reporting so author is clear on what the statements mean and confident in their accuracy.

Publishing Consultant and Executive Coach

  • Needs Assessment of all phases of publishing process including: strategic planning; budgeting; acquisition; editorial; design; production; sales and marketing; fulfillment; customer service; and, financial systems
  • Management mentoring and training.
  • Turn-arounds
  • Acquisitions and Sales of Assets
  • Strategic Planning facilitation


  • Development of content from manuscript through delivery of bound books to customer including edit, design, production, and fulfillment
  • Sales and Marketing guidance and counsel

For Editorial Guidelines and Proposal Templates, please visit: http://literarymanagementgroup.com


Rick Frishman’s Author 101

Are you curious about what publishers like Harper Collins, Morgan James, Adams Media, Wiley, Random House, and Simon & Schuster are looking for? What is the best way to get your manuscript read when you’re an unpublished author? Want to know the biggest mistakes to avoid when writing book proposals? You’ll be engaged as these top pros share their expertise, reveal the inner workings of the publishing industry, and discuss various approaches to common marketing and publishing challenges.

Author 101 University Event Website: www.author101university.com

Michael Luckman on Overpowering Fear

Michael Luckman Overpowering FearMichael Luckman, a 40+ Year Veteran of Sales Teaches Us How to Overcome Fear in Selling, but More Importantly in Life.

Michael Luckman is a man that has faced the fear of public speaking, cold calling and fear of failure and has come out the other side grateful, successful and happy.  Michael teaches us how to overpower fear so that we can live the fullest lives we were meant to live.

I have the honor to the first person to interview Michael Luckman for his new book “Overpowering Fear: Defeating the #1 Challenge in Sales and Life“.

I was introduced to this wonderful author by Nance Rosen, Top Job Coach and author of “Speak Up and Succeed“, so let me say a big thank you to Nance because Michael is just what the universe ordered.

Fear is the Number One reason for failure that gains you nothing. Another words, it is fine to fail and even expected that you might fail, if you take a risk and learn a lesson.

If you fail, however, because fear stopped you from trying then it does not take a rocket scientist to tell you that unless you learn to overpower that fear, you will never succeed and thus you will never reach your God given potential.

I have suffered from a few phobias including massive stage fright, but I was a musician and played clubs like The Whiskey and House of Blues. I interview famous celebrities and world renowned scholars and believe me I used to get so fearful that I would get nauseous. I still have problems, but not anywhere close to what I did before.

Michael Luckman knows what he is talking about and he shares what fear and ego is and how you can learn to overpower these feelings that keep you from living the life you were meant to live. Where Mr. Luckman can not help you elliviate your fears, he gives what he calls workarounds.

These are techniques I have used and swear by. If you believe your fears are holding you back, then you need to listen to this interview and pick up this book. – JW

Michael Luckman

With forty plus years as a salesperson, marketing pioneer, entrepreneur and sales trainer, Michael Luckman is today, a successful and dynamic speaker, trainer and coach. In Overpowering Fear he opens up his life and the lessons learned to help his readers uncover their own fear blocks and overpower them, in order to enjoy lives filled with confidence, success and abundance.

Overpowering Fear is Michael’s real world journey through a career filled with amazing achievements – including the launch of the first electronic toy and inventions like the cartridge video game system, the electronic keyboard and the see-through advertising product seen on vehicle wraps.

book Michael Luckman Overcoming FearMichael also “gets real” about the personal defeats that came when fear,
uncertainty and doubt clouded even one of the brightest minds in business.
In working with and training thousands of salespeople, Michael came to the conclusion that those who reach the top in sales are those who have learned to overpower their fears and do whatever is necessary to gain the business. While those we would consider average salespeople succumb to their fears and will do only those things that fall within their comfort zones.

Unlike psychologists and other scientists who approach the topic of fear from an arm’s length or academic perspective, Michael peels back the cover on his own life. With astonishing honesty and impressive insight, he exposes painful, emotional events that began in childhood and continued to dog him as he rose in the business world.

Told with humor as well as deep personal truth, Michael’s life story and his “Luckman’s Laws” help readers take an equally brave and fruitful look at their own journeys. They will be delighted to find ten exercises at the end of the book that Michael created to help them find the causes and cures for their own fears.

Readers will also learn how to identify goals they want to see materialize in their lives, understand what dreams they have been afraid to realize and be able
to create a road map to a fantastic future.

This is a hugely important book because it alone examines the earliest origins of fear, a complex and defeating emotion, from a very personal and relatable perspective. Fear is present in every occupation and in every stage of life, so much so that it is a virtual epidemic affecting almost everyone at any time.

At his website, Michael-Luckman.com, this author provides a wealth of support as well as the opportunity to join him in seminars, workshops and coaching sessions.

For interviews, requests for speaking, media commentary and other story or show ideas, Michael may also be reached directly at (408) 404-6762 Ext. 2


Barbara Wilder Clearing Money Negativity

Barbara Wilder Money is LoveBarbara Wilder – Money is Love

Barbara Wilder talks to us about how the negativity around money can stand in the way of your success, and how you can clear the negativity of your mindset and your money.

I am a huge believer in mindset as what you think translates into what you do and thus whether or not you are successful or have the capacity to be.

I believe our reactive thoughts about money are centered around the negative so when you think about the success you want monetarily, you also bring up all your negative beliefs around money and thus are doomed from that point on to fail.

It works like this; you say you want to make 5 Million Dollars in the next 2 years. The success gurus say you have to vision it and write it down, as what you focus on expands. OK, problem is that whenever you think about money your lizard brain automajically starts spewing all it’s beliefs around money, like rich people are greedy and money is the root of all evil and I must vow to be a poor marter if I want to get into heaven etc. etc.

These thoughts will never allow you to focus positively on gaining the abundance you so surely strive for.

Barbara takes it one step further and believes that money itself actually holds the energy of everyone who has touched it and therefore the money itself holds so much negative energy that fixing your mindset is just not enough.

A fascinating interview. – JW

Barbara Wilder Money is LoveBarbara Wilder

Barbara is an internationally acclaimed author, speaker, teacher, and healer.

She is the Founder and Director of The Transformational Light Center. In her groundbreaking book, Money Is Love, she showed us how to reconnect money to the sacred feminine and transform it into an agent for both personal and global prosperity.

Her second book, Embracing Your Power Woman, is a radical program that gives women in the second half of life the skills to recognize, embrace, and embody their innate feminine power.

Barbara has been a guest on network television and on numerous radio talk shows. Her popular workshops inspire participants internationally. She is a dynamic keynote speaker, speaking locally, nationally and internationally, including Deepak Chopra’s Alliance for a New Humanity in Pureto Rico, and The Universal Peace Federation’s International Peace Conference in Seoul, Korea.

She has been a member of the faculty of Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, New York, and Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado. Originally an actor, production executive, and screenwriter, she recently wrote a play based on her book Embracing Your Power Woman called POWER WOMAN MAGIC which she wrote, produced, directed and performed in in its initial productions.

As a healer, Barbara works with individuals in person, by phone, and Skype, to help them strip away the veils to reveal the light within themselves. Barbara studied for eleven years under the tutelage of Russell Schofield, founder of The School of Actualism, a mystery school based the Hermetic Principles, the writings of Alice Bailey, Rudolf Steiner, and the ancient practice of Agni Yoga, also known as fire-breathing yoga. She graduated with the highest level of initiation in light-energy healing and transformational growth techniques. In addition to her many achievements, Barbara is an ordained minister and renowned spiritual teacher.

She is also the director and founder of The Power Woman Magic Project, a non-profit organization that exists to produce and promote the play, POWER WOMAN MAGIC and the workshops connected to it. This project was created to help women in the second half of life embrace and step into their power to help shift world focus from domination to co-creation.

Currently Barbara lives in Los Angeles where she maintains her intuitive counseling and light-energy healing practice at the Transformational Light Center, writes, gives workshops, and travels wherever she is called to speak and teach about how we can create a more light-filled and balanced world of peace, goodwill, and abundance for all.

Barbara Wilder Money is LoveBarbara’s Book “Money is Love”

War, Poverty, hunger and crime are caused by the fear that surrounds money and its scarcity.

Money is energy, and energy is limitless. Only our fear and our limited way of thinking make money seem scarce.

Using the tools and the exercises in Chapter Three, you can reconnect with the sacred origins of money, and direct the flow of money through your life and the world on a current of love, joy, goodwill and abundance.

Money is energy, and according to quantum physics the universe is made up of energy, which becomes matter only when information is focused on it. Wood is wood and not iron because of the information that forms the two different kinds of matter. Too many of us labor under the belief that money is “a necessary evil,” which is, more often than not, difficult to obtain.

By changing our feelings about money from fear, anger, greed and scarcity, to love, joy, abundance and goodwill, we can change the way money moves through our lives and the lives of others all over the world. “MONEY IS LOVE” teaches that as we begin to remove the negative thoughts and feelings that surround money and redefine money as love, we bring the power of love into all of our monetary transactions.

This in turn opens our hearts to allow money to flow abundantly into our lives, creating a place of peace and joy. From this place of harmony we can then send money back out into the world on a flow of love and gratitude. Money healed can begin to heal all that it touches.

And because money flows like blood through the planet, diseased it causes disease, but infused with love, money can become rejuvenating. This work stands out from other transformational money theories, because it deals with not only healing our personal relationship with money, but with healing the money itself, returning it to its sacred roots and then using this money infused with love as an agent for healing “Money is the blood of the planet. Heal the money and we can heal the world.” Page 82.

CONTACT Barbara Wilder:


Claudia Suzanne Professional Ghost Writer on Learning How to Find one or Be One

Claudia Suzanne GhostwritingClaudia Suzanne has Written Several Books and Has Written Over 85 Titles as a Ghost Writer.

Ghostwriting expert Claudia Suzanne is one of the leading book industry authorities with close to ten dozen “invisible” credits in myriad nonfiction topics, fiction genres, and academic fields.

Ms. Suzanne is the only ghost to ever deconstruct exactly how ghostwriters do what they do. Her latest title, Secrets of a Ghostwriter, is the “seminal text” on the subject–in fact, the only known ghostwriting textbook in existence.

I get the pleasure of interviewing many authors and many have asked me about ghost writing so I was so excited to get Claudia Suzanne, A very prolific ghost writer and the author of “This Business of Books, 4th Edition”,  which is considered a “standard of the industry” by college professors and librarians across the English and Chinese-speaking world.

Claudia explains to us how to find a ghost writer or how to become one. She tells us about what it takes and how to go about it.

She also teaches writers how the secrets of ghostwriting can help the writer do a better job. – JW

Claudia Suzanne

Ms. Suzanne is a recurring guest lecturer at California State University, Fullerton (CSUF), where she was also a consultant and Advisory Committee member on the 2005-2006 and 2006-2007 editions of the award-winning historical journal The Welebaethan, respectively.

In recognition of her literary achievements and amassed knowledge from ghosting/editing so many successful books, Claudia was awarded a Bachelors degree (2004) and a Masters degree (2006) from Suffield University.

Claudia helped found Professional Writers of Orange County (PWOC) and served two terms as president of Independent Writers of Southern California (IWOSC), OC Chapter. She currently sits on the board of directors of PEN USA, OC Chapter and the advisory boards of CSUF Extension Education, Mothers Against Sexual Abuse (MASA), and BASTIS Foundation. She is a member of Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA, formerly Publishers Marketing Association) and Small Press, Artists and Writers Network (SPAWN).

This Business of Books - Claudia SuzanneClaudia’s Book “This Business of Books”.

The most complete single-volume book-industry reference is now available in an updated 4th edition.

This Business of Books is an indispensable tool for aspiring authors, teachers and industry professionals. Frank, reality-based and reader-friendly, it explains what every author needs to know about:

  • Concept, Writing, Editing, Submissions, Publishing, Distribution, Marketing, Promotion & Sales
  • Editorial-service providers
  • Publishing contracts
  • The 5-step process for creating a book
  • When a plot isn’t a plot
  • Pros & cons of subsidy & self-publishing
  • Editing do’s & don’ts

… and much more. It’s a wealth of knowledge at your fingertips!

“This book should be in every creative writing class in the country!” (Laurie Thomas, Creative Writing Instructor, Saddleback College)

Used in colleges throughout the USA

Selected for translation by China Renmin University Press

Also includes: a glossary of industry “buzz” words and terminology, valuable links and resources and a complete index.

Ghostwriter Certification Training

Become a Certified Ghostwriter

Ghostwriting is recession proof and lucrative if you have the specific skills, theory, and freelancer politics of how to do the job, how to get the job, and how to get referrals from the job under your hands.

Ghostwriter Certification Training is a full semester of  intense, extremely hands-on work and serious fun. It  will affect the way you read and write for the rest of your life.

It’s the only course of its kind, based on the only textbook ever written on the subject.

The class breaks down every step of the ghostwriting process into easily digested pieces.

You learn exactly what to do with any concept, manuscript, and client you encounter. It will give you the confidence to charge the fees you deserve, the skill to fulfill your contracts, and the insight to become a master in the field.

“The best, most affordable and most efficient training around is provided by ghostwriter, gifted teacher, and author in her own right Claudia Suzanne.” – Jane Genova, journalist, attorney, blogger

You will need:

  • Microsoft Word 98 or later; 2003 or later preferred
  • A phone line, preferably hands free, that will stay connected for 3-hour sessions
  • 6 to 8 hours or more per week for homework; this is an intense course of study, meant to prepare you to increase your income immediately upon completion
  • Required Textbooks (see below)

Includes MS Word for Writers demonstration session
Returning students: always 1/2 off tuition and books.

CONTACT Claudia Suzanne:


Social Media and Marketing for Professional Speakers and Authors with Tom Antion

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDQg1qNncIo&w=480&h=335]Bookmark and Share
Tom Antion on Social Media Marketing for Authors
Tom has been teaching marketing on the web for many years and he came out to Los Angeles to speak to authors at Rick Frishman’s Author 101 course

While at Rick Frishman’s Author 101 University in Los Angeles, I got a chance to interview Tom Antion. Tom has been teaching people how to be great speakers for many years and has used the web to market himself and his materials.

Tom is sharing his success with entrepreneurs, businessmen, authors, speakers and others that need to know the pratcial steps to marketing yourself on the web. – JW

tom antionTom Antion

Professional Entertainer and Speaker Since 1988 — Over 2700 paid presentations

Featured in The Washington Post (four times), The Washington Times, Associated Press, Woman’s World Magazine, Insight Magazine, Roll Call (magazine of US Congress) along with many other regional newspapers and periodicals.

Featured on the Canadian Broadcast Network, Australian Broadcast Network, Tokyo Today Show, MSNBC plus many other radio and television stations nationwide.

Tom was the chief spokesperson for CBS Switchboard.com, one of the most heavily visited websites in the world, in their small business outreach program Main Streets Online.

Major Speaking Clients include:

Chicken Soup for the Soul MEGA Seminar Series, Freedom Builders National Tour, Maximizing Success Summit, Kodak, Hallmark Cards, Wharton Business School Club, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Choice Hotels International, John Wanamaker Department Stores, Booz-Allen Hamilton, Tourism Authority of Thailand, Connected International Meeting Professionals, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, Washington Association financial Management Roundtable, National Association of Professional Saleswomen, North American Retail Dealers Association, Geico Insurance, Mt. Vernon Printing, Home of the Brave Foundation, International Operators Council, National Electronic Service Dealers Association, National Association of Service Dealers, Horizon Health Care Management, ADVO, and many others.


Chosen out of 70 candidates to represent the Washington, DC area at the National Speakers Association 1994 Annual Convention. Asked to speak at 1995 National Convention in Minneapolis, MN and the 1998 Winter Workshop in Norfolk, VA. 2000 Winter Workshop, Burbank CA, , 2001 Winter Workshops Chicago, San Francisco, Mega Monday Featured Presenter NSA National Convention 2002, Keynote, National Speakers Association Australia, Sydney, 2003, Keynote European Speakers Association, London 2004, Keynote at the Global Speakers Summit, Singapore, 2005, Keynote Maylaysian Speakers Association, Kuala Lumpur 2005, PLUS over 70 NSA chapter events around the country and in Canada.

Chosen as the featured presenter at the Meeting Professional International Retreat Ottawa, Canada, and their All-California Conference.

2000 Toastmasters District 31 Communication & Leadership Award for (Given to Non-Toastmasters showing exceptional skills)


The Ultimate Guide to Electronic Marketing for Small Business, John Wiley & Sons To read about it click here

Wake ’em Up Video Professional Speaking System “To read about it click here”
Make ’em Laugh: How to Use Humor in Business Presentations–a 4 1/2 hour audio tape program

Wake ’em Up Business Presentations “To read about it click here”
Numerous Published articles on humor in business and public speaking.

Click: The Ultimate Guide to Electronic Marketing for Speakers To read about it click here

Electronic Marketing Multi-Media Butt Camp on CD “To read about it click here”

ButtCamp Audio CDs To read about the CDs click here

Tom Antion and Associates Communication Company

Tom’s company provides entertaining and informative keynote speeches and educational seminars. From advanced public speaking and presentation skills training to high end Internet marketing training for small business.



Rick Frishman’s Author 101

Are you curious about what publishers like Harper Collins, Morgan James, Adams Media, Wiley, Random House, and Simon & Schuster are looking for? What is the best way to get your manuscript read when you’re an unpublished author? Want to know the biggest mistakes to avoid when writing book proposals? You’ll be engaged as these top pros share their expertise, reveal the inner workings of the publishing industry, and discuss various approaches to common marketing and publishing challenges.

Author 101 University Event Website: www.author101university.com

Paradigm Shift New Marketing Strategies and Models – Peter Hoppenfeld

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cqMhr-FNUE&h=335]Bookmark and Share
Peter Hoppenfeld is the “Go To” Attorney and Advisor to many well known Thought Leaders, Marketers, Speakers, Authors and Entrepreneurs.

Peter Talks About How the Internet and the Economy have shifted the paradigm in marketing strategies and what some of the strategies that work are.

Peter is a no nonsense advisor and you will hear it in this interview. I keep bringing up reasons why things won’t work and Peter keeps correcting me with the wise insight that has made him such a great asset to speakers, thought leaders and marketers around the world.

I met Peter at Rick Frishman’s Author 101 University in Los Angeles, I got a chance to interview him as he was a speaker there. It is a great interview and I thank Peter for his time and widsom. – JW

Peter Hoppenfeld

Attorney to the Best and Brightest

Peter Hoppenfeld is widely recognized as the “go to” attorney and advisor in the representation of direct marketers, speakers, authors, information marketers, “thought leaders,” entrepreneurs and domestic and international training companies and their founders in all aspects of their legal and business affairs.

Peter is a seasoned transactional, commercial attorney with direct marketing, distribution, franchising, licensing, marketing, branding and operational expertise.

On a daily basis, Peter helps authors, speakers, entrepreneurs, business owners and thought leaders create effective marketing, merchandising and expansion strategies. His mission is to rapidly, smartly and strategically grow people’s businesses, reach and revenues. Peter’s been described as “a lawyer who understands marketing and a marketer who happens to be a lawyer”.

A key niche of Peter’s practice is the representation of “thought leaders,” authors, domestic and international training companies, “information marketers” and their founders in all aspects of their legal and business affairs.

His firm seeks to:

  • Represent the best and brightest trainers, thought leaders, authors and marketers
  • Provide insightful advice on cutting edge marketing strategies
  • Participate in the implementation of new paradigms in marketing, social networking, publishing and the sale of information products
  • Provide honest, forthright advice and service based upon decades of real world experience to entrepreneurs who often have never “put their house in order”
  • Create “marriages” and alliances of like-minded businesses for the greater good — both socially and economically
Counsel and advisor to entrepreneurs and companies in diverse industries with particular emphasis on distribution, direct marketing, licensing and deal making.
Peter has intensive experience in the diverse area of assisting companies bring their products and services to market.
This includes assistance in the creation of marketing, merchandising and expansion strategies with an eye towards the impact of these strategies on trade regulations and commercial realities.
He has had extensive involvement in the seminar/training industry in both legal and executive management roles.
A key niche of Peter’s practice is the representation of domestic and international training companies and their founders in all aspects of their legal and business affairs

Peter also has experience in:

  • Structuring and implementation of marketing, advertising, franchise & distribution systems
  • Review and analysis of distribution programs
  • Drafting of franchise agreements and offering circulars; complex transactions
  • Mergers and acquisitions; purchase, sale and leasing of commercial properties
  • Commercial and residential real estate sales, purchases and leases;
  • Joint ventures; licensing; financing
  • Implementation of domestic and international distribution, franchise & licensing programs
  • Coordination of due diligence investigations; implementation of compliance programs for clients
  • Negotiations with regulators; monitoring industry trends and regulatory climate.


Practice also involves the representation of “cutting edge” marketing companies. Many clients seek guidance in the use of the internet, infomarketing “launches,”joint ventures, infomercials, seminar sales, telemarketing, network or multi-level marketing to bring their products and services to the consumer.

Current client base includes a growing number of motivational speakers, trainers involved in personal development, information marketers, as well as on-line content providers and lead generators.

Email: phoppenfeld@gmail.com


Rick Frishman’s Author 101

Are you curious about what publishers like Harper Collins, Morgan James, Adams Media, Wiley, Random House, and Simon & Schuster are looking for? What is the best way to get your manuscript read when you’re an unpublished author? Want to know the biggest mistakes to avoid when writing book proposals? You’ll be engaged as these top pros share their expertise, reveal the inner workings of the publishing industry, and discuss various approaches to common marketing and publishing challenges.

Author 101 University Event Website: www.author101university.com

David Hahn on Marketing and Publicity Strategies for Authors and Books

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-Go5yG8mGo&w=480&h=335]Bookmark and Share
David Hahn of Media Connect Talks About Marketing and Publicity Strategies for Authors and Books

While at Rick Frishman’s Author 101 University in Los Angeles, I got a chance to interview David Hahn Managing Director for Planned Television Arts. David talked to me about old and new strategies they use to publicize and market books.

With the advent of the Internet, Social Media, Blogging and other web services Media Connect (formally Planned Television Arts) takes a holistic approach utilizing all forms of publicity including radio, television, book tours, Internet and many more.

If you are an author you realize the writing the book is the beginning of the project, not the end. – JW

David Hahn

« Return to Staff Bios

David Hahn planned television artsManaging Director of Planned Television Arts

For the past 25 years David Hahn has counseled hundreds of clients, helping each one to develop their unique brand and execute an effective publicity campaign. Named Managing Director of Planned TV Arts (a division of Ruder Finn) in  2007, David oversees all of the agency’s operations, including: Full-Service Book Publicity Campaigns, Satellite TV Tours, Morning Drive Radio Tours, Celebrity-Matching Services, Corporate Media Tours, and Online Marketing Services. He also continues to supervise Media Connect’s award-winning Business Book Division.

Many of his clients have been best-selling authors, including Charlene Li, Harvey Mackay, Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Canfield, Nelson deMille, Jackie Collins, President Jimmy Carter, Richard Preston, Bill George, Dr. Kevin Leman, Dick De Vos, Ken Blanchard, Steve Kaplan, Robert Bloom, Neil Rackham, Herb Kelleher, Martin Cruz Smith, and many others.

His publishing clients include Harvard Business School Press, McGraw Hill, Wiley, Portfolio Books, St. Martins Press, HarperCollins, Putnam Publishing Group, Zondervan Publishing, Thomas Nelson, Baker Book House, AMACOM, Perseus Books, and Berrett Koehler among others.

He created Media Connect’s patented Morning Drive Radio Tour in 1990, and originated its trademarked TelePrint Conference in 1994.

David joined Planned TV Arts in 1986 after working for four years in the marketing department at The Putnam Publishing Group. He previously worked at the Ann Elmo Literary Agency and the Betsy Nolan Group.

An avid soccer fan and die-hard Philadelphia sports fan, he enjoys as much reading as he can squeeze in alongside the PTA books! An alumnus of Swarthmore College and New York University, David resides in Rockland County, New York with his wife Linda and five children, Emily, Jamie, Christian, Jocelyn and Alex.

Email: hahnd@plannedtvarts.com

Planned Television Arts

Now Media Connect

Planned Television Arts (Media Connect) is one of the premier providers of book promotion and author publicity services in the United States. We are a critically acclaimed, ground-breaking, award-winning leader in media relations placement since 1962.

Media Connects offers all the resources of a large public relations firm – expertise and experience in the key areas of media relations, an extensive network of powerful media contacts, the infrastructure to support publicity campaigns of all types and sizes – while providing a highly personalized level of service and support to each of our clients. In today’s crowded media marketplace, we ensure that your words are read and heard by the widest possible audience.

Media Connects www.Media-Connects.com


Rick Frishman’s Author 101

Are you curious about what publishers like Harper Collins, Morgan James, Adams Media, Wiley, Random House, and Simon & Schuster are looking for? What is the best way to get your manuscript read when you’re an unpublished author? Want to know the biggest mistakes to avoid when writing book proposals? You’ll be engaged as these top pros share their expertise, reveal the inner workings of the publishing industry, and discuss various approaches to common marketing and publishing challenges.

Author 101 University Event Website: www.author101university.com

Rick Frishman at Author 101 Helping New and Seasoned Authors and Writers Build Huge Success

Bookmark and Share I have been so blessed to be able to have gotten to know Rick. He always answers his own phone and takes the time to listen. I called Rick and asked if he had any media coverage at his Author 101 program in Los Angeles. Now Rick really does not need press as his programs. They are constantly sold out, but Rick, always about gratitude, graciousness and never about lack mindedness, invited me to the event with an all access pass.

I will never forget the day I got to sit down with Rick and his lovely wife for lunch. What a treat, Rick is hilarious and great fun to be around and as you will see from many of the interviews, his authors, agents and vendors really love Rick and Author 101.

Rick takes a moment at the end of the 4 day event to come and talk with me about the event, the programs they had and some new programs coming up. I of course, got some of the greatest interviews ever from authors, agents, vendors and more. Thank You Rick .- JW

Authors: Rick gives away his Million Dollar Rolodex. Rick has compiled this list of top agents and industry resources to help you write, publish and market your book or project. www.rickfrishman.com/resources.html

Rick Frishman

Rick Frishman

Rick Frishman RICK FRISHMAN, the founder of Planned Television Arts, has been one of the leading book publicists in America for over 33 years.

Working with many of the top book editors, literary agents and publishers in America, including Simon and Schuster, Random House, Wiley, Harper Collins, Pocket Books, Penguin Putnam, and Hyperion Books, he has worked with best-selling authors including Mitch Albom, Bill Moyers, Stephen King, Caroline Kennedy, Howard Stern, President Jimmy Carter, Mark Victor Hansen, Nelson DeMille, John Grisham, Hugh Downs, Henry Kissinger, Jack Canfield, Alan Deshowitz, Arnold Palmer, and Harvey Mackay.

More Info on Author 101 University

Rick is publisher at Morgan James Publishing in New York. In 2010 “MJ” published over 100 books. Morgan James only publishes non fiction books and looks for authors with a platform who believe in giving back.

Morgan James gives a portion of every book sold to Habitat for Humanity. (http://www.morganjamespublishing.com)

Rick has also appeared on hundreds of radio shows and more than a dozen TV shows nationwide including OPRAH and Bloomberg TV. He has also been featured in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Associated Press, Selling Power Magazine, New York Post and scores of publications.

He is the co-author of twelve books, including national best-sellers GUERRILLA PUBLICITY, NETWORKING MAGIC, WHERE’S YOU WOW, and “GUERRILLA MARKETING FOR WRITERS”.

His 12th book “SHOW ME ABOUT BOOK PUBLISHING” ( with Judith Briles & John Kremer) will be published in the Spring of 2011

He is the co-host (with attorney Richard Solomon) of the radio show Taking Care of Business, which airs every Thursday from 2:00-3:00 pm on WCWP-Radio in Long Island, New York. (www.tcbradio.com)

Rick has a B.F.A. in acting and directing and a B.S. from Ithaca College School of Communications and is a sought after lecturer on publishing and public relations and a member of PRSA and the National Speakers Association.

Rick and his wife Robbi live in Long Island with their three children, Adam, Rachel and Stephanie, and two Havanese puppies Cody and Cooper.

Go to www.rickfrishman.com for more information and to get Rick’s “Million Dollar Rolodex.”

To contact Rick or get more information:

Rick Frishman’s Author 101

Are you curious about what publishers like Harper Collins, Morgan James, Adams Media, Wiley, Random House, and Simon & Schuster are looking for? What is the best way to get your manuscript read when you’re an unpublished author? Want to know the biggest mistakes to avoid when writing book proposals? You’ll be engaged as these top pros share their expertise, reveal the inner workings of the publishing industry, and discuss various approaches to common marketing and publishing challenges. Author 101 University Event Website: www.author101university.com

Image Lift – In Office 90 Minute Facial Cosmetic Procedure with Dr. Richard Castellano – Author 101 Series

We met Dr. Richard Castellano, double board certified plastic surgeon at Rick Frishman’s 2011 Author 101 University Event in Los Angeles. JW Najarian interviewed Dr. Castellano about Image Lift, his company that specializes and offers in-office cosmetic lifting procedures focusing on your face, eyes and neckline, to help you look and feel your best. Image Lift procedures are said to be affordable and involve less risk as they are performed without general anesthesia for a quicker recovery time.

We do not endorse Dr. Castellano or Image Lift. This is an interview of Dr. Castellano and what he does at Image Lift and as an author, Dr. Castellano speaks to us about how is is using the Author 101 Event to help him market his new book.

Image Lift

Image Lift offers face Lift services and facial treatments that can lift cheeks, remove wrinkles, tighten sagging skin, tighten jowls, double chins and neckline, reduce turkey neck, wake up sleepy looking or baggy eyes, remove fine lines, crows feet, repair damaged skin, and provide an overall younger looking face in 90 minutes or less.
Small Lift
Very popular facelift that can soften or improve the nasolabial folds and marionette lines, lift the cheeks and strengthen the neckline.
Upper and Lower Eyes
Produces dramatic results by removing excess or baggy skin that can make the eyes look tired or droopy, giving them a youthful, alert look.
Injectable facial fillers (“Liquid Facelift”)can plump up thin lips, enhance shallow contours, soften facial creases, wrinkles, or recessed scars.
Fractional CO2 Laser Resurfacing
Rejuvenates skin that has aged from the sun, smoking and other effects. Tailored to your needs and desired improvements.
Botox® and Dysport™ treatments reduce forehead lines, shrink wrinkles in the area between the eyebrows (glabella), and reduce crows feet.

About the Dr. Castellano

Richard Castellano, M.D. is an experienced artist with facial rejuvenation including the latest laser and filler techniques. He has developed a specialized approach for effective results, giving him a reputation as a highly referred surgeon.

Attending the University of South Florida for both his undergraduate degree and medical school, he completed his surgical training at the prestigious Indiana University School of Medicine. Working with nationally renowned experts in the field, Dr. Castellano contributed to numerous scientific publications and books in the field of facial plastic surgery.

Dr. Castellano then went on to complete a fellowship year in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, studying with three former presidents of the American Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery.

Dr. Castellano has participated in medical mission work to help repair cleft-lip and cleft palate patients. He has also delivered emergency care to indigent and homeless patients, and is currently volunteering his services locally at the Judeo-Christian Clinic.

Rebounding with a Continuing Demand for Cosmetic Procedures as 2011 Approaches

Men and Women are Spending More and More to Eliminate Signs of Aging as the Economy Improves

Story at PRWEB (Read Whole Story)

Tampa, FL (Vocus) December 13, 2010

Each year, millions of Americans invest in cosmetic procedures to gain a renewed sense of confidence and feel their best. However, as the economy experienced a dramatic downturn in 2009, so did plastic surgery spending, which fell 20 percent across the country, according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS). Now, fresh data provided by the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (AAFPRS), along with Tampa Bay Facial Plastic Surgeon, Richard Castellano, MD, show more and more people are spending on nips and tucks. The AAFPRS states the number of non-invasive cosmetic procedures rose 47 percent in 2010 with further increases expected in 2011.

“In our own practice, we’ve seen a solid increase in all procedures from eyelifts to facelifts and, of course, fillers,” explains Dr. Richard Castellano of Image Lift in Tampa. Dr. Castellano’s practice specializes in performing cosmetic procedures on the neck and head. He alone has performed over 3,500 facelifts, mini-lifts and eyelifts making him literally one of the most experienced facial plastic surgeons in the United States today.

Rick Frishman’s Author 101

Are you curious about what publishers like Harper Collins, Morgan James, Adams Media, Wiley, Random House, and Simon & Schuster are looking for? What is the best way to get your manuscript read when you’re an unpublished author? Want to know the biggest mistakes to avoid when writing book proposals? You’ll be engaged as these top pros share their expertise, reveal the inner workings of the publishing industry, and discuss various approaches to common marketing and publishing challenges.

Additional bonus after hours cocktail party where you’ll have the opportunity to network with speakers from the day, industry experts and other attendees.
Author 101 University Event Website: www.author101university.com

365 Thank Yous – John Kralik – Author 101 Series

[youtube hhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vESUyUqXx_I&fs=1&hl=en_US]

365 Thank Yous Facebook Page

365 Thank Yous Facebook Page

John Kralik was invited by Rick Frishman to speak at the 2011 Author 101 University Event in Los Angeles. JW Najarian interviewed John about his book and how he became published.

365 Thank Yous

One recent December, at age 53, John Kralik found his life at a terrible, frightening low: his small law firm was failing; he was struggling through a painful second divorce; he had grown distant from his two older children and was afraid he might lose contact with his young daughter; he was living in a tiny apartment where he froze in the winter and baked in the summer.

John was 40 pounds overweight; his girlfriend had just broken up with him; and overall, his dearest life dreams–including hopes of upholding idealistic legal principles and of becoming a judge–seemed to have slipped beyond his reach.

Then, during a desperate walk in the hills on New Year’s Day, John was struck by the belief that his life might become at least tolerable if, instead of focusing on what he didn’t have, he could find some way to be grateful for what he had.

Inspired by a beautiful, simple note his ex-girlfriend had sent to thank him for his Christmas gift, John imagined that he might find a way to feel grateful by writing thank-you notes. To keep himself going, he set himself a goal–come what may–of writing 365 thank-you notes in the coming year.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJGBujEmxKs&fs=1&hl=en_US]One by one, day after day, he began to handwrite thank yous–for gifts or kindnesses he’d received from loved ones and coworkers, from past business associates and current foes, from college friends and doctors and store clerks and handymen and neighbors, and anyone, really, absolutely anyone, who’d done him a good turn, however large or small. Immediately after he’d sent his very first notes, significant and surprising benefits began to come John’s way–from financial gain to true friendship, from weight loss to inner peace. While John wrote his notes, the economy collapsed, the bank across the street from his office failed, but thank-you note by thank-you note, John’s whole life turned around.

365 Thank Yous is a rare memoir: its touching, immediately accessible message–and benefits–come to readers from the plainspoken storytelling of an ordinary man. Kralik sets a believable, doable example of how to live a miraculously good life. To read 365 Thank Yous is to be changed.

About the Author

John Kralik was born in Cleveland, Ohio, and attended the University of Michigan for college and law school. He practiced law for thirty years, and was a partner in the law firms of Hughes Hubbard & Reed, Miller Tokuyama Kralik & Sur, and Kralik & Jacobs. In 2009, he was appointed a judge of the Los Angeles Superior Court. He lives in the Los Angeles area.

Rick Frishman’s Author 101

logo author 101Are you curious about what publishers like Harper Collins, Morgan James, Adams Media, Wiley, Random House, and Simon & Schuster are looking for? What is the best way to get your manuscript read when you’re an unpublished author? Want to know the biggest mistakes to avoid when writing book proposals? You’ll be engaged as these top pros share their expertise, reveal the inner workings of the publishing industry, and discuss various approaches to common marketing and publishing challenges.

Additional bonus after hours cocktail party where you’ll have the opportunity to network with speakers from the day, industry experts and other attendees.
Author 101 University Event Website: www.author101university.com

Rick Frishman on How to Write and Publish Your Own Book

Rick FrishmanFamous Book Publicist and Publisher Tells you How to Write Your Book, Get it Published and How to Market It

Rick Frishman, the founder of Morgan James Publishing in New Your and Planned Television Arts, now Media Connect, has been one of the leading book publicists in America for over 30 years.

Working with many of the top book editors, literary agents and publishers in America, including Simon and Schuster, Random House, Wiley, Harper Collins, Pocket Books, Penguin Putnam, and Hyperion Books, he has worked with best-selling authors including:

Mitch Albom, Bill Moyers, Stephen King, Caroline Kennedy, Howard Stern, President Jimmy Carter, Mark Victor Hansen, Nelson DeMille, John Grisham, Hugh Downs, Henry Kissinger, Jack Canfield, Alan Deshowitz, Arnold Palmer, and Harvey Mackay.

Rick is Publisher at Morgan James Publishing in New York. David Hancock founded Morgan James in 2003 and in 2008 “MJ” published over 150 books. Morgan James only publishes non fiction books and looks for authors with a platform who believe in giving back. Morgan James gives a portion of every book sold to Habitat for Humanity.

Rick has also appeared on hundreds of radio shows and more than a dozen TV shows nationwide including OPRAH and Bloomberg TV. He has also been featured in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Associated Press, Selling Power Magazine, New York Post and scores of publications.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LBomAF3wcc?rel=0&w=640&h=505]

He is the co-author of ten books, including national best-sellers GUERRILLA PUBLICITY and NETWORKING MAGIC. Along with media personality Robyn Freedman Spizman, Rick also co-wrote the popular four-book series AUTHOR 101™ and recently they teamed up for their highly acclaimed book entitled WHERE’S YOUR WOW? 16 Ways To Make Your Competitors Wish They Were You! (McGraw Hill, March, 2008).

Rick’s 10th book “Guerrilla Publicity” 2nd edition was published in October 2008.( Adams Media) He is the co-host (with attorney Richard Solomon) of the radio show Taking Care of Business, which airs every Thursday from 2:00-3:00 pm on WCWP-Radio in Long Island, New York. Rick has a B.F.A. in acting and directing and a B.S. from Ithaca College School of Communications and is a sought after lecturer on publishing and public relations and a member of PRSA and the National Speakers Association.

Rick and his wife Robbi live in Long Island with their three children, Adam, Rachel and Stephanie, and two Havanese puppies named Cody and Cooper. Go to www.rickfrishman.com for more information and to get Rick’s “Million Dollar Rolodex.”

JW Najarian and Bob Schecter got to talk with Rick about:

  • Why publicity is 100 times better than advertising.
  • Working with a PR firm for maximum effectiveness if that’s the route you choose to go.
  • How to become an author in 5 easy steps and in less than 90 days.
  • Real life stories about the “legends” in the business and what you can learn from them.
  • What does a publicity department do for you at a publishing firm and what that means for you.
  • How to get published in the traditional manner and not get taken advantage of.
  • How agents work, what they do and why you need to get them on your side.
  • Understanding the pluses and minuses of radio, TV and other media sources.
  • How to create a press kit that will get you noticed and get you coverage.
  • Maximize your effectiveness when you’re in front of the media to increase your chances for success.

We hope you enjoy this Networking Fools Podcast Presentation, a Network Alchemists Production.