Tag Archives: expert

Jonny Bowden Does Taking Omega 3 Increase Your Risk of Prostate Cancer?

jonny bowden w frame and shJonny Bowden well known nutritionist talks about recent studies that claim that there was a link between increased risk of prostate cancer and Omega 3 fatty acids in the blood.

The media was quick to take the studies to the next level by reporting that omega 3 supplement and other omega 3 rich foods like salmon and tuna could be responsible for a higher risk of getting prostate cancer especially Continue reading

Minda Wilson Obamacare Expert Great Intent; Bad Implementation

Minda Wilson Founder at Affordable Healthcare Review believes the Affordable Care Act (ACA) comes from good intent, but is a big mess when it comes to implementation.

pic Minda Wilson Obamacare Expert Affordable Healthcare ReviewWhether you are a fan of Obamacare or not, the news this week about CGI and it’s failed attempt to build a usable website and platform for the federal ACA rollout has proved that implementation of the new law will not be as smooth as anyone would hope.

Add to that a very confused public and private sector over just how the ACA will affect everyone and you have a Continue reading


banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

How many people watched the State of the Union Address on Tuesday night? I watched a little of it and then decided that Bar Rescue (with Jon Taffer) was more interesting and had some better ideas to save small businesses across America.

If you have never watched it, Bar Rescue, is where a tough, no-nonsense, Bar business expert goes in and Continue reading

Elayna Fernandez How to Position Yourself as an Expert

Elayna Fernandez Author, Speaker, Mom, Social Media Expert and Successful Business Women on Positioning Yourself as an Expert  also a special offer for the More Power! Conference

Elayna “Mom Entrepreneur of the Year” talks at length about positioning yourself as someone clients come to. Elayna teaches that success is a process and with the new technologies you need to discern or distinguish yourself to stand out from the crowd and get business.



Listen to Elayna Speak Live with Bob Bare and 8 Very Important Speakers Including Bill Gates, Michael Dell and Steve Jobs Marketing Teacher Jay Conrad Levinson

September 20-23, 2012
at the Crowne Plaza, Dallas Texas

Register for Extreme Leadership Summit

I met Elayna at Author 101 a few years back and was immediately taken by her drive and intelligence. Elayna is all of 4’9″ tall and a striking women. I can only guess that this had to be an issue with businessmen and women, taking her seriously. She also has an accent so that added to her challenges.

Where Elayna succeeds is in her drive, vision, passion and willingness to take measured risks. I say measured because Elayna is also a single mom and so she, like any single mom, needed to make sure she could support her daughters. She didn’t do it overnight, but in the short time I have known her she has gone from having drive to being fully alive.

Elayna has written two books, she runs several organizations, she works with people like Jay Conrad Levinson and many other thought leaders and teachers she once only studied.

She is an expert at social media and especially on how to position yourself as an expert in your field so that people who have not met you, take you seriously. Many people talk about positioning and the difference with what Elayna teaches is about how to tout yourself as an expert and stay in integrity at the same time.

Elayna is speaking at the More Power Live Conference in Dallas September 20-23, 2012 at the Crowne Plaza, Dallas Texas. See the details below and register today.

This is a great interview everyone should listen to. Also thank you Elayna for hooking me up with an interview with Jay Conrad Levinson. – JW

Elayna Fernandez

Who is Elayna… Here she is in her own words….

I am Elayna

I was born and raised in lovely San José de Ocoa, in the Dominican Republic. I am the proud happy mother of Elisha and Elyssa, proud member of a loving and affectionate family, proud sister of 4 younger amazing siblings. I love people. I love animals. I love the Earth. I love me. And I love YOU.

My philosophy is “Be Positive and You Will Be Powerful!“. I am passionate about Positive Thinking, Inner Peace, Gratitude, Faith, Joy, and Personal Growth.

My mission is to GROW and LET GROW: to learn from life experiences, to know that life happens FOR me and not to me. I want to share my love, joy, and all gained wisdom with everyone I connect with. I invite you to join me!

My love for children and my passion for motherhood guided me to create MOMtivation, a place to read, share, learn, connect and be inspired. I also founded as well as a non-profit organization, The Positive Mom Foundation, with the purpose of fostering a positive life for families and future generations, and spreading my motto “You cannot share what you don’t have.”

Professionally, I am a bestselling Author, an International Speaker, and a Success Guide. Learn more…

In business, I develop products and services that allow entrepreneurs to utilize the web to its fullest potential. My books and programs help you create online visibility, increase branding awareness and facilitate business growth. My award winning “Social Media Empowerment Live” workshops and “Social Media Success Made Possible” book are example of my dedication to making this a reality.

My favorite activities in life include spending quality time with my family, smiling, hugging, laughing, learning, reading and writing books, cooking healthy meals, family prayer, teaching, dancing, singing, listening to music, yoga, helping others, and meeting happy people.

Some of my mentors and clients include Les Brown, Brian Tracy, Tony Robbins, Jack Canfield, Richard Flint, Mark Victor Hansen, and Michael Bernard Beckwith.

Elayna Fernandez BookMarketing Success Made Possible

In very simple language and a friendly approach, Marketing Success Made Possible will teach you EXACTLY how to identify, avoid and correct the 10 MOST COMMON DEADLY MISTAKES that business professionals make when marketing and developing their personal or corporate brand. In addition, you will learn:

The Basics of Branding and Marketing to Get Started on the Right Path.

The Keys to Develop a Winning Consistent Brand Online and Offline.

How To Differentiate Yourself From Your Competitors And Position Yourself As The Market Leader.

Effective Marketing Strategies That Save You Time And Make You Money.

How To Identify Your Niche, Attract Pre-qualified Leads and Get More Referrals.

Why Facebook, Twitter, YouTube And Blogging Are Marketing MUSTS.

Easy Secrets to Marketing Success Anyone Can Implement RIGHT NOW! Get Access to your FREE copy!

Social Media Success Made Possible

Wouldn’t you like to craft a winning strategy that would get over 800 million people talking about…and buying…your brand?

Social Media Success Made Possible is a “how to” manual with all the fundamentals, and a road map to success. Full of Social Media Tactics you can implement immediately, “Social Media Success Made Possible” will quickly increase your credibility, exposure, web traffic, and leads…FAST. Follow the detailed blueprint and you can’t help but expand your audience of friends, fans, and clients. Oh, yes…and get more SALES!

Use Social Media to Brand Yourself And Stand Out From The Crowd.

Expose your business to MILLIONs of people online.

Build A Powerful Following and Attract TONS of Leads.

PROFIT Massively from Your Social Media Efforts.

Position Yourself As THE Business Expert In Your Profession In Your Area And Get Paid MORE For Your Services.

Have a Social Media Presence Without Spending LONG Hours In Front Of Your Computer Monitor.

Save Money in Marketing and Advertising By Doing It Yourself.

Get your copy! 

More Power Live Conference


Listen to Elayna Speak Live with Bob Bare and 8 Very Important Speakers Including Bill Gates, Michael Dell and Steve Jobs Marketing Teacher Jay Conrad Levinson

September 20-23, 2012
at the Crowne Plaza, Dallas Texas

Register for Extreme Leadership Summit

What will you learn at More Power! LIVE?Bob Bare, 40+ year experience serial entrepreneur,
will share how he grew his sales $0 to $2.7 Million
in the Worst Economy Ever!He has also carefully selected world-class experts who are practitioners, teachers and mentors who care about YOUR success!

Here’s a sample of what you’ll learn, discover and experience at More Power! LIVE:Your Road Map To Success [Bob Bare and Odell Stunkard]

  • How You Can Attract Stampedes of New Customers – Step-by-step plan revealed live for the first time in the U.S.
  • How to Maximize Your CASH-FLOW (Not Just Revenue). Forget the losing model of “Growing-Growing-Gone” that costs more than you make and sends your business into an early grave.
  • The Overlooked Secrets of “The Perfect Business” that Pays You in PROFITS and FREEDOM. Yes, you can have your cake and eat it, too (work less and make more). We’re living proof. And we’re unveiling ALL!

…And many more practical ways to explode your income and carve out a life of freedom and satisfaction in the months and years ahead!Guerrilla Marketing [Jay Conrad Levinson]

  • Marketing Vs. Guerrilla Marketing – a concise, eye-opening explanation that will forever change the way you promote and generate new business
  • The 19 Secrets of Guerrilla Marketing – You could spend months trying to distill the wisdom from a dozen top business books – or – you can spend that time enjoying the fruits of these 19 secrets that have already produced billions of dollars in sales and profits
  • The The 7-Sentence Guerrilla Marketing Plan – Don’t waste months writing a 30-page plan. And don’t you dare make a move with no plan at all. Steal Jay’s 7-sentence plan and profit from it immediately

..and more!!!!!Make More Working LESS! [Loral Langemeier]

  • How to turn your existing skills and passion into a perpetual cash machine – in as little as 2 hours a week with zero money out-of-pocket.
  • How to easily melt price resistance and double or triple your income
  • Hear how Loral (in her early 20′s) landed a Multi-Million Dollar contract promoting health on oil rigs by simply replacing one word with another. Find out exactly what she did, so you can do it too

Plus much more!Truly Leverage The Power of Social Media [Elayna Fernandez]

  • The 7 Myths of Social Media Branding. How many are holding you back from earning the income you deserve?
  • Why social media work for some and not others. Discover how to systematize, automate and profit like you never thought possible
  • The L.I.K.E.D Formula for getting more “likes” and followers. Apply these 5 simple steps to trigger a tsunami of social media exposure

…and lots more advice for making money with Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, WordPress, and PinterestUse Publishing To Skyrocket Your Business [David Hancock ]

  • 4 easy ways to get your book written FAST (without writing it yourself!)
  • How to GET PAID to write your book
  • The 7 Secrets of Bestselling Books – this bullet-by-bullet formula removes all the guesswork

…and A TON more!Sell With Intention and Double or Triple Your Sales This Year! [ Ursula Mentjes]

  • Discover the Selling with Intention Formula to double sales results this year
  • Create an Intentional Schedule to sell more in less time
  • Understand how Financial Set-Points prevent ultimate success

..and more!Profit Through Persuasive Speaking [Arvee Robinson]

  • The 3 BIGGEST mistakes most business owners make when trying to give public presentations and how to instantly look like a seasoned speaking professional by avoiding these goof-ups!
  •  How to find more opportunities to speak to local groups of your ideal prospects and how to get invited as a speaker.
  •  What specifically you must do during your presentations in order to generate leads and clients

…and more!Partnership Secrets Revealed [Paul Miltonberger]

  • The 5 partnering strategies that bring you more customers, revenue, results, and income. Use one or all 5 to kick your results into hyper-drive
  • The easiest money you’ll ever make for 10 minutes of your time
  • How to generate quick bursts of cash over and over again, even if you don’t have a product or service to sell

..and much, much more!

Jay Conrad Levinson on New Guerrilla 2.0 Marketing Concepts

Guerrilla Marketing Newest Concepts

Jay Conrad Levinson, author of the bestselling book Guerrilla Marketing talks to us about his books, new marketing concepts and his keynote address he was to  be giving at Bob Bare’s More Power LIVE Conference Sept 20-23rd 2012 in Dallas.

Sadly Jay passed away October 10th of 2013 after battling cancer.

Interview with Jay Conrad Levinson – Guerrilla Marketing Continue reading

Bob Bare of BestSelling Experts on His New Book and Live Training

Successful entrepreneur and businessman Bob Bare talks to us about his new book and amazing new More Power! Conference

We interview Bob who is a successful entrepreneur, businessman and author who loves to interview other successful and interesting experts for his site BestSelling Experts.


Bob Bare and 8 Very Important Speakers Including Bill Gates, Michael Dell and Steve Jobs Marketing Teacher Jay Conrad Levinson

September 20-23, 2012
at the Crowne Plaza, Dallas Texas

This one is over, but you can go to www.MorePowerLive.com to get videos of the speakers and to find out when the next event will be held.


I met Bob at a conference where we were both interviewing some of the more interesting people that spoke or attended there. I am used to doing interviews and after speaking with Bob, I was taken back by his request to interview me!

It is not often that I am asked to be interviewed. Bob was great and asked some great questions and we have become friendly since that interview.

I found out that Bob was producing his first business conference and took the opportunity to get back to Bob and ask him for an interview. I was very excited to get Bob to say yes, first so I could get him back and second because I have gotten to know Bob as someone that knows what he is doing and he loves to teach and help others find success.

Thank you Bob for saying yes to my interview. It turned out to be full of great and very powerful information and mentoring Bob is known for. – JW

Bob Bare

Bob Bare is a serial entrepreneur, author, speaker and founder of BestSellingExperts.com. Proud husband, father and grandfather, Bob is passionate about family values, community outreach and spiritual growth.

Through his company, Bob mentors individuals in branding, broadcasting and living their vision through Expert Positioning, Publishing, Publicity and Public Speaking.

Bob Bare is the author More Power!, founder of BestSellingExperts.com and More Power! University.

A serial entrepreneur, who started his first business in 6th grade, Bob is known for his ability to create, grow and turn around businesses while keeping his vision and values in sight. One of Bob’s recent business successes opened its doors in 2006 with no customer base and achieved yearly revenues of 2.5 million dollars within the first four years, in the middle of the economic downturn of 2008. Bob currently owns 7 businesses.

An Iowa native, Bob lives in Dallas, Texas with Jan, his wife for over 35 years. He is the proud father of 3 children and grandfather of 6. He enjoys giving back to his community through active leadership roles in his local church and as president of Dallas North Rotary.

In an effort to pay it forward, Bob produces and hosts Experts Weekly radio, publishes the BestSelling Experts Weekly newsletter and mentors start-up entrepreneurs.

More Power

MORE POWER is a wisdom-packed guidebook for entrepreneurs, business owners and business professionals in any industry, guaranteed to create more personal and business power in any economy.

Using a clear, easy approach, Bob Bare reveals the simple, yet powerful principles, tools and strategies he has used over and over to create multiple successful, sustainable businesses.

This practical roadmap is filled with concrete action steps you can easily master and implement right now, wherever you may be in your entrepreneurial journey to help you propel your business, skyrocket your sales, increase your cashflow and maximize your exposure, all while staying true to your vision and core values.

More Power offers simple principles, tactics and strategies that you can easily implement right now to create a successful, sustainable business while staying true to your vision and enjoying your life. As a serial entrepreneur, Bob Bare shares coveted secrets that will skyrocket your sales, your cash flow and your exposure, and create a multi-million dollar enterprise.

Bestselling Experts

Innovators guided by traditional values.

Passionate about results, BSE Embraces today’s cutting edge tools and strategies to propel your vision, your passion and your purpose.

BSE staff brings a powerful blend of gifts and personalities strategy, creativity, visibility and implementation. Our collaborative approach is the secret to our ability to assist you in connecting and engaging genuinely with prospect and current clients by showcasing your expertise and spreading your message out to the world!


To empower and equip companies and individuals with innovative and actionable strategies, tools and ideas to showcase their expertise, allowing them to deliver inspiring, uplifting targeted messages with the purpose to make a positive impact in the world while fueling business growth and profitability.


To become the preferred and most trusted expert building company by continuously delivering outstanding value and satisfaction, focusing on customer loyalty, reliability, respect, responsiveness and superior innovative products and services that enrich the world.


These serve as our compass to guide our actions towards People, Partners, Planet, Productivity and Profits:

  • Integrity in All We Do
  • Honesty and Transparency in our Communication
  • Creating Meaningful Value to Make a Difference
  • Innovation that Inspires Creativity and  Fuels Growth
  • Internal Environment of Collaboration, Trust and Joy
  • Leadership to Impact and Influence
  • Passion for a Better World, a Better Future

More Power Live Conference

Sorry, this one is over, but you can go to www.MorePowerLive.com to get videos of the speakers and to find out when the next event will be held.

What will you learn at More Power! LIVE?

Bob Bare, 40+ year experience serial entrepreneur,
will share how he grew his sales $0 to $2.7 Million
in the Worst Economy Ever!

He has also carefully selected world-class experts who are practitioners, teachers and mentors who care about YOUR success!

Here’s a sample of what you’ll learn, discover and experience at More Power! LIVE:

Your Road Map To Success [Bob Bare and Odell Stunkard]

  1. How You Can Attract Stampedes of New Customers – Step-by-step plan revealed live for the first time in the U.S.
  1. How to Maximize Your CASH-FLOW (Not Just Revenue). Forget the losing model of “Growing-Growing-Gone” that costs more than you make and sends your business into an early grave.
  1. The Overlooked Secrets of “The Perfect Business” that Pays You in PROFITS and FREEDOM. Yes, you can have your cake and eat it, too (work less and make more). We’re living proof. And we’re unveiling ALL!

…And many more practical ways to explode your income and carve out a life of freedom and satisfaction in the months and years ahead!

Guerrilla Marketing [Jay Conrad Levinson]

  1. Marketing Vs. Guerrilla Marketing – a concise, eye-opening explanation that will forever change the way you promote and generate new business
  2. The 19 Secrets of Guerrilla Marketing – You could spend months trying to distill the wisdom from a dozen top business books – or – you can spend that time enjoying the fruits of these 19 secrets that have already produced billions of dollars in sales and profits
  3. The The 7-Sentence Guerrilla Marketing Plan – Don’t waste months writing a 30-page plan. And don’t you dare make a move with no plan at all. Steal Jay’s 7-sentence plan and profit from it immediately

..and more!!!!!

Make More Working LESS! [Loral Langemeier]

  1. How to turn your existing skills and passion into a perpetual cash machine – in as little as 2 hours a week with zero money out-of-pocket.
  2. How to easily melt price resistance and double or triple your income
  3. Hear how Loral (in her early 20′s) landed a Multi-Million Dollar contract promoting health on oil rigs by simply replacing one word with another. Find out exactly what she did, so you can do it too

Plus much more!

Truly Leverage The Power of Social Media [Elayna Fernandez]

  1. The 7 Myths of Social Media Branding. How many are holding you back from earning the income you deserve?
  2. Why social media work for some and not others. Discover how to systematize, automate and profit like you never thought possible
  3. The L.I.K.E.D Formula for getting more “likes” and followers. Apply these 5 simple steps to trigger a tsunami of social media exposure

…and lots more advice for making money with Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, WordPress, and Pinterest

Use Publishing To Skyrocket Your Business [David Hancock ]

  1. 4 easy ways to get your book written FAST (without writing it yourself!)
  2. How to GET PAID to write your book
  3. The 7 Secrets of Bestselling Books – this bullet-by-bullet formula removes all the guesswork

…and A TON more!

Sell With Intention and Double or Triple Your Sales This Year! [ Ursula Mentjes]

  1. Discover the Selling with Intention Formula to double sales results this year
  2. Create an Intentional Schedule to sell more in less time
  3. Understand how Financial Set-Points prevent ultimate success

..and more!

Profit Through Persuasive Speaking [Arvee Robinson]

  1. The 3 BIGGEST mistakes most business owners make when trying to give public presentations and how to instantly look like a seasoned speaking professional by avoiding these goof-ups!
  2.  How to find more opportunities to speak to local groups of your ideal prospects and how to get invited as a speaker.
  3.  What specifically you must do during your presentations in order to generate leads and clients

…and more!

Partnership Secrets Revealed [Paul Miltonberger]

  1. The 5 partnering strategies that bring you more customers, revenue, results, and income. Use one or all 5 to kick your results into hyper-drive
  2. The easiest money you’ll ever make for 10 minutes of your time
  3. How to generate quick bursts of cash over and over again, even if you don’t have a product or service to sell

..and much, much more!

JPL Curiosity Mars Rover – Dr. Ravi Prakash

“Oh Sh*t” is Heard Yelled After The 7 Minutes of Terror was Over! Curiosity Successfully Lands On Mars

Curiosity Mars Rover Takes a Picture of its Shadow on Perfect Landing

One of the first images sent from Mars Rover Curiosity after landing notice the horizon and mountains in distance

Fifteen minutes of crying, screaming, handshaking, hugging and a big “Oh Sh*t” yelled out on UStream showing of the the successful landing of Curiosity.

Above are two of the first pictures taken by Curiosity after its perfect landing. where you can see the shadow of the rover in the picture and in one you can see a rover wheel and the Martian horizon.

JPL Curiosity Landing Crew Jump for Joy as it is all Good News on the Landing and First Pictures are Sent From Odyssey

Joy as it is all Good News on the Landing and First Pictures are Sent From Odyssey

Dr. Ravi Prakash  Descent and Landing Engineer at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) talks about this unprecedented landing and mission of a rover the size of a small car on Mars.

Landing Sunday August 5th
at 10pm Pacific Standard Time (PST)

Interview with Rocket Scientist Dr. Ravi Prakash on the landing and mission of the Curiosity Mars Science Lab / rover

Audio Player

►Right Click and “Save Link As” to Download File◄

I would like to thank the JPL press office. I did not make the deadline to get press credentials, but they were so helpful at getting this interview together for me. They are Rocket Stars!

BTW in the interview I mentioned the landing would be Aug 6th.. Sorry it is August 5th at 10am PST.  The correct time is 10pm on Sunday the 5th sorry for any confusion.

Also want to thank Dr Prakash. He is thrown into interview after interview and instead of rushing me through as many would, he worried if he had given enough. You did Dr. Prakash.. Thanks JW

Dr Ravi Prakash JPL MSL Curiosity

Dr Ravi Prakash

Texas born Dr. Ravi Prakash, who received a B.S. in aerospace engineering from the University of Texas at Austin and a M.S. in aerospace engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology, joined NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in 2005 and has been working at the Mars Science Laboratory ever since.

Dr. Ravi Prakash is a descent and landing engineer at JPL, working with his team to perfect an unprecedented unmanned landing on Mars, of the largest robotic rover ever sent into space.


MSL Landing

Follow Curiosity’s landing on Aug. 5, 2012 at 10:31 p.m. PDT (1:31 a.m. EDT, Aug. 6, 2012)!

Check Out This Excellent SlideShow [CLICK HERE]

This artist's concept shows thrusters firing during the entry, descent and landing phase for NASA's Mars Science Laboratory mission to Mars.
Mars Science Laboratory Guided Entry at Mars, Artist’s Concept
This artist’s concept shows thrusters firing during the entry, descent and landing phase for NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory mission to Mars.

The entry, descent, and landing (EDL) phase begins when the spacecraft reaches the Martian atmosphere, about 125 kilometers (about 78 miles) above the surface, and ends with the rover safe and sound on the surface of Mars.

Entry, descent, and landing for the Mars Science Laboratory mission will include a combination of technologies inherited from past NASA Mars missions, as well as exciting new technologies. Instead of the familiar airbag landing of the past Mars missions, Mars Science Laboratory will use a guided entry and a sky crane touchdown system to land the hyper-capable, massive rover.

The sheer size of the Mars Science Laboratory rover (900 kilograms or over 2,000 pounds) would preclude it from taking advantage of an airbag-assisted landing. Instead, the Mars Science Laboratory will use the sky crane touchdown system, which will be capable of delivering a much larger rover onto the surface. It will place the rover on its wheels, ready to begin its mission at Gale Crater.

The new entry, descent and landing architecture, with its use of guided entry, will allow for more precision. Where the Mars Exploration Rovers could have landed anywhere within their respective 150 by 20 kilometers (about 93 miles by 12 miles) landing ellipses, Mars Science Laboratory will land within a 20-kilometer (12-mile) ellipse! This high-precision delivery will open up more areas of Mars for exploration and potentially allow scientists to roam “virtually” where they have not been able to before. The entry, descent and landing sequence will break down into four parts:

This image shows changes in the target landing area for Curiosity, the rover of NASA's Mars Science Laboratory project.
Revised Landing Target for Mars Rover Curiosity
This image shows changes in the target landing area for Curiosity, the rover of NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory project.
  • Guided Entry – The spacecraft will be controlled by small rockets during descent through the Martian atmosphere, toward the surface.
  • Parachute Descent – Like Viking, Pathfinder and the Mars Exploration Rovers, the Mars Science Laboratory will be slowed by a large parachute.
  • Powered Descent – Again, rockets will control the spacecraft’s descent until the rover separates from its final delivery system, the sky crane.
  • Sky Crane – Like a large crane on Earth, the sky crane system will lower the rover to a “soft landing” – wheels down – on the surface of Mars.

Curiosity’s Mission

Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)

With its rover named Curiosity, Mars Science Laboratory mission is part of NASA’s Mars Exploration Program, a long-term effort of robotic exploration of the red planet. Curiosity was designed to assess whether Mars ever had an environment able to support small life forms called microbes. In other words, its mission is to determine the planet’s “habitability.”

Mars Science Laboratory will study Mars’ habitability

To find out, the rover will carry the biggest, most advanced suite of instruments for scientific studies ever sent to the martian surface. The rover will analyze samples scooped from the soil and drilled from rocks. The record of the planet’s climate and geology is essentially “written in the rocks and soil” — in their formation, structure, and chemical composition. The rover’s onboard laboratory will study rocks, soils, and the local geologic setting in order to detect chemical building blocks of life (e.g., forms of carbon) on Mars and will assess what the martian environment was like in the past.

Mars Science Laboratory relies on innovative technologies

Mars Science Laboratory will rely on new technological innovations, especially for landing. The spacecraft will descend on a parachute and then, during the final seconds prior to landing, lower the upright rover on a tether to the surface, much like a sky crane. Once on the surface, the rover will be able to roll over obstacles up to 75 centimeters (29 inches) high and travel up to 90 meters (295 feet) per hour. On average, the rover is expected to travel about 30 meters (98 feet) per hour, based on power levels, slippage, steepness of the terrain, visibility, and other variables.

The rover will carry a radioisotope power system that generates electricity from the heat of plutonium’s radioactive decay. This power source gives the mission an operating lifespan on Mars’ surface of a full martian year (687 Earth days) or more, while also providing significantly greater mobility and operational flexibility, enhanced science payload capability, and exploration of a much larger range of latitudes and altitudes than was possible on previous missions to Mars.

Arriving at Mars at 10:31 p.m. PDT on Aug. 5, 2012 (1:31 a.m. EDT on Aug. 6, 2012), Mars Science Laboratory will serve as an entrée to the next decade of Mars exploration. It represents a huge step in Mars surface science and exploration capability because it will:

  • demonstrate the ability to land a very large, heavy rover to the surface of Mars (which could be used for a future Mars Sample Return mission that would collect rocks and soils and send them back to Earth for laboratory analysis)
  • demonstrate the ability to land more precisely in a 20-kilometer (12.4-mile) landing circle
  • demonstrate long-range mobility on the surface of the red planet (5-20 kilometers or about 3 to 12 miles) for the collection of more diverse samples and studies.

Visit MSL for Scientists for technical information about the mission

The Beautiful Video Game That Drives NASA’s Curiosity Mars Rover

So MSL Curiosity has landed. It survived the seven minutes of terror and safely touched down on the surface of Mars. A miracle in its own right. Now that it’s there, it needs a way to move around. Anyone who played Lunar Lander and Moon Patrol already knows how they’re going to do this: Video games.

Brian Cooper is the lead driver for MSL Curiosity, and he wrote the software to drive it. But that’s not all… READ MORE

Gallery Pics

Spike Humer – 10 Day Business Turnaround

Spike Humer Business Acceleration and Turnaround Expert

If your in business and are an entrepreneur then you have probably heard of, or been to an event where Spike Humer has spoken. For over 25 years Spike has been at the forefront of formulating innovative business growth and explosive marketing strategies for entrepreneurs, small businesses and multimillion dollar organizations.

I have watched Spike speak on stage for years and over the last couple I have been fortunate to call Spike a friend. He in the top 10 business experts I have met that are truly authentic and have vital information to make grow, expand or just save your company from certain disaster.

If you want to grow or find yourself getting desparate and do not know how to turn your ship around, Spike Humer and his candid, no bull advice is probably just what you need to stop the insanity.

I always love to catch up with Spike when I can and on this call I decided to kill two birds with one stone.. Say hello and catch up and then record the rest of the call for this interview. I had a great time and Spike, as usual gave up some real golden nuggets. Thanks Spike – JW

Spike Humor

Spike Humer is a highly successful business executive, entrepreneur, seminar leader, and consultant with more than twenty-five years of real world, hands-on experience leading both public and private companies throughout North America. As an international speaker, business consultant, and growth strategist he changes businesses and lives worldwide.

Spike Humer International, a consulting and training firm, specializes in all aspects of…

  • Executive mentoring
  • Organizational Development
  • Performance Assessment
  • Corporate Restructuring
  • Business strategy and tactical execution
  • Strategic planning
  • Management Assessment
  • Leadership Training
  • Joint Venture Development
  • Marketing Strategist
  • Sales training
  • Corporate Turnarounds.

In addition to running/overseeing Spike Humer International, Inc., Spike served as the Chief Operating Officer and Chief Consultant for The Abraham Group and Jay Abraham who is considered to be one of the world’s preeminent marketing consultants and business strategists. While co-presenting and co-consulting with Jay Abraham, Spike Humer has been a major collaborator on The Abraham Group’s seminars, workshops, mentoring program, and private client consultations and transformations throughout Asia, Australia, and North America.

Jay Abraham had this to say, “Spike is probably the finest business performance enhancement specialist he has ever met and an utter master at finding the underperforming leveraging spots that is keeping your business from soaring.”

Spike has coached, counseled, consulted, and taught individuals and businesses in over twenty-three countries. He has appeared on the same speaking programs as such notable speakers as Chet Holmes, Mark Victor Hansen, T. Harv Eker, Stephen M.R. Covey, John Assaraf, Stephen Pierce, Rich Schefren, and many other industry thoughtleaders.

Widely regarded as a leading expert on business and personal change

Throughout his career he has designed, led, and implemented highly successful corporate turnaround and organizational restructurings for small-to-midsized organizations. His advice, guidance, and leadership has reinvigorated the image, reputation, and performance of companies and corporations using a “strategy of significance” and by creating a top-to-bottom culture of service, authenticity, and accountability.

Darren Stephens: was the founder and international chairman of the multimillion-dollar global business network, Mars Venus Coaching, and I have ownership in 5 other international businesses. As the author of 8 Bestselling books, I am widely recognized as an expert in the field of business management, marketing, internet marketing, self-development, hypnosis, NLP, Rapid Success Technologies, relationships and psychological transformation. In my international speaking engagements over the last 20 years I have shared the stage with

  • Richard Bandler
  • Tony Robbins
  • Jay Abraham
  • Tom Hopkins
  • Jim Rohn
  • President Bill Clinton
  • Dr. John Gray
  • Brian Tracy
  • Armand Morin
  • Dr John DeMartini

I’m mainly known around Australia for being the go-to-guy for “How To Write A Best Selling Book”, and with good reason…

CConsidering that over the past 18 years I’ve brought to market over 85 books, and many of them have become best sellers – So I know what I’m talking about in this area…

I’m mostly recognized for the worldwide success from marketing the popular book, “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus”. This may come as a surprise to you, but when John Gray first started looking for a publisher for the book “Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus”, he was told it would never make it, and…

Every single publisher they tried rejected the book and knocked it back…!

Around that time, John and I became business partners, and I implemented some creative “out-of-the-box” marketing strategies for the Mars Venus Brand. And the rest is history…

Now – That book has gone on to sell over 40 million copies, been translated into 54 languages, and sold in 149 countries. It spent six and a half years on the New York Times best-seller list between 1992 and 1998, and has done over a Billion dollars in sales.

10 Day Business Turnaround

Darren Stephens and Spike Humer, two of the world’s most Brilliant Business minds, reveal the secrets to How to Transform your Business and make it Survive and Thrive in any Economic Climate.

What separates companies in any economy, any market or any industry is your ability to adapt, adjust and execute. Business owners who know where they are, where they want to go, and then take effective action survive and thrive – those that don’t face extinction. Read this book, your future might depend on it.

This book contains hands-on, real-world, strategies designed to show you how to take control of your present and what to do to design your future for you – and your business. The decision is yours. Stay the course or take action now.

Why it’s CRITICAL & URGENT to implement a “Turnaround” before it’s too late…

It could simply be that, you believe your business is not living up to its true potential. It could also be that you want to understand clearly where your business is at that moment, where you want it to be in the future so that a concise plan of action can be developed to get it there.

Maybe you want to build you business up so you can sell out for a BIG PAY DAY – or maybe you want to take advantage of changes in the marketplace or of a new opportunity, or on completion of your own business-building practice.

The reasons why a business embarks on a turnaround plan are many and varied. However, it would probably be fair to say that during times of turmoil hardship, or a tough economy – for the vast majority of businesses, embarking on a turnaround plan is most likely so that it can survive. That is why we look at an extremely short time frame in which to achieve this. It should take you no longer than ten days to come up with a powerfully clear, concise, and actionable plan to transform the business.

If you have any doubt about your need to turnaround your business today, bear this in mind…

Sooner or later you and your business will have to change; “willing change” is better than “forced change.”

The best time to create a turnaround in either your life or your business is when you ‘can choose to’ and not when you ‘have to’.

Sneak Peak

Strategies, tactics, and tips on:

  • Why most businesses are destined to FAIL from the start and how not to be another statistic
  • Debunking the Myth of why business is hard in tough times! WRONG! – We’ll show you the competitive edge!
  • Discover the key “common denominators” behind almost every successful business (How to STACK the odds in your favour for success)
  • The three (3) pillars that make all the difference for successful business owners (It’s really simple when you know how)
  • How to spot a “business crisis” from a mile away long before it happens (Knowing this could save you from certain disaster)
  • What STOPS even the smartest business owner from doing what they know they should be doing (master this and you’ll laugh all the way to the bank)
  • WARNING! Sitting back and doing nothing different is the expensive road to take! (Especially if “where you’re at” is not “where you want to be”)
  • Have you built your business on a foundation of sand without knowing? Discover the “IRON BEAMS” of business for today’s market
  • Uncover the dangerous personalities that’ll poison your business in the shadows of darkness while your back is turned!
  • The 5 Key Questions you need to ask yourself for grasping the “Turnaround Mindset”
  • The crippling (costly) fear that most business owners would never openly admit to… but acts as an invisible ceiling on their income potential (chances are, you have this inbuilt fear without realizing)
  • Revolutionary “Turnaround Philosophy” on “CHANGE” and how to always have the winning edge over your competitors
  • FREE SPECIAL GIFT BONUSES to the value of $697 Just for showing up! Let us reward you for your vision and efforts!
  • Competitors? What competitors? Discover current (and proven) stealth marketing strategies that’ll leave your competition standing on the shore scratching their heads…
  • If you do something you love, the money will follow, right? WRONG! We’ll uncover the grey line between passion and profit
  • If you hate setting goals, but you know you should, then let us show you how to make this a simple, fun and rewarding process
  • The 6 “hard-hitting” & confronting questions you need to answer that’ll give you the harsh stock-take of your business
  • 10-Day Turnaround Action Plans and Checklists for your ULTIMATE RESULTS!
  • Breakthrough Leadership insights and strategies specifically targeted, flexible & supportive to your personality style!
  • FINALLY!! No more “outdated” old-school rigid Time-Management techniques that only work for a few weeks! See our advanced easyto- grasp time-mastery strategies (that actually work)

If you want the bonus audio course sent to you go to Spike Humor’s site and click on the book. You will notice the page is outdated, but you can still get the bonus. Spike says he will be revamping the site soon and apologizes for any confusion.

Click below for the Official Updated Book Page!

Spike Humer’s Site
Buy the Book and Recieve Free Audio Course
Business Breakthroughs Site

Simon Mainwaring Building Your Branding and Social Technology Blueprint

Simon Mainwaring Fortune 100 Branding and Social Technology Expert

Bestselling author, top branding and social technology expert Simon Mainwaring talks to us about branding, copy, top of mind awareness and much more.

I will tell you that if you do not know Simon Mainwaring, then you are at a huge disadvantage.

Whether you are a fortune 100 or  a small to medium sized company, that is working hard to figure out how the web and social technologies can and should work for you, There are things you can do or change that will make a significant difference in how effective your marketing is on the web.

Too many of us are overwhelmed by social media, marketing and networking and how we should use them to increase business and profitability.

Many experts talk about having a plan, but Simon has been there and has done it for company after company with award winning results. Simon is now working to get out the word to the many of how they too, can learn how to make the web and social media work for you.

Simon works with business, not just to help them set up their marketing blueprint. He sits down with them and has them role up their sleeves and sharpen their pencils and come up with a “Useable Now” Blueprint plan of how your business can utilize and capitalize using social technologies.

Simon is working hard to make this available to everyone, especially non-profits and when I saw what he was doing I immediately called him to have him tell us directly what he was doing. Simon, who already has a voice on many national platforms, took his time with us and not only shared what he was doing, but answered many of my questions about branding, copy and marketing.

Simon has decided to have his first branding workshop. I believe this is a class you or any business NEEDS to attend to figure out how to use technology, how to build community and sales. Later I found out who will already be there.

Besides the three incredible teachers Simon is bringing in I have found out that many of the students in the room are major powerhouses themselves. I can not tell you who, but you will be very impressed. It is worth going just to network with this group.

Guest Teachers and world class experts Carol Cone of Edleman PR, the worlds largest PR Firm and Robert Tercek former president of Digital Media, Sony Entertainment and Creative Director of MTV. Simon is also allowing each attendee to bring for FREE someone from a non-profit, foundation or cause marketing partner you support.

Thank you Simon for what you do for business, non-profits and for sharing your time and expertise with us. – JW

Simone Mainwaring

Simon Mainwaring is an award-winning branding consultant, bestselling author, influential blogger and international speaker.

Founder of We First, a social branding firm committed to helping brands build communities, profit and positive impact.

Member of the Sustainable Brands Advisory Board, the Advisory Board of the Center for Public Diplomacy at the USC Annenberg School, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts in London. He contributes to Fast Company, Forbes, Huffington Post, Mashable, and GOOD Magazine on branding and social technology.

Simon’s first book, We First: How brands and consumers use social media to build a better world (June 2011, Palgrave Macmillan) is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Amazon bestseller. It was named an Amazon Top Ten Business Book for 2011, 800CEORead Top Five Marketing Book for 2011, and strategy+business named it the Best Business Marketing Book of 2011. He was also included in Trust Across America’s, ‘Top 100 Thought Leaders in Trustworthy Business Behavior for 2012.’

Simon has been featured in Advertising Age, Adweek, Huffington Post, Inc Magazine, Fast Company, GOOD Magazine, and Mashable, as well as appearing on the Business News Network, CBS, CBC, BNet and Harpo Radio. He is a sought after international speaker with engagements including the Cannes International Advertising Festival, Royal Society of Arts, SXSW, TEDxSF, National Speakers Association, brands such as Google, Coca-Cola, General Motors, Gucci, Patagonia and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and was voted a Top 5 Marketing Speaker for 2012 by speaking.com

Prior to starting We First, Simon was an award-winning Nike creative writer at Wieden & Kennedy and worldwide creative director for Motorola at Ogilvy as well as consulting on dozens of Fortune 500 brands for leading advertising, production, digital and social media companies. He has received over sixty international creative awards at the Cannes Advertising Festival, the One Show (U.S.), the Kelly Awards (U.S) and the British Design & Art Direction Awards, among others.

Simon studied Law and Fine Arts (1st Class Honors) at Sydney University, lives in Los Angeles. His blog is simonmainwaring.com, he tweets @simonmainwaring, and the We First website is www.wefirstbranding.com

Simon’s Book – We First

A social media expert with global experience with many of the world’s biggest brands —including Nike, Toyota and Motorola—Simon Mainwaring offers a visionary new practice in which brands leverage social media to earn consumer goodwill, loyalty and profit, while creating a third pillar of sustainable social change through conscious contributions from customer purchases.

These innovative private sector partnerships answer perhaps the most pressing issue facing business and thought leaders today: how to practice capitalism in a way that satisfies the need for both profit and a healthy, sustainable planet. Mainwaring provides case studies from companies such as P&G, Walmart, Starbucks, Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Toyota, Nike, Whole Foods, Patagonia, and Nestlé as well as a bold plan for how corporations need to rethink their strategies.

Today’s marketplace is ruthless – the economy is tough and social technology is changing faster than ever – but it’s also an unprecedented opportunity to MASSIVELY SCALE YOUR BRAND, PROFIT and POSITIVE IMPACT ahead of your competitors.

The We First Social Branding Seminar makes this possible – whether you’re a Fortune 500 brand, social enterprise, non-profit or start-up – by ensuring you walk out with a practical and actionable SOCIAL BRANDING BLUEPRINT, specific to your business, that’s built on the best practices, case studies and bottom lines benefits of the world’s smartest marketers.

Simon’s first branding and marketing blueprint workshop and seminar

Your Social Branding Blueprint includes:

  • Cutting edge research/data on today’s customer, their online behavior, and how to engage them.
  • A defined brand story, message and purpose to ensure every marketing dollar you spend has maximum impact.
  • The Top 8 Social Media Strategies to architect a sustainable customer community.
  • The Top 5 Engagement Tactics for Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn and YouTube.
  • Critical creative campaigns to integrate your community across social media platforms.
  • The Top Tools, Techniques and Formulas to measure Return on Investment based on Fortune 500 case
  • The Top 10 Business Strategies to maintain and grow your brand community over the long term.
  • Vital Organizational Structures/Roles to integrate social media marketing within your company.
  • The Key Social Business Technologies that will redefine your industry, business and marketing.
  • A Customizable Pitch Deck that sells your social media plan to leadership, employees or investors.

This SOCIAL BRANDING BLUEPRINT will be built on the expertise of our world class speakers including:

  • Lessons I learned from almost over 20 years of working at the world’s top creative ad agencies in Asia, Europe and the U.S. on Fortune 500 brands like Nike, Motorola and Toyota.
  • Research into the latest in mobile, gaming and social technology that went into my New York Times bestseller and Amazon Top Ten Business Book for 2011, We First: How brands and consumer use social media to build a better world.
  • Insights into the future of branding and social media based on my contributions to Mashable, Huffington Post, Fast Company, GOOD magazine and Forbes.

To get more Information  or to Register for this Event… CLICK HERE

CONTACT Simon or We First:

Simon’s Blog
Simon on Twitter

Build a Business Around Your Expertise from Top Revenue Strategist Stefanie Hartman


Stefanie HartmanWe met Stefanie at Rick Frishman’s Author 101. Stefanie often works with authors and speakers to help them “Get it Done” as she helps them with marketing, revenue and other strategies.

Stefanie helps her clients propel themselves to new and higher levels of success.

I was at the conference for three days interviewing authors, speakers publishers, agents and many more excellent guests of Rick Frishman and as I did I would notice Stefanie sitting at a table with someone going over strategies for their business.

I was taken by the intensity and focus she gave each new person that entered the room and sat down with her. They each had her undivided and complete attention. Impressive.

I tried for the three days to get an interview with her as she was only 15 feet away from me at anytime she was in the room, but she had a steady line of clients the whole three days and could not find even a minute to sit with me.

Finally on the last day, I caught Stefanie as she got ready to break to get something to eat. I grabbed her… Sorry Stefanie, I know you and your husband were hungry, and had the wonderful Starley Murray do a short interview with her.

Rick had asked Stefanie to come to his event to help the authors that attended the event, because she has such a great track record of helping authors and other businesses propel their projects to new levels of success. I have never met Stefanie before, Rick has hired her for many of his top clients. That speaks, no pun intended, volumes to me. It turned out great, but I hope to get Stefanie to do a podcast with us soon. – JW

Stefanie Hartman

Often referred to as “The Expert’s Expert”, International Speaker and Consultant, Stefanie Hartman is a highly sought after Behind the Scenes Marketing Strategist for entrepreneurs, authors, speakers, coaches and experts throughout North America, Europe, and Australia.

Stefanie specializes in providing proven ‘real world’ powerful marketing strategies to generate on-going revenues, build your database and position you as a top expert in your field.  A rarity in the industry she reveals the TRUTH and helps entrepreneurs eliminate the learning curve and avoid the many pitfalls and costly mistakes that only the top 1% of income earners know. You can get more information at Stefanie’s web site www.StefanieHartman.com


  • Founded a Private Online Club that uses match-making technology to connect Entrepreneurs with casual partners that put your business or products in front of your target market worldwide.  www.PrivateJVClub.com .
  • Created the Millionairesin Training Program, an online school for Entrepreneurs, Authors and Speakers. www.MITProgram.com
  • Worked with “who’s who” of the industry: T. Harv Eker, Matt Bacak, 3-time Olympian Ruben Gonzalez, Oprah Guest Cynthia Kersey, among others. Has shared the stage with Rick Frishman, Arielle Ford (Deepak Chopra), John Assaraf, Mark Victor Hansen (Chicken Soup for Soul).

    rick frishman and stefanie hartman

    Rick Frishman and Stefanie Hartman

  • Recently courted byan award winningNew York Publishing Firm to lend her marketing expertise to their famous and new authors.
  • Partnered with NY publisher to award publishing contracts to Entrepreneurs world-wide, including full & major distribution to retail bookstores, foreign rights, and online sellers via Ingram.
  • Partnered to create the first and only “Get it Done for You” Social Media & Marketing Service Company for JV product launches, best-seller campaigns, and 100% social media set up and ongoing monthly marketing to get you leads, profits and set up in 30 days or less.
  • Co-produced several television shows, specials and documentaries, including work for PBS, The Discovery Channel, CTV, The Outdoor Life Network, VTV Channel for Baton Broadcasting
  • Marketing Strategies that enabled a client to sell over $600,000 of products in one weekend.
  • Marketing campaign that propelled an un-known author to #1Best-Selling Status on date predicted.
  • Marketing Strategy that enabled an author to sell over $1 Million of products in 3 days.
  • Designed monthly revenue program for client that nets him $3,000 – $10,000 in sales per month, 99% leveraged work by other people. No selling, no product distribution.
  • Increased client sales from $18,000 – $54,000 in 4 weeks.
  • After only 1 hour consulting/training helped speaker sell $500,000 products in 9 months (after he gave up trying).

Rick Frishman’s Author 101

Are you curious about what publishers like Harper Collins, Morgan James, Adams Media, Wiley, Random House, and Simon & Schuster are looking for? What is the best way to get your manuscript read when you’re an unpublished author? Want to know the biggest mistakes to avoid when writing book proposals? You’ll be engaged as these top pros share their expertise, reveal the inner workings of the publishing industry, and discuss various approaches to common marketing and publishing challenges.

Author 101 University Event Website: www.author101university.com

Does Your Image Detract from Your Message? by Top Image Expert Starley Murray


starley murrayWhile working at Rick Frishman’s Author 101 I got the incredible chance to hang out with the very cool and funny Starley Murray.

Starley, a National Publicity and Image Marketing Expert, was hosting the Green Room for the various speakers and authors that spoke at Author 101 University.

Starley, who is not new to the camera, gave me some great tips that I will continue to use as I go forward and she was kind enough to offer the assistance of her professional stylist who helped interviewees with their best image while dealing with the challenges of on stage and camera lightening.

Starley was just terrific and we got very lucky to have her share some of her secrets, she teaches her clients to make sure they stand out, in a positive way.

Starley was very kind to do our interview and we thank her for giving us some of her great signature tips. If you want to know more about Starley, read below or go to www.StarleyMurrayLive.com

starley murray TV Personality

Starley Murray

Widely recognized as an Image Marketing Coach, CEO of Starley Murray Cosmetics and a Television personality, Starley Murray is an innovative pioneer in her industry. Working with such television and film industry leaders such as 20th Century Fox, CBS, NBC, ABC, Time Warner Cable, Good Morning America, Extra, The E Channel and Entertainment Tonight, she lends her skills and expertise in an ever changing market.

On the cover and inside such magazines as People, Texas Monthly, Marie Claire, People en Espanol, Good Housekeeping, Jane, Cosmopolitan, and Oprah’s “O” Magazine, you will find a diversity of her clientele.

She has been requested for high profile clients such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Eva Longoria, Brooke Burke, Colin Powell, Billy Bob Thorton, John Walsh, George Strait, Charles Barkley, and Tommy Lee Jones for the elite services provided to clients of this stature.

Starley Murray Live

We believe that Image is more than what you wear; Image is how you represent yourself in life. As dedicated service leaders, Starley Murray & Company provides their diverse clientele base with superior image services and products to give them an edge in business and in their personal lives.

starley murray and nick verreos

Starley Murray and Nick Verreos

National Image Expert and Celebrity Makeup Artist, Starley Murray shares signature techniques & lessons related to image, beauty, and self esteem on local and syndicated TV morning shows across the nation.

In demand, Starley shares her valuable lessons with a greater number of people through Image related workshops & seminars, and speaks to a range of clients including corporations, women’s and youth groups and business professionals.

Fifteen years of unique work experience as a professional makeup artist, working with television networks, film production studios, fashion/entertainment magazines, and celebrities, allowed Starley to develop her expertise and gain insight into how image can affect one’s self esteem, income and reputation.

With the supportive tools she has developed such as her professional cosmetic line, STARLEY MURRAY COSMETICS, Image handbooks, and other learning mediums, she is able to teach people how to be their own Image Consultant.

Rick Frishman’s Author 101

Are you curious about what publishers like Harper Collins, Morgan James, Adams Media, Wiley, Random House, and Simon & Schuster are looking for? What is the best way to get your manuscript read when you’re an unpublished author? Want to know the biggest mistakes to avoid when writing book proposals? You’ll be engaged as these top pros share their expertise, reveal the inner workings of the publishing industry, and discuss various approaches to common marketing and publishing challenges.

Author 101 University Event Website: www.author101university.com

Spike Humer – Level Up! Rapid Business Acceleration System

Spike Humer Business Acceleration and Turnaround Expert

If your in business and are an entrepreneur then you have probably heard of, or been to an event where Spike Humer has spoken. For over 25 years Spike has been at the forefront of formulating innovative business groth and explosive marketing stategies for entrepreneurs, small businesses and multi-million dollar organizations.

Spike is the “Go-To” guy for scores of individuals and business owners around the world and when we heard that was starting a new program that took it up a notch, we really wanted to know more.

Between speaking and consulting trips to Europe, Australia and Asia, Spike took some time in California where we caught up with him. We have tried to get an interview with Spike for awhile and we are grateful that Spike graciously gave up some of his down time to make it happen.

spike humerInnovative Proprietary Systems

His proprietary systems for generating new profits and his results-proven advice have been sought after by success-seeking people in over thirty countries. Spike’s been credited with saving some clients from the brink of collapse, while helping others explode their performance to record- highs with his wealth of real-world-tested sales enhancement techniques, windfall profit strategies, and performance-enhancing marketing breakthroughs and concepts.

Featured Speaker

Spike’s been a featured speaker at seminars and business acceleration workshops throughout North America, Asia, Australia and Europe. Sharing the stage and program platforms with such luminaries and thought-leaders as Tony Blair, Jay Abraham, Chet Holmes, Stephen M.R. Covey, Mark Victor Hansen, T. Harv Eker, Loral Langemeier, Robert Allen, Rich Schefren, Darren J. Stephens, and many others Spike has been applauded for his straight-forward, “to-the-heart-of-the-matter” message.

When Jay Abraham (considered by many to be one of the greatest marketing minds ever) went looking for someone to help drive his and his clients’ businesses to greater levels of success and profitability, Spike Humer was the guy he turned to.

According to Jay, “Spike is probably the finest business performance enhancement specialist I have ever met and an utter master at finding the underperforming leveraging spots that are keeping your business from soaring!”

Jay abraham spike humerInnovative and Proven Practical Tips and Strategies

Spike’s proven business acceleration strategies have helped generate tens of millions of dollars in revenues for his clients and program attendees. He is renowned for creating quantum leaps in profitability and business performance–all in record time.

Spike’s “10-Day Turnaround Technologies” have engineered entrepreneurial success stories in dozens and dozens of industries the world over. His “Strategy for Significance” has helped his clients almost instantly earn the attention, trust, and profit-boosting relationships with their prospects and clients. Spike’s “Overnight Entrepreneur” methodology has put countless people on the path to financial-freedom and personal prosperity.

As a entrepreneurial advisor, small-business consultant, and turnaround expert Spike ranks among the world’s greatest thought-leaders and result producing advisors.