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Any civilization in the last 5,000 years can only be understood and measured by what we can read and discover about them. If they did not keep track of their accomplishments and cultures, chances are, we would know very little about them and their achievements.
- If you do not know where you came from, do you really have a good idea of where you are headed?
- How do you build upon the accomplishments of the past or avoid the mistakes of the past if you are unaware of them?
These seem to be good questions to ask people who do not have a good grasp of how this country started and developed throughout the last 200 years. As was pointed out by one museum curator, those in the last generation (the Great generation of World War II) seemed to have more Continue reading
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Tagged Americana, art, art galleries, Art Institute, artifacts, auto museums, benefactor, bonds, Cadillac, California, car museum, cbs, Chevy Museum, Chicago, Chrysler, Civil War, collections, Cook County, CPS, curator, deficit, education, firemen, Ford, FOX, funding, fundraising, government, historical, history, Illinois, Illinois Senate, infrastructure, James Carlini, landmark, mansions, money, museum, NEA, New York, pension fund, pensions, policemen, reform, regional economy, regional sustainability, society, taxes, teachers, township, trains, trustees, unions
Gilmore Bank Sponsors Golf Tournament for Westview School
Gilmore Community Bank Sponsors 2nd Annual Westview School Golf Tournament
At MountainGate Country Club Monday October 1, 2012
Listen to Jackie Strumwasser, Exec Director or Westview School and Cecil Adams, Senior Vice President of Gilmore Bank in Los Angeles talk about the event and the great work the school is doing for it’s students.
Interview with Cecil Adams and Jackie Strumwasser
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2nd Annual Golf Tournament
Please call Ellen Retting, Director of Development
310.478.5544 or
Event Tees Up At MountainGate Country Club At 9 A.MMonday October 1, 2012To ensure that Westview School will continue to “Make a Hole Lot of Difference for Kids,” outstanding corporate citizen Gilmore Bank has not only signed on as a Platinum Sponsor of Westview’s 2nd Annual Golf Tournament but is also actively recruiting other sponsors, raffle prize donors and golfers as well as promoting the event.
Additionally, the bank’s customers are invited to play in the October 1 tournament at MountainGate Country Club. Gilmore Bank is as unique in its strong support of Westview School as Westview is in its work with bright students, grades six to 12, with learning differences. Just one visit to the campus underscores the exceptional support Westview provides for these youths. The school is accredited by the Western Association of Schools.
Gilmore Bank is as unique in its strong support of Westview School as Westview is in its work with bright students, grades six to 12, with learning differences. Just one visit to the campus underscores the exceptional support Westview provides for these youths. The school is accredited by the Western Association of Schools.
Sponsors, raffle prizes and golfers are sought for the event. Contact Ellen Retting at 310.478.5544 Ext. 123.
About Gilmore Bank
Gilmore Bank opened for business in 1955. Bank founder, E.B. Gilmore was a legendary entrepreneur who, with his father, A.F. Gilmore, established the largest petroleum company in the western United States, built Gilmore Field baseball stadium, and founded the original Farmers Market.
Still a family owned community bank, they have full-service offices in Los Angeles and La Canada Flintridge, plus a loan production office in Irvine. Gilmore Bank has been granted the status of Preferred Lender by the Small Business Administration. For more information on Gilmore Bank, visit
About Westview School
Established in 1990, Westview School is a 501(c)3 nonprofit, nonpublic school serving bright students in grades 6 through 12 with learning differences that benefit from a small, supportive learning environment.
It is the mission of Westview School to provide its students with a personalized educational program with individualized instruction, program flexibility within an atmosphere of positive reinforcement. Westview’s unique college preparatory program strives to prepare its graduates to successfully meet the challenges of adult life.
For more information: or Facebook at Westview School Los Angeles.
All tournament proceeds will benefit Westview School
Established in 1990 Westview School is a nonprofit, nonpublic
school serving bright students in grades 6 through 12 with learning
differences who benefit from a small supportive learning environment.
Tournament Schedule
9:00 am – 10:15 am
• Registration
• Continental Breakfast
• Warm-up on the Driving Range,
(practice balls provided)
• Putting Contest
11:00 am
• Shot Gun Tee Off/Scramble Format
• Lunch on Cart
4:30 pm
• Cocktail Reception/No Host Bar
• Awards Ceremony
• Raffle
Tournament Location
MountainGate Country Club
12445 Mountain Gate Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90049
Sponsorship Opportunities
Platinum Sponsor $4,000
Includes: 3 Foursomes, Corporate Name/Logo on Thank
You Banner, 3 Tee Sponsorships and 12 Tee Gift Bags
Gold Sponsor $2,500
Includes: 2 Foursomes, Corporate Name/Logo on Thank
You Banner, 2 Tee Sponsorships and 8 Tee Gift Bags
Silver Sponsor $1,500
Includes: 1 Foursome, Name/Logo on Thank You
Banner, 1 Tee Sponsorship and 4 Tee Gift Bags
Hole-in-One Sponsor $500
Includes: Signage at Sponsored Tee
Driving Range Sponsor $250
Includes: Signage at Driving Range
Tee Sponsor $175
Includes: Signage at Sponsored Tee
*Foursome Package $900
Includes: 4 Entry Packages and 4 Tee Gift Bags
*Single Entry Package $250
Includes: Golf Cart, Box Lunch, Cocktail Reception and
A Tee Gift Bag.
*Early Bird Registration by September 1st.
Foursomes Receive 10 Raffle Tickets.
Single Entry Receives 2 Raffle Tickets.
Thank You to
The Blaine Group, Inc.
A Total Communications Agency
8665 Wilshire Blvd., Suite #301, Beverly Hills, CA 90211
O 310/360-1499 · F 310/360-1498
Posted in Audio Podcast, Business, Cause, Education, Entertainment, Event, Interview, Kids, Leisure, Lifestyle
Tagged blaine group, education, gilmore bank, interview, jw najarian, kids, non-profit, westview school
Dr Dana Fillmore – Strong Marriage Now
STOP Your Divorce, Save Your Marriage
If you follow the gossip, you would think that couples fall into one of two categories; those who are divorced, or those who are heading for divorce.
The numbers are beyond staggering. Somewhere near 50% of marriages fail, for one reason or another. From Sandra and Jesse to William and Kate; Arnold and Maria and on and on.. why didn’t one work and how long will the other last.
Interview with Dr Dana Fillmore – Strong Marriage Now
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For those enlightened, open-minded, and just plain savvy, who want to enhance, preserve, or save their relationship or marriage, there is help.
Statistically, only 25% who seek help, actually get help. That is, unless they are fortunate enough to know of our guest, Dr. Dana Fillmore, who can claim a 75% success rate, which is so phenomenal that we to ask her to share her thoughts, tools and strategies with us. This is one of my favorite interviews and we had a lot of fun. come Listen in.
Happily Ever After
Dr. Dana Fillmore and Amy Barnhart have released their book Happily Ever After – How to be Happily Married to the One You Already Married.
Improve, revitalize and save your marriage!
Live happily after by following Dr. Dana and Amy’s Marriage Success System: A proven 7-week program to transform your marriage.
This book reveals the secret to finally feeling the ongoing devotion, love and connection that you hoped for when you said “I do.”
You’ll learn what it takes to be happily married, how to work together to build a beautiful future, how to end the fighting, how to effectively communicate, and how to ignite the fire in your sex life.
Psychologist, Dr. Dana Fillmore, has spent more than 15 years bringing countless couples from the brink of divorce to feeling passionately, deeply in love again. Now you too, can use her innovative methods to assess and strengthen your marriage. In this breakthrough book you’ll discover:
- It’s normal to fall in and out of love in a long-term marriage
- Why marriages fail and how to prevent that from happening to you
- The potential dangers of traditional marriage counseling and how to protect yourself
- How to avoid the cause of 70% of divorces — fighting over money and who does what in the marriage
- The truth about men, women and sex and how to keep your partner from straying
Dr. Dana Fillmore
has helped hundreds of couples in her practice of over 15 years.
Dr. Fillmore’s success rate with married couples is three times the national average. Across the nation, only one in four couples who seek counseling stay together.
Three out of four of Dr. Fillmore’s couples stay together and have strong, thriving marriages.
Dr. Fillmore is known for being a clear, straightforward communicator. She knows what works for couples and isn’t afraid to tell it like it is. Consequently, she teaches only the key concepts and skills that make a dramatic difference in a relationship. Dr. Fillmore dives right in and provides empowering and thought-provoking information quickly. Everything she teaches is “doable” and delivers immediate results. is an alternative to traditional marriage counseling, couples counseling, couples therapy or relationship counseling. StrongMarriage Now Systems dramatically improve relationships. Looking for Save Marriage How-To’s? Have you asked yourself “How Do I Save My Marriage?” Do you want to stop divorce? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Whether you’re looking for solutions to your marriage problems or relationship problems or you just want some marriage advice, Dr. Dana and StrongMarriageNow can help you. The StrongMarriageNow System includes downloadable step-by-step exercises and a series of online videos that couples can watch privately on their computer.
Thanks for Improving My Marriage!
My wife said “That’s The Nicest Thing I’ve Seen in 33 Years.” — Bill M, Boca Raton, FL
Spending Time Together and Bonding Has Really Helped
— Miles and Beth – San Diego, CA
Thank you! Now, I can be graceful instead of angry and communicate with my husband.”
— Kathleen W – La Jolla, CA
was founded to help more couples have AMAZING marriages. The StrongMarriageNow System was designed to be straightforward and practical. The System provides the most important lessons that make a significant difference in relationships. Hundreds of couples were surveyed on their most important areas to improve in their relationship. Top areas included communication, spending time together, money issues and sex. The System includes 16 videos and 7 accompanying exercises dedicated to these topics.
All of the advice in the StrongMarriageNow videos is based on scientific research and Dr. Dana Fillmore’s experience. The skills and concepts have been proven effective in countless studies as well as in Dr. Fillmore’s practice.
Amy Barnhart
is the President & CEO of StrongMarriageNow. Amy is especially passionate about saving marriages having because of growing up with literally 13 broken marriages in her immediate family. Her mother was divorced 4 times, her oldest sister, 3 times, her next sister, 2 times, her brother twice and her father married three times, divorced twice.
She witnessed a pattern of marrying the same problems over and over again. And, she felt the pain of so many broken relationships and vowed that when she married she would not follow in the foot-steps of her family. She committed to staying married and learning what she needed to learn to be happily married. Thankfully she found Dr. Dana and decided to partner with her to spread those skills to the general public so that more people could avoid the pain she witnessed growing up.
Fix Your Marriage Today
Get FREE Marriage Advice from Dr. Dana (3 Videos Included):
Posted in Audio Podcast, Education, Health and Wellness, Interview, iTunes, Lifestyle
Tagged advice, bob schecter, book, course, dana fillmore, divorce, education, fix, happily ever after, jw najarian, marriage, relationship
Do You Need A Degree To Make Money?
Do You Need a Degree to Get a Job or Make Money?
How Bad Does Our Education System Suck?
Networking Fools Blogtalk Radio Show
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Networking Fools JW Najarian and partner Bob Schecter are your hosts for a discussion on why the heck you need a degree. Bob believes the degree is a bunch of crap and that experience is a much better indicator of your worth and skill set.
Do you need a degree to be successful? You hear about the studies that show that professionals with degrees make more over their lifetimes, but what about people that get a high profile degrees and failed. Or people like Bill Bartman, who became a multi-billionaire without a degree?
Were Fools, not experts, but join us anyway for a discussion and debate on our views. You are invited to comment and tell us your take.
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