Category Archives: Business

Pasta with Dilled Pea Sauce Recipe

Pasta with Dilled Pea Sauce


Servings: 4

Serving Size: 1 cup




2 tbsp cornstarch

1 tsp extra virgin olive oil

¼ cup fresh dill

3 cups frozen peas

1 tbsp ginger, finely peeled & chopped

dash hot pepper sauce

1 ea leeks, thinly sliced

8 oz penne pasta, uncooked

3 cups reduced sodium vegetable broth

¼ tsp salt

4 tbsp water



1. In a medium saucepan over medium-high heat, add the oil and the gingerroot and cook for 2 minutes.

2. Add the leek and cook for 3 minutes more.

3. Stir in the vegetable stock and dill, and bring to a boil. Add the peas and bring back to a boil.

4. Remove the sauce from heat. Pour the mixture into a blender and puree until smooth, about 5 minutes.

5. Mix the cornstarch and water to form a slurry. Add it to the sauce, return it to the heat and stir it until thickened, about 1 minute.

6. Cook the pasta according to the package directions, drain, and transfer to a large warm bowl.

7. To serve, add the salt and hot pepper sauce, toss with the pasta, and enjoy.

Food Exposed

This week’s episode of Food Exposed with Jackie Keller is all about sports nutrition for the recreational and professional athlete. This week’s guest is NCAA All American Runner, Maggie Vessey, who shares her best nutrition and fitness tips and her favorite foods when training. She and Jackie also prepare Jackie’s recipe for healthy Pasta and Turkey Meatballs, straight from the NutriFit kitchen. (Recipe posted below)

Watch the full episode of Food Exposed here:

Pasta with Turkey Meatballs
Pasta with Turkey Meatballs (3 servings)

1 lb ground turkey
½ cup fat free egg subsitute
½ cup whole wheat breadcrumbs
¼ cup onions, chopped
1 tsp worcestershire sauce
1 tsp NutriFit Mediterranean Spice Blend
2 cup marinara sauce
1 cup, pasta cooked al dente


1. Heat a nonstick skillet over medium heat. Spray with nonstick skillet with extra virgin olive oil cooking spray., add the onions and cook until translucent or lightly browned.
1. In a large bowl, combine all of the ingredients (except the pasta and marinara sauce) and mix thoroughly. Shape the mixture into 1″balls.
3. Saute the meatballs until lightly browned and cooked 3/4 of the way through (about 10 minutes). Add the marinara sauce and finish cooking the meatballs in the sauce.

Cook pasta until al dente. Serve with meatballs.

Trans Fats: What’s the Big Deal?

The upcoming FDA ban on trans-fats has garnered a lot of media attention over the last few weeks and with that attention many questions on the effects of trans-fats on health and diet. So what are the dangers of trans-fats and why should they be banned from our foods?

Trans fats, or trans-fatty acids, are “created in an industrial process that adds hydrogen to liquid vegetable oils to make them more solid” (American Heart Asosociation, Eating trans-fats lowers HDL (“good”) cholesterol levels and raises LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels blocking arteries and increasing the chance of heart attack and stroke. Trans-fats, like all fats,  also carry a whopping 9 calories per gram – nearly twice that of carbohydrates and fats. Diets high in trans-fats have also been linked to an increased chance of developing type-2 diabetes.

Trans-fats can be found in a number of everyday foods including shortening, tub butter, stick margarine, Crisco, Bisquick, fast-food French fries and hamburgers as well as certain ice creams and fried Ramen and Asian noodles. Deep-fat fried and highly processed foods are among the highest in trans-fats There are small amounts of trans-fats that occur naturally in meat and and dairy products, however the effect of these trans-fats on cholesterol is unclear compared to the effects of those produced by the food industry.

Companies use trans-fats because they are generally less expensive to produce and last longer and give a certain texture and taste to food that consumers have become used to for decades. However, there are many good alternatives to hydrogenated oils including saturated vegetable oils as well as corn, sunflower and safflower oils.

The FDA ban on tran-fats is a step in the right direction towards curbing obesity and improving the health of all Americans. Hopefully the FDA will continue to pursue restrictions on other harmful ingredients – including GMOs and high fructose corn syrup!


banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

2014 is a year that commemorates a lot of historical breakthroughs and global events. It is unfortunate that many who are in their 20s and 30s are absolutely clueless to these major events. Why? Public education seems to have failed miserably.


Ask someone under 40 what year “the Great War started? You might be surprised – and shocked – with the answers. It is the 100th anniversary of the beginning of World War Continue reading


banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

Since the United States is lagging behind in network infrastructure and broadband connectivity, it is time to raise the bar to terabit speeds when it comes to setting the standard for Continue reading


banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

The Internet should not be looked at as a tollway. Some want to change the Information Superhighway into a bureaucratic tollway which does nothing for increasing regional economic development, but does do a lot for impeding our overall global competitiveness.

The sad thing is that most people in government do not see this because they are blinded and dazzled by Continue reading

Nutrition Tips for Marathon Running

Have a marathon coming up? Here are same training and race-day tips to help keep you in top marathon shape. At NutriFit, we share these tips with those athletes who are using our Sports Specific Meals.

As the saying goes, “not planning is planning to fail” and this holds especially true for marathon runners. To keep energy levels up and avoid crashing, ensure that you have a hydration and nutrition plan for race-day. Eat a small meal or two four hours before the race – make sure that you do not try any new foods to avoid any unexpected reactions. On runs longer than one hour, make it a habit to bring and eat small snacks that are high on the glycemic index. It is important, especially on longer runs, to not wait until you are hungry to eat – know your body and your needs to know when to refuel before waiting for a rumbling stomach as a cue to eat. The body stores a maximum of 2000 kilocalories of glycogen, which it quickly burns after 90 minutes or so.  Research shows that the typical 145 lb male burns 100 calories/mile with 80 of those calories coming from carbohydrates and 20 from fat.

Another way to keep energy up is with caffeine – but only use this if you regularly consume it and have a plan in place to balance caffeine intake with water and carbohydrate intake. Energy gels and sports drinks also contain carbohydrates and, when used properly, are a good supplement to your GI snacks. Incorporate these energy gels in your race-day plan, and consider using them as a chaser after re-hydrating with water. NutriFit also makes a wonderful Mighty Muscle Mix, which is a great recovery snack.

It is also important to take race-day conditions into consideration – high humidity and heat will affect your energy and run. Be sure to drink plenty of water and stop at aid stations along the marathon path. Pay attention to the color of your urine and bladder to identify possible problems and know the affects medications you may be taking might have on your body during the race.


banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

It is amazing the bad advice that is being pumped out by some writers who think they have a hip handle on “dealing with executives” today and they want to take a casually-written exception of an EMail and make it into a rule.

The latest article that tries to promote bad management form is one written by a writer, Kevin Roose, from New York Magazine.
See article:


Yes, if you want to “fit in” to today’s society, just watch Jerry Springer for the most accepted ways to live your life.

Smoke crack, have sex with relatives, and forget going to the dentist when you break a front tooth. Come on, let’s get real. Those are rare exceptions, not the rule of today’s society.

I felt the same reaction when reading this article about “strategic sloppiness” and writing a casual response to a CEO. What might be considered a “hip response” by one generation is looked down upon by others as inappropriate.

The other observations in the article seem off-base as well:
“We’ve known for years that the higher you are on the food chain, the more license you’re allowed to take with the rules of professional communication…..”

Really? Most executives set a standard and that standard should be met or exceeded. Taking license and bending that standard may look “cool” to someone observing, but try to send a sloppy EMail to an organization and see if you even get a response.

As I observed after reading the article: Are there exceptions? Sure, but try to emulate someone who is real casual in their CEO position and you won’t be taken seriously by those they have put in charge of their organization as executive gate-keepers.

Another quote from the article: “As the boss, you can make as many mistakes as you want.”

Believe me, if you start making too many mistakes, you won’t be boss much longer. Either you will be replaced by the Board of Directors or your company will go out of business, so that observation and conclusion is a little weak. CEOs who make mistakes should be kicked out and should not be given any golden parachutes for poor performance. You don’t reward mediocrity and you certainly don’t celebrate failure with a bonus.


Malcolm Forbes had a couple of good quotes that I always like to throw out for those trying to understand executive management. One was, “He who has the wheel, sets the direction.”

The CEO sets the corporate direction and steers the enterprise to reach that goal. Whatever he or she decides, will make or break the company. The CEO is in a very powerful and demanding position, but sometimes is not really tested as to their real skills.

Forbes’ other quote is much more revealing and critical, “Any fool can handle the helm in calm seas.”

Some CEOs who were blessed to be in a CEO position when all the planets were aligned and their company had great success in the midst of no obstacles or real competition, may not be as good as they are portrayed. They get washed away quickly in the first storm.


Okay, you find someone that has some quirks in their management and leadership style. It may work for them, but you are not them. Don’t emulate their quirks, because you will not pull it off.

In music composition classes, there are many rules and chord progressions you must follow. These were all set years ago and if you are composing something, you follow the rules.

Have there been exceptions to this, where a great composer broke the rules? Yes, but that is a rare, rare exception.

The same goes for leadership and management skills and their application to conducting business. There are an accepted scope of actions that you should emulate. Good writing and speaking skills are key executive skills.

Taking liberty to be a non-conformist to that management framework is like playing “A flat” when you are in the key of “A” with the rest of the band.

Is there dissonance? Yes. Is there a great shock value? Yes. Will you be looked at as a great virtuoso who is so more magically skilled then the rest of the band?

99.999% of the time – NO, you’ll be looked at like some out-of-touch moron.

CARLINI-ISM: Executive skills should set a standard. Don’t play A flat in an A world. Stick to the music.

COPYRIGHT 2014 – James Carlini

Pomegranate Smoothie Recipe

Pomegranate Smoothie

Pomogrante Smoothie

Servings: 3

Serving Size: 16 oz


2 cups pomegranate juice

½ cup extra firm lite tofu

1 cup apple juice

1 ea banana


1. Put the juices, tofu and banana in a blender. Process until completely smooth. Refrigerate until ready to serve.

What Happens When You Die?

On Purpose Magazine Question Series

What Happens When You Die?

cemetary fog by tim heffernan, on Flickr

Cemetery fog by Tim Heffernan, on Flickr

So many schools of thought on this one. It seems that it is just not an academic type of question where the true answer can be found.

Do we just turn into dust and are no longer? Do we come back as someone or something else? Do we stay aware? Do we go someplace where we can see and help guide others back on Earth? Do we get rewarded or Continue reading


banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

It’s time for a total shake-up of AT&T executives who think they understand the market for high-speed services to residential customers. Take it from someone who worked at Bell Labs and got a ton of real network infrastructure training in the Bell System: Get rid of them because they do not understand what is needed in today’s work-at-home, telecommuter market.

Where is the strategy at AT&T when it comes to their flagship product, U-Verse? It certainly doesn’t address the realities of today’s Continue reading


banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

When it comes to leaving companies, employees should re-think their exit strategy. As I have said in previous articles, two-week notices went out with nickel beers. Unless you have mutually signed an agreement which specifies that either party must give the other one sufficient notice (30-days, 90-days) before terminating their association, giving notice is an option – not a mandatory requirement.

Recently, I had the opportunity to observe this first-hand. Instead of a two-week notice, the executive assembled a Summary of Tasks and turned that in with a letter of resignation.


Some people think that if they give a two-week notice, it will reflect greatly on them after they leave. The reality is – it doesn’t. When you give two-weeks notice, your employer could say, “Fine, this is your last day.”

You don’t get any “credit” for the two weeks you offered up as a notice. Some people think that if they offer a two-week notice, this locks in two-weeks pay, regardless if the company gets rid of you that day or not. It doesn’t.

Some Human Resource (HR) professionals will tell you “don’t burn your bridges”. They are only covering the company so that the transition is less abrupt, they are not concerned about your career.

Do you really think that if you were not recognized for the work you did for the organization for the last three, five, ten years (pick a length), that you will be given some platinum recommendation after you leave?

If you were recognized for the work you did, chances are, you would not be leaving. If an employer did not recognize you when you were there working diligently, do you really think you are going to get a glowing reference of recognition when you are gone for a year. Or, ten years? Wake up.

In a very recent departure of an executive from a large organization, the intention was that the executive was going to give some notice, but some issues changed and she gave a one-day notice instead.

Her performance appraisal was very high, yet when it came time for the annual bonus, the amount was severely decimated. This was over a year ago.

She went through proper procedures and talked to her boss about it. He never answered her question and did not really do anything in the next bonus cycle to rectify the shorting of the amount.

Anyone who is expecting a bonus and gets a significantly lesser amount should at least get an explanation of why it was cut back.
In this case, that never happened. So the question of giving notice was tied back to meeting with the boss about the loss of compensation.

Not taking action on this type of employee issue is a clear sign of lack of leadership. I challenge any HR “professional”, before commenting about the “inappropriate action of the employee of not giving two-week notice”, to be as quick and as judgmental about the lack of leadership in the manager who did not follow up with any type of action or even an explanation of the cut in bonus for fourteen months.

In my perspective, the company did not earn any “special” consideration like a two-week notice, when it failed to address a reason for a reduced cialis bonus, let alone rectify a bad bonus situation.


Most Human Resource professionals will tell you to write a short Letter of Resignation in order to formalize your departure. That’s old news.

What you should also be turning in, is a Summary of Tasks for Transition or a list of responsibilities that you have which have to be taken over.

In order to have a smooth and orderly departure, you should give your supervisor a list of the job responsibilities that you have in order to make sure someone picks up all the tasks.

In essence, the Summary of Tasks for Transition should be a summary of all the responsibilities that you have on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis for someone to assume responsibility for after you leave.

It could be a list of things ranging from daily review of orders coming in to developing and summarizing the weekly sales report to coordinating the monthly regional report. Anything that you do, review, compile, design or assemble, should be in this Summary of Tasks. This gives your boss, as well as anyone else, a clear road-map to assume your responsibilities. You should meet with your boss to discuss the Summary of Tasks and any supporting information that goes along with each line item. That’s wrapping up your tenure there professionally.

If you are the boss of the person leaving, you should be asking for this Summary of Tasks for Transition document because the job description that you have for that person is probably out-of-date and does not reflect the full scope of responsibilities that they have. Chances are, you don’t know all the tasks that the person is performing and you’re better off getting a list of responsibilities from them, than trying to think you know what they are doing on an everyday basis.

The document should be complete and reviewed by the supervisor and the person leaving before they depart. Then, the supervisor needs to assign those tasks to those who are remaining.

Sounds simple, yet most companies are more worried about two-week notices. One-day notices are becoming more common as people do not feel they should be giving two-week notices to companies that are not giving two-week (or more) notices to people when they have a force reduction, layoff or any other “euphemism” for cutting back on the organization’s headcount.

Those HR professionals who warn not to leave without “proper” notice because you are leaving your co-workers in a lurch have no insight on real world office culture. Chances are, if you are leaving because the organization is bad, your co-workers probably have one foot out the door as well. They might be mad that you beat them to the punch as to getting out of the bad situation.

Usually, they are more concerned if you can find them a new job in the company that you are going to.

CARLINI-ISM: When it comes to leaving a company, you’re mind is made up and you should leave quickly in good graces by writing a short and concise Letter of Resignation and attaching a Summary of Tasks for Transition so that your job responsibilities can be easily picked up and re-assigned.

COPYRIGHT 2014 – James Carlini


banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

Looking back at the year, I could have written about certain business milestones or technology advances, but I think we should reflect on the betterment of mankind by trying to revisit tolerance and acceptance in our lives. Going into 2014, we should Continue reading

Last Minute Christmas Gifts From Apriori Beauty You Will Love to Give and Receive

logo apriori beauty 01

Apriori Beauty Products

I have been using and selling Apriori Beauty Products since the company first opened.

apriori celloxylin

I absolutely love these products and highly recommend them because I know first hand the quality and care that goes into formulating these products and especially how much Apriori Beauty strives to make products that work and are safe.

jw portrait 01 w frame bkg

If you are looking for last minute Christmas or Holiday Gifts that will really be special and that the women and men in your life will just love, then you need to Continue reading


banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

In a recent Forbes article, a book, Against the Smart City, was reviewed on its focus on the concept of Smart Cities. The article’s author discussed the perspective and the arguments made by the book. I tended to disagree with the Continue reading

Your Chance to Meet Kelli Richards, Jacqueline Wales and Gary W. Goldstein

logo innerfluence

On January 8th 2014

Can you imagine getting the opportunity to sit down with powerhouse Silicon Valley business consultant Kelli Richards, FBI, American Airlines to Citibank consultant Jacqueline Wales and billion dollar box-office movie producer for films like “Pretty Woman” and “Mothman Prophecies”?

Here is your chance!

“Innerfluence” Kick Off Event (Added Evening)

Wednesday, January 8th 

At the Private Residence of Jacqueline Wales.

Join coaches Kelli Richards and Jacqueline Wales who are your private and personal Think-Tank and Think-Big, and 100% committed to your massive growth, measured in productivity, reward and dollars. Also meet Gary Goldstein, Business Strategist, Advisor to CMO’s, Billion Dollar film producer of Pretty Woman who will bring his entire toolkit and proven strategies to amplify your mission and your results.

Okay some of you have seen me mention this before… about the kickoff meeting of Innerfluence on December 4th. I ended up getting very sick after the above interview and did not have appropriate time to get this message out to everyone in time.

The post went out late and I felt awful, but Jacqueline has added a very exclusive meeting to kick off The iNNerfluence Event.

This meeting will be held at Jacqueline’s private residence so she can only accommodate a very limited amount of people.

If you want to increase your InnerFluence in 2014?  If you didn’t get the chance to sit down in December with Kelli Richards, Jacqueline Wales, and Gary Goldstein then make time on January 8th to attend this life-changing presentation in Oakland, CA.

This is your chance to meet and work with three of the most incredible, highly sought after, success and business consultants including famed author of The Fearless Factor Jacqueline Wales, All Access Group CEO and media trailblazer Kelli Richards and Hollywood producer Gary W. Goldstein, producer of box office hits like Pretty Woman, Under Seige I & II and Mothman Prophecies.

Learn how you can massively increase your self-awareness, leverage superstar connections, and build a thriving business in less time than you thought possible with these three powerhouse individuals who are ready to rock your world.

This will be a one time, very intimate meeting in January with the possibility of working with these three for the next year!. Make this new year the most spectacular ever.

Chances like this do not come along everyday.

If you would like to attend please contact and let her know you’re interested in attending as soon as possible. – JW

I got a call the other day from my great friend and mentor Gary W. Goldtein. Gary was extremely excited about a talk he is about to give in Redwood City.

Now Gary gets to speak at many events and lately he has really cut back on speaking since Gary is very busy with his consulting business.

Anyway, when Gary gets excited I listen. He went on to explain who he was speaking with and about what they were doing together.

I understood immediately why he was so excited. He would be speaking with two extreme consultants in business about a new program they would provide this next year called Innerfluence which is a one year, very intimate coaching program for a very small and unique set of business people.- JW

Gary Goldstein sh

Gary W. Goldstein

Producer of some of Hollywood’s biggest box-office hits, like “Pretty Woman“, with Julia Roberts “Mothman Prophesies” with Richard Gere and “Under Siege I and II” with Steven Segal, which have generated well over a billion dollars in worldwide sales and revenue. Gary’s productions have also received multiple Academy Award nominations, Golden Globe Awards and Peoples Choice Awards.

Gary advises a diverse set of corporations and sits on several boards helping companies and entrepreneurs alike, take their business and passions to exciting new levels. has a passion for helping entrepreneurs play at the same level, and with the same agility that drives an 8-figure film ‘startup’.  With his expert guidance you can accomplish in a few months what any other business might accomplish in 3-5 years.  His great gift is unearthing that singular story that powerfully elevates context, makes your enterprise the only solution, and utterly disarms your competition.

kelli richards shKelli Richards

Media traiblazer, super-connector and influencer across media, digital music, entertainment and technology, Kelli Richards literally & figuratively lives in the cross-hairs of Silicon Valley, forecasting trends and connecting decision makers to talent and one another.

Kelli is sought after consultant, mentor, producer and speaker,

Kelli and team consistently work their magic bringing business opportunities to life by bringing together best of breed tech companies, record labels, film studios, consumer brands, artists and celebrities.  Kelli envisions and executes on a very big scale.

jacqueline wales shJacqueline Wales

An astonishingly diverse list of important companies and organizations — from the FBI to American Airlines, from Citibank to Standard & Poor’s, the list is long — seek the counsel and consulting services of Jacqueline Wales.

Jacqueline’s retreats and mentoring programs are renowned for obliterating barriers & unleashing explosive human performance, for her pioneering work at the vanguard of leadership, marrying human technologies that exalt, instruct and inspire people in business, government and philanthropy to achieve well beyond what their history might otherwise suggest is possible.

For those who hunger to truly become the author of their life journey and legacy, Jacqueline is the short cut!

logo innerfluence


The INNerFluence(TM) Program helps you simplify the complex. 
We teach you how to explode your influence in the world.

We know you’re brilliant. We also know the hard truth… how vast the distance between success and mastery. Our sole mission is to teach a level of stewardship most have not even imagined.  Before 2014 is over, you will have broken your own mold, and exceeded all expectations for your life, and your business.
Please join us On January 8th, 2013 
Introducing InnerFluence, an unprecedented program connecting self-mastery and influence to shift your sense of what’s possible for your life, your business, and your legacy. If you love good wine, mouth-watering food, and enjoy connecting with great people, you’re going to love this event.  Join us for an evening of calorie-laden conversations that will expand your brain. 

Space is extremely limited so if you would like to attend please contact and let her know you would like to attend as soon as possible.

More than ever, your personal success today depends on the right connections, cooperation and creativity with other high achievers and entrepreneurs (measured not just in millions of dollars in revenue, but in bottom line, impact and influence). 

Wouldn’t you like to learn how to :

  • Wipe out the distractions, become a Ninja, and stay laser focused on the 20% that takes you over the top.
  • Identify and master your strengths, and outsource your weaknesses.
  • Create a new story that makes people fall in love with you, your business, your mission and bring you surprising and disproportionate word-of-mouth influence.
  • Acquire major strategic relations to explode your results.
  • Think bigger ideas, deploy more powerful market-based strategies to surpass whatever you previously defined as ‘success’.  

Join coaches Kelli Richards and Jacqueline Wales who are your private and personal Think-Tank and Think-Big, and 100% committed to your massive growth, measured in productivity, reward and dollars. 
Also meet Gary Goldstein, Business Strategist, Advisor to CMO’s, Billion Dollar film producer of Pretty Woman who will bring his entire toolkit and proven strategies to amplify your mission and your results.

Beyond spectacular, you will also learn during the evening how you can join us at Jacqueline’s beautiful secluded home in Bali. This is a place where scents, sights and sounds conspire to connect you more deeply with yourself, and with your peers. Where you can unplug, reset, and rejuvenate to make a bigger contribution to the world at large.

Space is extremely limited so if you would like to attend please contact and let her know you would like to attend as soon as possible.

Yoplait® Greek and Universal Music Group Nashville Come Together to Help Fight Hunger

Celebrity Auction Will Benefit Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee

According to Feeding America 15.9 million children lived in food insecure households in 2012. Hunger in America exists for over 50 million people. That is 1 in 6 of the U.S. population – including more than 1 in 5 children.

MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 13, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — Yoplait® Greek yogurt has teamed up with Universal Music Group Nashville to help fight hunger.

The two came together to engage with country music’s finest in an effort to raise funds for food-insecure families in the Nashville area.

Signed Guitar - Yoplait Greek & Universal Music Group Nashville Team Up to Help Fight HungerArtists including Luke Bryan, George Strait, Vince Gill, Easton Corbin, Dierks Bentley and more did their parts to raise funds for Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee by signing an acoustic guitar, which will be auctioned off at leading charity auction site, later this month.

Vince Gill - Yoplait Greek & Universal Music Group Nashville Team Up to Help Fight Hunger

Vince Gill Signs Guitar for Auction

Now, through December 3rd, consumers can take part in the auction by visiting Charitybuzz at and placing a bid on a musical package including the guitar, signed by more than 12 Universal Music Group Nashville artists, and tickets to a Universal Music Group Nashville artist’s concert.

Luke Bryan - Yoplait Greek & Universal Music Group Nashville Team Up to Help Fight Hunger

Luke Bryan Signs Guitar for Auction

“It’s an honor to be part of this campaign,” said Universal Music Group Nashville artist, Luke Bryan. “I’m happy to help raise money for Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee.”

Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee is one of the largest food banks in the U.S., with a mission to feed hungry people and work to solve hunger issues in our community.

According to the USDA, an estimated 50.1 million Americans are at risk of hunger, and 16.7 million U.S. children under 18 are food insecure. In the state of Tennessee, one in four children are food insecure, and in Middle Tennessee alone, 31 percent of the people Second Harvest serves are children.

“No one should be hungry and I am honored to lend my name to help the Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee,” said Country Music Hall of Fame member, Vince Gill.

Yoplait® Greek’s participation builds on Generals Mills’ commitment to taking action against food insecurity. Over the last decade, General Mills has donated nearly $240 million in food donations to Feeding America and its member food banks to help feed children and families throughout the United States.

“We understand the importance and urgency of helping to fight hunger,” said Liza Dopp, Yoplait® Greek marketing manager. “We want to do our part to help deliver food to families in need.”

All proceeds from the auction will benefit the Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee.

About General Mills

General Mills is one of the world’s leading food companies, operating in more than 100 countries around the world. Its brands include Cheerios, Fiber One, Haagen-Dazs, Nature Valley, Yoplait, Betty Crocker, Pillsbury, Green Giant, Old El Paso, Wanchai Ferry, Yoki, and more. Headquartered in Minneapolis, Minn., USA, General Mills had fiscal 2013 worldwide sales of US $17.8 billion. Visit

Yoplait is a registered trademark of YOPLAIT MARQUES (France) used under license.

logo unviversal music group nashvilleAbout Universal Music Group

Universal Music Group is the global music leader, with wholly owned operations in 60 territories. Its businesses also include Universal Music Publishing Group, one of the industry’s premier music publishing operations worldwide.

Universal Music Group’s record labels include A&M/Octone, Angel, Astralwerks, Blue Note, Capitol Records, Decca, Def Jam Recordings, Deutsche Grammophon, Disa, Emarcy, EMI Records Nashville, Fonovisa, Geffen Records, Interscope Records, I.R.S., Island Records, Machete Music, Manhattan, MCA Nashville, Mercury Nashville, Mercury Records, Motown Records, Polydor Records, Republic Records, Universal Music Latino, Verve Music Group and Virgin Records, as well as a multitude of record labels owned or distributed by its record company subsidiaries around the world.

The Universal Music Group owns the most extensive catalogue of music in the industry, which includes the last 100 years of the world’s most popular artists and their recordings.

UMG’s catalogue is marketed through two distinct divisions, Universal Music Enterprises (in the U.S.) and Universal Strategic Marketing (outside the U.S.). Universal Music Group also includes Global Digital Business, its new media and technologies division and Bravado, its merchandising company.

Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle TennesseeAbout Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee

Organized in 1978, Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee is a private, not-for-profit, tax-exempt organization. Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee’s mission is to feed hungry people and work to solve hunger issues in our community.

Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee is one of the largest and most comprehensive of over 200 food banks and food distribution centers nationwide and also a member of Feeding America – The Nation’s Food Bank Network.

Second Harvest distributes food and other products to approximately 400 nonprofit partner agencies in 46 counties in Middle and West Tennessee.

Our partners include food pantries, soup kitchens, shelters, childcare facilities, senior centers, group homes, and youth enrichment programs. For more information on Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee and its programs, please visit

Homelessness – It’s not just a “Big City” problem anymore

banner beth anne grib OnPurpose

by Beth Anne Grib

I have the privilege of serving in the City of Wilmington alongside of some truly giving hearts who really care about the homeless and their future. We collectively are known as “The Way Ryders”, a Christian motorcycle ministry that is very active in Wilmington and the surrounding communities. For the third year in a row, we Continue reading


banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

Well, we just killed off that myth! Good mission critical systems come from good mission critical systems people – not political hacks or Continue reading


banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

“We spent over $600,000,000 and got what for our money?”

That should be the top story on every news channel as well as in the minds of all taxpayers who were waiting for some type of better health plan than what they were paying for. It should also be the first question asked in Washington, DC on BOTH sides of the aisle.

What happened to quality in Continue reading


banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

Your company will fail. Your office space will be a major contributing factor.

More commercial buildings are becoming technologically obsolete because their owners and property management companies do not realize that the three most important words in real estate have become Continue reading


banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

More and more people are getting credit cards with a built-in RFID chip in them. That little RFID chip (Radio Frequency ID) can transmit your credit card info out several feet when it is scanned by any reader. Most people do not know this.

You can tell if your credit card has an RFID in it because most cards will be marked by one of several Continue reading

Box by Bot and Dolly

DO NOT Skip this Video Hit Play NOW!

Robotic Film and Art Video is Spectacular

Ran across this video in Scientific America Online. It had me mesmerized and wanting more. This was picked as a Vimeo staff favorite video.

The video was put together by Bot & Dolly a company that a geek like me would love to Continue reading

GBK Luxury Gift Lounge a Big Success Honoring the Nominees and Presenters of the 2013 Emmy® Awards

GBK GBK Blends Gifting with Charitable Giving at Their Annual Luxury Gift Lounge Honoring the Nominees and Presenters of the 2013 Emmy® Awards

September 20th and 21st – W Hollywood Hotel
GBK’s lounge was attended by celebrities from over 10 nominated shows including Host of the Primetime Emmy® Awards, Neil Patrick Harris, and Nominees Ed O’Neill (
“Modern Family”), Harry Hamlin (“Mad Men”), Linda Cardellini (“Mad Men”), Tony Hale (“Veep”), Travis Wall “So You Think You Can Dance”, Chris Noth (“The Good Wife”), Lesley Nicol (“Downton Abbey”), Gleb Savchenko (“Dancing With The Stars”), Jackson Pace (“Homeland”), Karina Smirnoff (“Dancing With The Stars”), Lori Greiner (“Shark Tank”), Mary Murphy “So You Think You Can Dance”, Matt Walsh (“Veep”), Reid Scott (“Veep”), RJ Mitte (“Breaking Bad”), Sufe Bradshaw (“Veep”), Timothy Simons (“Veep”). Other fantastic guests attended, including Alfre Woodard (“Copper”), Matt LeBlanc “Episodes”, Dennis Quaid (“Vegas”), Jason Isaacs (“Case Histories”), Joe Morton (“Scandal”), Regina King (“Southland”), Rumer Willis (“Return to Sender”), Camille Grammer (“Real Housewives of Beverly Hills”), Dania Ramirez (“Devious Maids”), John Benjamin Hickey (“The Big C Hereafter”), Jose Pablo Cantillo (“Walking Dead”), Meghan Ory (“Once Upon A Time”), AJ Buckley (“CSI: NY”), Nico Tortorella (“The Following”), Steven Bauer (“Ray Donavan”), Terry O’Quinn (“Falling Skies”), Willie Garson (“White Collar”), Yvette Nicole Brown (“Community”), and many more! Continue reading


banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

And Broadband Connectivity equals jobs. That was a key point that I have been making in the last couple of years in keynote speeches addressing thousands in audiences across the country at various conferences.

At the AGL (Above Ground Level Magazine) Conference yesterday, I presented this key concept as well as Continue reading

Samsung Reveals Its New Galaxy Gear Smart Watch

Samsung Reveals Its Smart Watch


Steve Kovach and Jay Yarow Sep. 4, 2013, 12:22 PM

galaxy gear smart watch

Samsung announced its first Android-powered smart watch today called the Galaxy Gear.

The Gear syncs with another new gadget Samsung announced today, the Galaxy Note III, a large-screen phablet. For now, the Gear will only work with the Galaxy Note III, but Samsung says it will add support for other Galaxy phones soon.

The new smart watch will cost $299 and will go on sale in October.

Click here for hands-on photos of the Galaxy Gear >>

So, what can it do?  Read more:

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banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

When you go to a business meeting today are you dressed for success or dressed casually? Do you look like you flew in on the corporate jet or were you one of the people washing it down before the flight?

7K0A0603Image consultants seem more concerned about social media tools today than they are real barometers of professionalism and success. Having a Smartphone with an obnoxious ring tone is not cool and won’t make any points unless you Continue reading


banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

There is a lot of promise from the growing industry of 3D printers and manufacturing products through their use as well as new 3D scanners. This technology is providing a second industrial revolution in the United States as well as globally.

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Business Executives Gain a New Resource in the Launch of The Ultimate Sales Machine Blog

Commemorating the first
Chet Holmesanniversary of the passing of legendary salesman and Business Breakthrough’s co-founder, Chet Holmes, a new resource for c-level executives is released.

Those of us who lead today must be lifelong learners in order to compete. Continue reading


banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

Wake up America

Especially the politicians in California, Illinois, and anywhere else where they are considering implementing a high-speed train. High-speed trains are so “last century” and they are not cheap to build or maintain. If they are not used to their maximum capacities and there is only marginal ridership, they are a supreme waste of money and their residual value is just another money-wasting monument built to honor and perpetuate bureaucracy. Continue reading


banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

How can you learn from proven leaders’ wisdom? One quick way is to get an insight to their thought process by reading up on their quotes.

Years ago, a business acquaintance I had met in San Francisco while consulting on a high-tech real estate project for Santa Fe Southern Pacific in Silicon Valley got me started on looking at quotes from different leaders in various industries. Continue reading

CEO Canteen Automatic Dario Franchitti Limited Edition Unveiled by TW Steel

CEO Canteen Automatic Dario Franchitti Limited Edition Unveiled by TW Steel

Amsterdam, The Netherlands (August 5, 2013) – TW Steel is delighted to honor brand ambassador and multiple IndyCar Series Champion, Dario Franchitti, with a brand new limited edition timepiece – the CEO Canteen Automatic Dario Franchitti (CE1200 – 50mm), the first model from the brand new CEO Canteen Automatic collection. Continue reading

What The Heck Happened to TweetDeck?

logo tweetdeckTweetDeck seems to have gone from being one of the most powerful applications for Twitter to now being a pretty useless platform at best.

Continue reading

Time Warner blackout of CBS goes into 2nd day – The Monitor: Business

Time Warner blackout of CBS goes into 2nd day

Posted: Saturday, August 3, 2013 3:42 pm

Time Warner Cable’s blackout of CBS continued Saturday, and neither side indicated a resolution of their dispute over fees is imminent.

Time Warner dropped CBS Friday in New York, Los Angeles, Dallas and several other cities, leaving three million customers without the network’s programs. The issue is fees that the cable company pays CBS to air its programs.

Each has accused the other of making unreasonable demands. On Saturday the two sides even seemed to disagree on the status of negotiations. A Time Warner spokeswoman said Saturday afternoon that negotiations are ongoing. CBS said it expects talks to resume soon, but the decision rests with Time Warner.

Without a deal, Time Warner customers were missing Tiger Woods’ attempt at his 8th win at Firestone Country Club near Akron, Ohio, in this weekend’s Bridgestone Invitational. Woods held a lead of 7 strokes as he played Saturday. CBS fans also won’t see programs such as “Under the Dome” or “60 Minutes.”

Read the complete story…………………

via Time Warner blackout of CBS goes into 2nd day – The Monitor: Business.

The proceeding is a story from The Monitor about Showtime and Time Warner Cable negotiations breakdown.

It looks as though their issues have been made into an issue for each subscriber to Time Warner. I understand TWC standing up to Showtime, but not sure it is the best idea to do it by making its clients suffer.

I would rather see TWC raise the cost and allow the public to decide which provider they wanted to use based on price, convenience and features.

It seems that both sides are using the angry and frustrated emotions of the subscribers to try and stick it too each other. It also seems that the only ones that are getting it stuck to them is the subscribers. – JW

Rey Ybarra Conversations with Shark Tank Winners

Rey Ybarra 02Rey Ybarra Interviews Shark Tank Winners about their experiences and the Shark Tank Effect. Continue reading


banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

Hear that huge shattering sound of multiple stories of glass crashing down to the ground? That is the shattering of decades’ worth of commercial real estate concepts that don’t Continue reading


banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

Do you hear that? It’s a crumbling sound reverberating across the country.

It’s the great wall of over-bloated government pensions starting to crumble in Detroit. The unions think they will stop the crumbling? I don’t think so. Continue reading


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By James Carlini

Views from a Condo Board President :

As more baby boomers retire and decide to go into condos or townhomes that have homeowner associations, they better realize that condo/ townhouse living is different than living in a single family home. Living within a set of rules after living on your own for several decades takes Continue reading


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By James Carlini

Copper cabling is still used in both electrical and telecommunications applications.  Both the power company as well as the telephone companies, still use a lot of it for distributing power as well as distributing communication signals for voice, data, and video.  Because of its value, many are thinking it is an Continue reading


banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

EXCERPT from James Carlini’s upcoming book, Location, Location, Connectivity :

How receptive is your building to all the new connectivity technology exploding onto the market? Have your Smartphone with you? Does it work well in your building? What about your applications running on your enterprise network? Are you getting the speeds you need to compete in the 21st century? Or, are you stuck with 20th century connectivity because no one knows how to upgrade the building’s network infrastructure? Continue reading