Category Archives: Journal

Quote of the Day August 5th

This Week I am putting out a whole mess of quotes… Please enjoy and Share All

Photos are from my yard… Enjoy

“Behavior Never Lies!” – Richard Flint

“If what you say you want is contradicted by what you do, then you are lying to yourself and all you have said it to.” – Richard Flint

Quote of the Day August 4th

This Week I am putting out a whole mess of quotes… Please enjoy and Share All

Photos are from my yard… Enjoy

“The richest man is not he who has the most but he who needs the least” – Unknown

Quote of the Day August 3rd

This Week I am putting out a whole mess of quotes… Please enjoy and Share All

Photos are from my yard… Enjoy

“Why fit in when you were born to stand out?” — Dr. Seuss

Quote of the Day August 2nd

This Week I am putting out a whole mess of quotes… Please enjoy and Share All

Photos are from my yard… Enjoy

Don’t Take Anything Personally..
Nothing others do is because of you.
What others say and do is a projection of their reality, their own dream.
When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others,
you wont be the victim of needless suffering…Don Miguel Ruiz

Quote of the Day August 1st

This Week I am putting out a whole mess of quotes… Please enjoy and Share All

Photos are from my yard… Enjoy

“The brilliance you see in others is really the brilliance you find in yourself – JW Najarian

You want to get ahead? Go Ahead! – JW Najarian

Quote of the Day August 1st

This Week I am putting out a whole mess of quotes… Please enjoy and Share All

Photos are from my yard… Enjoy

“Winners must xenical learn to relish change with the same
enthusiasm and energy that we have resisted it in the past.”

— Tom Peters

Quote of the Day July 31st

This Week I am putting out a whole mess of quotes… Please enjoy and Share All

Photos are from my yard… Enjoy

“Just like a sunbeam can’t separate itself from the sun,
and a wave can’t separate itself from the ocean,
we can’t separate ourselves from one another. We are all
part of a vast sea of love, one indivisible divine mind.”

— Marianne Williamson

Quote of the Day July 28th

This Week I am putting out a whole mess of quotes… Please enjoy and Share All

“We are at our very best, and we are happiest, when we are fully
engaged in work we enjoy on the journey toward the goal we’ve established for ourselves. It gives meaning to our time off and
comfort to our sleep. It makes everything else
in life so wonderful, so worthwhile.”

— Earl Nightingale

Quote of the Day July 30th

JW On PurposeThis Week I am putting out a whole mess of quotes… Please enjoy and Share All

Photos are from my yard… Enjoy

“If you realized how powerful your thoughts are,
you would never think a negative thought.”
— Peace Pilgrim

Quote of the Day July 29th

This Week I am putting out a whole mess of quotes… Please enjoy and Share All

“Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like
most people won’t, so that you can spend the
rest of your life like most people can’t.”

Quote of the Day July 28th

This Week I am putting out a whole mess of quotes… Please enjoy and Share All

Photos are from my yard… Enjoy

“We are at our very best, and we are happiest, when we are fully
engaged in work we enjoy on the journey toward the goal we’ve established for ourselves. It gives meaning to our time off and
comfort to our sleep. It makes everything else
in life so wonderful, so worthwhile.”

— Earl Nightingale

New Site Theme

OMG, I have been playing with new site themes all night.. How unproductive, but hopefully this one will do the trick. just doesn’t have the functionality of

Hope you like the new look. The content section is skinnier, but it looks real nice.


Not Another Name Change!?

Disney Rose JW Najarian

Disney Rose from my garden

I am changing the name of the site to JW On Purpose.

Yes sorry, but the wonderful and talented author,  Hyla Molander came up with this new name and I really loved it.

I was and then JWN360 and then JW360 and now I am JW On Purpose.

By the way the graphic of the Disney Rose from my garden is just that. There is no special meaning to this story or post. I just liked it.

I took a ton of pictures of the flowers our yard and shared them on Flickr. So why did I put a picture here? Because this story seemed dull without a picture. So now you know the PURPOSE of the graphic. If you are interested, here are the rest of my pics

The purpose or mission here is to deliver, what I like to call, DIIIEEECCC (Pronounced ^%$@%$#@ or Whatever!).  It stands for Delivering Intriguing, Inspiring, Interesting, Educational, Entertaining, Enlightening, Cheerful and Compelling Content.

We often ask questions related to cause. We love to know what causes you support and we like to try and help you put out the word for your cause.

I love the double entendre meaning with the name On Purpose. First I love the word purpose. Here is the definition.

pur·pose  (pûrps)


1. The object toward which one strives or for which something exists; an aim or a goal: “And ever those, who would enjoyment gain/Must find it in the purpose they pursue” (Sarah Josepha Hale).
2. A result or effect that is intended or desired; an intention. See Synonyms at intention.
3. Determination; resolution: He was a man of purpose.
4. The matter at hand; the point at issue.

tr.v. pur·posed, pur·pos·ing, pur·pos·es

To intend or resolve to perform or accomplish.


on purpose

Intentionally; deliberately.

to good purpose

With good results.

to little/no purpose

With few or no results.

[Middle English purpos, from Anglo-Norman, from purposer, to intend : pur-, forth (from Latin pr-; see pro-1) + poser, to put; see pose1.]

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

purpose [ˈpɜːpəs]


1. the reason for which anything is done, created, or exists
2. a fixed design, outcome, or idea that is the object of an action or other effort
3. fixed intention in doing something; determination a man of purpose
4. practical advantage or use to work to good purpose
5. that which is relevant or under consideration (esp in the phrase to or from the purpose)
6. Archaic purport
on purpose intentionally

vb (tr)

to intend or determine to do (something)

[from Old French porpos, from porposer to plan, from Latin prōpōnere to propose]

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003

So we can use the word on as an adverb or adjective to change the meaing.

On Purpose, where on is the adjective to mean either with intent, determination, resolve, accomplish and result as in the phrase “They are doing that on purpose”, meaning that they are doing something with intent or using on as an adverb as in the phrase “He is writing this book on pupose.” which says that the subject of the book is about purpose.

Anyway as a phrase   It sounds good and, I believe it is apropos to what I am trying to do here.

Hope everyone likes it as much as I do…  Thanks Hyla

Crap, Now I need a Logo. If you have any ideas… Let me know what you think.

Too Rolling Stoned

I love Robin Trower and this song Too Rolling Stoned is just a classic best of the best for me, but what the hell do the words mean?

Why do I even bring this up? Even though I don’t know what the words mean, for some reason I seem to feel like they seem to suit me very well when I am overwhelmed. Things that make us go Hmmmmm?

Oh a stitch in time, just about saved me
From going through the same old moves
And this cat is nine
He still suffers
He's going through the same old grooves
But that stone just keeps on rolling
Bringing me some real bad news
Takers get the honey
Givers sing the blues
Too many cooks yeah spoil such a good thing
I know I laughed out loud but that was then
Ain't it funny, a fool and his money
Always seemed to find was those real good friends
That stone just keeps on rolling

Well that stone keeps on rolling
Bringing me some real bad news
The takers get the honey
The givers sing the blues

A stitch in time, helps to unfold me
Circus starts at eight so don't be late
Please be so kind not to wake me
I think I'll just sit this one out

Here is the music. Caution it is classic rock guitar at it’s best, but if you don’t like long leads… don’t bother.

I am feeling the technology blues right now. So much to do and so little time. I thought technology was supposed to free us… No shit, that ain’t happening anytime soon.

Now there is Google + and people seem to be flocking to it in droves, some actually giving up Facebook. I still am confused with Facebook to be honest. It is set up so rinky dink and always has that thrown together feel to me. Also everyone says to send everyone there to your fan page…. I don’t want everyone going to my fanpage; I want them going to my site. I try to use the fan page to accomplish that. So many scenarios and methods.. OMG!

Back to Google+ I am using it and it is no big thrill. I might not have figured it out yet, but I am not overly impressed nor am I sure it will be useful in the long run.

My favorite is still LinkedIn and my stats show that it gets so much of a larger response than Facebook and Twitter combined.

Well it is time for me to get back to my newest blog posts.. You will love what is coming up. I will be announcing a new eBook that exposes cons and frauds in the motivational speaker industry and the main consultant on the book is one of the biggest event coordinators out there today… Should be hot!!


Catching Up is Hard to Do, But Disney is a Great Reason to have to.

OK this part of the blog is my journal and may or may not have great graphics… Tonight no..

What a week. Just finished fourth of July weekend and am moving way to fast toward the new weekend where family will arrive and we will be forced to have more fun…. All I can think about is work so when family comes into town all I can think of is do I have the time to spend with them…. OMG isn’t that what life is about? I am so blessed and forget it constantly. I love everything I do (except working out) and so I don’t know how to say no to anything.

Anyway we spent the weekend at the Disneyland Hotel. Fully renovated rooms and a pool area that looks like a Martian landscape. Videos to come.

We have a special tactical approach to doing Disneyland I will call GForce. Named after the inventor M. Gates. I can not share the tactic with you as it totally gets rid of lines and heat and getting tired in Disneyland and though I love you all, sharing could change the scene.

I got to ride the new Arial ride, and saw 3 different Star Tours scenes.. There are 54 I think….

And we got to see the special 4th of July World of Color spectacular, which I videotaped for your enjoyment…. it was spectacular.

Hollywood Tower of Terror Hotel

Left Disney on Sunday (I actually spent the 4th on the couch catching up on Tivo) and stopped with our friends at Northwoods Inn. For those that are not familiar with Northwoods in Los Angeles, I will try to describe.

A very large log cabin lodge with constant snow on the roof. The dinner menu is Lobster, Steak and Crab, but also great chilli dogs and burgers. It is the place where you throw your peanut shells on the floor and they have the never ending salad and cheesy bread that is to die for coming at you like a diet nightmare. Yes you can take it home, but you just keep eating… What is that all about?

Northwoods Inn

Northwoods Inn

I heard booming all night from the various shows around L.A. and finally it quieted down after 10pm with an occasional rocket whistle or pack of firecrackers going off.

Tuesday was catch up day, but my wife needed me to help her with a project so today was actually more of the catch up day. No I did not really catch up, but had a great day.

What did I learn today? (Doogie Houser Moment)

Incredible people are all around you and the most interesting stories are not the celebs, but the friends you are closest to.

JW Najarian

Happy 4th of July 2011


OMGosh! The Year is pounding ahead. Shouldn’t it still be January!?

I want to wish all my friends, followers, likers, connections, pals, buddies, listeners, watchers, and readers.. A wonderful 4th of July weekend. Tell me what you are doing or what you did over the weekend!

Getting Ready to Change the Theme on This Blog

JW NajarianGetting ready to work on’s Theme.  I left up the temporary theme while moving all the content over from Networking Fools. It has been a bear, but it will be done soon. I have held up doing some interviews because they started to back up a bit, but I will have a bunch out soon.

I am going to start journaling as much as possible here as I want this content to feed Twitter and Facebook as opposed to putting separate stuff up everywhere. There are only so many friggen hours in the day man.

I hope you enjoy my ramblings as much as my interviews. If not, well that is OK too.

I will be playing with themes. If anyone has ideas on which one is best for featuring without losing the header, I am all ears.

Yet another road to discovery. I am now off to read Napoleon Hill’s Outwitting the Devil. Very good book, this is a keeper and I will be writing on it soon.

Jack Canfield

Testing WordPress Post with this pic from Flickr

How cool is this… I just left Flickr where it allowed me to share this pic with this site.

Very Cool…

OK about the pic.. I was at a Humanity Unites Brilliance (HUB) conference and Jack was speaking there. Gary Goldstein graciously introduced us and we sat down and listened to Jack tell us about his recent trip to South America where he got a chance to hang out with the natives..

Great stories from a very nice guy.

Gary took this photo as Jack was leaving to speak.

Thanks Gary.

Jack’s Site:

Gary’s Site:

An interview I did with Gary for this site:

Empire Avenue Not Just A Game

Empire-Avenue-The-Social-Media-ExchangeEmpire Avenue – How Do You Measure Your Social Media Effectiveness

I know, results. Are you getting the results you want? If not then you might want to check out Empire Avenue.

You may or may not have heard about Empire Avenue (#EAv for those at Twitter keeping score), but I believe you will and if you are spending any time on the web trying to figure out how to increase your reach and relevance, you should be using this tool.

Empire Avenue is a Game with Useful Purpose

It is a game and it is addicting, but if you do not let the tail wag the dog, as Randy Gage (e)RGAGE puts it, EA can help you find out where you are strong and where you are weak. If you have an addictive personality, I would go and read 4 Hour Workweek, before embarking on this journey. If you go about your daily routine and visit EA for about 30 minutes a day you will be ok and the payback will be big.

I have been on EA for less than a month and I have already met some great connectors and had increased traffic to my blog and to Twitter and Facebook. I have found out that my weak area is my Facebook page and it has made me change the way I did things, for the better.

empire avenue (e)JWN

Empire Avenue Screen JW Najarian (e)JWN

There is a short learning curve with, but I still cannot figure out Facebook and I have found EA to be very easy overall. No I do not understand it all yet…

Tons of Great Information and Tutorials on Use and Strategy are all Over the Web

If you want a great understanding of EA my new EA friend Randy Gage has written what he calls the Empire Avenue Manifesto and if you are new to EA it is a great place to get a feel for what is going on… Randy will ask you to join under him and that is your choice, but how it works is not like network marketing the person you join under is now not your leader or friend, they receive 2000.00 and I believe you get 2000.00 for seed capital. It is FREE to join.. the money is not real!

JOIN With Me

Anyway you can join by using my url (RECOMMENDED) cause Randy is already rich and JW wants to catch up to him… Here is my link

By the reason even mention you might go with Randy after reading his manifesto is that his blog is over the top great, so I would not blame you. It is absolutely one of my favorites. Now I can’t steal from it cause you will know, but it is worth it to point out valuable content to any and everyone.

If you are still here and reading then you can find out more from the post I grabbed below.

I grabbed this from the Social Media Exchange, a post by Berrie Pelser

Empire Avenue is the Social Media Exchange, where you can buy and sell shares in any social media profile, meet new people, unlock Achievement badges, and earn boatloads of virtual cash by being active and social online! Buy shares in your friends, your followers, people with similar interests, brands you love, celebrities – anyone! All using a virtual currency and all for free!

Be Social, Reap the Rewards

When you join Empire Avenue, you can connect your Social Networking accounts, and we’ll score activity and engagement in each account and give you a virtual share price. The connections you make on Empire Avenue create “value-based” relationships, a deeper relationship than simply “following” someone, in a completely different context than becoming “friends.”

Every day, you’re on Twitter, talking to friends on Facebook, uploading videos or photos, and writing blog posts. Just for doing that stuff, you’ll earn Eaves – our virtual currency – and we’ll dish out some more virtual cash to your shareholders. Along the way you’ll have a bit of fun, make new connections, learn about different people, and learn about social networking and the value of your network! Use your Eaves wisely and you might just become a virtual millionaire… or billionaire (insert evil, world-dominating laugh)?

What are you waiting for? Get started now! It’s free!

Empire Avenue for Business

Empire Avenue is inherently a social media networking game that allows you to connect with individuals based on “value relationships” – these are much closer relationships than just having someone follow you on Twitter or Like you on Facebook. Use Empire Avenue to find highly engaged individuals around the world across a wide variety of interests. It’s a great way to get your brand in front of new, engaged audiences and connect with relevant customers in a fun environment. Hey, even businesses can have fun and still profit.

Empire Avenue as a Tool

Empire Avenue is what you make of it. Empire Avenue can be used as a complement to your social networking, as a way to meet and make great new connections, find individuals who are engaged in each of their networks and as a way to connect across the social web. If you’re new to social media, Empire Avenue can even be a great training tool – a fun way to discover the power of social networks, find out how strong your social media efforts are and how to make your online presence even more effective!

I Survived The End of The World

The Top 10 Ways to Survive the May 21st Rapture.

10. Get up

9. Have Breakfast

8. Avoid Work

7. Hang Out

6. Catch up on Tivo

5. Have Sex

4 Have More Sex

3. Eat Your Favorite Junk Food

2. Call Your Mother

1. Watch The News As They Report on Arnold and Maria

It is now 6:40 in Los Angeles on May 21st 2011 and I am still here as is most of the world… Yippie.

I spent the time unloading groceries from the car up until 6 minutes to doomsday. I sat with my wife and mother-in-law and watched the time pass…

Oh well maybe 2012.

P.S. Did anyone else get this letter from Family Radio??

Dear friend,

We are writing this letter to inform you of the great urgency that now exists for each and every person to be reconciled with God before May 21, 2011.

As God’s servants, Family Radio ( <> ) feels a great responsibility to warn every person concerning the teachings of the Holy Bible that May 21, 2011 (just days away) will be the day when God comes for His people, and also the appointed Day of Judgment for all of the unsaved people of the world. The Bible refers to this ‘day’ in the following verses:

Acts 17:29 Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man’s device………..

This thing went on and on and came after the event… It was true SPAM as they got my email off Twitter and sent to my private box unsolicited.

JW Najarian

Arnold Schwarzenegger Sooo Screwed Up

Maria Shriver 2010 Womens Conference

Maria Shriver 2010 Walk for Alzheimer's

Maria Shriver Did Not Deserve This

I do not pretend to know how it all went down between Arnold and Maria, but I recently got the chance to spend a little time at Maria’s last Women’s Conference and Walk for Alzheimer’s benefit in Long Beach 2010.

Arnold Interviewed by His Daughter

Maria was wonderful and everyone that worked around her seemed to love her. She worked very hard to make this Governor’s Office event, one the biggest and most successful it had been since it was established by California Governor George Deukmejian in 1985.

She was everywhere and totally involved and approachable. They seemed happy together and so normal. It was great being around them. I am not going to go into details of the whole mess, but I did want to say that I really feel for Maria and the family and the humiliation they must be going through right now.

I do not want to judge anyone on a single act, as we all seem to have some baggage somewhere, but it is sad to me when people that should be heroes fall so far. Hopefully it will remind all of us that the decisions we make day to day do have repercussions.

I have added some pictures I took at the California Women’s Conference.

What is Your Favorite Motivational or Inspiring Quote?

Using the power of Social Media to have some fun, I recently posted this question via LinkedIn and Facebook. Here are some of the replies…

Please leave yours as a comment.

First the Original Post:

What is Your Favorite Motivational Quote?

I have two favorites I will share…

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” – Winston Churchill.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” – Marianne Williamson

You can hear our interview with Marianne by following this link:


JW Najarian

In the shadows, one remembers light. – Alice Shapiro

Don’t tell me the moon is shining;
show me the glint of light on broken glass. – Anton Chekhov
Posted by Alice Shapiro

“You will become as great as your dominant aspiration…
If you cherish a vision, a lofty ideal in your heart, you will realize it.” – James Allen

“We are powerfully creative beings.
When we focus our conscious mind on a dream or goal,
our limitless subconscious mind gets to work,
and shows us, step by step, how to reach that goal.” – Marc Allen
Posted by Joseph McCormack

“What would you do in life if you knew it was impossible to fail?”  – Brian Tracy
Posted by Oliver Gray Jr.

The mind is like a parachute, it works best when it is open. – Frank Zappa

I may not have gone where I intended to go,
but I think I have ended up where I needed to be. – Douglas Adams
Posted by Mark Burgunder

It is Better to Light one Candle Than to Curse the Darkness.. Adlai Stevenson
Posted by Beatrice Vanaja

Relinquish power to get power” by a. Ghandhy and
Inner happiness is the foundation of wholesome success “by r. Talisman
Posted by Rozhy Telisman

“Tomorrow is another day”…Scarlett O’Hara in G.W.T.W.
Posted by Charles Helliwell

“The world belongs to the energetic” Ralph Waldo Emmerson
Posted by Pete Wilkinson

“When the other guy’s holding all the cards the only thing left to do is kick over the table”
Dean Martin as Little John, Robin and the Seven Hoods

“Beware of the toes you step on on the way up, they just might belong to the ass you have to kiss on the way down”
Internal motto WLFA AM Tampa
Posted by Mark Williams

There are so many…the one I’m focusing on this week is: “Why fit in when you were born to stand out?” — Dr. Seuss
Posted by SaRita Hartin

“Do something you love and you will never work a day in your life”. – Confucius
Posted by Ari Schonbrun

“Life is what you make it. Always is; Always will be” – Eleanor Roosevelt
Posted by Carl Mathis

“Behavior Never Lies!” – Richard Flint

“If what you say you want is contradicted by what you do, then you are lying to yourself and all you have said it to.”
Posted by Richard Flint

The richest man is not he who has the most but he who needs the least – Unknown
Posted by Phil Mitchell

How you do anything is how you do everything.
Your “character” or “nature” just refers to how you handle all the day-to-day things in life,
no matter how small.—Derek Sivers
Posted by JW Najarian

“A winner is someone who recognizes his God-given talents,
works his tail off to develop them into skills,
and uses these skills to accomplish his goals.” – Larry “Legend” Bird
Posted by Michael Riley

From the Character Building Project site…

Mottos & Quotes
“The happiness in your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.”– Marcus Aurelius

“Look at a man in the mist of doubt and danger, and you will learn in his hour of adversity what he really is” — Lucretius

“A faithful friend is a sturdy shelter; he who finds one, finds a treasure.”–Sirach 6:14

“Human nature is the one constant through human history. It is always there.”–Thucydides

“Luxury destroys more efficiently than war.”– Juvenal

“Yield Not to evil… Tu Ne Cede Malis”– Virgil (Aeneid)

“Proclaim the Gospel. Use words only when necessary.”– Saint Francis of Assisi

“I die the King’s good servant, and God’s first.”– Thomas More

“It doesn’t matter who is right but what’s right.”– Unknown

“Example is always more efficacious than precept.”– Samuel Johnson

“Reputation is what men and women think of us; character is what God and angels know of us.”– Thomas Paine

“In matters of style, swim with the current; In matters of principle, stand like a rock.”– Thomas Jefferson

“Search others for their virtues, thy self for thy vices.”– Ben Franklin

“There is no education like adversity.”– Benjamin Disraeli

“The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public’s money.”– Alexis de Tocqueville

“The greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.”– William James

“Learning to do, doing to learn, earning to live, living to serve”– Future Farmers of America

“People become the stories they hear and the stories they tell.”– Elie Wiesel

“It’s not what you take when you leave this world behind you, it’s what you leave behind when you go… ”
–Three Wooden Crosses sung by Randy Travis

“But sooner or later the man who wins is the one who thinks he can.” —Napoleon Hill

“Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.”–Abraham Lincoln

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”–Edmund Burke

“What a man’s mind can create, man’s character can control.”–Thomas Edison

“Nobody who ever gave his best regretted it.”–George Halas

“Weak men act to satisfy their needs, stronger men their duties.”–Nassim Nicholas Taleb

“The market for something to believe in is infinite.”– Hugh Macleod

Posted by Michael Kerrigan

“Success comes from experience. Experience comes from failure.” —Anders Vinberg

“You can’t win if you don’t play.” — Powerball ad

“Everything happens for a reason–figure out the reason.” — Betsy Riley

“What doesn’t kill me, makes me stronger.” — Conan the Barbarian

“Pain is part of life, but nobody said you have to suffer.” — Bill Tillery corollary: “Pain don’t hurt”

“Every little bit helps–so do what you can, when you can” – Betsy Riley

Posted by Betsy Riley

“You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that created it.
You must learn to see the world anew.” – Albert Einstein

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union,
establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense,
promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity,
do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

“One touch of nature makes the whole world kin.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Posted by Maggie M. Connor, DCHc

“I once had a problem, but I was mistaken; it was only a lesson I needed to learn” – Dr. Corwin P Littell PhD
Posted by Vicki Littell

”Take the baton, now. Run with it! . . .
Extend to each person, no matter how trivial the contact, all the care and kindness and understanding and love that you can muster,
and do it with no thought of any reward. Your life will never be the same again.”- Og Mandino
Posted by Carol Upton

One more road to cross, One more risk to take, Gotta live my life like there’s one more move to make. – DMX from One More Road to Cross

“The brilliance you see in others is really the brilliance you find in yourself – JW Najarian

You want to get ahead? Go Ahead! – JW Najarian

Don’t Take Anything Personally..
Nothing others do is because of you.
What others say and do is a projection of their reality, their own dream.
When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others,
you wont be the victim of needless suffering…Don Miguel Ruiz

You can never appreciate sweet without first tasting sour. – Unknown from my Nana

Posted by JW Najarian

“Neither a lofty degree of intelligence nor imagination nor both together go to the making of genius.
Love, love, love, that is the soul of genius.” ~ Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Posted by Kerri Kannan

“Weak men act to satisfy their needs, stronger men their duties.”–Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Posted on Twitter by Jeremy Smart

“It’s never too late.” – George Dawson

“Life is Good” – George Dawson
Posted by JW Najarian

Is It Time to Short LinkedIn?

Bookmark and Share

In a word YES.

LinkedIn IPO has surged to a plus 161% growth as reported on CNBC this morning. The news was that the price of the IPO was greatly overpriced, now it seems that Morgan Stanley, the underwriters have screwed the company and shareholders for potentially hundreds of millions according to Henry Blodget on I do not believe even Morgan Stanley could have called this one, but who knows?

As one of LinkedIn’s early users and as the founder of more than one Super Group on LinkedIn, I say that this is a fluke of major proportions and believe that LinkedIn’s real worth will be evident very soon. Remember Netscape, AOL, Geocities and we can go on and on. This feels like the tech bubble of the late 90’s and it may spur a small IPO frenzy.

Also I happen to favor LinkedIn over every other social network out there as far as business to business and executive search is concerned, I believe that if you are in business or an executive you need to be on LinkedIn, but unlike Facebook, LinkedIn, like Twitter, tends to forget who they are and what made them popular in the first place.

I say SELL SELL SELL. Take out your earnings or short this bugger, this can not last.

Early reports came to the conclusion that the IPO was heavily over valuated (is that a word?)

Let’s see if I’ve done this math right ….
LNKD is expected to open at $42-45 per share, with a valuation of $4 billion, and with trailing earnings of $15.4million.
That means a float of 89million shares ($4bil/$45), and it means earnings per share of $0.17 ($15.4mil / 89mil shares) …
that comes to a TRAILING P/E of 260.
Can anyone else say “overpriced piece of garbage stock”? READ MORE (As reported at

The truth about Social Networks is that they are still in their infancy and are changing constantly. Most business CEO’s still do not know how to use these networks and doing business on them is not for the faint at heart. There are real advantages to the use of Social Networks for business, and the early adapters have a better chance at using this medium to their advantage, but the dust is still settling.

It seems that LinkedIn has recently been making changes to the platform to make it’s model more attractive to investors, such as strengthening their job boards on groups, but by doing this they have to tread carefully as not to kill the Goose than lays the Golden Eggs. LinkedIn has grown on a model that has been very open and useful to it’s members, but as they try to monitize they are taking away some of the attributes that got them where they are, for instance they opened up groups to be indexed by Internet search engines while adding major job boards to these groups, but then took away most of the rights of the group creators to control the groups which have really ticked off some of LinkedIn’s most loyal members.

JW Najarian

Stargate Universe SGU is Cancelled


If you are a fan, yes I am late with this post, so what.

A show that crossed the science of Stargate SG1 with the dirty reality of Battlestar Gallactica. Great idea and fun to watch, it is just too bad that the general population is not a fan of great programming. The stuff that survives is usually the fluff fun stuff not the gritty real stuff.

Thank you to the creators, the writers, the actors and the fans.

SGU you will be missed.

Here is the final episode conclusion:

Quote of the Moment

I used to call this quote of the day, but I never get them out daily or even monthly sometime so it is now just the quote of the moment.

“As long as you have certain desires about how it ought to be you can’t see how it is.”

— Ram Dass: Spiritual Teacher

This is a great quote because it talks to me about what I am up against daily. The law of attraction states that what you focus on expands and that is a good thing and could be a bad thing.

It is not uncommon for me to speak to someone that has such a strong agenda and focus, as to be unaware of what is going on around them. This can cause them to follow a path for too long a period or the wrong path entirely.

I will be doing an interview shortly with Michael Oliver. I happen to like Network Marketing (MLM) and have helped found a couple of MLM companies and I know Michael because he wrote this incredible book called

How To Sell Network Marketing Without
Fear, Anxiety or Losing Your Friends!

I bring this book up, not to sell it, although you should get it whether you are or are not in networking marketing because it talks to the new paradigm of sales Michael calls Natural Selling.

But back to the point. Whether you are selling or just trying to build rapport or you want your ideas heard or your objectives met, you have to meet with others wants, needs and desires first.

You have to be in your Ekhart Tolle aware moment with others. Not thinking about what you are going to say, but listening to what the person in front of you is saying. Very hard to do, at least for me.

In parting, I could speak to this quote all day, because it speaks to many aspect of the day to day for me.

Be Well

Wow Where Have I Been?

Hello all, OK so I never have been consistent or persistent about putting out Blog content on this blog… So saying that I am coming back to start blogging again makes no sense, but that’s what I am doing; so there.

The truth is I have been blogging very regularly on the Networking Fools, The Legacy Show, Bear On Sports, The Commercial Real Estate Professional Investors Group and other stuff.

Bob Schecter and I have been ridiculously busy going in extremely varied directions, trying to get out valuable and solid content for three or four different projects we are working to launch.

Networking Fools

Networking Fools is a real labor of love. Bob and I had been doing financial interviews and I have to say they were pretty good, but a bit on the dry side. I happened to know some speakers and authors from my days with Humanity Unites Brilliance so we decided to see if we could put together some interesting audio podcasts interviews with some real interesting friends.

At one time, a friend let me on his video show and I helped him get some guests and it was fun, but it was also live. I had an idea that people liked short video and long audio and I really wanted to stay away from the issues and problems with live recording.

Bob and I started recording our conversations with each other and loading them up on BlogTalk Radio and on our blog. We were a riot, smart and fun everytime we talked together, but our attempt to capture that on a recording failed. I believe we planned the recordings too much. Bob may have a different opinion, but I want to bring back that idea. Maybe we can pick 2 or 3 current news topics and just rip it up… We’ll see.

Anyway, we finally got some real neat people to come on with us; like Jordan Goodman, an old friend of mine that has written several books on finance including a a dictionary of financial terms that is somewhere around 800 pages long!

Luckily Jordan is not as boring as that book. His books are really interesting and I am not the only one that thinks so. Jordan is a favored guest on many financial news shows like CNBC. He have been on The View several times and the ladies really enjoy hitting him with questions. If you listen to our interview you will see why. Jordan feeds you with a fire hose with important, pertinent information you can use NOW to help you get out of debt and save more etc…

If that were not enough, we have lawyers talking about Non-Profit information and African Safari Guides, Gary Goldstein, the producer of the wonderful blockbuster hit Pretty Women, talking to us about his life and how he became successful by failing forward.

It has been quite a ride this last year and it is shaping up to be even more incredible this year.

I just spent a couple of days at Author 101 and got a slew of great author, agent and publishers to talk to me about how you can get your book published, or if you are a best seller, how to take control and self publish and on and on and on….

The Legacy Show

Bob and I decided that the Networking Fools is fun and cool, but we needed more content than we could produce ourselves and came up with the idea of adding channels.

These channels would consist of other bloggers with interesting and cool stuff that would help us get more listeners and readers to our site.

Our first entry is The Legacy Show with Lisa Scheiderman. Lisa is a well known publicist in Hollywood that has worked with many well know celebrities and with her know how and connections, is able to get top name celebs to interview with her. The greatest part is that Lisa is known for her love for the philanthropic and cause related projects so her interviews are very purposeful and highlight not only the legacy that the celebrities are living and leaving, but also their causes. It is great fun and very entertaining as well as informative.

Lisa and I met while I worked with Humanity Unites Brilliance and I had the pleasure of working directly with her on the Feed333 campaign. I was the Los Angeles coordinator and Lisa was the publicist and our job was to organize and get food, toys and hygiene supplies to the working poor over Christmas.

Feed333 fed over 12,000 families in Los Angeles, Phoenix and San Francisco over the holidays and for three years in a row, was known as the largest one day food giveaway.

Lisa and I have worked on several red carpet events including movie premieres and Oscar venues to get well over 100 top celebrity interviews. Go to to see them as we trickle them out over the coming months.

Bear On Sports

15 year old sports phenom, Michael “Bear” Gates reports on the NFL, NBA and MLB as well as college ball and other sports events. We are doing a weekly show and hope to get some great sports interviews soon. You can check this out at

Commercial Real Estate Professional and Investor Group CREPIG

Bob and I have worked on this project for over a year now and have had great success building a membership of over 10,000 CRE professionals and Investors. We help them network and promote or find projects, funding and other resources.

We have done some great interviews and panels and recently in a joint collaboration with GreenPeal Events, we helped sponsor the Distressed Real Estate Summit in Los Angeles where we interviewed top lenders and heads of banks about the state of the industry and all about what can be and will need to be done to help the industry through one of it’s toughest times ever.

Salt: It Does A Body Good!

Salt; is Good for You?salt shaker

I love the show Mythbusters and BullShit as they both change our paradigm and stretch our minds showing us that just because we believe something, doesn’t make it so. So often we tend to learn much of what we know and make into our belief system, from our peers and our parents who pass down, from generation to generation, often bad or at least misunderstood information. You may have heard the story about cutting both sides of the ham?

One day a young girl watched her mother prepare a ham for Thanksgiving dinner.
“Mom, why did you cut off both ends of the ham?” the daughter asked.
“Because my mother always did,” said the mother.
“But why?”
“I don’t know-why don’t you call Granny and find out why.”
So the daughter called Granny and asked her. “Granny, when you prepared your hams for baking, why did you always cut off both ends?”
“My mother always did it,” said Granny.
“But why?”
“I don’t know-why don’t you call your Great-grandmother and ask her?”
So the daughter preceded to telephone Great-grandmother to inquire why traditionally her family always cut off both ends of a ham before cooking it.
“Great-grandma, when you prepared your ham for baking, you always cut off both ends-why?”
“Well,” Great-grandma said, “the pan was too small.”

These stories and shows are always great because they point out that the information we use to guide our daily lives and the beliefs we have; always seems to make sense, but may not, based on further research and common sense.

It is this writers hope that if you are basing how you live your life, on your beliefs, that you have checked them out and that they at least pass some kind of logic test.

Of course, both “common logic” and “common sense” may be common, but not logical or sensible; and these shows prove this week after week.

The Point?

Salt studies are now showing that the salt scare your parents and doctors have leveled against you, for years, may have little truth or basis in science.

As reported by CNN as long ago as 1998 “For too long we’ve ignored the fact that blood pressure regulation is more closely tied to calcium, potassium and magnesium than it ever was to sodium,” says Dr. David McCarron of Oregon Health Sciences University.

But don’t start pouring on the salt just yet. Many people with high blood pressure still need to cut back on salt. “We don’t want to abandon the salt message, but we want to expand upon it and say that there are other things that are important, too,” says Chris Rosenbloom of the American Dietetic Association.

Recipe for low blood pressure

And the evidence is mounting. A recent article in the journal Science confirms: A salt-restricted diet rich in fruits, vegetables and fat-free or low-fat dairy products provides the greatest reduction in blood pressure. “The effect of low-fat dairy products and fruits and vegetables appears to be someplace between 10 and 20 times as effective as restriction of salt,” McCarron says. “The guidelines are clear — three to four servings of low-fat diary products, five to eight servings of fruits and vegetables a day,” he says” Read More:

Jenny Thompson in her HSI e-Alert wrote the following: “Lowering sodium intake may actually increase risk of heart attack and death. And here’s the proof: In three different trials that tested low-sodium diets on patients with kidney disease and heart failure, results linked the special diets to higher risk of hospitalizations, cardiovascular events, and death.

Yeah–THAT wasn’t supposed to happen!

In a recent Journal of the American Medical Association, Dr. Michael Alderman (a past president of the International Society of Hypertension) called for large-scale clinical trials that will hopefully produce definitive data on what outcomes can be expected in following a reduced-sodium diet. And why would we need those trials?

According to Dr. David McCarron–a nutritionist and University of California professor–there’s currently no reliable evidence that backs up the accepted recommendation to reduce sodium intake for heart health. Dr. McCarron says the recommendation is based only on opinion and the demonization of salt by health authorities, such as the CDC. And now I’ll tell you something you’ll have no trouble believing. One of the key points in the new USDA dietary recommendations: Significantly reduce sodium intake.

Real life mythbuster

Writing about the new USDA recommendations in Canada’s Financial Post, Dr. McCarron has more salt myths to bust. Last year he led a study that measured daily salt intake in more than 19,000 subjects from about 30 countries. The three surprising conclusions:

  1. Americans consume no more salt than people in other countries.
  2. Salt consumption in the U.S. has NOT increased over the past 25 years.
  3. No matter how salty your food, your body naturally regulates your intake, so you wind up with a consistent overall intake.

This is why deliberately forcing down your salt intake is a bad plan–not healthy at all. Your body takes what it needs. And it does need sodium.

Several years ago, German research showed that as many as 1 in 10 seniors suffer from hyponatraemia (low blood levels of sodium). Hyponatraemia usually goes undiagnosed because symptoms are similar to conditions we associate with aging: fatigue, confusion, poor balance, and incontinence.

In advanced hyponatraemia, patients have hallucinations and may even lapse into a coma. The German study reported that a large majority of the elderly subjects said they avoided salt based on the popular misconception that salt intake causes high blood pressure. Gee, USDA, I wonder where they’re getting that misguided information.” Read More Back to the Top

Fools Quote Of The Day

“Character isn’t something you were born with
and can’t change,
like your fingerprints.
It’s something you weren’t born with

and must take responsibility for forming.”

Jim Rohn:
Was an entrepreneur, author, and speaker

This is a lesson we desperately need to learn. As a society we have, for too many years, assumed someones character, just by the job or position they held. Doctor, Religious Leader, Politician etc..

And as for our own character, we all believe ours is good, but we all make mistakes and may have done things we regret.

So how do we stay on track?

One of the ways is to come up with your list of values. This is part of writing your goals and mission statement.

Yes for your life as well as your business.

You can now take the list of your core values and weigh the decisions you make against them.

If you consistently are in-congruent with your value list you need to change the list or your behavior.

Also try to keep integrity as the number one value, as integrity means that you will follow your values in value order.

What is value order?

Let’s say that your value list reads like this…

1. Family
2. Health
3. Career

Then if you are asked, by your boss, to do a dangerous job on a Sunday, when your child has a recital, you would refuse your boss and not go to work on Sunday. You would instead show up for your child’s recital. You are in integrity with your values.

On the other hand if you do go into work you are out of integrity with your values. But wait… Nothing is always so black and white.

If your family needs the money to eat their next meal and you have cut every expense to the bare bone then you may be in integrity as your family does come before your health.

Not as easy as it sounds huh..

That is why the quote is so important. It says you are always forming. Staying on the path is not always easy, but the more we work at it the better we all are.

JW Najarian

Fools Quote Of The Day

“Character isn’t something you were born with and can’t change, like your fingerprints. It’s something you weren’t born with and must take responsibility for forming.”

Jim Rohn: Was an entrepreneur, author, and speaker

This is a lesson we desperately need to learn. As a society we have, for too many years, assumed someones character, just by the job or position they held. Doctor, Religious Leader, Politician etc..

And as for our own character, we all believe ours is good, but we all make mistakes and may have done things we regret.

So how do we stay on track?

One of the ways is to come up with your list of values. This is part of writing your goals and mission statement.

Yes for your life as well as your business.

You can now take the list of your core values and weigh the decisions you make against them.

If you consistently are in-congruent with your value list you need to change the list or your behavior.

Also try to keep integrity as the number one value, as integrity means that you will follow your values in value order.

What is value order?

Let’s say that your value list reads like this…

1. Family
2. Health
3. Career

Then if you are asked, by your boss, to do a dangerous job on a Sunday, when your child has a recital, you would refuse your boss and not go to work on Sunday. You would instead show up for your child’s recital. You are in integrity with your values.

On the other hand if you do go into work you are out of integrity with your values. But wait… Nothing is always so black and white.

If your family needs the money to eat their next meal and you have cut every expense to the bare bone then you may be in integrity as your family does come before your health.

Not as easy as it sounds huh..

That is why the quote is so important. It says you are always forming. Staying on the path is not always easy, but the more we work at it the better we all are.

JW Najarian

One Fun Night with Motivation and Food for the Soul – Featuring Conscious Evolution

Empower 180 – Empowering Women in Business

Les Brown and JW Najarian

One incredible day and night, in September of 2010, I I got a chance to hang out at Empower 180 for the kickoff of their national tour. You can go to for more information and to see where they will be next.

What an incredible event that almost no one went to. I am not sure if it was the marketing or if people are just giving up? Actually I visited another event later in the evening at UCLA at Royce Hall and the event was a sell-out so I have to believe it is marketing.

Anyway I really hope they do better going forward as this is an incredible lineup of speakers.

  • Les Brown
  • Christine Comaford
  • Barbara DeAngelis
  • Garret Gunderson
  • Kevin Harrington
  • Chris Howard
  • Lynn Rose
  • Bill Walsh

and so many more..

Chris Howard and JW Najarian

These events are so powerful as they help us find out who we are and where we are going and they help us ask the questions of ourselves that we need to ask and many of the speakers motivate us to new highs and many others give us answers to the big questions. Especially now we need to get together with other like minded business people and entrepreneurs, because we cannot expect different results from doing the same thing over and over.

Many of my colleagues give me a hard time for going to these events, but I not only owe my life to my mentors, but owe my growth to allowing myself to be open to being on the learning line of my life.

Take a chance and change your life. Plug in, read, go to webinars and seminars… grab the great info and don’t buy anything if you don’t want to, but do put yourself out.

Kevin Harrington and JW Najarian

I was really lucky to find out from my good friend Lisa Schneiderman, that another event was going on at Royce Hall, UCLA campus. After getting the chance to say hello to Les Brown, and Garret Gunderson, I got a chance to meet Kevin Harrington who you may know from Shark Tank. This guy has sold over 4 billion dollars worth of products and discovered Billy Mays. This is a guy I am guessing you would like to get the chance to spend a minute or two with. I got to sit down and watch someone pitch him a product and then got my picture with him. Nice guy.

I took off to Royce Hall, but got there late so I missed Deepak, but did get to see many others speak to conscious Evolution. An incredible program.

A Call to Action: Global Thought Leaders Address Global Concerns

Best-selling authors and Evolutionary luminaries, Deepak Chopra, Jack Canfield, Gregg Braden, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Jean Houston, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Debbie Ford and Bruce Lipton join other world-renowned thought leaders to ignite conscious action for a healthier planet and more peaceful human existence. The gulf oil spill, the economic meltdown, combative political views in our 24/7 world…we’re on a collision course of our own making unless we approach the mounting concerns that we face as a global community.

Siedah Garrett who is famous for writing “Man in the Mirror” and then getting to go on stage and sing it with Michael Jackson stopped by to sing a song she wrote for the event and along with the Agape Church choir. She also sang the most moving version of Man in the Middle. Here it is on YouTube. I only got the end. Awwww


The day was full of passion and great information and the night was filled with hope and the dream of a better world going forward.

Thank you Lisa Schneiderman of Schneiderman PR Firm and also my hang buddy Aggie Kobrin of Off Hollywood Media you both ROCK!

JW Najarian

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Veterans Day Surprise for JW from LinkedIn

As the founder of a few groups on LinkedIn, I get to meet some great people and do so some great things.

My U.S. Veteran group on LinkedIn has over 9000 members and I have the fun and blessing of being able to send a thank you message every Veterans Day to thousands of veterans.

Every once in awhile the site helps vets find jobs or resources to help them through some very tough times. It is truely a great feeling to know that I may have a small part in helping a vet in need.

Today was very cool as I received a letter from LinkedIn letting me know that my US Veteran Group had been mentioned in their blog and a press release. My hope is that US Veteran gets a big boost in membership so we can become a force for good in getting veterans the help and respect they deserve.

Here are the Links… Please share them, Tweet them, Digg them and whatever else you know to do.

You could help us help a vet.

As US Navy veteran I am proud of my service and as a citizen of this great country I am proud of the men who put their life on the line for my freedom.

Do You Need The Flu Shot, Yearly Mammograms or DDT?

Do You Need The Flu Shot?

I have rarely ever gotten a flu shot, but my wife has made me over the last few years. I am just too leary about these shots and I believe that the body is built to protect itself. I know there can be issues with uncontrolled viruses, but I am not sure the flu shot is the answer and it actually may be harmful.


Watch this video and decide for yourself. The sources on this video seem credible.


It now turns out that the information and studies about dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane were overblown and that if properly used was very safe and effective and could save thousands of lives… Just in case you are not sure what I am talking about when I mention dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane I will give you it’s acronym DDT. Surprised? Isn’t this major evil stuff that kills birds and fish, causes cancer and can make bird egg shells to thin to sustain conception? Yes it is.. except that the methods of testing were sometimes less than adequate and the findings overstated.

How about breast exams? Women do have to be tested every year right. Early detection saves lots of lives right?

Self Exams:

(WebMD) Doing a breast self-exam doesn’t improve breast cancer survival, and it makes biopsies of benign breast lumps more likely.

That’s according to an updated review of research on breast self-exams and breast cancer survival.

The updated review, published in the Cochrane Library, is in line with the findings from the original review, published in 2003.

“We would like to inform women that there is no evidence from two large studies that screening by regular breast self-examination (once a month) improves their chances of surviving breast cancer, whereas there is evidence that regular breast self-examination almost doubles their risk to undergo a biopsy,” reviewer Jan Peter Kosters, MD, of the Nordic Cochrane Centre, tells WebMD via email.


New studies show many issues with mammograms, their effectiveness and the yearly doses of radiation are more dangerous in the long run

I am not saying that because one thing may not be true, that all things are not, but it has to make you question the supposed truth. I go back to the story of the mother who cuts both ends of the ham off…

One day a young girl watched her mother prepare a ham for Thanksgiving dinner.
“Mom, why did you cut off both ends of the ham?” the daughter asked.
“Because my mother always did,” said the mother.
“But why?”
“I don’t know-why don’t you call Granny and find out why.”
So the daughter called Granny and asked her. “Granny, when you prepared your hams for baking, why did you always cut off both ends?”
“My mother always did it,” said Granny.
“But why?”
“I don’t know-why don’t you call your Great-grandmother and ask her?” So the daughter preceded to telephone Great-grandmother to inquire why traditionally her family always cut off both ends of a ham before cooking it.
“Great-grandma, when you prepared your ham for baking, you always cut off both ends-why?”
“Well,” Great-grandma said, “the pan was too small.”

9.5 Blog Writing Tips for Nimrods Like Me

First I have no clue how to write, I do not know all the blog etiquette and have been spanked by a few professional bloggers so the first tip I will give you is to learn from someone that knows something.

These are tips I have either taken from others or found out on my own, but the help me and I hope they can help you too.

  1. keyboardDo some Googling, buy a book or go to a class on blogging if you really want to excel. If you just want to get by read on.
  2. You are allowed to screw up, and make mistakes. We all have and if you are not a great writer just getter done.. and don’t worry whether the local literary club is critiquing your work. Believe me that probably have nothing else to do on a Friday or Saturday night..
  3. Have a point. If you publish a blog post then others may read it and it is so much more fun for the reader if there is a point. Don’t let yourself go off on too many tangents. Save tangents for new blogs. A great way to start or come up with content for your post is to turn your point into a question and answer it.
  4. Get to the point right away and then expand on it. You can start with the title as the title is the commercial for your blog so it should pique interest and tell something about what the person is going to read about or get out of the blog post. Also give away the plot in the first paragraph if you can as people have the attention span of a gnat. You can then expand on the story as you go.
  5. You should stick to subject matter that is relevant to your site, business etc…, but people do have other interests other than work. If you have a product site you may want to stick to the subject of your product, but it is sometimes good to step out of the box and treat people like humans by adding some more personal or interesting stories that the reader can relate to.
  6. Short paragraphs of not over 3 or 4 lines is best. Readers seem to do better reading short paragraphs.
  7. Blogs do not need to be long. You can blog a couple of paragraphs if you wish. It is not important to write long blogs as long as you have a point and make it.
  8. Bullet Points instead of commas, make any writing more scannable and readable.
  9. Speak with your readers, not at them. The Internet has turned marketing on it’s head and we have discovered that taking the time to relate to your audience as opposed to trying to teach or convince them of something is much more desirable way to get the point across.
  10. Interview yourself to get great content. You can also have someone else interview you and record it. Then you can listen back to it and type it out to get your post.

Other stuff… (Bonus Stuff)

Don’t have over 10 points… Good advice for a blog, but you need 25 to 101 for a book.

According to HubPages – Too many promotional links = Newbie Mistake and Too much personal content that is only relevant to people close to you or is private joke with yourself = Newbie Mistake

Call to action – Yes and No.. You do need to, in some circumstances, want a call to action by asking them to comment that could be simple or you might go as far as to ask them to sign up and buy from you etc., but be careful you should give someone more meat than marketing. Sometimes you just have to give without receiving.

Yes Ask for the Sale.. but also… Ask your readers about what they want. That is the best call to action.

Here is my call to action: Tell me if this blog was good for you. Oh baby.. and give us your best tips you have learned about blogging.

JW Najarian

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Most Outrageous Hole in Golf?

Worlds Toughest Par 3 Hole in Golf?

Are you kidding me? If this is not the toughest Par 3 then it has to be the most outrageous hole in all golf.


Do You Need A Degree To Make Money?

Do You Need a Degree to Get a Job or Make Money?

How Bad Does Our Education System Suck?

Networking Fools Blogtalk Radio Show
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Networking Fools JW Najarian and partner Bob Schecter are your hosts for a discussion on why the heck you need a degree. Bob believes the degree is a bunch of crap and that experience is a much better indicator of your worth and skill set.

Do you need a degree to be successful? You hear about the studies that show that professionals with degrees make more over their lifetimes, but what about people that get a high profile degrees and failed. Or people like Bill Bartman, who became a multi-billionaire without a degree?

Were Fools, not experts, but join us anyway for a discussion and debate on our views. You are invited to comment and tell us your take.

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My Favorite New Years Blog Post

I just love Randy Gage, he is one of my business mentors and he just cracks me up with his wit and humor.  Randy has also been very inspirational and informative to me and the way I do business.

Randy Gage wrote the book “Why You’re DUMB, SICK and BROKE…” It is a great read and makes tons of sense.  You can also get Randy’s Rants at

Here is his newest rant and it is hilarious.

Well as we segue into another New Year, it’s always a good idea to reflect back on the year that just ended, and discern the lessons we have learned.  And since many of you have alcohol and drug issues and can’t remember what happened last week, I thought I’d be helpful and provide you with a recap. 

On January 1st, the Czech Republic took over the presidency of the European Union from France.  This set American geography teachers in a frantic scramble to teach their students where Europe was located. 

Of course January started here in the States with tremendous CHANGE, as we inaugurated President Barack Obama to fulfill his mandate of new ideas and change from the past. 

To ensure the ideas were new and different, he assembled a cabinet of people with new ideas never seen in Washington before.  These included Attorney General Eric Holder (from the Clinton administration), Secretaries Shaun Donovan (from the Clinton administration), Hilda Solis (who has served in congress for the last nine years), former Congressman Ray LaHood, Robert Gates (from the Bush & Reagan administrations), and Timothy Geithner (who worked in three previous administrations).  Also helping in the orgy of new ideas were fresh Washington faces Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton. 

In February this group of original thinkers immediately went to work on brand new concepts that no one had ever thought of before, such as taxing productive workers more, socialized health care, and printing billions of extra dollars to devalue the currency in an effort to stimulate the economy.  This revolutionary new stimulus plan was best described by economists as “nine wolves and a sheep, voting on what to have for dinner. ” 

In March the President of Madagascar, Marc Ravalomanana, is overthrown in a coup d’état, following a month of rallies in Antananarivo.  The United Nations calls an emergency session to try and discover where Madagascar is. 

Also in March, football player Donte Stallworth kills a pedestrian while driving drunk.  In a plea bargain deal, he receives community service and 30 days in jail.  Later in the year, Plaxico Burress is sentenced to two years in prison for accidentally shooting himself in the leg.  The lesson we learn is, ah, well, ah, I’m not exactly sure what lesson we learned from this.

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JW Najarian


Visiting Reno

My wife and I decided to see some snow for the holidays while doing some business so I have decided to come up to Reno, NV to meet with one of my vendors and look at a new franchise opportunity that wants to expand overseas and a financial investment opportunity to help with additional funding. Lots to do and there is snow on the ground as it is around 34 degrees here during the day.

Had a phone meetings with CREDAA legal advisors today about company structure and some questions we had around that.  Good meeting.

Right now I am sitting in the backlot of a Dodge dealership whatching my buddy prove the business duplicability, if that is a word.  Then we will be off to lunch to munch on Jimboys Tacos…..  Great tacos that are different mainly because of the way they are cooked.  They deep fry the corn tortilla shell in oil…. No big change there, but then they dip the, still oily, shell into powdered parmesian cheese. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm Gooooood.

JW Najarian

Internet Citadel Video Show with Gary W. Goldstein on branding

Morning Journal 12/02/09

I am starting a new daily journal to get the blogs moving. It seems I always have a lot to say, but never get around to saying it.

I was honored, last night, to be asked to introduce my wonderful friend Gary W. Goldstein on the Citadel Video show at Gary is well known as the producer of films like “Pretty Woman”, Mothman Prophecies”, Under Seige I and II” and many other films. I know Gary as a friend, mentor and business partner.

Gary is a brilliant story teller, speaker and author and it is a thrill to have been given the chance to introduce him and to also be asked to stay on the show and add commentary.

It’s so funny, if you know me than you know that I am never shy for something to say or comment on. I was so quiet on the show however. At one point the host had to ask me to chime in. I was listening to Gary and was so enthralled in what he was talking about; I had nothing brilliant to add.

I sat through most the interview like a lump of coal. I did get a chance to ask a couple of good questions.

Brian Kelly the host of Internet Citadel, has also become a good friend as of late. We met through another dear friend Jerry Conti at a seminar in San Diego and have kept in touch.

Brian is one of those Internet Marketing Geniuses who knows how to use the technology and has put together a great guide on Twitter called Twitter Performance.

Kathy Stover, Brian’s co-host has been successful in Network Marketing and is a professional affiliate marketer. Kathy has a sharp wit and her extensive marketing background, humorous style and warm attractive nature make her the perfect co-host.

You can catch the show and Internet Citadel’s archived shows at

JW Najarian
Apriori Beauty

Catching Up is Never Possible

My wife and I just came back from watching a friends place in Playa Del Rey. An awesome house overlooking Loyola Marymont, with clear views of Marina Del Rey, Santa Monica, Westwood and Century City and West Hollywood with the Santa Monica Moutains in the background.

The house is large and full of arches, cool art and a rock room with a table in the center. The walls are all wine racks full of a full collection of fine wines. The lights are low and the atmosphere is just perfect for a great cigar, a fine scotch and yes, wine.

Why am I telling you all this? Cause I enjoyed myself there. The problem, and there shouldn’t be one as I am a blessed guy, is that everytime I go to a seminar or watch someones place, I get behind more and more.

I had my laptop with me and Internet connection, but it is not the same as being in my office. Maybe I am too comfortable at my office, but it really seems hard to get it all done while on the road.

I am behind mainly because I have not learned how to utilize my time well and I am a bit ADHD, which tends to pull me away from my main projects into all sorts of side projects. I always get it all done, but I don’t always take the quickest path between points.

Lately every opportunity seems to open more opportunities, but I can’t follow them all so I am in the process of putting together a new list of goals, re-writing my vision and mission statements and working on a daily task list so that I stay on track.

Catching up will still never be possible, but that is a good thing as I don’t believe I really want to. I want to continue to be busy, to travel, to have fun and to take care of business. I do want to make sure, however that I continue to get things done with less procrastination and more focus.

Jay Abraham has been part of the catalyst for many of the great things that have been happening lately. Jay one of a few great business leaders I have learned from and one of the things I got from him was to stop throwing crap up on the walls to see what sticks.

If you want to get a lot done, Jay says you need to focus on one thing at a time and get it done. Seems simple as the saying if you are an ant and want to eat an elephant you have eat it one bite at a time. Sometimes you have to hear something many different times or different ways before it sinks in.

I have heard all this from Brian Tracy for years, but Jay brought it home for me.

I may not volunteer to watch my friends homes so readily as the time is a bit disruptive, but I still love to go to seminars to network, do deals and learn. So again, is catching up possible? I don’t know, but as long as I am completing things and making a difference I don’t care.

JW Najarian