Tag Archives: On Purpose Magazine

On Purpose Magazine Has Moved and Is Growing


On Purpose Magazine has moved to a more robust platform and is getting ready for a face lift.

You should not notice any differences in the look and feel of On Purpose Magazine, but there has been a major change recently.

On Purpose Magazine was originally hosted with WordPress.com and is now running WordPress.org.

I know this doesn’t sound like much to most of us, but to the techies and website gurus out there, this is a major change.

What it means is that we now have more room to grow and expand usability for our readers.

Keep your eyes peeled for some big changes coming soon, but for now we will continue to produce the best and most interesting content we can.


JW Najarian is Guest on Jackie Keller’s Show Food Exposed – What’s on Your Plate?

JW and Jackie Keller on Food Exposed shJackie Keller, Bestselling Author, Wellness Coach, Owner of Premiere Healthy Food Company Nutrifit, LLC

Featured JW Najarian (that is ME! I am the Editor and Chief of On Purpose Magazine) on her emPOWERme.Tv Show Food Exposed – What’s on Your Plate?

Here is short snippet of the full show:

http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1pftjs_on-purpose-magazine-with-jw-najarian-food-exposed_lifestyle Continue reading

Happy Easter

Colorful Eggs by Valerie NajarianWe at On Purpose Magazine want to wish you and your family a wonderful Easter weekend. If you do not celebrate Easter our wishes for you and yours do not change in the slightest.

This is a picture my wife took of the eggs we are hiding in the back yard for our yearly Easter Egg hunt.

The each have change we have saved over years in them. So at the end of the day the kids will have a variety of nickels, dimes and quarters strewn all over the living room floor to see who did the best this year.

pic gratitude coinOne has a gratitude coin in it and that is the big winner!

Love and Light to All.

JW Najarian
Editor and Chief

Carter Lee Author – When Jonathan Cried for Me

Carter Lee sqCarter Lee Washington Times Columnist, Author, Comedian, Speaker, Life Coach and Entertainment Promoter on his book “When Jonathan Cried for Me”. Continue reading

On Purpose Magazine Stories Trending High on Trendspottr.com

On Purpose Magazine and Authoritative Links

Getting sites with decent link authority is not always easy, but it is important when you are trying to build traffic and credibility so I was checking my out links back to my site and found that Continue reading

ArtQuench Gallery February Juried Art Competition Deadline Feb 28th 2013

Peter Schachter Relativity

AQG Represented Artist; Peter Schachter

logo ArtQuench

ArtQuench Gallery February Juried Art Competition

There is still time to enter this month’s competition for a chance to Win One Year of Representation with one of the best on-line art galleries today.

As an Entrant to one of ArtQuench’s monthly juried art competitions you will receive: Continue reading

Art Quench Presents; Fire Art Studios & Gallery Artist Robert Lait

Art Quench Presents; Fire Art Studios & Gallery Artist Robert Lait


I began drawing at a very early age, spending countless hours with my tightfisted and myopic pencil renderings. I started art lessons at twelve, learning oil painting from the local Grumbacher dealer and began learning about the renaissance. My first visit to the Museum of Contemporary Art featured an exhibition by Vito Acconci. (Google him) In high school I studied Escher, Duchamp and Vasareli. By the time I saw the images of a wheel-chaired Matisse happily tapping his toe on the floor as he scissored his shapes, I knew that painting and the visual arts were what I wanted to pursue.

I’ve used watercolor and acrylic paint, but from high school all the way through graduate school I worked primarily in oils, always feeling that as a medium it provided for the most brilliant colors and the highest contrasts. I love the glow of sunlight on the surface of oil paintings. The reflective and refractive light gives great variety to tone and texture. I enjoy the way oil paintings, whether representational or abstract, take on the atmosphere or sheen of the room they are in.

I try to make my images as if I’m going to be living with them for a long time. I want them to reveal themselves over time and to forge different and multiple connections between the subject matter and the matter in which they are painted. I think realism has much to do with the passivity of the viewer.

Robert 200310

I typically work on three to six canvases at once, each surface gets covered in succession and the schedule is determined by drying times. I put on many layers of paint, with different medium recipes throughout the process. I use palette knives to apply paint directly to the canvas. This gives me a… [READ MORE]

Robert 200217

Robert 201203

Original Post by ArtQuench.com

Starley Murray How to Write Your POV for OPM Contest

starley murray 01

Starley Murray Image and Branding Strategist Goes Into Detail on How To Write Your Backstory or Point of View for OPM Author / Book Contest

Do you want to enter the competition and don’t know how to answer to contest questions? Starley goes into great detail to help you put together a winning entry.

On Purpose Magazine is known for helping authors promote themselves and since we love authors we want to do more.

In the audio above famed image and branding strategist Starley Murray discusses with JW Najarian the tips, tricks and secrets of writing your Point of View (POV) or what is also referred to as the Backstory in your efforts toward winning the OPM Author / Book Competition and using it in your marketing and promotion yourself and your books.

Does Your Image Detract from Your Message? by Top Image Expert Starley MurrayStarley Murray

I choose Celebrity Image Expert Starley Murray to help us build our backstory or Point of View (POV) because Starley has been on TV every single month for the past ten years with nearly 3000 appearances overall.

Specializing in brand development, media training and publicity image she has been in demand with celebrities, Fortune 500 companies, industry experts, and TV stations for the last 20 years. Starley has generated more than $1 Million in sales directly from her TV appearances and media productions.

jw and starley 01She’s called upon by stars from Inside Edition and the E! Channel and many celebrities like Brooke Burke, Tommy Lee Jones, Marie Osmond, and Eva Longoria. Starley’s plugged in to internationally recognized media events like the Academy Awards and has interviewed hundreds of celebrities on the red carpet and leverages her appearances to support Cancer Survivors and Domestic Violence Prevention.

She is proud to be regularly requested for coaching behind the scenes at the American Idol try outs and all while on live television as a media correspondent for a FOX TV news show!

Writing Your Backstory or Point of View for the OPM Contest

The On Purpose Magazine (OPM) Author Book Competition is not based on your book, but rather on your story around the book. OPM wants to help authors promote their books and believe the first thing you need to have is a great package put together to help promote, market and sell you and your book.

OPM has put a contest together to find the most original, compelling and great backstory or author point of view which will be the basis of all your promotional and marketing efforts going forward.

Here are the questions you will be asked to answer for the competition and an explanation of how to answer them to help you build a winning entry.

Even if you do not enter the competition and you should… just check out the prizes; you will end up building a very strong foundation for the rest of your marketing and promotional campaigns going forward so have fun and get creative!

The following is an outline of the lesson on the audio. Use both guide you or not. There is no right way to answer these questions. I am sure many of you will answer from the heart and just blow us away and some of you will step out of the box, the box is in.

OPM Author / Book contest questions

Who Is The Author?

Give Us Your Story, Background, History or something interesting that might tie you to the book.

  1. Share your experiences about your back ground history (often called your back story) to give the reader a way to connect with you.
  2. Concentrate your story on an inspiring and/or exciting experience from your life.
  3. Don’t discount the power of others relating to you if the experience is common and not action packed. Common threads are strong connections.
  4. Develop your backstory and share your emotions to connect to your reader.
  5. Have a short one minute back story as well as a longer version such as a five minute presentation. Likely you will get the most mileage from your short sound bites for media related experiences and the longer versions when you have the opportunity to more deeply connect with your readers/audience.

 What Is This Book About?

What is the theme? Give us a short Description of the Book and the Story.

  1. Your theme or genre to your book is also a form of branding. You may have more than one applicable theme. If so, prioritize your themes and lead with the strongest.
  2. Develop your description of the book in ways to invoke the reader’s senses such as sight, sound, taste or touch. In video and television interviews, strong visuals are strong forms of publicity.
  3. Keep your description short in length of words and impactful in meaning of your words. In the media, the less you say …the more they will listen. It’s how you say it that can be most impactful.
  4. Be purposeful as to the order of words and sentences in your descriptions. The first impression rule still applies and you can set the tone and support the mood of the reader from beginning to end.

 Why Did You Write This Book?

What compelled you to write this book? Why you and not someone else?

  1. Combine your unique back story with your special interests and skills when sharing the reasons why you wrote your book. Having a unique fusion of inspiration with special skills makes your brand more difficult to copy by others competing for publicity.
  2. Differentiate your writing styles and share why your take on your top is unique.
  3. Reveal something about yourself that is specific only to you as an author or person.
  4. Share your reasons to write this book that may be different from what inspires other authors or readers of your topic.

 Why should someone read this book?

Why should someone read this book and who should read this book? Who will this book entertain, inspire, educate, and help?

  1. List all the reasons your book can help other people and make a difference.
  2. Categorize the reasons that can help readers immediately in their lives, and the ones that can help them long term as well as those reasons that just might make them smile or feel like they are a part of something special that is bigger than them as one person.
  3. Then pick the top three reasons from each of these three areas to support your reason why someone should read your book to answer the questions readers often ask themselves pharmacy no prescription subconsciously. (What’s in it for me)
  4. Determine who your target market is and adjust your language and pinpoint your promotional campaign to reach the groups that have the highest interest in your book.

The Contest

Over 3 Million books come out every year and only a handful of them make any money or get any recognition. In fact 50% of all new books make less than $250 on average in their first year!

This is a startling and amazingly sad fact and it is not because the books are not worthy, solid, or wonderful, but because the marketing efforts behind the books are almost non existent or worse, a lot of money is spent in the wrong direction.

I have interviewed many bestselling and not best selling authors and I always get the same feedback. Marketing and promotions is the hardest part of writing a book.

What is one of the best ways to market and promote? Simple, let people get to know you. Exposure is not enough. You need the right type of exposure. This helps you build credibility and puts you on course to build a community which is one of the best ways to create buzz and sell more books.

button checkout contest

On Purpose Magazine Wants To Help Authors Promote Their Books

On Purpose Magazine is doing something different and very special for the new and not so new author to help them get more of the right type of exposure.

We will not be reading your book! What?? How can you have a Author / Book Competition / Contest without reading the book? Again Simple…

If you write a great book, give it a fantastic title and put a great picture on the front… guess how many people will beat a path to your door to get this book? Generally no one. First people need to know that it is available, but more importantly people need a reason to pick it up to read.

What is the best way to promote my book?

Through my many interviews and working with authors and publicists and public relations executives I have learned that what an author needs beyond a great book, is a well defined, compelling, interesting or relate-able story.

The Author needs to get exposure from many different sources.

  • Radio (Internet, Satellite and Terrestrial)
  • Television (Internet, Local and National)
  • Newspaper
  • Magazines
  • Industry Publications
  • Other Publications
  • Associations
  • Groups
  • Word of Mouth
  • and Many Others

But are you ready for your close up? Do you know what you are going to say or how your going to say it?

Many of the 3 million authors will never get their work exposed and many others will get some type of exposure, but waste it by not knowing what to say and how to present themselves.

What an author needs is a package that is put together and tested. Starting with a headshot, bio and compelling book description. It will also be nice to have a professional interview with a professional publication, completed and on your resume.

This is what this contest will give the author. On Purpose Magazine’s contest is all about what we call the author’s Point of View (POV). The POV is the author’s backstory, reason for writing the book and reason why the reader absolutely needs to have this book or get it for a friend..

OPM’s contest will choose a winner based on the best POV submitted. The winner will receive one of our Gold Premium Promotional Package including a full page story with a full 30 minute professional interview that will be featured in OPM and shared out to thousands and thousands of readers, industry people and is, of course, yours to distribute as you see fit all your promotional needs. There will also be other bonuses from our industry sponsors.

button OPM Promotional Packages

So by the time you are done you will have:

  • A Headshot (you supply the headshot, but you have to have one for the interview and you can take it with your cell phone, but don’t screw yourself. Take a decent one.)
  • A Bio (You must supply this also, but if you complete the contest, believe me you will have a great one.)
  • A Point of View (The basis for all your marketing, promotion, interviews and more)
  • A professional interview published on a recognized web magazine.
  • One great resume entry

For new authors this will be you breaking the ice and getting more and more interviews or speaking engagements. For some of you seasoned authors this will be a chance for you to get more and better exposure and to dust off your old POV and create another, or it may be your chance to get noticed in the new social media.

button checkout contestGive yourself a Chance to be Recognized

On Purpose Magazine is well known and respected by publicists and public relations firms that use the new media to help promote their authors.

On Purpose Magazine is becoming well known around the celebrity community as a place where the celeb can speak and promote their cause.

On Purpose Magazine gets great Google, Alexa and SEO rankings form all the major search engines so we already have the built in traffic and tools to help new and seasoned authors promote their work.

Your interview with be shown and featured alongside well known, bestselling authors, Hollywood Celebrities, Business Leaders and Teachers and more.

If you do not want to try and win a spot in the magazine there are a limited amount of spots available at a reasonable rate. OPM wants to make it affordable for authors to get themselves interviewed professionally, but since OPM does everything the old fashioned way… from scatch, OPM cannot do more than a few of these interviews. We will be offering them on a first come, first served basis.

Submit your Point of View today…. We have put together a course in how to put together a great POV which was taken from a $1500 course, but will be made available to our entrants at no charge…. This is worth the price of admission alone.

All entrants will get mentioned in the magazine with a coveted link to their book and site. This is worth the entry fee also….

button checkout contest


This is our first contest so there will be glitches and screw ups. Try and follow the directions as best as possible and if you still have problems drop me a line with your phone number so we can help you through it.

EMail Me

We expect issues, but will work hard to make sure they are as painless as possible… Thanks…

On Purpose Magazine Announces First Ever Author / Book Contest / Competition

banner OPM Author Book Contest02That’s Right!

First Ever Author Book Contest

On Purpose Magazine is known for helping authors promote themselves and since we love authors we want to do more.

OPM Founder JW Najarian and Image and Branding Consultant Starley Murray Audio to Introduce OPM Author / Book Competition ►Right Click and “Save Link As” to Download File◄

starley murray 01

In the audio above famed image and branding expert Starley Murray discusses with JW Najarian the importance of the OPM contest and the authors Point of View (POV) or what is also referred to as the Backstory in their efforts toward marketing and promotion of themselves and their books.

Over 3 Million books come out every year and only a handful of them make any money or get any recognition. In fact 50% of all new books make less than $250 on average in their first year!

This is a startling and amazingly sad fact and it is not because the books are not worthy, solid, or wonderful, but because the marketing efforts behind the books are almost non existent or worse, a lot of money is spent in the wrong direction.

I have interviewed many bestselling and not best selling authors and I always get the same feedback. Marketing and promotions is the hardest part of writing a book.

What is one of the best ways to market and promote? Simple, let people get to know you. Exposure is not enough. You need the right type of exposure. This helps you build credibility and puts you on course to build a community which is one of the best ways to create buzz and sell more books.

button checkout contest

On Purpose Magazine Wants To Help Authors Promote Their Books

On Purpose Magazine is doing something different and very special for the new and not so new author to help them get more of the right type of exposure.

We will not be reading your book! What?? How can you have a Author / Book Competition / Contest without reading the book? Again Simple…

If you write a great book, give it a fantastic title and put a great picture on the front… guess how many people will beat a path to your door to get this book? Generally no one. First people need to know that it is available, but more importantly people need a reason to pick it up to read.

What is the best way to promote my book?

Through my many interviews and working with authors and publicists and public relations executives I have learned that what an author needs beyond a great book, is a well defined, compelling, interesting or relate-able story.

The Author needs to get exposure from many different sources.

  • Radio (Internet, Satellite and Terrestrial)
  • Television (Internet, Local and National)
  • Newspaper
  • Magazines
  • Industry Publications
  • Other Publications
  • Associations
  • Groups
  • Word of Mouth
  • and Many Others

But are you ready for your close up? Do you know what you are going to say or how your going to say it?

Many of the 3 million authors will never get their work exposed and many others will get some type of exposure, but waste it by not knowing what to say and how to present themselves.

What an author needs is a package that is put together and tested. Starting with a headshot, bio and compelling book description. It will also be nice to have a professional interview with a professional publication, completed and on your resume.

This is what this contest will give the author. On Purpose Magazine’s contest is all about what we call the author’s Point of View (POV). The POV is the author’s backstory, reason for writing the book and reason why the reader absolutely needs to have this book or get it for a friend..

OPM’s contest will choose a winner based on the best POV submitted. The winner will receive one of our Gold Premium Promotional Package including a full page story with a full 30 minute professional interview that will be featured in OPM and shared out to thousands and thousands of readers, industry people and is, of course, yours to distribute as you see fit all your promotional needs. There will also be other bonuses from our industry sponsors.

button OPM Promotional Packages

So by the time you are done you will have:

  • A Headshot (you supply the headshot, but you have to have one for the interview and you can take it with your cell phone, but don’t screw yourself. Take a decent one.)
  • A Bio (You must supply this also, but if you complete the contest, believe me you will have a great one.)
  • A Point of View (The basis for all your marketing, promotion, interviews and more)
  • A professional interview published on a recognized web magazine.
  • One great resume entry

For new authors this will be you breaking the ice and getting more and more interviews or speaking engagements. For some of you seasoned authors this will be a chance for you to get more and better exposure and to dust off your old POV and create another, or it may be your chance to get noticed in the new social media.

button checkout contestGive yourself a Chance to be Recognized

On Purpose Magazine is well known and respected by publicists and public relations firms that use the new media to help promote their authors.

On Purpose Magazine is becoming well known around the celebrity community as a place where the celeb can speak and promote their cause.

On Purpose Magazine gets great Google, Alexa and SEO rankings form all the major search engines so we already have the built in traffic and tools to help new and seasoned authors promote their work.

Your interview with be shown and featured alongside well known, bestselling authors, Hollywood Celebrities, Business Leaders and Teachers and more.

If you do not want to try and win a spot in the magazine there are a limited amount of spots available at a reasonable rate. OPM wants to make it affordable for authors to get themselves interviewed professionally, but since OPM does everything the old fashioned way… from scatch, OPM cannot do more than a few of these interviews. We will be offering them on a first come, first served basis.

Submit your Point of View today…. We have put together a course in how to put together a great POV which was taken from a $1500 course, but will be made available to our entrants at no charge…. This is worth the price of admission alone.

All entrants will get mentioned in the magazine with a coveted link to their book and site. This is worth the entry fee also….

button checkout contest


This is our first contest so there will be glitches and screw ups. Try and follow the directions as best as possible and if you still have problems drop me a line with your phone number so we can help you through it.

EMail Me

We expect issues, but will work hard to make sure they are as painless as possible… Thanks…

It is Snowing at On Purpose Magazine


In the spirit of the holidays, it will be Snowing at the  On Purpose Magazine website till January 4th.

Come and check it out and all the wonderful stories and our first ever Author / Book contest / competition.

I grew up around snow…. My father was in the Air Force and it seems that we were stationed in many cold weather places where I got to see snow as a young kid, such as Plattsburgh, NY and Carterton, in West Oxfordshire in the U.K. and eventually my mother and my brother and sister settled in Lake Tahoe, CA and NV.

Snow was what winter and the holidays were about and when I first spend a Christmas away from home it was soooo depressing. I was stationed, while in the U.S. Navy, in San Diego, CA and though it was a wonderfully sunny Christmas Day, it lacked everything I thought I knew about Christmas.’

I now live in Los Angeles and have had rainy Christmases and wonderfully sunny Christmases, but never a snowy one. Yes we have had snow in Los Angeles a couple of times, but never on Christmas.

The point is that I love snow for the holidays and do miss it, but I have learned not to be depressed due to incredibly great weather.

I also have to admit that if reminded, going to school, work or important events can really suck in the snow and sliding off the road is not fun, or putting on chains when your hands are frozen, or slipping and falling or shoveling the walk or going out to carry in firewood and….. well you get the picture.

So at On Purpose Magazine we will make it snow 24/7 for your enjoyment, without any of the hassles. Make sure you stay on the page a second as it starts out very subtle and then it picks up the longer you stay.

Come take a peek and while your their listen or watch one of our great videos or podcasts. We try and put in tons of helpful content that you can use now and share throughout the year.

Happy Holidays to you and yours… – JW

We Are Changing Our Name!

JW On Purpose is Changing it’s Name!

That’s right once again we are changing the name of this blog.

Here is the lowdown. I first opened this blog to journal a bit. Then I started doing interviews of some semi celebs and authors. Now I have been doing interviews of finance and business for www.CREPIG.com for sometime.

These interviews were, however, quite dry in content and I wanted to have some fun. I have now interviewed around 200 Authors and Celebs on their stories, causes, projects and just interesting stuff.

At first I just thought I would name it JW Najarian‘s blog… Then it got bigger so I thought maybe JW360 as I and my content are quite eclectic. It then morphed again to JW On Purpose as a friend noticed my focus on cause and purpose.

I really like JW On Purpose and will continue to blog under that name, but mainly it will just be me sharing my thoughts and observations.

This blog is now going to be called On Purpose Magazine. Although it doesn’t come out weekly or monthly etc.. it does contain a plethora of diverse interviews. My mission is to serve phentermine online interesting, entertaining, educational, intriguing, enlightening and inspirational interviews with the most interesting people I can get in front of.

Why a Magazine? Cause it sounds good. Today you have to brand something and you need to keep the name easy and hope it talks to what you are trying to portray.  So we ceremoniously christen this blog with the name On Purpose Magazine.

Why On Purpose? First I liked the double entendre meaning of the phrase, on purpose. What I want to do, for the most part, is “Do On Purpose, with Purpose”. So you will notice most posts lean toward a cause or purpose.

The Site will be moving and be all New and Improved!

Also Coming Soon………………

We have decided that WP.com does not afford us the growth and functionality we desire so we will be moving to WP.org with a whole new look and feel. Should Really be cool… This will happen the the next month or so…

Come share the journey and please do not hesitate to join in.

The Journey of 1000 miles starts with this first step.

Welcome to:

On Purpose Magazine

JW Najarian

JW and Bob Interview Santa Claus

A Rare Opportunity Came Our Way and We Could Not Turn the Old Guy Down

pic jw and bob santaMy old partner, Bob Schecter and I got the rare opportunity to talk to Santa about how he is doing and what’s happening at the North Pole.


pic santaIt is not often we get an exclusive like this one. We caught Santa at his home in Arizona for a short interview.

Santa was very gracious and answered all our questions

We are so honored and excited as we are big fans. Even Bob, who is Jewish loves ole Santa- JW


Our Sincerest Thank You to Stephen B, the comedian that helped us put this together. Stephen said yes to this crazy idea of mine and did an amazing job of writing the whole script. Bob and I just played straight man and Stephen B made the magic.

stephen bStephen B

For nearly 30 years Stephen B has been making audiences laugh in comedy clubs, corporate venues and in churches of all denominations. With his high energy and animated delivery Stephen’s material runs the gamut from silly to poignant to the absurd but he never crosses the line to get a cheap laugh at the expense of decency. His opinionated observations on life and society juxtaposed with his own flaws and shortcomings make for a hilarious combination of rants, raves and stories that poke fun at the absurdity of being human.

Stephen has opened for headlining musical acts such as Manhattan Transfer, Al Di Meola, Weird Al Yankovic, Leon Redbone, Michael Bolton, Julio Iglesias and Randy Stonehill. You can see him at next year’s Spirit West Coast Festivals in San Diego and Monterey CA.



Special shout out to Diana Schecter for creating the fabulous video to go along with our interview.