Tag Archives: steve farber

Liz Strauss Interview at Extreme Leadership Summit

Liz StraussLiz Strauss Speaks at Extreme Leadership Summit

Liz spoke about building your business by building relationships, trust and rapport with others. Liz is one of the 10 most influential women in social media per Forbes and Huffington Post, and she uses age old business techniques to she learned from her dad to totally dominate a market using these new platforms.


I was recently granted a phone interview with Liz and I have gotten the pleasure of hanging having a few dinners and great conversations.

Liz makes a great friend and a wonderful mentor. Liz is blunt because I think she gets bored easily and doesn’t care for ignorance, but more because she cares a lot.

I am glad to call Liz friend and so happy that I finally got her on camera. Thanks Liz – JW

Here is the phone interview [CLICK HERE]

liz strauss bloggerLiz Strauss

Liz Strauss is a master teacher, thought leader, community builder, and international business strategist, who has been called the most influential “real-ebrity” on the web. People visit her blog to learn, discover, and meet each other. She’s a business creator, an über connector, an idea machine. No one questions that what she brings is one-of-a-kind authenticity.

Strategic, intelligent, and nice is a powerful combination.

From her father’s saloon, to her years as a teacher, with her understanding of literacy, brain development and writing, her work as territory sales rep for a menswear corporation, to an outstanding international publishing career, Liz has used every opportunity to find the human attractions and connections behind the P&L.

CEO and founder of SOBCon, author of the popular Successful-Blog.com, speaker.

Liz defines irresistible businesses as those with great relationships who constantly

  • Remove what customers don’t want.
  • Enhance what customers love.
  • Add something unexpected customers would die for.

Irresistible defines Liz.


SOBconLiz is also the Creator and CEO of Successful Online Business Convention SOBcon, the high-touch business summit

The theme – “Creating and Leveraging Opportunity”. 2 ½ days of strategies and tactics focused on merging your online and offline worlds into a successful business.

Where you can find Liz:
Twitter @lizstrauss
Blog www.successful-blog.com


Steve Farbers Extreme Leadership Summit

What is Extreme Leadership?

If you haven’t already noticed, ‘Leadership’ has become just another one of those pseudo-pop-psycho-cultural buzzwords.

Over time, its meaning has been diluted to such a profound degree, that it’s just another one of those labels we use when we really mean ‘The one with the big office.’ 

True leadership doesn’t come from a snappy vocabulary, the books you have on your shelf, your place on the organization chart, or any other fabrication.

Leadership is intensely personal, intrinsically scary, and it requires us to live up to and beyond the point of fear—every single day. – Steve Farber

Extreme Leadership Summit

Steve and his team have crafted The Extreme Leadership Summit to be something unique, something special, something…well…extreme. And it’s unlike any leadership or personal development “event” you’ve been to before.

The Summit is not a pitch fest (where a bunch of speakers try to sell you stuff), and it’s not a parade of talking heads, to mix a metaphor, where you passively sit, watch the show, take notes, and go home.

This is an experience, a process.

Informed by our brilliant thought-leader-speaker-coaches and with the help of your fellow participants (in small, focused MasterMind Teams), you’ll build a significant, personal Extreme Leadership Action Plan–a plan that you’ll begin applying to your life and business immediately, before The Summit even ends.

And–unlike other events–the vast majority of our speakers will be attending the entire conference. With you. We’re all in this thing together.

More Information………….

Steve Farber Steve Farber

A subject-matter expert in business leadership and a frequent guest on news-talk shows around the country, Farber is a senior-level leadership coach and consultant who has worked with and spoken to a wide variety of public and private organizations in virtually every arena, from the tech sector to financial services, manufacturing, health care, hospitality, entertainment, retail, and even the US government.

Leading from experience.

In 1989, after having run his own financial services company, Farber devoted his professional life to the field of leadership development and has been at it ever since.

Steve was director of service programs at TMI, an international training consultancy, and then worked for 6 years as Vice President and Official Mouthpiece (that’s what it said on his business card) of The Tom Peters Company where he met several of his mentors including author/gurus Tom Peters, Jim Kouzes, and Terry Pearce.

In 2000, Farber established his own company, Extreme Leadership, Inc, where he is president and CEO. He is also the co-founder of The Center for Social Profit Leadership, a non-profit organization formed to serve the leadership development needs of social entrepreneurs, and served as Vice Chairman on the Board of Directors of the world-renown, Up With People, a global leadership program for students from 18 to 29 years old.

A Universal Message.

“Approach the act of leadership as you’d approach an extreme sport: learn to love the fear and exhilaration that naturally comes with the territory.”

Steve Farber is the president of Extreme Leadership, Incorporated, and the founder of The Extreme Leadership Institute, organizations devoted to the cultivation and development of Extreme Leaders in the business community, non-profits and education.

Steve’s Books

book radical leap re-energized Steve Farber

The Radical Leap Re-Energized

is an expansion and revitalization of The Radical Leap, which was named as one of the 100 Best Business Books of All Time by Covert and Sattersten.

It’s a novel told in Steve Farber’s humorous, poignant, and original voice that takes the reader on a deep exploration of the qualities and practices of real, or Extreme Leadership, and how to apply them in daily life. Part One, The Radical Leap, explores the leadership elements of Love, Energy, Audacity, and Proof;

Part Two, The Radical Edge, takes the discussion deeper into innovation, personal clarity and guidelines for changing the world. It sets a new standard for what it means to really lead in today’s business world and beyond.

Steve Farber’s masterwork, The Radical Leap Re-Energized, is an inspired opus on what it means to be a leader of substance and significance. You’ll find yourself coming back to it again and again.” –Michael E. Ventling, Global CFO, Ernst & Young
Steve Farber leaps again. I was into it the first time. This time, I’m leaping with him!” –Chris Brogan, President Human Business Works
e, I’m leaping with him!” –Chris Brogan, President Human Business Works

book greater than yourself steve farber

Greater Than Yourself

Too many people assume the timeless principles of true leadership—of helping others achieve their full potential—don’t apply Monday through Friday during work hours or in any circumstance where a paycheck is involved.

In GREATER THAN YOURSELF, Steve Farber proves them wrong: in this powerful and inspiring story, Farber shows that the goal of a genuine leader is to help others—teammates, employees, and colleagues—become more capable, confident, and accomplished than they are themselves. Through the actions of a forward-thinking and extraordinarily successful CEO, Farber reveals the three keys to achieving this: Expand Yourself, Give Yourself, and Replicate Yourself.

Filled with actionable principles and innovative ideas, GREATER THAN YOURSELF is perhaps the most powerful message today’s business leaders can learn.

Twisted Sister’s Jay Jay French on Rocked The Extreme Leadership Summit with Twisted Business

John Jay Jay French is the Founder, Guitarist and Manager of Twisted Sister. Known for his savvy business and entrepreneurial skills and his philanthropic spirit, Jay Jay talks about learning the business of music and how its not that different than your business and about……

This Video shows how John Jay Jay French Rocked it in San Diego at Bestselling Author Steve Farber’s Extreme Leadership Summit where he spoke in August.


Our Audio Interview with Jay Jay French in New York as he Talks About The Music Business and The Extreme Leadership SummitAudio Player ►Right Click and “Save Link As” to Download File◄

The Video Interview

The audio Interview was done before Jay Jay’s talk from his office in New York. The video was taken at the conference after he had spoken to an excited group of entrepreneurs and business people.

I went to Steve Farber’s first ever Extreme Leaership Summit and now that it is over I can tell you it was a major success. NO Pitchfest, pure training, learning, networking and awesome entertainment. The message was important and Steve used his famous L.E.A.P. system to guide and help make the summit a wonderful experience. It was filled with speakers that taught Love of your business, client, worker and your product or service. It had speakers like Jay Jay French from Twisted Sister that were incredibly Energetic and Audacious and speakers like Simon Billsberry to give Proof of concept and implementation.

It was hard to get Jay Jay away from the throng of people that wanted his attention, but he stayed for the whole three days and made himself extremely available to the attendees. I grabbed him while he was signing autographs and got into the nitty gritty with him about his first talk on stage and about the music business and how what he learned creating one of the most successful bands in the history of rock, can help you and your business.

I loved Steve’s book so I knew the summit would be good, but I did not expect great and I got great. One night Steve and Jay Jay set it up so that Guitar Center and Epiphone Guitar supplied us with masses of instruments and a drum kit and we all got to go and play up on stage with Jay Jay. What a super honor. I played bass behind a couple of tunes… very cool. – JW


The Audio Interview

This was written before the summit.

After speaking to Steve Farber, recently about his first ever Extreme Leadership Summit, I could see that this was going to be one of those life changing experiences that we just do not find in most conferences and summits nowadays.

Steve is cool enough, but he also offered to allow his speakers to interview with me before the event….  Great for me because, although I don’t do commercials or infomercials for people, I do love to create and share excellent and valuable content for you, and Steve and the speakers promised they would tell some cool stories and give me some great content and value to pass on to you. (And They Have!.. )

It is also great for Steve so that he can get the word out on this unbelievable summit. Steve has put together an Extreme Training Intensive… This is not another one of those sellathon weekends where speakers pitch you to buy at the back of the room…

Steve has brought his closest friends that have excelled in Extreme Leadership and he brings them to you so that you can learn what you need to know to accelerate your business and your life to never before foreseen heights.

I heard that Jay Jay and Steve had met at Liz Strauss’ SOBCon Event and was happy to hear that Jay Jay would be speaking at Steve’s Extreme Leadership Summit.

As a musician myself and a guitar player at that, it was sure exciting to get to speak with Jay Jay French the guitarist for the legendary Twisted Sister.

Jay Jay tells a great story and is quite candid and I found that there was really no question he was not willing to answer.

The big thing we discussed was how similar the music business is to other industries and how it takes the same qualities and systems and steps to place preparation into the path of opportunity.

Jay Jay, is a rock star that plays guitar in front of 70 to 80 thousand screaming fans at huge arenas and stadiums, but as the founder and also the manager of the band and others, Jay Jay is also a very savvy businessman, an entrepreneur and someone that has paid some dues.

Never thought I would say that some of the smartest business information I got came from a rock guitarist from a band with a name like Twisted Sister.

I want to thank Jay Jay for his time, for being a great guest and for spending some substantial time with me right after getting off his European Tour… Thanks Jay Jay. – JW


Jay Jay French

Jay Jay French is a human enigma. His playing has inspired countless guitarists all over the world, and 30+ years after founding Twisted Sister, he is truly a living legend.

As a manager, he has worked with such diverse artists as Sevendust, songwriters Andrew Fortier and David Forman, blues guitar legend Johnny Gale, jam band heroes The Sound Of Urchin, underground new york legends The Step Kings, and Fred Sargolini–the “FS” of the world-famous new york DJ duo, Ming & FS.

In his combined roles as a guitarist, manager, and producer, Jay Jay has been responsible for the sale of over 12 million records worldwide and has 39 gold and platinum albums from 8 different countries.

Jay Jay has been in the rock’n’roll circus for three decades, and knows both sides of the stage and the microphone; yet, he keeps away from the gossip headlines and glamour nonsense that the industry is so infected with. He’s a New Yorker, but more so an international player that impresses on all levels. He’s tough when he’s on a mission, but his dedication, knowledge and trust is unheard of.  Jay Jay is the real deal – both as a musician, producer and manager, and he’s known by many as one of the most genuine people working in the music industry today.

“At the end of the day, Rock and roll is a business with universal business rules. You need to posses the ability to look inside yourself, be honest with what you see, re-invent, and then re-apply. And be fully prepared to be knocked down again.”

PinkBurst Project

Jay Jay French’s Pinkburst Project Donates Over $110,000 to The Ocular Immunology and Uveitis Foundation

A total of $110,000 is being donated to The Ocular Immunology and Uveitis Foundation for ongoing research, education and support for those affected by Uveitis and other inflammatory eye diseases.

All custom guitars and amps in The Pinkburst Project collection were auctioned for sale during the Skinner Fine Musical Instruments on Sunday, May 1, 2011 in Boston, Massachusetts.

A benefit concert, “The Pinkburst Project: An Evening with Twisted Sister benefiting the Ocular Immunology and Uveitis Foundation” took place on Friday, April 29 at the Best Buy Theater in Times Square. Special guests included New York Yankee-great, Bernie Williams.

“When I embarked on the Pinkburst Project three and one-half years ago on behalf of my daughter Samantha and her struggle with her Uveitis, I did it at first to raise much needed money for research and a cure. I didn’t realize where that journey would take me.” stated French.

He continued, “The money raised of course is much needed but the media exposure and the realization that getting out the story could actually save people’s sight was something that I didn’t think about. Now I have come to realize that the combination of hard work, focus and the incredible help from so many people have created a social network of families who are fighting this disease and no longer feel like nobody in the world cares. People DO care.

The brotherhood of man has once again reached out to those in need and now the Pinkburst Project has given renewed hope to those afflicted that someday a cure may be found.”

“In spite of the fact that uveitis blinds thousands of patients every year, it remains “under the radar”, unknown by most and underappreciated even by many ophthalmologists as a cause of continuing misery and blindness. Raising awareness of this preventable tragedy among the public and educating eye doctors on the latest techniques proven to prevent blindness from uveitis is at the heart of the mission of the Ocular Immunology and Uveitis Foundation. The passion of Jay Jay French and of Twisted Sister in helping the Foundation in this matter is stunning, and our gratitude to them for this cannot be overstated.” Says. C. Stephen Foster, MD, President and Founder of the Ocular Immunology Uveitis Foundation.

Jay Jay French and Twisted Sister Websites
Twisted Sister
PinkBurst Project
PinkBurst on FaceBook


What is Extreme Leadership?

If you haven’t already noticed, ‘Leadership’ has become just another one of those pseudo-pop-psycho-cultural buzzwords.

Over time, its meaning has been diluted to such a profound degree, that it’s just another one of those labels we use when we really mean ‘The one with the big office.’ 

True leadership doesn’t come from a snappy vocabulary, the books you have on your shelf, your place on the organization chart, or any other fabrication.

Leadership is intensely personal, intrinsically scary, and it requires us to live up to and beyond the point of fear—every single day. – Steve Farber

Extreme Leadership Summit 2012

Steve and his team have crafted The Extreme Leadership Summit to be something unique, something special, something…well…extreme. And it’s unlike any leadership or personal development “event” you’ve been to before.

The Summit is not a pitch fest (where a bunch of speakers try to sell you stuff), and it’s not a parade of talking heads, to mix a metaphor, where you passively sit, watch the show, take notes, and go home.

This is an experience, a process.

Informed by our brilliant thought-leader-speaker-coaches and with the help of your fellow participants (in small, focused MasterMind Teams), you’ll build a significant, personal Extreme Leadership Action Plan–a plan that you’ll begin applying to your life and business immediately, before The Summit even ends.

And–unlike other events–the vast majority of our speakers will be attending the entire conference. With you. We’re all in this thing together.


Steve Farber

Steve Farber President and FounderThe Extreme Leadership Institute, Inc.

Tommy Spaulding

Tommy Spaulding PresidentSpaulding Companies LLC

Simon Billsberry Co-FounderKineticom

Sally Hogshead

Sally Hogshead Chief Fascination OfficerFascinate, Inc

Loren Slocum

Loren Slocum Founder/CEO/PresidentLobella International

Jay Jay French

Jay Jay French Founder/Manager/GuitaristTwisted Sister

Brian Mayne

Brian Mayne ChairmanLift International

Liz Strauss

Liz Strauss CEO and FounderSOBCon Business Conference

The Huffington Post named Liz to their Top 10 Influencers Alive List. Liz Strauss is a high energy master teacher, an über connector, an idea machine with bias toward action. Forbes named Liz Strauss to their Top 50 Social Media Power Influencers and Top 10 Women Social Media Influencers.

Agenda -Follow this link to get the full agenda [Click Here]

More Information………….

Steve Farber Steve Farber

A subject-matter expert in business leadership and a frequent guest on news-talk shows around the country, Farber is a senior-level leadership coach and consultant who has worked with and spoken to a wide variety of public and private organizations in virtually every arena, from the tech sector to financial services, manufacturing, health care, hospitality, entertainment, retail, and even the US government.

Leading from experience.

In 1989, after having run his own financial services company, Farber devoted his professional life to the field of leadership development and has been at it ever since.

Steve was director of service programs at TMI, an international training consultancy, and then worked for 6 years as Vice President and Official Mouthpiece (that’s what it said on his business card) of The Tom Peters Company where he met several of his mentors including author/gurus Tom Peters, Jim Kouzes, and Terry Pearce.

In 2000, Farber established his own company, Extreme Leadership, Inc, where he is president and CEO. He is also the co-founder of The Center for Social Profit Leadership, a non-profit organization formed to serve the leadership development needs of social entrepreneurs, and served as Vice Chairman on the Board of Directors of the world-renown, Up With People, a global leadership program for students from 18 to 29 years old.

A Universal Message.

“Approach the act of leadership as you’d approach an extreme sport: learn to love the fear and exhilaration that naturally comes with the territory.”

Steve Farber is the president of Extreme Leadership, Incorporated, and the founder of The Extreme Leadership Institute, organizations devoted to the cultivation and development of Extreme Leaders in the business community, non-profits and education.

His third book, Greater Than Yourself: The Ultimate Lesson In Leadership, was a Wall Street Journal® and USA Today® bestseller.

His second book, The Radical Edge: Stoke Your Business, Amp Your Life, and Change the World, was hailed as “a playbook for harnessing the power of the human spirit.”

And his first book, The Radical Leap: A Personal Lesson in Extreme Leadership, is already considered a classic in the leadership field. It received Fast Company magazine’s Readers’ Choice Award and was recently named one of the 100 Best Business Books of All Time. His newest edition, The Radical Leap Re-Energized: Doing What You Love in the Service of People Who Love What You Do, is in bookstores now.

Steve’s Books

book radical leap re-energized Steve Farber

The Radical Leap Re-Energized

is an expansion and revitalization of The Radical Leap, which was named as one of the 100 Best Business Books of All Time by Covert and Sattersten.

It’s a novel told in Steve Farber’s humorous, poignant, and original voice that takes the reader on a deep exploration of the qualities and practices of real, or Extreme Leadership, and how to apply them in daily life. Part One, The Radical Leap, explores the leadership elements of Love, Energy, Audacity, and Proof;

Part Two, The Radical Edge, takes the discussion deeper into innovation, personal clarity and guidelines for changing the world. It sets a new standard for what it means to really lead in today’s business world and beyond.

Steve Farber’s masterwork, The Radical Leap Re-Energized, is an inspired opus on what it means to be a leader of substance and significance. You’ll find yourself coming back to it again and again.” –Michael E. Ventling, Global CFO, Ernst & Young
Steve Farber leaps again. I was into it the first time. This time, I’m leaping with him!” –Chris Brogan, President Human Business Works

book greater than yourself steve farber

Greater Than Yourself

Too many people assume the timeless principles of true leadership—of helping others achieve their full potential—don’t apply Monday through Friday during work hours or in any circumstance where a paycheck is involved.

In GREATER THAN YOURSELF, Steve Farber proves them wrong: in this powerful and inspiring story, Farber shows that the goal of a genuine leader is to help others—teammates, employees, and colleagues—become more capable, confident, and accomplished than they are themselves. Through the actions of a forward-thinking and extraordinarily successful CEO, Farber reveals the three keys to achieving this: Expand Yourself, Give Yourself, and Replicate Yourself.

Filled with actionable principles and innovative ideas, GREATER THAN YOURSELF is perhaps the most powerful message today’s business leaders can learn.

Steve Farber Keynote Speaker

Leadership speaker and author, Steve Farber, has worked with a wide variety of public and private organizations in virtually every arena, from the tech sector to financial services, manufacturing, health care, hospitality, entertainment, retail, government agencies and more.

And whatever the audience, Steve’s speeches are always deeply thought-provoking and eminently practical, as well as inspiring and entertaining—a combination of qualities that are a must for any successful conference or meeting.

These are just a few of the great programs Steve presents to different organizations.
Steve Farber can be Found At:


Extreme Leadership Summit 2012

August 17th – 19th
San Diego, California

Brian Mayne on Goal Mapping and Extreme Leadership

Inspirational Speaker, Author and creator of the world-leading achievement system Goal Mapping, Talks To Us About His System Born From His Incredible Life Story, his Books and….

About Bestselling Author Steve Farber’s Extreme Leadership Summit where he will be speaking in August 17th – 19th in San Diego, CA

Steve Farber is such a cool guy. I often report on conferences that….

Register for Extreme Leadership Summit

I think are exciting or that I really got a lot out of or just really think you should know about.

After speaking to Steve recently about his first ever Extreme Leadership Summit, I could see that this was going to be one of those life changing experiences that we just do not find in most conferences and summits nowadays.

Steve is cool enough, but he also offered to allow his speakers to interview with me before the event….  Great for me because, although I don’t do commercials or infomercials for people, I do love to create and share excellent and valuable content for you, and Steve and the speakers promised they would tell some cool stories and give me some great content and value to pass on to you. (And They Have!.. )

It is also great for Steve so that he can get the word out on this unbelievable summit. Steve has put together an Extreme Training Intensive… This is not another one of those sellathon weekends where speakers pitch you to buy at the back of the room…

Steve has brought his closest friends that have excelled in Extreme Leadership and he brings them to you so that you can learn what you need to know to accelerate your business and your life to never before foreseen heights.

I have to admit I had never heard of Brian Mayne until he was mentioned to me by Steve Farber, but what a treat he is.

I sat on the phone listening to Brian tell me about his past as a literal gypsy who did not learn to read or write till age 30! Then he wrote four, count them, four, very well received books. Amazing!

But what is more amazing is this formally illiterate gypsy devises a system of goal setting and achievement that rivals any system I have seen by far, and I have seen a few.

Brian realized that many of us get all the information we need to be successful, but some of us implement and others don’t. Brian incorporates all the sciences of the left and right brain in an easy to follow and understand program that allows you fully integrate, and if you choose, to apply his teachings into your life which will propel your success into the next dimension.

I was impressed at how simple, yet comprehensive Brian’s Goal Mapping program is.

I want to thank Steve for the connection to Brian, this was an eye opening interview that really gets me excited about going and meeting Brian and learning from him at the Extreme Leadership Summit. Also thank you to Brian for the time he allowed me and for how open and authentic he was in this interview. – JW

Brian Mayne

An inspirational speaker, author and teacher, Brian Mayne, creator of the world-leading achievement system Goal Mapping, shares eternal truths on success with simple language and from his own powerful life experience.

Born into a traveling fun-fair family with a nomadic childhood, Brian left school early with no qualifications and a poor education. When the family business failed in the UK recession of the late 1980s, he lost what seemed like everything–his income, his home and his marriage. He was 29 years old, a million pounds in debt, and still relatively unable to read or write.

Brian worked hard to teach himself how to read and write and started on a path to find discover how to be successful in order to get himself out of his great debt and get off the dark path he was on. After learning how to read, Brian read everything he could get his hands on, his favorite being personal development. One day Brian had an epiphany about how to map out his goals using words and pictures and he developed a seven step process he called Goal Mapping that allowed him to get himself out of debt, write four books and create a successful business showing others the programs that changed his life.

His core message of personal leadership through the practice of self response-ability and purpose led motivation have proven as effective and popular with the corporate world as it has with educationalists and the crowds who come to experience his public presentations.

As chairman of Lift International Brian is now actively involved in the process of developing and delivering the very finest empowerment material available. His seminars and workshops, like his acclaimed books Sam the Magic Genie and Goal Mapping are both clear in their message and practical in their application. Directed by a principle-centred philosophy, and clothed in the language of success psychology, Brian empowers his audiences with the very latest ‘human development’ technologies.

Amongst his many systems for success, Goal Mapping and Life Mapping have enabled him to help people create and steer change within their lives, winning him the gratitude of his audiences, and a place on the world stage of public speaking.

“One of mankind’s greatest fears is that of uncertain change. In reality, the only future thing, of which we can be absolutely certain, is that there will be continuing change to our lives. Learning how to steer the changes of life, towards the things that you desire, is my definition of success – teaching people how to do it, has become my passion and my life’s mission,”  Brian Mayne

Brian’s Books

Product Details

Product Details

Product Details

Brian Mayne’s Websites
Lift International


What is Extreme Leadership?

If you haven’t already noticed, ‘Leadership’ has become just another one of those pseudo-pop-psycho-cultural buzzwords.

Over time, its meaning has been diluted to such a profound degree, that it’s just another one of those labels we use when we really mean ‘The one with the big office.’ 

True leadership doesn’t come from a snappy vocabulary, the books you have on your shelf, your place on the organization chart, or any other fabrication.

Leadership is intensely personal, intrinsically scary, and it requires us to live up to and beyond the point of fear—every single day. – Steve Farber

Extreme Leadership Summit 2012

Steve and his team have crafted The Extreme Leadership Summit to be something unique, something special, something…well…extreme. And it’s unlike any leadership or personal development “event” you’ve been to before.

The Summit is not a pitch fest (where a bunch of speakers try to sell you stuff), and it’s not a parade of talking heads, to mix a metaphor, where you passively sit, watch the show, take notes, and go home.

Register for Extreme Leadership SummitThis is an experience, a process.

Informed by our brilliant thought-leader-speaker-coaches and with the help of your fellow participants (in small, focused MasterMind Teams), you’ll build a significant, personal Extreme Leadership Action Plan–a plan that you’ll begin applying to your life and business immediately, before The Summit even ends.

And–unlike other events–the vast majority of our speakers will be attending the entire conference. With you. We’re all in this thing together.


Steve Farber

Steve Farber President and FounderThe Extreme Leadership Institute, Inc.

Tommy Spaulding

Tommy Spaulding PresidentSpaulding Companies LLC

Simon Billsberry

Simon Billsberry Co-FounderKineticom

Sally Hogshead

Sally Hogshead Chief Fascination OfficerFascinate, Inc

Loren Slocum

Loren Slocum Founder/CEO/PresidentLobella International

Jay Jay French

Jay Jay French Founder/Manager/GuitaristTwisted Sister

Brian Mayne

Brian Mayne ChairmanLift International

Liz Strauss

Liz Strauss CEO and FounderSOBCon Business Conference

The Huffington Post named Liz to their Top 10 Influencers Alive List. Liz Strauss is a high energy master teacher, an über connector, an idea machine with bias toward action. Forbes named Liz Strauss to their Top 50 Social Media Power Influencers and Top 10 Women Social Media Influencers.

Agenda -Follow this link to get the full agenda [Click Here]

More Information………….

Steve Farber Steve Farber

A subject-matter expert in business leadership and a frequent guest on news-talk shows around the country, Farber is a senior-level leadership coach and consultant who has worked with and spoken to a wide variety of public and private organizations in virtually every arena, from the tech sector to financial services, manufacturing, health care, hospitality, entertainment, retail, and even the US government.

Leading from experience.

In 1989, after having run his own financial services company, Farber devoted his professional life to the field of leadership development and has been at it ever since.

Steve was director of service programs at TMI, an international training consultancy, and then worked for 6 years as Vice President and Official Mouthpiece (that’s what it said on his business card) of The Tom Peters Company where he met several of his mentors including author/gurus Tom Peters, Jim Kouzes, and Terry Pearce.

In 2000, Farber established his own company, Extreme Leadership, Inc, where he is president and CEO. He is also the co-founder of The Center for Social Profit Leadership, a non-profit organization formed to serve the leadership development needs of social entrepreneurs, and served as Vice Chairman on the Board of Directors of the world-renown, Up With People, a global leadership program for students from 18 to 29 years old.

A Universal Message.

“Approach the act of leadership as you’d approach an extreme sport: learn to love the fear and exhilaration that naturally comes with the territory.”

Steve Farber is the president of Extreme Leadership, Incorporated, and the founder of The Extreme Leadership Institute, organizations devoted to the cultivation and development of Extreme Leaders in the business community, non-profits and education.

His third book, Greater Than Yourself: The Ultimate Lesson In Leadership, was a Wall Street Journal® and USA Today® bestseller.

His second book, The Radical Edge: Stoke Your Business, Amp Your Life, and Change the World, was hailed as “a playbook for harnessing the power of the human spirit.”

And his first book, The Radical Leap: A Personal Lesson in Extreme Leadership, is already considered a classic in the leadership field. It received Fast Company magazine’s Readers’ Choice Award and was recently named one of the 100 Best Business Books of All Time. His newest edition, The Radical Leap Re-Energized: Doing What You Love in the Service of People Who Love What You Do, is in bookstores now.

Steve’s Books

book radical leap re-energized Steve Farber

The Radical Leap Re-Energized

is an expansion and revitalization of The Radical Leap, which was named as one of the 100 Best Business Books of All Time by Covert and Sattersten.

It’s a novel told in Steve Farber’s humorous, poignant, and original voice that takes the reader on a deep exploration of the qualities and practices of real, or Extreme Leadership, and how to apply them in daily life. Part One, The Radical Leap, explores the leadership elements of Love, Energy, Audacity, and Proof;

Part Two, The Radical Edge, takes the discussion deeper into innovation, personal clarity and guidelines for changing the world. It sets a new standard for what it means to really lead in today’s business world and beyond.

Steve Farber’s masterwork, The Radical Leap Re-Energized, is an inspired opus on what it means to be a leader of substance and significance. You’ll find yourself coming back to it again and again.” –Michael E. Ventling, Global CFO, Ernst & Young
Steve Farber leaps again. I was into it the first time. This time, I’m leaping with him!” –Chris Brogan, President Human Business Works

book greater than yourself steve farber

Greater Than Yourself

Too many people assume the timeless principles of true leadership—of helping others achieve their full potential—don’t apply Monday through Friday during work hours or in any circumstance where a paycheck is involved.

In GREATER THAN YOURSELF, Steve Farber proves them wrong: in this powerful and inspiring story, Farber shows that the goal of a genuine leader is to help others—teammates, employees, and colleagues—become more capable, confident, and accomplished than they are themselves. Through the actions of a forward-thinking and extraordinarily successful CEO, Farber reveals the three keys to achieving this: Expand Yourself, Give Yourself, and Replicate Yourself.

Filled with actionable principles and innovative ideas, GREATER THAN YOURSELF is perhaps the most powerful message today’s business leaders can learn.

Steve Farber Keynote Speaker

Leadership speaker and author, Steve Farber, has worked with a wide variety of public and private organizations in virtually every arena, from the tech sector to financial services, manufacturing, health care, hospitality, entertainment, retail, government agencies and more.

And whatever the audience, Steve’s speeches are always deeply thought-provoking and eminently practical, as well as inspiring and entertaining—a combination of qualities that are a must for any successful conference or meeting.

These are just a few of the great programs Steve presents to different organizations.

The Radical Leap

Extreme Leadership at Work and Beyond

Based on the book named as one of The 100 Best Business Books of All Time

In this chaotic and extreme age, business leaders must demonstrate an unprecedented level of passion, determination, foresight, dedication, and fearlessness. In this wildly popular speech, leadership speaker, Steve Farber, shows you how to use the LEAP framework – Love, Energy, Audacity and Proof to radically improve your organization and your life.

Greater Than Yourself

3 Steps to Attaining the New Gold Standard of Leadership

The truly great leaders in life and work become so by causing others to be greater than themselves. In this program—based on his new book, Greater Than Yourself—leadership speaker, Steve Farber, shows that dedicating yourself to bringing others along so that they can achieve more than you is the ultimate way to boost talent, ramp productivity and create truly significant current and future leaders.

Radical Accountability

Making the Leap From Individual Contributor to Extreme Leader

Whatever the challenge at your company—improving customer service, coping with change, inspiring transformation, improving corporate culture, recruiting and retaining great talent, building teamwork, fostering innovation—it all comes down to this: someone has to do something significant and enlist others to help. Someone, in other words, has to take accountability. Someone has to lead. And it doesn’t have to be the boss. Leadership, ultimately, has nothing to do with the title on your business card or your position on the organizational chart. It’s about who you are and what you do to change things for the better—regardless of your “place” in the company.

Steve Farber can be Found At:


Extreme Leadership Summit 2012

August 17th – 19th
San Diego, California

Register for Extreme Leadership Summit

Tommy Spaulding on Return on Relationship and Extreme Leadership

Tommy SpauldingNY Times, USA Today and WSJ Bestselling Author, Speaker, Consultant, Tommy Spaulding sits down to tell us about his Book and….

About Bestselling Author Steve Farber’s Extreme Leadership Summit where he will be speaking in August 17th – 19th in San Diego, CA

Steve Farber is such a cool guy. I often report on conferences that….

Register for Extreme Leadership Summit

I think are exciting or that I really got a lot out of or just really think you should know about.

After speaking to Steve recently about his first ever Extreme Leadership Summit, I could see that this was going to be one of those life changing experiences that we just do not find in most conferences and summits nowadays.

Steve is cool enough, but he also offered to allow his speakers to interview with me before the event….  Great for me because, although I don’t do commercials or infomercials for people, I do love to create and share excellent and valuable content for you, and Steve and the speakers promised they would tell some cool stories and give me some great content and value to pass on to you. (And They Have!.. )

It is also great for Steve so that he can get the word out on this unbelievable summit. Steve has put together an Extreme Training Intensive… This is not another one of those sellathon weekends where speakers pitch you to buy at the back of the room…

Steve has brought his closest friends that have excelled in Extreme Leadership and he brings them to you so that you can learn what you need to know to accelerate your business and your life to never before foreseen heights.

I was so happy to get Tommy Spaulding on with me. His book “Its Not Just Who You Know” is a bestseller and for a good reason. The info in this book is priceless. I thought I was a great networker.. I learned so much about what I was doing right, but more importantly, what I was doing wrong and this will create a major shift for me…

Sit back and listen to this extraordinary interview with Tommy Spaulding and don’t forget to register for this once in a lifetime event. The event is the first of it’s kind by Steve and he is not promising another…. Also do not forget to check out the speaker list. Tommy is just one of several top of the top speakers for this event.

A big thank you to Tommy as we had some issues getting this call together and appreciate his patience and fun loving attitude throughout the process  – JW

Tommy SpauldingTommy Spaulding

Tommy Spaulding is president of the Spaulding Companies LLC, a national leadership development, speaking, training, consulting and executive coaching organization.  A world-renowned speaker on leadership, Spaulding has spoken to hundreds of organizations, associations, schools, and corporations around the globe. His new book, It’s Not Just Who You Know (Transform Your Life and Your Organization by Turning Colleagues and Contacts into Lasting, Genuine Relationships), published by Random House, is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal and USA Today national bestseller.  

Spaulding rose to become the youngest president and CEO of the world-renowned leadership organization, Up with People (2005-2008).  In 2000, Tommy Spaulding founded Leader’s Challenge, which grew to become the largest high school civic and leadership program in the state of Colorado. He is also the founder & president of the Spaulding Leadership Institute (www.SpauldingLeadershipInstitute.org), a non-profit leadership development organization which runs the National Leadership Academy, a national high school summer leadership academy, as well as Kid’s Challenge, Global Challenge and Colorado Close-Up.

Previously, Spaulding was the Business Partner Sales Manager at IBM/Lotus Development and a member of the Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) program.

Spaulding received a BA in Political Science from East Carolina University (1992); an MBA from Bond University in Australia (1998), where he was a Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar; and an MA in Non-Profit Management from Regis University (2005), where he was a Colorado Trust Fellow.  In 2007, Spaulding received an Honorary PhD in Humanities from the Art Institute of Colorado.  In 2002, he received the Denver Business Journal’s “Forty under 40 Award.”

In 2006, Spaulding was awarded East Carolina University’s “Outstanding Alumni Award,” the highest distinction awarded to an alumnus of the university.  Spaulding is the Chairman of East Carolina University’s External Leadership Advisory Board and is the university’s first “Leader in Residence.”

book its not just who you know tommy spauldingIt’s Not Just Who You Know

#2 New York Times Bestseller
#2 Wall Street Journal
#1 USA Today

In It’s Not Just Who You Know, Tommy Spaulding — the former CEO of Up with People — has written the new How to Win Friends & Influence People for the twenty-first century. Success — in business and in life — is all about relationships. In this powerful guide, Spaulding takes Dale Carnegie’s classic philosophy to the next level, showing how, by developing deeper relationships through giving to others and putting them first, we benefit as well.

Tommy Spaulding learned at a very young age that he was not destined to be an academic star. He may have gotten a 4.0, but only if he added his high school and college GPAs together. The reason he found academics so challenging, Tommy discovered, is that he is dyslexic. But his dyslexia didn’t hold him back — in fact, it helped him to develop his innate talents. Tommy is a natural leader; he realized early on that he had the ability to connect with people, whatever their ages or backgrounds. As a teenager, he received a copy of How to Win Friends & Influence People from his father, and it quickly became his guide to building relationship skills.

Tommy developed into a leader in his school and community. His horizons expanded dramatically when he traveled the world as a cast member for Up with People, one of the largest nonprofit international leadership organizations in the world. After graduating from college and business school, he became an executive and eventually CEO of Up with People.

At every step, Tommy learned that the secret to achieving your full potential in life is reaching out for the support and insight and influence of others. None of us achieve success alone. We need the help of other people. In this candid, revealing, and deeply personal book, Tommy expands upon the principles that Dale Carnegie outlined seventy-five years ago and shows us how to take them one step further. To invite others to be partners in our lives and successes, Tommy notes, you first have to be genuinely interested in other people. Among the insights Tommy discusses in the book:

  • It’s not just who you know, or what they can do for you, but what you can do for them.
  • Motives matter.
  • Establishing a deeper connection is about authenticity, not manipulation; reciprocity, not selfishness.
  • Every relationship is a two-way street; we never know when a chance encounter can change the direction of our lives.

In the bestselling tradition of Dale Carnegie’s classic, It’s Not Just Who You Knowshows how each one of us can use the power of “netgiving” — of helping others — to expand our worlds and achieve our goals, and make a difference in our jobs, our careers, and our communities.

Tommy Spaulding’s Websites



What is Extreme Leadership?

If you haven’t already noticed, ‘Leadership’ has become just another one of those pseudo-pop-psycho-cultural buzzwords.

Over time, its meaning has been diluted to such a profound degree, that it’s just another one of those labels we use when we really mean ‘The one with the big office.’ 

True leadership doesn’t come from a snappy vocabulary, the books you have on your shelf, your place on the organization chart, or any other fabrication.

Leadership is intensely personal, intrinsically scary, and it requires us to live up to and beyond the point of fear—every single day. – Steve Farber

Extreme Leadership Summit 2012

Steve and his team have crafted The Extreme Leadership Summit to be something unique, something special, something…well…extreme. And it’s unlike any leadership or personal development “event” you’ve been to before.

The Summit is not a pitch fest (where a bunch of speakers try to sell you stuff), and it’s not a parade of talking heads, to mix a metaphor, where you passively sit, watch the show, take notes, and go home.

Register for Extreme Leadership SummitThis is an experience, a process.

Informed by our brilliant thought-leader-speaker-coaches and with the help of your fellow participants (in small, focused MasterMind Teams), you’ll build a significant, personal Extreme Leadership Action Plan–a plan that you’ll begin applying to your life and business immediately, before The Summit even ends.

And–unlike other events–the vast majority of our speakers will be attending the entire conference. With you. We’re all in this thing together.


Steve Farber

Steve Farber President and FounderThe Extreme Leadership Institute, Inc.

Tommy Spaulding

Tommy Spaulding PresidentSpaulding Companies LLC

Simon Billsberry

Simon Billsberry Co-FounderKineticom

Sally Hogshead

Sally Hogshead Chief Fascination OfficerFascinate, Inc

Loren Slocum

Loren Slocum Founder/CEO/PresidentLobella International

Jay Jay French

Jay Jay French Founder/Manager/GuitaristTwisted Sister

Brian Mayne

Brian Mayne ChairmanLift International

Liz Strauss

Liz Strauss CEO and FounderSOBCon Business Conference

The Huffington Post named Liz to their Top 10 Influencers Alive List. Liz Strauss is a high energy master teacher, an über connector, an idea machine with bias toward action. Forbes named Liz Strauss to their Top 50 Social Media Power Influencers and Top 10 Women Social Media Influencers.

Agenda -Follow this link to get the full agenda [Click Here]

More Information………….

Steve Farber Steve Farber

A subject-matter expert in business leadership and a frequent guest on news-talk shows around the country, Farber is a senior-level leadership coach and consultant who has worked with and spoken to a wide variety of public and private organizations in virtually every arena, from the tech sector to financial services, manufacturing, health care, hospitality, entertainment, retail, and even the US government.

Leading from experience.

In 1989, after having run his own financial services company, Farber devoted his professional life to the field of leadership development and has been at it ever since.

Steve was director of service programs at TMI, an international training consultancy, and then worked for 6 years as Vice President and Official Mouthpiece (that’s what it said on his business card) of The Tom Peters Company where he met several of his mentors including author/gurus Tom Peters, Jim Kouzes, and Terry Pearce.

In 2000, Farber established his own company, Extreme Leadership, Inc, where he is president and CEO. He is also the co-founder of The Center for Social Profit Leadership, a non-profit organization formed to serve the leadership development needs of social entrepreneurs, and served as Vice Chairman on the Board of Directors of the world-renown, Up With People, a global leadership program for students from 18 to 29 years old.

A Universal Message.

“Approach the act of leadership as you’d approach an extreme sport: learn to love the fear and exhilaration that naturally comes with the territory.”

Steve Farber is the president of Extreme Leadership, Incorporated, and the founder of The Extreme Leadership Institute, organizations devoted to the cultivation and development of Extreme Leaders in the business community, non-profits and education.

His third book, Greater Than Yourself: The Ultimate Lesson In Leadership, was a Wall Street Journal® and USA Today® bestseller.

His second book, The Radical Edge: Stoke Your Business, Amp Your Life, and Change the World, was hailed as “a playbook for harnessing the power of the human spirit.”

And his first book, The Radical Leap: A Personal Lesson in Extreme Leadership, is already considered a classic in the leadership field. It received Fast Company magazine’s Readers’ Choice Award and was recently named one of the 100 Best Business Books of All Time. His newest edition, The Radical Leap Re-Energized: Doing What You Love in the Service of People Who Love What You Do, is in bookstores now.

Steve’s Books

book radical leap re-energized Steve Farber

The Radical Leap Re-Energized

is an expansion and revitalization of The Radical Leap, which was named as one of the 100 Best Business Books of All Time by Covert and Sattersten.

It’s a novel told in Steve Farber’s humorous, poignant, and original voice that takes the reader on a deep exploration of the qualities and practices of real, or Extreme Leadership, and how to apply them in daily life. Part One, The Radical Leap, explores the leadership elements of Love, Energy, Audacity, and Proof;

Part Two, The Radical Edge, takes the discussion deeper into innovation, personal clarity and guidelines for changing the world. It sets a new standard for what it means to really lead in today’s business world and beyond.

Steve Farber’s masterwork, The Radical Leap Re-Energized, is an inspired opus on what it means to be a leader of substance and significance. You’ll find yourself coming back to it again and again.” –Michael E. Ventling, Global CFO, Ernst & Young
Steve Farber leaps again. I was into it the first time. This time, I’m leaping with him!” –Chris Brogan, President Human Business Works

book greater than yourself steve farber

Greater Than Yourself

Too many people assume the timeless principles of true leadership—of helping others achieve their full potential—don’t apply Monday through Friday during work hours or in any circumstance where a paycheck is involved.

In GREATER THAN YOURSELF, Steve Farber proves them wrong: in this powerful and inspiring story, Farber shows that the goal of a genuine leader is to help others—teammates, employees, and colleagues—become more capable, confident, and accomplished than they are themselves. Through the actions of a forward-thinking and extraordinarily successful CEO, Farber reveals the three keys to achieving this: Expand Yourself, Give Yourself, and Replicate Yourself.

Filled with actionable principles and innovative ideas, GREATER THAN YOURSELF is perhaps the most powerful message today’s business leaders can learn.

Steve Farber Keynote Speaker

Leadership speaker and author, Steve Farber, has worked with a wide variety of public and private organizations in virtually every arena, from the tech sector to financial services, manufacturing, health care, hospitality, entertainment, retail, government agencies and more.

And whatever the audience, Steve’s speeches are always deeply thought-provoking and eminently practical, as well as inspiring and entertaining—a combination of qualities that are a must for any successful conference or meeting.

These are just a few of the great programs Steve presents to different organizations.

The Radical Leap

Extreme Leadership at Work and Beyond

Based on the book named as one of The 100 Best Business Books of All Time

In this chaotic and extreme age, business leaders must demonstrate an unprecedented level of passion, determination, foresight, dedication, and fearlessness. In this wildly popular speech, leadership speaker, Steve Farber, shows you how to use the LEAP framework – Love, Energy, Audacity and Proof to radically improve your organization and your life.

Greater Than Yourself

3 Steps to Attaining the New Gold Standard of Leadership

The truly great leaders in life and work become so by causing others to be greater than themselves. In this program—based on his new book, Greater Than Yourself—leadership speaker, Steve Farber, shows that dedicating yourself to bringing others along so that they can achieve more than you is the ultimate way to boost talent, ramp productivity and create truly significant current and future leaders.

Radical Accountability

Making the Leap From Individual Contributor to Extreme Leader

Whatever the challenge at your company—improving customer service, coping with change, inspiring transformation, improving corporate culture, recruiting and retaining great talent, building teamwork, fostering innovation—it all comes down to this: someone has to do something significant and enlist others to help. Someone, in other words, has to take accountability. Someone has to lead. And it doesn’t have to be the boss. Leadership, ultimately, has nothing to do with the title on your business card or your position on the organizational chart. It’s about who you are and what you do to change things for the better—regardless of your “place” in the company.

Steve Farber can be Found At:


Extreme Leadership Summit 2012

August 17th – 19th
San Diego, California

Register for Extreme Leadership Summit

Steve Farber Extreme Leadership Summit Aug 17th – 19th in San Diego

Bestselling Author, Speaker, Consultant, Steve Farber sits down to tell us about his new Leadership Summit.

Steve Farber is extremely well known for his knowledge of what it takes to be a leader and for how to teach people how to be Extreme Leaders.

I heard that Steve was doing this Extreme Leadership Summit and I said, Sign Me Up!

Register for Extreme Leadership Summit

I met Steve Farber through Liz Strauss and Liz said “JW you need to interview Steve…” Well when Liz tells me to do something, I listen. She is one smart lady and she never says anything just to hear herself talk.

I had not read Steve’s book at that point and so the interview was from the view of… “o what’s your book about Steve?”

I was intrigued by what Steve was saying and after reading his book I get it. Extreme Leadership is more than being able to tell a couple people what to do and order some people around… it is about  Stoking Your Business, Amping Your Life and Changing the World.

Marianne Wiliamson said “Your playing small does not serve the world” and this is your chance to network, meet and play full on with people that will change your life.

Steve Thank You for putting this together, thank you for your time and thank you for wanting to share at a deeper level. – JW

What is Extreme Leadership?

If you haven’t already noticed, ‘Leadership’ has become just another one of those pseudo-pop-psycho-cultural buzzwords.

Over time, its meaning has been diluted to such a profound degree, that it’s just another one of those labels we use when we really mean ‘The one with the big office.’ 

True leadership doesn’t come from a snappy vocabulary, the books you have on your shelf, your place on the organization chart, or any other fabrication.

Leadership is intensely personal, intrinsically scary, and it requires us to live up to and beyond the point of fear—every single day. – Steve Farber

Extreme Leadership Summit 2012

We’ve crafted The Extreme Leadership Summit to be something unique, something special, something…well…extreme. And it’s unlike any leadership or personal development “event” you’ve been to before.

The Summit is not a pitch fest (where a bunch of speakers try to sell you stuff), and it’s not a parade of talking heads, to mix a metaphor, where you passively sit, watch the show, take notes, and go home.

Register for Extreme Leadership SummitThis is an experience, a process.

Informed by our brilliant thought-leader-speaker-coaches and with the help of your fellow participants (in small, focused MasterMind Teams), you’ll build a significant, personal Extreme Leadership Action Plan–a plan that you’ll begin applying to your life and business immediately, before The Summit even ends.

And–unlike other events–the vast majority of our speakers will be attending the entire conference. With you. We’re all in this thing together.


Steve Farber

Steve Farber President and FounderThe Extreme Leadership Institute, Inc.

Tommy Spaulding

Tommy Spaulding PresidentSpaulding Companies LLC

Simon Billsberry

Simon Billsberry Co-FounderKineticom

Sally Hogshead

Sally Hogshead Chief Fascination OfficerFascinate, Inc

Loren Slocum

Loren Slocum Founder/CEO/PresidentLobella International

Jay Jay French

Jay Jay French Founder/Manager/GuitaristTwisted Sister

Brian Mayne

Brian Mayne ChairmanLift International

Liz Strauss

Liz Strauss CEO and FounderSOBCon Business Conference

The Huffington Post named Liz to their Top 10 Influencers Alive List. Liz Strauss is a high energy master teacher, an über connector, an idea machine with bias toward action. Forbes named Liz Strauss to their Top 50 Social Media Power Influencers and Top 10 Women Social Media Influencers.

Agenda -Follow this link to get the full agenda [Click Here]

More Information………….

Steve Farber Steve Farber

A subject-matter expert in business leadership and a frequent guest on news-talk shows around the country, Farber is a senior-level leadership coach and consultant who has worked with and spoken to a wide variety of public and private organizations in virtually every arena, from the tech sector to financial services, manufacturing, health care, hospitality, entertainment, retail, and even the US government.

Leading from experience.

In 1989, after having run his own financial services company, Farber devoted his professional life to the field of leadership development and has been at it ever since.

Steve was director of service programs at TMI, an international training consultancy, and then worked for 6 years as Vice President and Official Mouthpiece (that’s what it said on his business card) of The Tom Peters Company where he met several of his mentors including author/gurus Tom Peters, Jim Kouzes, and Terry Pearce.

In 2000, Farber established his own company, Extreme Leadership, Inc, where he is president and CEO. He is also the co-founder of The Center for Social Profit Leadership, a non-profit organization formed to serve the leadership development needs of social entrepreneurs, and served as Vice Chairman on the Board of Directors of the world-renown, Up With People, a global leadership program for students from 18 to 29 years old.

A Universal Message.

“Approach the act of leadership as you’d approach an extreme sport: learn to love the fear and exhilaration that naturally comes with the territory.”

Steve Farber is the president of Extreme Leadership, Incorporated, and the founder of The Extreme Leadership Institute, organizations devoted to the cultivation and development of Extreme Leaders in the business community, non-profits and education.

His third book, Greater Than Yourself: The Ultimate Lesson In Leadership, was a Wall Street Journal® and USA Today® bestseller.

His second book, The Radical Edge: Stoke Your Business, Amp Your Life, and Change the World, was hailed as “a playbook for harnessing the power of the human spirit.”

And his first book, The Radical Leap: A Personal Lesson in Extreme Leadership, is already considered a classic in the leadership field. It received Fast Company magazine’s Readers’ Choice Award and was recently named one of the 100 Best Business Books of All Time. His newest edition, The Radical Leap Re-Energized: Doing What You Love in the Service of People Who Love What You Do, is in bookstores now.

Steve’s Books

book radical leap re-energized Steve Farber

The Radical Leap Re-Energized

is an expansion and revitalization of The Radical Leap, which was named as one of the 100 Best Business Books of All Time by Covert and Sattersten.

It’s a novel told in Steve Farber’s humorous, poignant, and original voice that takes the reader on a deep exploration of the qualities and practices of real, or Extreme Leadership, and how to apply them in daily life. Part One, The Radical Leap, explores the leadership elements of Love, Energy, Audacity, and Proof;

Part Two, The Radical Edge, takes the discussion deeper into innovation, personal clarity and guidelines for changing the world. It sets a new standard for what it means to really lead in today’s business world and beyond.

Steve Farber’s masterwork, The Radical Leap Re-Energized, is an inspired opus on what it means to be a leader of substance and significance. You’ll find yourself coming back to it again and again.” –Michael E. Ventling, Global CFO, Ernst & Young
Steve Farber leaps again. I was into it the first time. This time, I’m leaping with him!” –Chris Brogan, President Human Business Works

book greater than yourself steve farber

Greater Than Yourself

Too many people assume the timeless principles of true leadership—of helping others achieve their full potential—don’t apply Monday through Friday during work hours or in any circumstance where a paycheck is involved.

In GREATER THAN YOURSELF, Steve Farber proves them wrong: in this powerful and inspiring story, Farber shows that the goal of a genuine leader is to help others—teammates, employees, and colleagues—become more capable, confident, and accomplished than they are themselves. Through the actions of a forward-thinking and extraordinarily successful CEO, Farber reveals the three keys to achieving this: Expand Yourself, Give Yourself, and Replicate Yourself.

Filled with actionable principles and innovative ideas, GREATER THAN YOURSELF is perhaps the most powerful message today’s business leaders can learn.

Steve Farber Keynote Speaker

Leadership speaker and author, Steve Farber, has worked with a wide variety of public and private organizations in virtually every arena, from the tech sector to financial services, manufacturing, health care, hospitality, entertainment, retail, government agencies and more.

And whatever the audience, Steve’s speeches are always deeply thought-provoking and eminently practical, as well as inspiring and entertaining—a combination of qualities that are a must for any successful conference or meeting.

These are just a few of the great programs Steve presents to different organizations.

The Radical Leap

Extreme Leadership at Work and Beyond

Based on the book named as one of The 100 Best Business Books of All Time

In this chaotic and extreme age, business leaders must demonstrate an unprecedented level of passion, determination, foresight, dedication, and fearlessness. In this wildly popular speech, leadership speaker, Steve Farber, shows you how to use the LEAP framework – Love, Energy, Audacity and Proof to radically improve your organization and your life.

Greater Than Yourself

3 Steps to Attaining the New Gold Standard of Leadership

The truly great leaders in life and work become so by causing others to be greater than themselves. In this program—based on his new book, Greater Than Yourself—leadership speaker, Steve Farber, shows that dedicating yourself to bringing others along so that they can achieve more than you is the ultimate way to boost talent, ramp productivity and create truly significant current and future leaders.

Radical Accountability

Making the Leap From Individual Contributor to Extreme Leader

Whatever the challenge at your company—improving customer service, coping with change, inspiring transformation, improving corporate culture, recruiting and retaining great talent, building teamwork, fostering innovation—it all comes down to this: someone has to do something significant and enlist others to help. Someone, in other words, has to take accountability. Someone has to lead. And it doesn’t have to be the boss. Leadership, ultimately, has nothing to do with the title on your business card or your position on the organizational chart. It’s about who you are and what you do to change things for the better—regardless of your “place” in the company.

Steve Farber can be Found At:


Extreme Leadership Summit 2012

August 17th – 19th
San Diego, California

Register for Extreme Leadership Summit

Steve Farber Radical Leap Re-Energized

Author, Speaker Steve Farber sits down to tell us about his new 2 book compilation and how he plans to help schools by teaching leadership skills to teachers.

It was my delight to see Liz Strauss walk into the Green Room at Blogworld 2011. I had the pleasure of picking her up at the airport for here visit to the event, but had not seen her since leaving her at her hotel.

She is always pretty busy. Liz gave me a Liz moment and then introduced me to Steve Farber. I had heard of Steve, but was not that familiar with his work. Liz told me straight away that not only did I need to read his book, but I really needed to interview him.

I don’t know if it is possible to say no to Liz as I have never tried, but this was not the time I was going to test anything out. I met Steve and we started talking. I immediately realized this was someone I needed to talk to.

Not my best interview since I did not know the subject matter that well, but Steve was more that delightful. He was sharp and to the point, fun and entertaining and at the same time very serious about his message.

I have since started reading Steve’s book and it is definitely going to reside on the important shelf in my library.

I have to thank Liz for the introduction and Steve for giving such a great interview without the brightest interviewer to work off of…. – JW

Steve Farber Steve Farber

A subject-matter expert in business leadership and a frequent guest on news-talk shows around the country, Farber is a senior-level leadership coach and consultant who has worked with and spoken to a wide variety of public and private organizations in virtually every arena, from the tech sector to financial services, manufacturing, health care, hospitality, entertainment, retail, and even the US government.

Leading from experience.

In 1989, after having run his own financial services company, Farber devoted his professional life to the field of leadership development and has been at it ever since.

Steve was director of service programs at TMI, an international training consultancy, and then worked for 6 years as Vice President and Official Mouthpiece (that’s what it said on his business card) of The Tom Peters Company where he met several of his mentors including author/gurus Tom Peters, Jim Kouzes, and Terry Pearce.

In 2000, Farber established his own company, Extreme Leadership, Inc, where he is president and CEO. He is also the co-founder of The Center for Social Profit Leadership, a non-profit organization formed to serve the leadership development needs of social entrepreneurs, and served as Vice Chairman on the Board of Directors of the world-renown, Up With People, a global leadership program for students from 18 to 29 years old.

A Universal Message.

“Approach the act of leadership as you’d approach an extreme sport: learn to love the fear and exhilaration that naturally comes with the territory.”

Steve Farber is the president of Extreme Leadership, Incorporated, and the founder of The Extreme Leadership Institute, organizations devoted to the cultivation and development of Extreme Leaders in the business community, non-profits and education.

His third book, Greater Than Yourself: The Ultimate Lesson In Leadership, was a Wall Street Journal® and USA Today® bestseller.

His second book, The Radical Edge: Stoke Your Business, Amp Your Life, and Change the World, was hailed as “a playbook for harnessing the power of the human spirit.”

And his first book, The Radical Leap: A Personal Lesson in Extreme Leadership, is already considered a classic in the leadership field. It received Fast Company magazine’s Readers’ Choice Award and was recently named one of the 100 Best Business Books of All Time. His newest edition, The Radical Leap Re-Energized: Doing What You Love in the Service of People Who Love What You Do, is in bookstores now.

Steve’s Books

book radical leap re-energized Steve Farber

The Radical Leap Re-Energized

is an expansion and revitalization of The Radical Leap, which was named as one of the 100 Best Business Books of All Time by Covert and Sattersten.

It’s a novel told in Steve Farber’s humorous, poignant, and original voice that takes the reader on a deep exploration of the qualities and practices of real, or Extreme Leadership, and how to apply them in daily life. Part One, The Radical Leap, explores the leadership elements of Love, Energy, Audacity, and Proof;

Part Two, The Radical Edge, takes the discussion deeper into innovation, personal clarity and guidelines for changing the world. It sets a new standard for what it means to really lead in today’s business world and beyond.

Steve Farber’s masterwork, The Radical Leap Re-Energized, is an inspired opus on what it means to be a leader of substance and significance. You’ll find yourself coming back to it again and again.” –Michael E. Ventling, Global CFO, Ernst & Young
Steve Farber leaps again. I was into it the first time. This time, I’m leaping with him!” –Chris Brogan, President Human Business Works

book greater than yourself steve farber

Greater Than Yourself

Too many people assume the timeless principles of true leadership—of helping others achieve their full potential—don’t apply Monday through Friday during work hours or in any circumstance where a paycheck is involved.

In GREATER THAN YOURSELF, Steve Farber proves them wrong: in this powerful and inspiring story, Farber shows that the goal of a genuine leader is to help others—teammates, employees, and colleagues—become more capable, confident, and accomplished than they are themselves. Through the actions of a forward-thinking and extraordinarily successful CEO, Farber reveals the three keys to achieving this: Expand Yourself, Give Yourself, and Replicate Yourself.

Filled with actionable principles and innovative ideas, GREATER THAN YOURSELF is perhaps the most powerful message today’s business leaders can learn.

Steve Farber Keynote Speaker

Leadership speaker and author, Steve Farber, has worked with a wide variety of public and private organizations in virtually every arena, from the tech sector to financial services, manufacturing, health care, hospitality, entertainment, retail, government agencies and more.

And whatever the audience, Steve’s speeches are always deeply thought-provoking and eminently practical, as well as inspiring and entertaining—a combination of qualities that are a must for any successful conference or meeting.

These are just a few of the great programs Steve presents to different organizations.

The Radical Leap

Extreme Leadership at Work and Beyond

Based on the book named as one of The 100 Best Business Books of All Time

In this chaotic and extreme age, business leaders must demonstrate an unprecedented level of passion, determination, foresight, dedication, and fearlessness. In this wildly popular speech, leadership speaker, Steve Farber, shows you how to use the LEAP framework – Love, Energy, Audacity and Proof to radically improve your organization and your life.

Greater Than Yourself

3 Steps to Attaining the New Gold Standard of Leadership

The truly great leaders in life and work become so by causing others to be greater than themselves. In this program—based on his new book, Greater Than Yourself—leadership speaker, Steve Farber, shows that dedicating yourself to bringing others along so that they can achieve more than you is the ultimate way to boost talent, ramp productivity and create truly significant current and future leaders.

Radical Accountability

Making the Leap From Individual Contributor to Extreme Leader

Whatever the challenge at your company—improving customer service, coping with change, inspiring transformation, improving corporate culture, recruiting and retaining great talent, building teamwork, fostering innovation—it all comes down to this: someone has to do something significant and enlist others to help. Someone, in other words, has to take accountability. Someone has to lead. And it doesn’t have to be the boss. Leadership, ultimately, has nothing to do with the title on your business card or your position on the organizational chart. It’s about who you are and what you do to change things for the better—regardless of your “place” in the company.

Steve Farber can be Found At:


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