nternet Sales Tax Roundtable Hosted by Howard Kline, Esq.
NOTE: Howard Kline’s Radio Show is centered around Commercial Real Estate, but do not let that deter you from listening to this provacative and informative show. Howard put together a steller panel for this talk and it is full of great info for every on-line and brick and morter retailer. Thanks Howard – JW
This is a special show in which we will be discussing proposed federal legislation intended to establish a unified system of taxation of Internet sales.Our featured guests include:
- United States Senator Michael Enzi of Wyoming, a co-sponsor of the Senate Bill;
- Betsy Laird, Senior Vice President, Office of Global Public Policy for ICSC;
- David French, Senior Vice President of Government Relations for the National Retail Federation;
- Robert W. Wood, Esq. of Wood, LLP, a tax attorney who has written numerous articles for Forbes and specifically, regarding this issue; and
- Steven DelBianco, Executive Director of NetChoice, a coalition of trade associations, eCommer ce Businesses, and online consumers;
During this conversation, we will be exploring the reasons why these bills have been proposed, why federal the federal government has gotten involved in, what seems to be state taxation issues, who benefits from this legislation and whose interests will be most negatively effected.
The current legislation before congress includes the Main Street Fairness Act and the Marketplace Fairness Act, while the house has introduced the Marketplace Equity Act. All three pieces of legislation propose methods of simplifying the taxation of Internet sales process so that Internet retailers may comply with state taxation requirements while avoiding the significant burden of complying with numerous and differing state requirements.
Proponents assert that the legislation does not impose any new tax but merely simplifies the process of compliance of state Use Tax codes, (We will discuss during the show what the difference is between a Use Tax and a Sales Tax).
Proponents also argue that these bills will allow cash strapped states and cities to generate more revenue from Internet sales, which were unintentionally excluded from older sales tax legislation as constitutionally interpreted by the United State Supreme Court.
Detractors argue, among other things that passage of these bills would effectively impose a new tax on, already overburdened taxpayers.
This show is not an endorsement of the proposed legislation, but is an attempt to air out and fully express both sides of the argument so that our legislators and listeners can make the best-informed decision possible.Let your voice be heard and call in, email or tweet with your comments or questions during the live show or listening to the podcast at:
- Go to www.creradio.com; or
- Call (619) 393-6492 and dial “1” to be put in the que; or
- click here
- Leave Twitter Messages and Comments at @creradio

Howard F. Kline, Esq.
Mr. Kline Has been a practicing attorney for over 34 years and a real estate salesperson and broker since 1985. During this time, he has served as General Counsel on four occasions, acted as a principal in his own law firm and has also acted as a partner in a mid-size law firm.
Howard has represented both large and small commercial real property owners and property managers, including but not limited to the RTC, Home Savings & Loan, Wells Fargo Bank Real Estate Trust Services, Mony Real Estate, Principal Life Insurance Co., Rancon Realty and The Santa Margarita Company.
Mr Kline primarily represents commercial landlords and property managers in commercial evictions, rent collections, workouts, foreclosures, commercial real estate bankruptcy related matters and lease negotiations. He also handles large post-judgment collection matters referred by the larger law firms who have obtained judgments on behalf of their clients and which firms do not handle post-judgment collection work.
Internet Radio Host of CRE Radio
Commercial Real Estate Radio is a weekly radio show accessible from the web and telephone. The show focuses exclusively on commercial real estate matters and should be of interest to commercial property owners, property managers, asset managers, tenants and vendors of services to these groups. Listeners can participate by calling the show during live shows which are recorded and available as mp3 files and can be downloaded from iTunes.
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