Elayna Fernandez Author, Speaker, Mom, Social Media Expert and Successful Business Women on Positioning Yourself as an Expert also a special offer for the More Power! Conference
Elayna “Mom Entrepreneur of the Year” talks at length about positioning yourself as someone clients come to. Elayna teaches that success is a process and with the new technologies you need to discern or distinguish yourself to stand out from the crowd and get business.
Listen to Elayna Speak Live with Bob Bare and 8 Very Important Speakers Including Bill Gates, Michael Dell and Steve Jobs Marketing Teacher Jay Conrad Levinson
September 20-23, 2012
at the Crowne Plaza, Dallas Texas
I met Elayna at Author 101 a few years back and was immediately taken by her drive and intelligence. Elayna is all of 4’9″ tall and a striking women. I can only guess that this had to be an issue with businessmen and women, taking her seriously. She also has an accent so that added to her challenges.
Where Elayna succeeds is in her drive, vision, passion and willingness to take measured risks. I say measured because Elayna is also a single mom and so she, like any single mom, needed to make sure she could support her daughters. She didn’t do it overnight, but in the short time I have known her she has gone from having drive to being fully alive.
Elayna has written two books, she runs several organizations, she works with people like Jay Conrad Levinson and many other thought leaders and teachers she once only studied.
She is an expert at social media and especially on how to position yourself as an expert in your field so that people who have not met you, take you seriously. Many people talk about positioning and the difference with what Elayna teaches is about how to tout yourself as an expert and stay in integrity at the same time.
Elayna is speaking at the More Power Live Conference in Dallas September 20-23, 2012 at the Crowne Plaza, Dallas Texas. See the details below and register today.
This is a great interview everyone should listen to. Also thank you Elayna for hooking me up with an interview with Jay Conrad Levinson. – JW

Elayna Fernandez
Who is Elayna… Here she is in her own words….
I am Elayna
I was born and raised in lovely San José de Ocoa, in the Dominican Republic. I am the proud happy mother of Elisha and Elyssa, proud member of a loving and affectionate family, proud sister of 4 younger amazing siblings. I love people. I love animals. I love the Earth. I love me. And I love YOU.
My philosophy is “Be Positive and You Will Be Powerful!“. I am passionate about Positive Thinking, Inner Peace, Gratitude, Faith, Joy, and Personal Growth.
My mission is to GROW and LET GROW: to learn from life experiences, to know that life happens FOR me and not to me. I want to share my love, joy, and all gained wisdom with everyone I connect with. I invite you to join me!
My love for children and my passion for motherhood guided me to create MOMtivation, a place to read, share, learn, connect and be inspired. I also founded as well as a non-profit organization, The Positive Mom Foundation, with the purpose of fostering a positive life for families and future generations, and spreading my motto “You cannot share what you don’t have.”
Professionally, I am a bestselling Author, an International Speaker, and a Success Guide. Learn more…
In business, I develop products and services that allow entrepreneurs to utilize the web to its fullest potential. My books and programs help you create online visibility, increase branding awareness and facilitate business growth. My award winning “Social Media Empowerment Live” workshops and “Social Media Success Made Possible” book are example of my dedication to making this a reality.
My favorite activities in life include spending quality time with my family, smiling, hugging, laughing, learning, reading and writing books, cooking healthy meals, family prayer, teaching, dancing, singing, listening to music, yoga, helping others, and meeting happy people.
Some of my mentors and clients include Les Brown, Brian Tracy, Tony Robbins, Jack Canfield, Richard Flint, Mark Victor Hansen, and Michael Bernard Beckwith.
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More Power Live Conference

Listen to Elayna Speak Live with Bob Bare and 8 Very Important Speakers Including Bill Gates, Michael Dell and Steve Jobs Marketing Teacher Jay Conrad Levinson
September 20-23, 2012
at the Crowne Plaza, Dallas Texas

What will you learn at More Power! LIVE?Bob Bare, 40+ year experience serial entrepreneur,
will share how he grew his sales $0 to $2.7 Million
in the Worst Economy Ever!He has also carefully selected world-class experts who are practitioners, teachers and mentors who care about YOUR success!
Here’s a sample of what you’ll learn, discover and experience at More Power! LIVE:Your Road Map To Success [Bob Bare and Odell Stunkard]
- How You Can Attract Stampedes of New Customers – Step-by-step plan revealed live for the first time in the U.S.
- How to Maximize Your CASH-FLOW (Not Just Revenue). Forget the losing model of “Growing-Growing-Gone” that costs more than you make and sends your business into an early grave.
- The Overlooked Secrets of “The Perfect Business” that Pays You in PROFITS and FREEDOM. Yes, you can have your cake and eat it, too (work less and make more). We’re living proof. And we’re unveiling ALL!
…And many more practical ways to explode your income and carve out a life of freedom and satisfaction in the months and years ahead!Guerrilla Marketing [Jay Conrad Levinson]
- Marketing Vs. Guerrilla Marketing – a concise, eye-opening explanation that will forever change the way you promote and generate new business
- The 19 Secrets of Guerrilla Marketing – You could spend months trying to distill the wisdom from a dozen top business books – or – you can spend that time enjoying the fruits of these 19 secrets that have already produced billions of dollars in sales and profits
- The The 7-Sentence Guerrilla Marketing Plan – Don’t waste months writing a 30-page plan. And don’t you dare make a move with no plan at all. Steal Jay’s 7-sentence plan and profit from it immediately
..and more!!!!!Make More Working LESS! [Loral Langemeier]
- How to turn your existing skills and passion into a perpetual cash machine – in as little as 2 hours a week with zero money out-of-pocket.
- How to easily melt price resistance and double or triple your income
- Hear how Loral (in her early 20′s) landed a Multi-Million Dollar contract promoting health on oil rigs by simply replacing one word with another. Find out exactly what she did, so you can do it too
… Plus much more!Truly Leverage The Power of Social Media [Elayna Fernandez]
- The 7 Myths of Social Media Branding. How many are holding you back from earning the income you deserve?
- Why social media work for some and not others. Discover how to systematize, automate and profit like you never thought possible
- The L.I.K.E.D Formula for getting more “likes” and followers. Apply these 5 simple steps to trigger a tsunami of social media exposure
…and lots more advice for making money with Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, WordPress, and PinterestUse Publishing To Skyrocket Your Business [David Hancock ]
- 4 easy ways to get your book written FAST (without writing it yourself!)
- How to GET PAID to write your book
- The 7 Secrets of Bestselling Books – this bullet-by-bullet formula removes all the guesswork
…and A TON more!Sell With Intention and Double or Triple Your Sales This Year! [ Ursula Mentjes]
- Discover the Selling with Intention Formula to double sales results this year
- Create an Intentional Schedule to sell more in less time
- Understand how Financial Set-Points prevent ultimate success
..and more!Profit Through Persuasive Speaking [Arvee Robinson]
- The 3 BIGGEST mistakes most business owners make when trying to give public presentations and how to instantly look like a seasoned speaking professional by avoiding these goof-ups!
- How to find more opportunities to speak to local groups of your ideal prospects and how to get invited as a speaker.
- What specifically you must do during your presentations in order to generate leads and clients
…and more!Partnership Secrets Revealed [Paul Miltonberger]
- The 5 partnering strategies that bring you more customers, revenue, results, and income. Use one or all 5 to kick your results into hyper-drive
- The easiest money you’ll ever make for 10 minutes of your time
- How to generate quick bursts of cash over and over again, even if you don’t have a product or service to sell
..and much, much more!