Self-Publishing for the Right Reasons
I just recently watched a webinar featuring Mr. Guy Kawasaki that had some fantastic information for self-publishing authors. One of his top ten tips that really stood out for me is about ‘writing for the right reasons’ – so I thought I would share it with you right here on the FriesenPress Blog!
There are many wrong reasons to write a book, including writing for the sake of just making money, or to increase your consulting or speech fees. If you write a great book, you may make a lot of money as a secondary benefit, but it should not be the main reason you are writing in the first place.

Mac365 by Kenneth Cardell

Taming the Hamster by Dakota Jade

Art & Design Memory by Michael Gronnerud
1. To enrich people’s lives
Your book is a work of art, and the world is going to be better off because you have written it. Whether you are a writing a cookbook, an arts and crafts book, a novel or fiction, your goal is to enrich people’s lives, and we thank you for it.
2. To further a cause
You are passionate about a cause or a subject and you want to expand existing information or simply promote it, excellent! Write with [Continue Reading This Story….]
There are Ten Tips…