Chet Holmes Master of Marketing is on the Mend and Coming Back Strong
Chet Holmes talks to me about his battle with leukemia, his newest project and gives us Two Ways to Double Sales!
Chet and I have been chatting over Twitter while Chet has been undergoing chemotherapy treatments after his bone marrow transplant.
It has been a tough one, I am sure, for his family and friends, but Chet is a fighter and he is not only coming back, but he is coming back better. Chet told me that he tried every natural, mystical and spiritual cure you can think of or name and more. Chet has learned a lot about himself and his body and has become really serious about his nutrition. We talked privately before the interview and I found out that he discovered what I have about sugar and starches….. Bad, bad, bad.
At the time of this interview Chet had 15 more days of chemo to go through, but his white cell counts and other tests were all extremely positive.
Chet is only working about 3 hours a day right now so I thank him so much for giving me one hour to just talk about stuff, but Chet is not good at just shooting the breeze and insisted on giving you two ways to double your sales.
Chet also giving a very valuable freebee away.. His 90 minute training in how to grow your sales leads x 10 without increasing your marketing budget. Tony Robbins, Chet’s business partner, hosts the call with over 13,000 participants. Chet takes 4 people on the line and breaks down for their business, how they can increase their lead base. This one webinar is massively valuable if you are trying to increase your customer base.
Doubly cool is that Chet and I have some fun as he plays, never before heard, radio spots of he and Tony that will be coming out soon. Be the first to hear them!
Chet let me thank you for taking your time to talk with me and my listeners. We wish you God’s Speed on your recovery and know that we will be watching you and Tony killing it out there with your new business plan program…. – JW
Chet Holmes
• Chet Holmes has worked with over 60 of the Fortune 500 companies as America’s top marketing executive, trainer, and strategic consultant. Clients include; American Express, New York Stock Exchange, Estee Lauder, NBC Television, WR Grace, Citibank, Apple Computers, GNC and so on.
• Chet is the author of the #1 best selling book, The Ultimate Sales Machine. (This book has been in top three of Sales books on Amazon for 5 YEARS)
• In his early career, Chet was the #1 top producer in every position he ever held. Never number two.
• He then moved into management working for Billionaire Charlie Munger where he doubled the sales of nine different divisions, all of them within 12 to 15 months. Several of them two and three years in a row.
• He has designed more than 500 record-breaking ad campaigns.
• He has developed 78 business growth training products that are selling all over the world, including The Ultimate Business Mastery System with Tony Robbins.
• He is CEO and Chairman of 12 companies under the brand of BusinessBreakthroughs.com.
• He’s also a karate master and feature film producer who secured a three-contract deal with Warner Brothers.
#1 Bestseller for over 5 Years on Amazon.
Chet Holmes helps his clients blow away both the competition and their own expectations. And his advice starts with one simple concept: focus! Instead of trying to master four thousand strategies to improve your business, zero in on the few essential skill areas that make the big difference.
The Ultimate Sales Machine shows you how to tune up and soup up virtually every part of your business by spending just an hour per week on each impact area you want to improve?sales, marketing, management, and more.
- Business Mastery Training
- Breakthrough Consulting
- Growth Coaching
- Sales Recruiting
- Virtual Sales Team
- CRM / Sales and Marketing Automation
- Search Engine Marketing
- Website Design and Development
- Worlds Best Graphic Design Services
- Core Story Research Services
- Training and Development
- Personality Testing
- Business Plan Coaching
- And More….
Chet Holmes International
Business Breakthroughs (Chet and Tony Robbins)
Freebe: 90 Minute Increase Your Sales Leads x 10 with Tony Robbins