Tag Archives: public relations

Devon Blaine SoCal Publicist of the Year on Professional PR and Crisis Intervention

devon blaineDevon Blaine, founder and owner of The Blaine Group in Beverly Hills

Talks to OPM about her award for publicist of the year, The business of professional public relations, business, promotional and marketing strategy and the Blaine Groups specialty in crisis planning, control, intervention and management.

Devon Blaine Audio Interview on her life, career, PR, promotion, winning publicist of the year and crisis management Audio Player ►Right Click and “Save Link As” to Download File◄

NOTE: There was one question, on the recording that was asked,but somehow did not get recorded. The question was about women having to work harder to build a business. Devon answered that she did not believe that to be true….. Listen to the audio to hear her full answer.

One of the things I like about what I do is meeting and working with public relations professionals. I have been blessed to work with some big names and many smaller companies.

The other side of that coin is that I have also worked with many companies that call themselves professionals, but only seem to be playing at it. Public relations, I have found, can rarely be faked. They say even a blind squirrel can occasionally find a nut or two, but I have rarely seen a bad PR firm pull off a successful event or project.

What I have seen is that promotion is a tricky game and that you can never be sure that any effort will deliver a result, but you can be assured that no action or a half hearted stab at it will result in failure .

So when I get to work with firms like The Blaine Group, it just makes my day and my life easier. They are professionals that do what they say and say what they do and they work at under-promising and over-delivering, not the other way around.

I believe I have been blessed to know and work with people like Devon and her amazing staff and believe that if you are serious about your product, project, service or business, that you should seriously consider The Blaine Group or a firm that can and will deliver. – JW


devon blaineDevon Blaine

A professional communicator, Devon Blaine is the founder, president, and CEO of The Blaine Group, Inc., a total communications agency established in 1975, which was recently named the 24th largest public relations firm in Los Angeles.

She has represented many diverse business, manufacturing, financial and healthcare clients  and several bestselling authors with their publicity needs, both promotional and as a crises intervention and management specialist.

Devon Blaine is experienced in all facets of the communications industry. She has written newspaper and magazine columns, scripted radio and television commercials, served as a production supervisor, strategized political issues and campaigns, developed and implemented investor relations plans, and created communications campaigns for a diverse range of clients.

Besides helping other businesses maximize their success, Blaine has long been active in numerous organizations that aid entrepreneurs, thus earning her reputation as “the entrepreneur’s entrepreneur.”

She is three times a past president of the Los Angeles Venture Association (LAVA), a dynamic and diverse group composed of entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and other money providers, and service providers which exists for the sole purpose of creating win‑win‑win situations amongst its members.

Devon is past president of the California chapter of National Small Business United, a grassroots leadership organization for free enterprise with the mission of improving the climate for  small businesses in the United States.  An elected delegate to the White House Conference on Small Business, she was active in the California delegation since 1978 and served on the Board of Directors of the 1980, 1982, and 1984 California State Conferences on Small Business.  Blaine was appointed as a delegate to the 1986 White House Conference on Small Business by then U.S. Senator Pete Wilson, and elected by her peers to co‑chair the California delegation.

Additionally, she is a past president and a founding board member of the Los Angeles Chapter of the National Association of Women Business Owners and was honored as their Woman Entrepreneur of the Year in 1987.  She is also an active member of the Los Angeles Angeles Mid-Market Professionals, TEAM, PRO, Bruin Professionals, Association of Venture Founders, the Chief Executive Officers’ Clubs, and the Public Relations Society of America.

In 2012 Devon Blaine was named Book Publicist of the Year by Book Publicists of Southern California specifically for the international campaign The Blaine Group waged on behalf of Abbey Road To Ziggy Stardust by Ken Scott and Bobby Owsinski, Alfred Music Publishing.

In nine months, Ken Scott has had more than 150 exposures:  interviews, reviews, book signings, speaking engagements, etc., including coverage in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Post, WGN, ABC, NBC, events at the GRAMMY Museum, The Beatle Fest and more… in short, a wildly intensive and effective campaign.

The Publicist of the Year Award also recognized  the body of work her agency The Blaine Group has implemented through the years including representing four best sellers:  Nice Girls  Do:  And You Can, Too, by Dr. Irene Kassorla; On A Clear Day You Can See General Motors, by J. Patrick Wright; Meg, by Steve Alten; and Natural Cures “They” Don’t Want You To Know About, by Kevin Trudeau.

The Blaine Group

Formerly an actress and model, Devon Blaine established The Blaine Group, a Beverly Hills‑based full‑service communications agency specializing in public relations, book public relations, financial public relations, investor relations, crisis management, the development of collateral material, marketing, and advertising in 1975.  Since that time, the agency has expanded dramatically, creating successful communications campaigns for clients in diverse fields.

As a total communications agency, Blaine Group has implemented consumer, trade, and financial public relations; investor relations; and advertising efforts and have provided marketing strategy, based on conducting market research, for a diverse range of companies and organizations. They have also created and managed special events and fundraisers and have directed community relations projects.

In addition, The Blaine Group provides a variety of special communications services to its clients. These include managing crisis situations; conceiving and coordinating seminars and press conferences; event and party planning; developing master plans and collateral materials; proposal, article, letter, and speech writing; conducting surveys; and publishing newsletters and brochures. They both create and implement.

Today their client base encompasses a wide range of businesses and industries with particular emphasis on business-to-business communications, publicly-held companies, technology-based businesses, the medical and healthcare fields, environmental-related firms, consumer products, publishing, fashion and beauty, continuing education, non-profit organizations and trade associations, and the world of show business.

The Blaine Group, Inc.

A Total Communications Agency
8665 Wilshire Blvd., Suite #301, Beverly Hills, CA 90211
O 310/360-1499 · F 310/360-1498
E-mail:  devon@blainegroupinc.com

MyPillow and Orange County Choppers Unveil Custom Motorcycle at Mall of America


Onsite event to honor Michael J. Lindell for his entrepreneurial leadership of
“Made in America” and humanitarian accomplishments


Bloomington, Minnesota  ORANGE COUNTY CHOPPERS came to Minnesota on April 5th, 2012 The internationally famous Orange County Choppers came to Mall of America to unveil a custom motorcycle for MyPillow Company. One of the fastest growing companies in America, MyPillow has been making headlines across the country. Owner, CEO and inventor of MyPillow, Mr. Mike Lindell will be there along with Paul Teutul, Sr. for this exciting unveiling which will be filmed for Discovery’s American Chopper television show. MyPillow opened its doors eight years ago and is rapidly becoming one of our Nation’s fastest growing independently owned companies.

Over the past several years, Michael J. Lindell has become a household name, and now with a newly launched infomercial, he is one of the most watched persons in America. Born and raised in Minnesota, Michael has been an entrepreneur all of his life. His creativity and driving passion to find success helped him conquer addictions, bankruptcy and several near death experiences to develop the life-changing product that became MyPillow. His extraordinary life story of recovery and perseverance inspires everyone who hears it and has attracted the attention of movie producers and writers from Hollywood. He has also started work on a memoir to share is story and inspire others for success.

Mike recently created his own television show called “The Mike Lindell Show”. Mike’s goal for the show is to help people change their lives by sharing personal, inspirational experiences from the heart and bringing on guests from around the country to do the same. His honesty and candor is refreshing at a time when the population is seeking authenticity.

Mike began his quest to create “the world’s most comfortable pillow” eight years ago when he was having difficulties in his life including not being able to sleep. He recalled the comfort he found in his pillow in his youth and set out to find this same comfort in his adult life. After years of research of both pillows and sleep disorders and experimentation with fill and fabrics, he combined health, comfort and durability to create one of the only patented pillows made here in the USA. He shared it with two of our country’s top neurologists who specialized in sleep disorders. They tested it and found that MyPillow properly supported the vertebrae which led to greater amounts of REM sleep and significantly better overall rest for the body. MyPillow now has thousands of personal and medical/professional testimonials and endorsements.

Since the first pillow was made in Carver Minnesota, MyPillow has been invited to be part of the gift basket programs at the Academy Awards (Oscars), the ESPY Awards and the American Music Awards, making MyPillow “The Pillow to the Stars”.

Orange County Choppers has developed a special bike for Mike Lindell celebrating his individualism, character, perseverance and the success of MyPillow. The April 5th unveiling brings Orange County Choppers to Minnesota for the very first time to honor this “hometown entrepreneur.”

Mike Lindell is a regular on ”The Laura Smith Show” on FOX radio. Later in April, he will be an honored guest at a FOX News forum with Geraldo Rivera called “Putting America Back to Work.”

Being a “life changer” at heart, Mr. Lindell is using his success to help change the lives of others. His charitable contributions have included MyPillows for our Military as well as The Imus Ranch, a working cattle ranch for kids with cancer. Mike has also partnered with “Breaking Free” which helps victims of human trafficking by offering employment and assistance in returning to society. At the heart of Mike’s passion is The Lindell Foundation, recently created to ‘reach the unreachable’, starting with those who are suffering with crack addition of the worst kind. He plans to open ‘free’ centers nationwide to support addicts both with recovery and mainstreaming into society and create an environment of hope in the lives of those seeking a better life free from addiction. Mike’s commitment to create jobs here in the USA with an All American made product has become a reality in a overall unstable economy. The dream of owning your own business with a worthwhile product is alive and well here in homegrown Minnesota.

ABOUT MyPillow:

Founded in 2004 by Michael J. Lindell, MyPillow is one of the top 10 fastest growing companies in the USA. An advocate for American Made product and ambassador for creating jobs in America, the company manufacture “the worlds most comfortable pillow’. Promoting health, comfort and durability, MyPillow is renowned for owning the only US paten in the category. A philanthropist at heart, Michael J. Lindell recently founded The Lindell Foundation to ‘reach the unreachable’ and continue his thrive towards an addiction free society. For more information please visit: www.mypillow.com


For More Information
please contact:

AMPR LogoAna Martins Public Relations Inc.
46 West 56th Street, 3rd Floor
New York, NY 10019

T: 212.333.2085
F: 866.548.5448
