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Tag Archives: purpose
Michael Dumas Announced The Winner of the March 2013 ArtQuench Gallery Art Competition
Posted in Art
Tagged animals, art, art competitions, art magazines, art news, art of nature by Michael Dumas, Art Quench Artists, Art Quench Facebook, Art Quench gallery online art competitions, Art Quench Magazine, Art Quench T.V., Art Quench Twitter, Art, artist, artist profile, artquench, artquench gallery, artquench magazine, Bear research, beautiful, birds, Black bear cubs, brother, buy art, canoe, childhood memories, comfort, competition, contemporary art, creative outlet, discovery, drawing, drawing as a child, educational book publisher, exploring, family, father, featured artist in art quench magazine, fine art by Michael Dumas, foundation, frosty nights, gallery, grandfather, harmony, heart felt, homestead, Humber College of Art in Toronto, inspiration, Japan, job as a Ranger, kinship, lakes, Leo Marx, Michael Dumas wins Art Quench Gallery Open theme Art Competition, mixed media, mother, mountains, nature, on line art competitions, online art galleries, Ontario's Algonquin Park, painters, painting, paper, purpose, retreat, romantic writers, sanctuary, scrap cardboard, seasons, sell art, shy, sisters, Toronto, trees, wilderness
Ken Keis Living on Purpose, Realizing Your Potential
Ken Keis Author, Speaker, Trainer and Foremost Authority on Assessment Strategies and Processes that Increase and Multiply Success. Talks About Living on Purpose and Realizing Your True Potential.
Ken found me via On Purpose Magazine and asked me to check out his philosophies and trainings on Living on Purpose.
I checked out his company CRG and his books “Why Aren’t You More Like Me” and “My Source Experience Journal” and found so many connections to what I believe that I had to connect with Ken and get him an interview with him. Continue reading
Not Another Name Change!?
I am changing the name of the site to JW On Purpose.
Yes sorry, but the wonderful and talented author, Hyla Molander came up with this new name and I really loved it.
I was and then JWN360 and then JW360 and now I am JW On Purpose.
By the way the graphic of the Disney Rose from my garden is just that. There is no special meaning to this story or post. I just liked it.
I took a ton of pictures of the flowers our yard and shared them on Flickr. So why did I put a picture here? Because this story seemed dull without a picture. So now you know the PURPOSE of the graphic. If you are interested, here are the rest of my pics
The purpose or mission here is to deliver, what I like to call, DIIIEEECCC (Pronounced ^%$@%$#@ or Whatever!). It stands for Delivering Intriguing, Inspiring, Interesting, Educational, Entertaining, Enlightening, Cheerful and Compelling Content.
We often ask questions related to cause. We love to know what causes you support and we like to try and help you put out the word for your cause.
I love the double entendre meaning with the name On Purpose. First I love the word purpose. Here is the definition.
pur·pose (pûr
1. The object toward which one strives or for which something exists; an aim or a goal: “And ever those, who would enjoyment gain/Must find it in the purpose they pursue” (Sarah Josepha Hale).2. A result or effect that is intended or desired; an intention. See Synonyms at intention.3. Determination; resolution: He was a man of purpose.4. The matter at hand; the point at pur·posed, pur·pos·ing, pur·pos·es
To intend or resolve to perform or accomplish.Idioms:
on purpose
Intentionally; good purpose
With good little/no purpose
With few or no results.
[Middle English purpos, from Anglo-Norman, from purposer, to intend : pur-, forth (from Latin pr-; see pro-1) + poser, to put; see pose1.]
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
purpose [ˈpɜːpəs]
1. the reason for which anything is done, created, or exists2. a fixed design, outcome, or idea that is the object of an action or other effort3. fixed intention in doing something; determination a man of purpose4. practical advantage or use to work to good purpose5. that which is relevant or under consideration (esp in the phrase to or from the purpose)6. Archaic purporton purpose intentionallyvb (tr)
to intend or determine to do (something)
[from Old French porpos, from porposer to plan, from Latin prōpōnere to propose]Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003
So we can use the word on as an adverb or adjective to change the meaing.
On Purpose, where on is the adjective to mean either with intent, determination, resolve, accomplish and result as in the phrase “They are doing that on purpose”, meaning that they are doing something with intent or using on as an adverb as in the phrase “He is writing this book on pupose.” which says that the subject of the book is about purpose.
Anyway as a phrase It sounds good and, I believe it is apropos to what I am trying to do here.
Hope everyone likes it as much as I do… Thanks Hyla
Crap, Now I need a Logo. If you have any ideas… Let me know what you think.
Posted in Journal
Tagged jw najarian, JW On Purpose, jw360, JWN360, JWOnPurpose, networking fool, Networking Fools, purpose
Julie Hegle, Esq – Non-Profit Law, Structure and Grants with an Introduction to L3C
Julie Hegle, Esq Discusses Non-Profit Law, Structure, Grants and the New L3C
Juliane Viskup, J.D., was a lawyer practicing in Winooski, Vermont. She favors representing women and children and is one of a growing number of lawyers who use the concept of collaborative law in their practices. Resolution of conflict is as much about preserving the human as it is about closure. Julie worked with Vermont HITEC, a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating jobs for unemployed, underemployed and disenfranchised individuals in Vermont.
In the past, she has also been involved with nonprofit organizations like the Heart Association, and The Bellwether School. As a current member of a UN Committee on the Status of Women NGO, Julie’s mission is to support women and their children in creating a peaceful, productive and meaningful life.
NOTE: Julie Viskup is now Julie Hegle – Thanks
I recently met Julie at LeaderShift 2020 as I was trying to get a picture taken with Mark Victor Hansen. The picture did not turn out, but I did get to talk to a very nice person while I waited for Mark to finish speaking with an associate.
This was Julie Viskup, who I quickly found out, practiced Non-Profit law. Since I have recently been involved with building an association and starting a non-profit, I was very eager to talk to her. We were both going separate ways so we traded contact info and went on our ways. It was only a few days later that I spotted Julie at the Tapping the Source movie premiere.
As I was doing media at the event I did not have the time to talk, but when I got back to the office I got in touch right away. It turns out that Julie’s work with Vermont HITEC allowed her to gain knowledge of all the facets of non-profit, law, structure, grants and many other issues that affect businesses that put cause and purpose ahead of profits.
I asked Julie to sit down with me and talk about all the various ins and outs associated with non-profits and social businesses with purpose and she graciously agreed.
We met in beautiful Malibu, CA for the interview and it lasted just under an hour. If you listen carefully you can hear the crashing waves in the background. I have put together a short video of our conversation and have added the whole interview to the podcast above.
Julie talks about how to use the questions in the graphic below to find out if you should go Non-Profit or For Profit and if you decide on Non-Profit, just how you should structure.
Julie Discusses:
- The best method for determining whether or not you should set up your entity as a for profit or not for profit.
- Different types of non-profits.
- Gives great details about the new L3C entity structure that allows a business to declare purpose before profits
- Problems involved in setting up a non-profit and how to best resolve them
- Funding of a non-profit including grants and loans.
- And Much, Much More
Posted in Audio Podcast, Business, Interview, Video Podcast
Tagged 501C3, cause, grants, Julie Viskup, jw najarian, L3C, law, LC3, loans, non-profit, nonprofilt, not for profit, purpose, social business, structure