By James Carlini
Systems design has come a long way. Or has it?
Taking various organizational procedures and applications and automating them has been going on for over four decades. Next-generation systems have been selected and implemented more than once or twice in those four decades. Millions, if not billions, have been spent on computers, data centers, developing and training personnel, and software applications.
Initial attempts were focused on getting a software program in place and getting people to adapt to the automated system. A lot has happened since original systems were developed, yet basic design concepts and comprehensive testing to insure quality still seem to be Continue reading →
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Tagged acceptance testing, AITP, applications, AT&T, automation, blogs, computers, data centers, expert witness, IBM, integration testing, IT, IT applications, IT systems, James Carlini, lawsuits, leadership, litigation, mission critical networks, networks, PMP, programming, project management, project review, projects, RFP, six sigma, SLA, software, software analysis, software design, software development, software team, structured analysis, structured design, structured programming, system testing, systems design, team leader, Testing