Tag Archives: gbk gift lounge

Barry Bostwick Supports Efforts to Find a Cure for Prostate Cancer

Barry Bostwick Prostate Cancer Survivor, supports efforts to treat prostate cancer.

Famous for movies like Rocky Horror or television shows like Spin City and so many other wonderful parts, Barry Bostick takes a minute while busy supporting vendors and great causes at the GBK Gifting Lounge for the 2013 Emmy Awards. Continue reading

Breaking Bad’s RJ Mitte Fights for Equality and Diversity in The Arts and Media

RJ Mitte 500x500 sq by JW NajarianRJ Mitte of “Breaking Bad” Supports Diversity and Awareness of Actors and Professionals with Disabilities

RJ Mitte found some time to talk with us about his support of diversity in the arts and media while he was busy supporting vendors and great causes at the GBK Gifting Lounge for the 2013 Emmy Awards. Continue reading