As a co-author on the #1 International Bestseller “Cancer: From Tears to Triumph”
I am extremely excited to announce that the book, which was released on September 3rd 2015, has hit #1 Bestseller in Canada, Australia and the United States, in the first week, making me a #1 International Bestseller co-author!!
Hello, I am JW Najarian and I am the founder and am the Editor and Chief of On Purpose Magazine. Yes, the magazine you are reading right now. I was offered the opportunity to write one of the chapters (chapter 8, Seeing Cancer As a Gift) by the main author Viki Winterton who I met via Rick Frishman co-founder of New York’s Morgan James Publishing.
Rick has a couple of events every year called Author 101 University. Rick invites some of the most prominent and most diverse lineup of people in the publishing industry to help new and seasoned authors a way to get in front of the industry leaders and find out more about new ways of publishing and promoting their books. It is a great conference and I HIGHLY recommend any author or writer go to this event.

Viki Winterton
Anyway, I met Viki from Expert Insights and when she found out that I have stage 4 prostrate carcinoma, she kindly offered me a chapter to write in the book.
I was so happy as I know through Rick, that Viki has had a few number one books and I knew this was a chance to tell my story and that by getting in this potential bestseller I could reach a larger audience and hopefully help others with cancer handle this tough journey.
This book is full of stories from patients, survivors, health care professionals and family members of patients and the departed. It is the inspirational book on cancer that all patients, and their loved ones need to read to get through the rough times. Remember the family and friends of a patient go through much of the same pain, depression, anxiety and fear that the patient does. Not in the same way, but sometimes just as bad. I know of a couple of professionals that have lost patients they had gotten to know as very close friends and so even the professionals feel the pain and we all need hope. Cancer: From Tears to Triumph, gives that hope and so much more. For more info watch the video above.

When you finish your last radiation treatment at USC Norris Cancer Center you get to ring this bell. It seems silly, but you are so glad it is over that this bell can really choke you up.
I had found that even thought the treatments, the pain, the side effects from the drugs, the knowing your may only have a short time with your loved ones an having to tell people like your mother that you have a terminal disease is just no picnic, but that with the right attitude you can find blessings and gratitude in so many things and I really wanted to share that with others.

My cancer had moved from my prostate into the bone and I had some tumors boring into my spine. I had to have spine surgery to address the tumors and this is me with USC P.T. staff learning to walk correctly. I didn’t know I had it wrong all these years…
So many patients fall apart and it is hard not to have your pity party and why me days. In fact I would agree that someone in that position has every right to feel depressed, angry and just plain bad about bad news, but I have also found that in doing so, the patient puts themselves in a terrible place that if hard to get out of. I believe what you focus on expands and focusing on all the crap that comes with a terminal disease can kill you faster and harder that the disease itself.
If you have cancer or know of someone that does, you need to get this book for yourself or your friend or family member. The only positive way through the storm is with hope and inspiration and this book is full of stories by survivors and others like myself.
Here is the official press release:
Cancer: From Tears to Triumph—Essential Secrets on Achieving Purpose, Passion and Creative Healing
Cancer is a Global Epidemic! Global cancer cases are predicted to reach 26.4 million a year by 2030. In 2013, there were over 7.5 Million. (State of Oncology 2013 Report)
Got Cancer? There is hope!
Cancer can be detected early, and may be preventable and treatable. Those whose lives have been touched by Cancer are in the ultimate position to spread their stories of challenge, hope, and inspiration to the world!
In the new bestseller, Cancer: From Tears to Triumph from Expert i Insights Publishing, readers will feel inspiration wash over them as they read these amazing stories from across the globe, filled with hope and wisdom that can be used to overcome obstacles and achieve lasting peace, happiness and fulfillment in life.
Stories of struggle, hardship, and triumph are tremendously important because they can motivate others to keep going even when it feels like the weight of the world is on their shoulders. True stories that speak of courage and persistence help people recognize their own power and open their eyes to possibilities so they can do what it takes to change their lives forever.
“The most important thing someone touched by cancer can do is to share their experience with the world and bring hope to others facing this challenge. This book is dedicated to those who share their stories in service to others.” ~Viki Winterton, Publisher
Every life holds an inspirational story and everyone has the power to inspire others. Cancer: From Tears To Triumph is a priceless guide that will show readers the way to live by choice…not by chance.
A portion of the proceeds are donated to the Teddy Bear Cancer Foundation, helping families of children with Cancer.
The EIPPY Book Awards Extravaganza 2015 and Author 101 Oct 21st – 24th
This year the EIPPY Awards, Extravaganza 2015 and Author 101 are being held at the same venue on the same dates. More like the EIPPY Awards are on the 21st of October and Author 101 will be held in the same venue the 22nd through the 24th. If you want to find out how to publish a book and get it to bestseller status or increase the sales of your current books then this is the opportunity of a lifetime.
I will be receiving an award for my part in writing chapter 8 of “Cancer: From Tears to Triumph”, at the EIPPY Awards on the 21st so I hope to meet you there. I will also be at Author 101, as I have for the last five years! I never miss Author 101. After years of attending a plethora of conferences, it is the last conference I still attend. It is that good.
You can get tickets to the whole event by going to
You can also just sign up for Author 101 by itself. I believe there is still time to get the earlybird special which is buy one ticket and get in a friend for free. To check this out go to
Expert Insights
Working with Viki Winterton and her staff was an incredible delight. They made it easy to tell my story and helped with every step of the process. They are true professionals and they not only know what they are doing, but they do it with kindness and the most compassionate support I have had the pleasure of receiving in some time.
If you want to write a book, have written a book or just need help on the with publishing and promotions, Expert Insights Publishing is the real deal and they have helped so many authors get through the process and they have worked with some of the great authors and thought leaders of our time and have, with their books, helped countless individuals with uplifting, inspiring and educations books that are full of great information, stories and more.
Find out more at the Expert Insights Publishing Website