Google+ and Pinterest are Growing at Incredible Rates is Facebook a Thing of the Past? Old Hat?
Is Facebook’s 15 minutes of fame over?
I am starting to see stories like the one below that talk about which one is better for the marketer. Pinterest or Google+ and I ask… so where is Facebook in this debate? Is Facebook done and are we moving on?
I am sure that many will say that Facebook is not out… What are you talking about JW? No Facebook is not out, but for a few years we have been talking about not putting all our eggs in one basket as marketers, because we do not know where the pendulum will swing and who will land on top, for what reason or why.
Everyone uses the “Remember MySpace?” question when speaking about where the social technologies are going. No one knows, and I believe it is stories like this one, that kinda start the catalyst of small shifts that start moves to other platforms, even to platforms we cannot even perceive right not.
Waves form, tipping points are hit and we as networkers and marketers are always looking for a better way. A leg up on the competition and we want to be the early adopter, as the early bird seems to get the most worms.
Instagram sells for 1Billion to Facebook! Who’d a seen that coming. Now that Instagram is available on the Android will this app take off as the next big place you have to be? Will other companies do Instagram better? Can Pinterest add pages and allow for picture manipulation?
Speaking of Pinterest… What about Meaki?
What do you think is the next big wave… Is all this short lived fad or long term paradigm shifts in how people and business will communicate?
By the way… Business pages for Google +… Is anyone using them successfully? I have not seen them pointed to, talked about or used in any manner that seems to matter and Facebook took their configurable pages and will not allow you to default to them anymore so what is the use of them?
Am I the only one that seems to be in a constant state of confusion?
Pinterest vs. Google+: Which New Social Network Is Worth Marketers’ Time?.
We’ve all gotten used to the idea of using Twitter, Facebook, and even YouTube for marketing — even if the platforms aren’t always as brand-friendly as they could be. And why should they be? They started as social networks meant for people to talk to people, not companies to talk to consumers. But in the struggle for monetization, they’ve had to adapt and continue offering ways for brands to market and make money using social media.
Thanks for bringing up Twitter. I was a Twitter demon for awhile and then left as it went so downhill as to be irrelivant for marketing and social networking. It was nothing but crap.
Then slowly it started turning around. Twitter is not as great as it once was. You used to be able to get 400 hits to a website with one tweet to your list of 5000 followers.
Today, 100,000 followers are hard to budge at all… You have to know mentions, hashtags and the secrets to being personal without spending your whole day on Twitter. By the way… no one talks about what they are doing at every moment anymore…. as Twitter has been so famous for. I wish people that did not understand Twitter would stop telling me they have no use to tell the world or read about what others are doing at every moment.. “OK now I am turning my head left”; “Now I am turning my head to the right.” That was true in the early days of Twitter but I have not seen that type of tweeting in forever… (forever = a couple of years in social media).
Twitter has become important again and you will see that when you watch network television. Hashtags and tweets are being posted and marketers love the instant Twitter feedback so I can make a prediction that Twitter will be around for forever… (See “Forever =” above)
Facebook really got me hooked 6+ years ago because I can’t remember my time of GREAT transition from myspace to facebook. So great is was that I left the friends I made on myspace without much of a goodbye! I fell too hard in love with another site to put much thought in that! lol
I am clearly aware that I may still have an “active” account with myspace since I did not delete it but I don’t even bother to do it because I’d rather log into to Facebook or Twitter or Google +. My mind is way too focused on whichever purpose I wish to accomplish with those three sites to bother with myspace! :/ Wow! Sorry myspace! (I really feel bad about that; really do!)
Whoa…such power these websites has in peaking our interest enough to sever our loyalty with a former interest. We are so unfaithful!!!
And so I see why companies are pushing to stay on top of the next best social media platform.
Is Facebook over? I will only reply by saying that I once was 100% loyal to Facebook but grew unsatisfied with uninspiring status updates I got from my friends and so I turned to Twitter and regulated my friends list.
Instead of deleting and offend my “friends” on Facebook, I decided to create a new social network on Twitter and now am really happy. And now the battle began on who do I sign into first; who do I spend more time with?
Right now, Twitter is my main interest. But just this past month Google + has peaked my interest especially for one feature I can’t do anywhere else with the circle of people I wish to connect with.
They all have a good “catch” on me but not for the sake of looking at advertisements and finding a particular service or product.
It’s true that “social networks [were] meant for people to talk to people, not companies to talk to consumers.” I didn’t sign up on Facebook or Twitter or Myspace to browse advertisements and be sold a product but I will admit that I now know of services that I did not know of before because of the advertisements. Did I become a customer? Not really.
“Not putting all [your] eggs in one basket as marketers” seems to be the way to go. But isn’t that easier said then done?
There is so much freedom for more than one person to create a social network that could become the next BIG thing…this is why its confusing.
It’s like models, actors and entertainers….you can only hold a fan base for so long before a younger, better, brighter talent takes their place in the spotlight….and so I say the same about social networks!
I wish you the best marketers! I will be joining you soon