Hyla Molander Discusses Her Upcoming Book Drop Dead Life

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Hyla Molander

Hyla Molander

I was doing interviews of authors, agents and the like at Rick Frishman’s Author 101 University. The Green Room was quite all except for Hyla who was sitting and reading very contently.

I do not remember exactly what I said, but I often break the ice with, what I think are funny little comments about something that is going on. My wife just thinks I annoy people. Anyway Hyla came back with a similar sense of humor and we could not stop talking.

You know those people you find an instant chemistry with? Hyla was one of those people for me.

I did not have her on my list, but found out that she had this incredibly compelling story and I just had to interview her. I believe it was great, but here it is for you to judge.

I now have Hyla’s book Finding Light and absolutely look at it often as it always seems to say the right thing at the right time to me.

Hyla takes her tragedy and makes it into the catalyst that helps make her life even better than before. That is what life is.. a series of failures and tragedies that lead us to profound success.

As my Nana used to say.. You can not appreciate Sweet without first knowing Sour.- JW

Hyla Molander

Hyla Molan­der had every­thing she’d ever wanted…

Until that Easter Sun­day, 2003, when her amaz­ing hus­band, Erik, slid down the kitchen counter and died in front of her and their 17-month-old daughter.

Hyla Molander Meditating

Erik, 29, a rising-star man­ager for Lucas Dig­i­tal, was a devoted hus­band and father. Hyla was a suc­cess­ful North­ern Cal­i­for­nia pho­tog­ra­pher, seven months preg­nant with their sec­ond child.

One minute they were laugh­ing, and thirty-five min­utes later, Erik was pro­nounced dead.

And yet she overcame…

Once a preg­nant widow, Hyla is now hap­pily re-married, a mother of four chil­dren, an inspi­ra­tional speaker, author, pho­tog­ra­pher, and social media strategist.

Hav­ing suc­cess­fully jour­neyed through tragedy and grief, to hope and hap­pi­ness, Hyla now shares her inspi­ra­tional mes­sage with oth­ers who are cop­ing with grief, loss, and hard­ship. Hyla shows us that–no mat­ter what obsta­cles we face–if we believe, define, and then cre­ate, we can have the life we desire.

Never could I have imag­ined that this tragedy would teach me to live and love with twice the intensity.
To contact Hyla or get more information:

Rick Frishman’s Author 101

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17 responses to “Hyla Molander Discusses Her Upcoming Book Drop Dead Life

  1. Immense gratitude to each of you for your kind words. All of you help me make meaning out of my journey. Signed copies of Finding Light can be purchased directly from http://www.hylamolander.com. Love and light to everyone!

  2. Very inspiring Hyla. Great interview and it’s obvious your book will be a huge success!

  3. Your an inspiration to all of us to create the life we want, overcoming life’s challenges and living to the fullest.!

  4. Wonderful Interview Hyla! I highly recommend Hyla’s book, Finding Light to my clients, colleague and friends. We eagerly await the publication of her memoir, Drop Dead Life. She is an amazing photographer too. Hyla is a beautiful, authentic, inspiring and funny woman that I am honored to be friends with. Thank you for interviewing her and supporting her important work.

  5. Great interview, Hyla. Wonderful to hear more about your book. Keep up the good work.The grief journey is not one that we choose, but it is one that we all must take at some point on this earth plane. The more we learn and share with each other, the more we learn to thrive.

  6. I appreciate how very genuine and caring Hyla is. So nice to hear her lovely voice, too. Really enjoyed this interview.

  7. Finding Light in Dark Times. And taking opportunities to explain the Light when destiny comes a knockin’. Thanks Rick for taking the time to interview such an interesting and insightful author who is not afraid to explain her grief. I tweet at @Samuel_Clemons

  8. Hyla Molander’s story is riveting. From the time I met Hyla, I was captured by her story and her storytelling abilities. This is a powerful and moving story. She is on her way to being a best selling author.

  9. Julia Ingrassia

    This was a wonderful interview Hyla! But – you always rock! I love how informative you are about both your books, I look forward to “My Drop Dead Life” coming out… You do handle things so well, but you mentioning the stages of grief, and depression, possibly “before” and after a death, is such valuable to say aloud… People say “snap out of it” or “Oh, you’re young, you’ll marry again”, whatever, grief is very personal ,each handles it their own way, and you’ve give many “permission” to feel it’s ok to “cry”, be angry, depressed, and there is NO time table on that… As always, thank you Hyla.. YES, LIVE your drop dead life…

  10. As always, your honesty in sharing your pain and re-birth touches me (also experiencing loss) deeply. Thank you! (And how beautiful is that picture of you meditating)

  11. What a great interview with a great lady! Tragedies strike without warning and the aftermath is severe, but Hyla shows that you can turn your life around and not only seek, but find true happiness. Hyla is an inspiration to so many of us, and I admire her for the work she is doing.

  12. great interview, and love learning more about you and your story, Hyla!

  13. Hyla is so honest and down to earth. She helps others realize that when we find our own truth (our light) we can share ALL our emotions with the world, and it can do nothing but help the rest of us heal.

    We each have our own talents, and Hyla is an amazing writer and photographer, yet we all experience the same emotions on our own paths. Hyla’s story is something we can relate to whether we’ve lost a spouse or not.

    Thank you for helping to heal the world, Hyla.

  14. Hyla
    XOXO A little birdie said so…

  15. Jennifer Word

    I’d love to buy your book, “Finding Light”. Where is that available to purchase? You are beautiful, Hyla, and I’m so impressed by your positive energy and strength!! 🙂

  16. Your very posied! I love this book! Your very inspirational!

  17. Wonderful interview with a fabulous woman and author. She is strong and resilient and has a positive and caring message to share. We oughta all listen! Good interviewer as well! Very engaged.

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