Tag Archives: pain

Hyla Molander Discusses Her Upcoming Book Drop Dead Life

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Hyla Molander

Hyla Molander

I was doing interviews of authors, agents and the like at Rick Frishman’s Author 101 University. The Green Room was quite all except for Hyla who was sitting and reading very contently.

I do not remember exactly what I said, but I often break the ice with, what I think are funny little comments about something that is going on. My wife just thinks I annoy people. Anyway Hyla came back with a similar sense of humor and we could not stop talking.

You know those people you find an instant chemistry with? Hyla was one of those people for me.

I did not have her on my list, but found out that she had this incredibly compelling story and I just had to interview her. I believe it was great, but here it is for you to judge.

I now have Hyla’s book Finding Light and absolutely look at it often as it always seems to say the right thing at the right time to me.

Hyla takes her tragedy and makes it into the catalyst that helps make her life even better than before. That is what life is.. a series of failures and tragedies that lead us to profound success.

As my Nana used to say.. You can not appreciate Sweet without first knowing Sour.- JW

Hyla Molander

Hyla Molan­der had every­thing she’d ever wanted…

Until that Easter Sun­day, 2003, when her amaz­ing hus­band, Erik, slid down the kitchen counter and died in front of her and their 17-month-old daughter.

Hyla Molander Meditating

Erik, 29, a rising-star man­ager for Lucas Dig­i­tal, was a devoted hus­band and father. Hyla was a suc­cess­ful North­ern Cal­i­for­nia pho­tog­ra­pher, seven months preg­nant with their sec­ond child.

One minute they were laugh­ing, and thirty-five min­utes later, Erik was pro­nounced dead.

And yet she overcame…

Once a preg­nant widow, Hyla is now hap­pily re-married, a mother of four chil­dren, an inspi­ra­tional speaker, author, pho­tog­ra­pher, and social media strategist.

Hav­ing suc­cess­fully jour­neyed through tragedy and grief, to hope and hap­pi­ness, Hyla now shares her inspi­ra­tional mes­sage with oth­ers who are cop­ing with grief, loss, and hard­ship. Hyla shows us that–no mat­ter what obsta­cles we face–if we believe, define, and then cre­ate, we can have the life we desire.

Never could I have imag­ined that this tragedy would teach me to live and love with twice the intensity.
To contact Hyla or get more information:

Rick Frishman’s Author 101

Are you curious about what publishers like Harper Collins, Morgan James, Adams Media, Wiley, Random House, and Simon & Schuster are looking for? What is the best way to get your manuscript read when you’re an unpublished author? Want to know the biggest mistakes to avoid when writing book proposals? You’ll be engaged as these top pros share their expertise, reveal the inner workings of the publishing industry, and discuss various approaches to common marketing and publishing challenges.

Author 101 University Event Website: www.author101university.com