Tag Archives: truth

Is Alcohol More Dangerous Than Heroin, Cocaine, Meth or Marijuana?

SmokingWhat is the most dangerous, most addictive, least healthful controlled substance you can take?

I always say…. Stop telling me what is bad for me and tell me on a list of one to one thousand tell me which is the worst and I will at least stay away from the top 3 or 5 depending…. I don’t have the time or want to focus on what the 400th worst thing is for me…. Everything over moderation will kill you including water and air.

cannabis, marijuana leafI have seen two other studies this week that show that regular cannabis is not dangerous to drivers and although it shows in studies that it can impair certain functions you need to drive, it does not, in the studies conducted show the same issues with real driving tests!!??

The belief is that when you are drunk and driving you overestimate your ability to do well and thus you do stupid stuff and crash, but cannabis users usually overestimate how impaired they are and are extremely careful and use other techniques to make sure they are not doing stupid things and crashing so the studies continue to show no increase in accidents with smokers of cannabis while driving.

Alcohol, cannabisAdd alcohol to the mix and the cannabis smoker is just as susceptible to an accident as any other drunk.


Here is another study list of most harmful to least harmful


This study shows that you are not likely to become addicted to most drugs you try unless you try them intravenously or your trying cigarettes.


Remember none of these figures show black and white answers. Obviously more people drink alcohol that do heroin so you will have more (25% of vehicle deaths are attributed to alcohol consumption) alcohol related deaths. Drinking hard liqueur vs beer or wine might have different issues. Alcohol for example shows some positive health effects if taken in moderation. So you have to do research on the research to make sure you know if you are in harms way or not.

incarcceration rates in US and aboadWe have believed the big lies we have been told forever. It is time to start questioning everything, not as a cynic, but as a concerned citizen that is through believing the media which continues to subvert the truth allowing a failing war on drugs to fill our prisons to capacities that are not seen in any other part of the world, except Seychelles. Yes the U.S. is the number 2 winner in how many people per capita, we incarcerate.




Drug addiction is no joke and not good for the addicted or our society. This story is just to point out the facts at hand so we can work out the issues with the best possible information at hand, not with outdated anecdotal information based on fear and corporate greed.

The Truth About High Protein Diets

banner Jackie Keller

By Jackie Keller

High Protein Diets

The high protein diet has received increased media and celebrity attention in the last few years- but, the all important question remains – is it healthy? A high protein diet is defined as a diet that uses Continue reading