Tag Archives: a pep talk

Kid President gives A Pep Talk

pic kid president shKid President from Soul Pancake gives the world A Pep Talk.


Let this short video pep you up and remember to share it out to a friend who needs a pep talk too.

This little video is cute, funny, inspiring, educational and Kid President is wise beyond his years. Enjoy….

Kid President

I first saw Soul Pancake on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday. A show I rarely miss on Sunday morning. Their small skits always make me think, laugh and cry.. Thanks Soul Pancake – JW

Kid President’s very cool Blog, does not give his name it just states that he is the self appointed spokesman for his generation.

I love his sayings and his videos are awesome…

kid president sayings

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Kid President Website
Soul Pancake

Soul Pancake

Our brain batter of art, culture, science, philosophy, spirituality and humor is designed to open your mind, challenge your friends, and feel damn good.