Aside from not eating right or exercising enough, there might be several factors that contribute to weight gain that might not occur to you! As a health and wellness coach, I try to help my NutriFit clients examine a number of factors in their lives that might affect weight and health.
In addition to maintaining a healthy diet and exercising regularly, it is also very important to get enough sleep to keep your metabolism and hormone levels in check. This also helps you avoid late-night snacking Examining stress level is also important. When we are extremely stressed, our bodies secrete a hormone called cortisol that can cause an increase in appetite (resulting in an increased intake in calories). Stress generally takes attention away from diet or healthy eating, causing unnoticed and unwanted weight gain.
Many people who quit smoking also experience weight gain. Although this is not universally true, studies have shown that people who tend togain weight after quitting smoking do so because the lack of nicotine has decreased their metabolism, made food taste better and has left you feeling hungrier and eating more. Smokers also tend to look for something to eat to substitute a cigarette during withdrawal.
Weight gain can also stem from intake of excess alcohol. This is a common area that people skip when analyzing their weight gain and lifestyle. There are many empty calories in alcohol that are digested and broken down much slower by the body and therefore cause weight gain or slow down weight loss.
From: Jackie Keller, Founder – NutriFit, LLC
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