Guerrilla Marketing Newest Concepts
Jay Conrad Levinson, author of the bestselling book Guerrilla Marketing talks to us about his books, new marketing concepts and his keynote address he was to be giving at Bob Bare’s More Power LIVE Conference Sept 20-23rd 2012 in Dallas.
Sadly Jay passed away October 10th of 2013 after battling cancer.
Interview with Jay Conrad Levinson – Guerrilla Marketing
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What a wonderful time I had speaking with Jay Levinson. To be honest, I was nervous. What can you say to one of the greatest God Fathers of modern marketing without sounding stupid?
I had no pre-interview or list of questions to make me look like a genius. Luckily I have studied Guerrilla Marketing and believe in it.T
But Jay has trained the likes of Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Michael Dell! I was sure I would mumble through the whole thing showing my ignorance.
Gladly I can report that it was one of the most memorable and fun interviews I have done to date. Jay is so fun and engaging you just cannot help but enjoy the experience. Jay teaches love and leads by example. He is a lovely man and I dare say that I think I asked some great questions.
Thank you to Bob Bare, Elayna Fernandez for putting this together for me and a big thanks to Jay just for being Jay – JW
11/26/2013 Just found out that Jay had passed away in October. I was sad to find out that he had passed, but I know that Jay was not the sad type. He talks about his attitude toward finding out he had cancer in this video he did for Joy Huber of “Cancer With Joy”.
When I saw this video I know how he felt as I too was diagnosed with stage IV cancer earlier this year and the news did not end me, but instead it woke me up to how very blessed I was and how wonderful a life I have had and I got to really look at my regrets and resentments and know that I had very little, all in all.
Thanks for being a great mentor to us all Jay and rest in peace. – JW
Jay Conrad Levinson
“Jay is one of the foremost business marketing experts in the world. No one knows how to use the weapons of the trade better than industry expert Jay Levinson.”
— Entrepreneur magazine
Jay Conrad Levinson is the Father of Guerrilla Marketing and the author of the “Guerrilla Marketing” series of books. Guerrilla Marketing is the best known marketing brand in history, named one of the 100 best business books ever written, with over 21 million sold. His guerrilla concepts have influenced marketing so much that his books appear in 62 languages and are required reading in MBA programs worldwide.
Jay Conrad Levinson was born in Detroit, raised in Chicago, graduated from the University of Colorado. His studies in Psychology led him to advertising agencies, including a Directorship at Leo Burnett in London, where he served as Creative Director. Returning to the USA, he joined J. Walter Thompson as Senior VP. Jay created and taught guerrilla marketing for ten years at the extension division of the University of California in Berkeley where it is said he taught notables like Steve Jobs, Michael Dell and Bill Gates, his marketing concepts.
A winner of first prizes in all the media, Jay Conrad Levinson has been part of the creative teams that made household names of The Marlboro Man, The Pillsbury Doughboy, Allstate’s good hands, United’s friendly skies, the Sears Diehard battery, Morris the Cat, Mr Clean, Tony the Tiger, and the Jolly Green Giant.
After living in the San Francisco Bay Area for 35 years, Jay and Jeannie Levinson sold their home, bought an RV, towed a Jeep, and ended up, six years later, at their lakefront home outside Orlando, Florida, and close to their 26 grandchildren, their own personal DisneyWorld. Nobody on earth is as qualified to tell you about Guerrilla Marketing than the Father of Guerrilla Marketing, Jay Conrad Levinson.
Guerrilla Marketing
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
What Is Guerrilla Marketing Today?
Marketing is every bit of contact your company has with anyone in the outside world. Every bit of contact. That means a lot of marketing opportunities. It does not mean investing a lot of money.
The meaning is clear: Marketing includes the name of your business; the determination of whether you will be selling a product or a service; the method of manufacture or servicing; the color, size, and shape of your product; the packaging; the location of your business; the advertising, public relations, Web site, branding, e-mail signature, voicemail message on your machine, and sales presentation; the telephone inquiries; the sales training; the problem solving; the growth plan and the referral plan; and the people who represent you, you, and your follow-up. Marketing includes your idea for your brand, your service, your attitude, and the passion you bring to your business. If you gather from this that marketing is a complex process, you’re right.
Marketing is the art of getting people to change their minds — or to maintain their mindsets if they’re already inclined to do business with you. People must either switch brands or purchase a type of product or service that has never existed before. That’s asking a lot of them. Every little thing you do and show and say — not only your advertising or your Web site — is going to affect people’s perceptions of you.
That’s probably not going to happen in a flash. Or a month. Or even a year. And that’s why it’s crucial for you to know that marketing is a process, not an event. Marketing may be a series of events, but if you’re a guerrilla marketer, marketing has a beginning and a middle but not an ending.
By the way, when I write the word marketing, I’m thinking of your prospects and your current customers. Nothing personal, but when you read the word marketing, you’re probably thinking of prospects only. Don’t make that mistake. More than half your marketing time should be devoted to your existing customers. A cornerstone of guerrilla marketing is customer follow- up. Without it, all that you’ve invested into getting those customers is like dust in the wind.
Marketing is also the truth made fascinating.
When you view marketing from the vantage point of the guerrilla, you realize that it’s your opportunity to help your prospects and customers succeed. They want to succeed at earning more money, building their company, losing weight, attracting a mate, becoming more fit, or quitting smoking. You can help them. You can show them how to achieve their goal. Marketing is not about you. It’s about them. I hope you never forget that.
Marketing, if you go about things in the right way, is also a circle. The circle begins with your idea for bringing revenue into your life. Marketing becomes a circle when you have the blessed patronage of repeat and referral customers. The better able you are to view marketing as a circle, the more you’ll concentrate on those repeat and referral people. A pleasant side effect of that perspective is that you’ll invest less money in marketing, but your profits will consistently climb.
Marketing is more of a science every day as we learn new ways to measure and predict behavior, influence people, and test and quantify marketing It’s more of a science as psychologists tell us more and more about human behavior.
Marketing is also unquestionably an art form because writing is an art, drawing is an art, photography is an art, dancing is an art, music is an art, editing is an art, and acting is an art. Put them all together, and they spell marketing — probably the most eclectic art form the world has ever known.
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More Power Live Conference
What will you learn at More Power! LIVE?
Bob Bare, 40+ year experience serial entrepreneur,
will share how he grew his sales $0 to $2.7 Million
in the Worst Economy Ever!
He has also carefully selected world-class experts who are practitioners, teachers and mentors who care about YOUR success!
Here’s a sample of what you’ll learn, discover and experience at More Power! LIVE:
Your Road Map To Success [Bob Bare and Odell Stunkard]
- How You Can Attract Stampedes of New Customers – Step-by-step plan revealed live for the first time in the U.S.
- How to Maximize Your CASH-FLOW (Not Just Revenue). Forget the losing model of “Growing-Growing-Gone” that costs more than you make and sends your business into an early grave.
- The Overlooked Secrets of “The Perfect Business” that Pays You in PROFITS and FREEDOM. Yes, you can have your cake and eat it, too (work less and make more). We’re living proof. And we’re unveiling ALL!
…And many more practical ways to explode your income and carve out a life of freedom and satisfaction in the months and years ahead!
Guerrilla Marketing [Jay Conrad Levinson]
- Marketing Vs. Guerrilla Marketing – a concise, eye-opening explanation that will forever change the way you promote and generate new business
- The 19 Secrets of Guerrilla Marketing – You could spend months trying to distill the wisdom from a dozen top business books – or – you can spend that time enjoying the fruits of these 19 secrets that have already produced billions of dollars in sales and profits
- The The 7-Sentence Guerrilla Marketing Plan – Don’t waste months writing a 30-page plan. And don’t you dare make a move with no plan at all. Steal Jay’s 7-sentence plan and profit from it immediately
..and more!!!!!
Make More Working LESS! [Loral Langemeier]
- How to turn your existing skills and passion into a perpetual cash machine – in as little as 2 hours a week with zero money out-of-pocket.
- How to easily melt price resistance and double or triple your income
- Hear how Loral (in her early 20′s) landed a Multi-Million Dollar contract promoting health on oil rigs by simply replacing one word with another. Find out exactly what she did, so you can do it too
… Plus much more!
Truly Leverage The Power of Social Media [Elayna Fernandez]
- The 7 Myths of Social Media Branding. How many are holding you back from earning the income you deserve?
- Why social media work for some and not others. Discover how to systematize, automate and profit like you never thought possible
- The L.I.K.E.D Formula for getting more “likes” and followers. Apply these 5 simple steps to trigger a tsunami of social media exposure
…and lots more advice for making money with Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, WordPress, and Pinterest
Use Publishing To Skyrocket Your Business [David Hancock ]
- 4 easy ways to get your book written FAST (without writing it yourself!)
- How to GET PAID to write your book
- The 7 Secrets of Bestselling Books – this bullet-by-bullet formula removes all the guesswork
…and A TON more!
Sell With Intention and Double or Triple Your Sales This Year! [ Ursula Mentjes]
- Discover the Selling with Intention Formula to double sales results this year
- Create an Intentional Schedule to sell more in less time
- Understand how Financial Set-Points prevent ultimate success
..and more!
Profit Through Persuasive Speaking [Arvee Robinson]
- The 3 BIGGEST mistakes most business owners make when trying to give public presentations and how to instantly look like a seasoned speaking professional by avoiding these goof-ups!
- How to find more opportunities to speak to local groups of your ideal prospects and how to get invited as a speaker.
- What specifically you must do during your presentations in order to generate leads and clients
…and more!
Partnership Secrets Revealed [Paul Miltonberger]
- The 5 partnering strategies that bring you more customers, revenue, results, and income. Use one or all 5 to kick your results into hyper-drive
- The easiest money you’ll ever make for 10 minutes of your time
- How to generate quick bursts of cash over and over again, even if you don’t have a product or service to sell
..and much, much more!
I just ran across this article and was surprised to hear that he passed away.
I used to use his books in my courses at Northwestern University. His ideas were pragmatic and instantly useable in marketing. Using his books as a textbook seemed to be the best approach in trying to teach marketing with concepts that could be readily applied.