Tag Archives: natural

Ray Carter CEO of StemTech on Their Success with Direct Sales

Ray C. Carter Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder of StemTech International

Talks to us about their breakthrough product that increases your bodies natural release of the repairative adult stem cells and the business model they have chosen to allow everyone to share the product and financial rewards.

Ray Carter Audio Interview on Stem Cell Breakthrough and How they are using Direct Sales to Share and Promote their products Audio Player ►Right Click and “Save Link As” to Download File◄

I am very lucky and grateful for the things I get to do. Interviewing celebrities, authors, thought leaders and professionals about all kinds of interesting subjects.

One of my favorite things is stuff. I love cool stuff and I started an Innovative Products page to highlight some of the great products I come across.

I see many types of products through traditional means of distribution and also direct sales channels of distribution. If I love a product I do not care how it is distributed, I just want to know how I can get it.

I have had some success at network marketing in the past and I happen to really love and embrace that channel of distribution. Given the right management, a solid compensation plan for distributors and a really great product and you have a solid way for manufacturers to get their product out into the market place with the best advertising available “Word of Mouth”.

It is also great for the client as they get to deal with real people not corporations when it comes to getting service also a client can, by sharing the product, they love, make some money.

There is also the opportunity to leverage others that want to build a business in order to make even more money and possible residual cashflow.

blah, blah, blah… I know many of you have heard this before and will take me to task about ponzi schemes. You will argue that only those at the top make money. I get it and you will find that ponsi schemes do exist and in a ponsi scheme scenario you would be right about the people at the top, but they are illegal.

There are thousands of legitimate network marketing companies and you can usually check them out by making sure they are members of groups like the Direct Selling Association (DSA) as these companies have proved their legitimacy.

OK so all that said, I wanted to introduce everyone to a product, I believe is incredibly innovative and, more importantly, relevant to everyone who cares about their health and quality of life.

StemTech makes a a product that has been proven, through studies, to support and increase naturally, the number of adult stem cells your body produces. I will not go into the science here, but if you know anything about stem cell research, you will know that stem cells have become one of the most significant and revolutionary health breakthrough technologies today and in the future.

Click here to listen to the Christian Drapeau the Chief Science Officer and Co-Founder, as he speaks to the incredible science behind this product and listen to the audio above to find out more about the history and business side of this story.

This story will probably change your life or the life of someone you love in more that one way. It can be your ticket to good health and to financial freedom.JW


Ray C. Carter, Jr.

President and Chief Executive Officer

With more than 20 years of experience in direct sales and marketing, Ray Carter is considered a leader in the field. He is known for his ability to create successful corporate systems and implement key business strategies in the consumer products marketplace.

Ray’s extensive experience with private and public companies makes him well versed in all aspects of corporate management with special emphasis on product development, procurement, manufacturing, sales and marketing, corporate administration, information systems and finance. Ray holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from the University of Maine and graduated with honors from Southern New Hampshire University with a Master of Business Administration in Management.


The Stem Cell Nutrition Company® are pioneers in stem cell science, who have demonstrated that adult stem cells function as the natural renewal system of the body. Their products enhance and support the work of the body’s stem cells by releasing more stem cells, helping to circulate them in the blood and migrate them into tissues, where they can perform their daily function of renewal for optimal health.

Stemtech Scientific research is a cornerstone to the success of the Stemtech product line. Very few nutritional supplement companies invest the significant time and money it takes to prove the efficacy of their products. Some companies even try to point at our research and claim it as their own. Stemtech does research specifically on our own products, and publishes the results of that research in leading scientific journals.

Want More Product Information? [CLICK HERE]

Our one-of-a-kind stem cell nutrition products have been designed to support your body’s adult stem cell physiology, providing you with an unmatched level of wellness, both inside and out.*

Many people do not realize that adult stem cells play a key role in the natural renewal of your body and are essential for the maintenance and repair of organs and tissue throughout your lifetime.

Due to factors such as age, stress, pollution and poor diet, there is a reduction in the release and activity of adult stem cells, which may lead to a decline in the natural ability of your body to maintain optimal health. Stemtech’s clinically studied stem cell nutrition line of products is designed to help support three most important aspects of stem cell physiology: the release, circulation and migrations of stem cells.

Stemtech’s products do not contain stem cells. They are composed of natural botanicals and other ingredients that have been clinically documented to support the performance of your own stem cells.

Stemtech’s line of adult stem cell nutrition products for humans includes SE2®, StemFlo®, StemSport®, ST-5 with MigraStem and DermaStem®. These products are designed synergistically, to provide you with the maximum results when taken together throughout your day. Don’t be fooled by imitators, Stemtech pioneered this exciting new supplement category, and is the only company with a full line of products that are clinically shown to support the body’s natural renewal system.

For animals, Stemtech has created StemPets® and StemEquine®. These products are created with the same high-quality standards as our products for humans.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

To contact StemTech, to order or just get more information go to:

StemTech Site


NOTE: I really like this product and it’s business model and have joined as an independent representative. If you would like to purchase from me or join my team and work with me directly I welcome you and can not wait to speak to you further. Click Here to go to my personal StemTech webpage

If you are interested in the product, but want to find another rep please visit www.StemTech.com to get more information

Christian Drapeau Increasing Your Bodies Natural Release of Adult Stem Cells

Christian Drapeau Author of “Cracking the Stem Cell Code” and Chief Science Officer for StemTech International

Talks to us about their breakthrough product that increases your bodies natural release of the reparative adult stem cells.

OMG not another health breakthrough! I avoid these things as I get so many request for me to try someones product so I can help promote them.

OK so I show up at the W Hotel, in Hollywood and while sitting down and checking my emails in the lobby, an old friend Lisa Hill walks up and gives me a big hug and says she is glad to see me there. I was glad to see her also as between celebrity interviews Lisa and I have hung out and she is wonderful.

She asked me to stop by and check out their booth at the Emmy event and of course I did. Only to see a health product… Oh noooo.

Then I found out what it was. A nutritional product that naturally makes the body increase its creation of natural adult stem cells. OMG I was just reading on the astounding health breakthroughs were happening and will be happening in the future based on stem cell treatments. 

I was hooked and wanted to know more. They said there were studies. Not about stem cells… We know they work. The studies were about product. OK I love studies… Not to hep on testimonials. Anyway I had the Christian Drapeau call me at home to talk about the real science and studies. I didn’t want to report on another product that did not have proof that it worked.

I was astounded by the thought that I could increase the amount of stems cells in my body, for a fraction of the cost of injections, and that by taking this supplement every day, I could keep large amounts of stem cells in my body for much longer periods than the expensive injection.

I am trying out the SE2 product and DermaStem right now. I am not one to look for a product experience. If your diet sucks and you start taking supplements that give you nutrients you are not getting via the typical burger and fries than you will probably feel better and there is always the placebo effect. I do have to say I do feel better just knowing that I am allowing my body to do a better job at naturally healing itself.

I spend almost an hour on the phone with Christian and if you listen to this interview you will see why. This might be the most important breakthrough in personal health since we discovered antioxidants… I would actually dare to say that this would be more important

If you know anyone suffering health issues or you are yourself, you need to listen to this interview. Remember that your future health concerns are based on things you are doing right now. – JW

If you would like to hear StemTech’s CEO and Co-Founder Ray Carter talk about the business side of this product [CLICK HERE]


Christian Drapeau, MSc

Christian Drapeau – Adult Stem Cell Scientist, Speaker, Author

Christian Drapeau is a frequent speaker at scientific and business events worldwide, speaking mainly about the potential of Adult Stem Cell in health and wellness, as well as medicine.  He has lectured in Africa, South America, Asia, Europe, and North America. A featured Mensa national event speaker, he holds a BS in Neurophysiology from McGill University and a Master of Science in Neurology and Neurosurgery from the Montreal Neurological Institute

Christian Drapeau is America’s best known advocate for Adult Stem Cell research and the medical applications of Adult Stem Cells. He gained recognition when his breakthrough theory of Adult Stem Cells gained widespread interest across the scientific and medical communities.   His theory that Adult Stem Cells are nothing less than the human body’s natural healing system is being increasingly recognized by science, which is called to have a profound implications for every area of modern medicine.  Because of recent Adult Stem Cell research breakthroughs, the idea that many degenerative diseases affecting North Americans could become things of the past is no longer science fiction.

As Chief Science Officer at California’s Stemtech International, he currently works on methods to enhance Adult Stem Cell production and delivery, collaborating with scientists and laboratories around the world.  He is the author of the bestseller “Cracking The Stem Cell Code”.

Christian Drapeau is also deeply involved with projects of philanthro-capitalism through the One World Foundation, which he created in 2007.  He is currently working on the design, production, distribution and marketing of a unique clothing line, the Baan Unrak Conscious Collection, all hand-woven and hand made at Baan Unrak in Thailand, by mothers and Burmese refugees.   Baan Unrak is a Children’s Home is a small community where more than 150 children are being taken care of, educated and prepared as active citizens of the world.  Baan Unrak has been in dire needs of funding for many years.  This project is aimed at making Baan Unrak financially independent, as 100% of all profit coming from this endeavor goes to Baan Unrak.  T

he Suk Pants have been launched at the Fashion Week in New York, September 2012.

book cracking the stem cell code christian drapeau

Click Here for More Information

Cracking The Stem Cell Code

Updated Edition, 2013

Recent advances in stem cell research suggest a possible end to many diseases in our lifetime and that many profound advances in human health and wellness are just around the corner. Scientist and pioneering stem cell research advocate Christian Drapeau looks at what’s new, what’s real, and what’s next in this intriguing field.

Cracking the Stem Cell Code leaps past the financial and political controversy surrounding stem cell science to focus on the real story found in scientific literature. A recent Nobel Prize winning discovery affirmed what author Christian Drapeau has advocated for years: the role of adult stem cells in your body is nothing less than its natural healing system.

Christian explains the stem cell phenomenon in the reader-friendly manner that caused his prior book The Stem Cell Theory of Renewal to shatter all sales records for stem cell books. Adult Stem Cells hold the promise of miraculous wellness – Cracking the Stem Cell Code explains how.

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book stem cell theory of Renewal Christian Drapeau

For More Information Click Here

The Stem Cell Theory of Renewal

Demystifying the Most Dramatic Scientific Breakthrough of Our Time

Are the functions of Adult Stem Cells really the most dramatic scientific breakthrough of our times?

Visionary Stem Cell Scientist and Stem Cell Nutrition expert Christian Drapeau says “Absolutely Yes” as he explains the science and implications behind the body’s natural renewal system.

Adult Stem Cells in your bone marrow constitute the natural healing system of your body. Wherever there is an injury or damage to any organ, stem cells are released from the bone marrow. They migrate to that organ and become healthy cells of that organ, literally repairing the damaged tissue.

The implications of new developments in Adult Stem Cell science for health and wellness are mind boggling.

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The Stem Cell Nutrition Company® are pioneers in stem cell science, who have demonstrated that adult stem cells function as the natural renewal system of the body. Their products enhance and support the work of the body’s stem cells by releasing more stem cells, helping to circulate them in the blood and migrate them into tissues, where they can perform their daily function of renewal for optimal health.

Stemtech Scientific research is a cornerstone to the success of the Stemtech product line. Very few nutritional supplement companies invest the significant time and money it takes to prove the efficacy of their products. Some companies even try to point at our research and claim it as their own. Stemtech does research specifically on our own products, and publishes the results of that research in leading scientific journals.Our one-of-a-kind stem cell nutrition products have been designed to support your body’s adult stem cell physiology, providing you with an unmatched level of wellness, both inside and out.*

Many people do not realize that adult stem cells play a key role in the natural renewal of your body and are essential for the maintenance and repair of organs and tissue throughout your lifetime.

Due to factors such as age, stress, pollution and poor diet, there is a reduction in the release and activity of adult stem cells, which may lead to a decline in the natural ability of your body to maintain optimal health. Stemtech’s clinically studied stem cell nutrition line of products is designed to help support three most important aspects of stem cell physiology: the release, circulation and migrations of stem cells.

Stemtech’s products do not contain stem cells. They are composed of natural botanicals and other ingredients that have been clinically documented to support the performance of your own stem cells.

Stemtech’s line of adult stem cell nutrition products for humans includes SE2®, StemFlo®, StemSport®, ST-5 with MigraStem and DermaStem®. These products are designed synergistically, to provide you with the maximum results when taken together throughout your day. Don’t be fooled by imitators, Stemtech pioneered this exciting new supplement category, and is the only company with a full line of products that are clinically shown to support the body’s natural renewal system.

For animals, Stemtech has created StemPets® and StemEquine®. These products are created with the same high-quality standards as our products for humans.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Have a Pet? Checkout StemPets®

Advanced Formula is a natural stem cell enhancer for dogs and other house pets. It is the specially formulated pet equivalent of our patented stem cell enhancer (AFA Concentrate) for humans, documented to support the natural release of adult stem cells from bone marrow.

“Within two weeks of using StemPets Advanced Formula my German Shepherd’s hips were not as stiff and she started running like a puppy.”

– Jan A., IN
In a clinical study AFA Concentrate naturally increased the number of circulating stem cells in the body.Available in tasty chewable tablets, this high-quality nutritional supplement has been designed to meet the needs of dogs and other house pets.

Natural Renewal

StemPets Advanced Formula supports the natural release of adult stem cells from your pet’s bone marrow. Adult stem cells play a key role in the natural renewal process. Their primary role is to maintain and repair tissue. Scientific studies have shown that increasing the number of circulating adult stem cells in the body is an important aspect maintaining optimal health.

In addition to StemPets Advanced Formula, Stemtech’s animal product line includes StemEquine® Advanced Formula for horses. Stemtech’s line of stem cell nutrition products for humans includes SE2™, StemFlo®, StemSport® Advanced Formula, and ST-5 with MigraStem™. These products are designed to work together as a system to provide you with the optimal health.

To contact Christian Drapeau, to order or just get more information go to:

StemTech Site

Contact Christian Drapeau



NOTE: I really like this product and it’s business model and have joined as an independent representative. If you would like to purchase from me or join my team and work with me directly I welcome you and can not wait to speak to you further. Click Here to go to my personal StemTech webpage

If you are interested in the product, but want to find another rep please visit www.StemTech.com to get more information