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Juliet Wright – Everything is My Fault – A Journey Through Co-Dependency
Juliet Wright Everything is My Fault – A Journey Through Co-Dependency
Juliet Wright is a speaker, author, musician, teacher and long sufferer of the pain of the disease of codependency.
Juliet’s journey with codependency began as a young child when addiction invaded her family. In this book, she observes her codependency as it weaves its way through her relationships and behavior patterns. Join us as she shares her story, as well as the program of recovery that is helping so many heal.
Juliet Wright Audio Interview about her new book Everything is My Fault
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Disclaimer: Juliet and I have known each other for over 15 years. She came to my wedding. I have kept up with her over the years here and there, and I bust out her music from time to time, as besides, now being a new author, she has two music albums she produced. So I am biased because I love and care for Juliet.
On the other hand, I see a lot of books, as you might imagine and many are not good. This one is one of the good ones.
I met Juliet through my wife as they are good friends. My wife used to hang out with Juliet’s husband’s top 40 band and they were all very close, good friends. We still get together and watch some of the spin off bands occasionally.
Juliet and her husband lived in the Hollywood hills and had played just about every venue in Hollywood and southern California. They were busy and popular and striving hard to have success in the very tough, music industry that is Hollywood. They lived in a house that I was told was the practice pad for a band called Journey in the early days.
Juliet and her husband were well liked and a favorite couple amongst the group, but we did not know the turmoil that was happening with Juliet. A family history of mental and substance abuse was leading Juliet in directions, thoughts and patterns that were not good for her.
I heard about the book and I know Juliet as the creative type so I was not surprised that she wrote a book, but when I read the title, I got it right away. This is a great look into what causes codependency, enabling and how we sabotage ourselves as we look outside ourselves for answers that can only come from within us. I saw myself in this book many times.
Listen in to this interview where I get a chance to sit down with an old friend and dig into her healing, how her problems came about and how by using some proven techniques and C0-Dependents Anonymous (CoDa) her life was changed to one of gratitude and fulfillment.
Juliet went on to get her Masters and is now a teacher. I am very happy for her and the new journey she is on and I know, KNOW this book will help many, many people get on the right path in their own lives – JW
Juliet A. Wright
Juliet is a singer, songwriter, recording artist, author, and teacher who was born and raised in Central Vermont.
Juliet spent much of her young life as an equestrian and was always active in music and theatre. She attended Interlochen Arts Academy from 1979-1982, where she studied piano, music composition, theatre, and dance.
Juliet graduated from the University of Miami in Coral Gables, Florida, in 1986 with a degree in Studio Music and Jazz Guitar Performance.
After leaving Miami, Juliet moved to Burlington, Vermont, to pursue her career as a jazz guitarist. She moved to Los Angeles in 1987, where she pursued her career as a guitarist and performer of pop and rock music. For the next 13 years, she made her living singing, and playing the guitar, piano, and saxophone in clubs and at private functions all over California.
In 1997, a year after she was married to an old friend and fellow mucian, she began teaching general vocal music for the Los Angeles Unified School District. Juliet divorced in 2004 and moved back to Vermont, in 2007, where she currently lives.
Juliete writes books and composes and records her own music. She also teaches stringed instruments to elementary school students in a nearby Massachusetts school district. Her hobbies include writing and recording music, oil painting, knitting, and nurturing all the baby trees she has planted on her property.
Juliet is a devout Quaker and is active in her Quaker Meeting. Codependency recovery is very important to Juliet, and she donates much of her time giving back to CoDA.
Everything is my fault
One Woman’s Journey Through Codependency
Juliet Wright has spent her whole life living wth the disease of Codependency.
She has been actively working the Recovery Program which is documented in her first book Everything is My Fault. Seven years of work that has lead her to a much happier life.
This book is her fearless moral inventory, step 4 of the 12 step process, which she originally wrote as part of her journey to heal herself from debilitating and confining behaviors.
She then went through the 12 step program and along with her sponsor and therapist she developed processes and recovery tools using many proven techniques that changed her life.
This book is Juliet sharing her story, but more importantly, the sharing of the processes, tools, programs and techniques that helped her dig into her own past, see past the hurt, anger and fear and then take the steps toward recovery, gratitude, self awareness, self esteem and the inner tranquility that we all deserve. – JW
Through her personal journey, Juliet has illustrated in a most meaningful way, the pervasive nature of codependency, her healing through the 12 Step program of CoDa, and her implementation of those teachings into her life. This is a must read for anyone who has discovered how codependency has detrimentally affected their relationships and their lives. This book can serve as a guide for those seeking their own healing process with the wonderful result of discovering themselves in ways which could not have been imagined.
Caroll Fowler, M.A., MFT, previous Director of the Family Program at Sequoia Center and CoFounder of the drug/alcohol residential program in Kenya, ViFukoFuko Recovery Center.
I am so moved to be able to write a response to Juliet A. Wright’s searing self-help memoir, Everything is my Fault: One Woman’s Journey through Codependency. Reading her story, I found myself repeating, she has such courage and insight: this book represents an intimate act of healing for her and potentially, for so many other readers, including myself. Surely, this is a profound testament about how a former Miss Perfect (and a wonderful composer and singer and guitarist) has learned to love herself. Join Juliet in this profound inner journey of hope and healing.
Stanford J. Searl, Jr., Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Union Institute & University, an interdisciplinary doctoral program, Quaker scholar and author of Homage to the Lady with the Dirty Feet and other Vermont Poems, a new first book of poetry about growing
Codependents anonymous
Co-Dependents Anonymous, a fellowship of men and women whose common purpose is to develop healthy relationships.
The only requirement for membership is a desire for healthy and loving relationships.
CoDA is truly an International Fellowship with a presence in most countries.
Click here to view websites of other countries.
Click here to view other countries that maintain their own meeting lists.
Juliet Wright’s Music
This Album is a companion CD to my Book, “Everything Is My Fault.” The lyrics are sprinkled throughout the book. I wrote this music to help me heal. I hope that anyone who hears it will find comfort and healing. May it inspire the listener to write some songs of their own for their own recovery.
Juliet played professionally in Top 40 and casuals bands for several years before hitting the coffee house scene with her duo White River and their self titled cd. After the break up of her duo, Juliet ventured into the wonderful world of teaching.
She teaches music to elementary age students in the San Fernando Valley. Although she finds teaching very rewarding, her first love is writing and performing her own music. Her background is in jazz, but her love of rock, folk, pop and religious music has influenced her songwriting that has resulted in the creation, evolution and birth of her new cd Beloved.
Her poetic lyrics, beautiful melodies and tasty chord changes lead the listener through her most recent and very personal journeys, the destination being this intriguing, thought provoking music.
Posted in Audio Podcast, Cause, Health and Wellness, Interview, iTunes, Mental Illness, Music
Tagged 12 step, audio, author, beloved, book, co-dependent, coda, codendent, codependency, codependents anonymous, discovery, Everything is My Fault, hidden angel, interview, Juliet Wright, jw najarian, process, recovery, respect, speaker, survival, tools, treatment