Nobel Peace Prize winner, Muhammad Yunus
has long been and icon for me personally. I aspire to create the kind of world he not only envisions, but is actively engaged in creating. I love the idea of a Social Business and though I do not agree totally with all the concepts Mohammad writes about, the Grameen Bank and the belief that business can make a profit and still help others is the basis for what I try and create in the businesses and things I do.
I was at a Meta meeting and met Holly Mosher, who told me she just produced a feature length documentary film that explores the work of Muhammad Yunus and his vision from microcredit to social business. In fact Holly was preparing for the films premier screening when we asked her to stop by the Lounge and speak with us. Listen in to our interview with Holly Mosher … you’ll love her as much as we do.
Interview with Holly Mosher – Bonsai – Mohammad Yunus
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Holly Mosher
is an award winning filmmaker who brings socially conscious films to the public. After graduating with honors from New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts, Holly produced a number of commercials and feature films. In 2004 she made her directorial debut with the documentary, Hummingbird. Afterwards, she produced the critically acclaimed films Side Effects, starring Katherine Heigl, and the follow-up documentary Money Talks: Profits Before Patient Safety.
She has served as a producer and executive producer on several films including: Maybe Baby, Vanishing of the Bees and FREE FOR ALL! Currently, Holly is in production on her second directorial project, Bonsai, where she is following the work of the Nobel Peace Prize winning Muhammad Yunus and the Grameen Bank. Her films have received international press attention, and The Hollywood Reporter named her one of the top up-and-coming independent film producers.
Why Bonsai?
“Sometimes I describe poor people as the bonsai tree. If you take the seed of the tallest tree in the forest and put it in a flower pot, it grows only as big as the pot will let it. There’s nothing wrong with the seed; simply we did not give it enough space to grow.
Poor people are bonsai people. There’s nothing wrong with their seed, society never allowed them the space to grow as tall as everybody else.”
Holly Mosher:
The Bonsai Movie: