Tag Archives: designer


banner james carlini - Carlini's CornerBy James Carlini

When you go to a business meeting today are you dressed for success or dressed casually? Do you look like you flew in on the corporate jet or were you one of the people washing it down before the flight?

7K0A0603Image consultants seem more concerned about social media tools today than they are real barometers of professionalism and success. Having a Smartphone with an obnoxious ring tone is not cool and won’t make any points unless you Continue reading

Renato – Master Horologe Mostro MKII and XTR Diver

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Mostro MKIIRenato Master Horologe - Mostro MKII

The Creative Mind

His imagination is limitless,

Design and artistry head his success,

Audiences are truly captivated by his prolific spirit;

And he wears the dynamic Renato Mostro MKII Continue reading