Author / Book Contest

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Author book contest competitionContest Submission Deadline January 30th 2013
Winner will be announced Feb 11th 2013
Start Writing Your Backstory NOW!

Next Competition is Postponed – Watch for it Coming Soon.

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In the audio below Starley Murray discusses with JW Najarian the importance of the On Purpose Magazine’s Author / Book Contest and the authors Point of View (POV) or what is also referred to as the Back Story. How they relate to successful book promotions and how On Purpose Magazine can help you in your efforts toward marketing and promotion of you and your book.

jw and starley 01Starley Murray has made nearly 3000 television appearances over the past 10 years and has helped her clients with everything from plan to execution in promoting, marketing, selling and demonstrating their wares. She is a pioneer in her field and is in demand with celebrities, Fortune 500 companies and TV stations for the last 20 years.

Starley is called upon by stars from Inside Edition and the E! Channel and many celebrities like Brooke Burke, Tommy Lee Jones, Marie Osmond, and Eva Longoria.

OPM Founder JW Najarian and Image and Branding Consultant Starley Murry Audio to Introduce OPM Author / Book Competition Audio Player ►Right Click and “Save Link As” to Download File◄

jw and starley red carpetStarley’s plugged in to internationally recognized media events like the International Emmy Awards and has interviewed hundreds of celebrities behind the scenes and on red carpets.

I have also had the pleasure of helping Starley out on a National Book Campaign and she has worked with me to help produce our reports and interviews of celebrities for the Oscars 2012 at Night of 100 Stars and GBK Oscar Gifting Suites as well as a few Author 101 conferences.

The Contest


There is no history here . This is the first Inaugural On Purpose Author / Book Contest. On Purpose Magazine (OPM) wants to help writers that need to showcase their work, have that opportunity. currently interviews Authors, Speakers, Professionals and Celebrities on all types of subjects and is growing very quickly. OPM has built a site where people show up and that will allow content on OPM to be seen by a large number and a wide variety of people.

opm 1st place ribbonMission
Our mission is to support authors endeavors through recognition. Our goal is help emerging and established authors gain recognition, web presence and success. We hope to give every author who enters OPM Book Contest the ability to reach a larger audience so we post every entry online for the duration of the contest and then in our Archives section. We also feature a gallery of past winners and strive to hold a variety of high caliber book contests.

Our winner’s are published and interviewed for full page placement in the author section of OPM. Our magazine is distributed to thousands of readers and industry professionals across the US and major cities around the World.

Our goal is to give each winner of OPM Book Contest winners the most amount of  exposure we can give by utilizing our growing traffic base, featuring your work and sharing you with our large numbers of connections throughout the most popular social media platforms. This is not just about giving authors exposure, but also helping them get them promotional materials in line and to help them set up a strong foundation for their promotions going forward.

If you are promoting your own book you need to have a solid package, interviews and resources. Start Here.

What Are We Judging?

We will NOT be judging your book!?

That’s right… You wrote it. You published it. I can assume you believe your book is great. We will assume it is too.

Whether your book is good or not is probably not the reason you are or are not selling it.

The reason is that know one probably knows about it. If everyone knows about it and it is not selling then maybe it isn’t that great a book. I can’t help you there.

Sometimes exposure isn’t enough either.

You may be sharing your book out to everyone you know and every connection you make, but you still aren’t getting any movement.

So what does sell books?

A great story.

People buy from people they either know, trust or have some common bond with. Once a bond is established the number one greatest marketing phenomena can be accomplished.. Word of Mouth Sharing.

So how do you get there?

People have to get to know you and your work and it starts with getting to know you.

We call this the Author’s Point of View and or the Back Story. I use these term interchangeably, so please don’t get confused.

People want to know who you are and what makes you write and why you write what you write. People want to identify with who they interact with even more today than ever before. We are inundated with soulless crap spam constantly. We are bombarded with marketing and promotional messages from everywhere.

We are connecting with thousands of people on the web and yet we really don’t know all those people very well. We really want to connect with people and even the companies we buy from and do business with, on a deeper and more meaningful level.

Thus what we will be judging is the answers to four questions (see below) we have put together to really get to the heart of who you are, why you wrote your book and what your book is about.

The best submission that makes a compelling case about why we should buy and read your book will win.

I believe your back story or POV should be the foundation for all your promotions and marketing going forward so we want to help you put together the best interesting, compelling, intriguing or just plain cool or creative back story you can come up with.

Yes, of course some books sell based on the title or the picture on the cover, alone. So by winning this contest you will get your cool title and bitchin picture out in front of thousands more than you would usually, so we cover all bases 🙂

Winners Will Receive:

On Purpose Magazine’s Platinum Premium Promotional Interview Package.

button Platinum

Platinum: This package consists of

  • 30 minute phone interview
  • Personal Post Page for your interview, promotional and book information
  • Interview is shared on all OPM social media connections on publication and at various times throughout it’s published life on OPM
  • Interview will stay on OPM for 90 days and can be renewed for a monthly fee of $25.00
  • Cost $395.00 and $25 per month for each additional month you wish the interview posted over the initial 90 days.
  • Plus Extra Bonuses from some of our sponsors (See Below)

ENTRY FEE: $25 – Per Entry. (non-refundable) Secure payment with Credit Card through PayPal.

Just 3 Easy Steps to Enter

To See All On Purpose Magazine’s Author Promotional Packages [CLICK HERE]


What is Your Point of View (POV)?

Essentially the Point of View is the Back Story of the Book and the Author. This is the most essential part of the book marketing and promotional package you need to put together to start or continue marketing your book using all the different forms of media out there.

To get to what your Back Story or POV is we ask four (4) essential questions which will allow you to build the best promotional foundation you can.

What are the questions asked for the competition?

  1. Who Is The Author? Give Us Your Story, Background, History or something interesting that might tie you to the book.
  2. What Is This Book About? What is the theme? Give us a short Description of the Book and the Story.
  3. Why Did You Write This Book? What compelled you to write this book? Why You and not someone else?
  4. Why should someone read this book? Why should someone read this book and who should read this book? Who will this book entertain, inspire, educate, help……

For more information on what POV and Backstory is along with detailed instructions on how to write your story. [CLICK HERE]

Bonuses for our OPM Winners:

On Purpose Magazine has made many friends and associations over the last few years and we would like to thank the ones that have stood up here to help OPM help out authors. Our contest sponsors are wonderful companies that want to help you succeed.

Benchmark Email

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Benchmark Email will be awarding the winner of each contest a prize package worth over $200.00. This will allow the author to send up to 50K emails to their list along with 11 other power tools to help in your marketing or promotional campaign.

Benchmark Email’s, award winning email marketing software is trusted by over 100,000 users. Combining industry leading features with a simple to use online dashboard at incredibly affordable prices. This is the software I use and love for its amazing POWER and ease of use. For More Information on this bonus prize and Benchmark Email [CLICK HERE]

To find out more about BenchMark Email and Marketing and promoting your book using email campaigns go listen to our interview with Daniel Miller of Benchmark Email

Morgan James Publishing

logo Morgan James Morgan James Publishing in New York receives thousands and thousands of submissions. Morgan James Publishing has been a friend to OPM for some time and is offering a very special gift for the winner.

Morgan James will take a submission from the winner and put it at the top of their submission list.

This bonus is priceless. If you have had issues getting your work looked at you can rest assured that Morgan James will take a serious look at your work right away.

Yes it is can be great to self publish. It is less expensive, you have more control over quantities, you take a larger margin, but there are drawbacks and reasons why you may want to publish through a larger publishing company. So the good news is that everything is in your hands… The bad news is everything is in your hands often including distribution and on and on…

Morgan James Publishing: Helping Authors Grow Their Businesses.

Morgan James Publishing provides entrepreneurs with the vital information, inspiration and guidance they need to be successful.

A division of Morgan James, LLC, Morgan James Publishing, The Entrepreneurial Publisher™, and is reported as being the future of publishing.

Since its inception in 2003, Morgan James Publishing has grown from publishing six books per year to publishing over 100 front list titles each year.

With a backlist of over 1,500 titles, Morgan James Publishing can support and advise entrepreneurs through any challenge their businesses face.

Morgan James Publishing was ranked on the Publisher’s Weekly fast growing small press list for two consecutive years. “Morgan James makes an extraordinary effort to help its authors to grow their own business.” PW’s Lynn Andriani and Jim Milliot says.

Morgan James was even selected for Fast Company Magazine’s, Readers Choice, Fast 50 for their leading creative thinking, significant accomplishments and standing to have a significant impact on publishing industry over the next 10 years.

Morgan James Publishing has revolutionized book publishing – from the author’s standpoint. Their Entrepreneurial Publishing™ model enriches authors as well as the company. To get more information about Morgan James Publishing [CLICK HERE]

To find out more about Morgan James Publishing listen to my interview with co-founder Rick Frishman about getting your book published.

Mary Agnes Antonopoulos

logo mary agnesTo Be Announced! A powerful bonus from Mary Agnes Antonopoulos.

Jack Canfield used Mary Agnes Antonopoulos to go from 20K Likes to over 156K Likes on his Facebook Fan Page. Up till now Mary Agnes was like the best kept secret in the industry amongst people in the Social Media. She is a Social Media Powerhouse. mary agnes antonopoulos

Mary Agnes Antonopoulos, Social Media Strategist and CEO of Rockaway Writer

I am a well known social media strategist with 25+ years as a freelance writer. I’ve designed 50+ successful social media / branding campaigns for a variety of clients, including Panera Bread, Midas, Jack Canfield, Libby Gill, Christine Comaford, AT&T, Kelli Richards, and a long list of entrepreneurs, restaurants and authors.

A sought after Youtube Coach and Podcast Producer and recently she spoke at the Javits Center in New York City on Audience Building through Social Media. She also led the coaching team at Christine Comaford’s Business Summit.

Expertise and Special Services

  •  Social Media Strategy and Marketing
  • Social Media Trainer
  •  Sought after copywriter / ghost writer
  • Business Development
  • Email Marketing Campaigns
  • Other Internet Marketing
  • Youtube Coach
  • Traffic Builder
  • BlogTalkRadio Producer

Mary Agnes did a podcast with me about How to Use the Power of Video to Blow it Up in Social Media and we also talked about her Amazon Bestseller Track Program. This is a must listen to for authors looking to use social media to promote their book and brand.


The Blaine Group The winner of the On Purpose Magazine Author / Book Contest will also receive a one-hour personal consult with Devon Blaine, Southern California’s Publicist of the Year Award Winner.

Devon Blaine

In 2012 Devon Blaine, of The Blaine Group, was named Book Publicist of the Year by Book Publicists of Southern California, specifically for the international campaign The Blaine Group waged on behalf of Abbey Road To Ziggy Stardust by Ken Scott and Bobby Owsinski, Alfred Music Publishing.

In nine months, Ken Scott had more than 150 exposures: interviews, reviews, book signings, speaking engagements, etc., including coverage in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Post, WGN, ABC, NBC, events at the GRAMMY Museum, The Beatle Fest and more… in short, a wildly intensive and effective campaign.

The Publicist of the Year Award also recognized the body of work Devon’s agency, The Blaine Group, has implemented through the years including representing four best sellers: Nice Girls Do: And You Can, Too, by Dr. Irene Kassorla; On A Clear Day You Can See General Motors, by J. Patrick Wright; Meg, by Steve Alten; and Natural Cures “They” Don’t Want You To Know About, by Kevin Trudeau. Topics

Devon will discuss with the winner:

  • How To Market Your Book
  • How To Get / Choose Public Relations Counsel
  • Strategies On How To Get Noticed
  • Should You Do Book Signings and How To Get Them
  • Venues You May Not Have Thought of To Promote Your Book and How To Get Them
  • The Importance of Interviews, How To Prepare For Them and How To Get Them

To get more information on The Blaine Group and Devon Blaine go listen to the podcast we did together about her award, career and what having a PR Firm or Publicist can do for you.

Starley Murray

logo starley murray live shStarley Murray Bonus

One 60 Minute Customized Questionnaire Research & Review.

One 60 Minute Skype/Call Coaching Session

  • Celebrity branding secrets anyone can use to promote their book!
  • Discover how branding your image is different from sharing your book’s message?
  • Learn the top five techniques to developing your back story to promote your book!
  • Avoid the most common way you and your book can be negatively branded!
  • How to determine through brand development who will want to read your book and why!

FIVE Top 10 Check lists for On-Camera Image (50 Tips Total)

  • Photos and Props check list for On Camera
  • Body Language check list for On Camera
  • Wardrobe check list for On Camera
  • Hair Styling check list for On Camera
  • Men’s & Women’s Makeup check list for On camera

ONE Audio CD down load Image Equals Income – Communication & Networking Strategies

  • First Impressions
  • Effective Communication
  • Lasting Relationships
  • Rewarding Reputation
  • Personal Publicity

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Starley Murray Street Cred…

Starley has been on TV every single month for the past ten years with nearly 3000 appearances and has generated more than $1 Million in sales directly from her TV appearances and media productions.

She is a pioneer in her field and is in demand with celebrities, Fortune 500 companies and TV stations for the last 20 years.

Starley is called upon by stars from Inside Edition and the E! Channel and many celebrities like Brooke Burke, Tommy Lee Jones, Marie Osmond, and Eva Longoria.  Starley is also plugged into internationally recognized media events like the International Emmy Awards and has interviewed hundreds of celebrities behind the scenes and on red carpets.

Starley is regularly requested for coaching behind the scenes by the media for the American Idol try outs and often while on live television as a media correspondent!

Starley Murray Missions Statement…

Image is more than what you wear, Image is how you represent yourself in life is a statement Starley teaches and practices in her own life.

As a self proclaimed work in progress, Starley shares her challenges of growing up in a home of domestic violence with that of the everyday challenges that can occur in so many people’s lives and how we can fuel our successes with the experiences of our mistakes and challenges.

The world of media is a stage anyone can present their unique and important messages.

Starley supports the author, actor, CEO’s and others with a message of purpose and cause (wording she adapts in honor of On Purpose Magazine) in the sometimes complex and exclusive world of media and successful publicity. She is proud to share the same techniques her celebrity clients benefit from to make a difference and a positive impact in the world.

More Bonuses to Come!!! Enter NOW!

©Copyright 2012 Metta Media Group,

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