Tag Archives: wordpress themes

New Site Theme

OMG, I have been playing with new site themes all night.. How unproductive, but hopefully this one will do the trick.

WordPress.com just doesn’t have the functionality of WP.org.

Hope you like the new look. The content section is skinnier, but it looks real nice.


Getting Ready to Change the Theme on This Blog

JW NajarianGetting ready to work on JW360.net’s Theme.  I left up the temporary theme while moving all the content over from Networking Fools. It has been a bear, but it will be done soon. I have held up doing some interviews because they started to back up a bit, but I will have a bunch out soon.

I am going to start journaling as much as possible here as I want this content to feed Twitter and Facebook as opposed to putting separate stuff up everywhere. There are only so many friggen hours in the day man.

I hope you enjoy my ramblings as much as my interviews. If not, well that is OK too.

I will be playing with WordPress.com themes. If anyone has ideas on which one is best for featuring without losing the header, I am all ears.

Yet another road to discovery. I am now off to read Napoleon Hill’s Outwitting the Devil. Very good book, this is a keeper and I will be writing on it soon.