Tag Archives: turnaround

Spike Humer – 10 Day Business Turnaround

Spike Humer Business Acceleration and Turnaround Expert

If your in business and are an entrepreneur then you have probably heard of, or been to an event where Spike Humer has spoken. For over 25 years Spike has been at the forefront of formulating innovative business growth and explosive marketing strategies for entrepreneurs, small businesses and multimillion dollar organizations.

I have watched Spike speak on stage for years and over the last couple I have been fortunate to call Spike a friend. He in the top 10 business experts I have met that are truly authentic and have vital information to make grow, expand or just save your company from certain disaster.

If you want to grow or find yourself getting desparate and do not know how to turn your ship around, Spike Humer and his candid, no bull advice is probably just what you need to stop the insanity.

I always love to catch up with Spike when I can and on this call I decided to kill two birds with one stone.. Say hello and catch up and then record the rest of the call for this interview. I had a great time and Spike, as usual gave up some real golden nuggets. Thanks Spike – JW

Spike Humor

Spike Humer is a highly successful business executive, entrepreneur, seminar leader, and consultant with more than twenty-five years of real world, hands-on experience leading both public and private companies throughout North America. As an international speaker, business consultant, and growth strategist he changes businesses and lives worldwide.

Spike Humer International, a consulting and training firm, specializes in all aspects of…

  • Executive mentoring
  • Organizational Development
  • Performance Assessment
  • Corporate Restructuring
  • Business strategy and tactical execution
  • Strategic planning
  • Management Assessment
  • Leadership Training
  • Joint Venture Development
  • Marketing Strategist
  • Sales training
  • Corporate Turnarounds.

In addition to running/overseeing Spike Humer International, Inc., Spike served as the Chief Operating Officer and Chief Consultant for The Abraham Group and Jay Abraham who is considered to be one of the world’s preeminent marketing consultants and business strategists. While co-presenting and co-consulting with Jay Abraham, Spike Humer has been a major collaborator on The Abraham Group’s seminars, workshops, mentoring program, and private client consultations and transformations throughout Asia, Australia, and North America.

Jay Abraham had this to say, “Spike is probably the finest business performance enhancement specialist he has ever met and an utter master at finding the underperforming leveraging spots that is keeping your business from soaring.”

Spike has coached, counseled, consulted, and taught individuals and businesses in over twenty-three countries. He has appeared on the same speaking programs as such notable speakers as Chet Holmes, Mark Victor Hansen, T. Harv Eker, Stephen M.R. Covey, John Assaraf, Stephen Pierce, Rich Schefren, and many other industry thoughtleaders.

Widely regarded as a leading expert on business and personal change

Throughout his career he has designed, led, and implemented highly successful corporate turnaround and organizational restructurings for small-to-midsized organizations. His advice, guidance, and leadership has reinvigorated the image, reputation, and performance of companies and corporations using a “strategy of significance” and by creating a top-to-bottom culture of service, authenticity, and accountability.

Darren Stephens: was the founder and international chairman of the multimillion-dollar global business network, Mars Venus Coaching, and I have ownership in 5 other international businesses. As the author of 8 Bestselling books, I am widely recognized as an expert in the field of business management, marketing, internet marketing, self-development, hypnosis, NLP, Rapid Success Technologies, relationships and psychological transformation. In my international speaking engagements over the last 20 years I have shared the stage with

  • Richard Bandler
  • Tony Robbins
  • Jay Abraham
  • Tom Hopkins
  • Jim Rohn
  • President Bill Clinton
  • Dr. John Gray
  • Brian Tracy
  • Armand Morin
  • Dr John DeMartini

I’m mainly known around Australia for being the go-to-guy for “How To Write A Best Selling Book”, and with good reason…

CConsidering that over the past 18 years I’ve brought to market over 85 books, and many of them have become best sellers – So I know what I’m talking about in this area…

I’m mostly recognized for the worldwide success from marketing the popular book, “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus”. This may come as a surprise to you, but when John Gray first started looking for a publisher for the book “Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus”, he was told it would never make it, and…

Every single publisher they tried rejected the book and knocked it back…!

Around that time, John and I became business partners, and I implemented some creative “out-of-the-box” marketing strategies for the Mars Venus Brand. And the rest is history…

Now – That book has gone on to sell over 40 million copies, been translated into 54 languages, and sold in 149 countries. It spent six and a half years on the New York Times best-seller list between 1992 and 1998, and has done over a Billion dollars in sales.

10 Day Business Turnaround

Darren Stephens and Spike Humer, two of the world’s most Brilliant Business minds, reveal the secrets to How to Transform your Business and make it Survive and Thrive in any Economic Climate.

What separates companies in any economy, any market or any industry is your ability to adapt, adjust and execute. Business owners who know where they are, where they want to go, and then take effective action survive and thrive – those that don’t face extinction. Read this book, your future might depend on it.

This book contains hands-on, real-world, strategies designed to show you how to take control of your present and what to do to design your future for you – and your business. The decision is yours. Stay the course or take action now.

Why it’s CRITICAL & URGENT to implement a “Turnaround” before it’s too late…

It could simply be that, you believe your business is not living up to its true potential. It could also be that you want to understand clearly where your business is at that moment, where you want it to be in the future so that a concise plan of action can be developed to get it there.

Maybe you want to build you business up so you can sell out for a BIG PAY DAY – or maybe you want to take advantage of changes in the marketplace or of a new opportunity, or on completion of your own business-building practice.

The reasons why a business embarks on a turnaround plan are many and varied. However, it would probably be fair to say that during times of turmoil hardship, or a tough economy – for the vast majority of businesses, embarking on a turnaround plan is most likely so that it can survive. That is why we look at an extremely short time frame in which to achieve this. It should take you no longer than ten days to come up with a powerfully clear, concise, and actionable plan to transform the business.

If you have any doubt about your need to turnaround your business today, bear this in mind…

Sooner or later you and your business will have to change; “willing change” is better than “forced change.”

The best time to create a turnaround in either your life or your business is when you ‘can choose to’ and not when you ‘have to’.

Sneak Peak

Strategies, tactics, and tips on:

  • Why most businesses are destined to FAIL from the start and how not to be another statistic
  • Debunking the Myth of why business is hard in tough times! WRONG! – We’ll show you the competitive edge!
  • Discover the key “common denominators” behind almost every successful business (How to STACK the odds in your favour for success)
  • The three (3) pillars that make all the difference for successful business owners (It’s really simple when you know how)
  • How to spot a “business crisis” from a mile away long before it happens (Knowing this could save you from certain disaster)
  • What STOPS even the smartest business owner from doing what they know they should be doing (master this and you’ll laugh all the way to the bank)
  • WARNING! Sitting back and doing nothing different is the expensive road to take! (Especially if “where you’re at” is not “where you want to be”)
  • Have you built your business on a foundation of sand without knowing? Discover the “IRON BEAMS” of business for today’s market
  • Uncover the dangerous personalities that’ll poison your business in the shadows of darkness while your back is turned!
  • The 5 Key Questions you need to ask yourself for grasping the “Turnaround Mindset”
  • The crippling (costly) fear that most business owners would never openly admit to… but acts as an invisible ceiling on their income potential (chances are, you have this inbuilt fear without realizing)
  • Revolutionary “Turnaround Philosophy” on “CHANGE” and how to always have the winning edge over your competitors
  • FREE SPECIAL GIFT BONUSES to the value of $697 Just for showing up! Let us reward you for your vision and efforts!
  • Competitors? What competitors? Discover current (and proven) stealth marketing strategies that’ll leave your competition standing on the shore scratching their heads…
  • If you do something you love, the money will follow, right? WRONG! We’ll uncover the grey line between passion and profit
  • If you hate setting goals, but you know you should, then let us show you how to make this a simple, fun and rewarding process
  • The 6 “hard-hitting” & confronting questions you need to answer that’ll give you the harsh stock-take of your business
  • 10-Day Turnaround Action Plans and Checklists for your ULTIMATE RESULTS!
  • Breakthrough Leadership insights and strategies specifically targeted, flexible & supportive to your personality style!
  • FINALLY!! No more “outdated” old-school rigid Time-Management techniques that only work for a few weeks! See our advanced easyto- grasp time-mastery strategies (that actually work)

If you want the bonus audio course sent to you go to Spike Humor’s site and click on the book. You will notice the page is outdated, but you can still get the bonus. Spike says he will be revamping the site soon and apologizes for any confusion.

Click below for the Official Updated Book Page!

Spike Humer’s Site
Buy the Book and Recieve Free Audio Course
Business Breakthroughs Site

Spike Humer – Level Up! Rapid Business Acceleration System

Spike Humer Business Acceleration and Turnaround Expert

If your in business and are an entrepreneur then you have probably heard of, or been to an event where Spike Humer has spoken. For over 25 years Spike has been at the forefront of formulating innovative business groth and explosive marketing stategies for entrepreneurs, small businesses and multi-million dollar organizations.

Spike is the “Go-To” guy for scores of individuals and business owners around the world and when we heard that was starting a new program that took it up a notch, we really wanted to know more.

Between speaking and consulting trips to Europe, Australia and Asia, Spike took some time in California where we caught up with him. We have tried to get an interview with Spike for awhile and we are grateful that Spike graciously gave up some of his down time to make it happen.

spike humerInnovative Proprietary Systems

His proprietary systems for generating new profits and his results-proven advice have been sought after by success-seeking people in over thirty countries. Spike’s been credited with saving some clients from the brink of collapse, while helping others explode their performance to record- highs with his wealth of real-world-tested sales enhancement techniques, windfall profit strategies, and performance-enhancing marketing breakthroughs and concepts.

Featured Speaker

Spike’s been a featured speaker at seminars and business acceleration workshops throughout North America, Asia, Australia and Europe. Sharing the stage and program platforms with such luminaries and thought-leaders as Tony Blair, Jay Abraham, Chet Holmes, Stephen M.R. Covey, Mark Victor Hansen, T. Harv Eker, Loral Langemeier, Robert Allen, Rich Schefren, Darren J. Stephens, and many others Spike has been applauded for his straight-forward, “to-the-heart-of-the-matter” message.

When Jay Abraham (considered by many to be one of the greatest marketing minds ever) went looking for someone to help drive his and his clients’ businesses to greater levels of success and profitability, Spike Humer was the guy he turned to.

According to Jay, “Spike is probably the finest business performance enhancement specialist I have ever met and an utter master at finding the underperforming leveraging spots that are keeping your business from soaring!”

Jay abraham spike humerInnovative and Proven Practical Tips and Strategies

Spike’s proven business acceleration strategies have helped generate tens of millions of dollars in revenues for his clients and program attendees. He is renowned for creating quantum leaps in profitability and business performance–all in record time.

Spike’s “10-Day Turnaround Technologies” have engineered entrepreneurial success stories in dozens and dozens of industries the world over. His “Strategy for Significance” has helped his clients almost instantly earn the attention, trust, and profit-boosting relationships with their prospects and clients. Spike’s “Overnight Entrepreneur” methodology has put countless people on the path to financial-freedom and personal prosperity.

As a entrepreneurial advisor, small-business consultant, and turnaround expert Spike ranks among the world’s greatest thought-leaders and result producing advisors.