In Economic Equilibrium: Geomtry of Economics Ilya Kuntsevich Argues that all the current economic formulas are flawed and need to be rewritten using Geometry.
- What’s wrong with the economic system if it breaks down now and then?
- Should the modern economic theories, accounting principles, and financial models be relied upon going forward?
- Could we devise an alternative economic system, which would be whole and sustainable, and allow a crisis-like proof pace of economics?
- Could we design and build more intelligent tools and models in order to see the big picture and avoid future crises?
These are the questions tackled in Economical Equilibrium: Geometry of Economics by Ilya Vladimirovich Kuntsevich.
In this audio Interview Ilya talks about his book his ideas and how we can change the system to avoid crashes and financial ruin around the world.
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In the audio interview above, I got a chance to speak with the author Ilya Kuntsevich, an economist who wrote the book Economical Equilibrium, which brings up some tough questions and answers them.
I am sure that this book will really shake up the traditional economists out there, but Ilya shows us that the traditional model which is based on linear economic formulas and principles does not work in real life.
Ilya shows how, by using geometric three dimensional, more dynamic and less static formulas, the world can make the economic model work.
One of my more interesting talks and I have spoken with world economists from places like Devos think tank.
I believe if you care about what is going on out there, that you must check out this interview and his book. – JW
Ilya Kuntsevich
Ilya Kuntsevich is a successful entrepreneur and finance, tax and accounting expert.
Mr. Kuntsevich started his career in 1997 with Arthur Andersen / Moscow as a banking auditor, and transferred its U.S. office in Los Angeles to focus his skills on investment firms, and private and public banking institutions.
In 2002, Mr. Kuntsevich joined Ernst & Young to head its Financial Services Industry group in St. Petersburg and to start the banking Business Risk Services practice in Moscow. In 2007, he joined Madison Tyler Holdings in Beverly Hills, a very successful algorithmic-based trading company in the securities industry, and the following year he joined the prominent private equity firm Aurora Capital Group in Los Angeles, focusing on acquisition and conversion of distressed debt.
At present Mr. Kuntsevich is a managing partner and an economic advisor with Beverly Investment Group, which was founded in 2010, shortly after graduating from UCLA Anderson.
Mr. Kuntsevich holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from the State Finance Academy of Moscow, and completed his MBA at the Anderson School of Management at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA Anderson).
Mr. Kuntsevich is a California CPA (Inactive). He guest speaks in the UCLA Executive MBA series and Skolkovo business school in Moscow on the topics of marketing engineering and the application of mathematical models in projecting companies’ growth.
Ilya’s new book, Economical Equilibrium: Geometry of Economics, challenges economic status quo, and suggests a new method of modeling economics events, creating a path for global change.
Economical Equilibrium: Geometry of Economics
Modern economics is a focus of many people, especially in the aftermath of the 2007-2008 financial and economic crises.
Economical Equilibrium looks at economics in a novel way while providing a refresher of some key problems, demystifying key economic concepts that impact the lives of people worldwide.
A great read for those interested in macroeconomics, Economical Equilibrium suggests making changes in the fields of economics, accounting and finance, postulating that the current models are not only flawed and outdated but also do not account for unintended consequences. Kuntsevich’s recommendation is that these processes be unveiled with geometry and fractals in three dimensions rather than conventional linearity and perpetuity in two dimensions, thus challenging economic status quo.
Ilya’s intelligent discussion of complex systems successfully summarizes them and offers some simple paradigms which help the reader to see things differently.
Extracted from the section on fundamentals, “While we haven’t fully destroyed our planet yet and can still enjoy clean air and the natural beauty of parts of the world, drinking water, which used to be abundant to all of us, has become polluted in most regions, because we continue the mindless pursuit of economic growth without realizing that we keep doing it on the credit of Mother Nature without means of repayment.
Accounting rules do not allow recording a liability in this case, because we cannot account for something that didn’t yet happen… To date we have created nothing to be proud of – an unsustainable civilization, which uses all that Earth provides through ‘cannibalistic’ technology, slowly, but surely killing our planet.
We appear to be extremely ignorant children of Mother Earth, that gave us everything for free, but not only do we not appreciate it, we continue to choose harm over harmony in order to satisfy our selfish needs”.
To quote one reviewer, this “…book is mercifully short, concise and to the point about many of the superfluous asides all too common in other books tackling such complex but very important issues.”
Professor Roger Farmer of UCLA recently wrote, “My advice to students is this. […] [T]ake the time to absorb those ideas that are in the mainstream. The very best mainstream economists were the radical students who questioned authority when they were undergraduates. It is those economists who you must engage if you are to make meaningful changes that will advance our understanding.”
That’s what Ilya Kuntsevich has achieved in Economical Equilibrium.
Economic Equilibrium Video