Don Green’s New Book “Everything I Know About Success I Learned from Napoleon Hill”

don green shExecutive Director of the Napoleon Hill Foundation, Don M. Green Talks to OPM About His New Book

Everything I Know About Success I Learned from Napoleon Hill: Essential Lessons for Using the Power of Positive Thinking

Author, Speaker, Successful Entrepreneur and CEO of the Napoleon Hill Foundation Don M. Green spends some time with JW Najarian talking about his life, the foundation, Napoleon Hill and his new book which talks about lessons learned and implemented for success.

Don M. Green Talks About His Upcoming Book “Everything I Know About Success I Learned from Napoleon Hill” Audio Player ►Right Click and “Save Link As” to Download File◄

First thank you Greg S. Reid for introducing me to Don. Greg asked me how I got my interviews and I often answer “I called them”, but also in many cases. Exceptional people hang around other exceptional people and so I often get introduced by other interviews. So I told Greg that many interviewees introduce me to their friends and Greg immediately reciprocated with an introduction to Don.

That is how it works people. It is not enough to read, look, discover, research and the like… at some point you have to participate and I have to say that every successful person I have met is willing to do just that and more.

Don M. Green is no exception to that rule. Don has done every damn job you can think of. He was not afraid to get his hands dirty or to take direction or to push when no others would and you can hear his spirit in this interview.

I had a couple of really great calls with Don and hopefully I will get to meet him soon which is something I really look forward to.

At the time of this interview I had not read Don’s book, as it is was in pre-release, but and I am now digging into the PDF I got from Don and am getting excited as every page I turn shows sayings, quotes and great stories and no nonsense lessons. After getting to know Don,  I can tell you that if it is written by Don, you know it will be a wonderfully, colorful book full of stories that inspire, educate and amuse, and it turns out, it is… Thanks Don – JW

don m green 01 shDon M. Green

DON M. GREEN is currently the executive director of the Napoleon Hill Foundation.

Graduating with a BA (Accounting and Business) degree at the East Tennessee State University, Don Green went on to study advanced phases of banking at the Stonier Graduate School of  Banking at Rutgers.

With banking as his natural fl air, Don elevated himself from the bottom rung of the banking industry to become bank president and CEO—a position he served for nearly 20 years.

His meteoric rise in his career was matched by his diverse contributions to community and the commercial fraternity. His public offices spanned a spectrum that included educational institutions, hospitals, charitable causes, community service organizations, and arbitration boards.

He was president of his county’s Chamber of Commerce and president of the Foundation Board of the University of Virginia’s College at Wise—a position in which he still proudly serves. Don is also a board member of the UVA/Wise Board of Trustees.

His memberships include the Hoge Masonic Lodge, the Kiwanis Club, and the Shriners movement.

Don collected the Outstanding Citizen of the Year Award in 1996; the Sam Walton Business Leader Award in 1998; the William P. Canto Memorial Education Award in 1999; and the Volunteer of the Year Award (University of Virginia) in 2000.

Don organized and was successful in getting a 3-hour credit course, Keys to Success, included in the UVA/Wise curriculum based on the success principles of Napoleon Hill. Don taught the course for several years, and it is still a very popular course with students.

don m green napoleon hill success book authorEverything I Know About Success I Learned from Napoleon Hill

In 1937, Napoleon Hill changed the world with THINK AND GROW RICH. . . Now his legacy can be yours.

In 1937, one man changed the face of entrepreneurship forever with a single book.


Proceeds from the book go to the foundation

Napoleon Hill’s landmark Think and Grow Rich remains one of the biggest bestsellers of all time, with over 20 million copies in print and translated into more than 30 languages. Hill’s philosophy of personal achievement, wealth, and empowerment created millionaires the world over. At the present time, the principles behind Think and Grow Rich are more vital–and relevant–than ever before.

Are you ready to put the power of Napoleon Hill to work for you?

In this new book, the Napoleon Hill Foundation’s own executive director puts Hill’s essential principles right at your fingertips.

Filled with fascinating stories from Dolly Parton, Jeffrey Gitomer, Chief Poly Emenike, and Joe Dudley, Jr.–iconic figures who each applied Hill’s principles to their own lives, Everything I Know About Success I Learned from Napoleon Hill lays out the tools needed to uncover the secrets of growth, creativity, power, and achievement inside all of us. It’s an essential playbook for any business professional seeking the knowledge and inspiration necessary to discard fear and attain the goals of personal and professional triumph.

The author also details Napoleon Hill’s influence on his own success, growing up in rural Virginia and moving on to become a bank CEO at just 41 years old.

Everything I Know About Success I Learned from Napoleon Hill teaches you how to:

  • Utilize creative visualizations
  • Formulate actionable plans
  • Lift yourself out of the “rut of mediocrity”
  • Incorporate discipline and practice into your game plan for success

If you’re ready to apply Hill’s time-tested tools for success and make your dreams a reality using the original principles of personal achievement, this is the book for you.

“This book is proof that dynamite comes in small packages.” — Les Brown, noted author and motivational speaker

“Life lessons come in two forms: theoretical lessons and life experiences. In Everything I Know About Success I Learned from Napoleon Hill, Don has married the theoretical and the practical into one powerful tool. He weaves the timeless truths from the master, Napoleon Hill, with his own life’s experience of overwhelming success.” — Jim Stovall, bestselling author of The Ultimate Gift

“[Don Green] shares his brilliance and lifelong formula for success with you in Everything I Know About Success I Learned from Napoleon Hill.” — Sharon Lechter, coauthor of the Rich Dad Poor Dad series and editor, Napoleon Hill’s Outwitting the Devil

“Don Green has walked in the footsteps of, and sat in the chair of, Napoleon Hill and W. Clement Stone. That alone would not make him successful, were he not the consummate student, the tireless worker, and have the burning desire to succeed. Combine that with his wisdom and his ability to maintain the highest level of ethics. Don Green’s career has been a book that has fi nally come to life–a book that will inspire you to a thousand new thoughts, and a million new dollars.” — Jeffrey Gitomer, author of The Little Red Book of Selling

“Don has a simple way of sharing meaningful insights that make you want to stand up and cheer.” — Ron Glosser, former bank CEO and CEO of Hershey Foundation

Napoleon Hill Foundation LogoThe Napoleon Hill Foundation

Napoleon Hill was an American author who was one of the earliest producers of the modern genre of personal-success literature. His most famous work, Think and Grow Rich, is one of the best-selling books of all time.


nonprofit educational institution dedicated to making the world a better place in which to live.

Company Overview

Napoleon Hill was born in 1883 in a one-room cabin on the Pound River in Wise County, Virginia.
He began his writing career at age 13 as a “mountain reporter” for small town newspapers and went on to become America’s most beloved motivational author.

Hill passed away in November 1970 after a long and successful career writing, teaching, and lecturing about the principles of success. His work stands as a monument to individual achievement and is the cornerstone of modern motivation. His book, Think and Grow Rich, is the all time bestseller in the field.

Hill established the Foundation as a nonprofit educational institution whose mission is to perpetuate his philosophy of leadership, self-motivation, and individual achievement. His books, audio cassettes, videotapes, and other motivational products are made available to you as a service of the Foundation so that you may build your own library of personal achievement materials… and help you acquire financial wealth and the true riches of life.

5 responses to “Don Green’s New Book “Everything I Know About Success I Learned from Napoleon Hill”

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    • Like my own post? I love, love, love my own posts… LOL. I have not read the forums on whether or not it helps or hinders credibility or that it is a major faux pas… Is it? Not sure the problem or danger. Would love to know…

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