Laura Steward Atchison, Bestselling Author of “What Would a Wise Woman Do? Qestions to Ask Along the Way”
This interview with best selling author Laura Atchison could change your life. If you have issues that you can’t seem to resolve, you might be addressing them in the wrong way. Listen in and find out.
Interview with Laura Atchison – Asking the right questions
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Many of us are stuck in autopilot doing the same things day in and day out. Asking the same questions like what do I want for dinner, where should we go on the weekend and can I afford those shoes? These are not life changing questions, but often times we need answers to many tough life changing questions. Are you asking the right ones or are you not even asking the questions you need to?
When big problems come our way or big decisions we often tend to put ourselves in that same autopilot mode and only ask ourselves the questions that will suit the answer we want to hear or make us comfortable. If your questions are not making you uncomfortable then maybe you are asking the wrong questions. If your answer to the question “Should I quit my job?” is answerable only with a yes, no or maybe, then maybe it is the wrong question to ask.
I met Laura before she wrote this new bestseller. Since we both came from IT backgrounds we had a lot to talk about. Laura’s dream, when I met her at Author 101, was to write a book that would touch people and make a difference in their lives. I only knew her a short time, but just knew that she would do it. I wouldn’t have guessed that she would make bestseller, but after getting to know her better, I have to say, I never would have doubted if I did know her better.
Laura has run successful companies and helped others with theirs and she did it by first failing and then realizing that by asking herself the right questions and the hard questions, that she could be successful in her business life and, as it turns out, in her personal life as well.
As I often do, I focused the second part of the interview on Laura’s writing, publishing and promotional journey and Laura went into wonderful detail about exactly what she did to become a bestseller on Amazon.
I want to thank Laura for taking the time to try and help others and for her time, support and friendship. – JW
What Would a Wise Woman Do?
Questions to Ask Along the Way
Feeling stuck on autopilot, or totally off course?
What if you could go back to key points in your life and ask different questions of yourself and others to change where you are today?
Speaker, author, and entrepreneur Laura Atchison had it all–a great career, a successful business, ambitious goals, and a loving family–when she realized she was off course. Instead of achieving the life she was meant to live, she had been stuck on autopilot–plodding through the life others wanted her to live. By failing to ask the right questions of herself and others, her life had taken the wrong direction. Explore Atchison’s riveting and candid story to see the parallel struggles all women share–and the opportunities all women possess to learn and grow beyond their wildest dreams. Learn the right questions to ask in career, family, relationships, spiritual life, finances, and more.
Unlock the life you were meant to have.
Get back on course, and stay there.
Begin asking different questions starting today—as a Wise Woman.
Laura steward Atchison
Laura Atchison, known as America’s Question Lady™, is a speaker, author, coach, and entrepreneur known for guiding people towards greater fulfillment by changing the questions they ask.
She is the author of What Would a Wise Woman Do? Questions to Ask Along the Way, and founder of Wisdom Learned, LLC—a consulting company specializing in educating and inspiring entrepreneurial leaders to get off autopilot and find success.
Previously, Laura used her 29+ year experience in both Fortune 100 and small businesses to launch and sell her own highly-competitive IT company—garnering her recognition and coverage from national industry publications and associations as a leading provider of managed technology services.
Besides holding numerous technical degrees and serving on multiple charity and corporate boards, Laura holds a masters degree in management and organizational behavior. Her business and life philosophy gleaned from her diverse experience and lessons learned in the trenches is simple: Treat everyone better than they expect to be treated—while collecting and dispensing wit and wisdom to grow along the way. And always ask the right questions.
Contact Laura Atchison
For more about Laura’s speaking, coaching/consulting, and bestselling book, visit and
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Thanks JW. It was such a privilege to be interviewed by you and so much fun!