Monthly Archives: September 2012

Christian Drapeau Increasing Your Bodies Natural Release of Adult Stem Cells

Christian Drapeau Author of “Cracking the Stem Cell Code” and Chief Science Officer for StemTech International

Talks to us about their breakthrough product that increases your bodies natural release of the reparative adult stem cells.

OMG not another health breakthrough! I avoid these things as I get so many request for me to try someones product so I can help promote them.

OK so I show up at the W Hotel, in Hollywood and while sitting down and checking my emails in the lobby, an old friend Lisa Hill walks up and gives me a big hug and says she is glad to see me there. I was glad to see her also as between celebrity interviews Lisa and I have hung out and she is wonderful.

She asked me to stop by and check out their booth at the Emmy event and of course I did. Only to see a health product… Oh noooo.

Then I found out what it was. A nutritional product that naturally makes the body increase its creation of natural adult stem cells. OMG I was just reading on the astounding health breakthroughs were happening and will be happening in the future based on stem cell treatments. 

I was hooked and wanted to know more. They said there were studies. Not about stem cells… We know they work. The studies were about product. OK I love studies… Not to hep on testimonials. Anyway I had the Christian Drapeau call me at home to talk about the real science and studies. I didn’t want to report on another product that did not have proof that it worked.

I was astounded by the thought that I could increase the amount of stems cells in my body, for a fraction of the cost of injections, and that by taking this supplement every day, I could keep large amounts of stem cells in my body for much longer periods than the expensive injection.

I am trying out the SE2 product and DermaStem right now. I am not one to look for a product experience. If your diet sucks and you start taking supplements that give you nutrients you are not getting via the typical burger and fries than you will probably feel better and there is always the placebo effect. I do have to say I do feel better just knowing that I am allowing my body to do a better job at naturally healing itself.

I spend almost an hour on the phone with Christian and if you listen to this interview you will see why. This might be the most important breakthrough in personal health since we discovered antioxidants… I would actually dare to say that this would be more important

If you know anyone suffering health issues or you are yourself, you need to listen to this interview. Remember that your future health concerns are based on things you are doing right now. – JW

If you would like to hear StemTech’s CEO and Co-Founder Ray Carter talk about the business side of this product [CLICK HERE]


Christian Drapeau, MSc

Christian Drapeau – Adult Stem Cell Scientist, Speaker, Author

Christian Drapeau is a frequent speaker at scientific and business events worldwide, speaking mainly about the potential of Adult Stem Cell in health and wellness, as well as medicine.  He has lectured in Africa, South America, Asia, Europe, and North America. A featured Mensa national event speaker, he holds a BS in Neurophysiology from McGill University and a Master of Science in Neurology and Neurosurgery from the Montreal Neurological Institute

Christian Drapeau is America’s best known advocate for Adult Stem Cell research and the medical applications of Adult Stem Cells. He gained recognition when his breakthrough theory of Adult Stem Cells gained widespread interest across the scientific and medical communities.   His theory that Adult Stem Cells are nothing less than the human body’s natural healing system is being increasingly recognized by science, which is called to have a profound implications for every area of modern medicine.  Because of recent Adult Stem Cell research breakthroughs, the idea that many degenerative diseases affecting North Americans could become things of the past is no longer science fiction.

As Chief Science Officer at California’s Stemtech International, he currently works on methods to enhance Adult Stem Cell production and delivery, collaborating with scientists and laboratories around the world.  He is the author of the bestseller “Cracking The Stem Cell Code”.

Christian Drapeau is also deeply involved with projects of philanthro-capitalism through the One World Foundation, which he created in 2007.  He is currently working on the design, production, distribution and marketing of a unique clothing line, the Baan Unrak Conscious Collection, all hand-woven and hand made at Baan Unrak in Thailand, by mothers and Burmese refugees.   Baan Unrak is a Children’s Home is a small community where more than 150 children are being taken care of, educated and prepared as active citizens of the world.  Baan Unrak has been in dire needs of funding for many years.  This project is aimed at making Baan Unrak financially independent, as 100% of all profit coming from this endeavor goes to Baan Unrak.  T

he Suk Pants have been launched at the Fashion Week in New York, September 2012.

book cracking the stem cell code christian drapeau

Click Here for More Information

Cracking The Stem Cell Code

Updated Edition, 2013

Recent advances in stem cell research suggest a possible end to many diseases in our lifetime and that many profound advances in human health and wellness are just around the corner. Scientist and pioneering stem cell research advocate Christian Drapeau looks at what’s new, what’s real, and what’s next in this intriguing field.

Cracking the Stem Cell Code leaps past the financial and political controversy surrounding stem cell science to focus on the real story found in scientific literature. A recent Nobel Prize winning discovery affirmed what author Christian Drapeau has advocated for years: the role of adult stem cells in your body is nothing less than its natural healing system.

Christian explains the stem cell phenomenon in the reader-friendly manner that caused his prior book The Stem Cell Theory of Renewal to shatter all sales records for stem cell books. Adult Stem Cells hold the promise of miraculous wellness – Cracking the Stem Cell Code explains how.

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book stem cell theory of Renewal Christian Drapeau

For More Information Click Here

The Stem Cell Theory of Renewal

Demystifying the Most Dramatic Scientific Breakthrough of Our Time

Are the functions of Adult Stem Cells really the most dramatic scientific breakthrough of our times?

Visionary Stem Cell Scientist and Stem Cell Nutrition expert Christian Drapeau says “Absolutely Yes” as he explains the science and implications behind the body’s natural renewal system.

Adult Stem Cells in your bone marrow constitute the natural healing system of your body. Wherever there is an injury or damage to any organ, stem cells are released from the bone marrow. They migrate to that organ and become healthy cells of that organ, literally repairing the damaged tissue.

The implications of new developments in Adult Stem Cell science for health and wellness are mind boggling.

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The Stem Cell Nutrition Company® are pioneers in stem cell science, who have demonstrated that adult stem cells function as the natural renewal system of the body. Their products enhance and support the work of the body’s stem cells by releasing more stem cells, helping to circulate them in the blood and migrate them into tissues, where they can perform their daily function of renewal for optimal health.

Stemtech Scientific research is a cornerstone to the success of the Stemtech product line. Very few nutritional supplement companies invest the significant time and money it takes to prove the efficacy of their products. Some companies even try to point at our research and claim it as their own. Stemtech does research specifically on our own products, and publishes the results of that research in leading scientific journals.Our one-of-a-kind stem cell nutrition products have been designed to support your body’s adult stem cell physiology, providing you with an unmatched level of wellness, both inside and out.*

Many people do not realize that adult stem cells play a key role in the natural renewal of your body and are essential for the maintenance and repair of organs and tissue throughout your lifetime.

Due to factors such as age, stress, pollution and poor diet, there is a reduction in the release and activity of adult stem cells, which may lead to a decline in the natural ability of your body to maintain optimal health. Stemtech’s clinically studied stem cell nutrition line of products is designed to help support three most important aspects of stem cell physiology: the release, circulation and migrations of stem cells.

Stemtech’s products do not contain stem cells. They are composed of natural botanicals and other ingredients that have been clinically documented to support the performance of your own stem cells.

Stemtech’s line of adult stem cell nutrition products for humans includes SE2®, StemFlo®, StemSport®, ST-5 with MigraStem and DermaStem®. These products are designed synergistically, to provide you with the maximum results when taken together throughout your day. Don’t be fooled by imitators, Stemtech pioneered this exciting new supplement category, and is the only company with a full line of products that are clinically shown to support the body’s natural renewal system.

For animals, Stemtech has created StemPets® and StemEquine®. These products are created with the same high-quality standards as our products for humans.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Have a Pet? Checkout StemPets®

Advanced Formula is a natural stem cell enhancer for dogs and other house pets. It is the specially formulated pet equivalent of our patented stem cell enhancer (AFA Concentrate) for humans, documented to support the natural release of adult stem cells from bone marrow.

“Within two weeks of using StemPets Advanced Formula my German Shepherd’s hips were not as stiff and she started running like a puppy.”

– Jan A., IN
In a clinical study AFA Concentrate naturally increased the number of circulating stem cells in the body.Available in tasty chewable tablets, this high-quality nutritional supplement has been designed to meet the needs of dogs and other house pets.

Natural Renewal

StemPets Advanced Formula supports the natural release of adult stem cells from your pet’s bone marrow. Adult stem cells play a key role in the natural renewal process. Their primary role is to maintain and repair tissue. Scientific studies have shown that increasing the number of circulating adult stem cells in the body is an important aspect maintaining optimal health.

In addition to StemPets Advanced Formula, Stemtech’s animal product line includes StemEquine® Advanced Formula for horses. Stemtech’s line of stem cell nutrition products for humans includes SE2™, StemFlo®, StemSport® Advanced Formula, and ST-5 with MigraStem™. These products are designed to work together as a system to provide you with the optimal health.

To contact Christian Drapeau, to order or just get more information go to:

StemTech Site

Contact Christian Drapeau



NOTE: I really like this product and it’s business model and have joined as an independent representative. If you would like to purchase from me or join my team and work with me directly I welcome you and can not wait to speak to you further. Click Here to go to my personal StemTech webpage

If you are interested in the product, but want to find another rep please visit to get more information

Kaya Redford Using NLP and Timeline Therapy to Change Your Life

Kaya Redford NLP Expert Talks About Using NLP and Timeline Therapy to Drastically Change Your Life.

Kaya Redford has spent his life studying NLP from the Masters and he shares what he has learned with thousands to help them get rid of fear, anger, anxiety, self sabotage and all the emotions that hold you back from having a fully realized and happy life.

I first met Kaya about four or five years ago at an event he produced with Bob Proctor, to help people learn about the concepts of Napoleon Hill’s great book “Think and Grow Rich”.

I was invited to some of his classes to sit in and check them out and I was impressed with the depth of his teaching. He brought his classes through line after line of the book, not stopping till the class thoroughly understood what was being said and how it related to each of them in their own journeys to build a full, successful and better life.

Later on I heard Kaya, who had learned from the top NLP Masters, was teaching a course in NLP and how to use the science to help them in sales, business and again, in fulfilling their greatest potential.

I asked Kaya to let me into the class, which he always keeps small so he can give individual attention. He welcomed me in as that is the kind of person Kaya is. The class was, once again, amazingly full of great information and tools that he had everyone work out in class. Kaya never just speaks, he gets his classes fully involved. I learned a lot that day about the good of NLP as I was one of those that only thought that NLP was used to convince people to buy stuff they really didn’t want.

I have wanted to get Kaya to do an interview with me for the longest time, but we have never been able to get the two of us in sync with schedules so I am so happy that we finally got him to give us some of his very precious time.

The call quality is not what I would have liked, but I did not want to reschedule this one because I believe what Kaya has to say will help a lot of people.

Kaya thanks for your time and the wisdom you shared that made this a great call.  – JW

KAya Redford

IMDb Mini Biography By:

Kaya Francis Redford has been honored with the title “Award Winning Director” for “Homeless In America” a Hi-Def Documentary, he produced and directed, on the plight of the homeless with interviews from the Los Angeles Police Chief, Los Angeles Mayor, CEO of LA Mission, KCAL 9 News Anchor and a great cast comprising of star celebrities and homeless individuals. Homeless In America was selected at the New York Independent Film & Video Festival, and won the Best Social Documentary Award in September, 2004 in New York.

Kaya Francis Redford was born and raised in the USA and educated in several countries around the world including, Spain, France, Algeria & England and now resides in Southern California. Kaya attended one of England’s most prestigious private schools where he not only captained the RUGBY team but was a great student as well, finishing in the top 1% of the Nation. After 8 years of British schooling, he took a break from calling everyone “Sir” and went back into the American system, studying at Richmond in London and UCLA with a background in Marketing and Advertising.

Kaya is presently working on several media projects for film and television.

Kaya Redford studied NLP with the founders of NLP, Richard Bandler and John Grinder and has been teaching and speaking on the subject to many fortune 500 companies and organizations over the years.

The Next Event will be this weekend


Sat, Sept 29  11 am-2pm at the Hilton Hotel in Pasadena, Ca
Tickets are $119 off but if you mention code: Kaya Experience, you get $100 off, so it’s only $19.

Limited seats left
Call now 310.871.6191

Neuro linguistic Programming (NLP)

From Wikipedia

Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is an approach to communication, personal development, and psychotherapy created in the 1970s. The title refers to a stated connection between the neurological processes (“neuro”), language (“linguistic”), and behavioral patterns that have been learned through experience (“programming”) and can be organized to achieve specific goals in life.[1][2]

The founders of NLP, Richard Bandler and John Grinder, say that NLP is capable of addressing problems such as phobias, depression, habit disorder, psychosomatic illnesses, and learning disorders.[citation needed] Their stated aim was in “finding ways to help people have better, fuller and richer lives.”[8][9] Bandler and Grinder claimed that if the effective patterns of behaviour of exceptional people could be modeled then these patterns could be acquired by others. NLP has been adopted by private therapists, including hypnotherapists, and in management workshops and seminars marketed to business and government.[10][11]

From Kaya’s Site:

WHAT EXACTLY IS N.L.P.? (Neuro Linguistic Programming) A way of thinking and a set of skills that’s easy to understand, which gives you more focus, self confidence, power to make good decisions, directions, ability to create wealth, productivity, less procrastination, faster progress and success in any area of your life.

It has been studied and used by the world’s top leaders including Former Presidents: Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, President Barack Obama as well as Real Estate & Business Tycoons: Donald Trump, Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey and Richard Branson. Fortune 500 Companies: Bank of America, New York Life, Century 21, Keller Williams, ACN, Xerox, British Telecom (HDI-IT) as well as many private firms and law firms have received our Quantum Leap NOW N.L.P. Trainings and have achieved outstanding success as a result. It is a very powerful tool to create change in others whether in business, professional sports, as a parent or as a coach.

Timeline Therapy

I know nothing about Timeline Therapy, but I do know the power of the reactive mind and if Timeline Therapy techniques can help change the reactive mind, then I am interested. – JW


The therapeutic process called Time Line Therapy is a methodology in which a series of techniques are used to bring about changes on an unconscious level and alter behavior. The intention of this therapy is to help individuals refrain from being reactive to present situations based on past experiences. Time Line Therapy is a reprogramming process that releases the effects of negative experiences and helps a person let go of past influences.

From Kaya’s Site:

Time Line Therapy allows you to go back to the “root” cause of a problem and heal an issue which is blocking you. Imagine for a moment that you had inside you a time machine that allows you to go backg, revisit & heal stuff from the past. When you heal the past through Time Line Therapy, you release all anger, sadness, fear, hurt, guilt, shame, resentment, jealousy, rage, irritation and any other negative emotions. All the while, you clear a path to go forward in your timeline & set goals that you’ll achieve in your future.

Also releasing issues from the past with Time Line Therapy allows you to change your limiting beliefs in the present moment to empowering ones that launch you to QUANTUM LEAP NOW IN YOUR SUCCESS! GREAT NEWS!!

The Prince of Wales, The English Royal Family and England is endorsing Neuro Linguistic Programing (NLP) & Time Line Therapy (the same techniques I use & teach) as the methods to heal soldiers returning from Afghanistan in emotional pain including including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Take a moment to read the link below, the UK is using the techniques that is Kaya’s expertise, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) & Time Line Therapy®.

As you know or perhaps did not know, Kaya was trained by the founders of N.L.P. & Time Line Therapy® and is continuously updated on new techniques by them, personally. Here is the article link: “The 10th February 2010 was a historic day for The Warrior Programme as it played host to His Royal Highness, The Prince of Wales. The Warrior Programme is a three day programme with ongoing monthly support meetings which addresses unresolved emotional pain such as anger, sadness, fear,hurt and guilt.The Programme uses well known therapeutic techniques including Neuro Linguistic Programming(NLP), Time Line Therapy® and Huna.”

For a Complimentary 2 Hour Workshop, Call 310.871.6191 and register. So go ahead and take ACTION RIGHT NOW by calling 310.871.6191.

To contact Kaya or get more information:
Kaya on YouTube
Kaya on Facebook


Personal Note from the interviewer:

There are many who challenge NLP as pseudoscience and I would not argue with many of the findings of the studies which have been done, but I always believe the often there is no black and white. The truth is often somewhere in the middle.

What I do know is that the masters of marketing are using and have used NLP for many years. I have been to many many conferences with some of the greatest speakers and sales people in the world and they care about the numbers they sell to. They are continually testing techniques to sell more or to build better rapport with their audiences and they throw out what does not work, but these speakers and marketers continually use NLP concepts and techniques over and over again so, to me, this points to the probability that there are NLP techniques that work and can be very powerful.

There is no mysticism about NLP and not all the techniques will work with everyone in every situation. It is a tool that systematizes our responses in order to better communicate to your audience, clients or relationships.

I am no expert so that is my opinion. I have used a few NLP techniques to help clients get to a comfort level with me very quickly. I use mirroring and have found that it works extremely well. I have also used the anchoring technique and found that it worked, but I do not use it as it is not a technique that feels natural to me though I know many that love that technique.

Kaya’s NLP course went so much farther into how people react to different situations and how you can use these reactions to open up communications to their fullest potential.

With all things, check out the facts, not the hype and try things for yourself. Do not let the noise of other’s opinions drown out who you are. Remember it isn’t alsways about what we know or about what we do not know, but more about what we do not know that we do not know. – JW

Jorg Gray American Watch Makers at GBK Gift Suite for the Emmys

jorg grayJorg Gray American Watches “Changing the Way You See Time”

Jorg Gray Watches, The Fastest Growing Watch Company,  showed their unique timepieces at the GBK Gift Suites for the 2012 Emmys

An American watch company with a European sounding name, but they are all American. One of their watches (Model JG6500), given as a gift, is worn by President Elect Barack Obama.

I got the chance to speak with Mark Gurdus, the VP of International sales for Jorg Gray (pronounced Your Gray), about their their beautiful and wonderfully unique timepieces, which are worn by many celebrities and clients that enjoy wearing quality timepieces. 

These watches are well made with casual, sports and luxury designs for all tastes and almost all are water resistant to over 300ft. These are good watches and run from around $250 to $1000 Their signature watch is the JG6500, but don’t forget to check out the Limited Edition watches…Very Nice!

I had a real great time with Mark and he allowed me to feel presidential for one minute as I got to wear the model Obama wears for the interview. Thanks Mark – JW


Jorg Gray

Founded in 1998, Jorg Gray has expanded from an American specialty private-label watch company to a worldwide brand.

Revered for its fashionable timepieces, Jorg Gray continues to create modern, yet timeless, watches while maintaining a respect for traditional principles of precision and attention to detail.

The brand’s visually striking, boldly designed watches combine styling, materials and colors that appeal to today’s discerning customer.

For More Information

Ashley Ennis
Barokas Public Relations for Jorg Gray
+1 206.264.8220

Thanks to GBK Productions – Gavin and his great staff. As always you host the best.

GBK Productions is one of the best ways to showcase and promote your products or services. Click on the GBK logo for more information.

Randy Gage – Risky is the New Safe – Book Release

Randy Gage,  the Millionaire Messiah, Releases His Ninth Book and Most Controversial Ever!

Randy Gage - Risky is the New Safe 3d

Randy’s Rants, His Blog, his speaches… Randy does not shy away from controversial conversations about religion, politics or especially about prosperity as Randy feels it is a sin to be Poor. His 9th Book Risky is the New Safe is his boldest yet and will surely be a classic for a new age.

I have been following Randy for many years, since I first heard him speak to around a thousand people at a conference. He is a great speaker, funny, inspiring, smart and wise.

I especially love his no fear, straight talk, sense of humor and his lessons in how to build sales, teams, community….. and about what it takes to have a successful and prosperous life.

I am elated to have been chosen by Randy to be one of a small few that got a chance to receive a gallery copy (pre-release copy) of his new book which is not being released till October 30th. This book is really what we need right now. I cannot say I agree with it all, but I am a Randy Gage believer and this book did not change my mind. It actually helped me clarify a few things I need to do and it put a real fire under my ass to do some things I was not doing.

The book, “Risky is the New Safe”, is the Randy Gage I so loved so much from his book “Why You’re Dumb Sick and Broke and How to Get Smart Healthy and Rich”.  The advance buzz on this book is ridiculous and amazingly huge. I believe this is a book you will be buying for your friends and family.

Many may describe this book as irreverent and very way out there,  and it is meant to be. Not for shock value, but because Randy believes the playing field has changed so much that we need to get real and be able to change our “out of date” thinking now or possibly peril. 

We have seen technology change things for the better and the worse in a very short time and Randy believes that, not only do we need to embrace the change, but we have to get extremely creative and change our way of thinking and looking at the world, if we want to be successful in it.

This book will be called many things. A game changer, a look at the future or even crazy talk, but whatever you believe you will be changed by this book as once a mind is stretched, it is hard to put back.

One thing I know for sure is that Randy Gage doesn’t say things he does not mean and he explains in great detail why he believes what he is predicting and what you need to do to take advantage of the incredible changes yet to come.

Get ready to Zig while others continue to Zag.

I can only imagine Randy’s schedule for this book release, so I so thank him for giving me some of his personal time to give me this interview. Randy tells it like it is, in his new book and in this interview. Thank You Randy – JW

Randy Gage - Risky is the New Safe 3dRisky is the New Safe

Is…. Brash, Controversial, Thought-Provoking

This is a different kind of book for a different kind of thinking.  It’s a thought-provoking manifesto for risk takers.  Disruptive technology, accelerating speed of change and economic upheaval are changing the game.  The same tired, old conventional thinking won’t get you to success today.

Risky Is the New Safe will change the way you look at everything!  You’ll view challenges – and the corresponding opportunities they provide – in entirely new and exciting ways.  You’ll recognize powerful new gateways you can walk through to create wealth.

In this mind-bending book you’ll discover:

  • How mavericks like Steve Jobs, Richard Branson and Mark Cuban, think differently – and what you can learn from them;
  • The six-month online course that could allow you to earn more than a Ph.D.;
  • How social media changes branding and marketing forever, and what that means for you;
  • What happens when holo-suites and virtual-reality sex come about, and how you need to prepare;
  • The New Religion of Ideas:  How to become an “idea generator” and declare as a free agent; and,
  • What will cause the Euro, precious metals, and oceanfront real estate to collapse – and how that can make you rich!

I’ll warn you up front, the book will be controversial to some.  Randy attacks anything that holds you back from success, including government propaganda, conventional wisdom, and other limiting beliefs.  He didn’t write Risky Is the New Safe to tell you what to think.  He wrote it to cause you to think.

I don’t expect you to agree with everything you read in there – and would be surprised if you did. It’s for people who love intellectual discourse, challenging ideas, opposing viewpoints and honest and respectful discussion of the issues surrounding what it takes to be successful today.

Check out the book and get more information from Randy by clicking the button above. You can also Pre-Order a Copy Now…

Here is what others that received a pre-release  are saying!

“Holy crap, I love this book! It’s smart, entertaining and best of all, made me re-think my life and my business.  That’s a winning combination I find irresistible.  Don’t hesitate to buy this book and put it to use in every aspect of your life.”
— Larry Winget
Five-time NYT/WSJ bestselling author, including the #1 bestseller, Shut Up, Stop Whining And Get A Life!

This remarkable, fast-paced book opens your mind and imagination to the incredible opportunities that appear around you when you change your perspective.” — Brian Tracy
Author, The Power of Self-Confidence

Risky is the New Safe is eye opening, mind blowing and gut real. It gives you a step-by-step blueprint for succeeding in today’s new world. If you are an entrepreneur, a business person or want to create wealth in your life you HAVE to read this book!”
— T. Harv Eker
Author, N.Y. Times #1 Bestseller, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

This is your go-to business page-turner! Randy’s forward-thinking concepts embody my own business ideals for driving success within organizations: take risks, no one’s going to die!” — Jeffrey Hayzlett
Global Business Celebrity,
Bestselling Author, Sometime Cowboy

Read this book. But, before you do, suspend what you already believe is true about the way the world is and operates. You are about to learn what ‘critical thinking’ is all about, why risky indeed is the new (and perhaps, only) safe, and how it can make you wiser and more prosperous. The good news is that – in typical Randy Gage style – it will be fun, entertaining, and just sarcastic enough to keep you riveted to every page. Get out your pen and highlighter…you’re gonna’ need it!”
— Bob Burg
Co-author of The Go-Giver
and author of Endless Referrals

Couldn’t take my eyes off this, great freaking book!  Risky is the New Safe is a combination of Buffet, Springsteen, Rand, and Patton. Randy Gage is the ranking intellect of prosperity in our time, and only Luddites will ignore him. He has, yet again, written of the promise of abundance, the appeal of change, and the vast value of new and emerging relationships. There’s nothing risky about buying this book except forgetting to do anything else while you’re engrossed in it.” — Alan Weiss, Ph.D.
Author, The Consulting Bible and Thrive: Stop Wishing Your Life Away!

Relevant, challenging and thought-provoking.  This book is a must-read for entrepreneurs.”
— Ken Dychtwald, Ph.D.
Author of A New Purpose: Redefining Money, Family, Work, Retirement
and Success

I think I held my breath through the entire first chapter. Randy paints a vivid picture of an exhilarating future if we heed his warnings and a terrifying one if we don’t. Reading this book is the safest bet you’ve got.” — Kyle Maynard
2-time ESPY Award winner and author of NY Times bestseller No Excuses

Riveting! A homerun! Gripped me from the first pages and expanded my mind while entertaining me too. I love this gem!” — Joe Vitale
Author, Attract Money Now
and Hypnotic Writing

I couldn’t put it down! In fact, I found myself racing through each page because I couldn’t wait to find out what was coming next.  My next reading will include a highlighter and my journal so I can incorporate Randy’s life changing thoughts into my life on a daily basis.  This book inspired me, challenged me and motivated me to think differently and take my mission to a much bigger level.  I will be sharing it with all of my peers.” — JJ Virgin
Celebrity Nutrition & Fitness Expert
Bestselling Author,
TV Personality & Speaker

No wonder this book has more buzz than any other this year!  It’s breathtaking, brilliant, and bold – a textbook for creating your prosperity and success.”
— Art Jonak
President, Network Professionals, Inc.

Once you read – and more importantly apply  – the ideas contained in Risky is the New Safe, it will be impossible to go back to your old ways of thinking. Randy Gage will free your mind from the shackles of outdated thinking and give you tools that will enable you to navigate the greatest paradigm shift we are now in with the deftness of a Jedi Master. This is an outstanding work.”
— James Trapp
President and CEO
of Unity Worldwide Ministries

Read More Testimonials…

Randy GageRandy Gage

“I believe you were born to be rich, people are meant to be inspired, and conventions should rock.

I believe a blog can change the world and a speech can change a life.

I believe safe is the new risky, boring is criminal, and pitchers should hit.

Call me a philosopher, a Jedi Knight or the millionaire messiah, just don’t call me late for dinner. I like hot cars, warm beaches and cold Dr. Pepper. Quiet confidence and loud ideas are sexy. When I’m not prowling the podium or locked in my lonely writer’s garret, you’ll find me playing 3rd base for a softball team somewhere.

I believe in my work, because I believe in you.”

From Amazon

There is probably no one on earth better qualified to help you reach more success in MLM than Randy Gage. His Duplication Nation (formerly How to Earn at Least $100,000 a Year in Network Marketing) is the top selling training album in MLM, and his Escape the Rat Race is the #1 recruiting tool in the business. His resources have been translated into more than 15 languages and sold in the millions around the globe.

Randy helped introduce Network Marketing in places like Slovenia, Croatia, Bulgaria and Macedonia. He’s been a company VP of Marketing, and served as a consultant to numerous companies, designing compensation plans, creating marketing materials and developing duplicable systems for them. Randy has conducted training for the finest companies in the industry, and spoken in more than 35 countries.

Through his coaching programs and private consulting, Randy has helped the top income earners in numerous companies. He has arguably trained more MLM millionaires than anyone alive today. But most importantly, Randy teaches from real-world experience, earning millions of dollars as a distributor.

Randy has conducted thousands of training programs and presented thousands more opportunity meetings. Several years ago he dusted off his white board and starting from scratch he quickly rose to become the #1 income earner in his company worldwide. He knows what is working in the marketplace right now, and he’ll teach you exactly how to reach mega success in these conditions.

Randy has made his money, and continues to work only for the challenge and to support his personal enrollees. He has achieved the perfect balance between work and life. When he’s not drawing circles, you’ll find him playing 3rd base for the South Florida Carnivores, riding his bike, racing cars, or collecting comic books. His guilty pleasures are Sci-Fi, Krispy Kreme, and watching Project Runway. Randy splits his time between Miami Beach, Sydney, and Paris.

Why you are Sick, Dumb and Broke

And How to Get Smart, Healthy and Rich.

This groundbreaking self-help book reveals the secrets of manifesting health, happiness, and prosperity in your life—but not in a way you’ve experienced before. Blunt, outspoken, and brutally honest, Randy Gage shoots down the forces that hold you back and keep you dumb, sick, and broke, and shows you how to take action to get smart, healthy, and rich.

Randy Gage Site
Randy’s Rants
Randy’s Blog

Twitter @Randy_Gage

Shuttle Fly Over at JPL

Photo from San Jose Mercury News

You won’t find a video here or pictures cause I forgot to hit record.

Such a bummer, but what a wonderful spectacle! The shuttle, strapped to the back of a 747 just passed over my head and it was amazing. just wish I would have pushed record!!

Elayna Fernandez How to Position Yourself as an Expert

Elayna Fernandez Author, Speaker, Mom, Social Media Expert and Successful Business Women on Positioning Yourself as an Expert  also a special offer for the More Power! Conference

Elayna “Mom Entrepreneur of the Year” talks at length about positioning yourself as someone clients come to. Elayna teaches that success is a process and with the new technologies you need to discern or distinguish yourself to stand out from the crowd and get business.



Listen to Elayna Speak Live with Bob Bare and 8 Very Important Speakers Including Bill Gates, Michael Dell and Steve Jobs Marketing Teacher Jay Conrad Levinson

September 20-23, 2012
at the Crowne Plaza, Dallas Texas

Register for Extreme Leadership Summit

I met Elayna at Author 101 a few years back and was immediately taken by her drive and intelligence. Elayna is all of 4’9″ tall and a striking women. I can only guess that this had to be an issue with businessmen and women, taking her seriously. She also has an accent so that added to her challenges.

Where Elayna succeeds is in her drive, vision, passion and willingness to take measured risks. I say measured because Elayna is also a single mom and so she, like any single mom, needed to make sure she could support her daughters. She didn’t do it overnight, but in the short time I have known her she has gone from having drive to being fully alive.

Elayna has written two books, she runs several organizations, she works with people like Jay Conrad Levinson and many other thought leaders and teachers she once only studied.

She is an expert at social media and especially on how to position yourself as an expert in your field so that people who have not met you, take you seriously. Many people talk about positioning and the difference with what Elayna teaches is about how to tout yourself as an expert and stay in integrity at the same time.

Elayna is speaking at the More Power Live Conference in Dallas September 20-23, 2012 at the Crowne Plaza, Dallas Texas. See the details below and register today.

This is a great interview everyone should listen to. Also thank you Elayna for hooking me up with an interview with Jay Conrad Levinson. – JW

Elayna Fernandez

Who is Elayna… Here she is in her own words….

I am Elayna

I was born and raised in lovely San José de Ocoa, in the Dominican Republic. I am the proud happy mother of Elisha and Elyssa, proud member of a loving and affectionate family, proud sister of 4 younger amazing siblings. I love people. I love animals. I love the Earth. I love me. And I love YOU.

My philosophy is “Be Positive and You Will Be Powerful!“. I am passionate about Positive Thinking, Inner Peace, Gratitude, Faith, Joy, and Personal Growth.

My mission is to GROW and LET GROW: to learn from life experiences, to know that life happens FOR me and not to me. I want to share my love, joy, and all gained wisdom with everyone I connect with. I invite you to join me!

My love for children and my passion for motherhood guided me to create MOMtivation, a place to read, share, learn, connect and be inspired. I also founded as well as a non-profit organization, The Positive Mom Foundation, with the purpose of fostering a positive life for families and future generations, and spreading my motto “You cannot share what you don’t have.”

Professionally, I am a bestselling Author, an International Speaker, and a Success Guide. Learn more…

In business, I develop products and services that allow entrepreneurs to utilize the web to its fullest potential. My books and programs help you create online visibility, increase branding awareness and facilitate business growth. My award winning “Social Media Empowerment Live” workshops and “Social Media Success Made Possible” book are example of my dedication to making this a reality.

My favorite activities in life include spending quality time with my family, smiling, hugging, laughing, learning, reading and writing books, cooking healthy meals, family prayer, teaching, dancing, singing, listening to music, yoga, helping others, and meeting happy people.

Some of my mentors and clients include Les Brown, Brian Tracy, Tony Robbins, Jack Canfield, Richard Flint, Mark Victor Hansen, and Michael Bernard Beckwith.

Elayna Fernandez BookMarketing Success Made Possible

In very simple language and a friendly approach, Marketing Success Made Possible will teach you EXACTLY how to identify, avoid and correct the 10 MOST COMMON DEADLY MISTAKES that business professionals make when marketing and developing their personal or corporate brand. In addition, you will learn:

The Basics of Branding and Marketing to Get Started on the Right Path.

The Keys to Develop a Winning Consistent Brand Online and Offline.

How To Differentiate Yourself From Your Competitors And Position Yourself As The Market Leader.

Effective Marketing Strategies That Save You Time And Make You Money.

How To Identify Your Niche, Attract Pre-qualified Leads and Get More Referrals.

Why Facebook, Twitter, YouTube And Blogging Are Marketing MUSTS.

Easy Secrets to Marketing Success Anyone Can Implement RIGHT NOW! Get Access to your FREE copy!

Social Media Success Made Possible

Wouldn’t you like to craft a winning strategy that would get over 800 million people talking about…and buying…your brand?

Social Media Success Made Possible is a “how to” manual with all the fundamentals, and a road map to success. Full of Social Media Tactics you can implement immediately, “Social Media Success Made Possible” will quickly increase your credibility, exposure, web traffic, and leads…FAST. Follow the detailed blueprint and you can’t help but expand your audience of friends, fans, and clients. Oh, yes…and get more SALES!

Use Social Media to Brand Yourself And Stand Out From The Crowd.

Expose your business to MILLIONs of people online.

Build A Powerful Following and Attract TONS of Leads.

PROFIT Massively from Your Social Media Efforts.

Position Yourself As THE Business Expert In Your Profession In Your Area And Get Paid MORE For Your Services.

Have a Social Media Presence Without Spending LONG Hours In Front Of Your Computer Monitor.

Save Money in Marketing and Advertising By Doing It Yourself.

Get your copy! 

More Power Live Conference


Listen to Elayna Speak Live with Bob Bare and 8 Very Important Speakers Including Bill Gates, Michael Dell and Steve Jobs Marketing Teacher Jay Conrad Levinson

September 20-23, 2012
at the Crowne Plaza, Dallas Texas

Register for Extreme Leadership Summit

What will you learn at More Power! LIVE?Bob Bare, 40+ year experience serial entrepreneur,
will share how he grew his sales $0 to $2.7 Million
in the Worst Economy Ever!He has also carefully selected world-class experts who are practitioners, teachers and mentors who care about YOUR success!

Here’s a sample of what you’ll learn, discover and experience at More Power! LIVE:Your Road Map To Success [Bob Bare and Odell Stunkard]

  • How You Can Attract Stampedes of New Customers – Step-by-step plan revealed live for the first time in the U.S.
  • How to Maximize Your CASH-FLOW (Not Just Revenue). Forget the losing model of “Growing-Growing-Gone” that costs more than you make and sends your business into an early grave.
  • The Overlooked Secrets of “The Perfect Business” that Pays You in PROFITS and FREEDOM. Yes, you can have your cake and eat it, too (work less and make more). We’re living proof. And we’re unveiling ALL!

…And many more practical ways to explode your income and carve out a life of freedom and satisfaction in the months and years ahead!Guerrilla Marketing [Jay Conrad Levinson]

  • Marketing Vs. Guerrilla Marketing – a concise, eye-opening explanation that will forever change the way you promote and generate new business
  • The 19 Secrets of Guerrilla Marketing – You could spend months trying to distill the wisdom from a dozen top business books – or – you can spend that time enjoying the fruits of these 19 secrets that have already produced billions of dollars in sales and profits
  • The The 7-Sentence Guerrilla Marketing Plan – Don’t waste months writing a 30-page plan. And don’t you dare make a move with no plan at all. Steal Jay’s 7-sentence plan and profit from it immediately

..and more!!!!!Make More Working LESS! [Loral Langemeier]

  • How to turn your existing skills and passion into a perpetual cash machine – in as little as 2 hours a week with zero money out-of-pocket.
  • How to easily melt price resistance and double or triple your income
  • Hear how Loral (in her early 20′s) landed a Multi-Million Dollar contract promoting health on oil rigs by simply replacing one word with another. Find out exactly what she did, so you can do it too

Plus much more!Truly Leverage The Power of Social Media [Elayna Fernandez]

  • The 7 Myths of Social Media Branding. How many are holding you back from earning the income you deserve?
  • Why social media work for some and not others. Discover how to systematize, automate and profit like you never thought possible
  • The L.I.K.E.D Formula for getting more “likes” and followers. Apply these 5 simple steps to trigger a tsunami of social media exposure

…and lots more advice for making money with Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin, WordPress, and PinterestUse Publishing To Skyrocket Your Business [David Hancock ]

  • 4 easy ways to get your book written FAST (without writing it yourself!)
  • How to GET PAID to write your book
  • The 7 Secrets of Bestselling Books – this bullet-by-bullet formula removes all the guesswork

…and A TON more!Sell With Intention and Double or Triple Your Sales This Year! [ Ursula Mentjes]

  • Discover the Selling with Intention Formula to double sales results this year
  • Create an Intentional Schedule to sell more in less time
  • Understand how Financial Set-Points prevent ultimate success

..and more!Profit Through Persuasive Speaking [Arvee Robinson]

  • The 3 BIGGEST mistakes most business owners make when trying to give public presentations and how to instantly look like a seasoned speaking professional by avoiding these goof-ups!
  •  How to find more opportunities to speak to local groups of your ideal prospects and how to get invited as a speaker.
  •  What specifically you must do during your presentations in order to generate leads and clients

…and more!Partnership Secrets Revealed [Paul Miltonberger]

  • The 5 partnering strategies that bring you more customers, revenue, results, and income. Use one or all 5 to kick your results into hyper-drive
  • The easiest money you’ll ever make for 10 minutes of your time
  • How to generate quick bursts of cash over and over again, even if you don’t have a product or service to sell

..and much, much more!

Gilmore Bank Sponsors Golf Tournament for Westview School

Gilmore Community Bank Sponsors 2nd Annual Westview School Golf Tournament

At MountainGate Country Club Monday October 1, 2012

Listen to Jackie Strumwasser, Exec Director or Westview School and Cecil Adams, Senior Vice President of Gilmore Bank in Los Angeles talk about the event and the great work the school is doing for it’s students.

2nd Annual Golf Tournament



Please call Ellen Retting, Director of Development
310.478.5544 or

Event Tees Up At MountainGate Country Club At 9 A.MMonday October 1, 2012To ensure that Westview School will continue to “Make a Hole Lot of Difference for Kids,” outstanding corporate citizen Gilmore Bank has not only signed on as a Platinum Sponsor of Westview’s 2nd Annual Golf Tournament but is also actively recruiting other sponsors, raffle prize donors and golfers as well as promoting the event.

Additionally, the bank’s customers are invited to play in the October 1 tournament at MountainGate Country Club. Gilmore Bank is as unique in its strong support of Westview School as Westview is in its work with bright students, grades six to 12, with learning differences.  Just one visit to the campus underscores the exceptional support Westview provides for these youths.  The school is accredited by the Western Association of Schools.

Gilmore Bank is as unique in its strong support of Westview School as Westview is in its work with bright students, grades six to 12, with learning differences.  Just one visit to the campus underscores the exceptional support Westview provides for these youths.  The school is accredited by the Western Association of Schools.

Sponsors, raffle prizes and golfers are sought for the event.  Contact Ellen Retting at 310.478.5544 Ext. 123.

About Gilmore Bank  

Gilmore Bank opened for business in 1955. Bank founder, E.B. Gilmore was a legendary entrepreneur who, with his father, A.F. Gilmore, established the largest petroleum company in the western United States, built Gilmore Field baseball stadium, and founded the original Farmers Market.

Still a family owned community bank, they have full-service offices in Los Angeles and La Canada Flintridge, plus a loan production office in Irvine. Gilmore Bank has been granted the status of Preferred Lender by the Small Business Administration.  For more information on Gilmore Bank, visit

About Westview School

Established in 1990, Westview School is a 501(c)3 nonprofit, nonpublic school serving bright students in grades 6 through 12 with learning differences that benefit from a small, supportive learning environment.

It is the mission of Westview School to provide its students with a personalized educational program with individualized instruction, program flexibility within an atmosphere of positive reinforcement. Westview’s unique college preparatory program strives to prepare its graduates to successfully meet the challenges of adult life.

For more information: or Facebook at Westview School Los Angeles.

All tournament proceeds will benefit Westview School
Established in 1990 Westview School is a nonprofit, nonpublic
school serving bright students in grades 6 through 12 with learning
differences who benefit from a small supportive learning environment.

Tournament Schedule

9:00 am – 10:15 am

• Registration
• Continental Breakfast
• Warm-up on the Driving Range,
(practice balls provided)
• Putting Contest

11:00 am

• Shot Gun Tee Off/Scramble Format
• Lunch on Cart
4:30 pm
• Cocktail Reception/No Host Bar
• Awards Ceremony
• Raffle

Tournament Location

MountainGate Country Club
12445 Mountain Gate Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90049
Sponsorship Opportunities

Platinum Sponsor $4,000
Includes: 3 Foursomes, Corporate Name/Logo on Thank
You Banner, 3 Tee Sponsorships and 12 Tee Gift Bags

Gold Sponsor $2,500
Includes: 2 Foursomes, Corporate Name/Logo on Thank
You Banner, 2 Tee Sponsorships and 8 Tee Gift Bags

Silver Sponsor $1,500
Includes: 1 Foursome, Name/Logo on Thank You
Banner, 1 Tee Sponsorship and 4 Tee Gift Bags

Hole-in-One Sponsor $500
Includes: Signage at Sponsored Tee
Driving Range Sponsor $250
Includes: Signage at Driving Range
Tee Sponsor $175
Includes: Signage at Sponsored Tee
*Foursome Package $900
Includes: 4 Entry Packages and 4 Tee Gift Bags
*Single Entry Package $250
Includes: Golf Cart, Box Lunch, Cocktail Reception and
A Tee Gift Bag.

*Early Bird Registration by September 1st.
Foursomes Receive 10 Raffle Tickets.
Single Entry Receives 2 Raffle Tickets.


Thank You to

The Blaine Group, Inc.

A Total Communications Agency
8665 Wilshire Blvd., Suite #301, Beverly Hills, CA 90211
O 310/360-1499 · F 310/360-1498

Liz Strauss Interview at Extreme Leadership Summit

Liz StraussLiz Strauss Speaks at Extreme Leadership Summit

Liz spoke about building your business by building relationships, trust and rapport with others. Liz is one of the 10 most influential women in social media per Forbes and Huffington Post, and she uses age old business techniques to she learned from her dad to totally dominate a market using these new platforms.


I was recently granted a phone interview with Liz and I have gotten the pleasure of hanging having a few dinners and great conversations.

Liz makes a great friend and a wonderful mentor. Liz is blunt because I think she gets bored easily and doesn’t care for ignorance, but more because she cares a lot.

I am glad to call Liz friend and so happy that I finally got her on camera. Thanks Liz – JW

Here is the phone interview [CLICK HERE]

liz strauss bloggerLiz Strauss

Liz Strauss is a master teacher, thought leader, community builder, and international business strategist, who has been called the most influential “real-ebrity” on the web. People visit her blog to learn, discover, and meet each other. She’s a business creator, an über connector, an idea machine. No one questions that what she brings is one-of-a-kind authenticity.

Strategic, intelligent, and nice is a powerful combination.

From her father’s saloon, to her years as a teacher, with her understanding of literacy, brain development and writing, her work as territory sales rep for a menswear corporation, to an outstanding international publishing career, Liz has used every opportunity to find the human attractions and connections behind the P&L.

CEO and founder of SOBCon, author of the popular, speaker.

Liz defines irresistible businesses as those with great relationships who constantly

  • Remove what customers don’t want.
  • Enhance what customers love.
  • Add something unexpected customers would die for.

Irresistible defines Liz.


SOBconLiz is also the Creator and CEO of Successful Online Business Convention SOBcon, the high-touch business summit

The theme – “Creating and Leveraging Opportunity”. 2 ½ days of strategies and tactics focused on merging your online and offline worlds into a successful business.

Where you can find Liz:
Twitter @lizstrauss


Steve Farbers Extreme Leadership Summit

What is Extreme Leadership?

If you haven’t already noticed, ‘Leadership’ has become just another one of those pseudo-pop-psycho-cultural buzzwords.

Over time, its meaning has been diluted to such a profound degree, that it’s just another one of those labels we use when we really mean ‘The one with the big office.’ 

True leadership doesn’t come from a snappy vocabulary, the books you have on your shelf, your place on the organization chart, or any other fabrication.

Leadership is intensely personal, intrinsically scary, and it requires us to live up to and beyond the point of fear—every single day. – Steve Farber

Extreme Leadership Summit

Steve and his team have crafted The Extreme Leadership Summit to be something unique, something special, something…well…extreme. And it’s unlike any leadership or personal development “event” you’ve been to before.

The Summit is not a pitch fest (where a bunch of speakers try to sell you stuff), and it’s not a parade of talking heads, to mix a metaphor, where you passively sit, watch the show, take notes, and go home.

This is an experience, a process.

Informed by our brilliant thought-leader-speaker-coaches and with the help of your fellow participants (in small, focused MasterMind Teams), you’ll build a significant, personal Extreme Leadership Action Plan–a plan that you’ll begin applying to your life and business immediately, before The Summit even ends.

And–unlike other events–the vast majority of our speakers will be attending the entire conference. With you. We’re all in this thing together.

More Information………….

Steve Farber Steve Farber

A subject-matter expert in business leadership and a frequent guest on news-talk shows around the country, Farber is a senior-level leadership coach and consultant who has worked with and spoken to a wide variety of public and private organizations in virtually every arena, from the tech sector to financial services, manufacturing, health care, hospitality, entertainment, retail, and even the US government.

Leading from experience.

In 1989, after having run his own financial services company, Farber devoted his professional life to the field of leadership development and has been at it ever since.

Steve was director of service programs at TMI, an international training consultancy, and then worked for 6 years as Vice President and Official Mouthpiece (that’s what it said on his business card) of The Tom Peters Company where he met several of his mentors including author/gurus Tom Peters, Jim Kouzes, and Terry Pearce.

In 2000, Farber established his own company, Extreme Leadership, Inc, where he is president and CEO. He is also the co-founder of The Center for Social Profit Leadership, a non-profit organization formed to serve the leadership development needs of social entrepreneurs, and served as Vice Chairman on the Board of Directors of the world-renown, Up With People, a global leadership program for students from 18 to 29 years old.

A Universal Message.

“Approach the act of leadership as you’d approach an extreme sport: learn to love the fear and exhilaration that naturally comes with the territory.”

Steve Farber is the president of Extreme Leadership, Incorporated, and the founder of The Extreme Leadership Institute, organizations devoted to the cultivation and development of Extreme Leaders in the business community, non-profits and education.

Steve’s Books

book radical leap re-energized Steve Farber

The Radical Leap Re-Energized

is an expansion and revitalization of The Radical Leap, which was named as one of the 100 Best Business Books of All Time by Covert and Sattersten.

It’s a novel told in Steve Farber’s humorous, poignant, and original voice that takes the reader on a deep exploration of the qualities and practices of real, or Extreme Leadership, and how to apply them in daily life. Part One, The Radical Leap, explores the leadership elements of Love, Energy, Audacity, and Proof;

Part Two, The Radical Edge, takes the discussion deeper into innovation, personal clarity and guidelines for changing the world. It sets a new standard for what it means to really lead in today’s business world and beyond.

Steve Farber’s masterwork, The Radical Leap Re-Energized, is an inspired opus on what it means to be a leader of substance and significance. You’ll find yourself coming back to it again and again.” –Michael E. Ventling, Global CFO, Ernst & Young
Steve Farber leaps again. I was into it the first time. This time, I’m leaping with him!” –Chris Brogan, President Human Business Works
e, I’m leaping with him!” –Chris Brogan, President Human Business Works

book greater than yourself steve farber

Greater Than Yourself

Too many people assume the timeless principles of true leadership—of helping others achieve their full potential—don’t apply Monday through Friday during work hours or in any circumstance where a paycheck is involved.

In GREATER THAN YOURSELF, Steve Farber proves them wrong: in this powerful and inspiring story, Farber shows that the goal of a genuine leader is to help others—teammates, employees, and colleagues—become more capable, confident, and accomplished than they are themselves. Through the actions of a forward-thinking and extraordinarily successful CEO, Farber reveals the three keys to achieving this: Expand Yourself, Give Yourself, and Replicate Yourself.

Filled with actionable principles and innovative ideas, GREATER THAN YOURSELF is perhaps the most powerful message today’s business leaders can learn.

Jay Conrad Levinson on New Guerrilla 2.0 Marketing Concepts

Guerrilla Marketing Newest Concepts

Jay Conrad Levinson, author of the bestselling book Guerrilla Marketing talks to us about his books, new marketing concepts and his keynote address he was to  be giving at Bob Bare’s More Power LIVE Conference Sept 20-23rd 2012 in Dallas.

Sadly Jay passed away October 10th of 2013 after battling cancer.

Interview with Jay Conrad Levinson – Guerrilla Marketing Continue reading

Dr. Louis Koster Happy No Matter What!

Louis Koster, MD lead an amazing life as a  doctor without borders and talks about how to be happy no matter what your circumstances

Dr. Louis Koster grew up with a bad stutter and he turned his life around more than once by changing the language of his life.


Dr. Louis Koster was introduced to me by my good friend Starley Murray of  Starley was working with Dr. Koster and she new his incredible story is just the sort of thing I love to share.

Dr. Koster did not disappoint. His story was so wonderfully interesting. He started out with a horrific stutter which he worked hard to overcome. He became a doctor, but did not like being one where he was at so he moved to Spain to learn how to become a Flamingo dancer!  Dr. Koster, finally took a position with Doctors without Borders.

Both the horror and the deep love he witnessed helped Dr. Koster to learn the secret of being happy no matter what your circumstances so he wrote a book based on his findings and it was just released October 1st.

I want to thank Louis and I call him Louis here because although I highly respect his title and the work he has done, I want to acknowledge his human authentic presence that you cannot help but get from being around this wonderful man.

Thank you for sitting down with me Louis and sharing. I know that you had not done many interviews before I threw you in front of my camera. You were real and giving in your storytelling and it is evident that you truly want to help others JW

Dr. Louis Koster

Dr Louis Koster was privileged to have worked for over ten years as a medical doctor in war zones, in countries like Angola, Liberia, Sudan and Bosnia and worked with refugees in Pakistan and in Cuba. He has received numerous humanitarian awards for his humanitarian work.

Dr Louis Koster led transformational seminars and coaching for organizations and companies since 1998, first in Los Angeles and now in Australia, the place where he lives with his soul-mate and wife Francesca and his beautiful young daughter Carmen. He currently works as a doctor in Victoria.

A humanitarian, innovative thinker, facilitator, and caring at heart, Dr Louis Koster’s extraordinary career include:

  • Co-founding The International Trust for Children’s Healthcare in Russia on personal invitation by Mr. Mikhail Gorbachev, former President of the Soviet Union.
  • Founding Strategic Humanitarian Developments, an innovative organization that brought together stakeholders of diverse communities to create partnerships and foster community building and address the most pertinent issues in these communities.
  • Creating A New Language for Life, a comprehensive teaching program to reveal the secrets of happiness and higher awareness.

A New Language for Life: Happy No Matter What!

A New Language for Life, Happy No Matter What! is a message of higher awareness, a message of oneness of being. A New Language for Life is a message of peace. A New Language for Life is a philosophy for life, a way of living your life as your true nature.

Awakening to a higher awareness is a growing movement that finds a platform in A New Language for Life.

A New Language for Life, Happy No Matter What! reveals that enlightment is available for everyone, who has a serious commitment to spiritual growth and development. Author Dr Louis Koster reveals a daily practice of “living The Choice and The Insight,” which unveils that the secret to happiness is found in an awakening to the oneness of being. A New Language for Life, Happy No Matter What! reminds you of your true nature that you have forgotten, and awakens you to the oneness of life.


Dr. Koster Website


Wouter Kellerman Talks to On Purpose Magazine