Not Just Another Summit. Learn from the Best and Actually Pitch to Investors!
Maria Simone, successful business women, has had several successful businesses and has raised over $4Million for business, puts on the most comprehensive business summit I have attended for the Entrepreneur.
I met Maria at the first Enlightened Entrepreneur Summit, which was really a great affair and I heard that this year it was bigger and better so I checked it out and had to get Maria on to tell you about it…. Come meet me there.
Thank you Simone for sharing a moment with me. I know your are crazy busy and I cannot wait to see you at the event- JW
Enlightened Entrepreneur Summit
June 7-9, 2012
“Bringing Business & Consciousness Together To Create Sustainable Success!”
Get More Info………….
Have you ever felt like you had to choose between having a successful business and living an “enlightened” life?
It had always been “either or” for me until some years ago. I found myself working VERY hard for all the success I had, yet noticed there were others around me who seemed to attract what they wanted with ease.
The operative word being ATTRACT.
I finally realized that these people were tapped into a higher consciousness and used this knowing to create the life of their dreams. Over the years I’ve sought to create that same ease of success and in doing so have not only completely transformed my personal life but ALSO I’m experiencing more sustainable success in business.
There is a quickening of this awareness on the planet and it appears the ways of doing business have changed for all of us. As we experience this new awakening, I wanted to share the essence of what has been particularly helpful to me in moving forward as an Enlightened Entrepreneur:
The ways of doing business have dramatically evolved as it becomes clear how truly connected we all are. – Maria Simone
We invite you to participate in a 3 day experience, June 7-9, 2012, where Enlightened Entrepreneurs will discover how to succeed by forming profitable new collaborations, creating deeper connections with customers, and by having a positive impact on your community.
World-class business leaders, innovators, thought leaders, marketers, social media experts, market influencers, breakthrough specialists, and potential investors.
We’ll share profitable cutting edge business practices as well as creating a space for inspired joint venture partnerships amongst the participants. Every attendee will have the opportunity to contribute and shine during our facilitated networking sessions. We’ll help YOU achieve YOUR BUSINESS GOALS better and faster than you ever imagined.
This is for you if:
- You have a vision.
- You’re passionate about making a difference.
- You desire to prosper by being of service to others.
- You see the value in partnership and how you can achieve more through partnership than you could ever create ALONE.
- You have a growing business and would like to implement best methods from like-minded individuals.
The quickest path to success is to align yourself with like-minded individuals who have the skills, talents, resources, and connections you need to achieve your goals.

You’ll leave with a renewed spirit, an updated plan, new friendships with extraordinary people, a new team and an arsenal of resources.More of what you will learn includes:
- Inside knowledge from people who have created wealth in business
- Best practices and cutting edge branding and marketing strategies
- Business building Social Media strategies
- Facilitated networking and mentoring sessions
- Eliminate limiting beliefs that no longer serve you
- Re-discover the perfect balance for your life
- Multiple funding strategies for start-ups and growing businesses
- Networking with investors, business experts and thought leaders
Speakers Include:
- Maria Simone, CEO Passion To Prosperity
- Charles Barkley, Basketball Icon
Charles Barkley
- Don Miguel Ruiz, Bestselling Author “The Four Agreements
- Lorlal Langemeir, Bestselling Author, Trainer, “Millionaire Maker”
- Marcia Wieder, America’s Dream Coach
- Marcia Martin, Transformational Leadership Consultant
- Mike Koenigs, Speaker, Trainer, Internet Marketer (Traffic Geyser)
Don Miguel Ruiz
Chadwick Kerby, Partner Manager at Infusionsoft
- Steven Sadleir, Founder Self Awareness Institute
- James and Lorraine Conaway, Smart Money Talk Radio
- Kim Castle, Speaker, TV Host and Brand Visioneer
- Ed Rholl, CHI Consulting
- Sherry Watson, CEO of The Power of Grant Money™
- Jill Lublin, CEO Promising Promotions
- Lynn Rose, Actress, Speaker, The Wow Factor
- DC Cordova, Money and You®
- And So Many More
Get More Info………….
Crowne Plaza Anaheim Resort
12021 Harbor Blvd., Garden Grove, CA 92840
Reservations: (Note: Rates valid thru 5/28/12)
Sgl / Dbl: $99/night; Suite:$178/night (+taxes)
Toll Free: (888) 233-9527
(ask for the Enlighted Entrepreneur Summit discount rate)
QUESTIONS? Contact Beverly Zeliger
phone 415.342.3326 email:
I am so happy to nominate On Purpose Magazine for the Versatile Blogger Award. Your blog is a treasure and I have a lot of catching up to do to get to know all the leaders you have featured here! <3 <3 <3
Here is the link for the image and for more info for accepting the award.