Ann Talks About How to Increase Your Sales, Leads and Clients in 2 Minutes
How would you like to attract up to 50% more cash, clients and business in the next few weeks?
Effortlessly attract new business in 30 seconds or less with no visible sales technique. Anywhere. Any place. Any time.
I met Ann at a training given by Gary W. Goldstein, the producer of the movie “Pretty Woman”.
Gary was teaching his course “Scaling the Great Wall of Hollywood” and he brought Ann in to speak to the group about how to take their current elevator pitch and update it so that it would, not just let people know what you did, but it would also be able to touch the person in the core of their brain and get them to get excited about what you did. – JW
Interview with Ann Convery – Speak Your Business in 30 seconds or Less(tm)
Audio PlayerSo after sitting down with her for a personal consultation, I was amazed at what she had taught me in a 15 minute meeting.
My expectation was that she would help me refine my pitch somewhat and that would be it, but refine is not the word. Propel to a new quantum place is a better description.
Update: I recorded a video with Ann at Author 101 in Los Angeles. Although we go into much more detail in this podcast we do have a very interesting conversation I know you will enjoy. Here is the link to go check it out.
Here was my pitch:
Q. What do you do?
A. I consult with businesses to help them use Twitter.
A great short pitch right? I would say it and get little or no response. “Oh that’s great! Which way to the cheese platter” or “I don’t know how to use that Twitter thing yet”.
Ann told me about the Lizard or Old Brain and how it needed to hear what it wanted or it would shut down and put into hibernation, the conscious brain.
We took my pitch and changed it to…
A. I help people like you increase their targeted client or prospect list by 1000+% in 3 months!
At first I said sounds great… then I used the pitch. Most everyone replied with Really! How do you do that?, Can you do that for me., Wow I could use that service., Wow, I have a friend that really needs that…
The difference in response was night and day. Ann has hit on something really basic and useful and you have to listen to this recording because Ann goes into detail and shares over twice as much as she shared with me during that first meeting.
You will walk away with tools and strategies to make a difference in how you talk to new and old clients that will help you increase and propel your business to new heights in less than 2 minutes…
A NOTE: Ann is great at the elevator pitch, but it only begins there. She can help you will all aspects of corporate and business communications and marketing. – JW Najarian
Ann Convery
Ann Convery is an international speaker, seminar leader, trainer and author. Her list of clients reads like a “Who’s Who” of top professionals in the fields of politics, medicine, law, business, health and beauty.
For 17 years she has prepared clients for:
Ann has also been interviewed by The Los Angeles Times, Cosmopolitan, First for Women, Presentations Magazine,and many other media.Ann is a highly sought after international speaker.Clients call her from all over the U.S., Europe, the U.K., Canada, Mexico and Australia.Ann has delivered over 125 speeches and trainings for corporate and private groups in Barcelona, Madrid, Mexico City, New York, Chicago, Seattle, and California.
A top-selling author, Ann’s second book was published by Harper Collins in May 2006. Ann has published numerous articles including several columns for the Los Angeles Business Journal.
Ann has a few products that will be of interest to you. CLICK HERE to find out more…..
Ann’s Website:
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