Spike Humer Business Acceleration and Turnaround Expert
If your in business and are an entrepreneur then you have probably heard of, or been to an event where Spike Humer has spoken. For over 25 years Spike has been at the forefront of formulating innovative business groth and explosive marketing stategies for entrepreneurs, small businesses and multi-million dollar organizations.
Spike is the “Go-To” guy for scores of individuals and business owners around the world and when we heard that was starting a new program that took it up a notch, we really wanted to know more.
Interview with Spike Humer Business Acceleration and Turnaround Expert
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Between speaking and consulting trips to Europe, Australia and Asia, Spike took some time in California where we caught up with him. We have tried to get an interview with Spike for awhile and we are grateful that Spike graciously gave up some of his down time to make it happen.
Innovative Proprietary Systems
His proprietary systems for generating new profits and his results-proven advice have been sought after by success-seeking people in over thirty countries. Spike’s been credited with saving some clients from the brink of collapse, while helping others explode their performance to record- highs with his wealth of real-world-tested sales enhancement techniques, windfall profit strategies, and performance-enhancing marketing breakthroughs and concepts.
Featured Speaker
Spike’s been a featured speaker at seminars and business acceleration workshops throughout North America, Asia, Australia and Europe. Sharing the stage and program platforms with such luminaries and thought-leaders as Tony Blair, Jay Abraham, Chet Holmes, Stephen M.R. Covey, Mark Victor Hansen, T. Harv Eker, Loral Langemeier, Robert Allen, Rich Schefren, Darren J. Stephens, and many others Spike has been applauded for his straight-forward, “to-the-heart-of-the-matter” message.
When Jay Abraham (considered by many to be one of the greatest marketing minds ever) went looking for someone to help drive his and his clients’ businesses to greater levels of success and profitability, Spike Humer was the guy he turned to.
According to Jay, “Spike is probably the finest business performance enhancement specialist I have ever met and an utter master at finding the underperforming leveraging spots that are keeping your business from soaring!”
Innovative and Proven Practical Tips and Strategies
Spike’s proven business acceleration strategies have helped generate tens of millions of dollars in revenues for his clients and program attendees. He is renowned for creating quantum leaps in profitability and business performance–all in record time.
Spike’s “10-Day Turnaround Technologies” have engineered entrepreneurial success stories in dozens and dozens of industries the world over. His “Strategy for Significance” has helped his clients almost instantly earn the attention, trust, and profit-boosting relationships with their prospects and clients. Spike’s “Overnight Entrepreneur” methodology has put countless people on the path to financial-freedom and personal prosperity.
As a entrepreneurial advisor, small-business consultant, and turnaround expert Spike ranks among the world’s greatest thought-leaders and result producing advisors.